The Genealogy of the Descendants of Daniel Hudson

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  • 7/27/2019 The Genealogy of the Descendants of Daniel Hudson






    Who Emigrated to America in 1 639. The Pro-genitor of All of That Name

    Settled at Oxford.


    Fargo, North Dakota.c-

    All must be left when death appears,In spite of wishes, groans and tears;Then may we calmly meet the end.Thus to the grave in peace descend. ^ \"


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    PREFACEIn publishing this little book the author has

    not the vanity to think that the contents of itcould not as well, and perhaps better, have beencollected by some one else. But who "would un-dertake the task? Of course the matter thereincontained will not interest very much, any exceptrelatives of the Hudson family. Most personstake an interest in the history of their own fam-ily, and are generally pleased to kno^w somethingof their ancestry.

    I have had no kno^edge of my ancestors be-yond m^^ grand parents and no knowledge of thesources from which information could be derived^until my wish to acquire such induced me late inlife, when I had laid aside active duties, andreached a period of comparative leisure, to makea search for the desired information. I had notadvanced far in that direction when a work enti-tled the ''History of Oxford," by George F. Dan-iels, of that place, made its appearance.By extracting largely from that, and informa-tion kindly furnished by George E. Littlefield,Dealer in Old, Rare and Curious Books, Genealo-gies etc., 67 Cornhill, Boston; and relatives andfriends (to all of whom acknowledgments aredue), I have collected together the facts containedin the following pages. That there may be errors

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    therein I do not doubt; it ^^ould be marvelous ifthere w^ere not. I have done the best I couldwath the means I have had and in the haste inwhich the work has been done. The search hasbeen extended much farther than was first in-tended, and still is far short of what it ou^ht to be.There are a number of branches of the originaltree that have been but partiall}^ traced; to pursuethese would require much time and patience. Itis hoped that some member of these neglectedlimbs ma}" take sufficient interest in the familytree to pursue the inquir}" from the point wherethis leaves it, and add to, and improve upon thislittle book to the end that a new edition at somefuture time may apppear more complete. It hasbeen the design of the author as far as possible tonote incidents in the life of each person belongingto this large family, as indicative of character andstanding, but this has been done only in part, be-cause of the difficulty of getting information.The small figures at the end of a name indi-cate the degree removed from Daniel, the commonancestor; thus Daniel ^ his son Daniel -, William 3,John ^, William ^, and so on.The heads of families are printed in large cap-itals, their children in small caps., their grand andgreat grand children in italics.

    S. A. H.Fargo, July 1st, 1892.

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    Little is known of the original ancestor of thesettlers in New England of the name of Hudson,-except what has been gathered from the publicrecords at Oxford and published by Geo. F. Dan-iels in a recent history of that town and the rec-ords of the County of Worcester, Mass., by whichit appears that Daniel Hudson came to America(probabl3^ from England) in 1639 and settled atWatertown, Count}" of Middlesex, in 16^10; a brick-maker; whether he brought a wife with him ormarried in this country does not appear; probabl}^he was a single man at the time of his arrivalfrom the old country. He removed to Lancasterin Worcester counts" in 1664 with six children andseveral others were born there. On the 11th ofSeptember, 1697, he and his wife, Joanna, twodaughters, and two children of his son, Nathaniel,were killed by the Indians. He had with otherchildren Daniel i, John i, William i, Nathaniel i,Thomas i, and several daughters.

    DANH:L 1, his oldest son, was born May 26th,1651, married |ul^' 21, 1674, xMary Maynard, by

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    6 GENEALOGY OF THE DESCENDANTSwhom he had at least one son, viz: Daniel -, bornin April, 1677. She died November 4th, 1677, andhe removed w^ith his son to Bridgewater, Count}^of PU^mouth, w^here his son, Daniel 2, marriedMar}^ Orcutt, and had children, Marj^^, Daniel^,and William ^.JOHN 1 died 3^oung.WILLIAM 1, son of DANIEL, removed toBridgewater virith his brother DANIEL i, wherehe married Experience Willis and died withoutissue about 1729.NATHANIEL i, brother of the above, lived inLexington and Billirica, Middlesex County, hadchildren, Seth 2, Nathaniel 2, Abigail 2 and John 2.They were settled at Marlborough.No descendants of THOMAS ^ can be found,and no further record of the Bridgew^ater branchof the descendants of the original DANIEL can beobtained, except of William ^, son of Daniel 2, whowas one of the thirty settlers of Oxford, and fromwhom the Oxford branch descended. A few ex-tracts from the history of the to^wn of Oxford willbe interesting in this connection.

    "In 1683 the general Court of the colony ofMassachusetts made a grant to Major RobertThompson, William Stous^hton, Joseph Dudle}",and such others as they should associate withthem, of a tract of land in an3^ free place in Massa-chusetts, eight miles square for a township, theysettling in said place thirty families and one ableorthodox minister, taking homesteads within fouryears. The surve3^ of this grant was made in 1687,and the place was named Oxford after the cit}^ ofthat name in England. In 1686 no progress had

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    OF DANIEL HUDvSON. 7been made towards occupying the grant, and onpetition the time was extended three years. Be-fore that time expired an agreement was made byThompson, one of the grantees, with Gabriel Ber-non, an influential Frenchman, to bring over andsettle thirt}^ families of French Protestants (Hu-guenots) on the Oxford lands. These came thenext 3^ear, with Daniel Bondet, their minister, butafter taking possession and applying themselvesto the work of making homes, the^^ found the}^were beset on everj^ hand by great perils on ac-count of hostile Indians, who lurked in ambushand murdered the men when found any distancefrom home, and did not spare the defencelesswomen and children. These hostiles were madestill more fierce and brutal by rum that some evildisposed ^vhite men sold to them.

    ''In 1691 the peace of the settlement v^as seri-ously disturbed by some 'incorrigible persons'therein, who were carrying on a pernicious trafficwith the natives.

    "In the summer of 1693 the northern Indiansbecame a source of alarm. At Brookfield a bandof 40 made an assault 27th of July, killing six per-sons and carrying away three others, one an in-fant, w^hich was killed soon after the capture."Both Oxford and Woodstock having fears thatunless precautionary measures w^ere taken, likedisasters might come to these places, the caseAvas laid before the authorities and on August 1,1693, in Council it was advised and ordered thatthe Indians of the plantation adjoining Oxford, aswell for their own securit}^ as that the enemyma}^ be better known, be draw^n into the town of

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    8 GENEALOGY OF THE DESCENDANTSWoodstock, to be under the watch of the English.Nothing further appears to show that the settle-ment was not in a fairl}^ prosperous condition upto 1694, seven years from the beginning. At thisdate the communit}^ numbered probabl}^ 70 or 80persons.

    "In the summer of 1694 the colonists learned byexperience the cruel and sanguinary nature of thepeople among w^hom their lot had been cast. Adaughter of one Alard, with two young childrenof the family, left their home one day to return nomore. Search w^as made, the bod}^ of the girl wasfound, but the children had been captured andcarried away to Quebec.

    "The effect of this occurrence was greatl}^ todishearten the villagers, as will appear from thefollowing document:

    "In October, 1694, a warrant having been sent toAndrew^ Sigourney, the constable, for the collec-tion of eight pounds, six shillings, taxes, he re-plied as follows:

    " 'Now whereas the Indians have appeared sev-eral times this summer, we were forced to garri-son ourselves for three months together, and sev-eral families fled, so that our summer harvest ofhay and corn hath gone to ruin b}^ the beasts andcattle which have brought us so low that we havenot enough to supply our o^vn necessities, manyother families abandoning likewise, so that wehave none left but Mr. Bondet, our minister, andthe poorest of our plantations so that we are inca-pable of paying said poll unless we dispose ofw^hat little we have and quit our plantations;wherefore humbly entreating the honorable

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    OF DANIEL HUDSON. 9Council to consider our miseries and incapacity ofpaying the poll as in duty bound we shall everpra^'".' These taxes were remitted in compliance^with this pra3^er.

    ''On 25th of August, 1696, occurred the Johnsonmassacre. This deed was perpetrated under theinstigation of the Canadian authorities and theJesuits by a willing servant of theirs, Toby, a Nip-muck Indian, dwelling at Woodstock, and ^vas aprecursor of a long series of atrocities later en-acted on the frontier. The house of Johnson stoodon the southern outskirts of the village, near theWoodstock trail, on the plain which bears hisname. Toby and his band stealthily approachedit on the afternoon of Tuesday, the 25th of Au-gust, 1696, and entering, seized his three children,Andrew, Peter and Mary, and ruthlessl}^ crushedtheir heads against the stones of the fireplace.With the help of Daniel Johonot, her cousin, themother fled toward Woodstock, whither her hus-band had gone on business. Tradition runs thatin parts of the \v^ay there \vere two paths, and thatgoing and coming, the husband and wife passedeach other, she going to Woodstock, and he com-ing to his home. He was met by the assassinsand shared the fate of his children.''This event filled the settlement with conster-nation and after burying in one grave the mur-dered man and three children, the inhabitantsgathered their small store of movables and hast-ened to a place of safety.

    "Tradition sa3"s that earh^ in the morning oftlieir leaving each family having bade adieu to itsplantation and homr, they assembled at tlie little

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    10 GENEALOGY OF THE DESCEXDAXTSchurch where the}^ had a season of worship.The}" afterw^ard repaired to the burying ground totake leave of the graves of departed friends, andthence in a procession moved onward over therough forest road toward Boston.

    ''As early as the spring of 1699 eight or tenfamilies returned and occupied the plantations.But of the fortunes of the second colony we knowlittle. The facts, however, set forth in the cita-tions which followed indicate clearly that what^th the rum traffic with the resident natives, andthe plottings of the neighboring tribes, therecould have been very little of gro^wth or quiet."

    These people having abandoned their lands,nothing was done until 1713 when a new grantwas made to thirty families who had the courageto go upon the lands, make settlement and im-prove them within two years, ^when each shouldbecome the owner of a homestead of a prescribednumber of acres. Thirt}^ brave men v^^ere found^lo w^ere willing to take the hazard; one of thesemen ^was William Hudson ^, son of Daniel 2, ofBridgewater. He was a young man not 3^et ofage. His homestead was No. 168 and has been inthe possession of some of his descendants eversince. He married 17th of Ma}^, 1721, Mar}" Far-rington, of Boston. She died 28th of March, 1769,aged 66. Children:JOHN^; born 1st January, 1722. Elizabeth,28th February, 1723; died 1741. Joseph, born 23dSeptember, 1725. Benjamin, born 22d March, 1727.Mar}", born 1729; died 1740. Mercy, born 1730; died1741. Sarah, born 1733; died 1741. Samuel, born1735; died 1740. Ebenezer, born 1737; died 1741. Ho-

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    OF DANIEL HUDSOX. 11sea, born 1740; died 1741. Samuel, born 19th of Feb-ruary, 1742. A daughter married Bo3"ce of Men-don. Of 12 children, 7 died within 17 da3"s.JOHN ^ son of William 3, married 25th No-vember, 1745, Thamazin Kllis of Medway, settledon the hill south of his father, and died 12th No-vember, 1765. Children: Mary, born 16th of May,1746; married Joseph Pratt. Ezekiel, born 1749;died 1751. William, born 2d Februar}-, 1751.Thamazin, born 2d March, 1753; married 17th Feb-ruar3-, 1774, Jonathan Underwood. Elizabeth,born 1755; died 1756. Elizabeth, born 25th June,1757. Bathsheba, born 18th August, 1759; mar-ried John Maj^o. Dorcas, born 1762; died 1767.Phoebe, born 1764; died 1768.WILLIAM ^ only son of John ^, revolutionarysoldier, Lieut, of Militia in Capt. Jeremiah Kings-bur3-'s Company, Col. Holmes' Regiment, Provi-dence, 1777. Married 28th June, 1775, Ruth Shum-wa3^, 3^oungest daughter of Amos Shumwa3^; herlineage runs back to Peter Shumw^ay, of Tops-field, Essex Count3% Mass., who came to Americabefoi e the Oxford Colony. The family is one ofthe most numerous and distinguished in Oxford;Peter of Topsfield w^as the progenitor of all of thename in the countr3^ so far as knoAvn. The familyoriginated in France, the name w^as Chamois orCharmois; in Essex Count3' it was changed tovShamwa3^ afterwards to Sliumwa3"; Dr. Bairdsa3's a Protestant family named Chamois is men-tioned in a list of fugitives from the neighborhoodof vSt. Maixent in the old province of Polton,France. Peter was among the emigrants; he wasa long time in the service of this countr3^ and par-

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    12 GENEALOGY OF THE DESCEXDAXTSticularl3^ in the Naragansett war and taking theIndian fort there. His son Peter Avas born atTopsfield 6th June, 1678, married 11th February,1701, Mrs. Maria Smith; they had nine children.Among them was AMOS, born 31st January, 1722,married 29th May, 1745, Ruth Parker, of Shrew^s-bury, settled on the hill east from the north com-mon adjoining his brother Jacob on the west,homestead No. 171; died 2d May, 1818, aged 96years; she died October, 1792.

    The}^ had with others, Amos, born 11th Sep-tember, 1750, Abisha, born 30th October, 1754, rev-olutionar}^ soldier; it is said he received a liberaleducation and studied medicine, removed 1787 toWestminster where at first he taught in publicschools and singing school, meantime practicedhis profession which he follo^red over forty years,being very successful and became wealth3\ HeWas of a social turn and given to hurnor. It issaid that in his young days his brother Amos wasengaged to be married to Miss Stone, and on leav-ing home for school committed her to the care ofAbisha during his absence, who was so faithful inhis ste^vardship that he won the heart, and atlength took the hand of the lady. Amos nevervisited his brother while she lived. He died in1845 at the age of 88. Ruth, born 15th October,1758. Nehemiah born 26th August, 1761, wasgraduated 1790 at Brow^n, among the first in hisclass, teacher, farmer and musician, principal ofFreehold Academy, N. J., removed to Alban3^ N.Y., and about 1800 to vSchenectady, 1806 returnedto Albany. In 1820 went to T^yme, JeffersonCounty, X. Y., where he took tip wild land, and re-

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    OF DANIEL HUDSON. 13sided a few years, lost his farm from defect in ti-tle, and returned to Freehold. Spent one year af-ter the death of his wife with his broth er-in-la^^v^,William Hudson at EUisburgh. He marriedabout 1795, Sarah Tice, of Freehold; he died in1843, she died May, 1831. Children: Jacob, born4th of February, 1798; Captain of steamboat onthe Hudson. Went to California where he died1868. William H., born at Schenectady 29th De-cember, 1802; law^^er at Watertowrn and Os^wego,N. Y. Died at Syracuse about 1890, unmarried.Sarah A., born 5th October, 1808, at Alban}^; mar-ried Isaac H. Blauvelt of Essex County, N. Y.Taught Kingston Academy, N. Y., removed toMorristown, N. J. into the same position; she diedAugust, 1848, at that place.WILLIAM HUDSON ^ and wife Ruth settledon the homestead; he succeeded to his father's es-tate. In June, 1797, Jacob Shumway deeded toWILLIAM HUDSON his farm for a support andAvent to live with them; he died in 1801, In 1823WILLIAM and his son Bradford deeded to ParisHall the homestead and removed to EUisburgh,Jefferson County, N. Y., where v

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    14 GENEALOGY OF THE DESCENDANTScontinued the practice of medicine. She died in1827; he died at Fulton, N. Y., 12th December 1842.Children:

    DANIEL H. \ born 13th August, 1802, merchant;married 10th Februar}^, 1827, Caroline Willard atMiddletown, Vermont. Settled at Ellisburgh, re-moved to Pulaski, afterwards to Syracuse, later toIthica, N. Y. He was in poor health for manyyears, died 3d Februar3^, 1884. Children born atEllisburgh: A daughter in 1827, died 1830. Dan-iel W. ^, born 11th November, 1831, educated atHamilton College and Upal Universit}^, Sweden.First Assistant Librarian Astor Librar3^ NewYork, frpm 1852 to 1859, professor of modern lan-guages and librarian at Cornell University from1868 to 1882; married 14th July, 1880, Jennie Mc-Graw, who possessed a large propert}^; she died30th September, 1881. Soon after her decease heremoved in somewhat infirm health to Florence,Italy, where he resided several 3"ears. In her willshe bequeathed to Cornell L^niversit}^ property es-timated at one and a half million dollars. Thewill was contested b3^ Prof. Fisk and some of herrelatives and on final appeal to the LTnited StatesSupreme Court, was decided in favor of the con-testants on the ground that according to the char-ter of the college it was not competent to receivethe legacy.

    William O. ^, born 23d Januar^^ 1835; marriedDecember 24, 1866, Mary E. McGee, an eminentmusician and organist, at Syracuse, N. Y. Theyhad /aiijes W^., William O., Carrie, Florence E.,Ailce M.Abijah '^, son of Alice, born 1804, died same 3^ear.

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    OF DANIEL HUDSON. 15William H. '', brother of the above, born Nov.

    4th, 1805, physician, married Mary Stearns May,1830, died 5th April, 1835, no children.

    Sophia '^, sister of the above, born 13th Janu-ar}'^, 1808, married John Shaw, merchant at Kllis-burgh. He died at Maquoketa, la., August, 1853,whither the^^ removed in 1849; she died in 1886.Children:

    Sophia F. ^, born 1836, married Joseph Kelso1870, judge and banker at Bellevue, la.; they haveCarr, Joseph and Jennie.Laura ^, born 1841, married 1873, James C.Brooksmit, residence Cedar Rapids, la.; railroadaccountant. They have Kugene, age 15, Helen 13,John T. 11.Carrie E. ^ born 1844, married 1873 Dr. Moore,residence Essex, la. They have Lillian, no^v 19,Austin 17, Kay 15, Charles 13, Lawrence 11, Ber-nard 6.Mary C. ^, born in 1848; resides in Maquoketa,la., unmarried.Austin F. ^, born 1850, married 1880 IsadoreKay, graduated at Cornell University, merchant,died at Maquoketa in 1890. They have John, bornJune 1884, Grey Kay born March, 1886.

    Cynthia ^, born 6th December 1810, married26 January, 1843, Dr. Charles W. Eastman; he died1880; she died in 1885 at Sterling, 111. They hadWilliam F. ^ born 1844, graduated in 1886 at Un-ion College; editor of The Sterling Gazette from1872 to 1882. Married 1st, Francis Adams 1872.2d,Myra T.Christopher; had children; now^ residesat Moline, 111.Laura 7, born 22d Jul}-, 1813, teacher, married

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    16 GENEALOGY OF THE DEvSCEXDxVXTS9th November, 1842, Nathaniel White, of Ellis-burgh; he died at that place in Octocer, 1865. Nochildren; she resides at Maquoketa, Iowa.

    AusTix T. '^j born 16th November, 1818, mer-chant at EUisburgh, married in 1853 Miss Mar}^ R.Myres; he died at Syracuse, N. Y., in 1863.RUTH 6, daughter of WILLIAM 5, born Febru-ar3% 1779, married 1798, John Wait, of Sutton, Mass.Removed to EUisburgh. She was blind many ofthe last years of her life. Children:

    Eliza '^, married Thomas Davis Sept. 1st, 1818,at Oxford, removed to EUisburgh; he died 5th ofApril, 1842, at Sutton; she died 16th of April, 1875,at Lansing, Mich. They had Caroline E. ^ born in1820, died in 1852, unmarried. Franklin E. ^ born1822, married Lovisa W. Daniels, settled at Wau-costa, Mich. Eli H. , born 1826. Mary , born 1832.Arthur T. ^, born 1837, settled at Lansing, Mich.Helen M. , born 1841, married Luther B. Baker,of Lansing.

    Mary '^ married Andrew Scott, farmer at EUis-burgh and had several children.Franklin ^, a merchant, married Irene Marks;

    had children, resided at Adams, N. Y., where bothdied several years since.

    Julia ^ married a Hawley, a miller; no chil-dren.Emeline ^ married James Dodge; they hadchildren that arrived at adult age, resided at Hen-derson, N. Y., on a farm.

    William "^ unmarried so far as known.Irene ^ married a Penny.John ^ married and had children; they resided

    at the village of State Line, Wis.

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    OF DANIEL HUDSON. 17AMOS fi, son ofWILLIAM 5, born 22d June, 1781,

    scythe manufacturer, in 1811 purchased of Jona-than Davis the scythe shop and six acres of landin Oxford formerly o^wnea b3^ Thadius Hall andTv^ith John Wait, his brother-in-law, commencedthe sc^^the business. About the same 3^ear hewith William T. Fisk began keeping a store andcontinued for several 3^ears, removed to CentralCotton Factory Works at Hawses place, continueduntil 1817. In 1811 he was one of the incorporat-ors of The Central Manufacturing Company withWilliam T. Fisk and ten others; Dr. Daniel Fisk,John Hudson and Amos Hudson each acted for atime as agent. In May, 1818, Amos Hudson deededto Warren Cudw^orth fourteen acres \v^ith buildingsat the lower site including the old mill and black-smith shop; in 1816 deeded to Ashbel M. Hawestwo acres and building. Married 12th November,1809, Mary Fisk, born February 1st, 1785, daughterof Dr. Daniel F'isk, son of Isaac, son of John, son ofNathaniel, son ofNathan, who settled atW^atertown,Mass., in 1642. Was the first of that name in thiscountr}", probably came from Kngland at the timeof the great hegira. The grandmother of Mar}^,wife of Isaac Fisk, ^^as Hannah Haven, a teacher atWorcester, daughter of Richard, son of Moses, sonof Richard Haven, who came from the west of Kng-land in 1644 and settled at Lynn on a farm near FlaxPond. His first child was born there in 1645; hisdescendants are ver^^ numerous, many of them re-side at Framingham.Her father. Dr. Daniel Fisk, of Oxford, was a

    leading physician of the town, well known in allthe region, had numerous pupils (among them

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    18 GENEALOGY OF THE DESCEXDAXTSDr. Holbrook, of Thompson, Conn., and Dr. Bui-lard, of Sutton), was an active Free Mason and oneof the leading men in the formation of the Oxfordsociet}^, a stockholder in the Central Cotton Man-ufacturing Company, an adherent of Sha3"'s in thefamous rebellion. He went to Cambridge at thetime of the siege of Boston, had, it is said, an in-terview w^ith General Washington and was offereda surgeon's appointment which he declined, wasselectman in 1782, '83 and '84, built the house nowstanding in 1791. He died aged 65, 6 August, 1815;his funeral was largely attended and w^as a re-markable occasion.

    AMOS ^ and w^ife settled near her father atOxford, removed to EUisburgh, Jefferson Count^^,N. Y., in June, 1820, vi^here he built a sc^^the fac-tory and pursued that business until his deathwhich occurred 12th February, 1830; she died 10thOctober, 1856, at the house of her son at Janesville,Wis., w^ith whom she had resided for severalyears. Children:

    IvUCiAN F. '^, son of Amos ^, born at Oxford,Mass., 14th December, 1810. Scythemaker, pur-chased the old scythe factory and homestead atEilisbugh after his father's death, of Avhoin helearned the trade, and carrried on the business ex-tending it to the manufacture of edge tools of allkinds, farm implements, carriages, etc. Has re-mained on the old place continuously for oversevent}^ years. Married 2d March, 1835, AdelineStearns, youngest daughter of the late EzraStearns, of EUisburgh, born 30th May, 1812. Theyhad seven children, eleven grandchildren and two

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    OF DANIEL HUDSON. 19great grandchildren, nearly all residing at thatplace, as follows:

    George S. ^ born 2d December, 1835, furnituremanufacturer, a successful business man, doing alarge business; married Februar}^ 9th, 1862, ElsieJ. Mattison. They have Willie L., born 11th Feb-ruar^^, 1863, artist residing in Ne^w York City; mar-ried Mary Tanner 23d May, 1883; they have Ruth,born 9th June 1885, Edith born 25th May, 1891.Louis E., Sun of George S., born 22d August, 1865,unmarried, is with his father in the furniturebusiness.Mary A. born 10th April, 1838, married toJames M. Colon, 16th March, 1865, he died 13thJanuar}-, 1892; they have Celia A. born 9th Octo-ber, 1870, graduate of Osw^ego Normal School, asuccessful teacher. F. Lyell, born 24th October.1874.

    Ezra H. , born 19th of May, 1840, learned hisfather's trade, has been in business with him forman}^ 3"ears; married 10th Januar^^, 1866, Mary E.Wilds; they had Herbert H., born 10th April, 1869,died 1st May, 1888, at Utica, N. Y., a very promis-ing 3^oung man; Isadore M., born March 18, 1871.

    Alice S. ^, born 20th December, 1842; marriedHamilton E. Root 29th November, 1866. They haveMary A., born 5th June, 1870; Frank, born 19thvSeptember, 1872; Edward S., born 24th February,1876.

    LuciAN F. Jr. ^, born 10th August, 1846; marriedAdeline Basinger 25th March, 1876, she died 19thJune, 1888; They had Ruby L., born 27th January,1877.

    LouivSA A. ^, born 19th April, 1850, married

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    20 GBXEALOGY OF THE DESCENDANTSFred J. Ja^^cox, 12th May, 1885. No children; re-side in Chicago, 111.

    Frederick E. ^ born 12th July, 1853; marriedMaria Ramsdill; the}" have Sanford R., born Octo-ber 19th, 1873, Charles A., born 13th August, 1875.Amos B. '', brother of the above, born 1812, diedin 1813. -^Mary L. '^, sister of the above, born 26 July,1814, died at Ellisburgh 14th February, 1845.Sanford A. ^ son of Amos 6, born at Oxford,Mass., 16th May, 1817. Came with the family toEllisburgh, when but three 3^ears of age, workedwith his brother Eucian in the scythe shop untilof age, learned and ^worked at the trade, taughtschool, studied law w^ith Dyer N. Burnham, a law^-yer at Sackets Harbor, N. Y., admitted to the barin September, 1848, at Utica. Married 13th Octo-ber, 1847, Sarah D. Canfield, youngest daughter ofJohn M. Canfield. Her parents were natives ofConnecticut. Mr. Canfield studied law under thetutilage of Chief Justice Spencer, his brother-in-law, at Albany, admitted to the bar in 1797, mar-ried Fann^" Harve}", of Stamford, Conn., Novem-ber 28, 1798, settled in practice of his profession atCatskill, N. Y.; removed in 1810 to Watertown, andin 1820 to Sackets Harbor. Mr. Canfield was alearned and intellectual man; he held severalprominent civil stations under the administrationsof Presidents Madison, Monroe and John Quinc^^Adams; from the former he received the first ap-pointment in 1813, and the latter in 1824. Died atthat place July 9th, 1849, in the sevent3"-fourthyear of his age. Mrs. Canfield died July 22d, 1862,aged eighty-three.

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    22 GEXEALOGY OF THE DEvSCEXDAXTST., born at Morris, 19th October, 1882; Celia B.^born 20th Januar}", 1884, at Mankato, died October10th, 1884; Mar3- L., born 4th February, 1886;Phoebe C, born 20th September, 1888; Theodore C.Jr., born 15th Februar}^ 1890.Harriet J. ^, born 13th September, 1853, atJanesville; a stenographer and typewriter, residesat Fargo.

    Saxford H. 8 and Sarah C. twins, born 29thNovember, 1857, at Janesville. Sanford H., lawyer,educated at the parish and private schools at thatplace, and at the State University at Madison,Wis., read law in his father's office at Janesville,depu^3^ clerk of the Circuit Court, admitted tothe bar there in August, 1879, settled in practiceat Benson, Minn., 1880. Was county attorney 1881-1883, is a stockholder and vice-president of SwiftCounty Bank. Married 16th Januar}^, 1884, Lo-rena McLaren; the3" have Irving M, born Decem-ber 27th, 1884.

    Sarah C. ^, sister of the above, resides atFargo at the homestead.

    Abijah T. ^ and Abisha SJ , born at Oxford,Mass., Ma3" 1st, 1819; both practicing ph^^sicians,

    Abijah T. comrhenced the study of his profes-sion with Dr. Foote, of the U. S. A. at SacketsHarbor, N. Y., in 1842; attended the Geneva Medi-cal College in 1843; graduated at Alban}^ MedicalCollege, X. Y., in 1847, commenced practice in Al-bany-, 111. Married in December, 1848, Miss J. M.Luff, removed to L3^ons v

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    26 GENEA_LOGr OF THE jDESCEXDAXTSN. Y. No children, reside at Bakersfield, Cal.Anna Iv. ^ born at Janesville, Wis., 8th Octo-ber, 1855; married December 4th, 1883, Hugh A.Blodget, born at Sugar Grove, N. Y., October 23d,1855; children: Hazelton P., born 2d Januar3^,1885, Ruth, born 7th March, 1886, Lottie, born 17thAugust, 1889.Frank C. ^, born at Waukesha 6th December,1857; married 8th September, 1884, Belle McDonald;child, Jessie L., born 28th June, 1885, died August23, 1886, reside at Bakersfield, Cal.Henry C. ^ born at Waukesha October 21st,1859, died April 22, 1860.Martha L. ^, born at Waukesha 20th February,1861; married July, 1883, William F. Dougherty;children: Bessie L., born 3d August, 1885; MaryM., born 18th October, 1886; William, born Decem-ber, 1890, at Glenwood, Minn.

    Daniel F. ^, son of Amos, born Februar}^ 15thj1824, died July 19th, 1825.Daniel F. '^ , second, born 2d July 1826. clerk ina retail dry goods store in Brooklyn, N. Y.; diedthere October 1st, 1846.

    Bradford*^, son of WILLIAM 5, born 11thMarch, 1784; married first 19th June, 1814, Lucy,daughter of Jotham Merriam; she died 16th Feb-ruary, 1817; removed to Ellisburgh, N. Y. Mar-ried 2d, Mrs. Boomer; child by first marriage, Lo-ring B., born 17th May, 1815, died 1816. Childrenb}" second marriage:

    A. Bradford ^, born 4th June, 1826, at Ellis-burgh. He came to Oxford and married 1st Sep-tember, 1849, Caroline P., daughter of Deacon JohnHurd. She died 2d of 'March, 1860. They had

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    OF DANIEL HUDSON. 27Oliver B., born 16th June, 1852; William W., born2d of April, 1854; married second, 15th June, 1867,Mrs. Cordelia Sumner, maiden name Davis. Sol-dier in the ^\^ar of rebellion; prisoner at Anderson-ville, now a pensioner. In 1890 resided at Grafton,Massachuserts.

    William S. ^, brother of the above, married atRiver Falls, Wis.; removed to Oregon, resided atForest Grove, teacher in an Indian industrialschool near Salem; has several children.

    LuciNA ^, daughter of WILLIAM 5, born 12thof May, 1787; died at Ellisburgh, unmarried.

    Betsey ^, sister of the above, born 27th ofMarch, 1791; married Dr. William T*. Fisk, secondwife. They had Wilburs born 19th July, 1832;married October, 1865, Myra Shaw; ^was in the mil-itary service in the late \Nrar as w^ard master in thehospital at Memphis, Tenn., w^here he died in 1863.They had Fred C. ^, born December 1st, 1856, agraduate of Cornell Universit}^ in 1879, architectat Lincoln, Neb. Charles W. 8, born February15th, 1863, graduated at the State University Mad-ison, Wis., studied lav^^ at Maquoketa, lovi^a, inpractice at Eau Claire, Wis.

    William F. 6, son of WILLIAM 5, born 16thOctober, 1801, married Sallie Smith, at Ellisburgh.They had Harriet ^, w^ho married a Bettinger;Selb^^ Elizabeth, Daniel A., Alice. He died at thatplace February, 1877.

    NOTEIt was not the design of this work to trace the lineage ofthe Hudson family beyond the descendants of WILLIAMS, the sonof JOHN 4, who married Kiith Shumway, but as John had two l^roth-ers whose descendants are very numerous, most of whom were onceresidents of Oxford, the temptation is great to pursue the inqiiirj' sofar at least as any light is shed by the records of that town.The second son of WILLIAM 3 was JOSEPH 4, who married Ma-

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