THE HAWAIIAN...gatpa, llonduias, say: A suspi-cious brig entiling off Atuapala was thought to have...

(S jt H'ni.UHkli MB f nVttnf' UK 1 ! avNiur. t i'i. VOL. III. m IIAU'OUIl AN'I) SIMM. jf" ittkattCA'' a i itiiiii:l'iixiu:NT mho iiiiriiis iBKt I issTaaTaaTaaaKaK. 1 wirll tiik witlTi u . v." M. rT ..... 1(" aBr II i urni unmin ami inn i miw irmi IL. ' ' 1' Vlk SA1 I K.iRSTAR."l.,a .cccutUsue 9 f X l',nt;laml. V. V. says: "It now 1 : ism U'tn. 1- - Ilarlnoer Ollr. llldgs, N. V. Erysipelas erf in the Face Hearty Blind, But Perfectly Cured Health, Appotlto and Strength Re- - nowod by Hood's 8arsapar1lla. I in d. Hood JiCo.,I.owel, JlsM.t , " Hood's Rarsaparllla Is splendid. I had long the ben troubled tilth erysliielas, and three times had It In my head and lace. I became nearly blind ami iny hair all enmo out. Mr husband wished me In try' Hood's BarsapnrllUi. lonly took three buttles betoro al I Was Freo from my trouble and long snfferlnga. be It lias never returned until last tvtnter Vfhlle I wasjll with tlio trip, a slltit attark broke out oninyf.icc. After my sickness 1 was not wellt bccflino easily tired anl lost my nppctlle. I resumed taking Hood's ftarsaparllla aud aia HoorTsCures bis liow using the fourth bottle and can run up and down stalri ns Ery m ever. The tired fcrllnif 4m.ouiiI I" Mas. Wn. ItAiitMJEit, Olho JlMgo, Xevr York. Hood's Pills enra nil liter Ills Mllim itcu. Jaundice, luil.jphlba, sick IicudacUo. the Hoiiron Orn? ('nmprtiii on WILLIAMS' ART GALLERY. Having reaumed laitdnpsa and taken advantage 'if tlio pjst two weeks to renovate our studio we are better pre- pared and tlun ever to fill ordora for views if (indent Hawaii and, of tho stirring pventR of tlir troubles. PortrailH of tho Uridine cluiactera a Rrwoialty. Our tHrtiait department is open for eiisfiKPinnts, and our work, as in the post will hp up t all of tlie modern ad Hncenn'ntH in our linn. Havviian Electric Coirapany. The rltAtiest, brightest latest nnd really, lit tlio Ions run. the choapefit mid lwtt lfglit fur ue! in the family reHidoiipe, Ia the olovtric lisht. rjafe: nothing could Iw wifer. A few day- afij a prominent gen- tleman of Honolulu mine ruehlucc down to llio iimie nr tue ctfcll It ikjmpany and aald: uUive me lltiivit for vtiring my house, and I want It ilo'ie nt (jn,o; no more liiiniw for mo. lit nlglit a lamn tipped over and It came bo uoar U1ng lire to the houao and burning my child! eu and 1 take itu more risks." This is tho xentimeut of quite a number in the last few wooks, who havo orderod their nouses utrea wild me perrocx ugnu Just think it over and make up Tour mind that you want the lvst and safest light; send for tho Hawaiian Klectrio Company andell them what you want. We have a complete stock of everything in this Hoe mid have just received a lot of the very latent dosigns in tliaudctiers. ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY, l?OUJMrI5I 1SON. . Capital, - - $6,000,000 ed Assets, - - $9,000,000 JI u Yin Ixt'U npituliilcd agents of the above Comp'uty b art) iiowremly to ertect Jiinur mi ecu bt (lift lowpt-- t rali-- ol premium. U. SCHMIDT & HONH. BISHOP & CO., Rinslbllshodlu IBM. BACKERS. JIoxoll'lu, Hawaiian Islands. DHAW EXCHANGE ON THE Ml OF MM, SAN FRANCISCQ AND THKItt AGENTS in New York, ChiraEO, Boston, Paris, MESSRS. N. M. RQTHCHILO & SONS, LONDON FRANKFORT-ON-THE-MAI- The Commercial Dauking Co. of Bydney, The' Uank or New Zealand, Auckland, and IU branches In ChrLtchurh, llunalln and Wellington. The Bonkot Brlti.h Colurubio, Victoria, and lis branches, Yiuusiuver, Namilmo, U et minister, 0. u.and t uriiaiui, uregon, The Asoree aud Madeira Islands. U..lh.lnt Kwn.lm The Charters 1 of India, Australia and The llongko'i and Khanghal, CDlna; ana Vokoham't. 'Ill' Aad trnnf v'l . General Banking Business. Castle & Cooke, Ltd LIFE AND FIRE Innce Agents. AOXNTS FOB NEW KSOLAND MUTUAL Life Insurance Co. OK DOSTON. .ETNA FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF HARTFORD, CONH C, BREWER & CO,, LTD Qn St., B010MQ, B.I., AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Agricultural Co., Onom&a Buicar Co., Uonomu ougar ix Y..,?.. a..J. rto W.lhea Ruiru Co. Makee Sugar Co., llaleakala Bancn Co.. Kapapala Ranch. Planters' Line San Franciaoo Packet. Chaa. Brewer Co.'a Line of Boston Agenta Boston Board of TJnderwrltr- - Agenta ut uuu writers. List or Officers : P. O. Joiu Prasldsat 010. II. Kobibtso Uanacer K. F. BiaHor Treoa. aad Secy. Cou W. y. Aixur Auditor a K. Coon ) 11. WATsoaousi,, Directors A. W. Oabtbb..., I of Tiik Ktak, tlicrc nppe.trcil, un- der (tie above licaillng, a communi- cation signed W. Y., nccomlianicil by an editorial stntcinciU lliat your corrcondeiit tvns "quite capable writing upon tlie question." Will you, sir, allow me to nay V. V. may be a very capable writer, but 1 tblnk you will soon learn that bis opinions arc not cbarnctcrizcd by inerrancy mid that lie is not tn rapport with the current of feeling becomes probable that Ilritinh Government will unite with Gernnny, b'rnnce and other powers in the proposed internation conference on the subject anil that htiKland s weight will thrown on the side of ttimetnl-Ism- " Yes, when lliruaut Wood be come to Dinisinaiie." A short time since Mr. llatfour distinctly and publicly stated Hint expressed views upon were not those of Ills political friends, and I venture to say that, brilliant and capable as the gentle- man is, the nephew will not in this matter convert, or rather pervert uncle. Lord Salisbury's views the question might probably be expressed" In words spoken by Secretary Wiudom before the New York lioard of Trade. He said, "The quality of circulation is.even more important than quantity. As poison in the blood permeates arteries, veins, nerves, brain tlif heart, and speedily all brings paralysis or death, so does a debased and fluctuating currency permeate all the arteries of trade, paialyze all kinds of business and bring disaster to all classes of people." Should those in England, strick- en by the- - bimetalic craze become sufficiently numerous to enforce their views, it will uot take long to become patent to the body politic that, the Urilish sovereign like the or Hritish policeman wilt show it's stability and value the more it gets hustled about. If the prevention of a possible commercial panic, under the cir- cumstances suggested by V. Y. depends on the adoption of bime-talis- in England, then, I ven- ture to say, such consummation will not be attained. I am, Sir, Your's obediently CiiaklT'S l' Uakt. July 15. 1895. fv'otice. iVll l.uitid lildeltcd ta tliu HAWAIIAN WISE COMPANY in MARCH 1st, 18JS, who liavo not biuce bctti.d their uccoiuita uro rcsiucpt- - to cull, iiii'l.uiMkti a eeltlemciit, o il all uccounta ns ulmve not paid by tlio 30T1I IJAY OF JULY, 1K15, will t placed in tlio hands of a c illwu r; lo alio for mid tecover nt one. By order Hawaiian Wino Company. BDTTERICK PATTERNS BDTTERICK PATTEH11S BDTIERICK PATTERNS 1 have Just received a fulllir.uof these, celebrated PATTCitNund ean accommo- date my patrons with tlie latest styles. Also a full line of Millinery Goods June 11th Ilneea Derby lints. Yachting and Plento lints, eto., etc. FOOT STIIEET. IllcjcL'S nepalmd. Gun and Lock Bniltli. No. Hi HETifKL HTItKET, Kest to CAstla A Co.ilt. WHY PAY KEMT When you can apply the reut money to pur-clia- a house ? We will sell you a house to be built to suit you by paying month' ly 'installments. Call and examine our plan and satisfy 'yourself that our proposb tion is one which will be fully sat' isfactory to you. the mmm deposit ud ihvest- - MEHT COMPANYt 408 Fobt Strict, Honolulu. BICYCLES A new consignment of the famous FALCON ROADSTERS lust arrived, Also a 17 lb. Track Racer, the only track wheel made with large ball bearings and large sprockets. These machines are manufactured by the Yost Manu. ComD&nr of Toledo, Ohio, hn .iva a guarantee (or one year with every machine sold. For terms etc. apply to G.'WEST. Sous A a int. MABONIO TEMPLE. THE HAWAIIAN iT I HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUKSIMY EVENING, JULY 16, 1895 Best Family Medicine CURE Sick !lcatlaclic,CoiiGtlpation, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER TROUBLES. Purely Vegetable. Easy to Take. Tlie itrllenlf us.irnntln n Aycr's PH11 (thnolvea Imtnctllutcly un renrlilntttbt i, find j.ertiilU thfl full strcnKtli o( encli to t hi cilily tiMnimll ited. Am a Iitre.illve.eHliPr lor lrrTf llrs orn a family tiii'di lit., Ajer' Pills are tlia best la tbo wurM. AVER'S PILLS, H..1. 1.r llr. J.n. A ji t .1 fo.,Ix.well,Mnss..UAA. )lTfl"ET AVAWP3 AT THR Vorld'ti Great Expositions. Acr' t'llli Iriowii In lb Eliuof rnch bt uur butllJa. HOLLISTER DRUG- CO., WIIOLESAI.t! AOENTA Insurance Co. of North America of i'iin,Ar)i:i.PHiA, pa. Cash Camlal : : $3,000,000.00 Assets. Jan. 1st, 1895, $9,562,599.92 01 lest Fire Insurance Coin nan r in United Stnt rp. I'ulicits issued ntrninnt Iom hy fito on clasM'n of desirable proper tr. II, urns, Airent for the Hawaiian It Inula. ;0:I mo For Rent. The nremiRes on Jndd Street, beyond Utlh.i, lately occupied by Joaquin Miller. Jlouso of four ICooins and Kit clien; Stable and S)-- acres of land more letw. For Sale. One Alt Iiau Double Acting Force Pump, ii Inch suction and discharge willi 250 feet Incti Hose. .t a one UhkIwU do cart fiiiporlcd. One revolving baLer'tt oven. Apply to J. EMMKLUni, Gloves for 25 c. Jfrms 1110 your boiled L loves nnd 1 will maku them lew and Glean ' for tho small sum of 25 cunts. EJ" Also prepared to take Orders for Trousseaus and all Underwear kinds of AT VERY LOW PRICES. M rOULAIN. Masonic TitMrut. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY' Ask your Grocer for PURJ5 Hawaiian Honey PUT UP HY The HoiMb Apiary Company. TUB. SEATTLE SOAP COMPANY Ilert to Inform the public of Honolulu and tlie other Islands that a complete line of their famoua and de servedly popular LAUNUIiV AUD roiurr soai's, WAS II INO COil POUNDS, ANIMAL SOAP.f, ETC., havo been introduced Into this market and ute now to be found oil sale at tbe grocery stores of II.E. McIntykk Clio., C. Hustack and IIrnky Davis & Co., here tlieir elegant display cabinet, can bo Been. The Valuo given for prices charged has never beeu equaled in this market oy any omer noau iximpanj. Dress Silks, Silks, Silks. 25c, 25c, 25c, 25c PICK YAHD, IWAKAMI ltOBINSON ULOCK, HOTEL STIIEET la Tin A r.winr ftllhrt.t.r .Inry .1, II... war I'rnm yw Niiw Yukk, July 4. A cable spechl to the WerlJ from '1 rtir -- gatpa, llonduias, say: A suspi- cious brig entiling off Atuapala was thought to have 011 lioard an expe- dition organized lo aid V.nqucz. An investigation was made, and it was found that the vessel came from California, took on arms from a stca ncroff Mexico, and to throw suspicion off the scent went to Amapala. She will go to Hawaii, being chartered in the in- terest of I.iliiiokataui. Illsmitrrh. UliHi.iN, July 3. The Kolnische Ztitung says that I'rince DlsmarcW, since the death of his wife, has had i' frequent attacks of depression. Tnn The recent fetes," this aulliorlly goes on losay, "in connection willi his birthday, left him exhausted." Mill VMM li; 1'IU'ISMH. Nell trit.i.iii.oider Here l',illailel.lili.. mi) Oljmnls., m Commander ' Geo. W. I'igmati arrived by the Australia and as- sumes charge of the Iteiiniiigton, mill succeeding Capt. Thomas, who leaves by the Peking. 1 lie Philadelphia is waiting for her turn on the Vallejo dry dock. Her men were voted first ptize for appearance on the lfourth at San jVrancisco. Eighteen of the crew have been discharged and arc on the way to New York. The Olympia is still trying, to A ship a crew. Ahotlitr llltimml llclr. IChriiiilrle, July 7. Mrs. Paul Jarboc, nee Dimoud, gave lurth to a son yesterday at the residence of her father, Gen- eral V. II. Dimoud. Doth mother and child are doing well. The happy father and the happier grandfather were the recipients of many congratulations yesterday. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO. TIME TABLE. uocAiv iiv j 5 S. S. AUSTRALIA Arrivp Honolulu T.cnvo Honolulu from S. F. for fc. F. Junri.Sl .....Juno 21 July 15 ... .July 20 Aug. Aug. II Kept. 2 Kept. 7 Sept. .10 - . Oct. 2 Oct. 21 Oct. 27 Nov. 15 .. . ... Nov. 20 THROUGH LINE Fr 111 Sail Francisco From Sydney lor for Sidney. ruin jrrancihco, strrU'C Honolulu Lowe VonaWn, Monmuii.,, .July 4 t AlnmeJa. . ..Tune 2 Alumeda.. .Aug I I MarijHi:! .1 uly 21 .MUM).oKa...n1'. t ."vionowat.. aujt. Moiioual...Seit. 20 Ahunedar .Sept. IU Alauiida ..Oct 21 ( M.irijtOHt, .01, 17 'fjip QUALITY RUDBEPt STfiKFS MatV nt abort notice vy tliei ll NEWS BAWAI1NA COMPANY LTD. BEAYER SALOON. Fort Stitet. - Opposite Wilder &Co. II. J. NOLTK, Prop'r. it KirsKJliuts LuncbM wrvcsl svlth , Colfre Kivln w aui lllrrer Ale tr SAILORS' HOME RESTAURANT 1 Cool, AVuf ami L'fniu Vlaee II i( the Very Ueht lave. At tiik Sailoiu Hons, Menls n ill Im mttcmI c.3 followst Breakfast front S to 10 o clock, Lunch ... from 11:30 to 'J o'clock, Supper - from 5 to 7:30 o'clock, l'oi'Ui.Art iiuci. CHANG CIII50NG &. CO. King St. Restaurant ! Corner King and Ala. Ufa streets will gne you the liest meal for 26c ii eenta in the city. We are now ,n our new rooms, everytmug frobh and Dlean. Remember the Mace, corner Kduj ami Alakea ttreet: 503 1 mo BEST IN HONOLULU 1 Mi Chock's Restaurant Cor. Hotel and Union Sts. Meals 25 Cents Arrangement ran herein made for urnlug IUWU 1AI rlUIHW in ill K ""nm reasonable dUtauce, CHOCK LOOK, MBHoHAKT I'AII.OK, No. iH Kuuaiiu Atciiuc. Fine Cloths. Perfect IHU. Styles up to Date. Prices that will satisfy you. Qlve me a trial I strive to please. Mocks of Tweed, rtkHsmats.HaniKl. Jt Ducking - No. 48 NUUANU AVE. J7, O. Box W Yale's La Ereckla Ali'i't. YtiH'N liifnl'ibin iiru for Fn'ttt.w, nitd Huflmrn. It U llitt only fVi-- r cHiniwiiun1,4l Hint will reiuovti fiwkUw ooinplutHly mid mirt'y. nmiT likely It h ti irukunti.t tl'e wr It U",k nfter It i fnt Ui.W. lht)iiNi)i:di of rtonicii, (dlioi wl h Mfiinlritl, . tlUfliirl hv tif iititfulitiv. 1hiiuii liMHif. :S"tldiii; will litrlo tliein. Tlie, u Hitirc) of iriiMrr,but they rn. iMcunst. Kre ktn tnllio frwke. The jtnpnrntl'Ki nf Ia rr'kla Is one of Mnin. VaIk crettest nchlt'eiin'iit' Thru an- tunny Imliiiilnt.w, wiiiui ofthem viryilnti- - y elfwt re. For wifely and icinhity. Iiiklit utun.VK ti tfltln tho genuine and orfiiml Ia Fietkli, I'rUe ntdriiu t"rrr',r hy mull. MMR M. V lK. Ilfiillt nnd flemiti t Ullf I Hamuli' HI. ('li Vl,4 nrAii' (IUlde fut'ftl THE HOUKOfJ DRUG CO.. S 'lc Afv,nU. PUNTERS' SPEGifiL! Good Fertilizer, To Suit the Times At &SO r ton of 200011m. AiiuljRid tta follow,!! 10 ir cent. Phiisnlioiio Acid. ?f solutilc nnd iiviiilahle. (I pi r cent, ro r.sli (actual.) It iici cent. Ammonia. 10 ircint. Limp ((arltonntc). ALSO FLORIDA J'JIOSI'HATF., JKhVC MEAL, SULPHATE AND MURIATE OF POTASH, NITRATE OF SODA an J SULPHATE OF AMMONIA. Double Super Phosphate, An r rrni. in 45 per cent, voluble ill witter, In (jiiaiiliticH lo suit. Any Special Formula Made to Order by A. F. COOKIi HAWAIIAN FIJltTH.l'l'.INO CO. Try'Tlir Star" tr Fine ,M I'rlntinr, Wo Ink to draw tho obntorn attention me nmowinjj naanu.Kt6i THU CltOaUKll will c,t tho cane transvitrel In tcces about 3 inches lung i:nd extract about 60 er cent, of tho juice andideliver Hie crushed cane In uniform layer to tbo U roller mill, thereby causing a pcifcct feed and In- creased extraction of Julco. TIIK CUUSHKK win 1110 "SKIII ' on the ciuih, thereby giving the juice a ei.lrr ciiatico to Iki exiielUHi inau ir the cano was ripped open mibji'iting lite uilptolhebiud packing on the returner ir of tho 3 roller mill. TIIK CUUSIinit will save h!r In handllna of tho cane. n an Irreitbir ilKttribiittou of cane on tho earner will not mali rinlly elfoct the regular and even feed to the B roller mill. I III; CltUSIIlUl will not require nd. lillonal hleam or boiler power, ns it bus IVpkkuhi Msrrli.. 1K85. Mnisra llnunliilu lum Works UH HlKSi WoIiavu umkI Him crusher sine. llie or ami Itao ij tli.lwlllilL riiirine. rritslirr Is exlrarlln? ,.'r rent. lercent. ot the Jtilce t',le cnllllig the cane n ultuin lUa hlx 1lIuh lon trlvlntf & in'rrw t, cv. a turn tifny lm v ilia imrti n,!l.r mill. l Wu nr. tlitiii.1 il to 31 ivr liioru or It iHr day at.l iuuUI ilu mucfi more If our bollhist iiiniM otittl Wo art) rmliiif. llio labur of i on lliu CtUi ci rrler t r day. J.ter)Wii fg 4tWUl, 1119 vr'JSiirr ni'ri mixtli nfnlwuv, mul tLe aiuiiant of hUatu t iriHuit', nn h my Jtn'Kf, Tor b arv rumiluit two H'lnn for Uh tlouu mill und li't.pH'.iH'ii iifi.rf tit 11 lllrtr llouo frnmo t Cuf fxf Wller. Of iouimhUIi HtU Vfu fw uf rriifclu'd varo from (he rrunlifr viHrfiibiHito-naw- our mm in rM il..i.Mir Iwifnre. from .snorlmpnls ....i..:.,.ii..,r..t. tl..n,un.,,nl i I i.l cent, of uioislure It. ,lur run of xrlndlnir ertlliisrjly Is from Rl lanrst. toKJ hliliu-t- , li II uallou cls.rltt.-r- . in fonrlt'en bouts. ' II. 1IKAOOK, Manager o Huar Co. IUIA Pt.ASTATio.-r- . Manb 30. ls!i.s, llminlnlu lion VorkalJo.-llaTU- i.)i We find tie; Kraleyskl Crusher advantageous In "ttSS! f tS!f.i ,.JVr;.-- ,.l it.. il.r r, Jlyr tliuatsu.lnil a great Iom .Iraln Ilia mlllandat llio same time alt Ins us fromlto a rrit.iit.tjetlFreltractUiuof Juice. we are at present making a crusher Now reoelTeU by ovary Trash California 1'roducs. by every and delivered to oy part of vMAwt mm m:vsiii:.u,i:ii, m)iiiisi:i,i,r-:it- . STATIONKII. llt'tr.Mts from bl tip. VIOLINS. M N'l)OI,INS,rOHNhTS, I'l.AlLlONHIH, IIANJM4. M isical lustriiiiicitt Suppliia, Mii.' or ti rtvl lif ctrry .Icnmer. Tmiil.Mirlim WKi to l'LUTRS nnd PICCOLOS. r.j oRlnsirs mnl SprctnrloH Carefully fitted to all sights and frames com- fortably adjusted .... Domestic Sewing Machinos. Domestic Mowlnff Machines. This nif lilnc atirimvtii all otliem In nco of finish und ilurnMlltv, on it vmi can iiiiikc ltck Slltcli, Chain tiiicli, r.mlirohlcr, Hem, Tuck, Itullle. ami itnliv Itutloii Holes. REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS riml Tiiirteritcr tjiiplie lly tliu Atinlr.ili.1 arrlies n large und Coiilelu Stock of Goods. . . . PlTNCllINd IIAOS. FOOTIIAI.LS. TENNIS UAI.I.S. TENNIS RACKETS, IIASE IIAf.L I1A1S. MASKS, I1ALI--S, MITTS nnd (ILOVES TENNIS NRIH AND I'OLE-AN- CROQUET SKIS Vjsler.holm's PocVet fes fiauis, - Wade & Butcher Razors from 50c up. Indoor Games. II ALMA, 1'AlcCIIESI.nHE.sS, DOM. 1NOES, CK11I, AUTIIOIIS and other Card (lames. Hand Sewing Machines $8:50 and $12:00, Hinvln,; Machine s for nil kinds or iiiiicIiIiick. NOVKI.S, NOVIiUS, NOV1U.S lly Every Steamer. tlAHt IIRUHI1ES, SUA 'INO 1IIIUSIIES. COMItS. Eto. . . I1. PUItSF-- S. OA HI-- C.S1, anii iwum liuuivs. . . . ClIII.nilKN'S I'lLTUHP. IlOOKR. DOI.tfl and Toys of all ihwcriptions. Onr bitntfifM is etabllnheil on a fmsfs nfisoiii.v. ctumequenUy trc emi nlToiiifo feu at low rwr. V. F. REYKOLDS, Prop. I to this uiarblno lor width wo claim liecn dcmoiistrnted In aucttial practice. lliat the Increased extraction of juice linn improved tbe trash an fuel bo as to lolly make up for trie aiiuitionai tn-- aieaiii to nrive it. THK Is strongly built. the rollers urn undo of noli I steel rings on tho shafls. The pinion, nro oil of steel mnl tlio enurv. heel la provided will. seifitient rim. Its sjieest Is aUmt tbe I same us the mill rollera. tberebv giving coio'ort nnd kufet- - hi running. It is so coustrucled, that should iron partB.aiich as islta, ear coupling uiiks utiu pins. sn buives, 1 to., go through, il will nol initire anv of llio narlR. Iho following are from plantations where thn crusher at present la at worw: I JiurrttAf.1 oin.rtiuf ilalii . O.lng to I t be llmltert choiu-H- of uur bolllim h.msa l.avelOdrivolii.uru.uer slow, uui 1. nrej- - Jtlmr Satiny. We bsve three men at tbe lums. I'ltt inuh U rert Uu and en nlwajs tlpil im mUIi Plenty ot it hotit lli n of en:iii wimhi or cmii. rni iini'ii- ynurn, J. V. (HH.YILfd:. MfunOTer, Kkkaha I'fUNTATiorr. XlsvrtU 22, 18W. rKkr. Ili.iuitnlii frnn Ulrica UkAH We liab oein urLla llt KntJewHWI Ur Kiivr Kliif-- lie itfinninit oi wiom-- jwsj, MHilu.iit jIhIjv nntl v. Itfi lint lima ut kfaclorv rwnullii from the uur dally irk lm lncrt-ajt- fruni Ulitariflor tool clarltlrt('to IfitlluiiSr m nil tbe fctiiue number of U'jorvr Ml e Ue'l nmrw v.err miiik i ur i rumri tli. e.lrscllon lias ItirreAmsl culisld.rauty . Iim i runt. Imi i I Im 2 rnll.r mill ri'l.r tnan formerly and make estellent fuel, lly addli. tli.rruslier weaiiirvh.inlud tlist pur strain Inn capacity lillitlit - ln.tinlcl.nt, out v,. nnd lliat Hi. Cru.ber and tbe Hire, roller mill to- - rr mill iH'fore louo. Tli. eitracllon of the t.'rushi'r amouols ta SO per cant, of tliejulr and Hie s roller mill receives a steady and 'frf' HiJff ,U breaking roller .... ., . ' V . , Ci'miilhl "l. I" v lor lu a short tlme.-- W. remain. lu" ,n"'j. lOrKeksliaBagarLo.. I i, n, uuu-- . in our snops ami snail ue pieaseu hi show IRON WORKS CO., Packet from tbe Hasten, State, and Furope steamer. All orders faltbxuUy attended t tbe city free ot charzo KEAJEWSKX CANE CRUSHER 'ristst'riiMorvr.xi.M 1 IsifluiilnB inn season nate 110 tury eoum do is w r roni. wu,. Ih.iI.:. I.t.,.1. uh,f.,.p with II nr Hi. w 10 isj iii and lutu for d en and u.p lu .UL on 01 and explain US construction w any party iiuerusieu HONOLULU Sporting Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands. H. E. McINTYRE BRO., IMFOKTKKS AND' DHALKR3 IK Groceries, Provisions and Feed. East Coknur Fort and Kino Streets. Hoods cotsts and Cauli Island orders toUeitad. RatlstacUoo uanntwt, TaUphoa Ha PoH Oftle. Rot No 14 J tt.. IH4: Lurl. anil mora J)K. i C. SUJiMANN, 7 HHItCTANIA Kr.. '.)'itc Cisntral Union Church. (it'l'ICK IIIH'IIM:. ,0 1, .., lo I ,v ra., lasrsOL N. II. Tutxl rs and l'll.lsj. from s la t. in. lh Ir.AtmiiLl fur I1HIH I KOII.K I. f rw 1 Sfit f r tl, a..ll It... J. M. MONSAKRAT. this ATTOHNKY AT LAW AND NOTARY l'UDLIC. hat Cartwrl(lit lllock. Mm bant St., Honolulu. (r. & SMITJilKS, AccoDiitaiit, Collector and Copyist, Office witlt C. I). Chase, Safe I)cswit Hull. linn. Trlt'idiopo 181. rbr- cuilrrtlon of Oovrrnnt.nt bill. s,i Lljr K M. NAICUIKA Commissioner of Private Wa'ysTuul Water Rights. Notmry lnlIlo tho Reiit to Ornttt Marriage Licensee. 1). CASHMAaN, l'UIlt He illiiif ilcue! tuio Awnlngj n Specialty was Foot of Nimami SHeet In California reed Warehouse. Mutuftl Telephone WILLIAM WAGEXKU, ke CONniACTOlt AND HUILDEK, Hocoiiil Fliw.r Honolulu lug I'lalilni: Mill, tort rl. ful All Kinds of Jobliini: 1'niiiiptly Al tendetl to. CHAS. SEYDONE cial SCENE AND OKNA.MENFAL l'.MNl'KU, in SKIN WlilTElt PAPERH ANGER and DECORATOR, No. 15 llKTIIKI. ST. C. J. WHITNEY, Iho Teacher of Klocution aud Dra- matic Art, Alll.ISdTON IIotki.. fill and O. Bus Srt, 1 elvpitiitte SI0. LEWIS & CO. this IMl'OltTKlW. Naval Supplies. Whulotsale and Retail iJoaicra in uroceruu, 1'rovinKmii, etc. oi M. 11I1LL11S & CO. Wlioleialo Iminirtera and Jobbers of erul mrniPiij p riinnnriu nnv rnnnc umLniifln u LunurtHn uni uuuuo tho Corner Fort and Queen BU.t Honolulu. em II. W. SCHMIDT & SONS ill! AND COMMISSION MI'.IlCHASm l'tirt Street, Honoluhi. M. S. GKINI1AUM & CO. tho tdwft). hoxoiatlij il 1 ItomtnUiiioii Meiclianu ami Inioiton for can of (lentral B'ercliandi.c, Ann FrAnrlsvroOnjco. Ill Kroi.t Ht. has . VANDOOIIN & CO., er N"o. 2uS VOWV ST.. Hsri.AKADi.. H'op on your wny to tlta wlmrf and nuy a ciarorri un iroti eoia uniiK American Livery mi Boardlne StaMts to Csir. Mrribnnt and lllclisrd Blni.ts. Is Cnrrlngcs, Surreys nnd Hacks at all ,10111 s. In JAMK3 CAltTY, notirlclor. No. IOi). CONSOI.IIIiTHl) SODA WATKI1 WOUKS COMPANY, LTD. If KspUuiade, tvirus Allun and Port streets. HOLLISTCR . CO.. Aconts PACIFIC TIIADINC CO., Kl'CLVJssoits TO "1TOIIAN," IMl'OUTKKS AND DKAMiRS In Japanese Provisions nnd Dry (JimhU, etc., eto. , , , , MI und 2i0 Pout St., Hosou'LV, II. 1. HONOLULU IRON YORKS, H"A u l.noiSKa, huoah MILLS, ,OIIK, Cooucus, Ikon, Hiiahh akd Ukau Machinery of Kvry iUtfucrfptlon Mod Ordvr. Irtlcular attention iwld to Htlt UUckualtaiDic. Jon ivork nxer-uuv- at iilicrt CItlTJiltlON SAMOK VORT. KKAK IIOTXI. HT2HT. CHAS. J. MCCARTHY, Manaacr. Popular Brands ol Straibt Good! ALWAtS OM UAHP. Try the Great Apttetlxer, "THE lUtOWNIE COCKTAIL, a tiwcLlly with this resort. DcroT ok Tim FAMOUS WIELAHD LAGER BEER U my PairsRs add the Public. I have just opened at my oince, 113 IJktukl ST, Honolulu, 11. I., an AllT - ;xiiiiinjuN of the lat?t dealznt and noii.-Il- In Kmurotuery work, Drawn Work, Jtoi iBilk, Kentdngton Work aud Kuliiug, 1 wouia rtitociiuur iiiviuj tou aiia your friend to call and fnvjwct Im Kooua, Tlie bingfr rtcer?ti 01 Qrnt awardf for Hewing unl KuibroidH-- . . W t a 1. IV. .IJ. U... l,l. (II wa 01. uia 11 1 1 111 v 1 mr , . svi, befnjr tli Urrt iiuaibrr of AMMrdtf sOb- - taineil vy auy f luiouor, ana uwre man doublt th uuuilirr Kin (o all uiLer Hewing Wat hinw. ror Mil ly B. BERGERSEN liotiiui nr. WtXLY Brut, L00 (arr jmx. cV C?.. in nnn n PRIZE BRITISH HACKNEY W lr.tulu la tkU4 tl.t,Tk. ' Cut. i AhmiSv. Tbeauuual Ilrltlsh hjcVuev sIkiw. hM year at Isliugtou, as ths eVeuth, auunalone. Tberowero 13k eutrtea. This number ba.s tvforu ts-- s vuaAlvsi. never excelled. Tbo tutetv.1 lu ttw show, tho euthusUstu disvUrwV, ludt- uta toiitun. cites that tho luvrVney is li.vTlntf l yen n greuter boom In laigUud than 11, Amer- ica. Verily thewi uto tlw iluiy tlx) til. luiclviioy. Ouo ut tho most famous pilBoulutwfs formerly exhibited Ht theso tjiglUh haeknov shnvi xvajs tVmrier Courier win tho inoivrty ut Mr Uar- - M. 1'., t tho llm tuts nie was taVeii, though ho ufterwttNt I. sold mnl tuought to Atueriwt tn N- - come a noted slrtv Courier la very hatuU BomoruHUiiirittHl.butBomoof ourMvug American haeknoys are. just as gxL Pr.p.r. Vor st Wlut.r1. Uukv Hothonso laudw tiro now on tho mar-- , mtil bey lwyo tk, selling at Rtx. prictvi I 1iUkimix.ii, Tho nutl lion pi utak-- 1 profit 011 thcMi l.uuUs Is not n tlonht- - 0110 If tho btisliitMK Is wiuloctisl proivrlf. Llio raising estr ly brollent for market, the work In raising hothonso lambs dlflers somowhat from thoonll-- t nary lamb raising, Inasmuch in mild- - conditions must 1k supplies! by llio owner and Mireftilly nltendtil ttv liirlj-- ' tbo spring or summer tint pwiw for raising hothouw laitilm havo to li for tho next soasonH work, ami thaso engaged ill tho, business) itnipn tho lookout early for Iho right iiullnak If work of hoKtlitg tl, molhers Is taxtmiiml tlsl loin?, tbo error niuniot li rectlllisl. litrly In tbo year nno has a cbolco of tho Mocks and can Msnint what ho needs, Thoowiw for rearing hollinnso htmUs should Ihi motherly hi their Instincts should 1st grssl millers, m Dint tliu lambs) may never suiter from lack of projier nourishment. Thn uiiliimls to ill must 1st cup.iblo of feislliig mnl ,w. slmlliithig fiHslwell, mnl ouo with largo abdonihiui isiclly w ill usually liulloalu lliOMt iiualllHM. llioowiw ahotilil Isi si'p aratnl from suellhig lamlis by lliiflst j 11110 am, annum 1st kept 111 g growing eoiiillllon, Thn early spring laino muse ihi woatusi early, nun a llli grain diet may 1st uisHwaury. Very froiincntiythorigliCkiiiilnf uwoaforhot-- housu htiiilM have hnnbs with thoin at tlmothoy ore wlu lisl for litis iiu)s.r- - taut work. They must Is) kcjit so that they will drop their young laiuls, hy Do-- 1 comber or January, nnd If thn spring huiilM nro suckling them all through I hit imimiier tho mothers will 1st In 110 0011-- . Ion for their w Inter work. Tho mm kIioiiIiIIjo turned willi tho ewes thus) selected about Iho 1st of An- - gust, anil any negleot to do this limy luako qnllon illireienei) In thn priced oh- - tallied. A iltlrorcncu of 1, few weeks III selling tlmo frequently niaViM 11 dlf- - fereiiconf if I to f H ill lint prices, Tim Mei Inn ewes 11111I.0 iilsnitns lliiniiiolherH hothoiisn lamlis us liny Hint 11 dealer securn, and if Ihey hihmss Iho (sir- - ucuuir qii.iiiuca meinionei, nisivo nun 11 gissl show of succc, It la ubmntillniisseiitliil lliat thn prim food for tho winter feeling nf Hikmi owc.iihouM Isjriilsisl, mnl Iho prepara. tlou for tins iiuiht l.igli, this spring, They require roils nnd tnivnleiit f'l ill iho winter. Turiiljis urn fissl for them andean bo given regularly through Iho l.uubhig iierksl. Duels uiunlwi it lino iiuoculeiit fissl for (hep, lu Uui winter, Is) given uloug with oilier. fissU, H gooil tsxiiiomy to rulxi Isilh of I lies., . roots fur I ho ewes If, ! rulsn winter huiilM. Hll.igo Is a doubt- - fnl food for lambing nwin and even for Iho mother whilu tho young nro suck- -' ling, li 1. Smith lu Aiiiorleuii Culti vator, CIJru!.l. Sl.rr. There have Us u is tier Clyiles,na dams tliau tho 0110 ill this pktllliij but, so, they urn not known to fumo, A luaro that, after a ciinsirnf fisillsmrllig, I'lUZK CUKUUifi! MIKE, can cximo out shajiely and syiinuef rlcal aj this ouo ami win prim) uyeryv)u.TU she Is shown Is soiuellilug UMoouimun, Tub, mare Is owned 111 th norlhww.t and Isjlougs iwrhaist t Iho nt Imumu ClydowUbi family lu Amerh'a. Sl (4 su, noar tbe modol for llils hru.l as 101 wi. raal can lx. )Ur mIM, epfrllisj e;e, small, alert ears aud hruhiy Uv lu4 stamp her at onus an ilug high In- - telllg.ivu. H she lias, mn-ug- .11' ddranos, aoundueas Mid spirit sk out all oyer tier. I logs lliat vallmy lu urM puddhss rbeunutbiin. Then their legs taem crainpy and mx lo th totuvh. If To llr fwrMir. Th.ii.ln from fllubthurwIsirrygrMit, An sn.ll.4it .ootUallou la a Ibltk ISUtAI of common tsklog ) uUuw) Hb u lr ,imut Oil a IfLOC. M IWU if P ton, .nd bound cu lbs part, Tbla nm t kept wet by siuxlug stabrr 111 II ff'XM njjotigo or rwtu uniii ivvn.tu imt A thick noatlDgM rtsrcli uiimsus lustAsvlof b tod, UmM (I'M If HUb b. .ppilnl If lb .klu is lok. Im I Lb caw t Is UUlt I to IU u"Uur, rl M pre,airatluu isHiUlolug 4rtll ntM. II lue air ls. twsu7 .a,ww. burn, lu. paw urM.iu. l.H.i.. 1m.uO, IV uiekAid u)A UuPVM aUorbol lib WuWIiWw. tiild.-I- lb. tiotbU-- suJlwr.. WU I.. u I. -- I.IMJl.l L .SU( A.H.JSWAW tm psUbwiuf ialfflslMUl )UMAf wanu sw it Leu I1JAI viivrj ,w a Mill Ut ivo'susl auul nvtrAUtruu) L .1,1. Ilrl .Loubi be lo (Mil Ireudlie tut mi If nn, w v tljljjVaidiuaAuuilI lb iduotur swmm, lu Uirus (row a frwg swM b inn .ould is SXrrod liii Atr li.iJWv4 acid. Hv false buuJ4 in H4 A4 tUOlUlO UT Ml ppUoAtIi.V- - IASSAAAVISsW ussi LrtuiiAtd A.O. Wbeu LU lami lUueu (CaUAsat bflUt aUMssltt- - coterisg tww lU rtUtU U imp f sjulnst ey uwivijUt twit, fsumir Importers, Hardware and General MeroliandLso. Tb Uttn Mivwtr" UvrtuM UtShnmit t tU,vK im)t vshivh tw u tov,m Agricultural. Implements and Tools, Miscellaneous Hardware, IhcUhIIuk' AWN MOWKKS ' iiav ppTTIMtu J.A ... . . vvj IllU.t.S, I'AMII.Y (iKI.N'U STONKJS, VICUS, ROMf nm, ' v"""." sjiFtttj CUUKNS, CAUP A.NI.IIS, ni,,ciM itii's iiiti.isowa, STOVR TUUCKS, SPAI'IslLS, DUI.TINO, ...T" I'AllOlANK'.S HCAI.HS, WOODHtN WASI l I IIOAU I S KKCKIOItUATOKS. MIvAT CUTTHUS, ICK CUH ,M I'UltllIIflS, KTCj IItc. ,vono;,-iii,i- ni, mi, mwa In any uirt of th Pltj at t VI i lit jr C.t, 0, II, , , , , , Castle & Cooke, Ltd, i IMPORTERS, Hardware and General Mcrclinndlsr. r.o.nltatiio Ltfo Aunnncn Society nr dim Unitmi HfATi's, ra llmlr nw Tuiltll.a l.laiiin h.llil, lititHhnva 1' in niiiiiy Im l mi uf pi lUAHltt iHtli liwna Hiitl i A In. Vn,M" 'l,,,',l,l"'MtlMl III iff irittio. .klHlrnri.t iiiiiici: !,(iiT,iii(inT, usnfralli.sstr fi,r, Sllsll MISllt.U NotaryJPubllc. Itillmilr hIIhiiiIuii an, siill.ranlloii giinrniilwil, i, who ilcsfru i ,,,,,, , ..t coiiiii. ,iljiitp,i or Colliini HHcoiiDs siililciiKi) . Hy n ex'wfeiu't'ti ym, nrrllH WITH Tim Hawaiian iBruiuiil hum, m;m; and hhnh, and 15 KAAJMMANl tW, TcbwiKwg tm, ,,,,,, WHAT? JJOVlll'. Kfl A Ukytk Tn YET I Vt'liat m ymi iWik ofI Wain your ytm nioUii f OUT ONli AT ONGB. s- - H. f. WICHMAM, SHIS JHfM, MiD 7HCY AflC CHEAP, Wmt ii(4 you ( ( JOHNSTON STONCY'f, m your wr 7f; ym &i Mi WAUwe H)4 (hnVf niUing, ,,,,,, " sr 41 ,t VOW fJVMt, 7 J

Transcript of THE HAWAIIAN...gatpa, llonduias, say: A suspi-cious brig entiling off Atuapala was thought to have...

Page 1: THE HAWAIIAN...gatpa, llonduias, say: A suspi-cious brig entiling off Atuapala was thought to have 011 lioard an expe-dition organized lo aid V.nqucz. An investigation was made, and

(S jt H'ni.UHkliMB f nVttnf'UK 1

! avNiur. t




jf" ittkattCA'' a i itiiiii:l'iixiu:NT mho iiiiriiisiBKt I issTaaTaaTaaaKaK. 1 wirll tiik witlTi u . v."

M. rT .....


aBr II i urni unmin ami inn i miw irmi IL. ' '

1' Vlk SA1 I K.iRSTAR."l.,a .cccutUsue 9 f X

l',nt;laml. V. V. says: "It now

1 :


U'tn. 1-- IlarlnoerOllr. llldgs, N. V.

Erysipelas erf

in the FaceHearty Blind, But Perfectly Cured

Health, Appotlto and Strength Re- -nowod by Hood's 8arsapar1lla. I in

d. Hood JiCo.,I.owel, JlsM.t ," Hood's Rarsaparllla Is splendid. I had long theben troubled tilth erysliielas, and three times

had It In my head and lace. I became nearlyblind ami iny hair all enmo out. Mr husbandwished me In try' Hood's BarsapnrllUi. lonlytook three buttles betoro al

I Was Freofrom my trouble and long snfferlnga. beIt lias never returned until last tvtnter Vfhlle Iwasjll with tlio trip, a slltit attark broke outoninyf.icc. After my sickness 1 was not welltbccflino easily tired anl lost my nppctlle. Iresumed taking Hood's ftarsaparllla aud aia

HoorTsCures bis

liow using the fourth bottle and can run up anddown stalri ns Ery m ever. The tired fcrllnif4m.ouiiI I" Mas. Wn.

ItAiitMJEit, Olho JlMgo, Xevr York.

Hood's Pills enra nil liter Ills Mllimitcu. Jaundice, luil.jphlba, sick IicudacUo. the

Hoiiron Orn? ('nmprtiii on


Having reaumed laitdnpsa and takenadvantage 'if tlio pjst two weeks torenovate our studio we are better pre-pared

andtlun ever to fill ordora for views

if (indent Hawaii and, of tho stirringpventR of tlir troubles. PortrailHof tho Uridine cluiactera a Rrwoialty.

Our tHrtiait department is open foreiisfiKPinnts, and our work, as in thepost will hp up t all of tlie modern ad

Hncenn'ntH in our linn.



The rltAtiest, brightest latest nnd really,lit tlio Ions run. the choapefit mid lwtt lfglitfur ue! in the family reHidoiipe, Ia the

olovtric lisht. rjafe: nothing couldIw wifer. A few day- afij a prominent gen-tleman of Honolulu mine ruehlucc down tollio iimie nr tue ctfcll It ikjmpany and aald:uUive me lltiivit for vtiring my house, and Iwant It ilo'ie nt (jn,o; no more liiiniw for mo.

lit nlglit a lamn tipped over and It camebo uoar U1ng lire to the houao and burningmy child! eu and 1 take itu more risks."

This is tho xentimeut of quite a number inthe last few wooks, who havo orderod theirnouses utrea wild me perrocx ugnu

Just think it over and make up Tour mindthat you want the lvst and safest light; sendfor tho Hawaiian Klectrio Company andellthem what you want.

We have a complete stock of everything inthis Hoe mid have just received a lot of thevery latent dosigns in tliaudctiers.


l?OUJMrI5I 1SON.. Capital, - - $6,000,000

edAssets, - - $9,000,000

J I uYin Ixt'U npituliilcd agents of the aboveComp'uty b art) iiowremly to ertect Jiinurmi ecu bt (lift lowpt-- t rali-- ol premium.


BISHOP & CO.,Rinslbllshodlu IBM.

BACKERS.JIoxoll'lu, Hawaiian Islands.



AND THKItt AGENTS inNew York, ChiraEO, Boston, Paris,



The Commercial Dauking Co. of Bydney,

The' Uank or New Zealand, Auckland, andIU branches In ChrLtchurh, llunallnand Wellington.

The Bonkot Brlti.h Colurubio, Victoria, andlis branches, Yiuusiuver, Namilmo, U etminister, 0. u.and t uriiaiui, uregon,

The Asoree aud Madeira Islands.U..lh.lnt Kwn.lmThe Charters 1 of India, Australia and

The llongko'i and Khanghal, CDlna; anaVokoham't. 'Ill'Aad trnnf v'l . General Banking Business.

Castle & Cooke, Ltd


Innce Agents.



Life Insurance Co.OK DOSTON.






Qn St., B010MQ, B.I.,


Hawaiian Agricultural Co., Onom&aBuicar Co., Uonomu ougar ixY..,?.. a..J. rto W.lhea Ruiru Co.

Makee Sugar Co., llaleakala BancnCo.. Kapapala Ranch.

Planters' Line San Franciaoo Packet.Chaa. Brewer Co.'a Line of Boston

Agenta Boston Board of TJnderwrltr- -

Agenta ut uuuwriters.

List or Officers :

P. O. Joiu Prasldsat010. II. Kobibtso UanacerK. F. BiaHor Treoa. aad Secy.Cou W. y. Aixur Auditora K. Coon )11. WATsoaousi,, DirectorsA. W. Oabtbb..., I

of Tiik Ktak, tlicrc nppe.trcil, un-

der (tie above licaillng, a communi-cation signed W. Y., nccomlianicilby an editorial stntcinciU lliat yourcorrcondeiit tvns "quite capable

writing upon tlie question." Willyou, sir, allow me to nay V. V.may be a very capable writer, but 1

tblnk you will soon learn that bisopinions arc not cbarnctcrizcd byinerrancy mid that lie is not tnrapport with the current of feeling

becomes probable thatIlritinh Government will unite

with Gernnny, b'rnnce and otherpowers in the proposed internation

conference on the subject anilthat htiKland s weight will

thrown on the side of ttimetnl-Ism- "

Yes, when lliruaut Wood become to Dinisinaiie."

A short time since Mr. llatfourdistinctly and publicly stated Hint

expressed views uponwere not those of Ills political

friends, and I venture to say that,brilliant and capable as the gentle-man is, the nephew will not in thismatter convert, or rather pervert

uncle. Lord Salisbury's viewsthe question might probably be

expressed" In words spoken bySecretary Wiudom before the NewYork lioard of Trade. He said,"The quality of circulation is.evenmore important than quantity. Aspoison in the blood permeatesarteries, veins, nerves, brain tlif

heart, and speedily allbrings paralysis or death, so does adebased and fluctuating currencypermeate all the arteries of trade,paialyze all kinds of business andbring disaster to all classes ofpeople."

Should those in England, strick-en by the- - bimetalic craze becomesufficiently numerous to enforcetheir views, it will uot take long tobecome patent to the body politicthat, the Urilish sovereign like the orHritish policeman wilt show it'sstability and value the more it getshustled about.

If the prevention of a possiblecommercial panic, under the cir-cumstances suggested by V. Y.depends on the adoption of bime-talis-

in England, then, I ven-ture to say, such consummationwill not be attained.

I am, Sir,Your's obediently

CiiaklT'S l' Uakt.July 15. 1895.

fv'otice.iVll l.uitid lildeltcd ta tliu


in MARCH 1st, 18JS, who liavo notbiuce bctti.d their uccoiuita uro rcsiucpt- -

to cull, iiii'l.uiMkti a eeltlemciit, o il

all uccounta ns ulmve not paid by tlio

30T1I IJAY OF JULY, 1K15, will t

placed in tlio hands of a c illwu r; lo

alio for mid tecover nt one.By order

Hawaiian Wino Company.




1 have Just received a fulllir.uof these,

celebrated PATTCitNund ean accommo-

date my patrons with tlie latest styles.Also a full line of Millinery Goods

June 11th Ilneea Derby lints.Yachting and Plento lints, eto., etc.


IllcjcL'S nepalmd. Gun and Lock Bniltli.No. Hi HETifKL HTItKET,

Kest to CAstla A Co.ilt.


KEMTWhen you can apply

the reut money to pur-clia-

a house ?

We will sell you a house to bebuilt to suit you by paying month'ly 'installments.

Call and examine our plan andsatisfy 'yourself that our proposb

tion is one which will be fully sat'isfactory to you.

the mmm deposit ud ihvest- -


408 Fobt Strict, Honolulu.


A new consignment of the famousFALCON ROADSTERS lust arrived,Also a 17 lb. Track Racer, the only trackwheel made with large ball bearingsand large sprockets. These machinesare manufactured by the Yost Manu.

ComD&nr of Toledo, Ohio,

hn .iva a guarantee (or one year with

every machine sold.For terms etc. apply to




Best Family MedicineCURE

Sick !lcatlaclic,CoiiGtlpation,DYSPEPSIA, LIVER TROUBLES.

Purely Vegetable. Easy to Take.

Tlie itrllenlf us.irnntln n Aycr's PH11(thnolvea Imtnctllutcly un renrlilntttbt i,

find j.ertiilU thfl full strcnKtli o( to t hi cilily tiMnimll ited. Am aIitre.illve.eHliPr lor lrrTf llrs orn a familytiii'di lit., Ajer' Pills are tlia best la tbowurM.

AVER'S PILLS,H..1. 1.r llr. J.n. A ji t .1 fo.,Ix.well,Mnss..UAA.


Vorld'ti Great Expositions.

Acr' t'llli Iriowii In lb Eliuof rnchbt uur butllJa.



Insurance Co. of North America

of i'iin,Ar)i:i.PHiA, pa.

Cash Camlal : : $3,000,000.00

Assets. Jan. 1st, 1895, $9,562,599.92

01 lest Fire Insurance Coin nan r inUnited Stnt rp.

I'ulicits issued ntrninnt Iom hy fito onclasM'n of desirable proper tr.

II, urns,Airent for the Hawaiian It Inula.

;0:I mo

For Rent.The nremiRes on Jndd Street, beyond

Utlh.i, lately occupied by JoaquinMiller. Jlouso of four ICooins and Kitclien; Stable and S)-- acres of land more


For Sale.One Alt Iiau Double Acting Force

Pump, ii Inch suction and dischargewilli 250 feet Incti Hose.

.t a one UhkIwU do cartfiiiporlcd.

One revolving baLer'tt oven.Apply to


Gloves for 25 c.

Jfrms 1110 your boiled L lovesnnd 1 will maku them

lew and Glean '

for tho small sum of 25 cunts.EJ" Also prepared to take

Orders for Trousseaus

and all Underwearkinds of


M rOULAIN.Masonic TitMrut.


Ask your Grocer for

PURJ5Hawaiian Honey


The HoiMb Apiary Company.


COMPANYIlert to Inform the public of

Honolulu and tlie other Islands that acomplete line of their famoua and deservedly popular


havo been introduced Into this marketand ute now to be found oil sale at tbegrocery stores of II.E. McIntykk Clio.,C. Hustack and IIrnky Davis & Co.,

here tlieir elegant display cabinet, canbo Been. The Valuo given for pricescharged has never beeu equaled in thismarket oy any omer noau iximpanj.








la Tin A r.winrftllhrt.t.r .Inry .1, II... war I'rnm yw

Niiw Yukk, July 4. A cablespechl to the WerlJ from '1 rtir --

gatpa, llonduias, say: A suspi-

cious brig entiling off Atuapala wasthought to have 011 lioard an expe-

dition organized lo aidV.nqucz. An investigation wasmade, and it was found that thevessel came from California, tookon arms from a stca ncroff Mexico,and to throw suspicion off the scentwent to Amapala. She will go toHawaii, being chartered in the in-

terest of I.iliiiokataui.

Illsmitrrh.UliHi.iN, July 3. The Kolnische

Ztitung says that I'rince DlsmarcW,since the death of his wife, has had

i'frequent attacks of depression. Tnn

The recent fetes," this aulliorllygoes on losay, "in connection willihis birthday, left him exhausted."


VMM li; 1'IU'ISMH.

Nell trit.i.iii.oider Here l',illailel.lili.. mi)Oljmnls., m

Commander ' Geo. W. I'igmatiarrived by the Australia and as-

sumes charge of the Iteiiniiigton, mill

succeeding Capt. Thomas, wholeaves by the Peking.

1 lie Philadelphia is waiting forher turn on the Vallejo dry dock.Her men were voted first ptizefor appearance on the lfourth atSan jVrancisco. Eighteen of thecrew have been discharged and arcon the way to New York.

The Olympia is still trying, to Aship a crew.

Ahotlitr llltimml llclr.IChriiiilrle, July 7.

Mrs. Paul Jarboc, nee Dimoud,gave lurth to a son yesterday atthe residence of her father, Gen-

eral V. II. Dimoud. Doth motherand child are doing well. Thehappy father and the happiergrandfather were the recipients ofmany congratulations yesterday.



uocAiv i ivj5

S. S. AUSTRALIAArrivp Honolulu T.cnvo Honolulu

from S. F. for fc. F.Junri.Sl .....Juno 21July 15 ... .July 20Aug. Aug. IIKept. 2 Kept. 7Sept. .10 - . Oct. 2Oct. 21 Oct. 27Nov. 15 .. . ... Nov. 20

THROUGH LINEFr 111 Sail Francisco From Sydney lor

for Sidney. ruin jrrancihco,

strrU'C Honolulu Lowe VonaWn,

Monmuii.,, .July 4 t AlnmeJa. . ..Tune 2Alumeda.. .Aug I I MarijHi:! .1 uly 21.MUM).oKa...n1'. t ."vionowat.. aujt.Moiioual...Seit. 20 Ahunedar .Sept. IUAlauiida ..Oct 21 ( M.irijtOHt, .01, 17



STfiKFSMatV nt abortnotice vy tliei





BEAYER SALOON.Fort Stitet. - Opposite Wilder &Co.

II. J. NOLTK, Prop'r. it

KirsKJliuts LuncbM wrvcsl svlth , ColfreKivln w aui lllrrer Ale tr


1 Cool, AVuf ami L'fniu Vlaee II i( theVery Ueht lave.

At tiik Sailoiu Hons,Menls n ill Im mttcmI c.3 followst

Breakfast front S to 10 o clock,Lunch ... from 11:30 to 'J o'clock,Supper - from 5 to 7:30 o'clock,

l'oi'Ui.Art iiuci.CHANG CIII50NG &. CO.

King St. Restaurant !

Corner King and Ala.Ufa streets will gneyou the liest meal for 26cii eenta in the city.We are now ,n ournew rooms, everytmug frobh andDlean.

Remember the Mace, corner Kduj ami

Alakea ttreet: 503 1 mo


Mi Chock's Restaurant

Cor. Hotel and Union Sts.

Meals 25 CentsArrangement ran herein made for urnlug

IUWU 1AI rlUIHW in ill K ""nmreasonable dUtauce,


No. iH Kuuaiiu Atciiuc.

Fine Cloths. Perfect IHU. Styles upto Date. Prices that will satisfy

you. Qlve me a trial Istrive to please.

Mocks of Tweed, rtkHsmats.HaniKl. Jt Ducking

- No. 48 NUUANU AVE.

J7, O. Box W

Yale'sLa ErecklaAli'i't. YtiH'N liifnl'ibin iiru for Fn'ttt.w,

nitd Huflmrn. It U llitt onlyfVi-- r cHiniwiiun1,4l Hint will reiuovti fiwkUwooinplutHly mid mirt'y.

nmiT likely It h ti irukunti.t tl'e wr ItU",k nfter It i fnt Ui.W.

lht)iiNi)i:di of rtonicii, (dlioi wl h Mfiinlritl,. tlUfliirl hv tif iititfulitiv. 1hiiuii

liMHif. :S"tldiii; will litrlo tliein. Tlie,u Hitirc) of iriiMrr,but they rn. iMcunst.Kre ktn tnllio frwke.

The jtnpnrntl'Ki nf Ia rr'kla Is one ofMnin. VaIk crettest nchlt'eiin'iit' Thruan- tunny Imliiiilnt.w, wiiiui ofthem viryilnti- -

y elfwt re. For wifely and icinhity.Iiiklit utun.VK ti tfltln tho genuine andorfiiml Ia Fietkli,

I'rUe ntdriiu t"rrr',r hy mull. MMRM. V lK. Ilfiillt nnd flemiti t Ullf I

Hamuli' HI. ('li Vl,4 nrAii' (IUlde fut'ftlTHE HOUKOfJ DRUG CO..

S 'lc Afv,nU.


Good Fertilizer,To Suit the TimesAt &SO r ton of 200011m.AiiuljRid tta follow,!!

10 ir cent. Phiisnlioiio Acid. ?fsolutilc nnd iiviiilahle.

(I pi r cent, ro r.sli (actual.)It iici cent. Ammonia.10 ircint. Limp ((arltonntc).





Double Super Phosphate,An r rrni. in 45 per cent, volubleill witter, In (jiiaiiliticH lo suit.

Any Special Formula Made to Orderby


Try'Tlir Star" tr Fine ,M I'rlntinr,

Wo Ink to draw tho obntorn attentionme nmowinjj naanu.Kt6i

THU CltOaUKll will c,t tho canetransvitrel In tcces about 3 incheslung i:nd extract about 60 er cent, oftho juice andideliver Hie crushed cane In

uniform layer to tbo U roller mill,thereby causing a pcifcct feed and In-

creased extraction of Julco.TIIK CUUSHKK win 1110 "SKIII '

on the ciuih, thereby giving the juice aei.lrr ciiatico to Iki exiielUHi inau ir the

cano was ripped open mibji'iting liteuilptolhebiud packing on the returnerir of tho 3 roller mill.TIIK CUUSIinit will save h!r In

handllna of tho cane. n an IrreitbirilKttribiittou of cane on tho earner willnot mali rinlly elfoct the regular andeven feed to the B roller mill.

I III; CltUSIIlUl will not require nd.lillonal hleam or boiler power, ns it bus

IVpkkuhi Msrrli.. 1K85.Mnisra llnunliilu lum Works UH

HlKSi WoIiavu umkI Him crusher sine. llieor ami Itao ij


rritslirr Is exlrarlln? ,.'r rent.lercent. ot the Jtilce t',le cnllllig the canen ultuin lUa hlx 1lIuh lon trlvlntf &

in'rrw t, cv. a turn tifny lm v ilia imrtin,!l.r mill.l Wu nr. tlitiii.1 il to 31 ivrliioru or It iHr day at.l iuuUI ilu mucfi more Ifour bollhist iiiniM otittl Woart) rmliiif. llio labur of i on lliu CtUici rrler t r day.

J.ter)Wii fg 4tWUl, 1119 vr'JSiirr ni'rimixtli nfnlwuv, mul tLe aiuiiant of hUatut iriHuit', nn h my Jtn'Kf, Tor b

arv rumiluit two H'lnn for Uh tlouu millund li't.pH'.iH'ii iifi.rf tit 11 lllrtr llouofrnmo t Cuf fxf Wller. Of iouimhUIi HtU

Vfu fw uf rriifclu'd varo from (he rrunlifrviHrfiibiHito-naw- our mm in

rM il..i.Mir Iwifnre. from .snorlmpnls....i..:.,.ii..,r..t. tl..n,un.,,nl i I i.lcent, of uioislure It.

,lur run of xrlndlnir ertlliisrjly Is from Rllanrst. toKJ hliliu-t- , li II uallou cls.rltt.-r- . infonrlt'en bouts.

' II. 1IKAOOK,Manager o Huar Co.

IUIA Pt.ASTATio.-r- . Manb 30. ls!i.s,llminlnlu lion VorkalJo.-llaTU- i.)i We

find tie; Kraleyskl Crusher advantageous In

"ttSS! f tS!f.i ,.JVr;.-- ,.l it.. il.r r, Jlyrtliuatsu.lnil a great Iom .Iraln Iliamlllandat llio same time alt Ins us fromltoa rrit.iit.tjetlFreltractUiuof Juice.

we are at present making a crusher

Now reoelTeU by ovaryTrash California 1'roducs. by everyand delivered to oy part of


m:vsiii:.u,i:ii,m)iiiisi:i,i,r-:it- .


llt'tr.Mts from bl tip.VIOLINS. M N'l)OI,INS,rOHNhTS,

I'l.AlLlONHIH, IIANJM4.M isical lustriiiiicitt Suppliia,Mii.' or ti rtvl lif ctrry .Icnmer.Tmiil.Mirlim WKi to


r.j oRlnsirs mnl SprctnrloHCarefully fitted to allsights and frames com-fortably adjusted ....

DomesticSewing Machinos.

Domestic Mowlnff Machines. Thisnif lilnc atirimvtii all otliem In

nco of finish und ilurnMlltv, onit vmi can iiiiikc ltck Slltcli, Chaintiiicli, r.mlirohlcr, Hem, Tuck,Itullle. ami itnliv Itutloii Holes.

REMINGTON TYPEWRITERSriml Tiiirteritcr tjiiplie

lly tliu Atinlr.ili.1 arrlies n large undCoiilelu Stock of

Goods.. . . PlTNCllINd IIAOS.




Vjsler.holm's PocVet fes fiauis, -Wade & Butcher Razors from 50c up.

Indoor Games.II ALMA, 1'AlcCIIESI.nHE.sS, DOM.

1NOES, CK11I, AUTIIOIIS andother Card (lames.

Hand Sewing Machines $8:50 and$12:00,

Hinvln,; Machine s

for nil kinds or iiiiicIiIiick.

NOVKI.S, NOVIiUS, NOV1U.Slly Every Steamer.


PUItSF-- S. OA HI-- C.S1, aniiiwum liuuivs. . . .

ClIII.nilKN'S I'lLTUHP. IlOOKR. DOI.tfland Toys of all ihwcriptions.

Onr bitntfifM is etabllnheil on afmsfs nfisoiii.v. ctumequenUy

trc emi nlToiiifo feu at low rwr.



to this uiarblno lor width wo claim

liecn dcmoiistrnted In aucttial practice.lliat the Increased extraction of juicelinn improved tbe trash an fuel bo as tololly make up for trie aiiuitionai tn--

aieaiii to nrive it.THK Is strongly built.

the rollers urn undo of noli I steel ringson tho shafls. The pinion, nro oil ofsteel mnl tlio enurv. heel la provided will.seifitient rim. Its sjieest Is aUmt tbe I

same us the mill rollera. tberebv givingcoio'ort nnd kufet- - hi running. It is socoustrucled, that should iron partB.aiichas islta, ear coupling uiiks utiu buives, 1 to., go through, il will nol

initire anv of llio narlR.Iho following are from

plantations where thn crusher at presentla at worw:

I JiurrttAf.1 oin.rtiuf ilalii . O.lng to I

t be llmltert choiu-H- of uur bolllim h.msal.avelOdrivolii.uru.uer slow, uui 1. nrej- -

Jtlmr Satiny. We bsve three men at tbelums.

I'ltt inuh U rert Uu and en nlwajs tlpilim mUIi Plenty ot it hotit lli n ofen:iii wimhi or cmii. rni iini'ii- ynurn,

J. V. (HH.YILfd:. MfunOTer,

Kkkaha I'fUNTATiorr. XlsvrtU 22, 18W.

rKkr. Ili.iuitnlii frnn Ulrica UkAHWe liab oein urLla llt KntJewHWI

Ur Kiivr Kliif-- lie itfinninit oi wiom-- jwsj,MHilu.iit jIhIjv nntl v. Itfi lint lima ut kfaclorvrwnullii from the uur dally irk lmlncrt-ajt- fruni Ulitariflor tool clarltlrt('toIfitlluiiSr m nil tbe fctiiue number of U'jorvr Ml

e Ue'l nmrw v.err miiik i ur i rumritli. e.lrscllon lias ItirreAmsl culisld.rauty. Iim i runt. Imi i I Im 2 rnll.r mill ri'l.r tnanformerly and make estellent fuel, lly addli.tli.rruslier weaiiirvh.inlud tlist pur strainInn capacity lillitlit - ln.tinlcl.nt, out v,. nndlliat Hi. Cru.ber and tbe Hire, roller mill to- -

rr mill iH'fore louo. Tli. eitracllon of thet.'rushi'r amouols ta SO per cant, of tliejulrand Hie s roller mill receives a steady and

'frf' HiJff ,Ubreaking roller .... .,. ' V . , Ci'miilhl "l.

I" v lor lu a short tlme.-- W." ,n"'j.lOrKeksliaBagarLo..

I i, n, uuu-- .

in our snops ami snail ue pieaseu hi show


Packet from tbe Hasten, State, and Furopesteamer. All orders faltbxuUy attended ttbe city free ot charzo


'ristst'riiMorvr.xi.M 1

IsifluiilnB inn season nate 110 tury eoum do is w r roni. wu,.Ih.iI.:. I.t.,.1. uh,f.,.p with II nr

Hi. w 10 isj

iii and








and explain US construction w any party iiuerusieu



Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands.


Groceries, Provisions and Feed.

East Coknur Fort and Kino Streets.





Island orders toUeitad. RatlstacUoo uanntwt, TaUphoa HaPoH Oftle. Rot No 14







'.)'itc Cisntral Union Church.(it'l'ICK IIIH'IIM:. ,0 1, .., lo I ,v ra.,

lasrsOLN. II. Tutxl rs and l'll.lsj. from s la

t. in. lh Ir.AtmiiLl fur I1HIH I KOII.K I.frw 1 Sfit f r tl, a..ll It...



l'UDLIC. hat

Cartwrl(lit lllock. Mm bant St., Honolulu.

(r. & SMITJilKS,AccoDiitaiit, Collector and Copyist,

Office witlt C. I). Chase,Safe I)cswit Hull. linn.

Trlt'idiopo 181.rbr- cuilrrtlon of Oovrrnnt.nt bill. s,i Lljr

K M. NAICUIKACommissioner of Private Wa'ysTuul

Water Rights.Notmry lnlIlo tho

Reiit to Ornttt Marriage Licensee.


l'UIlt He illiiif ilcue!tuio

Awnlngj n Specialty was

Foot of Nimami SHeet In Californiareed Warehouse.

Mutuftl Telephone


CONniACTOlt AND HUILDEK,Hocoiiil Fliw.r Honolulu lugI'lalilni: Mill, tort rl. ful

All Kinds of Jobliini: 1'niiiiptly Altendetl to.




Teacher of Klocution aud Dra-

matic Art,Alll.ISdTON IIotki.. fill

andO. Bus Srt, 1 elvpitiitte SI0.

LEWIS & CO.this

IMl'OltTKlW.Naval Supplies. Whulotsale and Retail

iJoaicra in uroceruu, 1'rovinKmii, etc.

oiM. 11I1LL11S & CO.

Wlioleialo Iminirtera and Jobbers of erulmrniPiij p riinnnriu nnv rnnncumLniifln u LunurtHn uni uuuuo

thoCorner Fort and Queen BU.t Honolulu.em



MI'.IlCHASml'tirt Street, Honoluhi.

M. S. GKINI1AUM & CO. thotdwft).

hoxoiatlij il 1

ItomtnUiiioii Meiclianu ami Inioiton forcan

of (lentral B'ercliandi.c,Ann FrAnrlsvroOnjco. Ill Kroi.t Ht. has


N"o. 2uS VOWV ST.. Hsri.AKADi..

H'op on your wny to tlta wlmrf andnuy a ciarorri un iroti eoia uniiK

American Livery mi Boardlne StaMtsto

Csir. Mrribnnt and lllclisrd Blni.ts. IsCnrrlngcs, Surreys nnd Hacks at all

,10111 s. InJAMK3 CAltTY, notirlclor.

No. IOi).



IfKspUuiade, tvirus Allun and Port streets.



IMl'OUTKKS AND DKAMiRSIn Japanese Provisions nndDry (JimhU, etc., eto. , , , ,

MI und 2i0 Pout St., Hosou'LV, II. 1.


H"A u l.noiSKa, huoah MILLS, ,OIIK,Cooucus, Ikon, Hiiahh akd Ukau

Machinery of Kvry iUtfucrfptlon ModOrdvr. Irtlcular attention iwld to HtltUUckualtaiDic. Jon ivork nxer-uuv- at iilicrt



Popular Brands ol Straibt Good!


Try the Great Apttetlxer, "THElUtOWNIE COCKTAIL, a tiwcLllywith this resort.

DcroT ok Tim


U my PairsRsadd the Public.

I have just opened at myoince, 113 IJktukl ST,Honolulu, 11. I., an

AllT -

;xiiiiinjuNof the lat?t dealznt and noii.-Il- InKmurotuery work, Drawn Work, Jtoi

iBilk, Kentdngton Work aud Kuliiug,1 wouia rtitociiuur iiiviuj tou aiia

your friend to call and fnvjwct Im

Kooua,Tlie bingfr rtcer?ti 01 Qrnt awardf

for Hewing unl KuibroidH--. .W t a 1. IV. .IJ. U... l,l. (IIwa 01. uia 11 1 1 111 v 1 mr , . svi,

befnjr tli Urrt iiuaibrr of AMMrdtf sOb- -taineil vy auy f luiouor, ana uwre mandoublt th uuuilirr Kin (o all uiLerHewing Wat hinw. ror Mil ly

B. BERGERSENliotiiui nr.

WtXLY Brut, L00 (arr jmx.

cV C?.. in nnn n


W lr.tulu la tkU4 tl.t,Tk. '

Cut. i AhmiSv.Tbeauuual Ilrltlsh hjcVuev sIkiw. hM

year at Isliugtou, as ths eVeuth,auunalone. Tberowero 13k eutrtea.

This number ba.s tvforu ts-- s vuaAlvsi.never excelled. Tbo tutetv.1 lu ttw

show, tho euthusUstu disvUrwV, ludt-


toiitun.cites that tho luvrVney is li.vTlntf l yen ngreuter boom In laigUud than 11, Amer-ica. Verily thewi uto tlw iluiy tlx) til.

luiclviioy.Ouo ut tho most famous pilBoulutwfs

formerly exhibited Ht theso tjiglUhhaeknov shnvi xvajs tVmrier

Courier win tho inoivrty ut Mr Uar- -M. 1'., t tho llm tuts nie

was taVeii, though ho ufterwttNt I.sold mnl tuought to Atueriwt tn N- -

come a noted slrtv Courier la very hatuUBomoruHUiiirittHl.butBomoof ourMvugAmerican haeknoys are. just as gxL

Pr.p.r. Vor st Wlut.r1. UukvHothonso laudw tiro now on tho mar--

, mtil bey lwyo tk, selling at Rtx.prictvi I 1iUkimix.ii, Tho nutllion pi utak-- 1

profit 011 thcMi l.uuUs Is not n tlonht- -

0110 If tho btisliitMK Is wiuloctislproivrlf. Llio raising estr ly brollent formarket, the work In raising hothonsolambs dlflers somowhat from thoonll-- tnary lamb raising, Inasmuch in mild- -

conditions must 1k supplies! by llioowner and Mireftilly nltendtil ttv liirlj-- '

tbo spring or summer tint pwiw forraising hothouw laitilm havo to li

for tho next soasonH work, amithaso engaged ill tho, business) itnipn tholookout early for Iho right iiullnak If

work of hoKtlitg tl, molhers Istaxtmiiml tlsl loin?, tbo error niuniot lirectlllisl. litrly In tbo year nno has acbolco of tho Mocks and can Msnint

what ho needs,Thoowiw for rearing hollinnso htmUs

should Ihi motherly hi their Instinctsshould 1st grssl millers, m Dint tliu

lambs) may never suiter from lack ofprojier nourishment. Thn uiiliimls to ill

must 1st cup.iblo of feislliig mnl ,w.slmlliithig fiHslwell, mnl ouo with largoabdonihiui isiclly w ill usually liulloalulliOMt iiualllHM. llioowiw ahotilil Isi si'paratnl from suellhig lamlis by lliiflst

j 11110 am, annum 1st kept 111 ggrowing eoiiillllon, Thn early springlaino muse ihi woatusi early, nun a llli

grain diet may 1st uisHwaury. VeryfroiincntiythorigliCkiiiilnf uwoaforhot--housu htiiilM have hnnbs with thoin at

tlmothoy ore wlu lisl for litis iiu)s.r- -

taut work. They must Is) kcjit so thatthey will drop their young laiuls, hy Do-- 1

comber or January, nnd If thn springhuiilM nro suckling them all through I hitimimiier tho mothers will 1st In 110 0011-- .

Ion for their w Inter work.Tho mm kIioiiIiIIjo turned willi tho

ewes thus) selected about Iho 1st of An- -

gust, anil any negleot to do this limyluako qnllon illireienei) In thn priced oh- -tallied. A iltlrorcncu of 1, few weeks III

selling tlmo frequently niaViM 11 dlf- -

fereiiconf if I to f H ill lint prices, TimMei Inn ewes 11111I.0 iilsnitns lliiniiiolherH

hothoiisn lamlis us liny Hint 11 dealersecurn, and if Ihey hihmss Iho (sir- -

ucuuir qii.iiiuca meinionei, nisivo nun11 gissl show of succc,

It la ubmntillniisseiitliil lliat thn primfood for tho winter feeling nf Hikmi

owc.iihouM Isjriilsisl, mnl Iho prepara.tlou for tins iiuiht l.igli, this spring,They require roils nnd tnivnleiit f'l illiho winter. Turiiljis urn fissl forthem andean bo given regularly throughIho l.uubhig iierksl. Duels uiunlwi it linoiiuoculeiit fissl for (hep, lu Uui winter,

Is) given uloug with oilier. fissU, Hgooil tsxiiiomy to rulxi Isilh of I lies., .

roots fur I ho ewes If, !

rulsn winter huiilM. Hll.igo Is a doubt- -

fnl food for lambing nwin and even forIho mother whilu tho young nro suck- -'

ling, li 1. Smith lu Aiiiorleuii Cultivator,

CIJru!.l. Sl.rr.There have Us u is tier Clyiles,na

dams tliau tho 0110 ill this pktllliij but,so, they urn not known to fumo, A

luaro that, after a ciinsirnf fisillsmrllig,


can cximo out shajiely and syiinuef rlcalaj this ouo ami win prim) uyeryv)u.TUshe Is shown Is soiuellilug UMoouimun,

Tub, mare Is owned 111 th norlhww.tand Isjlougs iwrhaist t Iho nt ImumuClydowUbi family lu Amerh'a. Sl (4 su,

noar tbe modol for llils hru.l as 101 wi.raal can lx. )Ur mIM, epfrllisj e;e,small, alert ears aud hruhiy Uv lu4stamp her at onus an ilug high In- -

telllg.ivu. H she lias, mn-ug- .11'ddranos, aoundueas Mid spirit sk outall oyer tier.

I logs lliat vallmy lu urM puddhssrbeunutbiin. Then their legs taemcrainpy and mx lo th totuvh.

If To llr fwrMir.Th.ii.ln from fllubthurwIsirrygrMit,

An sn.ll.4it .ootUallou la a Ibltk ISUtAI

of common tsklog ) uUuw) Hbu lr ,imut Oil a IfLOC. M IWU if Pton, .nd bound cu lbs part, Tbla nm tkept wet by siuxlug stabrr 111 II ff'XM

njjotigo or rwtu uniii ivvn.tu imtA thick noatlDgM rtsrcli uiimsus

lustAsvlof b tod, UmM (I'M If HUb

b. .ppilnl If lb .klu is lok. Im I Lbcaw t Is UUlt I to IU u"Uur, rl M

pre,airatluu isHiUlolug 4rtll ntM.II lue air ls. twsu7 .a,ww.

burn, lu. paw urM.iu.l.H.i.. 1m.uO, IV uiekAid u)A UuPVM

aUorbol lib WuWIiWw. tiild.-I-lb. tiotbU-- suJlwr.. WU

I.. u I. -- I.IMJl.l L .SU( A.H.JSWAW tmpsUbwiuf ialfflslMUl )UMAfwanu sw

it Leu I1JAI viivrj ,wa Mill Ut ivo'susl auul nvtrAUtruu) L.1,1. Ilrl .Loubi be lo (MilIreudlie tut mi If nn, w vtljljjVaidiuaAuuilI lb iduotur swmm,

lu Uirus (row a frwg swM b inn.ould is SXrrod liii Atr li.iJWv4

acid. Hv false buuJ4 in H4 A4tUOlUlO UT Ml ppUoAtIi.V- - IASSAAAVISsW

ussi LrtuiiAtd A.O.

Wbeu LU lami lUueu (CaUAsat aUMssltt- -

coterisg tww lU rtUtU U imp fsjulnst ey uwivijUt twit, fsumir


Tb Uttn Mivwtr" UvrtuMUtShnmit t tU,vK im)t

vshivh tw u tov,m


Implements and Tools,Miscellaneous Hardware,


AWN MOWKKS 'iiav ppTTIMtuJ.A ... . .vvj IllU.t.S,I'AMII.Y (iKI.N'U


' v"""." sjiFtttj

CUUKNS,CAUP A.NI.IIS,ni,,ciM itii's



KTCj IItc.

,vono;,-iii,i- ni, mi, mwaIn any uirt of th Pltj at t VI i lit

jr C.t, 0, II, , , , , ,

Castle & Cooke, Ltd, iIMPORTERS,

Hardware and General Mcrclinndlsr.

r.o.nltatiio Ltfo Aunnncn Society

nr dim Unitmi HfATi's,

ra llmlr nw Tuiltll.a l.laiiin h.llil,lititHhnva 1'

in Im l mi uf pi lUAHltt iHtli

liwna Hiitl i A In.Vn,M" 'l,,,',l,l"'MtlMl III iff irittio.


iiiiiici: !,(iiT,iii(inT,usnfralli.sstr fi,r, Sllsll


NotaryJPubllc.Itillmilr hIIhiiiIuii an,siill.ranlloii giinrniilwil, i,who ilcsfru i ,,,,,, ,

..t coiiiii. ,iljiitp,i or Colliini

HHcoiiDs siililciiKi) .Hy n ex'wfeiu't'ti ym,

nrrllH WITH

Tim Hawaiian iBruiuiilhum, m;m; and hhnh,and 15 KAAJMMANl tW,

TcbwiKwg tm, ,,,,,,

WHAT?JJOVlll'. Kfl A

Ukytk Tn

YET IVt'liat m ymi iWik ofIWain your ytm nioUii f


s- -



Wmt ii(4 you ( (


STONCY'f,m your wr

7f; ym &i MiWAUwe H)4 (hnVfniUing, ,,,,,,

" sr

41,t VOW fJVMt,



Page 2: THE HAWAIIAN...gatpa, llonduias, say: A suspi-cious brig entiling off Atuapala was thought to have 011 lioard an expe-dition organized lo aid V.nqucz. An investigation was made, and


11l ''

taw. VLY

rln i. no!

f, 1Mill

eoouKa .jar TTO

.Bt at fBatBaWe frsndw Blld (V- -

4bo t llmft aato the contract a

SSi nnin'---"''- BMIrt

Ah --' - Am uses i

jjgj 1, trifle? ! ab

i it i trifle lb"I of aWVN orIs it tru.e

u be whatto Mkt tnrtri'

a Irate HMt lb

i rcftaac to otfcr an

llq vri:i do anything: am valuable codocsmoc

the ftWMKtt "Bt aa

b it tfMc tbatwll- -

"itaam to deal in

and awmme

hoodwink a jWjlt ro in

la tt UiaV that a yni to evMenca: an

'tafcfMM' haa the aaaurance to d- -

tVfty-ya- ar blanket Iran, Mt oaijr without price, but

that aggregate aKu, tbeaaas

, and a newspaper thattbat they jut laj.

r to the community.want an. electric taaV

'tmymmi U tbene "prorootera" tmI U they ihotSM ceaac wear

mlaw attctapt at anarp VYI try oven tirneaa.

T5W aaya the okjectiona of

if and Ha conatttiKiicy toare "founded on

W teapectfully auhmit

flMfHTuia for a charter ia

wtsd" and challengeI WthtaUtMBcnt. Toe

organ also remark1 ia aopk bare "been dubbed

oombi nation littletats kmcof confidence men.

liatfea Stmt Intimation of tbiai whtvr aeefl in print.

A huff deapatcb quotes thefar (UrmUr as aflyioff O.aeeo

ihMdci Bell Smith a aitn&fyfMit portrait. Her Majeaty111 MpMr m hmtoTK pictvrevriffviiUnt her in the tut of nlac- -

i wTUi upon the coffin of Sir'rhOBMiaon, the late Canadian

-fytm oeelojicd a very

incUftation, both iu SouthHortea mtd the (Jaited StaUn to

f6r ihv raiiaWa aa againal theT4trSM ane). Btveral promt

p inm Uelare that the Panamaneat to tnocfc inorr ftmrnWe and

fli'tbt! vrotk already accompliiih- -

lav h eqowrattvcly imall

im W. 1'oaTBK has arrived in

llllliKli'ii from the Orient. Into iltqairiea Mr. FcwUr

rlii A ataiMusit in wbich he aaiil

cit tvt good reaaon to exN.tJn'ltlliwll mace between (airuiif djlta M 'lie rcauH of the treaty

llfftWiacefcl. The treaty lia

tl oUaaryed and earned out byi will) HcriltKiloua faith, llc--r

ill tbla reajiect ha createdfavorable iiupreitinoi) m

flgrueuidlit to iwiiie tliej,ooo, 4 vt cent, gold loan

Uilna tinder a Uuimian xuar- -

r'wMMgnedat St. Peier'aburgIf'Jfitll fnt. The repreaenla- -

if lx l'rciich and four Ru- -

'AtiVu mill 111 ih.nltmtttitiartettifc Cllllltf e Covcrumeiit auDcud- -

'.'ilidf slgnaturca to the docu- -

ji wllloll provide tbat the loanfit 1)0 redeemed or oouverteil

; II irlod of ixty-i- x yearn.I )HU flurrcd not to Iwue anyinuciit Kiiarnuteed gold loans'i nftor Tnmi.iry is. iHoO

tlcfK nrtt Hint tint loan U aecur.Iron tliu ctmtoma revanuctof tl;a

lticiitVi,tiorti) of China, ant It liaspureed mat In tlie event of

Inn fnllim' to nmkc tiaymenu,)Iiq rlo(Is mlriiilateu by

int of tho loan, Ittuwla willlliu rmpoutlblllty of meet'


Illl'iil. kl'IIIISIK.

NilKKUll ('tililiiiluliiii!'! Ileurfr 1

Hull Mr lluino.

itw Vokk, July 7. A cablelaJ(Jo tic It'orJ from Colon

s'llic Nicaragua Canal Com- -

iluilvi will Irave here on the(LHlnli.-i- i war idiln Mcniiyoin.

SHiVHay il will be decliltdJutlllnir lioiiio whether thu

Ttimke n rviiort on tlie l'mnt'iiacniiaror not, i uv toon rrewaenttlilfik'i It'lii a pity that in theAt'ofilhulirilltcrt HlnUs i ml comiiiwcojiilipnKrei il not kvv in

(jSyitrijclioiiii for a i;Hjit ()ii the I'un-

TaVaii)" iijcnnujyiiicii m jinruy iiiiinnen,llru'Mhortcr nnilc, uml to costrihuiilthe.Nlcnrftjjiiq canal.

Mr $ rU-Ti-

Ji-i'i- nf iag fitr Ui

trVeWrfa fdUiili f JJy, wliifliia tm 4mn lat-- r Utnu

eml Hawwiinn rck-tmttii- w

Uy, omm Uk

tfcocrgktM aiKl cibiormiit U

mHare uptrniiiaof 5ntre?tinMBtnitri(. France is n sanwi-liuMa- J

(Mttntv at the mute timeon of the nwiet ctili);htuiH'il

in! rpfinml of the ctirtli.Krciii liiiifti Kit- icorMtine Doitio-pthUai-

Umig iitittiVrivt' rtisliinto any hy that toiu-li- i

tJn-i- r ciuntiima. I jifnyutto'saaeiataitw U tlie culnnies nfl

the UuiUt Htatea wm n )x!r-in- a)

cnttfpriiH', but it fi)rgcdnn crcrbuitin InmhI of frittnd-Ji- p

bvtw.en the two comi-trirt- i.

The first Frunclitnunwho cMleavorvtl to ostalilislitlitiiteelvt'M ou Uioo islaiulH

tuvt with a reliuH' wliich !h in

RtranKv contrast to their ut--tb-- l and ititluuiithl Nt.sitinn oft xiay. Paris ami Fnuice li.iveiorniaheu more inatorial tobiaturtana tltaii nny otliur citat cuaiitry. une eeniuturv inParia contains the reiiiains of1,W0 victims of tin- - roiKii ofterror. Iu Honolulu recently

3crgyiiUHi i invited a liutinessman to visit eliurch, Baying"vrt are having quite a revivalnow." The wayfarer replied,"I am worry, but I have notitnf now for this Napoleon1rtwine8." The little corporalia the most talked of man to- -

day. The nevro&t work onNajwtii'on aa a warrior is bylsrA WfMlaley and that

Hwdier wtys thoOrrsican lust at A aterlooherauie ftir oouie reason howa in a lethai-gi- Htatc. Themoral in tliat you must neverallow youtuclfto get that tired

Ihe Australia tn itiLifi us another invoice of the famousMonarch bicycles, and thosew ho liave ordered them will beluude hawiy. TJio jvheelinakin rreat strides in popularity. in the States, andjudgnig Iniin the number sola lierit is takinr; a lii"h rank i

favor among lovors of bicycleson tho island!). For a newwheel to bo placed in n nmrkeitlongMiiiu so ninny wheels i

Mjpiilur make and of cstahlislcA nii.rit, ntid become iu sshort a time so well liked, itfturoly lnuat lie a first classi midline. AVhat other bicycleluu ever jumped inti favorlikf the Munnreli ? Wo areproud of the record and saythat we feel sure that beforeJanuary i, 18!fi, there will heluu loniiri'Ji bicycles in useon the Hawaiian Islands.

Many riders want a wheethat will stand hard wear amnot hreuK down by KiiocKint;nix iiit the streets and roili'lloads. We think the JIoiiarch caii stand as much of thisas any wheel built.

I lie lotifr distanco rider, Air.A. J5. liurncs, now hero on theJtithft, rode from Toledo,Ohio, to San Francisco, t'oinj',tiirouglt the roughest ofex-jioriene-

riding through thodry and desert region of thonoiitiieru t'ncilie route, encountering Hand storms andtlie hot dry nir that nro most

on such a machine as abicycle. Tho wheel stood thoteat. It was a Mo.vaiicii. Ifuiiclj a wheel can do tlmt niuclit U good enough for tho roughriding on thoso islands. Wooxpuct Mr. I . J King, Jr., onthe Australia, who will takoclinrue of the bicycle departmont jn our storo and he willbo pleithod to explain to younil about the Monnieh,



in? Pun Kirrct

H r4ti i lw fa tar.It i. 1 .1 itlWf

M x1 .4 ik too

M em h4.H( m iiHi't n) raif ri. at

i.. iHI.4 M Ik M rat Im lk(Mm hwU HwnWi at . iN

4ar UMl taa4 at ( " nt IdllotntKta Watw W.. n Km- - 11

4 ialy, IWa.

AH M4i l(M (iwilim n'M f.lafWcii day aftw Mwe m 4 will I

ahawt to mi lK4tl t r vmh.

r miuMhiI 0k oHli'r of thnxU ht lh Knnalwi llurMiiic.


at. Honolulu Wnlrr XtU.



In lb futtn nf a Piwlnl tlanl.yr ftililr on oiu1 nlr nnl itiitic I

-- ill limit iii io ,.m,,which Hill I'rotcllint


DICTIONARY?l.ouU tit In the mM-ilo- ii of cvry

vdncvtil fiitnily In the orld.


On account ol K0ng into OtherBusiness

Tlie Celebrated HACK


X. II. J31515Is lor sale on reasonable terms.


In ilecoratite art wotk that are notonly ornamental, but inieful.

Hare you been lo Ihe NHW Itnl'Ult- -LIO IIUILDINO to see the new ttockof I'uiif')', lecornl It e unit .V el't) tiixtita. l)o not mina th!a oirtuulty m It may not occur 0;aln.




It now prejiarcJ lo stll

Gcffee and Fr it LandIN

KHAAIJ, Inlaiul of Huunll,In LrU to fuit PurchaBera.

1'iirliee de iring to Lm hud i ai do hujuin tbu

Pyl'K for Famti ia jiionilil- UiUVmer.t

Ctilt anl examh'u the map of tltal"1 fnr rutle.

F-- I i m opljni f i:f omen or ivo i;. in.Mny, Knvvi.t .1

Jomu yecrtntf, Ii. tho?akj5 nnposiTcoMPAffysoi tiok

4(W FiKTtSTKKliT. I ItlNOtX'Ut.

Oceanic Steamship Co,

ADstrali'.n Kali Service.

Ftp Sydney and

Tin Now in J 1 'ins At Steel

"ALAMEDA"Of (I O.vinlcHtenmslirp CoitipriDV w 111

ik duo nt uonoiuiu iron. an iraucit-c- on or nbout

Ausust 1stAmi will leave for tlie attove or h ulthM iil nii'l on or uUnit Unawho, ,

For Saa Francisco:

Tli Now nm Fin At Steel fct Mtuihliip

"MONOWAI"Of lltH OeefinlofSteainNhlpCuiniiiny wiltlutliiu at Honolulu from ty'tiuey itndAiiCatlttnd on or Unit

August 2 2d,nl id will lutvo prompt tkunitcli withMailt nmJ 1'arnengera for llitt altoro port.

Tlio tinlerlfioel nro nowpreprillo iaauo

Tiiroiigli 'IIAels lo all Poiuts In tbe

tlmtcfl States.

For further iiAitlciilniHFieiuht or P.tftHiit't. npp'y to

Wm.G. Irwin &0o.,L'd,OKNKUAt, AIIENTH.

Tho mont uablo collection of com.meiiilalilo lirlncliilea ciiliiilnateil byaclenco ami experience, over exhibitedIn thla or any other country are to belouiid iu the

RAMBLERKvery tmrt o( a Humbler Bicycle, ia

uianiifactureil by Oormiilly A Jeffrey attheir factory, Chicago, and are notbought from different makers nil overthe country who make, bicycle porta bytliu tlioiinandi am) cell them by tho ton.

Intending purchtuer will do well tothink ovtr ttila and btmard of the freakbicycle with one maker' tires and another maker's saddle and another's ham)die bars and pedals, etc., and brand it nalow grade iu splto of tho fact that thedenier la asking a high grade price for It.Jlclorc purchasing a wheel consult tliuexperienced riders of tho differcntmukeaid wheels in town ami got their opinion,they arc the ones that know a thing ortwo ulioutwhcela.

Hainhlcr bicycles are all one qualityand all one price, and the price ia veryIII lie moro than they are asking forsecond grade wheels In town,

And when you take lulo considerationthat you can havo your Hauihler Urea(llteil with I'nncliire I'roof Armor Iwforoleaving the shop without extra coat itnit nns a big Hiving In time, lubor andmoney.

I.ach ftainhler bicycle hna a guaranteethat means Just what It futys and we arehero to back it up.

u trnublo to show goods.


(BIB flOTMUH 81'Alt TUBBO.W oimi i vui.i.

hMfmNiuaitut iHurt.ntAL-I-bimkH mtnf

tht hil (hi Hal (ti 1iteV4H 4 (h (I'M HMt l.r IK lilt.

UK l ih-- thl iat-1- ha

AmiiIim Ik MltmlH 11.IWtlrlllh,,lltfi(Nlllll,,

In TkiOMntr tWlll lMlntrtllHlhll Millill(ni, III Wlilrll KdlntommlMlMy irHiltm fml wtti i Idn MihfiillH( IWnnHT HIiMtifl OiD do

i Oh. InlllA nt llltiillAt mly iln IrKn llm ontirllct

wltMi H In will" tli tflr nf Jibuilna.Ilio tlrl flrn rrnilml Wiw littn IK

Antlilmi left mid the l"renrli i lM atM MmW. tmt It nuliklr iiond alimctlievlmlA line an fur Citlmi 1'iir

nue tlinK the Atmlrlntu liml t lio mltiui.Inir. niiil tlie nnlt wrn In nnitw,Inm tho I'ntifli left, nl liirrllin, .vlfM-n- l

ftir an tnilnitt iilalijihl (ifIlia main Antr!ii army itiaite In

with Alflnrry' flrit iln,ami, nl lie ihimiI, uikhi an Inferiorform liy rue vmtlr ni'ilirlii iiniiibrrK.lU'tllili r. who liy bin rnltn nnirnuo wanfivt rlMnir hlftli tn hit cotninwilcr'nitvor. mnio lo the twin, mid MnnHenn,

fnll.iwlnn with n Judgment which hasliiwiKiralily llulnl hi nawo Willi thatfatumu fjiot, fltially rmttirrd onlrr lo.. . . .. .,.,vcharRO of Ilio AtilrlniM wan irimllwllh n violrum which llirew lliclr rlglitmid crntiT bnok tmvnrtl Munto ltaldo Inever growing ronfiirlon.

Tho lulllo wnfd for nearly thrrahimni ln'foro Atvlncxy nndcrFtnoil HintIt waa not Jonliort'a division, hut lkmn.IKtrto's nrmy, w hlch wan aliuro him. hihl rxtl ho then iirctwd forward ou Iholilntcau liaimth tho height to bringmoro of hia troDim Into action, mid Jonlicit somewhat rnnhly advanced to checktho movement, leaving tho road to St.Mark nnprotoctcd Tlio Anatrians.prompt totukendvnutaceof hia blunder.elmrtretl up tho hill, mid wizul the

position, hut almultmicouslythere ninhettfromthoopposltoaldo threorrcndi uuttnliona, elamtx?rinK up to rotrievo tho niiatnko. Their physicalttrensth nud nerrooa activity broughttheiu fin.t to tho top, and again th.storming columns were tnrowu Uaclc tudiaordcr.

At that Instant apixniYcd In Bona- -

jiarto'a rear an Auittriiiu corpa estimatedby him as 4,000 alroii!?, which, havingcomo down tho valley ou tho loft bank,uml uowcroaaod tlio river to tako tho1 right at nivoll in ita Ilmlthey arrived but a minute sooner the '


hill Illvo'.l would havo Invn lost to i9t. Thai the ndcon ia tnjtind ipiea-th- o

Frcncli. As it was, instead of mnk- - Hon the butt - lieel on tlie'niarket.lug nn nttack, they bad to await one, I Slid, ltaella for a lower price th.inUonaiarto directed a galling nrtillcry "ny "tber IiIrIi giado heel.flrongiiiut thcin. and thua gained time rd. It runa than any otherboth to reform hia routs mid hold tho ,,vlnR lft" l'"t!f friction leaa.

iieweomera. in check until 1,1s own ro- - JUTwS'.'lo IZtlZXlwrvo. coining in from tho next hmnlet no on ,, ncc0111,t, wo ill give youwestward, cut thorn jff from 'eutirely nny reasonable t, nns you may tlealru.tho retreating columns of Ah iuczy, mid ,

compelled them to luy down their arms. jt VESTaThus ended the worst defeat and most

comnloto rout which tho Austrian arms ' H"10 A?ut .tor 1 a,tu" "'eycliM. Ila- -

had no tar auatainotl. Such wns tho ntter demornlizatiou of the flying nud dfaintegrated columns that n young Frenchofliccr named Rene, who wns iu d

of TiO men nt n hamlot on LakeGarda.Buocehsf ully Imitated Bonaparte'srure at bounto, mid displayod Mick animposing eonfideuco to a flying troop of1,GU0 Anstriuua that they Bunenderodto what they believed to bo a force

to their own. Next moruiug attlawu Murat, who had marched all night jto gain tho imbit, upjicaredon tbe slopesof Mnuto Ualdo above tho papa of Coro- -'

na, and miileil with MusMna and Jon-- 1

ncrt to clrho tho Austrians from theirlast foothold. The pursuit was contin-ued ns far as Trent. Thirteen thousand

were captured iu those two 'days. .

This khort camiaigu of Iiiroli wastho tumin i!ut of tho war, nud maybe Baid to liave hkapml tho history ofEuro! for 20 )ears. Clironiclcra dwellupon those few moments nt tho billabove tho plateau of Rivoli, nnd wonderwhat tho roralr would havo been If thohut Ani.triau corps liail nrrived livolnlnu'.c.i lAjouer. Hut an nccurato nndtlinimionuto criticism muatdicido thnt j

every fcteji in ioiuip:irto'a gucvos3 wuanuu t;, t'aixiut luietliuillll. unit lilumoi-- t eiTei-tiv- ibiijioiiitioii of tjiont h'-- command. Im kiisi wna be of fcuC'

ce.H that own iu tho crises when Mas..nt, . f ....... tl.a ll.n lftI'liil when thn AnMlrlnns Reinnl ilevtliitlto wieH victory from defeat nt tlio last i

moment on tho right, be wns fcelf relinutmid cheerfnl. system of fioldopurntion h.idu triumphmit vindicationat tho hands of ita uuthor.

Tho conquering general motcdoutprniHO to liia inviucllile aqund-roil- s

mid their lenders, but said nothiimof liimaeb, leaving the world to judgewnetner mis was mau or aomon v ho.fctill u youlli, mid within a public careerof hut ouo reason, had humiliated thoproudost cinpiio on tho continent, hndfenbiluisl Italy and ou her soil hnd crcntoil ktatm unknown before witliout theeouMeut of miy great power, not except'iug his own. It is not wonderful thatthis iiersnnngo should sometimes haveeald of himself, "Hay that my life began nt Itivoli," as at other times hodated lira military career from Toulon.

Whom?"Ye, "eald tho practical politician.

"it is true that I have made $200,000iu tho last ten years, hut I worked forit."

"Of course you did," replied tho el- -

grammatical, if ungramniatlcal, lawyer,"hut iho question tho iwoplo are askingeach other now is, 'Whodidyou workf' "

aoinervillo (Moss.) Journal.

Alum us n medicine bos been in common umi for nearly B00 years. It isfound in many quarters of the world,nnd Kevernl vuriotiea nro known to com-merce

Portugal is a corruption of Porte Cale,tho Roman name of the town of Oporto.

Th Hotel Clerk.Did you ever think whv everr hot! nf.

ilea faces tbe eutrauoef" ouerltil it,ii.clerk for tbe rcceptlonof gueata. "Well, ithurt mere accident, 1 nusure jou, hut themain idea of the arrancrflncut la tn trlvnumple opportunity for the Clerk toatudytbe peoplo bo come into the house. Kverystruuger la an underatudy, nud to makeJust one ml.Uike In 'alziug' him up mightmean serious trouble. There is tbe manwho fcbould not he trusted far A rnnm If I.ais without a truuk.

"Then there la another who can atnnd'double ratea for the reoma and la aura towant u uuiu, 1, lie unollic r will ucerislito bother with audi luvntorv iioin,i'nn ,,1.can only he found in n tub, There, ia tinman whu wunta the cbeujieat room In tliebouse nud ia willing tu put up with nnuoy.ancetogetit. Aliotherbiu alkerarvi.,.aud will Irani gua with nu open lmuj, nudyou want to get hhn In n room with butone jet,

Ml these peeul iiritics the clerk la imn.poaed to div luu. uml In order In ,1,. I, 0.0sight' hewuuts tn get a view of tboguealuuui wu lime ue enters tbe door till he 'rencnea tue couutur, j0r you can tell char-acter hy a man', awing or appearance u lit.tla way off that could nut ao well bo detect-e-

when ha la within u foot of you. 'Takesbrains to be hehlud aileakl' Well, I Juattell you, j 011 have it uow. It does takebiiilm, nud not alone a diamond ablrtpiu,

uuovi'uwviuabcu people uunavWashington Kewa,

a v amou. noiu aiiccl.On the 16th of Anauat. 181111. n mnt.ater

pieo ui goiu wus insen from tho MuuuBieutal mine, noar Sierra Uuttm Tl,,.giant nugget wciahod 1.500 trov rill li.. u

' wiw eaumuicu to uo worthThe inlno wu ownwl by Wiiliaui A. I'nrrUh & Co. Tho nugget was uflerwardold to It. B.Woodward of San Frauclseo

for $31,630.63, and woa placed on eihlhltion nt tho famous Woodward gardeua

fit Louis Republic.

Concent rat Ion,

Tatrruu!lusiNkaoiis thing- - In life, and tratone.

May btijw to aeMm. It Ur foreHlf l dona,llut ha wbo accka &11 thlnm u livt nu..Only reaiai from II,. liopuKliUb nroiuid

1. aowa

. i. 'i?Ii1'r?Hri!i.

thki ( rita,

In Ih fitthat trait' ii in th in I IHij.1'.- - IlII' I'm Ilk) Milt ih I. .1 mi Hi 4m.II tli--H (Mint Mill,, ml . lain.

m.(ifrli-,Rhii- - ik.,(M 4roliHKrt lapmlurwrf Ii kikhhI-h- h

tml Ik It, Vok V .mt.wl'i Him ii. i I", iniil uliilr

mmt. a l.,.ii i.i-ll- f..tHit ii l.rxv ..( tt hiiii Irriwtlhii i i Mr lni ' -l III

III I li N"llln 1 n.HllittlM dfIII! IK'MIM . ntlW thtltlMIHlhi iii Hwtmiiini ifiiialdcrnliDM111 i .ix Mttrii i II (iirtr it-1'iiian i't"Kiiii ti Ii (wn liaviimi In ii m imti'in.-iM- tiirtr eutala.

(t-- n i ii lie ina t li allflfrllittfamlb Ih eani. lr Atiirln lii(inn) ' i Mtle, and IiH'Ii hedt-irrr-

tn 1. . Alih i ti. nilsuriKlrjfl irt mil r .i I ii tiiittittlcl 111 (tin tlonnlulii .i).L tli arniiiiiTii nrr iii mmi .1 in ot Aiii'ti-''"i-

IhtI iirih hi,).. - RIH.I- -. NiHoiilj tlii. iu i vanv w i 1. in aeooM-rME- i

iiv ma Vot M iM'rioiimi.xulllfSt' IIUHMI.( Mill llB VMAIlIII adiliunn in ha hluli t i n tiieeluiniral iHili-ilii- n lh f'ali.n lahrfariht- -

tiMininu tnaviiii.. in in inurkit.We link.. Ihl. Mit i foatli! air.kiiiiwiiig hereof e Mie Ihla fm-on-

In lhi f'nlei'li In.- - I mi tiruiixlilabout hy a reduction of l.ii llnti Ic thelunrrt ..i.itil., iilnt. In other

(In. 1hmIii-- s nre romlimtp.1llh lllteen balla, mIiiIc in III.

ralcnii ther nio only nine. In IheI'alcon the an mi ixinHtuf le.1that the iKitla Iihtv iiiilr two mlnla nlcontact in tln-l- r track, while In moflother iiiarhlni them hi foul. Iu allmachine rnrli hill will tnucli at livepniiils in one rvvolullnn of Itaelf.

A whwl wllh lirieeii lutlla Iii eachUarlnu haa llnref"li 75 linlnla of ftlnt.on in iH'tforiniinr one ruv.ilinliiu on ita

il.V.t ,1?,"lF",Ur,nnine lutlla i'''lnK",

quenily but 45 iinl of filellon, ur ,

I oinln 1. in eni li hearing than othermachine's. Summed up brlellv, in niliiiachines Ihere nre aix axle lienrihga.

Tako u wheeluf niiolhcr make, aixwaring each coiitainiiig .l.i halls, nndii liinlBiif rnnleet each bcnilng... 110

'Ihe Fnlcon. tix lienriucrs uml 4.1

polntaof coulncteacli bearing SX

ihuaniaklnc a aavlng ol IH)pointa nf frietiun In favor nf the Fllletmmer other midlines.

Th ia ii not all, hut then we cannot tellfu everything in an article of tlilaJy'"'; , " k r'Ui to call mid examine., , ' :

hV" P'.J f. "f ",'..?r",8 i"c:.i,iK WB wnll, 1H,I11 'v,m hriellv:

wniian Islands.Masonic building, Honolulu,

"THE modern standard Family

Cough Medicine


coughs and colds

that harass hu--inanity. . . .

'Putnam's !:

Cherry One Dose' Relieves;

ia SeveralCough CURE,


nn ft r0 ocutH.

Iron as amedicine

for men, women and childrenis indisputably the best tonic.But it has its disadvantage'sits unpleasant elTects. That the forms in which ilusuaity prepared. It causesconstipation, discolors the teetli( great objection). Conse-quently it makes enemies outof its friends. There is, in fact,1. .out one preparation ol ironwhich is free from' any objectionable results. This valtiable remedy is

RrowrTsfron gitterswhich can be taken bv theyoungest child with impunityIt is the besr strengtheningmedicine for all ages. Incases of malaria, weak-ness, Imv fever, springfever, overwork, its

effects are wonderful. It rebuilds, thesystem and 'en-

riches thoblood.

a r.w aoTTica or rma nsrj.oT nearoatHC.L'H, aiNO C01.0TOTtlf'CH..K, ANDeracNoTH To thi Moactca. it 13

aa All .rrcTir-n- . won't utainTH T.rTH.

But ret t!,e geuulhc t.rliftartrir s5."j.":it spam nil;,!ui,i" Imltntions.



Try the

"Star" F.lectric Worfc

M ':, pint Printing,


llinls nml flowers themishit; ami cnrinj; lor llicse arctwo of tlie most pleasant ims

titui. The care of hinls Is

what we wish lo speak about.

A bird in prison is not likeone nt liberty, ami yon mightto make its home as pleasantns yon can. We bnvc tlie

homes all soils for all kindsof birds. We liave nl most every

cntutivablc style, and you can

pay for your caj;e all the way

from 75c. to ifS.oo..Siipiiiiiitil, 'Jl -- lyIti-n- Ul "l'nrril (I "Itrccillng tl "

Make your bird happy and lie

will sing for you ail day long(if lie is that kind of bird)

E. 0. HALL & SON.

ii! health givessYay to


V 1 1 11 11 1 1

ters 1

Caught inThe temptation was too great.

extremes to

b. O. AIIMW.

All or Shingle),

uur is

Office, StreU,nn.




II l (rant I (Hy, hll H ItrM

Rrteltience t4i)M;rtytBulldlniC Lots,

AefcKe t'foiwirlyiIf )nu ht til , , .


fall nn me. If I hanii'l yentanl I Hill irr and find It, I ihiw bie

de mi l Ibitiar ami lails Hf,'for Hale and llrnt.

KKgUlltl or

c. D, CHASE,Safa l.tWIng,

Tel 181, 4fM t)UT BTItKin

JOHN PHILLIPSUna remnttsl Ms l'liiniblng!tnl,lbhmriit to ,' , .

HOTEL STREET,next to Hot lis bakery,

ho will be pleased Ine Ida old pit ions nnd the

pul, lie generally.BSMf




Benson, iitl k Go.


the Act.PeopIo aro resortint' . to



eerless Preserving Paint GoMANUKAtTUItHnS AND DEALKKH IN

FIRE, RUST, DECAY AND WATERPROOF PAINT,Warranted not to ("rnck or Run, caused by Heat,Moisture or llain. . ,

Old Roofs Made As Good As- - New.Ituofs (Tin, lletnl

ritntss rami

Eust or

mum an Iron, Steel, Etc.and on all Work Given Freo of

bet. Kurt






Guaranteed against leakage.

villus", StltA-orJs-,

JJridges, J'osts,Enamlnotlons Estimates Charge.



JSsfieaalv Made for Old and A'm,

and Dethel, - Honolulu, H. 1

. WALTON. MamnKftr.

Ranges, ChilledIron Cooking Stoves.HOUSEKEEPING; GOODS:

Agate V tire (White, Gray and Nickel-plated- , PumpsWater and Son I'ipes, Water Closets and Urinals, RubberHose, and Lawn Sprinklers, Dath Tubs ud Steel Sinks,O. S. Gutteib and Leaders, Shee'. Iron Copper, Zincand Lead, Leaa fipe and Pipe Fittings.

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet IronWork.


,1 iTaTWHtrWWWWtl.'"

Seientifle SuspendeFS jA MUCH NEEDED REFORM.


I'opnlnt for full ilrcss wear because llicy cannot crease theslilrl bosom, and the si in pi me never seen.

No (IrnnKiiiK i Ibu slioulilers.

The trousers keep llicir stiape because- - they arcwicvcrfpTillcd

tip from tlio shoe nml Iheie is no strain on the bands. No sewedjoints lo come apart. ...........

To Wear Thorn ia to Liko Them.


IN -


rolinnt cixxtl Kurt Ntreeta.





CIGrAKiS . ... . ...AND


Havnun,Manilla,and Vera Cruz,Mexico, also fromHenry Clay andBock & Co., Limited.

Tobacco Everything

lMI'OUTRUS DIKECt of Pipes and Smokers Articles Ironr-

France and


li ilLE : .



Wo Import Cignre 'frotnlnil well known Flrat-Clo-


you can wish for.


Cords to Match.


Have an enormous sale in Canada and--":- r

the United States, and we predict the samefor them here They contain just the.;SStrengthening Qualities needed to counter- - ,'

act the enervating influence of this climate,For sale, wholesale and retail, by the "


.. JUST RECEIVEDPer S. S. Australia,A New Line of

Furniture CoveringsWith Gimps



PLAIN COTTON CREPES,. '.Kvinlng Shades,


... 1ao nt. oniy

, . , :


' '






WHITE COTTON GOODS Tr.Iteduced from 15o.'rayard.',;:!SSr

,. ;-- : : ttVr

b. b . EMLfiKS & CO.

Styles of FurnitureArO ftnnctatlflv f!hinvinav

a- - n v... . .iKw orueK. we nave a.t fNew;

Styles. We arc verylortiinate in having such .largeShow Windows, enablinir us to disnlav comb'leteSets. Rut all our Goods are notin the windows

- as you will "find ou i( you come inside


unaertolnjr nnd Smbelmera, .





Page 3: THE HAWAIIAN...gatpa, llonduias, say: A suspi-cious brig entiling off Atuapala was thought to have 011 lioard an expe-dition organized lo aid V.nqucz. An investigation was made, and

TWFtTO Tin; Hawaiian htah. timmday jui.v 4 h.i,',--

, " '" iiir !.."" 'mmme'mamwmwmmmmmmwmm- urn t miihmi, ir n rn Til i? cirvmie n.i..i i ... I iiitwi'viii i ii ii hhhiiii

Hi .. M.fiiiiiim ml


llfiiiOH WAKIM & CO,

art f.irl nwt, naf Klnf Hlrtwt.

IIll"fll 1irilM KINAIt AND I'llKDI.V svfAROU HIT KII I'lllM'.'ltTIIKAHtr'.I j ion.- III! l ll'ltHM VI HI I.Atl'IK llllimtNI mi l,nj road. r Attna.,fMl.mI.MHIt Wlill'ltMTV ! Nl'l'lNII KTIIKKT I

I' .lth T'Al It.! willM l t.r w.nlil. ntrr.


rollAcmi ivailtal llMrh,f mil,

f SIM IIKNT I IIO'IM C()TTlll! UK NI'IJ.I1 itt..l, Wtp.ft Milliard and

A llll.'B PI.AB1 TION AT KIMILAtirtmtalfilnf Slacrra,

A ICIIKS AT KU.tlll, KUITAIII.K KimKiraeninKt sun - A

1 l)T ON IJIIF.KN XTIIKI'T. lll'IIMIIItli.1 i IU Ti time-.- .


T TKvi mohkiits on kisiTmi-iTiikt- . I'""11C defiant sets of Imiid-miitl- e

,Y K'!'",l'iv'""''h'"" u r"r I'm harness from his shop court l'orl

A JJT WITH 1 MIUIK HOUIKlI'mlon Hud, ttwn

ITDtWK- - ln .WITH OlITTAtIK ANIIi itro iiiuu, cnmainiuf. I rr hi

ivauiti, yiju.


i.'MSBiipmntTiiN'iTV tint iionii uotki."J1 tnaa Rt WnliinK, Ilia lrrmlaafif otl,ti

A KISH IIRKIIIKNCK ON TIIK JUNCTIONIV of Thntntnn Avrnue. (IrpMi ntnl NwHired. Ilnnn vtry lance itil mm nrfnttlc,mnlKlnlnit nil Ihn Ulrl nnllAtr IntpiiMit- -

fnllrl Moiltfrtiiin'! tc. Will In boM forIrs Minn lURPiuiti value.

mult IIVI IIVT V.tlttkXItt u'rimvi.O Jienl Ho elftnlA,nt(ahlefori'tnreN.(l(KHlmnaifo in rear, rnco, ti j'.

,1 AOHK WITH NKW COTT'AOIE ANDI ullierbniminits in liailhi. rrlre fji.f.ll X lC, FKET ON ASYLUM HOAtl.1HI tieir lieAUtlfnl modern 9 mom limineliQil nlcel)' intd irlt Rroumiw. rrice, lta.Kl X IM KEEI' WITH NEWCOTTVOB9) on Younir Hlreet, rinir KeKinnknHtreet lileeljr Imitroveil lot r'ralt ireM, clciTice, lirju.

lNii cliarife for mtltlnii Decdi, &tort84ge,etc., In tra' iferiitif pruiicrir.

A'. II. PmiierlleM imeed In our liandi foreilin win receire iecial attention.


I' AM PBISPAUED TO MAKKot Title In a most thorough ami

rompleto manner, on nuort notice, and occu- -rnto iu every detail

K. W. MAKINNHV,319 Port Btreotw; O. Smltb'a offlcs.

A FUMIIRIIED COTTAOE AT WAIiL kiki Iwucb, Kuitablo for 8 eeiitlemeuAUUreM A. 11., HTAR UIIICO.

Iluriica Itlnlirr lVlililol.MAKEU CAN KINDA1IAP.NES3 on one of the other

lxuiuiu oy npjujin? at ine htak oince.

i'i:knaiCharles Scharf, the blind book- -

store man, is in town again.Miss Nickelsou lias joined the

staff of teachers at St. Andrew'sPriory.

Mrs. Win. A. Hanuigan arrivedon the Australia and is tlic guest ofol Mrs. (Jlias. Williams.

George H. Paris, manager of theHawaiian Gazette Co., is back Iroma business visit'to the States.

Sister Albertina of St. Andrew'sPriorv leaves for Kauai this even- -

jug for a three weeks visit with theIsenbergs.

T. V. King, who lis been attending Heald's Business College,returned .by the Australia. He is

son of Thos. J. King.

J. J. Williams, the photographer,was not benefited any by his visitto the Coast. He was at one timeseriously ill while away.

J. Horsburg, Assistant GeneralPassenger (Agent of the SouthernPacific Co.'i is on a visit to theParadise of the Pacific.

Mrs. W. N. Hannigan, wife olAssistant Steward Hannigan of theAustralia is on a visit to Honolulu.She' is the guest of Mrs. Chas.Williams. .

Willard B. Brown returned bythe Australia. He has been takinga course in Heald's Business Col-

lege and- - returns to - resume theposition of bookkeeper in the Ha-

waiian Gazette office.

J. H. Pierce of the New YorkTube Works, was a passenger bythe Australia, on a t o weeksvisit. Mr. Pierce who is acccom- -

pauied by his wife and daughter, ison his way to Yokahauia nudHong Kong.

Captaln'Nis'sen, of the barken-tin-

Mary Winkeluiau, arrived bythe ss. Australia Mrs Nisseu andfamily preceded the Captain bythree hours, haying arrived by thebarkentine, Irtugard, 'The CaptainIs well known here. '

, A New Cutler,

It will please all who wish fashionable suits of the best material to

knowthat H. S. Tregloan & Sonhave added the services of anewfirst-clas- s cutter, A man of taste and

. of experience. Mr. A., T. KingSv. will succeed Mr, J, D. Treglqau

Jswith 'he tape, chalk and shears and- Ull Will UC BUliaUCU. X.1CIV4M

f will take a much-neede- d rest.

A Oooil AppetiteAlways accompanies good health, aul anyabsence of appetite uan Indication of something wrong. The universal testimony givenpr uioEQ who nave uxea uooun ctarsapaniut,aa to its merlta In rektorinor the aoDetite. and I

for auy medicine. -... I

ttood'i Pills curea all liver ilia, UllloiuaeMJaundice, tndlgeatlon. nick headache. 1&V 4


RemcmhcrStovts Sold

.'."V, TUHDISVANT,?. o.Boi.m.

frwsMiiiaid 'lilPltil IHliiff

lxl ntmmi mik i.

What ll"kiiillrtlile VclMtfgool.

mot to kit iMir HrnMii AKiilxy, Arlington hWfc.

tllthe. crtde newlnn midlinemil mill C V. Stntdevatil

The m. AuatitlU litouelit a nullcmiMMlng ol ooj teller Ami 5911ptpCt,

A new wheel tecntd wanmade July j at Caulon, O. It Ii


II, Kerr Ii giving Hie greatbargain III dress good or everyiIcscrlitlon,

A New Vorlc professional In thedyeing line U now with Mcdtiros& Co., Arlington lllock.

Henry Jucn returned hy thelialtn

I1- -

irom tlic I'orclRtl olhcc.

A1. Chisholm H turning out

I,aillcchcmiici xo cents, ladleiveils to cents, ladles fine in ml In

underwear at cost, at Sachs' clear-ance rate.

A sleek-lookin- g bay mare wasbrought down by the Ausfalia forCharles David, The marc comesfrom racing stock.

Ladies wanting stylish hatswould well to inspect I,. II.Kerr's stock. He has all the latestfrom Loudon and l'nris.

If you want to buy, sell or ex-change stampi, go to JohnT. Brown,Arlington Block, Hotel street.Note change of address.

Best selection of men's half hosein town at Tinituons', WaringBlock. I'ast black, oneach pair. $2.40 per cfozen

T. J Tessett and Mrs. Ogilviehave water-colo- r uaiiitingsof islandscenery on exhibition in the PacificHardware Co. windows.

House keepers in search of tablelinen, napkins, towels or sheetingshould call at Sachs'. A big cut inprices during the clearance sale.

Highest cash price paid for Hawanau stamps. C. V. Stukdkvant.

I'ine pleasure boats for ladiesand gentlemen at the new Hawa-iian Boat House, foot of Richardstreet. Moonlight boating parties,etc

Mrs. R. I. Ogilvie will receivea limited number of pupils for instruction in drawing and out-doo- r

sketching. Apply Kilohana ArtLeague.

Brown & Kubey the wholesalenud retail dealers in watches,clocks, jewelry and plated goodsnave moved into the ArlingtonBlock, HoteLsttect.

James Keola is having newhouse built on Fort near Schoolstreet. It will be flmohed iu thecourse of few weeks, when Jimwill give housewarming.

The Hawaiian National baudis probably by thii time 011 its wayto New They were-t- leaveRiverside, Cat., on July 5. Theboys were in good health

The Star ball players are in highglee. Percy Lislunan, the club'sstar third baseman has returnedfrom Stanford and will assist theStars to defeat the Unknowns onSamrdav.

The 'A S.S. Aslouu is announced by Theo H. Davits & touch at this port for Japanfreight and passengers, leavingPortland on or about Aifg. 1.

ww.,i xmn ronni finn wnroli rp.pairingdone or jewelry made, go loH. G. Biart, port street at uenzMr. Biart's long experience isguarantee of good workmanship.

You can't have the latest insuitintrs if von don't go to Kerr's,He opened up new stock thisweek, embracing all the latest,patterns. A single yard at whole-

sale prices.

The Salvation Army noon-da- y




IIGMflll illiiran. trfet....11'

iiuuds.onerT'Bishop andMrs. Willis were

llmndar, 18th,

Shaw closes the Temple ofMr. Shaw wishes to

call to his new-lin-

ofcateye jewelry. This issomething novel and neat, and noone should to see it. AlsoThe Rolled Gold wire woik. Allwork made order. A breast pincomplete manufactured iu three

M."G. Sit,VA.


Effectually jet ifmlly, when costive orbllloua. or wlien tha I1I00J is Idipuu or


and hvtr lo lie.dthy activlly, withoutor wealiing them, to pel

headaches, colds or fevers use Syrup ofFiffe.


on tht Installmtnt Plan.

BLOCK Sole AgentJort sa4 SmtanU 8tsJ

No lottery, radio or game of chance, but a straight business proposition. EveryPtrton who pmtKuei one of our New Process Bloves between tuuksday Mornma, Junb 27, and One o'clock Wednesday, AnousT 7, will entitled to one

as to bow of these stoves will be sold up to that time, it thenJuess months Ince the first stove was purchased.

The person correctly, or coming to tho correct willreoeive at once present lu cash of the (ull amount paid for his stove; In case of twoor more persons the winning number, each shall make a farther guessnn ihn .atpH nf the fallowing week, one nerson thus ttnallv receiving the nrize.

As the stoves will De soii at me regular price, no one anjinujjr, only itvou guess nearest to the right number your stove costs nothlug. Tho priseDeing an aa. tor new rroceaa ctuven.

tWl Tour ffueas In an envelotie and Dlace vour name and on the inside, and some private mark on the outside. the envelopes will be carefully.kept and no one but the guessers will what Is each until the date ot'onenlnar. A correct list of stoves sold will bo hunir ud before the oneninir ofenvelopes, whioh will be done nt'ln the Waritig Block, Fort and Here.tanta at 1 p. m. on August 7, in the ot stove purcnasers ana tne puuuo.

in- .


1 i iii , Id















M .ll M r I II IT


.t t








1,1 Ml hill, lint a fit 1llr It'll rl

Villi KM

tilt ljidaliillilla Uw lur.iit I el llitaiiliMitMl




All .lrentnl.FciiRlnr llrowu rrtiorteit tlic

(iRine Act, lllln Klrcttic LightAct, joint rcwilnlloiii on Pali mad,ficsh meat tiadcand auditing s vtun, an nil been h.mJeJ tothe President for hli aprovnl orveto.

The Judiciary committee recommended that Circuit Court Ih; held

at Kami Insicail or Kiiti. lo lieconsidered with the bill.

The 1,1ml Act 1v.11 taktn )ip onto be fmislicil Kloru the

order of the day, the trolliy act.I'or the committee on t,l,; '.ami

Act. Mr. Ihtdwiii a'poruil anamendment allowing a lease for tcri,,t Incapacity, the utter Injustice$500 of improvement on Mnilnlous nature of there-stea- d

hut riitiiring the outlay and vse,i compact with China and that15 per cent of cultivation for a; ,cttct- lri.aly could have U-c-

title. Adopted. madeSpecial committee did not re

port 011 price of Olaa latuls leaving that to the Senate, The figurcs were S, iffi and Ct. arc... 1

inir to distance from the Volcanoroad. Senator Watcrhoii'c moved

make the figures ib, i andT.t, carried. Negative votes Wright,Notley and Lyman. Not voting,llrowu and Kauliane.

Mr. Hatch moved that Section

90 which sweepiugly wiped awayall statute inconsistent with theland Act. be stricken out. Hesaid that repeals should be specific,according to the constitution. Carried.

Sen. Baldwin moved for threeyears' notice instead of two from

. r . . .. rgovernment 01 icrmiuation 01

lease. He had no interest himself,but knew of instances where three

ears were required for a cane cropto be taken oil. Minister bmltliobjected to this on the ground thatpphcants would not care to iigure

three years ahead. Sen. Baldwinreturned to the practical side theargument. Sen. Brown did notbelieve existing leases should comeunder this provision. Sen.objected lo short notice. Aftersome further debate, Sen. Baldwinwithdrew his amendment.

The cabinet had concluded thatamendment the title was not re-

quired.The Land Act passed its third

reading as amended by the Senate,by unanimous vote. It now re-

turns to the House with amend-ments.

There was received from theHouse right of way act, whichhad been by the lowerbranch- -

By leave of the Senate MinisterSmith presented an act which' es-

tablishes the labor commission as abody with three members to servewithout pay.

Minister Hatch notified the Sen-

ate thnt the President had signedacts rcgulaling Chinese Immigra-tion and conferring upon deputysheriffs authority to administeroaths.

Tlic slectric railway bill passedits first reading and was referred tothe priuting.committee.

The House bill regulating with-

drawal from the customhouse. Passed first reading.

Minister Smith spoke again ofengrossing, saying printing wasnow used in the United Stales.

Senator Baldwin asked threeday's leave to attend a wedding.Granted.

Recess to 1 130.


Rep. Robertson propounded thefollowing question to the .Ministerof Interior! Please state wuetnerthe landing at Kipahulu, Maui, is

I'"""" ul 1"""" i""!1On motion Act 19 extending the

Incenses ol holders ol retail spiritlicence: wua u,.

Rep. Bond thought that theseretail licenses have no claimwhatever. They wereto close their but they soldliquors through their back doors.

Representative Robertson rc- -

,1 ... a til rtal Vn.t1 V- -

1o , ., ,, ,i,,t .rt nf

tees report The wholesale deal- -

retail dealers during the twomonths of martial law. Bill passedsecond reading,

"Au Act to provide for the regis-

tration of male .residents iu theRepublic of Hawaii" was read

Rep. moved that referred to a' committee offive to be appointed by the Speaker,and that they report to the nextLegislature iu February, Carried.

A recess ol half au Hour wastaken.

At reconvening Rep, Bond reported from" the finance committee on tne bill relativeto supplementary appropriations,The committee recommend thatthe bill pass as referred back fromthe Senate with the following ad-

ditional appropriations: $ 3000 for anew road betweeu North Kohalaand Waimea, Hawaii; $13,650 forrepairs to school buildings generally, including the construction ofa new school bouse and residencefor the teacher at Alae, South Kona,Hawaii.

Adjouued to 10 a. m. tomorrow.

Cabans lleaten.Havana, July 8. An engage

ment has taken place between theSpanish troops under command of

Maior Azur and a large force of insurgents. Two hundred and eightyof the latter were killed.

Freneh Voaiulate-

Mons. Antoine VUzavoua, whoformerly occupied the position of

French Charge d'Affaires here,was a passenger by the Australia.Mons, VUzavona returns to succeedthe late Mons. Verleye as therepreseutative-o- f W. M.Glffard has been acting FrenchConsul since the demise of .Mons.Verleye.

meetings at the foot of Ninranu coramttee.s renort containedstreet attract quite a number of t,)e stalement tba rctail liquorpeople dally. Religious hymns dea,ers sold ,j s tilrougU backto popular airs are being now aung ,joorgjwith guitar accompaniment. j Representative Bond, after ex- -

The closing of the St. Potions by Interpreter Wilcoxthe insinua ion. HePeter's schools, yesterday

,v..n..,. c,t, ..hnniihad cofounded the wholesale with




Fashion,special attention




airritating din


bemany being

guessing nearest number,




know InBlde






tile a





of kerosene







Ilighnl of tt in l,milng


AI'IIJI Till. Ml MSUI. .

II I nil (I.-- . lAlHiiill.l Al tlW fj.ii'an-- . rm mm

Uanl a Itvtllxl llealr ItlHl I

lnleia tli I

aad lal.lael,

tiW York, July S.Onkl Ynklo, ledtUr of the Progresiionalparty of Japan, predion stormytimes diirltiK the coming stulou ofthe Imprcial Parliainctil in an

with Colonel Cockcrill, theUtraf's representative In theOrient. Mr. Yukio thinks theimniliitr tunics will be the mints- -

lie itajs: "Japan should havepresented n bold front, Iu whichcae neither Gctmany or Prancewould have carried matters lo ex-tremes. We should have onlyKtisiin to deal with, nnd we aicnot afraid of Kus3ia. We shalleffect the fall of the Camera Cab-

inet. Count Kuroda is about toresign; Count Matsukta lias al-

ready done so, while ViscountMulsu's resignation is no less cer-tain. He has no stomach for thecoming battle royal.

'We shall declaim against theMinisterial disgrace in yielding sopromptly to the 'friendly advice' ofRussia, Germany and I'rance. cshall argue that proper precautiousto prevent such an interventionshould havebcen taken long before-hand, as tlic Government had fullwarning of what was lo be expecttl, and we shall urge them lo cause

his majesty, the Lniperor to signtile revised tleuty with China'sihost important concessions omitted."

Many illmiul-tlifl- .

The Hawaiian Hardware Company received twenty-fou- r MonarchBicycles by the Australia. Mr. T.V. King, who has taken a specialcourse iu a cyclery, is iu charge ofhe department. The agency ot

thi?- - famous wheel has sweatersshoes, and everything for outfittingor repairing. Several machines ofthe new lot have been sold already.An 18 pound racer is going at fullspeed, in the window, by electricity.

l.oiui .:nn:nKi:v lmxfir.i'ii.

le May Tttei.rr ll lluclllt r nf llie t'llliret.f Walea.

LONDON, July 6. The rumorthat Lord is to marry oneof the Prince of Wales' daughtersis revived this week, and it is saidhe may fcliuqnisli pilltics entirelyit is uii'krstood mat tne uiutnwould not offer any opposition tothe mulch, continues lobe her great personal favoute, asher bestowal upon him of Ihe lateDuke of Hamilton's Order of theThistle indicates.

Lord Roseberyjdrcady possessesthe Order of the Garter, and it isextremely rare for auy one not olroyal blood to hold botli orders,the only other instances' on recordbeing the cases of the IJarl ofAberdeen and the Duke of Argyle.

rilllinater 3r!tnoli,r.

Port Townsisnmi, Wash., July6. The yacht Aggie,, a crack ves-o- f

the' San Prancisco Yacht Club,recently purchased by Seattle par-ties, arrived this allcrnoon after arough passage.


St, Clair uiiii llanarn to lie

Aealti.Hans Hansen is lo be again sen

tenced for the murder of Male M.Pitzerald of the American barkHesper. He, Herman Sparf andThomas St. Clair were convictedand sentenced to be hanged. Spar!got a new trial, and was acquittedby a jury iu the United States Circuit Court.

The Supreme Court, however,affirmed the decision' of the loweriu tne cases of Hansen and St.Clair, and the mandate iu Hansen'scase having now arrived, he willbe resentenced by Jud'.'e McKenna,and later on be hanged, unless thePresident should commute Ins sen.tence.

St. Clair was to have been hanged last month, but pending a de-

cision in the Hansen rase theexecution was postponed.

When instructions in regard toSt. Clair airivc from Washingtonhe also will be resentenced.

ILL I. Slioollnir.

Sacuamunto, Cal,. July 7.Some of Company R's men in thiscity are doing remarkably goodshooting these days. A week agoJohn L. Hughes made a straight50, and the next day corporalFields made .so, and followed it upwith extra bullseyes just to seewhat he could do. Iu .today's, prac-tice Corporal Nutting uinde'apossl-bl- e

50, and O, K. Hugties, 'who isupwards of 6b'years' of age, made49 out ofso. , ,


. 5AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair,

aold Medal Midwinter Pair.





A pure Ctjpo Cream of 1 attar Powder. Free

from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant.

In all the great Hotels, the leadingClubs and the homes. Dr. I'rlcc's ureaniBakfng Powder uoios Its supremacy.

40 Years the Standard.

."own Uicil t.flOo1 JUj-w- l


I'D! 111. cmi: lAMS.

1 i lii or i .nnMAIimlllAI

JMaritriii f.uri.VI., ...

IMmi.- -

l e Kfikmko ma In

!! puiaju - today in nnC nt mid Krthnii o tv 1, 1'.With aNMIlll Alld Inlti-i- u

fiibr In law initea l

and lit'it.lllr k"mI fortihiving hit sentence miphi 'c '

Pil.t Pntla and wile is ill aUuil trial111 Thursday for kidnapping a child

oil SntiiMny. I.nt, ilaimed by itwoman

J. T. Robello for nini vulgarlanguage to a Portuguese woman011 halurda last was iiutd 1J5.

lurec pakes loi uainlng paid$10 each and nuntln-- for opium iuposscsiion mid i,u.

A general lm light occurred onthe lower em' il liieen street nearKakaako on Sunday eveningamong male 1'o.nvuese. As n result Ihcro writ three arrests foriassault and Imttt v. After lengthy j

triaU in the I.wtrict Court this)morning nil tin-- . aes were disinis- -

tied. Residents complain of the,frequent occurrence of rows in thatvicinity on Sundays,

I wo jukes stntimccd 111 the ICwacourt to piy n nut of I50 each for;having opium 111 possession wcrebrought 111 town this morning to'serve their sentences 111 Oahtijail.

HM. ... 1. 1! . I... . I I.. .11 iiu 11:1s uecn curicueu

by 540.35 thruu .h the failure ofthe owners lo call for Ihe money.Two Chinaun.11 were arrested sometime ago for gaming. Iu the roomswhere the juki s xverc,' the moneywTrs. found. Tho tLikps-u-rr- i nfraldto claim the money, and it wasordered forfeited. )

t'ur.l til Tliauka. j

Miss Lynch wishes to expressher most siifcere thanks lo IheAmerican League, Ihe Sharp-- jshooters nud others who kindly as-

sisted during the illness of andupon the occasion of the funeral ofher late brother DanielLyons.

Vnj 0.111 piiv ti uie must delicatefrulti, uimnikeU. l.- -

llntt, mill In iV inontiis they will be asnatural in jini.(',ir.nice nti'l 1hii- - ub whinllrot i.ielrtsi.

ritUJTV u:imiMi.Xilltll4ta .r "A. V, C. ltneeita mt.l Sll.a

- IIiiriiMr. J. Ft C. Hagens, bookkeeper

for the Pho.splmte Company at Ka-lih- i,

and Miss Kliza K. Hugo we'reunited in marriage last evening ntSt. Arj'-ri'-'- s vthedral be tin;,llishbpol Ifonoliilit. Thecatiicdr.ilwas crowded with at-- thelceremony, and maiiy were unablelo. gain admittance. The, bride,who looked very pr-'-.- in herwhite bridal costume w s attendedby two bridesmaids, tlie Misses 'Carrte Grubc and Kose v'ossman. j

The jrroouifiieu were (to Roiiickand P. '.V V ed. The surp'.icrdchon of but Mul'Jncn sing specialinus'uv Vv'i-i- Tuylor preddiug nt .

the uvau. The bride was gl.cii!awa bv Jtuige W, A. Whiting.Alter ine ccrcmon.' a pleasant re-

ception was lield at the lesidcnceof Mr. ami Mis. Manaiu Pnuoa,

ir i ttlai.tnt A'fiiv mliet Ii'MirS Intl. II ...In jl !. I ! Ihti.l irs utn.-- t

the if...

riRiir.. ri.r.lunnOatlK-rf.- liyllni llnrrautil Staliallra.

WisiiiNOTotf, July 5. Worth-ingto- u

C. Ford, chief of the Bu-

reau of Statistics, has returns onthe imports of sugar at all theleading ports of the United Stalesreceiving that article. The returnsfrom San Francisco are not iu, but.they will not materially modify thequestion of duties, as nearly allsugar coming through San Fran-cisco is of Hawaiian origin, and,therefore, entered free of duty. Thesix ports give a total importationof 3S3i5f7i9l.S pounds, valued at1(6,851,055. The 'importation is,therefore, much less than in tlicmouth of May. It is' also muchless in quantity than the Importsmade in June, 1894, and onlyabout one-hal- f in value.

l'urllitiii.iii riirttinii-il- .

London, July 8. Parliamenthas been dissolved by royal writ.The Marquis oT Salisbury, BaronHalsburv. Lord Hii:h Chancellor.and the Marquis of Iaiisdowne,Secretary of Stale for'.War, attended a meeting - of. the PrivyCouncil at Windsor Castle thisafternoon, at which the Quceilsigned the proclamation dissolvingparliament, and an order to Issuewrits for the general elections.

11. id i s im'1!i:aku.

A Atltnnr Huue at IliaI'ulltnuu mio!..

Chicago, July 6, The PullmanPalace Car Company has advancedthe wages of the employes at thePullman sitops 10 per cent, llie advance affecting about 4000 people.No formal announcement lias beenmade by the company of its action,as the advance has been graduallytaking effect in the various depart-ments in the last two weeks,

Wickes todaysaid that the company had assuredIts men last year, wucn tuq greatstrike was ordetcd, that wageswould go up as soon as businessconditions would permit, and thatthe present was simply- - afulfillment of the promise.

Su. or Y.I.,There was a pleasant gathering

of the Sous of Yale at the cosyhome of Chief Justice Juddon Friday evening. Speechesand the singing of collegesongs were the orderof the evening. Jt was decided atthe gathering lo form an Alumuiassociation. George R, Carterwasthe uuatiimous choice for secretary,The college was rcpiesentett by six-teen people, youug aud old.

,1111)111 laUHHAMtMltf tHMllMM,

A I f 4H

' I'rtta-- tt it ' i iV' iWihws latum


The lrvsM la diatUafgliM alrwer a wharf.TIM shin Charmer anivtMl si

NeTf VclV oil the .Mb Inst., wdayairiiin tins pott.

Tilt JMIM Makes? Will tdkrtwmtx-alV- t tMm of owl and K-- to

bags of fhrtlllri in. Kta thisttnemocu.

Tin whsUr Horatio, which wanbm iMt yenr witlmmall-pox- , madenot n till jilt ratch on the cruise. Itwas a lior scowhi for the fleet.

The following vcs-l- s will at Newcastle for fliiit pott-- j

Itttks Manna Ala. City of Adelaide.Onyx, and tla-- achoomr KinvrCytllS.

Twlve of the men of the flag-- ,

Ship Philadelphia deserted thatvessel iu San I'mnchco on the xnlust., presumably lo hnve a goodlime 011 the l ourlh.

The American schooner Olgn,Ipseu master, arrived at Mahiikouaon the 13th iiiRt, 4 days from-Hon- -

olulll Iu ballast lo Hawaiian Rallwav mcwari, miss in. uauHsen. rrot.Co. and will load sugar for Sail M- - M- - Scott. C. M. Hum', Charh sI'rancisco. Iovejoy, W. W. Ooudnlc, Mis. M.

Laatrelo, Miss A. Laatrelo, Mrs.1 brig J. I). Spreckles arrived 1;, u UM ,: H ;nles

?rm',bTiSC0Vlll;3,rrt'1,,f,'AIe -- . U..rllngn,t- - H. K.A. Haas, P. pk, II. Ilea- -

r J ,csst''. "". icon, H. Mt Brown, A. T. Atkinson,on July ,sth, the schooner Transit, t. tf. W,,,,.,,,, M ,vfi) days from HonoluluAnother heavy load of passen

gers went by the Kinatt this after-noon for windward ports. Schoolchildren were prominent iu thogeneral exodus for vacation. Thewharf was crowded before thesteamer's departure.

The American schooner John O. ;

North, CnrKcu master, sailed IromHonoipu for San I'rancisco on the12II1 111st. CargoS), io bags sugar,1. 147,608 lbs. Value $33,446.51.Shipped by Theo. H. Davies & Co.consigned lo Williams, ilimoiid'Si Co.

The departures from San J'raii-- !

cisco for ports on these islands, arc I

ns follows: Jnty 4th, schooner j

Mary Uodge for Kahului amiPainting's Island: July 7th, brig I

J. I). SpreCkels lor Kalitilui: andthe schooner Robert Lowers for!Honolulu.

The customs Inspectors havefound it necessary to exclude loaf-ers from the Oceanic dock while asteamer is discharging freight. Onvarious occasions cases containingcrackers have been broached andcontents taken nut. Suspicion fellon a' class of people who habituallymake the boxes their sitting ;

perches, hence the exclusionThe. steamship Australia, Houd-lctt- e

commander, arrived at 5o'clock yesterday afternoon,, with31 cabin and 18 steerage passeugers ami 3-- b?;" of mail. TheA'jlrrli:i h:rt S.i ) r.r.-'sc- o r ion. tn. .111 Julv otb. ') ' !'' r"W-sig- e

. cxperieused lUnt S. f?winds and tf.ilms during tli first1four days; ihince to put !i.;lu tomoderate trades. ' Th?will sail again on Saturday. 1'ic20th inst. ---

A great naval birgo race washeld nt. Nagasaki, Jupjtr. un May24th last, tha crews of iheUnited Mutts cruisers Olurh-n.i-

and Yorktuw'U, lo decide the fitetchampionship. The two bireshad previotfly been clnlleug"il hycrews from other vessels, nd hi.every instance the two 'American,boats cams out victorious, withhonors cuualfy divided. The racewas rowed over a three-mil- e course,and was hotly contested Irom startto finish. The Charleston's crewwoii, amidst the greatest excite-ment.



From 8 111 Francisco nor S S Au.tni- -

lla July M tl IWckwilh, T IIHelium, W P. llrowu, ll II ljln..ili.M ('11 it . Misa il (iulliuhrr.'is and wife. Jniii-- Hornliiir, Jr,M II rm an. T V King. W II I

MritVS ll.', O I, Kmlny, Mi-- s

Mnry byuiati, J 1' l.vltun, A,P IJttliiiiiin. Mins .McCmi. I II Pirrt-t-i

mid wiTit, Mi-- . Pirrce. .1 0 Hay, Mr J AMlllll't'llO, AlltimiH ii AlW iilsh. wifi nud i children. J J Wit- -

li.lmtt, Mm II I. hiliau', A 11 Hul'lni.iici'Aitrai.

For Mriiii nnd IIuwhII. r .tnirKlnnii, July 111 Volcmin! A (1 llnlilni,W i; tii'iiiii-rn- i 11, jimM 1; Miiiintin. misTuckiT. J V I.vtiitn. Wnv lurt: Miiia

lliunrn. Mini T'ltint r, Binli,ii Willlit.Kyi-ro- clill.lli'ii (it). M. Ilriiknml,Clias llri:Livi).ii, II irol-- mi l Walter(.Jilbiril, M (Iriutiniinn, J 1! tjroiisiii.11,.lira 11 iiticKirv uiiii la ill v. .i itIVIel., JII-- lllllWll. JlH-- I M P.I1H', MiSIv Pint-- . Mm Itii'karil. Mim Aimiv Alii.Mi-- s Mary l'likoi, Mrs Nouln ii, MaulerNowli'ln, Mis OiHik. MUs llutclii.sftn,Sim Altlnn. K Wright, T K Wall, Jlrsornwii. niiill iltttt. misier .ilnKinltlilis. Mini. IC lkt'kli'l- - lUviil- -

wili. Haiuurl l.irkpr. Mra Parker and 2Jli.i lid'l, Jtias OU.w, Ml,

11 ncinilifl, .nniateriitiKiies, tit iiUKlie,Jll-- n ItVary, Mrs H)croftand 2 1'liil.ln-n- ,

.Mr. Hniliti, Mrs Niwiliam, Miss Alkln-wi-

H W.10.U, J WSIuauu. H d Peek,Ueo Irvine, lt'iliert Hicknell, Mte I!'vl,3ii ifaiMi, William rhiiiirtit tm. lichildren (it). l) clilldrcn Ci), HmAllien. Urn a Alnsli'o. uHtncckltt, Wm White mill daughter,Hriillt nry, flro Ignnthis, Hm Chnrlrg, JHOiDtti' and Bon.


TuraDAT.JullOSchr Mol, for Kuliolalelo.btmr Ilruwn, fur circuit ot

Oahu.Ktmr Mii.tu. Cl irki'. fur Maui and

HawaiiKtmr Ko Alt Hon. Thumixoii. fur

K11u.1l.Ktmr James Mukce. lVtcroon. for

Kaiias at 4 11 111.

Httnr Miuiiimu. lliiuliuiil. foriiorls on Kausint a 11 m.

SI 111 r I.lki-like- . Weidurth, furMaui nnd Hawaii

ISKKS IN 1'llllT, .

kavjii. vasacr.UHH lkmningtun, Tkainas, Mara Inland

aiBaniUNTUBS,(Coaatar. not included In tlila u0

Ilk Huni.trit. llrrr. HM"Uric W U Irurlii, WlUIanu, H FBk An.lrovr Welch, from H K.Hark All. rt, ririmtu, H F, .ItkMatikla, Hm ennui, Piirt Oainbli.Ilk H I' Itlthet,, H V.Ilktna InnKiinl, rV.liit.t, H VO m Autralla, H 1'

AT Kfiminoui.NU ISIHTS.

auuukovA,rVhr OleHilalu, H V ' Huerkbr Jmiute W and. 8 P Dim


Kcbr Anna, H K JUBIlk Aliula Juhnaon, H V Duo

THIS PAPER .V4EiSAg.nuy,SlNiidbo alerebant . Karli.l ga, Han

vrli.r. coiirrsota It. a!v..alarahiina-i- .

mtmk MluwmmmwrtHMmmii -

',. n.

mqm- iJhs, ."

TVtr U mm nt rf fffWt

mm. CaWtkwa win Mmihhi




ua, Mteljr there renMloflrf ottBlarni Htm an ? Ul Inreairfaiioti ( to fee mad. J imH rtli tttl TfliM. K. Wall itrm th-- Kinati Malay ut tlw inir,....

Mi. Notlev. Mb uf K. ti'.B .Notley is vrdl known here. II- - r n

ht tin-li- t In the water WWlts nOa--

I he I'H'i'r a At Hitii will tni k"''.tluin nub ivrritnnlilip. Whtl

llieoflioislH rxiiett to bud OIB onhIn- - HiiiniHrd. 3mic sty the occouuitar in n vi" y sully mlxrd up st.itc.

Hasnl. A4mlltr.l In Hull

Washinotom, July ft. CtptalnHenry W. Jiowpatc hat Ik cii admilted to bail in tlicatuuni tis.- -

oo pending an appeal l'"i his convlcllon and aentance on htnrrs ullorgiry and enihexaletm 111

UMNO It.tlI llH,lHt to Ii, 't9rn

"""1 he '"ow'nK are alr.-ml- limit -

e1 t the office of W. ('.. Irwin iV

Co., to leave for the Crawl hy theAuatralla on Sittrday: Mrs. J. II.Iovoy, Mis Maud Lovejoy, Mina

Anderon, Miss Moscr, Mrs.Mullina, Miaa Mtillins, Mis. M.

A. C. Wall, J. Rubcuateiu. Rev. O.'

P.liinerott,Rv. Dkabe. i.p Cooke.C. Marsdeu,. Ii, C. Obertanffer, J. A.Lothian. I'. W. King, II. Page,Mrs. M. A. lleathi Mrs. M. K.Weld. C. W. Pitkias and" wife. Mm.

HI. Page and daughter. C. A.Sprockets, J. P Oliertcnffcr and

,..,fe. t' t achmidt.'

1. w. Col- -

villc, A. B. Collins, F. P. Collinsand wife, V. M. Ilcnth nnd wife.

Ily the Mariposa due from theColonies on Jul v 25 lor San Pran--

Inn Fftllnt.-..,.- ...m...i 1.take lx,,snRe: Mrs. J. A. Haxton,Mrs. R. McLnllaii.. Mrs IS. A.Mcllryde. Mrs.- W, A. Kiuucy,Douglas McBrydc, Mrs. T. W.Hobron, Mra. F. Kinney, MKsS. R. Gray, L. W Breed andwife, C. C. Moore;' Mrs H. E.Cooke, Utiss Athcl Cooke, MissP. Bishop, Miss L 'Chs Ii

S. 7'.. Chase, J. P. Lyttou, If.Edson.

Auilli-- r I Invl'I.IM rtallijr,

lli'SSARii's Bav, Mass., July 7.At o'clock' this afternuoti a

girl was Burn to, "Mrs. GtovcrCleveland at Gmy Gables.- thesummer home of the Presi. lent. Dr.Joseph Bryant, tit attending phy- -

...cinn, saiu lonijjnt mat uroiderand child are both doing crj well.

HAlNr.Vf ).s.

Itimrl. Wrltiii. titatlrtn. it

Professor p. J. Lyons of tlic'wefttl:r lmrenu, bs Cssucd tlxreport of the raiufnll on the different island of the grout) for themouth of June. HeVa.nre some ofme ngitres, lay lucliefc".

Hawaii Ilonuinu, 11.43: Wnia-kahenla, t'o- - iMitpahoehoer nudLanihau 'plantation. C M: IWi...5kco, 6.3G; Wftikca, 6 08; llonamu,5.021 Hacakalau. 4.49; Houoliua,5.48J Ookala, 4.14: Niulii, 3.30:Kohala, 3.S0: waimea. i.6ji Kca- -

lakekua, Kailua. .st: Pa- -h'ala, o 87; Moaula, Kau, 3.68. ',

aiaut Jiokae. KecinroeitvMill, 2.05: Kula, 3.3S: Molokai.2.90; Kaanapali, 1.44.

in ce r e stn--tlon), 5.501 Maunawlll, .27; Ahul.maun, 3.5S: Pauoa, 2.01 j Mattoa,2.52; Jlaklki, 2.80;. KnpiolauiPark, 0.17:, Oahu Collecei t.67':Insane Asylum, t.65; Schoolstrept.t.6o; Kahtikii, 0,65; Ilwa plantation, o.,to; Wnianae, o. 10.

Kauai Lihue, 1.3s; Hanalei,3.9x1; Ilanamsulu, 1.61.

Hteaiiiarit In at ll'innliitti.Pdutuvnu lOr.KJuly 8. Waa

ler Topping, local' agent of theOregon Railway' and NavigationCompany's oriental stMinahiti line;states iuararrnngemcuts are aboutcompleted . to imve each vcssc.ltouch at Honolulu both ways:

- - t - SI

I'.ir lltilit Ktiiniffit- -v

The contract for cohf tructingthe addition to tile- IJpnoliiluIvlcctlic Light Co.'r Iitiildiug hasbeen awarded to the KnlernriseI'laniug Mill. The audition.which will be 00x100feet is to be used asa cold storage buildiutf. theplant to be impdrttd from theStates. The succejsfiful biddemwill lose no, timo- in .becUtnlnstworlc on tne new. building.


If you want your horsesto be wluuers tho ....


Is the place' to buy.We, have just received some Choice

OAT HAY and SURPRISEOATS, selected for Race Horses.Oitciron. ' .

''ivlll'lIH I'JI,

mm a"!1 i'k:' . A nmsmmmmmi Anting

' aama VMJWW A- V

ilmmn Sale


SACHS'PosifiYily for Two Wtifcs Only;

On account of extensive building alterations,

THE ENTIRE STOCK:Will Ixs oflcreil at a Great .Sacrifice. All(ioods will be marked in pbin figures andSold for Cash Only

Bona-fLde- " SalePositive Bargains.

tvtv AitvrllM. ata.ttiH.For lietit.

Th I'liil.llnij nn Mvhnt stp-r- tIniiunrlv IhmhI by tho lAllly lHUlram1 uhlhliltiK Iju. Tim km-,'-, rliruott au! .Uila.'U divi.ieil thto offiilrs, etc.

Api.ll t tin. ola-r.- ftVM, Q. IKWIN 4. 0. Ij


trm tli" ai rival of th,. Mtar'- - r .'I"t .Ut'r'n l."t'll,w!u , Ul:y no '1 ram ill ltitllowel In h.i!-m- l, mi;Ihe pncu, ni r' a'u.n-- imiIj ul , rtfltn: miiias-- i ...1.1 il.) .11 la- i . 4 u . ui('t U't tt- Hll.

. U . Ullir. ,

I'iti.i. i, s. t ... Ltd. (


PORTLAND TO lHH110x01, 1jjrp Cf.

,vi':iiit Mih. tt.eA1

l srr Wim s v t W

Mill Until lioiiottihi - i'orVokiiluiillll. ' -

SirlWllwnfeg. i.or I'Vuujht IhthWIppIXtl!

1 AllUUtH.', -

Arilved from New Vml

sedeiros Co.,'

A Qcntlomin vriio uii'loiUliti ; llfeHyeiiiRuf all kinds nf, Sttintl:i your panel to tla ami auli.f ulion UKltarantead' In i.ery c- - Milk, Wndtli'ttuii, linen, (a-pea- etc.

JIKriBIItOS A t O,Aiilikoto Hr.iuK, lrnVKL hritaas--.

UpjxiBfle Kjuj. llros.

- '111 IS

Sons of St. GeoirjWill hold onjif tlu'it iilva-w- it

tqjlwir Ibill nn port 8tr.(?ri Monday, July 22tl,

' At p. nt.-

1ICMCT8 Admitting, Lncly and3 .Conslomnn tl.

rTiJ ld at fnc ().,! :Bn itu lUxxir.,

I?Ionqep BuiUlinp; and LoanAssociation.


Cl'.VMUJtlt ".Or COMHKKC'1! RooIK.' - - - - .

I Omcb Hours: 'j:,:3l'

Money loaned oti Monthly pOAInii-'iit- Hlcveuth series of stocknow open, i'or infomiatinri, etc,,call on A. V. UivAK,

77 - Secretaiy.

Mothers are Interested

in tin: health Wi(l iWlfi' of

their children. 1

A pel feet infant (oixl' shoulcfamfam viaHtinjt- - and

iraiit 'profluc!riC' material' oombitlctp with ptira nulri-irfe-

tluiifonKijly (ligiill.

mm Footis the only fooij fur infantami inytilitlslcfintaiiiinK thesevital nml dements.It is pteparctl from, thenutritive portion of crtru- -

fnil v Ci mill.' conti

punicaiiti repfin. ? ,

iaOq, ftntt.'OOO, CAN3.CILMAtt DriOS., UO&TON,

uojmoN:j)tiJa co.'Sefc flgtnti.


Win. 6. irwin & QoMI.I Mn

LW10. q. tfwio - PreHiib-n- t and Maniu-- r

W. If. Qlffardr Hrtiir and TrwaurarTl.eo. U toMjt, - : . Auditor


OonaxDlattfbai "

, Agents,



all ASuOCiatiflB.

On Saturday, July 20th,t 3:30 p. in.,



At iiisnAt,L iaj:k.

AdltltBWI.ut a Otii 1 1

Yotj Pay'

. 20 to 40 nor ennt.tfr?r Owwrleil when

VM Cp.' Hr-fti;i0(- ? frli i,dtni. nvanani uranus ueiit..


iVARimi. Bums. Tin. Csi '


anuapiolani Park

I.OVlfS 'xtVlCI3I-V- 'Witt deliver bread, to customers atWnikiki and the Park

- . . -

Oh Wednesday, July ioth

QnHjp by ,rehph6ui

ffsj-- Ht

U(W'du, H. I., Ma,. iM,DftAlt UiOiSIT Hare you idfra

tu sv in your knoltiiat ilia., allkuuii nf . frifii, iinj many oth"ri,kind! of fonrl glm kept ayvwt andfrak wliWut tea tor a IdnR tlmaby uniig. Aniliacmimtiiia tIWct.lipfrrtra In entire! harm-la- u

suit ri'aVos ih.i i auniiiK f froit '

..iiiaiif Utaunsliait

Vim Oun'a BMXl l.iicuOli itatull; jutrditwiilTc. a tablet In wsifrr make Vrtt'idd wtr si'riip aud ;rj.qr virthu itiiHawl imtltaiTHv, aint it willktwp frsaiMr tl ansrliun onJkpiU . .

TiuausTirtt will uwmhtuof .iiltrriiH!nUnr, '

tV 't very, respmriilij- -

1)k.s.os Smith it Co.,- Druggists.

Flno Prjjjitlng;Try thew' Star).


Si ?


Page 4: THE HAWAIIAN...gatpa, llonduias, say: A suspi-cious brig entiling off Atuapala was thought to have 011 lioard an expe-dition organized lo aid V.nqucz. An investigation was made, and


Sii Jim.


Ian ram II.k.(Imi


Mm Xi iill . t lu

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tt Um- - which I" IhoauMM IK.a oiidtmMfktta. . . .

Hm tha ihuHim HmMHri allw ilifor IMwUMdii n4 miiUt ft necrHt'U

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vt'Jinnuraic ll. lit.

tun il..rm..iit ihir..r,

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liW.U6Mll 71H .(Kil ill a

n .rumrtcr cotrcd for andIvnufiMi but sol for Utltnue.


nt riiliw it 111 lmrn fnr nml arrive fromAm KraatfllMO ou the follow Inn datM, till tbeQkMOdWilAmtTK ATpnott Man pciboo hanmlancicui.

OB VASOOUVKft. Vascoovkii.

fkm Ahtml On or About

..July S6X Alliwtintf Ann 10


AukAua i

Warrimou AimSt AudtrHllH .auhAfahtlMMM..AUtt'i ArawA un 23

4MtrlU Mlmera Au ai7fcntio. ...sept i Clim.. hrftjtftowvnt nHeirtTrvtr I't Austral! vit 7

Rio tte.liiieiro.it6ctJ. AIaihwIa .spt 19

AiwtralU UArrltiHK). Oct SAUimeUE yet(tat ii A us t mil a Ott Svrarnmon MsrlimiA Oct 17i.hltut. s

Nov 1Mlowera.Nov fiAnfftrAlln.. Nov 6CovtU-.Nov 21..No SH A i aw a Nov 14

Mlnwra Nov 'MAuntrAllH. Nov SHCoutic Dec 2live IVAtaWA Ic fllVkli.frltec 24XtMMUauo Alanml Pec 12IVkltw ,lec.a Miourra Ian 1. 16ti


TIMK TABLEFriin nil After June llti


2A.M. P.M. P.M.

lWt H0T;nlQlt...(. 40 V10(SH 2.2H

W10:51 f.:VJ

inA.V, A.M. r.M.Iao Vfttacae....t,41 li"5.i". 2.07 3R1

Mr I'Mri (Mtr...7-t- 1'.! 3.11 4:V

OnSntnrdar Htitl Sunday nights Kna Milliruui win urrnu m iiouoiuiUHi

OWlIltlMilOHIWp IIIrVwinlit Ti nlits w ill fnrry

eiigr accnniiULMiaiious0. 1'. Denisox. F. O Hmitii.

nt. Oon. I'aaa. & Ikt, Agt.

The MIUlonMlre a Worker.Tlie illfncultle1 of my boyhood are still

fresh in my mlml ami ctlll strangely influence my views of life. Those early yearsarm tuey wuro years cl strugu'e in which Ibum pal ngnlnst nature niil httiilletlIt1, did morti tu fctraigtht-- ine iu mind andcharacter than anything ele that haa comelu my irehince.

I consider it one of the mot fortunatethings to ho born poor. Tlie argument J batthepooroUD3 man chancewith tbe rich yoiuiK mnn Is profoundlyBilly. Iu this ae of devrlopment, rapidityof change and national projrity the riseof a young man depend entirely upon hisIndividual nnd faithful tlTort. We have adistinctly American disease It Is Americanpush. It Is contagious and the sooner ayoung man is seized by it the sooner willhe succeed,

lb la a mistake to suppose that million-aires do not work. Probably the ftfeateittand fcaddefet mlsuuderstandlnf; between therich man And the poor Is that the rich mandoes not know how much the poor manBuffers, and the poor man does not knowhow hard the rich man works.

The above was contributed by the lateOrlando It, Potter toa few hours before his sudden death. NewYork Mail and KxprebS.

Vhat II t'ouM l.The ml Salon worker hud a lot of boysfrom the street leforu him, trying to seewhat their ca)ncitles were for other wcrkthan wantleriiiK. He hid called up severaland questioned them and came next to aredheaded urchin of about 12. As the lsjyrose to be put through thethe other boys prodded him with a pin.

Ie jumped, of course, but being on hisgood behavior he managed to suppress hisfeehugh, though it could le plainly seenthut he wai almost at the limit.

"Yon want to work, too, do youf" askedthe missionary kindly.

The ljy merely nodded.Vhatcan jou dot" inquired the mis-

sionary.The boy could hold lu no longer.'I klu lick de stulfin out of de kid wot

stlcked me wld a pin, and I'm golu to doit," he burst forth, and a fewminutes laterthe job had been done thoroughly. DetroitTree Press.

A Thirteenth Onltirj Kphleiulc.Have any of my readers e er thought the

following very curious disease Camdentells us about in his "Britannia" mighthave been an epidemic of Influenza 'Iuthe year 1341, In the county of Leister,there happened such a strange prodigy ashas not been heard of. A person travelingalong the road found a pair of gloves litfor his use, as he thought, but when he putthem on he lost hlsspeechlmniediatelyaud1egan to bark Hkea dog. Nay, but from thatmoment the men and women throughoutthe whole country barked like great dogsami the children like whelps. This plaguecontinued with some 18 days, with othersu month and with some two months,and also infected tho neighboring countiesand set them too." LoudonGen tie worn au.

The To ad In the SIouu.The red men who Inhabit the hole west-er- a

continent bttwten the Itocky moun-tains nnd the Cascade range believe that

- tho spots ou Luna's face represent the formof ft gigantic toad, and tell the followingstory to substant late their queer ideas:

In time long past a little wolf, beinglove with a toad, went

idght nnd prnyed that the moonmight bhlne Ulghtly ou hU ndveuture. His

' prayer was grauted, and by tho clear lighttf the moon he was purtuin? the toad andhad almost caught her when, as a lastchance, she made a d'wperate spring forthe face of the moon (which appeared much

. nearer than common) and succeeded Inreaching that luminary, where she sets untilthis day in plain view of all the wolves ofthe world, which nightly howl in their ag--

, ony whenever they think of how the toadoutwitted their uncus tor. Sc. Louis He- -


lllxlng Ifujloth.Do you know," asked one of your nose.

5Jfor-ne- men of the writer, 'that manylawyers are enuaglng iu other business lu

A i addition to tlutr profession? There wasfe tlrae when a lawyer would think it a tari'Jmsljou his proiession U he aid anythingWJ.a It.i It Id nn t.n i.i.o I,. .1..

iKuowouo lawyer on ivaitiiiuglou stn-e-

who has au interest lu a meat market ou' Cot t ace GrovuaLUUe. and I know a ludes'of the ftupcrloivcourt who Is the owner of adowu town uarLer siiop. Jie bought thsplace one day before he was on the benchtut an investment, and It pays so well thaih UholUIng" onto Jt, -- Chicigo Tribune,


GOOD APPETITEHdwcnlUl to R'Khl health, for when(lio ilnlro for food ll gone, ilirliglliwill iooii fnil. It n(rm with nml

tone the inoit iciiiitito nml ilvlientu

toinncli ) Inki'ii Iwforc i It itliU

digestion o until rail; that you really

nuiii-cclat- whnt you rnt( lti for

lheo iinjiurtntit frntum that


perfected nml tiutcless, of Coil Liver

Oil with CoiiiihjiiihI Syrup of

Kxtritcti of Malt nml

Wild Cherry Hark ii so universally

lrecribeil Mid recommended to

strengthen tho weak, make, healthyflesh nml fat, especially when tho

system Is hrokon down by nil kinds

of wasting diseases, Fevers, Malaria,

llhcumntism nnd Throat mul Lungtroubles. Sold by

lloi.usTEii Ducti Coj 11EN90N, Smith

it Co; ltouuo.x Dni'O Co.




or Honolulu,


J. A. MAHT1N,HTAR Agent, 1 Ho.

GEO. HONS.Htar Aeent Wnilukuana Lahaliin,


UtrLKY & UKYNOI.Da,410 FortBt




r ort t.. opjioslte Uluo Btnliles.


Tel. 3.'i(X Cor. Alakea nnd Hotel HtreeUt


V1GG0 JACOBSEN.Telephone 16. Pacific Hardware Co,


uotei oi,J. HOIT & CO.

vs tinn oi.


Aetna, Alliance, Hew icnglana Mutual


EMMELUTH & CO.,G rfuuanu HU

UEltCHANTBS. L Bhaw, Proprietor


BCHNEIDKJt, I). V.a.Club BtAbles. Fort H

H. Hackfeld & Go.

HA juat received, per"II. P. (Slmle" and

per other Into arrivals, themost complcto stock of . .


Hardware,Italia and Ralhvny

Material,Ciochery and Olasaware.Hiirs and HagKing,




A new supply of thecelebrated


. , Also on handKONA C0FFEI2 (Old and New)


All of which they oiler to thotrado ou the on the moatliberal terme.





Is prepared to do all kinds ofartietlo Book, Job and News-

paper printing at fair prices.



Hooks. PamphleUt Legal Papers,Hand Hills, Dodgere, Letter andHill Heads, Business and VisitingCards Ticketj, Programs, etc, .




A W.r SIMj ! tritft nnil AMnnl.ttlftt

l..lllt th. I'nlnit fcnlill.r U hn .1 ryirtiprlalpit lh. lUimrnl of III. llrn.l

.tl.ICVrirlihl. bj Anwrlesii Pit Ai-Um.-

Th. rwrnt death nt nn honored (Sinful

unit trtrrnn In n .mall hIumiI the rtVflolkiii nt mis nt tlie

Mt rrmsrknhla mul mmtul raws ftneieptlnn Hint lm nir fulliii liriimtli mriiolUe. For snrloiH rmMim, whltli willUtmiv nhvloiM til llm rtwilrni (if llil

1 nlmll lint Hire IliN nn' lruliAlnr, I'lit nlll rail lilm I'mil lllnkr.

Illnka nn h Nrw KiiRlamlrr liy Mrth,Iml, lii'lnu lift nn nrplnu 1imi lit nm Hilm run nnny fnni IiIm KiifiritlAti' litnenml Irntrlwl ovrr vnrlmn rllim nt IhUcimutrr nml Hurone Die

jmn of nmnliiMni, m he niillynotimn lint ctmtuiiNilltaii liy iiHturf.

Wtin tlie civil nnr mine on, lie rnlUtetlIn the nortlirm nrmv mul " InKrnicu'n illvllon pf CoihIi'k con ' ll"time the Unllln of ClinticdlorMllIe Kickplaco. He fouitht hrnvily, Mltli, M lieconlJ tilnlnly me, little or no tlmnve ofpromotion,

In the course of nn rnKngcmtnt lio re-- 'celveil ft bullet w omul In the hcnil HintreniltreJ him lintonsclolw for the time,nnd when lie renlly tnme loliltnwlf niralli,he wni wnuilerlnu nlwat In n ileimo piece

lllill '.


of forest without the least idea of hisw hereabouts. To mako his situation stillmore forlorn. It wns idght nnd a drizzlingrain was falling, wetting him thoroughlyand chilling him to the boue.

As soon as lie thoroughly nppreciateuthe situation, he set about to find his com-rades.

'This ho soon discovered was no

easy task, and It wns near morning whenhe finally came out of the woods In the iclnity of the house which had sened fJen-er-

Hookerasheadqunrtcrs. Imagine hisastonishment nnd dismay to find the lo-

cality deserted by the Union nrmy, for thUwas the night of May 5, 1 8C3, nnd Hookerhad otrejuly retreated beyond the .

After n time, the truth dawned onHlake. nnd he hurried to tho river, whichwns reached iu the gray light of morning.Then his dismay was Increased to discoverthe rain hail so swollen the river that becould not cross nt the fords. He sit outto find a pontoon bridge, if posslhle, hutthe last Federal was supposed to havereached the northern shore, nnd no uridineswere to be discovered.

Then it wns that Blake saw escape wasImpossible, and he considered capture cer-tain, lu no way delighted at the thoughtof spending weeks or months lu Lihbyprison or Andersonville, he was trying todevise some scheme or avoiding capture,when ho came to a spot where nu engage-ment had taken place the previous day.There were many dead soldiers lying onthe ground, and the reatures or a LonreU-erat-

w ho lay stretched ou his back attract-ed Blake's ntteuitou. To his profoundastonishment, he saw the man was almost,If not quite, tho exact double of himself.It gave him a shock at first, for It was asIf he had seen hlmielf lying dead.

As he looked nt the corpse, a brightthought came tn him, aud he muttered t

"I'll do It, nnd take the chances! I maybe able to fool them until I cau slip awuyand rejoin my comrades."

Immediately he dragged tho tally Intoa thicket, nnd there exchanged clotheswith the dead man, or, rather, ho appro-priated tho outer garments of thoothtrand threw his own away. Then ho draggedthe body to the river aud thrust It intothe swollen tide, which soou swept itaway.

Borne hours later, falling In with asquad of southern skirmishers, he wnsshrewd enough to feign he was somewhatdazed from the elTect of the wound ou hishead. When he was questioned, ho actedoa If slightly deranged, declaring himselfGeneral I;.

As n natural result, he wns sent to thehospital, where his wound rcecUed atten-tion. Ln his pockets, or lu the pockets ofthe dead Confederate's clothes, ho foundseveral letters addressed to George Button.Those letters were from a sweetheart ofHatton's, nnd they revealed the fact thatthe dead man had belonged to Hoke's brigade.

Iu a short time ho seemed to iecoerfrom the wound, nnd then he said he wasGeorge Button, although professing tohave' lost his memory to a great extent.The hospital doctor said that was a nat-ural result of such a wound, hut his mem-ory would gradually return to Mm.

In tbe course of a short time, Blakefound himself serving iu Hoke's hrlg ide.although he was constantly on the outlook for an opportunity to escape and re-

turn to the northern army. He letelvedtwo or three appealing letters from Maryfct. Orme, Hotton's sweetheart, and theywere so full of love, teudernesn mid solici-tude that he thought it cruel to ever letthe girl know of her loers de'li.

How wns this to be pre' ititedr Atlength, a wild scheme entervd his head.lie would write to her in llattou s stead.and she would never know the difference.He was aided lu this by u half finishedletter ln the dead soldier's handwriting,which he carefully imitated.

His first letter was short, but he told herhow he had lieen wounded on the headand his memory had almost entirely failedLlm so far aa events before the Itattle wereconcerned. He said he could not r uiein-he- r

if he had issessed a picture i her,but If such were the case It was lost, andhe urged her to send him one.

1 lie next letter from the girl containeda miniature of her, and ho was immediate-ly Impressed by the sweetness of her face.It was absolutely the face of his ideal, andhis heart beat In his bosom with a quick-ened measure as he gazed earnestly nt thelittle picture. Suddenly, by un impulsethat seemed other than his own, he pressedhis lips to the miniature, and from thatmoment he wai modly in love with thedead soldier's sweetheart, the girl ho hadnever seen.

Somehow, Paul Blake's desire to escapeand rejoin the Federals waned rapidly, andIn his heart there actually grew a sympa-thy for the south, the land that was sodearly loved by this sweet and beautifulgirl he now longed but feared to see. Hewondered if she would be deceived, or Ifshe would read tho truth in his face.

Months went by, nnd the correspondencecontinued, while Blake's love Increasedconstantly uutll he literally adored MaryBt. Orme. Her lettprs gavo him lnforma-tlo-

concerning Button's forim r homo nndthe people the dead man had known uMilhe finally believed he could return to thatffpot tn Hat ton's place and nprear so thor-oughly familiar with everything Hut noone would suciM-c- t him. Hntton, likeBlake, had been an orphan, which wouldwake ll all the easier for the latter shouldhe ever venture to visit the unfortunatesoldier's hone.

So Paul Blake fought through the re-mainder of tlie war as n southern soldier,receiving honorable mention twice forbravery, but falling to obtain a commis-sion of any sort. When tho cause of thesouth was defeated and the struggle wasended, he found himself in a position thatfilled him with delight and dismay, liehad not ventured to visit Mary on furlough, but now he must either go to her atonce or Immediately give up all hope ofever seeing her.

His decision was soon made; he wouldventure It, no matter what the result. Ashe approached the home of Mary fit, Orme,his feelings may be better Imagined thandescribed. How would she receive htmr

The question was soon ansnerfd. tth.threw herself into his arms, literally faint--lug with joy. later, she said he hadchanged Borne, bnt was still her own truelover.

Within a month, Paul Blake marriedMary St. Orme. Of courso his consciencetroubled him some, but her attraction forhim was simply irresistible, aud there wasno turning back then.

For more than lifl years Paul Blake livedas George Hntton, and not even his wifeknew or suspected the truth. Four chil-dren were born to them, and their livespassed as smoothly as a soft (lowingstream, Blake had no desb;e to revisit bis

Every Woman LivinghIN fl In


tvlih.riiiMfr'ni . !

nn I'Mrl! III. '

Mo viumI 11UniM"I.UI A MlHI- -

X' vi1. rtlll Mi 1.1

TvJ'Vr' ? Ft1"1 '"' 11,1

tilxff. Rtiufj W x u try

ii tpriiv. A Tft Jmu inntnonttiN lo ym tn nr tiurtiT

Hl0lif. MntllN, (Itimli NHM, rrire llnriiienrrlive.

Fur wtnl n,lvii-- Hint irfnin mi lnuilr.SlH NK.IUK II MiLI-i- ki

h"iiilr li.'i'iiir. annmr.v.l . Hun I'rnoi

lor il. liy IKll.l. r ilM I on . I . Ilnimtillii

old homo In New I.tiKlntid, ns there wasnothing lu particular to call Mm backthere, nnd not until ho lay on hli deathld did (he wholeiitnHlluK truth come out.Wltrn he wn AntUriral he must Mirely die,sninelhtuir prompteil 1dm to make the rev-elation, Men thoiiKh he fmred his wifewould turn from him In horror,

Nothing of the kind ncctrml. Withher nnua nliout him, she mummied lu hisenri

"You have lnen a faithful nnd lovinghuslguul, and 1 lmte Ueti ,ry happywith you, dear. To me jou nre still thelover who marched nwny to war."

And no, with lnr Hm on his ltpn, hehreatlatl UU Inst, hU clenr.Ills dtsith neriirred some time ngo, but Itwas only of hte that the fctory of there-n-i

ark able deception b came Unowu to altmtteil few. H was told me on my pledgenot to reveal tho real names of any oneconcerned, therefore tho name of lleorgoIlattonls fictitious as well as that of PaulUlake and Mary St. Orme.

A I'urutriiiiy rimeral.I have often wondered nt tho Inconsis-

tency of those good peoplewhn In leva thespirit of it dead Cliristlm friend has de-

parted to n region of eternal bliss, yetweep nnd moan over that friend's cofllnnnd grave. The natives of Paraguay holdthe same belief, but their manners nt nfuneral are quits In contrast.

During my brief stay nt Villa Martin Iwandered out Into the neatly kept andpretty little cemetery of the village, whichwas located within tho very shadow oftho stuccoed dumb. I hnd lieen there buta short time when two bells in the towerliegnn to ring rapidly nnd musically, withn positive sound of joy In their tones, as ifsummoning guests to a wedding.

A few minutes later, I observed n procession of people entering the cemetery byone tho gites. The procession was com-posed of women, young girls nnd childrenof Iwth sexen. 1 he lojs wore bright col-ored ponchos, while thaglrl hnd drapedover their heads tho universal blackshawls of that class. They were all chat-ting nnd laughing as they advanced.

landing the party was n young womanwho Imro a small white coIlin on her head.The coflln w as decorated with natural rosesand otlur fresh flow Ined nnd wreath-ed togetlrer. Other young women of theparty wore bright colors nnd seemed

w i t li happiness.This strange luncral procession.for such

It was, ndvnnced to where tho old grave-digge-r,

wearing ncitmson ioncho, awaitedthem beside a newly made grave. I hecoflln was surrendered to him. nnd ho lowered it into the grave. As ho threw in theearth nnd stamped It down with his feet,tlie jounger children tang nnd dancedabout the grave, and nil tho while tho bellsln the tower were flinging out their cheer-ful music.

I cannot till how oddly this surprisingscene nffectcd me, as I stood there wntch-lu- g

everything tbot was done by thoseslm-pl- e

people. A senvntion tbot wns quitenew to me took session of my entire belt tor it wns m If I hnd seen ilentb roinbed of nil Ita uhnstly horror. I was notshocked In nuywny, but my heart feltlighter within me, as I thought, after all,It might not be such a terrible thlug todie.

When the gravodlggcr's work was completed, tho procession moved swiftly fromthe cemetery, the children still singing anddancing, while the older oiiS laughed nndtalked.

After they were gone, I approached thegrnvedlgger and asked him why they hadseemed so happy. He looked at me in surprise, replying!

"They have just buried a little bnbe,senor. Why should they not lw hnppyt"

"But is death suchn pleasant thingr""You do not reom to understand, senor.

Tho, babe was Imptlzcd nnd is now a littleangelo. That makes them happy. Theone who Ihih the coflln was the mother,and she is happiest and most blessed ofthem all. All, tenor they are fortunatewho die young and become llttleatigelos."

I turned uv.ny v. 1th it sigh, Tho philosophy f'fthoso ilniple foiled as too deep forthe il underftanding of ouo who hndbeen brought up in a land where death Isdreaded and feared as a destroying mouster. Gii.iu:rt Pattln.


H'u litis a Cnlnetib nn or Wns It honiIfclra SUM bituiJVfi?

Whnt 13 the extpUmitlon of Hf Thefacts itro utict2d reliable persons.

One of the niot menln the state nnd receiver for a great corporation vvnsagtustat the Grand Pacifichotel. While ho was at the hotel his souand daughter came to take dliiuervvllhhim. lhat evening ha went tu Mr. PaulGores, tho ilerk, and said, "Charge inewith two extra dinners."

MrrGores knew the dunuhter vvos at thehotel, but ho hnd not seen theson.niul forHomo reason supposed that n girl friend ofthe daughter hail bein the third personwho took dinner nt the hotel. Tiitru Is nrule of the house that tho name of everyguest must bu entered ou tho register. SoMr, uores opened the hook tu put downtwo names. He just wrote the name ofMiss , the daughter. Then ho thoughtfor it moment and wrote bt low It "MissWnrbnrton, Cleveland." Of courso Wur-burton was i.ot thennmo be wrote, nndCleveland was not the town, but they willdo just ns well, and iu every other particular the story ns told will be exactly truoto the facts. He didn't know why hewroto."Mhs Wnrburlon, Clev. land." Hesimply "(bought up" n fictitious namennd put It on the register, nn ho had oftenclone herore.

Next day, when (hegiie,st enmo to payhU bill, the cashier look up tl:u accountnnd stud, " ami have bce-- here threeelavs.and there nro two dinners chargedone for your daughter nnd one for Misswnrburtoii,"

'MIhs WarburtonI"'Yis. Mian Wurburtoit of Cleveland.

Is there somtthliia wrontif"'two extra t miners Is nil right, but

there's something wrong. How did thatnamo get on tho re";Uterf"

fcI don t know, I'm sure,"'Well I have n ctrtaln reason for Ask

ing, nml I w ish you would look it up."bo the clerks were eiuehlioued. ami Air,

Gores sold he wrote down the name."But how did vou hanteu to get thut

name and that address?"'I don't know. I'm sure. I wrote the

first thing that came Into my head."That s the most extraordinary thing l

ever heard lu all my life,"They did not venture to nsk questions,

but he told them nnywayt "Miss Wur- -

burtou of Cleveland was n deur friend ormy daughter. Bho died about three yearsago under very sad circumstances. Whenmy son nnu daughter werei with me atdinner the other evening, we were talk-tu- g

of her, nnd I dure suy my son anddaughter, whom I left up iu the parlor,were talking of hernt the very momentthat name wus written. I'm sure I didn'tmention her name In the hearing of anycleik."

"No," sold Mr. Gores. "It just cameto me,"

Then they fell to wondering whether itwas simply an unexplalunble coincidenceor a beautiful case of thought transference. Chicago Becord.

Sir. Short urie Entertains.Domestic Beggin your pardon for

you and our eumpany, sir, butthe grocer is here with this bill, sir,and

Mr, Short purso (anxious to gniutlme)Have you lookeel over that bill to sea Ifit Is correct f

"N-o- , sir.""Hal I thought not. How nm I to

know that It is not full of mistakes?Some other day, when I have moretime"

"Oh, I'm suVn It's all right, sir. He'svery good at llgurns."

"How should jou know that?""Why, sir, he said this was tho twenty,

seventh tliuo he's called with thut bill,and I know that Is so Vauso I kept countmyself," New York Weekly.

I' Mii.ti-i-ii- Tt ilnl

. li.i(llfi lr Hi'k 1 u.uili' I i li'fnlly.-IIISUIIIUTmU,(I ', rViiipIo,

V It ICM - -A l'l.llM;iT

llltl.AM ()!

A lilt i:. . .

AN All!


or run Kiu'unuc01-- ' HAWAII.

Kxuutivi; CllttNtMU

. II. Dote, I'resii'ctit of 'the llrpihllu' Hawaii, .

F, M. I laldi, Minister of HFnrelun flairs,I. A. Kins', Minister of the Interior-.M- ,

Damon, .Mlotntcr of Flint net--

V, (. Hmlih, l.

Anvismir t'onMii,

W, F. Allen. Chairman of the AdvisoryCouncil of the llepublicof Hawaii.John Nott, U. Unite,lohn Una, E. 1). leuney.J nines i Mt.rsan, A. Youiur,

J. T. iMeiulonca, I). It. Smith,John Kmuielulh. James A. Kenn ly.Dr. U. H. Wood. (leortfu I'. Castle.Prof, V. A. Uosmer.(' T. UikUits, eeretary Executive and Ad

visory (Joit nei Is.

H nertiR Oorivr.

lion. A. P. Juil.l, Chief Justice.Hon. It. F. IHckurton, first Associate JuMleeHon. W. K. t'renr, t .lusllecHenry hudth. Chief Clerk.(leolKe hucas. First I'eputv Clerk. 1

C. F. Peterson, Heeond Heputv Clerk.3, Walter Jones. Hlthoiirntilier.

CneiL'iT Juna.s.

First Circuit: U.K. Cooper, W. A. WliltltOuhu.

Circuit: Mam, J W, Kalun.Ihtrdand Foutt li Circuits: Hawaii H.L.Anst it.f inh Circuit: Kauai. J.

Offices and Court-riH.- In JinHrJarjlmlldiii, Ktmr Street. Sitting tn HonoluluFirst Moml'i) In February, May, August andNovcmtoi

1k:autmi-n- t or F(imun ArrAnt?.

OfllcP In Kxecutivo Building. Kin HtreetFrancis M. Hatch, Minister of foreign Affairsiito. C, Potter, hcerrtary.A. Si. M. Mackintosh, Clerk.

W't tllrvln, Becrelarj Chtneo Ilurrnii

l)rpuitt.K.T tr tiii: ivrruioie.

irt'.ce In Hrfcutlve UnlMlmr, Kmc Mitt' A, Khit, illuUter of the luttrtor.h cf Clerk, Jo!!! A. IIas1ner.ttdttant Clerk-- , Janc ll. bojd, II, t

Mejers tlua lttne. Ktt pbe n Mul iutu, Ueortfe O. b'oss, Kdv.ard l!od.

it!Ks or HCKKtrS, BfclMltTVFNr


Snivel oMIeneml, W. U. Aleiamler.SuM. I'uMIu Wurks, W. K. Howtll..upt. Water Works, Al.drew llr wn.Inspector kit trie bU'Itts, John Canidj'.lieuMntrof I'oau'janeen, 'Mb Thrum.Deputy Ueglstrar of Convejances, H, W.

AutbewsBoml 8upervi"nr, Honolsla. W. It. Cum-

"Mbot.Chhf Ruuineer Fire Dept.. J, 11. Insane Aejlmn. Ur. Oeo. Iletbert.

iluiiF.AU nr Anmcui.TruK.

Pnnl'Jenl J. A. King, Mlnlsteof the Interior.

W, (1. Irwin, A. Jaeger, A. Her--li t u in I John Kna,

'oir.mlstsionerof Agihullnie and ex t.lllrtecri tr of the UoarJ: Joneiih MaiMem


Vilidslcr of FI.'iumc, M. DiLoioii.Aulftor-tenia- 11. umi".HriIsti'Arof Aecounlf, W. O. Afrhlt-y- ,

' nllcelwMItfueral of D.

Tax Oahu, Joniithan Mtaw,i'fputy , V, e. Weedon,IotniaKter-t!enera- l, J, M. (Let.

CVsrosjs IlLitiiiu.

Oilh o. Clielom House, FspUnailo, Forth(Vlh ctor-- ( lenerul, J. 11. t'uM le.

F. It, MeMoiker,Ildi lht Master, Captain A. Fuller.Fort Surveor, M. N. SaniltrB.StorcLeeitcr, Geo. C, btrntimeier.

Ill PAHfHKNT orOllice In Kseeutlo llutblt'ig. King M.

Attome-iienera- l, W. O. Ktuilh.Bi puly Attoriity-tJi-ii'jra- l, A. fl. M. ItoU-rt-

eoii.Cleik.J.M. Kri.MaiAhal. K.l, illtcliLOtk.Clerk to Marshal, II. M. Dow,Denuty Marshal, Arthur M, hrown.Jailor Oahu Prison, Junius A, Iow.Prison Dr. N. lb Kumisoit.

Ho Attn or IUai.tii,

tlSIru lu f.Toinds of Jadlclary Ibilhllugt oruerof Mllllanl and ejurii htreet .

5Uinlere: Dr. Day, Dr. WikhI, Dr. Andrews,J.T. Waleihourie, Jr., John Kna, TheodoreK' Ijinstugand l riiltli.President, Hon. W. O. Hiuith.

C'liKs. Wikox.tkeeutlva Oftker, C. 11. lle,nohU.?ent Hoard or Health, J. D. MoYeUh.

and Manager of Uarhace rJervu-e-

L. U Ia 'lerre.ltisiertor, Dr. W. Momarrat,Port Ph)slclan, Dr. F, It. Dav,DlajtenHary, Dr, Henry W. Howard.Ur Kel t lenient. Dr, It. K. Oliver.


OiAre, Department of Interior, JudiciaryU ni !uinS, Kln Htreet.

President, J.A.King.Members of the Hoard of Immigration:

J. 11. A titer ton, Jus. A. Kennedy, JofephMamlen, James O. bpem-er-

, J.Csrden.Secretary, Wray Tailor,

HoAien or Kucoatiok.Otoce, Judiciary IhilMIng, Kfnir Ptreet

Piesldent, W, It. Castle.Clerk, J. F, Hiott,Inspector of Hehools, A. T. Atkinson.

UoAiin jo Cuc-w- LM CrunirnrMH,J. A. King, Minister of the Interior; W. 0

Buittlu Atlorney-uener- and O, V, IaukeaOffice tn Jurllciary Build I nr.

Laboii Commission.

W. N. roistrong Chairman.J. Kmmeluth, T. II. Murray,J. M, Ylvas, Jl. W. Severance.

Dr. C, T. HodKers, Becretsry.

Disthict COUNT.

Police Btatlon Itulldlng, Merchant BtreeUAntonio Perry, MatElstrate.Jamos Thompson, Clerk,

fOBTomcK Bureau.Postnuuter-General- , J.Mort Oat.Secretary, W. O. Atwater.Hun't Postal Havlnjjs Hank, E. II. Wodehouse.Money Order Department, F. B, Oat.General Delivery, L.T. Keuake.Keglstry Department, G. L. Besba.Clerks: J.D.Holt, IL A. Dexter, H.L.Keku.

mano, F, H. Angus, J. Llwal, Henry KalsJ, N, K.Keola, NsrlU J, T.F1f0red


LAW . .Ktl'.ll,It. II tti nil Alull Rlinui.r

A Mil NT






Tho I'ortntitt Ti Hrr.Flic tttHul 1 tbe vrelrd ftrtt twilight

liy I he Tiro iif the Bypy tnni(,Furmundo-- l ,y rmduws, half stflitlrd

Hy therneklui(f horses' tramp;New Knalatnl, bluoej-c- and tlctulcr,

And Italy, hafftrnrd aud fell;Tlie past hud rpokcn-tl- n) f ntnre

Ihoto ominous lips should foretell,

My husband," she blushetl "hha1l I see himPre the nmnles turn In cold?"

"Your husband," she pondered, "j our hus-band,

Hro olives aro picked you Iwhold;Ills face Is handsome and muni t

llltlinnd has the grasp nf a khif?;Aik not beyond this for the harvest!

Know only how fair is the tpring."

"Jn pAtaee or cot t age or castle,n city or town shall we live?"

Ah, d.uiffhter, jou ask of the fntureMore than joj wkli I should give.

If tho hand that shallguard and protect yemHas lore In Its prctf, no'cr eompluto;

Your homo chall lie sweeter for dreaming,Though Jourtnatl-s'- aeontle In Hpain.

Charles Knowlcs Holton.

A IMilU'nopticr.Znck Hunistead mtcr fiocserflzeAbout llio ctia:i au tho skhs,Au ga'i nnd I as from inovu till noonAbout the either side tho moon,An 'bout the tho placeTen miles tho e lid of space,Au if his vtUetu'd ask tho crankF.f ho woul lnt kinder ( ry to yank

llstsclf outdroi s an 01 r nmc v, oodTo make her kitchen fire geiod,So sho Ld bako her Wans an pies,Bo'd saj, "I've got tcr doHheillzo."

An then bo'd set and flotMeifizeAbout tho liatur1 au tho tlzoOf anjelr v. li.a, an think an gaw pAn onib r I nw they made em flop.He woiidt red cf )er bored a boleHitflit tluoarihlho jelthf'um lole tojols,An then sh'd trip an stumble throush,Tho best thing you hnd onulitir to do.lle'd calkahte how Ions a skid'Twould tnko to move the nun, he did,Au if tho hkld vvu2Eti-onsii- rime.It couldn't bo moved tu supiwr tltuo.An vvcn his vUp ud ask the loutEf ho wouldn't kinder waltz aboutAu lake a tag un shoo tho flics.He'd say, "I've goiter flosscrflzc."

An so lio'd set an llosserllxoAbout tho jcrth an ma an nklcs.An scratch his head an ak tho rauseOf w'at ll.ero wu7 before time wuz,Alt W'ut (ho UutvirM) ud doIiiiuiihy vvVu tliiio bed all got through!Au jfot bow fur we'd ev to climbLf vofiirdtravtlojttrtlin''.An ef we'd need w'en we got thereTo keep emr watches In leikdr.TIan, tf bis v, lie sh'd usk (ho gawkFf ho wouldn't kinder try to walkTo where he had the tuhlo spreadAn kinder git his stomach fedBe'd leap for thatur kitchen doorAn S113 , 'Wy didn't ni rj eak afoi-c!- '

An w'ea he'd got his supper et.He'd eot an Bet an Bet an set.An fold bis arms an shet bit eyes.An sot an set an flosserflzo.

8. W. Fobs.

When Jim lTa Dead.When Jim was dead,

Hit sarved hlin rl(.ht," the nabors sed,An 'bused him ft r the life he'd led.An him thar at restWith not a row upon hU breastlAM meiiiiy cruel words they sed

W hen Jim w as dead.

J sb killed biielf." "Too mean tcr lit a.They U Id n't liov one word ter nlveOf comfort as they hovered nearAn gazed on Jim lug there!'Thar ain't no use to talk," they sed,

"He's better dead!"

Hut suddenly tho room growed still.While Ood 'a white sunshine seemed ter fillThe dark placo w It h a gleam of life,An o'er the dend she lnt Jim's wifelAu with her lips cloo, close to his,As though he knew an felt the kiss,the sobbed a touchin sight ter see"Ah, Jim was always good ter mel"

I tell jou when that cum to lightIt kinder set the dead man right.An round the wccpln woman theyThrow ed kludly arms of love that day.An mingled w It It her own they shedThe tendcrest te are when Jim was dead

Frank L. Htanton.

A Clft IHvlne.This gift Is given,This gift from heaven.Unto a

veins with human frailty filledA glow divine Is found distilled.

There's music rarel'laj ed in the airTo such a one,

And lLctrrrcd ty !t3 mystic flowIlls bit athh.g ur.d hlsmovuncntsgo.

As thiough tho skyIho nuleors liy,Bodutts l.lsglsncr,

Or It would tcun as though soft handsHad w av e d his fue o like fuua.

Ry man and beast.From (,'lTat to leastHo will bo loved.

A child v. Ill bit niton his kneeAnd seek bis face confidingly,

I fo cannot restWithout the U'btTho world can nhe.

Our truest thought to him we bring;Our sweetest tong to Mm vie sing.

Aud if we And, 'hike all maitind.He, too, can tin.

Wo feel, although wo sigh or weep.Ills part dlv I1.0 Is hut odcep.

--Uleunor H. Caldwell,

Draw iii the Cider.To draw tho elder wo were sentWe two on mirth and mischief lienttihe boro the ci'Tidld flaring hlh;Tho old blue llgured pitcher, I.

What shadows o'er the e ellar wallTobsed, hugti and chaieless, dim and talJJWhat eerlo sounds from rack ana Lin,And casks that peal icul sphlts Inl

Tho spigot turned, both brads bent lowTo watch tho amber current flow;Tho cnndlo Hijlit flared strangely dimTho pitcher mut not overbrim.Bo close, so closo our.foces drew.Oar lips had touched before wo knew.And ero they tartcd rcgucs dUgraced-fcj- lx

tjuarU of cider went to waste!Frank hetlle's Weekly.

Love Is Not Free.Love Is not free to take, llko Bun an 1 air.

Nor gtve away for naught to any one.It is no common right for men to share.

Like all things precious, it Is Bought and won

So If another Is more loved than youSay not, It Is unjust, but say, If she

Has earned more lav e than I It is her dueWhen I deserves more It w ill come to ine,1

Hut If your longing bo for love indeedI'll teach jou how to win It a sure way.

Love and bo lovely that Is all you need.And what ) ou w ish for will be j ours some day

Husau Coolidge.

From too much love of living,From hope and fear Bet free.

We thank with brief thanksgivingWhatever gods there be.

That no life lives forever.That dead men rise up never.That even the weariest river

Winds somewhere safe to sea.flwiabun

The Worst or AH.There are many fools that worry tbU world-Fo- ols

old, and fools who're young,Fools with fortunes, and fools without.Fools who dogmutUe, fools w ho doubt.Fools who Bnlcker, and fools who shout.Fools who never know what they're about.

And fools all cheek and tongue;Fools who're gentlemen, fools w ho're cads,Fools who're gray beard, and fools who're

lads;Fools with manias, fools with fads.Fools with cameras, fools with tracts.Fools who deny the stubbornest facts.Fools lu theories, fools tu at Is,Fools who quarrel, and fools who quack;In fact, there are all sorts of fools In the pack,

Fools fat, thin, short and tall;But of all sorts of fools, the fool with a gun

(Who points it at some one of courbe, "Infun"

sJknd fools all around till clianco murder Isdone)

Is the worntest fool of them all!Lfndvi Punch.


OrtlonH ror, rf Kingolid Alakm trseu .,

I am ircMtnl tn bid nn nil Mml.of Contrnctii for lMinlliiB

nml Kcpnlrhit;.



COiNTItACTOIi .f; lIlin.DMII.Illlli tif ipirihtJly for anykind of llmbling nmllepilr

506 KING STREET,V. II. ItM)vvAli!s Old Stand.

Oh, I Say!have vou hen til of th-- new firm nt the corneof King and Alukea streets, when joucj--buyerllaiiyihfngfnim a canibrlo needli

Utasaw mill.

New and Second-ha- nd FurnitureAll klmlii of Fntiml-linm- l jnkn

tiuuglit nml nil.L All kliiila of rcnlrart.tal:cn for

PainlinE anil Upliclsteria:Wm nre fully prc.arcd to contract foi

nny sired Job of iMiintlng nnd rcieir!ng,CBABI.DS HAM UIXS.



HvRT&CO.Iv Calc Ealcij,



ISLAND CUHIOG.Our EstaMUlimcnt It the Finest Kcsort tn the

City. Call nd see us. Open till it p. m.

OHAS. HUSTACE,Lincoln Block, Kino Sthkht,

Itotwton Fort anil Alakca BU.


Groceries and Provisions.Fiesli Calirornin Roll Butter nnd Itland

Hotter nlways on hnnd.

Fresh Goods received by every Steamerfivm San Francisco.




Qomniission Merchants

Jl I S. H. :.n?6fllS 0t,,,,,4!,0'i oi-u-

O Inl S. S. Co.

Oumn St H

H. MAY & CO.Wholesale and Retail

GROCERS98 Fort Street.

Both" Telephones 22. P. O. Box 47.

JAS. F. MORGAN.No. 45 Queen Street,

Auctioneer and Stock Broker,

Special attention given to thehandling of

Real Estate' Stocks, Bonds.

California and Hawaiian

FRUIT AND PRODUCE CO.,Or-p- , It. R. Depot.



FHOZEN OYSTERS, etc.,liy every Steamer from ban r ranclsco and

Vancouver. bhipplns bupiilled.




STEAM COCKS, unit nil other Ilttingpfor pipe 011 hantl.

Honolulu Steam lice Mill.

Kiedj milled IMco.nrnale In ejuautltles to silt

J. A. IIOPHEK, I'rop'r.iron Mrfel, Konolnln

NO ST. LBlfVUki. C. M.COOUK, r. ;. wwsrv

LEWERS & COOKE,1jMiiEu, Builders Hardware,






HUSTACE & COhave moved to

Morgan's Auction Rooms

for a short lime. We are still Belling;

Doparture Bay Coal.


KINDLING WOODIn nny quantity.

rvilh Tilnlinnw 4H. R."Wlf

Castle & Cooke, Ltd


General Merchandise


WoMakeAll Kindsof Silverware.

Do you wearone ol' our

War 3Sni- -


Jacobson & Pfoiffer.Tori Sinn 1 Jen clli rs,

NMr imiir Kltitf

Metropolitan Meat Co.Si KINO STItEKT,

Wholesale & Retail Butchers


Navy Contractors.(?. J. WALLKlt. MnnaKi:r.

WILDER & CO(K.tkMLhrit In i!ji.)

Estate S, G, WILDER - W. C KfllftB.


Lumber and Coal

Building MaterialsSUCH AS


Builders' Hardware,I'alntH, Oils, Glass


Cor. Fort and Queen Streets


Removed to Store next GoldenRule Bazaar.

YOURWATCHwill be made to keep excellent

time il left


FARM & CO.,the well known and rcli: bit

Watch Makers.

If satislaition is not given, yourmoney will be returned in fuli.Nland orders will rccciwii'iwniit nllrnlion r. 1 7 fm



IinnnrlerR anil tleulers in all klmls ofProvisions, Mercliandis , Cigars, Etc.


Near King Street.ClnthiiiE, Mattir.e;, CamphorTrunks. Valises, Hats anil GentsFurnishing Gooils

HIP CIIONG,Dealer in

a.ROUERIES AND PROVISIONS,Pork, HUe, Bran andGeneral Merchandise,

Cor. Hotel and Nuuanu Sts. Honolulu, II. I.

CHINESE PltOYISION STOKEllriik llulKUng ....Cor. Hotel anil Rmltli 8h,

Kl CHONC, Proprietor.Rice, Tea and General Merchandise.


Ofllce anil Mill onnear Queen Street,

Prompt attention to all orders

P. O. Box, 480


The I MLm

Mlitlicit CHiliPrlce Paid for Ud


W. W, AIIAifv,333Huunu8t. . TolophonoOOB.

FIdb sDitiDEi, Scotch and

American Goods.



Importor nml Donlcr Ih trn;ootliinnd Fanny Cooris.

Morchiint Tnilorinjr,KIT nl'AIIANTKKII.I'lllL'LMMOIlKIIA-r-

Tr.M 'IIONIS fit3. .. ..CSOO KIAI.


(Iint.fl Kiirnt.lilt'g HiknIii,CIiIihmj Hilk, .Mnlllhi..

CHlii.)ior TrinikH.No. 13 NUUANU HIUKCT,

I', ll. lint III.

Yee Oxx Co.,WalCDBiaicrs aud Manufacturing

llejtaMng of ll'nlriri nml .hurlru Clmip.Importers of Wnlclu-- nml Clochs,

317 NUUANU STI1EET. P. O. Itnx 143

Orient Planing naill,VIHC FAT & CO.,

CONTRACTORS J! U1LDERSKuril lure of nil kllublnhdo hiiiI reiiiiired. .

l'.0, 182. Ciir.KINll.nilllEnifcl.Hln.


Genui-- M'erolimicllHu,Groceries, China anil Japnn Term,

Mattinc, China Silk, Etc.

Telephone No. 457. t: 417 HOTEL. St.

WING MOW CHAN,IinKirterB and Commission iMcruhnnts.

China ami Japan Tea,Manila Clears, bilks.Matting, Uroeerlesainll'rovisiunti. ....

G4 King Street. Telephone 78.



GENERAL MERCHANDISE,Flue Manila Cigars, Crockery w ate.Matting, Dress bilks, Chinese andJupanene Teas. - - -

, , Tttcplionc 266

TA1 WO WING KEE CO.- No. SOD Nuuanu St.


Hoots ami Shoes Made to Onler.V. O. Box LU7. . . .Wo Uw tho iiont MaU'rlal anil Warrant It to

Wear Well.

BOO YINC LUNG,lmjiorter of

Silk Gooite, Fine Tear, .VtmiVti Citnn,Matlimj, Xut Oil ami General

Merchandise.No. 04 Maunakea Streut, Honolulu, II, I.

i'. O. Dox llis.


Importers and tValerH in (Jciifi'nlMerchnndh-e- .

Wholesale Wins and Spirit MentalsCult, Kino aud Maukakka bTitKKTu.

1101' HINT. & COMPANY,CHUNG MIUC, Manager.

Wholesale Pealera In

Liquors nml Manila Cigars, Ilnlnh nmlAincriciu Oroci-riot)- .

402 lintel


Dry iomN, ISoU, rjhuck, VAv.(J one nil Illce Ai-n- for llio follow hit;

U'ulpio, V'iiIiiwa,V afuiaiu,Kmifitlu. WtUaluti.

Jinneolto Kk Mlllbt rice fur Bale.Murk A. I..

N0.-1C- Nuuaku St Cor. Chaplain Bt.P. O. liox 114.


flpfinVonwuiuiiiuii, Hardware, Cigars, Pla


3J1 Nuuanu St.,1'. o. Hoi ir,

HO YEN KEE & CO.,T I N N M I --i' IIM,

ami dealers in

CltOCKEItY, (1LASSWAUU, ETC.Water Pipes, lslil mul liegialreil,anil plumlmig neully execuUnl . , .

No. 41 Nuuamj sTiiEirr,

A Perfect NutrimentronGROwiria children,

convalescents,Consumptives.UTS PEPTICS,

and tbe AcedtiiDdla Aeale lllnria ajmil Wfjctt jUeH4a


Best Foodfor Hand-fa- d Infants.

OVK BOOK fur the InstructlnCormotben'Tbe Care andIne f Intnnta'wlll be moltwlrCto any tuldrvM, upon request, ,DOLIBER-GOODAL- E CO4


PLANING MILL.- Proprietors.

Alakea and Riclianle,Honolulu, H. I. , , ;

Telephone: Mutual. Bos Doll. m.

Mutual Tel. 245

U. To. bethe lowestm

Give the Baby


BENSON, SMITH & CO.,Mole Agfinta tow tlln llnwullim Uliimlu,




Priced Store on the Islands to buy NKW and

Class - Second - Hand - FurnitureOood ami Clean, at Prices to suit Ilia hardtimes gjr and Sold Cheap for Cash. . .





" Furniture ut tlm i. t. ..., lir.

'V!7 .