The gazing of life To discuss, construct and form life ethic consensus via image The middle School...

The gazing of life The gazing of life —— —— To discuss, construct To discuss, construct and form life ethic and form life ethic consensus via image consensus via image The middle School attached to Beijing Normal The middle School attached to Beijing Normal University,China University,China BIN WANG BIN WANG

Transcript of The gazing of life To discuss, construct and form life ethic consensus via image The middle School...

Page 1: The gazing of life To discuss, construct and form life ethic consensus via image The middle School attached to Beijing Normal University,China BIN WANG.

The gazing of lifeThe gazing of life————To discuss, construct and form To discuss, construct and form

life ethic consensus via imagelife ethic consensus via image

The middle School attached to Beijing Normal University,ChinaThe middle School attached to Beijing Normal University,China


Page 2: The gazing of life To discuss, construct and form life ethic consensus via image The middle School attached to Beijing Normal University,China BIN WANG.

It’s well known that the “golden rule” of ethiIt’s well known that the “golden rule” of ethic is “offer what you yourself want to others bc is “offer what you yourself want to others but never give what you yourself don’t want to ut never give what you yourself don’t want to others”(others”(““ 己所欲,施于人”或“己所不欲,己所欲,施于人”或“己所不欲,勿施于人”——勿施于人”—— Confucius)Confucius). Individuals ha. Individuals have certain understanding and agreements towve certain understanding and agreements towards it, based on which the common ethic coards it, based on which the common ethic comes to being.mes to being.

Page 3: The gazing of life To discuss, construct and form life ethic consensus via image The middle School attached to Beijing Normal University,China BIN WANG.

The only way to realize the significance of life is to The only way to realize the significance of life is to experience it. The significance of “significance of experience it. The significance of “significance of life” is that it’s a kind of knowledge which you life” is that it’s a kind of knowledge which you have to put cognition subject into consideration have to put cognition subject into consideration and that it requires a devotion of emotion. It is a and that it requires a devotion of emotion. It is a feeling from the bottom of your heart, such as deep feeling from the bottom of your heart, such as deep love (or hatred)and happiness(or a sense of duty). love (or hatred)and happiness(or a sense of duty). When we are considering the significance of life, When we are considering the significance of life, we are thinking with our heart instead of our we are thinking with our heart instead of our mind. Therefore, any kind of thinking involves mind. Therefore, any kind of thinking involves understanding of life, based on which arises the understanding of life, based on which arises the depth of thinking. depth of thinking.

Page 4: The gazing of life To discuss, construct and form life ethic consensus via image The middle School attached to Beijing Normal University,China BIN WANG.

Every particular individual can only experience Every particular individual can only experience very limited things in the term of his life. Because very limited things in the term of his life. Because of the limitation of the experience, one’s knowledge of the limitation of the experience, one’s knowledge also tends to be limited. Naturally, the limited also tends to be limited. Naturally, the limited knowledge provides a limited understanding knowledge provides a limited understanding towards the whole world. Various subject towards the whole world. Various subject community can be formed in the image world. community can be formed in the image world. Community means conjunctive existence, mutual Community means conjunctive existence, mutual attachment and sharing significance.attachment and sharing significance.

Page 5: The gazing of life To discuss, construct and form life ethic consensus via image The middle School attached to Beijing Normal University,China BIN WANG.

As a matter of fact, on account of the overlapping As a matter of fact, on account of the overlapping of the world we live in, the viewpoint held by any of the world we live in, the viewpoint held by any two persons to one event may gradually expand to two persons to one event may gradually expand to the comprehending between subjects and then form the comprehending between subjects and then form consensus .The open comprehending can not consensus .The open comprehending can not spontaneously come into being through the video spontaneously come into being through the video technology and linguistics character, because the technology and linguistics character, because the open comprehending is not the description of the open comprehending is not the description of the understanding power of any person, it is realized in understanding power of any person, it is realized in the process of communication in the society. the process of communication in the society.

Page 6: The gazing of life To discuss, construct and form life ethic consensus via image The middle School attached to Beijing Normal University,China BIN WANG.

It is always faced with new experiences and It is always faced with new experiences and criticism of the participators who are seeking criticism of the participators who are seeking knowledge. The opening of understanding is knowledge. The opening of understanding is maintained by criticism of participators. The maintained by criticism of participators. The open understanding demands that people open understanding demands that people give ear to every voice ,whether strong or give ear to every voice ,whether strong or feeble.feeble.

Page 7: The gazing of life To discuss, construct and form life ethic consensus via image The middle School attached to Beijing Normal University,China BIN WANG.

The basic condition to form consensus lies in the The basic condition to form consensus lies in the basic ethic consciousness shared by subjects.(life basic ethic consciousness shared by subjects.(life respect and basic freedom ,and so on). On this respect and basic freedom ,and so on). On this basis ,rationality, justice and freedom and other basis ,rationality, justice and freedom and other concepts like these can be defined explicitly in the concepts like these can be defined explicitly in the substantial society circumstance through substantial society circumstance through dialogue , that is , to realize freedom of heart via dialogue , that is , to realize freedom of heart via further communication of society.further communication of society.

Page 8: The gazing of life To discuss, construct and form life ethic consensus via image The middle School attached to Beijing Normal University,China BIN WANG.

This curriculum will render students understand This curriculum will render students understand the experiences and cognitions from human beings the experiences and cognitions from human beings and understand how the world is observed , and understand how the world is observed , perceived and apprehended via lens by virtue of the perceived and apprehended via lens by virtue of the open image created by film master with specific open image created by film master with specific concept. We must let them know that the political concept. We must let them know that the political change is not capable of eliminating the moral change is not capable of eliminating the moral perplexity, settling deep-rooted problems, and thus perplexity, settling deep-rooted problems, and thus they can learn a kind of cognition as well as method they can learn a kind of cognition as well as method and attitude of representing politics ,history and and attitude of representing politics ,history and humanity theme. This curriculum will discuss the humanity theme. This curriculum will discuss the situation of human moral placed in the midst of situation of human moral placed in the midst of society system, individual freedom , fate and nature, society system, individual freedom , fate and nature, and thus construct and form life ethic consensus to and thus construct and form life ethic consensus to scan situation to seek soul and practice.scan situation to seek soul and practice.

Page 9: The gazing of life To discuss, construct and form life ethic consensus via image The middle School attached to Beijing Normal University,China BIN WANG.

Form ethic consensus theme Form ethic consensus theme in classroom in classroom ::

1.Harmony and conflict between Human 1.Harmony and conflict between Human being and Nature:being and Nature: :: a forever ethical topica forever ethical topic

Page 10: The gazing of life To discuss, construct and form life ethic consensus via image The middle School attached to Beijing Normal University,China BIN WANG.

———— 《《 Ballad of NBallad of Narayamaarayama 》》 Shohei IShohei Imamuramamura (( JapanJapan ))

Is there morality in the Is there morality in the Nature?Nature? The movie points out The movie points out that Nature has no morality that Nature has no morality but emotion.but emotion.

Page 11: The gazing of life To discuss, construct and form life ethic consensus via image The middle School attached to Beijing Normal University,China BIN WANG.

In a remote and lean village, the old villagers are aIn a remote and lean village, the old villagers are abandoned on the hills to starve to death. At the cost bandoned on the hills to starve to death. At the cost of their own lives, they hope to reduce the burden oof their own lives, they hope to reduce the burden of the village and enable other villagers to exist. Laf the village and enable other villagers to exist. Laozi once said coldly, “Nature has no morality and aozi once said coldly, “Nature has no morality and all the creatures are humble.”(“ll the creatures are humble.”(“ 天地不仁,以万物天地不仁,以万物为刍狗为刍狗 ”——老子 ”——老子 ).however, nature emotional. T).however, nature emotional. The director outlines the naturalist value of the local he director outlines the naturalist value of the local Japanese traditional villagers: It respects the vain Japanese traditional villagers: It respects the vain value of naturalism, but at the same time emphasizvalue of naturalism, but at the same time emphasizes the importance of emotion. There is no hypocrises the importance of emotion. There is no hypocrisy and affectation in Nature but all the creatures in y and affectation in Nature but all the creatures in it are are emotional.

Page 12: The gazing of life To discuss, construct and form life ethic consensus via image The middle School attached to Beijing Normal University,China BIN WANG.

2.Conflict between history and reality2.Conflict between history and reality ::the darknessthe darkness and and waking upwaking up of human beof human beings ings

Page 13: The gazing of life To discuss, construct and form life ethic consensus via image The middle School attached to Beijing Normal University,China BIN WANG.

———— 《 Blind shaft 》 Liyang(China)

Where is the significance Where is the significance of life(evil and virtue) ?of life(evil and virtue) ?

It depicts the darkness at the It depicts the darkness at the bottom of human beings and bottom of human beings and also reflects the waking up also reflects the waking up of one’s morality at a certain of one’s morality at a certain time. time.

Page 14: The gazing of life To discuss, construct and form life ethic consensus via image The middle School attached to Beijing Normal University,China BIN WANG.

The movie based on criticism, reflects the real The movie based on criticism, reflects the real condition of coal excavating in the contemporary condition of coal excavating in the contemporary China from the point view of humanism. Under a China from the point view of humanism. Under a system in which money goes first, the private mine system in which money goes first, the private mine owners make the miners work in the mines where owners make the miners work in the mines where they are in danger all the time. They have lost all they are in danger all the time. They have lost all their morality and human nature. Out of their own their morality and human nature. Out of their own benefits, some fellows deceive the farmers who are benefits, some fellows deceive the farmers who are eager to seek jobs into the private mines and murder eager to seek jobs into the private mines and murder them in order to get money from mine owners . The them in order to get money from mine owners . The movie is about naturalism. It depicts the darkness at movie is about naturalism. It depicts the darkness at the bottom of human beings and also reflects the the bottom of human beings and also reflects the waking up of one’s morality at a certain time. The waking up of one’s morality at a certain time. The director consider the theme of the life , the director consider the theme of the life , the significance of life(evil and virtue) and final significance of life(evil and virtue) and final destination of taking and giving as a philosopher.destination of taking and giving as a philosopher.

Page 15: The gazing of life To discuss, construct and form life ethic consensus via image The middle School attached to Beijing Normal University,China BIN WANG.

3.The conflict between will and system3.The conflict between will and system ::the pursuit to life and freedomthe pursuit to life and freedom

Page 16: The gazing of life To discuss, construct and form life ethic consensus via image The middle School attached to Beijing Normal University,China BIN WANG.

———— 《《 Dead poetDead poets societys society 》》 Peter WPeter Weir(America)eir(America)

How to choose our own How to choose our own lifestyle ?lifestyle ?

Made weak by time and fate, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not seek, to find, and not yield.

Page 17: The gazing of life To discuss, construct and form life ethic consensus via image The middle School attached to Beijing Normal University,China BIN WANG.

The movie is mainly about how a group of The movie is mainly about how a group of students, with the help of Professor John students, with the help of Professor John Keating, learn to choose their own lifestyle and Keating, learn to choose their own lifestyle and struggle against the education system which struggle against the education system which binds up and oppresses them . The movie ends up binds up and oppresses them . The movie ends up with the suicide of a student and dismissal of with the suicide of a student and dismissal of Professor Keating. “Make good use of your time Professor Keating. “Make good use of your time and make your life different from and make your life different from others.”professor Keating says to his students others.”professor Keating says to his students and ,later in daily study and life, tries to lead and ,later in daily study and life, tries to lead them to the truth of life, using the ideals of them to the truth of life, using the ideals of poems.poems.

Page 18: The gazing of life To discuss, construct and form life ethic consensus via image The middle School attached to Beijing Normal University,China BIN WANG.

Actually, in the real teaching process there are Actually, in the real teaching process there are many uncertain factors. It’s very difficult to draw many uncertain factors. It’s very difficult to draw meaningful conclusion from pure theoretic meaningful conclusion from pure theoretic research. Accordingly, only through detailed research. Accordingly, only through detailed ethical practice and specific ethical conflict can ethical practice and specific ethical conflict can one reach and grasp the key questions: What kind one reach and grasp the key questions: What kind person shall I be? What kind of morality shall I person shall I be? What kind of morality shall I have and how can I make all the moral decision? have and how can I make all the moral decision? Where are my responsibilities and duties when my Where are my responsibilities and duties when my behaviors are likely to affect others’ health and behaviors are likely to affect others’ health and situation? What should I do for the benefits of the situation? What should I do for the benefits of the society?society?

Page 19: The gazing of life To discuss, construct and form life ethic consensus via image The middle School attached to Beijing Normal University,China BIN WANG.

In most cases, conclusions are experimental, In most cases, conclusions are experimental, temporary and not necessarily correct. We atemporary and not necessarily correct. We are not allowed to adopt compulsory means, wre not allowed to adopt compulsory means, which doesn't belong to ethics. Moreover, in a hich doesn't belong to ethics. Moreover, in a society which is moving towards democracy, society which is moving towards democracy, it is necessary to make all its members believit is necessary to make all its members believe that the better solution of ethical problems e that the better solution of ethical problems is to reach agreements through discussion anis to reach agreements through discussion and dialogue.d dialogue.

Page 20: The gazing of life To discuss, construct and form life ethic consensus via image The middle School attached to Beijing Normal University,China BIN WANG.

Thanks for your attention! Thanks for your attention!