The Grapevine All Saints Lutheran Church ELCA November … Nov 2016.pdf · All Saints Lutheran...

The Grapevine All Saints Lutheran Church ELCA November 2016 Pastor’s Perspective: A Tree Grows in Bowie ‘Tis the season. No, not that season. That’s next month. November in this area ‘tis the season for leaves to be turning color and falling to the ground from their safe place on branches high in tree limbs. I always look forward to the bright colors of fall leaves and the cooler, less humid air of fall. It’s as refreshing and hopeful to me as the springtime buds on trees that become the leaves of fall. I commented to someone in an elevator the other day that it was a bright sunny day but a lot cooler. Their reply was, “It feels fresh and clean.” I agree. The leaves of fall certainly are colorful, but when they fall from the two large trees in our front yard and the even larger tree in our neighbor’s yard, they become work, a chore, a responsibility, an item on the “to do” list. How my perspective changes simply by the location of those leaves. Often that same thing happens when we consider the church. How beautiful and joyous and beckoning Jesus is. How wonderful the gospel story is. It is like full green leaves in a large oak tree in summer and the glorious colors of a maple in fall. Yet we sometimes respond to Jesus with the same kind of dread and dull plodding that I feel when I see “clean up the leaves” on that to do list. What if this is the season to stop for a moment and allow The Spirit to raise our heads and straighten our shoulders so that we are able to look up and see the beauty and splendor of what is being given to us by the Risen Jesus? Life. True life. Being able to live this life with a joy and purpose that fills our heart and brightens our step. Seeing each item of the “to do” list as a gift to broaden and strengthen our living. I was cleaning up the fallen leaves last week when I looked up at those big trees wondering how many more leaves would pile up on the ground as soon as I finished. What I saw instead was that straight, tall tree itself. And I thought about how it grows. The branches and leaves – the visible part of the tree – grows at the same rate as the roots – the unseen part. Jesus’ relationship with you provides the roots from which grow all the branches and leaves that are your beautiful life. Jesus’ brings us together to be people of faith in this specific community called All Saints Lutheran Church. It is as bright as the sun in a clear November sky. It is as colorful as a mountainside of fall leaves. It is as strong as the roots and trunk a healthy tree. There is plenty for us to do and to be doing that is God’s mission. Each of those actions and activities will blossom as a spring bud and grow into an experience as colorful as a fall leaf. Each is part how God is connecting with you and your connection with the people in your life. It can be viewed as dull and repetitive plodding. I believe it is Jesus giving you a way to live with strength rooted in the gospel of salvation, with power rooted in Jesus’ resurrection, and with confidence in the promise of The Spirit. Pastor Gary The mission of All Saints Lutheran Church is to gather all people in a community immersed in God’s Word through worship and learning that equips us to serve the world in the name of Jesus. Church Office Hours Mon - Fri. 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Phone: 301-249-6300 Fax: 301-249-4725 [email protected] Pastor: Gary R. Rhinesmith 301-249-6300 [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday Worship @ 8:30 & 11:00 9:45 Education Hour ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ November 11/5 - 5:00 pm Oktoberfest 11/6 - All Saints Sunday 11/8 - ELECTION DAY Church is a Polling Place and is closed to all other activities 11/12 - 8:30 am Women’s Book Group 11/12 - To Be Determined Movie Outing for Adults 11/12 - 12:30 pm Chrisom Party 11/13 - 11/20 Warm Nights 11/15- 1:00 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry 11/16 - 7:00 pm Congregation Council Meeting 11/19 - 10:00 am Cancer Support Group 11/20- 12:30 pm Monthly Potluck: Breakfast for Lunch 11/23- 7:30 pm Thanksgiving Worship 11/27 - Gifts of Hope Sales Begin

Transcript of The Grapevine All Saints Lutheran Church ELCA November … Nov 2016.pdf · All Saints Lutheran...

Page 1: The Grapevine All Saints Lutheran Church ELCA November … Nov 2016.pdf · All Saints Lutheran Church ELCA November 2016 ... Youth: Cheryl Hollar 301 ... The one council modification

The Grapevine All Saints Lutheran Church ELCA

November 2016

Church Office Hours Mon - Fri. 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Phone: 301-249-6300 Fax: 301-249-4725

[email protected]

Pastor: Gary R. Rhinesmith

301-249-6300 [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sunday Worship @ 8:30 & 11:00 9:45 Education Hour



02/1 - 12:00 pm Tree Planting Organization Meeting

02/1 - 1:00 pm Blankets of Hope Marathon

02/2 Souper Bowl Sunday

02/19 - 7:00 pm Congregation Council Meeting

02/8 - 3:30 pm Green Fire Event

01/14 - 7:00 pm Sacred Garden Planning Meeting

01/16 – 12:00 pm Senior Saints at Comfort Inn

1/26 - 12:15 pm Annual Meeting of the Congregation

Pastor’s Perspective: A Tree Grows in Bowie

‘Tis the season. No, not that season. That’s next month. November in this area ‘tis the season for leaves to be turning color and falling to the ground from their safe place on branches high in tree limbs. I always look forward to the bright colors of fall leaves and the cooler, less humid air of fall. It’s as refreshing and hopeful to me as the springtime buds on trees that become the leaves of fall. I commented to someone in an elevator the other day that it was a bright sunny day but a lot cooler. Their reply was, “It feels fresh and clean.” I agree. The leaves of fall certainly are colorful, but when they fall from the two large trees in our front yard and the even larger tree in our neighbor’s yard, they become work, a chore, a responsibility, an item on the “to do” list. How my perspective changes simply by the location of those leaves. Often that same thing happens when we consider the church. How beautiful and joyous and beckoning Jesus is. How wonderful the gospel story is. It is like full green leaves in a large oak tree in summer and the glorious colors of a maple in fall. Yet we sometimes respond to Jesus with the same kind of dread and dull plodding that I feel when I see “clean up the leaves” on that to do list. What if this is the season to stop for a moment and allow The Spirit to raise our heads and straighten our shoulders so that we are able to look up and see the beauty and splendor of what is being given to us by the Risen Jesus? Life. True life. Being able to live this life with a joy and purpose that fills our heart and brightens our step. Seeing each item of the “to do” list as a gift to broaden and strengthen our living. I was cleaning up the fallen leaves last week when I looked up at those big trees wondering how many more leaves would pile up on the ground as soon as I finished. What I saw instead was that straight, tall tree itself. And I thought about how it grows. The branches and leaves – the visible part of the tree – grows at the same rate as the roots – the unseen part. Jesus’ relationship with you provides the roots from which grow all the branches and leaves that are your beautiful life. Jesus’ brings us together to be people of faith in this specific community called All Saints Lutheran Church. It is as bright as the sun in a clear November sky. It is as colorful as a mountainside of fall leaves. It is as strong as the roots and trunk a healthy tree. There is plenty for us to do and to be doing that is God’s mission. Each of those actions and activities will blossom as a spring bud and grow into an experience as colorful as a fall leaf. Each is part how God is connecting with you and your connection with the people in your life. It can be viewed as dull and repetitive plodding. I believe it is Jesus giving you a way to live with strength rooted in the gospel of salvation, with power rooted in Jesus’ resurrection, and with confidence in the promise of The Spirit. Pastor Gary

The mission of All Saints Lutheran Church is to gather all people in a community immersed in God’s Word through worship and learning that equips us to serve the world in the name of Jesus.

Church Office Hours Mon - Fri. 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Phone: 301-249-6300 Fax: 301-249-4725

[email protected]

Pastor: Gary R. Rhinesmith

301-249-6300 [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sunday Worship @ 8:30 & 11:00 9:45 Education Hour



11/5 - 5:00 pm Oktoberfest

11/6 - All Saints Sunday

11/8 - ELECTION DAY Church is a Polling Place and is closed to all other activities

11/12 - 8:30 am Women’s Book Group

11/12 - To Be Determined Movie Outing for Adults

11/12 - 12:30 pm Chrisom Party

11/13 - 11/20 Warm Nights

11/15- 1:00 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry

11/16 - 7:00 pm Congregation Council Meeting

11/19 - 10:00 am Cancer Support Group

11/20- 12:30 pm Monthly Potluck:

Breakfast for Lunch

11/23- 7:30 pm Thanksgiving Worship

11/27 - Gifts of Hope Sales Begin

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2016 Council & Ministry Leadership

Officers President: John Summerlot 301-627-6410 Vice President: Norma Allenbach-Schmidt 301-446-0199 Secretary: Melissa Bitter 630-335-6515 Treasurer: Donita Johnson 301-249-7142 Financial Secretary: Dan Bendt 301-922-4202

Gather Ministry Council Liaison: Jim Sichelman 301-464-1707 Fellowship Team: Mark Steiner 301-741-2761 Youth: Cheryl Hollar 301-627-4094 Amy Robinson 724-494-3450

Worship Ministry Council Liaison: Raymond Wood 301-499-4670 Worship/Music Team: Melissa Steiner 301-785-3651

Learn Ministry Council Liaison:

Walter Knausenberger 301-805-0959 Adult Learn Team: Youth Learn Team:

Serve Ministry Council Liaison: Sharron Sample 301-464-3034 Serve Team: Liz Muller 301-352-5536 Deb Ariguzo 301-809-9155 E-team:

Support Council Liaison: Fred Wentland 301-390-9690 Budget and Finance: Property Management: Larry Ploor 301-464-9309 Stewardship: Rob Watson 301-352-8781

Congregational Committees Council Liaison: Ellen Hug 413-330-8372 Governance: Dan Bendt 301-922-4202 Mission Endowment: Memorials: Louise Waynant 301-262-4179 Mutual Ministry: Kay Schwandt 301-736-9442 Scholarship: Roz Kleffman 301-464-1867

Please keep the church leadership in your prayers and join them in the mission and ministries of All Saints. You may call them to serve on their teams. The next Congregation Council Meeting is on Wednesday, November 16, at 7:00 pm.


Please do not schedule any events at church without checking with Jean on the use of the building. The church building is used for many different events.

A few words from the Council President....

"We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed" - Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians, chapter 4, verses 8-9. I’ll be honest. I’m exhausted. I don’t mean tired, though I am usually tired, and I don’t mean ready for a break, though I certainly am ready for a break. I’m exhausted in the way that a tank of water is exhausted when it is empty. I am exhausted in the way that we say resources are exhausted when they are completely used up. I had a weird experience recently. I overlooked something that would have usually occurred to me, something of some importance (though thankfully it turned out all right) and when I realized that it had been overlooked, I realized that in the midst of my busyness, I had finally drawn too deeply on the well of attention that I have, and I came up empty. I am drained. And I don’t feel like I’m alone. Everywhere I turn, it seems like people are running on empty, running on fumes, burning the candle at both ends. I see it in the lack of civility in our political discourse. I see it in the difficulty of getting help when it is needed. I see it in our tendency to hold on to the time or the money or the power or the resources that we have, because it seems so unlikely that we will have enough for tomorrow. We are exhausted, and it’s hard to be generous when you feel like your tank is empty. Maybe this is just the season that we are in, and a change is going to come. Maybe the tanks just need to be cleaned. Maybe God is showing us where the bottoms of our tanks are so that we can empathize with others who are also at the bottoms of their tanks. Maybe we need to learn to ask for help or to consider help from people we’ve never considered before. Maybe this is what it feels like to have our mountains brought low, so that others’ valleys can be raised up. Maybe God is preparing us for something, and we need to be emptied to be ready. "But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us. " - Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians, chapter 4 verse 7.

Grace and peace,

John Summerlot

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Highlights of Council Meeting October 19

President John Summerlot presided. Absent – Ellen Hug, Jim Sichelman Opening Prayer: Led by Sharron Sample Opening Devotion: Sharron Sample led a discussion of chapter 7 of the book for the year, Missional Renaissance, by Reggie McNeal.

Agenda accepted and approved.

Meeting minutes from September amended to add in “Continued Business” Item 3 that the deadline for ministry teams to submit spending plan requests to Budget and Finance by October 2 is not binding. Requests will be accepted through October 23rd.

Continued Business: 1. ICNU (I See in You) Updates – Various council

members stated plans are underway to develop leaders within the ministry teams for which they serve as liaisons.

2. Approve draft #4 of ASLC Resolution on Racial Justice – Council reviewed the resolution in its entirety. Where appropriate, the draft included input from the congregation gathered at the open forums. The one council modification to the resolution is the addition of a footnote indicating that all Biblical references are from the NRSV translation. A motion was made by Fred Wentland and approved by council to accept and recommend to the congregation for approval Draft 4 of the ASLC Resolution on Racial Justice. The resolution will be included in the annual report and voted on by the congregation at the annual meeting.

3. Approve the addition to the ASLC bylaws regarding the Just Grace Committee. This item was postponed until the November meeting.

4. Consider proposed constitution bylaw regarding benevolence amounts in the annual spending plan. The council accepts and recommends a bylaw that will incorporate the passed motion from 2004 regarding the amount of the church spending plan dedicated to the benevolence line items. It will remain the goal of the ASLC to dedicate 10% of the anticipated income to the 100 section of the spending plan.

New Business: NONE

Vision Topic: NONE

President – None submitted for the meeting but will be included in the Grapevine.

Pastor’s report – As submitted. Noted that seven people came to ASLC during the Bowie Houses of Worship Tour. Also clarified that within the report, the Community of St. Dysmas involves prison ministry.

Financial reports were submitted.

Treasurer reports were submitted

Ministry Team Reports: Learn - No written report. Noted there is exploration

for Track II topics and lessons. Serve – Written report submitted. Worship & Music – Written report submitted.

November meeting will discuss Advent & Christmas services.

Committees – No written report. Gather – No written report. Support – Written report submitted. Noted that the

due date for ministry team spending plan requests are due October 23rd.

Closing Prayer Meeting concluded at 9:10 pm. Respectfully submitted by Melissa Bitter.

Financial Report for September 2016

September income for budget spending - $32,012.16 Monthly income needed for budget - $32,440.83 Year-to-date income for budget spending - $278,614.80 Year-to-date income needed for budget - $291,967.50 Income for budget spending to date is at 95% of budget. Total September income (budget & non-budget) - $36,033.46 Year-to-date income (budget & non-budget) - $316,939.23 Budget expenses for September - $31,023.92 Budget expenses year-to-date - $275,704.84


On the THIRD Sunday of each month, after the 11 o'clock service, we will be hosting a potluck lunch with a theme. Bring your best interpretation of the theme for the month, and don't be afraid to think outside the box. HAVE FUN! If you have any questions or want more information, please contact the Fellowship Ministry Team leader, John Summerlot: [email protected] or 301-775-8206

NOVEMBER THEMED POTLUCK - Breakfast for Lunch - on Sunday, November 20, after the 11:00 am worship service. Sometimes the best lunch is breakfast! Eggs and bacon or breakfast casseroles, share your favorite way to start the day!

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Serve Team


Cold weather is coming and the All Saints Serve team is prepared to open for Warm Nights November 13-November 20. All Saints provides shelter and meals for one week to homeless individuals and families through the Prince George’s County faith-based hypothermia program. Your opportunity to sign-up to assist with Warm Nights is available each Sunday after both services at the Serve Team table in the narthex. You may share your time by providing food, serving meals, staying overnight or setting up or taking down cots. Usually, all Warm Nights guests leave the building each morning after breakfast and return for dinner. However, this year many churches are offering to remain open during the day on Saturday and All Saints will be one of them. A staff person will be at the church all day but there will be additional opportunities for All Saints to help.

Our All Saints Sock Drawer is quite successful each year. Our need is for warm socks for men, women and children. The Sock Drawer is available in the church entrance. Guests are also provided a laundry night once during their week. Quarters may be donated in a basket on the Serve team table.

November 18 (Friday) will be our very popular cookout night for our guests with Chef Chris. Sundaes are the follow up finale! It is also the night of our third annual Bingo contest. We will be using gift cards for prizes. The gift cards are in $5 or $10 increments to any fast food restaurant. There is a basket for those on the Warm Nights sign-up table.

Questions may be directed to Linda Baine at (301)262-8922, [email protected], or Liz Muller (301)352-5536, [email protected].

The Warm Nights program at All Saints is supported by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.

YOU are NEEDED All Saints Lutheran Church has many strengths. The one that causes all the others to be used well is the people who lead. The 2016 Nominating Committee asks that you consider your skills, abilities, and faith. Pray with God about how you might use what God has given you to be a leader. We will be inviting people to be nominated for the following: Congregation Council: 3 people, 3-year term Synod Assembly Voting Members: 2 people, June 16-17, 2017 Mission Endowment Fund: 2 people, 3-year term 2017 Nominating Committee: 4 people, 1-year term Treasurer: 1 person, 1-year term Financial Secretary: 1 person, 1-year term

Please contact a member of the Nominating Committee if you are interested in serving in one of these roles or would like to know further details about the responsibilities of a particular position. The members are: Chris Austell: [email protected] or 410-867-3362 Debbie Ariguzo: [email protected] or 301-809-9155 Kurt Müller: [email protected] or 301-352-5536 Bev Roberts: [email protected] or 301-262-9061

In 2017, Synod will hold a two-day assembly at the National Conference Center (in Potomac, MD) on 16-17 June. ASLC is authorized to send two voting members plus the pastor to assemblies. The congregation will pay the cost of lodging and subsistence at the National Conference Center. We ask that all members of ASLC, even those not interested in serving at this time, to lift up the work of the committee in your prayers, so that we might identify those persons whom God has called to serve in this time and in this place.

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November and December Gatherings for ASLC Women’s Book Group The ASLC Women’s Book Group invites all who enjoy reading to share fellowship and conversation at any and all of the Book Group gatherings! Everyone is welcome, whether you have read the books or would like to learn more about them. Come and enjoy the fellowship! November 12 Book Group Plans The November 12 gathering will feature the book Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson. This highly acclaimed book was named one of the best books of the year by The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Boston Globe, and has received many awards such as the Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Nonfiction. Descriptions of the book have included comments such as “brilliant,” “valuable and compelling,” and “riveting.” One reviewer stated, “It is every bit as moving as To Kill a Mockingbird and in some ways more so…a stirring testament to the salvation that fighting for the vulnerable sometimes yields.” The November meeting will be held at the home of Norma Allenbach-Schmidt, and Liz Muller and Diane Hampton will lead the discussion. December 10 Book Group Holiday Breakfast and Discussion The women, men, and youth of All Saints are warmly welcomed to participate in a Holiday Breakfast and Fellowship event at the home of Louise Waynant, 12616 Kinder Place, Bowie, MD, on Saturday, December 10, hosted by the ASLC Women’s Book Group. The gathering will include a conversation based on the newly published, enthusiastically reviewed graphic novel, The Marvels, by Brian Selznick, author of the award winning graphic novel, The Invention of Hugo Cabret, that our group discussed a few years ago. The Marvels is available in local libraries, as an online book, and in local bookstores. Breakfast will be offered at 9:00, with conversation about the novel around 9:30. All are invited to attend whether you have read the book, would like to learn more about it, or simply would like to share in holiday fellowship. Warm Nights Participation The ASLC Women’s Book Group will provide food and help to serve breakfast for our Warm Nights guests on Monday morning, November 14. Items may be brought to church on Sunday, November 13, or brought Monday morning ready to serve by 5:30 am. Please contact Louise Waynant ([email protected]) if you can participate by offering food and/or assistance. Contact If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Louise Waynant at [email protected] or 301-262-4179.

Caring and Sharing: Consecration Sunday Results

CARING and SHARING has been the Theme for CONSECRATION SUNDAY this year. Consecration Sunday was celebrated last Sunday. We offered our financial estimates of giving to the holy work of All Saints Lutheran Church. The Rev. Leila Ortiz was our guest preacher. She described herself as a “New YorRican” and a “PenteLutheran.” She shared that “it’s complicated.” She encouraged us to know that God is challenging us to be the church in new and creative ways as we consider our financial contributions. Your response was offering 62 Estimate of Giving Cards and $314,484 to support the mission and ministries of this congregation. Thanks be to God for your faithful generosity. If you have not filled in an Estimate of Giving card, please take one from the table and place it in the offering today. Thank you.

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All are welcome to participate! Classes meet in the North Classroom (modular building) or Southwest Classroom unless otherwise noted. Nursery care is available. Whether long-time member or new arrival, come and check it out! You are welcome to participate in any session.

Sunday 9:45 AM: Track 1 09/18/2016 to 12/11/2016

Letter to the Romans

During AD 1515 Martin Luther lectured on the Letter to the Romans and, in the next two years, on Galatians. Somewhere in this time the passage “The just shall live by faith” brought personal assurance to him that he was accepted by God—through faith alone. He wrote: “I felt myself to be reborn and to have gone through open doors into paradise.” Luther said about Romans: “The more thoroughly it is treated, the more precious it becomes, and the better it tastes.”

This comprehensive 13-session, verse-by-verse, book-by-book study of the Bible from Cokesbury Press uses a three-dimensional approach. Each 13-session volume is based on the NIV translation. For more information about this course, please speak to the course facilitator, Sven Allenbach-Schmidt.

Adult Learning at ASLC – November 2016

Lutheran Women Prayer Shawl Ministry

The November meeting of the Prayer Shawl group will be on Tuesday, November 15. It will be at the home of Betty Cirone from 1-4 pm. Her address is 251 Lindenhall Court, Riva MD 21140. Jane Hilt, (410-451-1443) or [email protected], is the contact at All Saints. Anyone who likes to knit or crochet — or would like to learn — is welcome and invited to attend. If you know of someone who would benefit from the comfort and solace of a prayer shawl, please give information to Jane or Jean Reams at the church office.


The next Cancer Support Group meeting will be on November 19 at 10:00 am in the North Classroom (note room change). For more information contact Diane Cvitko at 410-571-8413 or [email protected].

Tuesday Bible Study - Learning about JONAH A group of adults meets every Tuesday morning 10 am-12:00 noon for BIBLE STUDY. We are studying the book of JONAH this fall. The study is led by Pastor Gary. In November, we will only be meeting on November 1 and November 29.

Chrismon Party

Have you ever heard of a Chrismon? Would you be surprised to learn that we have used them at All Saints every year, on the tree at Christmas? If you would like to learn more about the history of Chrismons, and to help make some new memories for our tree, join us for a Chrismon Party!

Who? This event is open to all. We will have crafting tables for all ages, all levels. What? Crafting of Chrismons, the gold and white decorations we use to decorate our Christmas tree. When? Saturday, November 12, at 12:30-3:30 pm(Beginning with soup for lunch.) Where? At All Saints, in the Fellowship Hall. Why? Because we could use some new Chrismons, and we would like to have participation from anyone who is excited about the idea.

Please join us! For more information, contact Melissa Steiner.

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All Saints Movie Outing for Adults Saturday, November 12

Save the Date

On November 12 we will be going to the movie Hacksaw Ridge (rated R for violent war scenes). Since the movie comes out the week before, we do not yet know the show times, but we're planning for an afternoon showing. We will offer childcare at the church for those who would like to have a sitter on site. We will come back to the church and meet in either the North classroom or Fellowship Hall to discuss the movie with anyone who is interested in discussion. Movie description: The true story of Pfc. Desmond T. Doss (Andrew Garfield), who won the Congressional Medal of Honor despite refusing to bear arms during WWII on religious grounds. Doss was drafted and ostracized by fellow soldiers for his pacifist stance but went on to earn respect and adoration for his bravery, selflessness and compassion after he risked his life -- without firing a shot -- to save 75 men in the Battle of Okinawa.

Annual Wreath Fundraiser

Thank you for your Wreath orders in support of All Saints Youth. Extras will be

available for purchase. The wreaths are expected to be ready for pick up by

December 3rd.

All proceeds will help defray costs of youth retreats in Spring 2017.

G.I.F.T. Classes have begun in the North Classroom. Our theme this year through the BibleSong curriculum is "Into the Promised Land." In addition to our class work, music and creative learning, we're going to focus on service projects this year as well.

Annual Christmas Program

The Annual Family Christmas Program will be on Sunday, December 11.

Save the Date!


Saturday, December 3 Save the Date!

Please watch the bulletin for upcoming details for a family movie night featuring a holiday movie.

All Saints Christmas Heritage Breakfast December 3, 2016 at 9:30 am

Mark your calendars and save the date for an All Saints Christmas Heritage Breakfast. Share your favorites: dish, decoration, and tradition. In the past we celebrated St. Lucia Day. It is Celebrated in Sweden and Norway, and marks the opening of the Christmas season in Scandinavian countries. It is also known as the Festival of Lights, bringing hope and light during the darkest month of the year. According to tradition, on December 13, early in the morning, the eldest daughter in each household comes to her sleeping parents, dressed in a long white gown tied with a red sash, and wearing a crown of lingonberry leaves in which are set five lighted candle representing the five virtues of hope, mercy, purity, faith and love. In her hands, she carries a tray of steaming hot coffee and “Lussekattor” (Lucia Buns). The procession includes her sisters and brothers, also dressed in white, holding lighted candles and singing of the light and joy of Christmas. What is your Christmas heritage? Come and share. All are welcome!

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Gifts of Hope to Begin on November 27, 2016 Give More Hope:

Give more hope to children. Give more hope to the homeless.

Give more hope to those who seek work. Give more hope to those who need sustenance.

Give more hope to those who need medical or dental care. Give more hope to those who want to improve their daily lives.

We are grateful for the opportunity to express our thanks to God by once again participating in the Gifts of Hope program that is sponsored by the Metropolitan Washington D.C. Synod. Participating in Gifts of Hope provides an excellent way for us to continue to express the Caring and Sharing commitment warmly demonstrated at All Saints in recent weeks that culminated in the generous pledges offered on Consecration Sunday.

About Gifts of Hope Celebrating its 24th anniversary in 2016, Gifts of Hope is a ministry sponsored by the Metropolitan Washington DC Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Gifts of Hope is an alternative gift-giving program that serves as an intermediary between donors and organizations serving individuals and families in need locally and internationally. Gifts of Hope has raised and dispersed more than $3.1 million to two church camps, two Lutheran educational institutions, three international companion synods and ten area social service agencies affiliated with the Metro DC Synod.

Opportunities for Giving From a selection of 40 gifts ranging in price from $10.00 to $250.00, you can select the organization or endeavor of your choice, while honoring a family member, friend, or colleague. As in prior years, there are gifts that bring joy, gifts that provide for daily needs, and gifts that build for the future. For example, you can provide a nutritious meal for a low-income resident at Fellowship Square Foundation for $10.00. For $15, you can help the Lutheran Church in El Salvador provide for their neediest families by supplying beans, sugar and cooking oil, giving sustenance to a hungry family for one week. For $25, you can help to make medical care for a low-income or at-risk family more accessible and affordable. $50 will provide Southeast Ministry clients with items such as boots or tools that are necessary for their jobs, helping to move them on a path to self-sufficiency. A gift of $75 can help repair hostels for orphaned children in Namibia. For $250 you can enable a needy child to attend a week of camping at Mar-Lu-Ridge Lutheran Camp.

In prior years, each congregation had the opportunity to offer a congregational choice gift, which, for All Saints, has been the Bowie Interfaith Food Pantry. That opportunity is no longer available through Gifts of Hope, but please know that the Serve Team is offering numerous alternative ways to support the Food Pantry during this holiday season as well as in the New Year.

How to Participate We encourage all members and friends of All Saints to participate in the Gifts of Hope program. The gift catalog included in this month’s edition of the Grapevine will help you make your gift selections. Stop by the Gifts of Hope table in the Narthex at All Saints each Sunday during Advent and on Christmas Eve to purchase your gifts.

All Saints’ 2015 Response to Gifts of Hope Contributions from the Saints to Gift of Hope totaled $7070. Through the generosity of members and friends of All Saints, 190 gifts totaling $6410 were given to support local social ministry organizations, Lutheran camps, and our synod’s companion synods abroad. Our Bowie Food Pantry received $660. The wide range of gifts purchased helped provide for daily needs, build for the future, or brought joy to others. Thanks be to God for the generosity of the Saints!

For More Information For more information about the Gifts of Hope program, please talk with Louise Waynant, or visit the Gifts of Hope website at

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Serve Team

Ways to Support the Food Pantry During the Holidays

I. Contribute Food for Holiday Baskets This year, as in the past, the Pantry will provide Thanksgiving and Christmas food baskets to those families who regularly visit the Pantry throughout the year. You are welcome to donate one or more entire baskets or selected items from the list below. Please let the Pantry director know (301-262-6765) the beginning of November if you wish to donate any complete baskets so she can plan ahead; note that the basket items do not have to be placed in a “basket”; bags/ boxes are just fine. The following are the suggested items for the Thanksgiving baskets; the deadline for leaving your donated canned or dry goods in the church entryway is November 13. If you are contributing a fully stocked basket which includes the perishable items, please deliver your basket to the pantry by November 18th. (The pantry is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, 8:30 - noon.) Thank you for your generosity. 1 can cranberry sauce 2 cans/jars gravy 1 bag/2 boxes stuffing 2 cans corn 2 cans green beans 1 can cream of mushroom soup 1 box crispy onion pieces 1 box instant mashed potatoes 1 box corn muffin mix 1 can yams/sweet potatoes 1 bag marshmallows 1 snack item – box of crackers, jar of nuts Holiday paper products – napkins, cups, and/or plates Perishable Items – turkey, chicken, butter

II. Adopt a Family for Christmas The Saints' response to the Adopt a Family for Christmas program which the Serve Team launched last year was so generous and heartfelt that the team decided to offer the congregation this service opportunity again. We will be shopping for Christmas gifts for several area families in need. Beginning November 27th, everyone will be invited to pick up one or more gift tags which will designate a gift suggestion for a particular member of one of the families. Purchased gifts should be wrapped, labeled with the gift tags you selected, and returned to ASLC by Sunday, December 11. We hope all the Saints will be inspired by this opportunity to share our blessings and God's love with others.

III. Make a Monetary Donation to the Pantry

In the past, many of you have chosen the Food Pantry as one of the designated recipients of your Gifts of Hope purchases. This year, because the pantry will not be among the list of organizations supported by the synod program, we invite you to make a separate monetary donation to the pantry. You can write a check to ASLC, with a "Food Pantry Gift" designation on the memo line, or you can contribute directly to the pantry by making an online contribution at or by mailing your donation to The Bowie Interfaith Food Pantry, 2614 Kenhill Drive, Suite 134, Bowie MD 20715. Thank you.

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Serve Team Updates

Stop Hunger Now We received news recently that our 15,000 Stop Hunger Now meals have been shipped to Haiti in a container totaling 284,904 meals. The meals will be received by Stop Hunger Now's in-country partner, Salesian Missions, and will support their holistic work in Haiti. "The Salesians work in Cite Soleil, Haiti, to socially and economically rehabilitate street children through the Lakay/Lakou three-step program. Cite Soleil is one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Haiti, and armed gangs are in control of most of the area behind the Salesian complex. During the first stage of the program, the Salesians get to know the youth who live on the streets, especially the young women who are working in prostitution. Between 200 and 300 students come to the second stage house, Lakou, every day, because it is a safe place where they can get what is usually their only cooked meal of the day. Students at Lakou participate in workshops to learn trades and they are invited to stay over one night per week. The third stage, Lakay, consists of dormitories, classrooms, and workshops where the Salesians house and care for 150 students, educating them, teaching them a trade, feeding them three meals a day, and taking steps to reconcile the students with their families."

Bowie CROP Hunger Walk Below is a summary of the results of the Bowie CROP Hunger Walk as provided by St. Matthew's United Methodist Church. Thank you to the Saints for contributing a significant portion of the total funds raised and thank you to our walkers: the Bitter and Waddell families, Ann and John Greenawalt, Liz Muller and Rob Watson.

Commemoration of the Faithful Departed

ALL SAINTS’ SUNDAY,, November 6, 2016

We would like to remember the names of loved ones whom have died in the last year.

Please Print Name Date of Death Please Print Name Date of Death __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Church Affiliation Total Donations

All Saints Lutheran Church $1,695.00 Christian Community Presbyterian Church $920.00 Grace Lutheran $220.00 St. Matthew's United Methodist Church $3,060.00 St. Matthew's UMYF $537.00

Grand Total $6,432.00

Worship and Music Ministry Team

The next Worship and Music Ministry Team meeting will be held on Saturday, November 5, at the home of Louise Waynant. A light breakfast will be available at 9 am prior to the meeting which begins at 9:30 am, and we will conclude no later than 12 Noon! Come join us … we look forward to seeing you there!

The discussion will include planning for Advent and Christmas worship services and events. Anyone interested in learning more about, sharing ideas for, and/or enhancing our ASLC worship experience is more than welcome! As a reminder, no experience or advance preparation is required in order to participate. For more info, please contact Nancy-Pat Weaver or Pastor Gary.

Louise’s Address, Phone, and email: 12616 Kinder Place, Bowie, MD 20715-2653, tel. 301-262-4179, email: [email protected]

Directions to Louise’s Home from All Saints

Travel north on Route 301 for about 2.3 miles to the Melford/Belair Drive exit. At the bottom of the ramp, turn left onto Belair Drive. Travel about .8 mile on Belair Drive to Kenway Lane. (Grace Lutheran Church is on the right.) Turn left onto Kenway Lane, and go about a block. Make the first left onto Kinder Place. Kinder Place is a cul-de-sac. Louise’s home is a rancher with light yellow siding and colonial blue shutters.

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The Happiest of November Birthdays

11/1 Arne Anderson 11/2 Ruth Ann Killion 11/5 Mildred Osborne 11/5 Chima Ariguzo 11/5 Uzoma Ariguzo 11/9 Kay Schwandt 11/12 T. J. Howell 11/13 Cindy Austell 11/14 Shannon Bettinger 11/15 Roz Kleffman 11/20 Paul Lentz 11/23 Shelby Volz 11/26 Marianne Johnson 11/27 Daisy Bitter 11/29 David Ploor 11/30 Matt Bitter

DEPLOYED SERVICE: David Cinalli, Matt Hopwood, Sam Jacobson and Ed Seely. AT FULL-CARE HOMES: Judy Ho, Barbara Wheatley. OTHER CONCERNS: Caroline Adams, Etta Allen, Katie Allen, Wendy Andrews, Brandon, Tonya Bredenkamp-Smith, Tony Callipari, Carl Carlson, Kaylee Carnahan, Rev. Gloria Cline-Smythe, Kevin Coffey, Brittany Curl, Dick Davis, family of Kenneth DeHart, Grace Depp, Ed Dominick, Rev. Dick Dowhower, Caleb Fry, Laurie Gearhart, Donna Giannattasio, Janet Gisleson, Andrew Gonnella, Gil Gruzynski, Brian Hanna, Bonnie Harry, Horace Highsmith, Jean Hoppe, Bill Janney, Kathy Kady, Daniel Killion, Kathleen Knott, Jake Kolar, Eugene Lewandowski, Greg Lewis, Paul Lightsey, Bud Livelsberger, Doris Livelsberger, Jo Ann Lohsen, Jean Magdelinic, Ann Marinaro, Scott Mariast, Betty Mason, Lee McKnight, Deola McLaurin, Mason McQuaid, Susan Moran, Scott Muldoon, Kurt Müller, Kathy Murdock, Jim O’Connell, Mandy Olson, Katarina Parsons, Helena Patterson, Frank Ploor, Margie Ploor, Richard Ploor, Mandy Quarry, Isabella Rand, Debby Reidel, Allen Roush, Larry Rubini, Erik Rusley, Martha Russel, Benjamin Schultz, Dustin Skidgel, Kay Small, Brian Snyder, Liz Snyder, Melissa Suian, Genie Tobin, Tom Tobin, Leon Weaver, Allan Weinstock, Hunt Whaley, Victor Wrobel, and Imogene Zachery.

Come to the THANKSGIVING WORSHIP on Wednesday, November 23,

at 7:30 pm at All Saints Lutheran Church

Our worship will include Bible Readings, Holy Communion, and an offering for the

Bowie Food Pantry.


You may remember or honor a special person(s) in your life or give a plant in thanksgiving by donating $10 per poinsettia. Please fill out this form and return it to the church office by Sunday, December 18.

Donor’s Name __________________________ Phone No. ______________________________

Number of plants given ______ X $10.00 = $____ In honor of ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ In memory of ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ In thanksgiving for ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

*Attach check made out to All Saints Lutheran Church or include the amount in your offering, noting on your envelope that $__ is for poinsettias. Thanks!

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Pastor: Gary Rhinesmith Admin. Assistant: Jean Reams

Parish Administrator: Larry Ploor

All Saints Lutheran Church 16510 Mt. Oak Road

Bowie, MD 20716


Email articles for the

December 2016 Grapevine newsletter to

the church office [email protected]

by November 21

Thank you to all who contribute their helping hands

in making this newsletter possible.


November 13-November 20