THE GOLDEN OE, Dreams Interpreted. Showing clearly how all ...€¦ · dreamingof wearing apparel,...

THE GOLDEN OE, Dreams Interpreted. Showing clearly how all things PAST, PRESENT, & TO COME May be ascertained BY H12AXS OF BREAMS. Together with an Essay on PHILOSOPHA' OF BREAMS. GLASGOW: SOLD BY THE BOOKSELLERS.

Transcript of THE GOLDEN OE, Dreams Interpreted. Showing clearly how all ...€¦ · dreamingof wearing apparel,...

Page 1: THE GOLDEN OE, Dreams Interpreted. Showing clearly how all ...€¦ · dreamingof wearing apparel, but almo.-t every colour has a different interpretation, and much depends on its



Dreams Interpreted. Showing clearly how all things

PAST, PRESENT, & TO COME May be ascertained

BY H12AXS OF BREAMS. Together with an Essay on



Page 2: THE GOLDEN OE, Dreams Interpreted. Showing clearly how all ...€¦ · dreamingof wearing apparel, but almo.-t every colour has a different interpretation, and much depends on its

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Page 3: THE GOLDEN OE, Dreams Interpreted. Showing clearly how all ...€¦ · dreamingof wearing apparel, but almo.-t every colour has a different interpretation, and much depends on its

the nw

dream book.

Air.—To dream of the atmosphere, has a "variety of interpretations, and depends en- tirely oh the different appearances it has. If iyou dream the sky is clear, of a fine blue, calm and serene, then if is k; good omenyou will he* snctessfnl in your enterprises; if you are soficitihg any place1 of preferment, you will surely obthm'it,—if ybii are in love, you will surely marry the 'object of your affections, have yttii a lawsuit ? ‘ yon will gain it-; are you In trade ?" It will flourish and be profitable, are you a farhihr? good crops will atJfcend yon, your cattle Will increase, your pigs an poultry, Mil he abundant, your commodities will fetCb agoO'dprice at the market; are you hiaCried ? : you wilFhare mauy children and they will‘be dutiful, and do well ; are you about to undertike a jourttey•? it will answer your utmost expectations ; are you going to Sea? fyoh will have a pleasant and prosper- ■thik' voyhge; are fon in debt ? you will speedily t>fc enuhled to extricate yourself from it ; are yb.ii11 in prison r you will shortly he set at liberty. To’ dream that it is full of thick, dark, and heavy clouds, is an unfavourable token, you will Ml sick, and perhaps die and •disappointments will attend-your business.

To dre&ifo of the‘committing of )*dj brra bnw uov >[do hnil adt

Page 4: THE GOLDEN OE, Dreams Interpreted. Showing clearly how all ...€¦ · dreamingof wearing apparel, but almo.-t every colour has a different interpretation, and much depends on its

4 this sin, forebodes great troubles and misfor- tunes, If you arte in lore, you will certainly fail in,Anarfyiogrtlje object of your wishes. If you have a law-suit, it will certairilyjgo *g*in- , st you, by the treachery of those wno prelen- ded to be y out friends. If you are in busi- i tiess sumo heavy Ipsp will happen to you. * Sucbia dreant announces that you are in great danger of losing your liberty, if you are about to undertake a voyage to sea, omit it for the present, for you wuLneyer reach the destined port. To dream you are tempted to commit this crime, and that you resist it, i$ a happy omen, every thing will ftourishynth you —be sure it is a good time to begin trade after such a dream. If you have a law-suit, , all will go on in your favour, with credit to yourself, and confusion to your opponents ; if you are about to undertake a long journey, it will be pleasant and successful to your object -rrif you are going to sea, you will have an agreeable voyage, fine weather and a quick arrival at the port of destination; if you are in love, press the object of your wishes, fer they will be gratified. Appe,REi„—Nothing more demonstrates the events that are about to happen you than dreaming of wearing apparel, but almo.-t every colour has a different interpretation, and much depends on its appearing new qr .old, its fitt- ing you, pr being too big or too little. We shall here explain them according to their dif- i ferent qualifications. To dream you are dressed in white, is a .sure token of success in the first object you undertake, and that you

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5 ■will be successful in love, and that your sweet- heart is of a good temper and amiable dispos- ition. To dream you are dressed in green, denotes that you are about tp undertake a journey to your advantage, and that your sweetheart prefers you to all other lovers. To dream you are dressed in hlack, is an unlucky- omen; some quarrel is abjOtut, tp happen be-' tween you and a friend or relation; sickness is about to attend you and your family ; death will deprive you of some near friend or rela- tion ; law suits will perplex and harass you -u_if you undertake a journey, it will be un- successful* and contribute.umeb to injure you;- health and fortune—it you are in love it de- notes that your sweetheart is very unhappy, and that sickness will attend her,—if y;vu ar/‘ a farmer,: you will be cheated by some knave, and your drops will turn out indifferent ; thje murrain will attack youp.cattle, and sqiqe dreadful accident will happen by the overturn of some of your waggons,—if you arejn busi- ness some one will arrest you, and you vyill have great difficulty in settling the matter- To dream you are, dressed in blue, deputes happiness, yon will shortly be invited to sorqe banquet or merry making, whenyou will make some friends and be very happy, if you only avoid quarreliug, which some enemy to yo.ur welfare will endeavour to excite you to dp, your sweetheart is denoted by this colour to he very faithful to,you, and will make you very happy aud comfortable; you will have many children, chiefly boys who will turn out honest and good,—if you are in trade you will pros-

Page 6: THE GOLDEN OE, Dreams Interpreted. Showing clearly how all ...€¦ · dreamingof wearing apparel, but almo.-t every colour has a different interpretation, and much depends on its

v) ' Triny hns t37oI ni luDaasaoae sd iiiw If ^dudpejnwyoUiaw dressed in sic ark*, Voti(ai-e' thereby wamed of some very heavy daldriiliiyl and a severe ^ fit of ilitBeas,. yodv ?^-eetheart is by it announced to you to-be of

a turbulent disposition, much'inclined to.dis- Inte abont tfifles, add 'liable to make you very urihapjfy, your children will be short-lived and of very unhappy tempters^ much inolined ‘to’ bfe verysicklys-Hlt surely denotes a quarrel hnd'ldib lyfffrends. ■ ■ ,• , -

Asses—Tb dredmypu are riding on.a ass, ?! the fprbrtinncr of some foolish , quarrel in which' you will be 'much! in the wrong, and cbh&ertihed'by your frfends. If you be much in lovty itulenots that some misunderstanding n'iU'd cdr between you and your sweetheart, ia which you will be in the fault. It you are ‘in' business, it foretels tbat you have under- t iken stfme foolish bargain. To dream you ate drivhig aSses, denotes that you will fall i do ikme trouble, of which you will get the bfettof, and that you will be relieved from present 'embarrassments. If ybu are in love, it denbtps that sortie quarrel will take place be- tifixf yduf sweetheart artd yonrself, which will sooh be made up again to your.advantage. To 'drtaW ftri ass'rrtns after you, denotes that some fudli'sh pefSOn speaks ill of yon,! who vtill he- ed rt^ thttuiselves the victiriis of the scandal raisie(l;ag^iltlst you. v>;» 37...

’ Acqv AftffiNCE-.-h'To' dream, you- quarrel or ■ fight with!i art:Acquaintance, is an unluehy blrtert, it^'lbf^hodes '&« division .among your 'oufii faitiil^yiWitelP te the injnry and prqj odhee • of the dreamer. If you are in Ibve, your mis-

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7 .8 tress will prove unfaithful, and-marry some othe/f rtfait1 clfatifsliei has <lokl :}-oii sheunoist hates. Tf you awirtifeusiipess. •eonfof’liearydAiaBrgill befall yW^'tou AvilL disagree with some ot your best friends on the mosfcrtrivial; matters, Afill emiin an opentfnp*dfe. If yo^iare ietipebt a bad crop, the murrain aniongst yoflr dattle bthat your pigs awd poul- try wilt‘fait and .not fetch good' {>ricesj—eif you have a hiartmt, depend that 'your attorney will neglect you, that your witnesses will be tardy and backward, and that finally you M ill lose ydur"cause. Do not;for.sometime un- dertake a joarney: by land of a voyage by sea; enter for the present into Ao new un- dertaking, for you will bp unsuccessful; quit, dfyoiU can; your; present place of residpuce ; and,1 above* all, avoid lending money, for you wilb surely lose it,'together with the friendship of those to whom you lend it. If you dream thhtyou are with an acquaintance at ,s©me place of public amusement, you may expect sdctti to be called from home on business of importance. ■ r ■ . Bread.^-To dream you see a quantity of bread denotes great success in lifev .to dream of eating bread, denotes many friends who will do you kindness.

Bridge.—To dteam you are going over a bridge and'meet; with no interruptiofi, you will go through life in a prosperous mahner, if any- thing impedes you, yon will meet With many - obstacles in the wwld. Buried Alvto.^-If you dream you are buired alive, it sheitfs you are in danger of bfeing JW- happy andsunfortitnate during life. •

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8 Children.—To dream you have children is » sign that you will be happy in your family ;

if one or more of them die, you will meet with some misfortune. Cherries.—To dream of cherries betokens disappointments in life, vexations in marriage, falsehood in love, and deceitful pleasure, but if you climb , the tree, a sure, speedy, and unexpected advancement in life is certain to happen to you.

Coach.—i-To dream of riding in a coach de- notes that you will love idleness, and be given to pride; to dream of coming out of a co^ch signifies* that disgrace threatens you, and great caution is necessary. Corn.—To dream you are gathering ripe corn denotes success in yon* efiterpriase, but if it is blighted or mildewed, you will be a great loser.

Comets.—To dream you see a comet is ominous of warr, plague, famine, and death, to the lover it forebodes an entire frustration of his hopes, to the farmer, failure of crops, and for the seaman, storms and shipwreck. Currants;—To dream of black currants denotes great happiness in the married state, if you dream you are pulling them,, it is cer- tain you will have a large family, who will all

do well, but if the currants, are red, beware of false friends, those whom you little expect, for they will do you harm if they possibly can. Dancing. To dream you are dancing at a, bttll, wake, or enteitainment, fortels that you Will shortly receive some joyful news from

an absent friend, and that you ate about te>

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9 inherit some unexpected legacy, it fortels sue- «ess and happiness in love, that your sweet- heart is kind and tfue, and will make you very happy in marriage, to the sailor, it is a successful voyage. Death.—To dream you are dead denotes a speedy marriage ajjd success in ^11 your un- dertakings, to the married it promises young children, who will be dutiful and give great eomfort, to dream you see another person dead denotes ill usage from friends, if you- are in love, your sweetheart will prove false, if,you arejin trade, sharpers will take you ip, if a farmer, you will lose money by horses, and be waylaid as you return from market. Debt—To dream you are in di^ht and pur- sued by officers, denotes that you w ill fall into some unexpected difficulties, or great danger. Devil.—To dream you see the deyil withqujt fear foretells ypu yijl get the better of yopr adversary, if you are frightened you will be under some danger.

Dogs..—To dream of dogs that belong to us signifies success in our pursuits, but if we dream of those belopging to others, dangerous enemies. Eagle..—To dream of seeing an eagle soar- ing high is a goodomen to those who have great undertakings on hand, but to dream that an eagle alights upon us signifies mischance.

Eatipg.—To dteam you are eating denotes profit and success in ypur present enterprise, a loathing of victuals is a sign of disunion in your family. Fruit.—Almonds indicate difficulties, loss ef liberty, aud deceit ipiloVe.

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Fortune.—To dr'tiatn you make a swlifen fortune Wra bad biten;1 to iradesriiWi, it fore- bodes losses in trade, qUatrelling with hie ere* ditors, apd lo^s of liberty. , .

Funeral.—To dream you are busily 'em- ployed in burying a person denotes a very speedy marriage, and that, ere long-you will hear of the death or‘ nnprismmrent of some near relation or esteined FriOnd. Fields.— To dreaini yoh afe in 'green fields a very faVourdbl^ signIn love, it denotes stteeess and hjTp'ness; to the tradesman, success and riches arrdto the farmer, plenty ; if you are soliciting U favour, it portends you will obtain it. FightiUg.—To dream that' you are fighting denotes aincb' opbositidn to your wishes, with loss of character' and'property. ' Fire.—To’$ream of lire dehotes health and happiness to the lover, marriagb with the object of their affections, and iriUtty 'children-';

also that ypn will be'angry with Some orie for a trifle. To dream Of burning light portends dreadful accidehts to the-dreamer. If a sick person sees a fire extinguished, it is a presage of death. If a person on board rt ship dreams lie sees a light, a gieat tyay olf, it: betokeflaa fair wind arid a safe arfivhl. To dream of seeing liglited torches and branches ot fire descending from heaven, signifies quarrelling., disappointment, and adversities. To dream you see a fife spUrkKng denotes hasty news and anger; to dream of seeing a ship on lire, denotes 1 stithie urijfieakant news aboUtr to arrive ; to dream •y'ditfuipe Jtf'tlti' irtidst of-'a'-fife

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iji anti ftael paia iroiHi it, pnesag^s displfcasate and

To,4reapi that yxro hoid a UgktQd.^orcii irt-your hand, shows you wiU gain houonr and respoct from all persons. To dream that you kindled a fire without much trouble, and it burns directly, shows that your children will beifortunate; but if you kindle a lire with, much trouble, andit is extinguished presently, shows an honour especially to wotnep, d’o dream you see a ah i p on fire at sea,: denotes greatfiosses in business. . Bishing.—To dream yon .are,.fishing is a sign of aorrow and trouble ; if you catch fish* you will be successful iu love and business, if they slip out of your hand, after yon have caught them, it.: jfc. a,, sign sqine pretended friend will deceive you# Flowers.—To dream y6u are gathering flowers is a very favourable omen,,.and is a sign you wilFtlirive in.ev§ry,,thing-yop inay, undertake' that you will be successful in love, marry happily, and have beautiful children.

Qardnnvi—To dream you are walking, jn a garden denotes your advflrmement to fortune; if you.are gathering idfe produce of it, you will bp happy i*t marriage, and have; a large family* it betokens great .success to tlip .lover^.and increase of business to the tradesman., •

(leesh.—To dream of geese is a sure sign of good ; you may, exipect tqjsee an absent friend soon ; to the dreamer,, they .denote success and, riches. fTifts.^To dreAm to bavq-aay 4,hipg given tny«u is a sign- that, some =gW9d is ftbout.,toi happeatoyou., ^ Mwbtt •eeimeae evcd uoy; Jmlt

Page 12: THE GOLDEN OE, Dreams Interpreted. Showing clearly how all ...€¦ · dreamingof wearing apparel, but almo.-t every colour has a different interpretation, and much depends on its

12 Glass.—To dream of glass denotes bad suc-

cess in various undertakings;; if yen break it, it warns yen of some1 unforseen misfortune, the death of your wife, or husband, or chil- dren.

Gold.—If you dream of go1d,dt' is a very good Omen ; it denotes success in yont pre- sent undertakings, after encountering num- erous difficulties. nix

Gtniseherrids.-^If you dream of gooseber- ries growing on the bush, they demote that you wilf haVe a numerous family and great success in your present Undertttkirigs; but if they are baked, great trouble is near at hand, so prepare for a sick-bed.

Grapes.—To dream of white grapes beto- kens felicity in marriage and successHn trade ; bht if they are purple, it denotes great misery to the matrimonial state; to the tradesman great distress and toss of business. Grave.—To dream of being buried is a sign that yori shall die very poor. Guns.-e-To dream you see or hear gan* firing foretells much misery; if you fire them, ybu will -have quarrel; if they are discharged

at yon, you will be exposed to many dangers. flail.—To dream of hail denotes sorrow and much grief.' Hair—To dream that you are brushing or combing' your' hair portends success in love, tfade, or some other pursuit. It also signifies riches; to dream that your hair has grown so long that it hahgsvery loose over yonr shoulders, denotes that one superior to yoa adores you ; but if the hair is red, it denotes that you have enemies.

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13 Hangiiig-“-Djreaming' you see one tanged,

or that you ate to be executed yqurself, is a sign you will, by marriage, rise,aboye your present-ctrodition, or a favour will be asked from you by one in needy circumstances., Hate -^Dreaming of being hated by friends or foes is a bad omen. , , . Hills—To dream pf climbing up hills, shows you will overcome many troubles, and at Last be very rich, Horsesi-^To'dream of horses is very lucky, if you dream that yon see a white horse, they denote speedy news; if they are/ black, you may expect to hear of the death of an old acquaintance. Ice.—To dream you are sliding or skating upon ice shows you will ha engaged in, some imaginary pursuit that will e^pde, you; if the ice breaks, you may ,be certain ^f sickness. Infant.—Dreaming of-1 infynts denotes ill health and trouble if they are playing, you may tberiiexpect to receiv^ great; satisfaction from a distant land. Iron.'—To dream you are/hurt with irou, shews yoti will receive 4eme .injury.

Key To dream of losing your key denotes displeasure; to find one, an addition to your family : to give one, is marriage :j to receive one, the-'b|ij*iih of achild. King or Queen—To dream about the King «r Queen, or-any of the royal family, betokens disappointment, excepting the months in which there is not an R, when it is a sign of great honour and prosperity. Kissing. To dream you kiss a pretty maid

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14 indicates good ; if she consents without any Tfcsistatice, she' will be true to her lover; to dream yon kiss a married woman and she consents, is a sign of sorrow and poverty, and that you will be unsuccessftll in yohr present undertakings; it usually means deceit.

Knife.—To dream you-give h knife to your intended, shows ydu Will lose him ok hen f/adder.—To dream yon climb a ladder, denotes that you will arrive at great honour; it betdkehs also a happy marriage -and-many childern.

Laureh—1A wife to dream1 she smells a laurel-tree shows shfe will hate children ; if a maid, she will be soon married to him whom she loves. Letter. —: To dream of receiving- a letter betokens a present; if you send one, you will relieve a person in bad circumstances* • ; Marriage.— To dream 'yon are married, signifies the death of yourself or some near relation ; to dfeam yoiyissist at a wedding denotes pleasing news and great success ^ito

% dream of' lying with your husband or 'wife threatens sudden misfortunes and great dangers, Mice:; To dkeam of mice denotes success id* love,! and a happy marriage. 1 t •: y1' . Milk. If you dream bf milk, - itprodiises great news; if you see it Howntig f'roin a woman’s breast, foretells happiness in children and in trade. • 1 * 1 1 t : , Mdney. To dream of getting money denotes, great success in all your undertakings. Mnlberriei.' To dream of 'mulberries, is

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15 • constancy and affect,ipn in the married state s to travellers and salors, prosprous journeys and voyages ; to the lover it denotes a speedy union with his sweetheart. Music To dream you hear delicious music denotes joyful news from a friend who har been dong absent. Myrtle. To dream of the myrtle denotes a wanton woman ; bewarp. then with whom you keep company.

Nakedness. To dream of nakedness denotes scandal; if you see a naked female, it is lucky, it denotes that honours await yon at no very distaiW period. Night. To dream yon are travelling by night foretells great vexation. Nosegays. To dream of gsuheripg and making nosegays is uplucky, showing that our best hopes sliall wither as llowers do

in a nosegay.: . ' ... . ' ; • Nuts- Dreaming of gathering nuts denotes that you will spend your time in. pursuit of a trifling objeot, when you might employ it

to better .advantage. Oak. To dream that yoti see the stately, oak is a sign of long ii^e, riches, and great fe- licity.

Oranges. To dream you gre eating or^ges" implies that your feelings \vill be wo.unded, and may expect great grief, from a quarter yctu little expect it. Oxen. If you dreain thpjt you spe whjtp.. oxen,, it shows virtuous inclinations; to $ee , fab or lean oxen signifies presents, g,9»ihOr


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16 Oysters. To dream of eating oysters fore-

tells prosperity and that yon will he married to a lady who is really a virgin and who will love you ; but if you shoulddet them fall, you will lose the affections of the fady, for shfe is betrothed to’another, and will speedly be mar- ried. Path. To dream you are walking in a*etlsy path shows that you will be successful in lore, or if ydti dre mhrrfed/'you wilt obtain what you now wish for. Peacbck. To dream you see a peacock is a sign you Will be married to a beautiful lady, and that you will be very rich. Pears. To dream of pears betokens eleva- tion irt life, grCat'honour and‘riches, lore that knows no termmAtiOrg And Success in every pursuit Vou taay eiObatk iit. 1

Play TO dream, yod are at play betoken* happinfeS's in the married state, and increase of business. Plums. There cannot be a worse dream than that Of pltrins ; they ate the forerunner e?ill-luck to the busbandmah, the sportsman, and the lovers who were undter promise of marriage.

Purse. To dream you -find a purse betokens great and unexpected prosperity ; it you lose yotit {Vurse, y oil Will assist at a friend s funeral. Quaftel. If you dream you are quarrelling, it‘shows great happiness and contentment. Rain. If you behold rain in your dream, it

promises Success in a love affair ; in all other respects it betokens trouble and vexation. Ribbon. To dream you Wear ribbons,

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17 shows an entanglement in love, to the single, and extravagant children to the married. Rings. To dream that you have a ring on your finger denotes marriage with the person you love; but if the ring drops off, it betokens death to a near friend. River. Dreaming that you see river-water clear indicates godd; but to dream of swimm- ing in the sea when it is muddy signifies great peril and danger.

Rocks. A good dream fot thosd going into business, as it shows stability thertih. ' (Sea. To dream you are walking on the sea is good to him that would take a wife, for he shall enjtty her. Silk. To dream yon are clothed in silk signifies honour. *lT6 dreaih that you trade with a stranger denotes profit arid'joy. Singing. To dream that, yon are singing betokens some metgnchoiy news)’ if yofi are unwell, it shows a speedy recovery; if in prison, you will soon be set free. Soldiers. To dream of soldiers shows trouble, persecutions, and law-suits : if they pursue you, it shews that you will be disliked by your rich neighbours

Sprats. To dream of sprats denotes you will have a large family of children; If you dream of cooking them,' your children will give yon a great deal of trouble.

Stars. To dream ytm’behold the stars shinning very bright is success to the lover, and glad news from a far country, if jthey fall it denotes health and happiness. Sun. To dream you see the sun shining de-

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nand filling: posts friends, in ,a tavern signifies great joy iuu!

MMfawto ypp wiyoHFs-..1 ij - “. Teeth. To dreatti (of ^ing jour tee^h $b9Ws; tb$ felSog^Sjorne/g^n^ SektOM ,thftt.gveftt );rpn{i^,k^ht topcchinjiany you. tou^BWWt. . -Tp dreap/ .yoiu;, are oypftaken by a storm denotes that you will,, after mu'll- heJ'lesiSj,hardships, > arri,ye at happiness,' and that you vvifl liycome ricli apd marry a good- natured lady.

T-hirst. If any .one jdreams his thirst is quenched when thirsty^ and th^t^e lias drank his fill of water ; i^. the. w^ter appeared cleiir an.4 apoeptable to h;m he will live very jovially and h^cpme very wealiliy; hut if the water bp troubled, luke warm, stinking, and dirty, he will end Ids days in sickness and affliction. Thunder and lujgHtping. To. di-pahi of thunder or ightningd^oWs gain in diir bus- iness; but if it hurts , u.s. It is a sign of sente calamity. ■ , . Toad. Tp dream wp destroy a tpad denotes that we will discover a thief ,in whom we placed great tfust. Trpes., To, dreftm of cutting down trees betokens serious losses, in . trade ; but if \f e climb them it denotes^dyanaemeht to honour. , . Trumpet. To dream we;hear the sound of a, trumpet denotes, trophies and misfortunes; .to (the lover, iiicotnsta^c.yjiii the object of his affections. . . . , ,..j i •

Ufflis. . To. drqajn of. .ip-n?, in a chufch-ydfd

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ot Ihe’ difStR"'>ofia‘Mtirov. or soldier ,'';r :o \our family. Venus—^-To dream you see this goddess, or a 'statue 'or pict!tit¥; derioths a»^Htr)gtte in wh,ib^ you1 Wilr b^e etiga^ed and the more‘im-

portant wi¥l‘ this pKitik ptpVtf/ 1# the' planet Venus appekfs to’^pu in 1 h mortal form and speaks jto you,.for it isaitoken Of a happy mar- oT ' >Vallqfe!—"to dredth of WftlWn^ in a dirty pjace foriells sickhOsS; and vexation to the

lover ; It also dedbtes ybur sweetheart to be of a had tctnper and inconstant. ■Uvalls. if ybb ^dream#yon are walking on weak ahiJ iiafrow* walls, you ate sure to mu- dertake spnio bold and dangerous enterpriae ; if you come down without hurt you will suc- ceed ; if the walls fall after you, you will bfe disappointed. Water. To dream of drinking water shows trouble and adversity; to the lover it dendtb's’ tiiatthe pretensions of ybur sweetheart are false • and will never wed you.

Wedding. To drekm of a wedding is very unfaVourabije‘to lovefs; jt denotes sickness or deatlf t'b sbihO friend or relation. Wood. If you'dream of cutting or chop- ping-'if-'bdd',' it shows yon will be very happy in yoifr fatriny |clre1e. and attain -to much honour and riches in life. To dream we are carrying wood on our back, shows we will rise to affluence by industry and perseverance.

Wool. To dream we are buying or selling wool foretells gain in business by means of industry and perseverance; to to the lover,

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it is a sign their sweetheart is pf an amiable disposition, very constant and deeply in lore with them. Writing. When dreaming of writing s letter to our sweetheart, if we put it in the post, we will have a pleasing return; but to trust it into other hands shows that our secrets will be exposed. Yellow. To dream of yellow colour de- notes; great trouble to the married woman from a female friend, and the loss of her hus-

band's affections; to the lqver it signifies he will marry a virgin. V i’, Yellow-Hammer. Tpitifftspn, », yellow- hammer denotes to* the young and single, that they will certainly, .be united. In wedlock to the okjact of their choice,, befpre the'expira- tion of next sumuier, .

Yew Tree. To dream of a yew tree for- tells the funeral of a very aged person, by whose death the drepp?er will became rich, or receive a protecting han^fcpu? the relations or the deceased. Yoke. To dream wp are boding a yoke denotes danger, if it bp p femal^ she will be willing to obey her hughand, will^py^ya her family will*, prudence and r^e.

Y'ouug. Tp dream that we are youpg fpr- tells peace, delight and great happiness.

m ran;

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bnr. h«n,;«fl.jliisb Bio bidcasdib THE PHILOSOPHY OF DREAMS.!

Or Cantor delivered a lecture a short time -siitce, ity the course of which he mentioned some curious circumstances respecting dreams. 1 le said that the succession of ideas which had passed through our minds when awake were remembered and recalled during sleep, and that ; was jjjhflt. was calle.(T dreaming. Dreads generally topjt plaeie wheii .th|e circula- tion of the blood was impeded,' Our memory •was much more distinct and strong when we dreamed than when we were awake. It wa# because, when we were asleep, the association pfthe ideas went pn withoutbeing d*sturbed or counteracted, and there was no controlling power over it., He would say a few words about the most extraordinary of all classes of dreams, namely, prophetic dreams, in which the future is revealed to the dreamer. They were all acquainted with the facts connected with the death of Mr Perci val, the Prime Minister. [When that statesman was still alive, a gentleman in the country, of the name of Williams, dreamed that he Was standing in the lobby of the House of Cohmions, and saw Mr Perceval enter, and Instantly a man lev- elled a pistol at him. Mr Williams told his wife, who thought little dPit, and his friends •ailed him a fanatic. A week after, however, the news arrived that Mr Petceval had been murdered in the very same way the gentlemam had dreamed. A very remarkable instance had occurred to the late Sir John Stuart.

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When young, and ill of the typhus fever, he dreamed of a dark-haired and dark-eyed young lady, with wjioraheiell iu love. Years after- wards he went to the Continent, and there niei with the identical party, and it Was to her care that he oWOd the complete restoration of his health; and hemarried her. There was a great number of Such dreams recorded. The ancients "paid great attention to dreams. A decree Wa's published !Under Augustus,, as commanding; every one who had dreamed a dream,' to report the same to the government. Tf waS'ceftain that the mind possessed’some- times in dreams an'a pfiori knowledge which was nighty refndrka'ble. It Was Sometimes the same just the moment 'before death. There was indeed Serftitural athorify in favour of dfeams.' But the fulfilment of dreams was bpi| nfeaps' astonishing, generally s^eakin'g.

HOME AFEECriTOX'. ,,’J^he heart has memories that cannot die".

They are memories of home, early home. ,T%fe tec magic in the very sound. There if .the old tree tinder which the light-hearted hoy swung in many a summer day—yonder by which he learned to! swim—there the house in which h,e .hhew a parent’s love, apd found a parent’s protection—nay there is the roqtp^i. which he romped w}th brother or .sis- ter, long since, alas I laid in the yard to which fre Twtet soon b^gathereii, 6Vef^ia|hwed by ^on.oid qbarch, whether wjtha j<nmus troop hhe, Jymaeltehq has often fellowed his parents,

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to: worship with, and hear tho .good old man who gave him to God. in baptism. Why pvoathe very seimol-house of youthfnl days with tlioughts of fernle and tasks, now comes hack to bring pleasant remembrances of many on attachment there formed, many an occasion that called forth some generous exhibitions of the noblest traits of^human nature. There perchance he first met the being, who,,by her love and tenderness in after life, has made a home for himself even happier than that which childhood knew. There are certain feelings of humanity, and those too among the best, that Can find an appropriate place for their, excercise only at one’s own fireside. hfnovr 91W .'it'.iil 'lidraii* * • OF WIT.

A vyer “fast” young gentleman, who fan- cied himself a pendulum, and always went up- on Tick,..went'op.,^o Jong that lie never dis- covered his delnsipn nptil he found a Turn- key, by whom he was carefully woundup in the Queen’s <;l?ench.' , ' Short a'no Satisfactory—-A.t an Ameri- can debating club one evening the question was discussed, whether there was more hap- piness in the possession or the pursuit of an object. “ Mr. President,” said an orator, “ s’pose I was courtjn’ a gRl, and she was to run away, and I was to run arter her, wouldn’t I be happier when 1 cotch’d her than when I was running arter her ?”

“ Any old Clo’!”—The other day I was

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