THE GRAPEVINE · 2014. 3. 3. · E-mail: [email protected] TO: Christ Church of Longboat...

Dr. Taylor M. Hill, Pastor 941-383-8833 941-383-0401 (fax) Web-site: E-mail: [email protected] TO: Christ Church of Longboat Key, Presbyterian U.S.A. 6400 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key, FL 34228 time of year to fast and to do works of mission to those in need. Our church provides a little devotional booklet called the Upper Room that is available as you come into our sanctuary. Perhaps you might like to read that during Lent. Also, I am listing the scripture readings that will be used in worship during the month of March. You might want to read each of those prior to worship. March 2 Matthew 17:1-9 March 9 Matthew 4:1-11 March 16 John 3:1-17 March 23 John 4:5-42 March 30 John 9:1-41 May our God walk closely with each of you in this holy season. Taylor Hill Vision Statement: “Growing in Jesus’ Name” Members of Session: Charlie Gorham, Clerk Class: 2015, Burt Borgelt, Building/Grounds 2017, Patty Buck, Education/Fellowship 2015, Dick Cardin, Administration/Finance 2015, Michael Chester, Education/Fellowship 2015, Karen Gardiner, Caring Ministry 2016, Steve Himes, Worship 2016, Evey Huntington, Membership 2017, Diana Neely, Membership 2016, Ron Northington, Administration/Finance 2015, Ann Quackenbush, Membership/Involvement 2016, Trish Thaler, Worship 2017, Sandra Warren, Mission WORDS FROM OUR PASTOR Dear friends, It has been such a joy to welcome back our seasonal worshippers from the North. You bring to us not only increased numbers in worship and our mission for Christ, but you also bring us the richness of your experience in churches back home. I saw an interesting bumper sticker sometime back that read "We Don't Care How You Did It Up North!" Well, Christ Church does not feel that. We are very interested in how you do things in your church--things that worked well and those that did not work. Please share your ideas with us. While you are with us I hope you will become as active as your schedule permits. Perhaps God might lead you to lend a helping hand with some particular mission project or sing in our choir or help in our worship time. As we head into March it is a special time of the year leading us through the season of Lent, Holy Week, and culminating in Easter, the celebration of the resurrection of our Lord. As you know Lent, like the season of Advent, preceding Christmas, is a time of preparation and self examination. Christians are encouraged to set apart time to pray and read scripture in order to have that Divine connection. Many Christians choose this MARCH 2014 A Monthly Newsletter - Christ Church of Longboat Key VOL VIII, ISSUE III THE GRAPEVINE “I am the vine, you are the branches.” COMING UP IN APRIL . . . 04/09 WED. NIGHT DINNER 04/13 PALM SUNDAY/CANTATA 04/17 MAUNDY THURSDAY 04/20 EASTER SUNDAY 04/26 FAREWELL PARTY OFFICE HOURS PASTOR: Tuesday 9:00 - 4:00 & Thursday 9:00 - Noon SECRETARY: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 - 1:30

Transcript of THE GRAPEVINE · 2014. 3. 3. · E-mail: [email protected] TO: Christ Church of Longboat...

Page 1: THE GRAPEVINE · 2014. 3. 3. · E-mail: TO: Christ Church of Longboat Key, Presbyterian U.S.A. 6400 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key, FL 34228 time of

Dr. Taylor M. Hill, Pastor

941-383-8833 941-383-0401 (fax)

Web-site: E-mail: [email protected]


Christ Church of Longboat Key, Presbyterian U.S.A. 6400 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key, FL 34228

time of year to fast and to do works of mission to those in need. Our church provides a little devotional booklet called the Upper Room that is available as you come into our sanctuary. Perhaps you might like to read that during Lent. Also, I am listing the scripture readings that will be used in worship during the month of March. You might want to read each of those prior to worship. March 2 Matthew 17:1-9 March 9 Matthew 4:1-11 March 16 John 3:1-17 March 23 John 4:5-42 March 30 John 9:1-41 May our God walk closely with each of you in this holy season. Taylor Hill

Vision Statement: “Growing in Jesus’ Name”

Members of Session: Charlie Gorham, Clerk

Class: 2015, Burt Borgelt, Building/Grounds 2017, Patty Buck, Education/Fellowship 2015, Dick Cardin, Administration/Finance 2015, Michael Chester, Education/Fellowship 2015, Karen Gardiner, Caring Ministry 2016, Steve Himes, Worship 2016, Evey Huntington, Membership 2017, Diana Neely, Membership 2016, Ron Northington, Administration/Finance 2015, Ann Quackenbush, Membership/Involvement 2016, Trish Thaler, Worship 2017, Sandra Warren, Mission


Dear friends, It has been such a joy to welcome back our seasonal worshippers from the North. You bring to us not only increased numbers in worship and our mission for Christ, but you also bring us the richness of your experience in churches back home. I saw an interesting bumper sticker sometime back that read "We Don't Care How You Did It Up North!" Well, Christ Church does not feel that. We are very interested in how you do things in your church--things that worked well and those that did not work. Please share your ideas with us. While you are with us I hope you will become as active as your schedule permits. Perhaps God might lead you to lend a helping hand with some particular mission project or sing in our choir or help in our worship time. As we head into March it is a special time of the year leading us through the season of Lent, Holy Week, and culminating in Easter, the celebration of the resurrection of our Lord. As you know Lent, like the season of Advent, preceding Christmas, is a time of preparation and self examination. Christians are encouraged to set apart time to pray and read scripture in order to have that Divine connection. Many Christians choose this

MARCH 2014 A Monthly Newsletter - Christ Church of Longboat Key VOL VIII, ISSUE III


“I am the vine, you are the branches.”









Tuesday 9:00 - 4:00 & Thursday 9:00 - Noon


Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 - 1:30

Page 2: THE GRAPEVINE · 2014. 3. 3. · E-mail: TO: Christ Church of Longboat Key, Presbyterian U.S.A. 6400 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key, FL 34228 time of


03/01 Gordon Lyons 03/03 Linda Weiss 03/06 Marcia Dolan 03/06 Don Swanson 03/08 Jerry Slansky 03/10 Carolyn Pol 03/10 Sigi Schwaiger 03/16 Kathy Lee 03/16 Ruth Sheppard 03/17 Carol Falck 03/18 Jim McConnell 03/19 Al Van Iten 03/21 Bennie Dods 03/24 Jane Flower 03/25 Bob Butler 03/25 Charlie Gorham 03/26 Ginny Dreher 03/26 Cheryl Fraser 03/27 Mike Gardiner 03/27 Merlin Shirk 03/29 Ralph Hunter 03/30 Steve Himes 03/30 Mary Moss


03/04 Terri and Steve Himes 03/15 Mary and Hugh Moss 03/24 MaryAnn and Kirt Bopp 03/29 Barbara and Jon Grimes





2 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. WORSHIP COMMUNION 11:45 a.m. BIBLE STUDY

3 8:00 a.m. MEN’S CLUB F.H. 4:00 p.m. ADULT BIBLE - C.R.


4 9:30 a.m.



1:30 p.m.



10:00 a.m.



7:00 p.m. - CHOIR



7 8 8:30 - 1:30


9 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.


11:45 a.m.


1st Sunday in Lent



4:00 p.m.


April Grapevine


11 9:30 a.m.



1:30 p.m.


12 10:00 a.m.

WBS - C.R.

5:00 p.m.



7:00 p.m. - CHOIR

13 8:15 a.m. MISSION

church parking lot

1:28 p.m.


Islands West

14 15

16 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. WORSHIP 11:45 - BIBLE STUDY

2nd Sunday in Lent


Chart House


2:00 p.m.


4:00 p.m.



1:30 p.m.


19 10:00 a.m.

WBS - C.R.

1:05 p.m.


7:00 p.m. - CHOIR

20 9:00 a.m.


7:00 - 9:00 p.m.

LBK Hist. Soc.- F.H.


21 22

23 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.



3rd Sunday in Lent 4:00 p.m.


30 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. WORSHIP 11:45 BIBLE STUDY 4th Sunday in Lent


4:00 p.m.



4:00 p.m.



1:30 p.m.


26 10:00 a.m.

WBS - C.R.

7:00 p.m. - CHOIR

27 28



M.R.= Meeting


C.R.= Conference


F.H. = Fellowship


MARCH 2014

Page 3: THE GRAPEVINE · 2014. 3. 3. · E-mail: TO: Christ Church of Longboat Key, Presbyterian U.S.A. 6400 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key, FL 34228 time of


The following actions were taken:

1. Michael Chester was elected President of the

corporation; Burt Borgelt, Vice President; and Charlie

Gorham was elected Clerk of Session.

2. The 2014 budget of $606,743 was adopted. To date,

total pledges are $462,000.

3. It was decided to give a love offering of $5,000 to Rev.

Bruce Porter. This amount will be included with the

free-will offerings made by our congregation.

4. Rev. Taylor Hill’s contract as Temporary Supply Pastor

was extended for the month of February. This contract

is reviewed on a month-to-month basis.

5. Elder, Steve Himes, tendered his resignation from the

session effective March 1, because he is moving out of

the area. We are grateful for Steve’s service and wish

him Godspeed.

Items of interest and information:

1. It was reported that founding member, Claire Hunter,

died December 15, 2013.

2. At her request, Cami O’Donnell’s membership in

Christ Church is withdrawn because her husband’s

illness necessitates their remaining in Connecticut.

They are now affiliated with a church in that area.

3. A new member orientation will be held February 18, at

3:30 p.m., at the home of Sally and George Rauch.

This meetings is for those who have joined Christ

Church since March 2013, and for those interested in

finding out more about membership.

4. The next meeting of Peace River Presbytery will be

held at the Burnt Store Presbyterian Church on

February 27, 2014.


ECHO (Educational Concerns for Hunger

Organization) is a faith-based Christian

organization our Church has supported for

several years. ECHO’s vision is to: “Bring

glory to God and to be a blessing to

humankind by using science and technology

to help the poor.” From its research farm and

“global village” in North Fort Myers, FL,

ECHO provides agricultural knowledge as

well as seeds for nutritious plants appropriate

to local growing conditions in poor and

remote areas around the world. Let’s look

briefly at a “miracle tree” and then at

ECHO’s geographic expansion.

The Moringa Tree. ECHO distributes

Moringa tree seeds, among many other

seeds. The Moringa is an amazingly fast-

growing tree that thrives in often difficult

growing conditions. Its leaves – often made

into tea, a powder to add to other foods, or

eaten alone – are extremely nutritious.

People lacking in nutrition find the healthful

benefits of Moringa a bright hope in the

midst of desperation.

A missionary in the Congo writes that,

working with a medical staff, she helped start

a nutrition project with the Moringa tree.

They first planted 60 Moringa seeds a few

years ago. Now with many trees, they have

trained 400 women in how to harvest and

process the leaves, adding vital nutrients for

all, particularly nursing mothers and


A villager in Nigeria says his brother planted

six Moringa seeds and the trees grew 10 feet

in seven months. A doctor prescribed

Moringa tea to ill villagers, and now

everyone in the village is planting seeds from

the six original seeds – using the leaves for

tea or as a powder added to other foods. And

it is now a healthier village.

CHURCH ORCHESTRA For anyone interested in a church orchestra, please sign the sheet in our Fellowship Hall. We are interested in who is available in our congregation to see if this is a feasible endeavor. Any questions, contact Bill Buckley at 383-9402.

An ECHO staff member said: “Not only is

the Moringa one of God’s miracles, but he

allowed it to grow rapidly in some of the

poorest regions of the world.”

Geographic Expansion. Recognizing that

Florida is a long way from poor villages in

Africa and Southeast Asia, ECHO has

opened small Impact Centers to be closer to

the farmers and villages they seek to serve.

In Asia: Chiang Mai, Thailand. Opened in

2009, ECHO reaches the people of Southeast

Asia through regionally-focused agricultural

documents, seed exchanges, workshops,

research demonstrations, and a seed bank.

In East Africa: Arusha, Tanzania. This

Impact Center opened in 2012 and is

important to many of the poor in eastern and

southern Africa. The Center has developed

technology appropriate to the region, farming

demonstrations, and a seed bank. ECHO

also is researching ways to improve soil

health in sub-Saharan Africa.

West Africa: Ouagadougou, Burkian Faso.

Scheduled to open in mid-2014, this Center

will provide agricultural techniques and

resources in this very challenging area.

ECHO helps the poor farmers not only to

farm more efficiently but to farm “God’s


Jerry Fox

Mission Committee

If you are interested in visiting the ECHO

Global Farm in North Fort Myers, Jerry

and Joyce Fox have a few passes for a free

in-depth tour of the amazing research


MISSION MATTERS - An Update on ECHO – A Mission Partner of Christ Church

A group of veterans met for lunch at the

Lazy Lobster on February 15.

Biographies and Memoirs

Our Highlighted Collection for March

We all seem to know what biographies are, a factual and detailed description or account of a person’s life. Memoirs, however, are a bit more difficult to define. While they fall within the same category as biographies, memoirs most often focus on a significant part of the author’s life. A memoir can be an eyewitness account of history, a travelogue, a recounting of behind the scenes events in the political arena or a turning point in someone’s life. Some say memoirs are written to reflect the way the authors want to remember their past.

We are fortunate to have dozens of biographies and memoirs in our Church Library, written about individuals ranging from the elite to the obscure. Some are quite funny. Many explore the impact faith has had on their subjects. Please join us this month as we display our full collection of biographies and memoirs.

Library hours are: 9:00 to noon on Sundays 8:30 to 1:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays

and Fridays

Page 4: THE GRAPEVINE · 2014. 3. 3. · E-mail: TO: Christ Church of Longboat Key, Presbyterian U.S.A. 6400 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key, FL 34228 time of

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10 NIV

“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” Psalm 160:6 NIV

One of our main tasks in life is worshipping an awesome God. Meditating on his many

attributes is one way of doing it. Our God is perfect. He is faithful, loving, all-

knowing, holy, merciful, forgiving, wise. He is our Redeemer, Savior, Comforter,

Teacher and much more. Let us praise him and try our very best to emulate him

every day in all we do. Thanks be to God.

Jean Gorham

For prayer requests and/or praises, please call Holly Braun at (941) 387-7415.

Linda Wilson grew up on Long Island. Her first college degree was in Theatre and Sociology. She says she was like a gypsy. As a young person, Linda bounced around, was a hippie, then became a stage manager in a theatre group, then became a 9-to-5 worker with Southland Corp. in Pasadena, CA. However, she wanted more education, so she earned a Master’s Degree in Speech Pathology. About that time, she married her husband, Ted, and when discussing where to live he said, “Pick an ocean.” So, she chose this area. Linda began working in the rehab field with stroke and head injury patients, then moved to the school system to work with children who had language disorders. This led to a second Master’s Degree, and she became a Reading Specialist until retirement four years ago. Now, Linda reads several books a week, sees about five movies weekly (!!!!), studies the Bible, and also continues to work toward becoming fluent in French. She is also a wine collector and creative cook. How does she find time to ride her bike at least 100 miles per week? Linda had been looking for a really Christ-based church and nearly gave up until she came to our Open House and heard Bruce’s first sermon in our new building. She was hooked! Now, Linda is very involved in several of our Church’s activities. Evey Huntington

Before you


for the evening

on Saturday,

March 8, ...

So far in our Monday Bible Study program, we have discussed these important questions:

1) Are we in the end times; the second coming of Christ? 2) What is heaven like? 3) How can we insure our eternal life? 4) Suffering, a blessing or a chastening? 5) Prayer, why don’t our prayers always get answered, or do they? 6) Forgiveness, why did Christ say, “If you don’t forgive others, I will not forgive you?” 7) The holy spirit, what is it? Do you have it?

If you have missed these studies, we hope you won’t miss any more - coming up: 8) The falsehood of judging; God is the only judge. 9) The anti-Christ and the false prophet. 10) Truth and lies about our faith; testimonials, who are we, and how did we become


If you have Mondays from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. free, please join us in our Conference Room. We’ll be waiting for you.

In Christ, Douglas Moppert

Judith Neale and Donald Good shopped

many area churches before chosing Christ

Church. Their choice was based on the

friendly atmosphere, the many volunteer

opportunities, and one sermon by Bruce.

During the short time they have been

members, they have been very involved in

many activities.

Judith sings in our choir, and we have enjoyed

her solos. She also sings with the Anna Maria

Concert Chorus and Orchestra and has been

involved many years in community theatre

and making commercials. Judith was

performing in a cabaret in Philadelphia on

South Street when she met Donald on a blind

date. She was to wear a black trench coat and

carry a yellow rose for identification. They’ve

been married for seven years.

Donald, an engineer, has had quite a variety

of experiences in anti-missile programs, with

satellite facilities, and measuring atmospheric

conditions related to global warming. He

worked in interesting places such as Sweden,

Italy, France, and Indonesia. Donald works up

in our balcony with the sound board, and he

also made the video covering Bruce’s

retirement party.

Evey Huntington


Page 5: THE GRAPEVINE · 2014. 3. 3. · E-mail: TO: Christ Church of Longboat Key, Presbyterian U.S.A. 6400 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key, FL 34228 time of

Due to our March Sale Away, there will NOT be a March meeting of our Women’s Club. We hope that this will allow the women of our Church to give their full efforts to volunteering at the sale.

The final meeting for the season will be April 14, the second Monday in April, at 9:30 a.m. Program to be announced at a later date in our Sunday bulletin.

Questions? Janet FitzGerald at 778-4376 or via email [email protected]

MEN'S CLUB plans have solidified

through April. Reminder: The next first-of-the-month-Monday date (March 3) will be devoted to sharing our time supporting our Church-wide Sale Away. Those in charge of Sale Away seek extra hands to execute all sorts of preparation. The opportunity runs the spectrum from least strenuous work (sitting and sorting e.g.) to shifting cartons of goodies from rental truck to our Fellowship Hall. We'd like 20 or more of our group to join the parade. You can count on a job to suit your physical suitability. Unless you hear differently via our Sunday bulletin - 9:00 a.m. start.

As for our April meeting: Sojourning chef du jour Wiley will be teamed up with our traveling marketeer, Mike Gardiner, for a whopping breakfast joined with a chat about snaking rivers and hungry monks. That is April 7, at 8:00 for breakfast and the speaker following about 8:45. Upcoming Sunday bulletins will carry more particulars. Newcomers are always warmly greeted.

Questions: Gordon Lenci 383-4799



MIND YOUR MIND!...Thursday, March 13, 1:28 - 4:28 PM We'll again play fun word games in which you'll be randomly assigned to one or two different teammates for each game. We'll keep score just for the fun of it. We'll choose a handful of these games: Categories, Famous Initials, Name Things, Abbreviations, Unscramble Six-Letter Words, Y-Words, College Mascots, lower case quiz, Words Missing Three of the Same Letters...just to name a few. Please bring a small plate of snack food to share and your own beverage. Dress is casual. Cups and ice will be provided and there's no charge. Please wear a name tag. LOCATION: The one-story Islands West beach clubhouse at 2525 Gulf of Mexico Drive on Longboat Key. Use guest parking spaces and the sidewalk between the tennis court and trees to enter the clubhouse. If you'd like to join us, contact Nick Kovalakides by MARCH 9, at 773-3012 or [email protected].



On Monday, March 17, at 2:00 p.m. in our

Conference Room, we will be discussing the book,

“Thirteen Moons” by Charles Frazier. We hope to

see everyone there.

Kay and Keith Tschannen 383-2749

Please join us for bridge on Tuesdays

at 1:30 p.m. We meet in our Coffee

Bar Area and hope you will join us!

To reserve a seat, please call Evey

Huntington at 383-6844.



SERIES . . .


March 23

4 :00 p.m.

FONDA DAVIES is Director of Music/

Ministries/Organist at Englewood

United Methodist Church, and she will

be featured on the “King of

Instruments.” Ms. Davies brings a

fresh approach to the listener with flair

and excitement, utilizing the various

resources of the organ. From


“BACH to the FUTURE,” there will be

something for everyone, and you will

leave with a new appreciation of the

mighty church organ.

A free-will offering will be accepted.

Bring your friends! This is a good way

to introduce them to our Church.


Thursday, March 20 7:00 p.m.

CCLBK - Fellowship Hall

- You Can’t Do History Without Natural History - To truly appreciate the history that happens in a place, you must first understand the history of that place. Join Jeff Rodgers for a sweeping talk designed to give you a broader awareness of Florida’s natural history as a unique, dynamic and ever-changing place.

Jeff is Director of Education for the South Florida Museum and Director of the Bishop Planetarium. Previously, Jeff was at the American Museum of National History in New York City.

Thank You Note quartet

sang to Pat Hase, then to

Ginny Buss and Ralph

H u n t e r a t t h e i r

Valentine lunch.

Valentine sent courtesy

of our Men’s Club of

which Ralph was a part.

Page 6: THE GRAPEVINE · 2014. 3. 3. · E-mail: TO: Christ Church of Longboat Key, Presbyterian U.S.A. 6400 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key, FL 34228 time of

Do you have your running shoes on? We

are down to the final stretch. This is your

last opportunity to clean out your excess

"stuff" and convert it into welcome funds

for our Mission’s projects. You may drop

off these goods on Monday, March 3, from

10 a.m. till 2:00 p.m. in our Fellowship

Hall. Bicycles may also be dropped off

that Tuesday through Thursday in the


We will reconfirm the dates that you

volunteered to work the week and the day

of our sale. We hope to provide a very nice

lunch for the volunteers the day of our


Help to make Sale Away a huge success.

We encourage you to tell your friends and

neighbors to shop on the 8th.

If you have any questions, please call Sue

Wertman at 447-1472 or Joyce & Jerry

Fox at 383-6024.

Singles on Sunday


All singles are welcome. You don’t need to be a member to join our fun group.

Sunday, March 16, at 4:45 p.m., we’ll meet for early bird dinner at the Chart House. Please sign up in our Fellowship Hall or contact Sally Caswell at 383-1538.

Bakery Department

Have you been wondering how you can contribute to the March Sale Away? Well, wonder no more. Guys and gals, a few minutes in your kitchen can bring in lots of “dough” for our community. Do you bake bread (especially those small loaves of fruit or nut bread), rolls, cakes, cookies, candies (remember Kit's "fantastic fudge!!!), pecan rolls, muffins, etc., etc.? How about Puppy Chow, Chex mix, tea or cocoa mixes, caramel corn or popcorn balls? How about a few sugar-free or gluten-free items? And, we would also love jams, pickles and any other condiments you might make. Just tie your favorite into a pretty plastic wrap or plastic bag, include a recipe if you’d like, and we’ll be “set to impress.”

Among the many talents in our Church, we are very aware of many good cooks. So, mark Thursday, March 6, and Friday, March 7, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. on your calendars to “deliver the goods” to our Fellowship Hall for a wonderful cause.

P.S. This year we're planning to offer more small packages of cookies, etc. for those who'd like to munch while they shop!


Our members belong to Christ and to each other.

Our Church is a Source of Love: Members give one another acceptance, forgiveness, encouragement, and renewal.

Our Church offers: Encouragement, support and guidance in times of joy, change, stress, and loss.

Our Church is a Community in Action: Our members learn through Education Programs, Reading, and Bible Studies, Prayer, and Reflection.

Our Church members show their love for Christ by Serving and Offering. Is it time for you to join our Church family?

New members are welcomed in Christ Church by Profession of Faith if they have never been a member of any church, by Reaffirmation of Faith if their membership has lapsed in a previous congregation, or by Letter of Transfer. Those who are winter visitors to Florida may join with us as Affiliate Members and retain their membership up North. Please speak to our Pastor, Ann Quackenbush, Evey Huntington, or Angela Freeman at our Welcome Desk.


What’s the best way to socialize with people you’ve recently met or with people you’ve known for a long time? Well, if you are like most people you probably thought about the phrase “Let’s get together for dinner.”

There’s nothing better than sharing a good meal and great conversation with old friends, or with people you’ve just met. With new friends or acquaintances it’s a terrific way to get to know each other better. With longtime friends, it’s a great way to “catch up” on relationships and adventures. It doesn’t matter whether you’re single or attached, it’s the social interaction (and good food) that makes for a great evening out.

And that’s the idea behind our Christ Church Dinearound program. It’s an opportunity for people to share a meal and conversation, whether you’re a church member (new or long term), or someone thinking of joining or just interested in meeting new people. The only difference with a Dinearound program is that everyone attending contributes to the meal in some way, whether simply bringing a dish or supplying the location.

Dinearounds generally consist of 8 – 10 people. But don’t let that number stop you from volunteering to be a host or hostess. Many Dinearounds have been joint efforts with someone providing the location and someone else organizing the meal. It is also possible to be a host or hostess for a smaller or larger group, depending on space considerations. And remember, the location doesn’t need to be a formal dining room table. Sometimes, an activity/party room at a condo works great. The possibilities are endless.

Our next Dinearound is Friday, March 28. The main thing is to get involved, either as a host or hostess, or as an attendee. Then you will be able to say “YES” to the question, “Do you Dinearound?”

For more information or answers to any questions, kindly contact Patty Buck at 941-383-8357 or [email protected].

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MEN’S CLUB February 3

DINEAROUNDS - January 31


(Hint: Men’s Club

meeting )

READING BUDDIES Azareeyah Heaven, David Jean-Baptiste, and Jaiden Morris, third grade students in the Reading Buddies program, selected over 100 books for the newly created Dream Center Intermediate Level Lending Library. The manager of Books-a-Million was so impressed with the care the children took in selecting each book that he treated them all to mocha shakes at the coffee bar. It was a grand day for reading!

Beverly Sutton

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10 7


Our Mission Extravaganza Program was a great success. We had 115 plus attendees. Everyone asked questions and were truly enthusiastic about our missions. I want to thank all who came. Representatives from nine of our supported charities brought information and discussed what they are about. They all give to many who need help, tirelessly, and with compassion. Sandy Warren


If you were wondering where all the women were on Monday, February 10, they were in our Fellowship Hall, which was transformed into a Valentine theme stage for our 3rd Annual Fashion Show featuring resort clothes from Patchington. Design 2000 Hair salon

and Mary Kay cosmetics did a wonderful job of transforming our eight models into runway beauties.

Food was generously provided by the ladies of our Church and no one left hungry. We raised a total of $1,485 for our Church missions. There were approximately 140 in attendance, and a good time was had by all. Our fashion show has become a premier event and, with many guests, we were able to promote our upcoming Sale Away and concert series. This event gets bigger every year and has grown from 75 attendees to 140 in three short years. All the women enjoyed socializing while checking out the latest in fashions worn by our very own Church members, as well as three of the young women from the Learn to Fish Recovery Center. A huge thank you to everyone who made this year’s show a success!

Janet FitzGerald

The Mission Committee wants to thank the Women’s Club for supporting our missions by donating the proceeds from their wonderful fashion show. Christ Church is truly blessed that there are so many in our family who have compassion for others in

need and want to continue our Lord’s work. Sandy Warren