The Greatest Secret FINAL

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  • 8/18/2019 The Greatest Secret FINAL



  • 8/18/2019 The Greatest Secret FINAL


    The Greatest Secret of Personal Change and Achievement by Tom Venuto 

    Copyright 2013 

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  • 8/18/2019 The Greatest Secret FINAL


    The Greatest Secret of Personal Change and Achievement by Tom Venuto 

    Copyright 2013 

    The Greatest Secret of Personal

    Change and Achievement – Getting

    Out of Your Comfort Zone

    Hi this is Tom Venuto and you’re reading Volume One of the Burn theFat audio Coaching Essentials – The Greatest Secret of Personal

    Change and Achievement. Although this lesson is a short one, I

    guarantee that when you finish reading, you’ll agree that this lesson

    lives up to it’s title and you will probably find yourself reading this oneover and over again – at least I hope you will.

    But before we get started I first want to thank you and congratulate

    you for reading and for giving me the privilege of being your coach.

    For over two decades, I’ve coached hundreds of people in person oneon one and now I have the honor and privilege of being able to reach

    you and thousands of others just like you thanks to the internet and

    thanks to our amazing burn the fat community

    Over the years, I have seen some of the most incredible

    transformations you can imagine. Men and women of every age,

    occupation and lifestyle from more than 153 countries have used theburn the fat program to burn up to 50 pounds, 100 pounds, and

    believe it or not, even 200 pounds or more.

    I’ve also seen many people go from already lean to super lean andcompete in Bodybuilding, figure, fitness or body transformation

    contests. Personally, I’ve competed in 28 bodybuilding competitions

    and I still train with a passion to this day.

    So, I’ve had a lot of opportunity to see what works. And I’ve also seen

    what doesn’t work – and my goal for these audio coaching sessions isto share everything I‘ve learned And to go way beyond just what to

    eat and how to work out, and also give you the mental and emotionalsuccess strategies to help you stay motivated to stick with yourprogram so you can achieve all your goals.

    I gave a lot of thought to what I was going to talk about for this first

    show – which is part of the coaching essentials series.

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    The Greatest Secret of Personal Change and Achievement by Tom Venuto 

    Copyright 2013 

    The first thing that came to my mind, which probably doesn’t surpriseyou, was nutrition, because let’s face it, nutrition is at least half the

    battle and a lot of people believe nutrition is the single most importantfactor .

    So at first, I planned on starting with a burn the fat nutrition primer –

    like a top 10 principles of fat burning nutrition all condensed into 20


    Then I thought about training, because the entire Burn The Fat

    program is based on the principle that its’ better to burn the fat than

    to starve the fat - and without resistance training, sure, you might getskinny, you’ll never TRANSFORM your body or get much stronger. So I

    started putting together a list of the MOST important training

    principles – the 20% that gives you 80% of your results.

    And then I thought about GOALS because goals are extremely

    important – how to set them, and even more important, how toprogram them into your subconscious mind and how to ACHEIVE


    But then I realized that as important as all these things are, that I

    would have to come back to those topics later, because even if you

    have the nutrition and the training… Even if you have your goals set in

    writing, and even if you have a good social support system in place,there is still a success secret even more important than all of those


    We’re going to be talking about body transformations, but there isNowhere that this secret doesn’t apply, so even though we’re going to

    be talking about fitness or building muscle or burning fat, you may

    listen to this and start thinking about how else and where else you can

    apply this secret in your life.

    So Let’s talk about change

    If it’s your goal to change your body, but yourbody is NOT CHANGING, there’s a reason why.

    one of the biggest complaints that most people have on their fitness journey, is that its hard to change.

  • 8/18/2019 The Greatest Secret FINAL


    The Greatest Secret of Personal Change and Achievement by Tom Venuto 

    Copyright 2013 

    There are rare occasions where a powerful emotional experiencetriggers an instant change in behaviors, in beliefs, in attitudes or in


    But in most cases and especially when it comes to physically changing

    your body – there’s no way around it - Change IS difficult and it takes

    desire, focus, and hard work. It’s not easy.

    Theodore Roosevelt once said that "There has

    never been a person in our history who led a

    life of ease whose name is worth


    And if you ask any champion athlete they will tell you the SAME THING

    -Bruce Jenner, who was an Olympic gold medalist in the Decathlon


     “I learned that the only way you are going to get anywhere in life is towork hard at it. Whether you’re a musician, a writer, an athlete orbusinessman, there is no getting around it. If you work hard, you’ll win– if you don’t, you won’t.”

    So I want you to know that this is not a quick fix you’re going to learntoday. It’s simple truth, and, it’s sort of a wake up call too.

    But at the same time its very liberating because once you understand

    this and start living it, you’ll be able to change anything in your life, -you just have to realize there’s a price you have to pay for the change

    you want

    There is no such thing as

    something for nothing…

    So let’s get started

    What I’d like you to do is to take out a full sheet of paper and a pen or

    a pencil. If you’re listening to this in a car or on an IPOD while you’re

    working out or doing chores, then you can go ahead and keeplistening, but please, come back to this exercise and DO IT later, and

  • 8/18/2019 The Greatest Secret FINAL


    The Greatest Secret of Personal Change and Achievement by Tom Venuto 

    Copyright 2013 

    for now, follow along as best as you can as you listen and do your bestto visualize in your mind what I’m going to describe to you.

    1. Okay, Take your pen or pencil and draw a circle in the middle of

    the page, and make it about the size of a golf ball.

    2. Inside your circle, I’m going to have you write a few things.

    3. Inside your circle at the top, write “where I am now.”

    4. Just below that, still inside your circle, write, “what I’m doing now.”

    The space inside this circle represents everything you’re doing right

    now and everything you’re getting as a result. Where you are is the

    effect. What you’ve been doing is the cause.

    And you might be doing a lot! You might be dieting, you might be

    training, you might be reading your goals and affirmations all daylong, you might seem really busy. And yet, your body may not be


    And that’s really frustrating isn’t it? How could you be actively training

    and actively dieting and getting little or no results?

    Well, Have you ever heard the expression – do what you’ve alwaysdone, get what you’ve always got?

    5. Take your pen again and draw another circle around the outside of

    your first circle so you have two concentric circles, Go ahead and dothat now.

    6. In the space between the old, small circle and the new one, up

    there at the top, write the word CHANGE, and write the wordGROWTH.

    If you’re not seeing the changes you want, even if you have the desire

    and the goals and you're taking action and doing thing, its becauseyou been staying inside that smaller circle.

    That circle is called your comfort zone.

    7. So Go ahead and inside your first Circle, write MY COMFORT ZONE

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    The Greatest Secret of Personal Change and Achievement by Tom Venuto 

    Copyright 2013 

    To grow and create change, you have to expand your boundaries bystepping outside of your comfort zone.

    Now, if that’s all there is to it – if a little step over that line outside

    your comfort zone is all it takes to grow and improve – then why don’t

    more people do it? What makes that step so difficult? Why are so

    many people stuck? Why are so many people living with more of the


    I’ll tell you…

    8. In the space between the two circles, down near the bottom, Iwant you to write some more words:

    I want you to write the word, dis-comfort.

    I want you to write the word pain

    And I want you to write the word FEAR

    You see, in the same place that you find growth

    and change, you also find pain, discomfort and


    The reason most people don’t grow is because the very SECOND they

    leave their comfort zone, they feel the pain or discomfort, they feel the

    fear, and they pull back…. They withdraw right back into the comfort


    Quite simply, they are unwilling to put up with the pain of change.

    Now this pain we’re talking about is not necessarily physical pain,although it could be in the case of training.

    Let me give you an example.

    It’s that feeling when you get to the 9th rep of a weight lifting exercise,when you’re only used to doing 8 reps and it just starts to get difficult

    and the muscle starts to burn.

    THAT is the point where most people stop. But if you cross thatthreshold and squeeze out the 10th 11th and 12th rep, that is where

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    The Greatest Secret of Personal Change and Achievement by Tom Venuto 

    Copyright 2013 

    almost ALL the progress takes place. Because you’re doing somethingyou haven’t done before

    All the champion bodybuilders knew this. The late great bodybuilding

    trainer from Hollywood, Vince Gironda called this “training over your

    head.” It was the idea of pushing yourself just slightly beyond what

    you were used to.

    In the bodybuilding documentary pumping iron Arnold

    Schwarzennerger talked about this kind of physical pain. He said

     “The body isn’t used to the 10th, 11th, and 12th reps but that’s whatmakes the muscle grow! Going through the barrier, experiencing the

    muscular pain, continuing and just going on. That’s what divides a

    champion from every one else. If you can go through this barrier, then

    you become a champion. If you don’t then forget it.

    But we’re NOT just talking about physical pain, this can also be theemotional  pain of feeling awkward or uncomfortable doing something

    new, like a new exercise or working out in a gym in front of other


    It could be the pain of discipline and sacrifice – like saying no to some

    of your favorite junk foods, passing up on a night out drinking with

    your friends at the bars, or getting up at 5:30 in the morning forcardio.

    To do what is goal achieving rather than stress relieving, takes

    discipline. To do what is hard and necessary rather than what is funand easy takes discipline. And discipline is a type of mental and

    emotional pain

    So we’re not just talking about physical pain and hard physicaltraining. We’re talking about the mental AND the physical

    The philosophy of no pain, no gain, has been embraced by a lot

    successful people, but it’s also been criticized a lot and even called amyth. But let me ask you something -- who is doing the criticizing – isit the successful people or is it the unsuccessful people and the people

    who have a magic pill to sell.

    There are a lot of people in the diet and fitness industry who would likeyou to believe that not only is change easy, but that change should be


  • 8/18/2019 The Greatest Secret FINAL


    The Greatest Secret of Personal Change and Achievement by Tom Venuto 

    Copyright 2013 

    They’ll tell you that if you follow any exercise program that requires

    the slightest effort or god forbid, a nutrition program that causes theslightest hunger, or that asks you to track your calories or keep a food

     journal or to say no to your favorite foods and so on… that you are

    suffering needlessly.

    Because their program is pain free and effort free.

    Well let me tell you something – that is one of the biggest lies in the

    fitness industry.

    I want to read something to you from a phenomenal book by a

    phenomenal human being. His name is Geoff Thompson and his book

    is called 'The Elephant and The Twig – The Art of Positive Thinking.'

    Geoff is a successful man. He is a world-class martial artist who is also

    a bestselling author screenwriter and playwright among other things.

    Listen to what Geoff says

     “Get angry with yourself when that negative voice tells you that the

    road is hard, get mad and get on with the journey; remind yourself

    that it has to be hard, it has to be a difficult road; if it isn’t, you will

    not grow. Discomfort is a sign of growth, knowing that this is a truthcan bring great solace; it will allow you to be comfortable in your


    NO pain, no gain is the truth.

    But… no pain no gain is also misinterpreted a lot, so its very

    important especially when we’re talking about physical fitness – to

    distinguish between the BAD pain of an injury and the good type of

    pain and mental toughness and discipline that’s necessary to grow.

    I’ve found that a lot of people who are new at this, depending on the

    type of personality they have, will actually take this saying literally andpush themselves to a physical injury. That is NOT what we’re talkingabout.

    Pain can a tool for growth, but was also built into us as a warning

    signal. The pain of a strain, sprain or pull is NOT a sign of positive

    growth. So you need to fine tune your senses so you can recognize

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    The Greatest Secret of Personal Change and Achievement by Tom Venuto 

    Copyright 2013 

    your body’s signals before you ever reach the point of injury in thefirst place. You don’t aim for that kind of bad pain and you don’t work

    through that kind of bad pain.

    I think it will help, when you’re just starting out, if you don’t know how

    to tell the difference yet, or if you just don’t resonate with the no pain

    no gain concept, to change the wording a little bit


    Or maybe even better:


    Or maybe even


    But whatever YOU call it, the truth remains, if you don’t step out of

    your comfort zone, you are simply not going to grow or change.

    If you studied the highest achievers in any field – sports, business,science, music,Academics or anywhere else, you would always find that they

    understand this.

    The highest achievers and the people who get the most results FORCE

    themselves to stay at an uncomfortable, awkward new level until the

    discomfort finally subsides and they get comfortable at the new higher

    level. Then that becomes their new comfort zone and their new higherlevel of achievement

     “90 to 95% of people will withdraw into the comfort zone the minute

    the effort gets difficult. Only that small percentage- that 5 or 10percent, will continually raise the bar on themselves, they will push

    themselves into the zone of discomfort, and these are always the

    highest achievers in every field”

    Muhammad Ali understood it. He said, “I hated every minute of thetraining, but I said to myself, bear the pain NOW and live the rest ofyour life as a champion.”

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    The Greatest Secret of Personal Change and Achievement by Tom Venuto 

    Copyright 2013 

    And that’s exactly what he did. Muhammad Ali is not just one of themost famous athletes in the sports world; he is one of the most

    famous people in the whole world.

    So… am I saying that you have to suffer and go through unbearable

    pain just to achieve the fitness and the body you want?

    No. Absolutely not. You just have to get out of YOUR comfort zone.

    Elite athletes and bodybuilders take this to the extreme because they

    have extreme goals. The bigger the goal, the more discomfort and

    discipline and sacrifice you’re going to have to bear to get there

    But all YOU really need to do to make progress – to increase your

    fitness level, to gain muscle, to burn body fat, to get healthier, to

    change your body – is to just stick your toes over that line.

    The edge of that first circle you drew – that’s called the threshold. JustCross the threshold ever so slightly and stay in the place of slight


    Go back and look at your circles again

    Lets say you MAKE IT

    You stepped outside your comfort zone and stayed there

    You expanded your boundaries

    You grew. You achieved the change you wanted

    Here’s the most exiting part of all. You can keep expanding

    Draw a third circle.

    Draw a fourth one

    How far to you want to go

    How far do you want to grow?

    It’s up to you. As soon as you reach one level, a new one unfolds in

    front of you – one that you might not have even seen before

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    The Greatest Secret of Personal Change and Achievement by Tom Venuto 

    Copyright 2013 

    I’m sure you’ve heard it said so many times before. We use only a

    small fraction of our physical potential and even less of our minds

    So How Do You Tap Into AllYour Unfulfilled Potential?

    Well first you WAKE UP, so to speak, and REALIZE that you have been

    living inside a very small circle. You realize that you have vast

    reserves of untapped potential and you are capable of much, muchmore.

    Let me read something else from the Elephant and the Twig:

    This is Geoff Thompson again:

    “The thing that really excites me, is that there is NO END TO OUR

    POTENTIAL – our consciousness can grow to infinite levels – it is onlylimited by fear and we only fear the things we do not know.

    So look at where you want to go – get the fuel and start the journey.

    The fear the you feel initially is soon dispelled; it only exists on the

    edges of our comfort zone – as soon as crash through, that fear willgo. It always does.

    Look at your circles again

    Draw ANOTHER circle


    And now look back at how small the circle of

    your comfort zone is compared to what you

    CAN become…

    Do you really want to stay there and live your life inside such a tiny

    little space?

    Even if you said you wanted to, the truth is you can’t because there’sno such thing as maintenance.

  • 8/18/2019 The Greatest Secret FINAL


    The Greatest Secret of Personal Change and Achievement by Tom Venuto 

    Copyright 2013 

    Look at nature. There is NOTHING in nature that stays the same. Lookat the trees and the plants. They are either growing, or decaying. We

    are not apart from nature, we are a part of nature, and we are subjectto the same natural laws.

    Grow or die. Expand or retract. There is no staying the same. So if you

    say, I’m going to play it safe and stay in side my comfort zone, what

    you’re really doing is shrinking.

    You CANNOT hide from this…

    In the end, you can’t avoid experiencing pain of one kind or another.

    It’s like Jim Rohn said:

    “We all have to suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline orthe pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while

    regret weighs tons.”

    So here it is. Here’s one of the greatest secrets to personal change and


    All change, all growth, all achievement

    takes place outside your comfort zone…

    If you’re not getting the results you want right now. If you’re notchanging your body or any other area of your life, the reason is youare staying INSIDE YOUR COMFORT ZONE

    All you have to do is to step outside the comfort zone ever so slightly

    and stay there just long enough until it becomes comfortable.

    It’s at that point you’ll see the change you were after. And when you

    see that change, when you can measure it, , then you know for sure

    you’ve stepped up to the next level and expanded your boundaries.

    When you reach that higher level, enjoy the view, savor it, reward

    yourself, Celebrate for a little while, but then move onward to the next


    I want to leave you with one last thought – it’s a reminder.

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    The Greatest Secret of Personal Change and Achievement by Tom Venuto 

    Copyright 2013 

    When we created our burn the fat inner circle logo, we wanted it tomean something.

    If you’re in front of your computer or you have access to a web

    browser right now, go to and look at the

    logo in the upper left hand corner of the website. If you’re not in front

    of a computer now, remember to take a look at it the next time you

    are. The logo is also used at the top of our goal cards, which you candownload from the inner circle website and carry with you.

    When you look at the burn the fat logo,

    you will see that it is a series of circles,

    expanding outward…

    From this day forward, every time you look at the circles in that logo,

    you will always remember the lesson of the comfort zone. You’ll bereminded to ask yourself. Did I step outside my comfort zone today or

    did I feel a little discomfort from doing those things that are difficult

    and necessary and then pull back.

    Remember the difference between good pain and bad pain… train

    safely, train smart, take small steps and make progress slowly – but

    make progress – stick your toes over the threshold, challenge yourself,

    and expand your boundaries.

    Thanks for reading and until next time, train hard and expect success.

  • 8/18/2019 The Greatest Secret FINAL


    The Greatest Secret of Personal Change and Achievement by Tom Venuto 

    Copyright 2013 

    About Tom Venuto

    Tom Venuto is a lifetime naturalbodybuilder, fitness writer; fat

    loss expert and author of the

    Internet bestseller Burn theFat, Feed the Muscle and thenational bestseller, The Body

    Fat Solution. Since 1989, Tom

    has been involved in virtually

    every aspect of the fitness and

    weight loss industry – as apersonal trainer, nutrition

    consultant, motivation coach,

    health club manager and

    freelance writer.

    He has appeared on more than two dozen radio shows andpodcasts including Martha Stewart’s Healthy Living show on

    Sirius, WCBS-AM, 1250-ESPN and Blog Talk Radio. his book, TheBody Fat Solution has been featured in Oprah Magazine, First

    for Women Magazine, The New York Times and The Wall StreetJournal.

    As a freelance columnist, Tom’s articles have appeared in Muscleand Fitness, Men’s Fitness, Men’s Exercise, Natural Bodybuilding

    & Fitness and IRONMAN magazine. Tom is also the founder and

    CEO of the premier fat loss support community, the Burn TheFat Inner Circle as well as a widely published Internet writer

    and blogger with hundreds of articles online. More than 260,000subscribers receive his weekly e-mail newsletter.

    Tom is steroid-free, hormone-free and 100% drug-free for life, asupporter of natural bodybuilding and a strong proponent of the

    all-natural method of gaining muscle and losing fat. Tom has no

    affiliations with the nutritional supplement industry.