The Grant Reunion Registration Form Update

1 REGISTER TODAY FOR THE GRANT FAMILY REUNION Don’t miss the fun Welcome Luau & Pool Party Friday, June 20, 2014 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Lakes Tennis Academy 4000 Legacy Drive Frisco, TX Grant Family Picnic Saturday, June 21, 2014 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm Frisco Commons Park 8000 McKinney Rd. Frisco, TX Church Service Sunday, June 22, 2014 11:00 am 2828 Carpenter Freeway Dallas, TX A confirmation email or text has been sent to everyone who has registered so far. If we DO NOT have enough people registered by May 30, 2014, the event will be cancelled.

Transcript of The Grant Reunion Registration Form Update




Don’t  miss  the  fun                                                     Welcome  Luau  &  Pool  Party       Friday,  June  20,  2014                                                                                                                                   7:00  pm  –  10:00  pm         Lakes  Tennis  Academy                                                                                                                                                     4000  Legacy  Drive                                                                                                                                                   Frisco,  TX                 Grant  Family  Picnic           Saturday,  June  21,  2014                                                                                                                       3:00  pm  –  7:00  pm           Frisco  Commons  Park                                                                                                                                                       8000  McKinney  Rd.                                                                                                                 Frisco,  TX             Church  Service           Sunday,  June  22,  2014           11:00  am             2828  Carpenter  Freeway                         Dallas,  TX  

A confirmation email or text has been sent to everyone who has registered so far. If we DO NOT have enough people registered by May 30, 2014, the event will be cancelled.



Registration Information      

Name  Email Address


Home Phone   Cell Phone  

Physical Address  Would you like your information in the family directory? (Indicate YES or NO)    

List name and age of each attendee as of June 1, 2014 (Type or print clearly. Add additional page if attendees exceed 5)

Registration T-Shirts Amount ($) Adult

Age 16 + Regular: $55

Youth Age 6 - 15

Regular: $15

Kid Free

Family Jewel Free

Youth (S, M, L)


Adults (S, M, L)


Adults (1X, 2X, 3X)

$12 Example: John Doe (28) 1 L 65

Subtotal for Registration and T-Shirts Fee

Purchase Souvenir Book (s). Price includes shipping. Quantity At $30 each

I am enclosing check or money order made out to Camillia Williams - Family Reunion Account for Grand Total amount of:

I paid by Pay Pal to Grant Reunion account with email: [email protected]

Please return form with payment to address below or email form (Please indicate Pay Pal payment elected). Grant Family Reunion c/o Camillia Will iams 10609 Blue Bay Drive Frisco, TX 75035

Grant Family Reunion Registration Form (Join the Grant Reunion Facebook page for the latest updates and volunteer opportunities)

Early Registration: Today thru Nov. 30, 2013

Regular Registration: Dec. 1, 2013 thru April 30, 2014

Adults (16 & Up) $50 $55 Youth (6 - 15) $10 $15 Kids (5 and Under) Free Free Family Jewels (80 & Up) Free Free

Register By May 30, 2014


Deadline  to  order  t-­‐shirts  is  Monday,  M