The fundamentals of labour protection in the pharmaceutical industry.

The fundamentals of labour protection in the pharmaceutical industry

Transcript of The fundamentals of labour protection in the pharmaceutical industry.

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The fundamentals of labour protection in the

pharmaceutical industry

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Fundamentals of Safety in the pharmaceutical industryThe employee is allowed to work independently, provided:-when his health allows, offered him a job-when the employee was instructed on health and safety, which give him the right to carry out this work;-to work with high-risk employee must have a certificate which indicates the passage of appropriate training.

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When hiring workers test period not exceeding one month for all other employees not less than 3 months, and in some cases, in consultation with the union - 6 six months.

Hired employees are permitted to work only after proper instruction on safety and occupational health

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Instructing on safety conducted during the organization of labor protection in enterprises of all forms of ownership.The nature and timing of briefings on safety in enterprises are divided into several types, namely: the introductory, primary, second, unscheduled and destination.

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Induction of labor protection is carried out:• all employees who are newly hired;• for employees who are on a mission to the plant and are directly involved in the production process;• With students, alumni and students who came to the plant for production practice;Record of the induction is carried out in a special journal, as well as in the instrument of acceptance of the worker.

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Primary instruction is conducted in the workplace to get started:• an employee, newly adopted at the company;• an employee who is transferred from one production plant to another;• an employee who will perform a new work for him;• With seconded employee who is directly involved in the production process at the plant;• the student, student and disciple, which came on production practices.

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Repeated instruction is conducted in the workplace to all workers: the work with high-risk - 1 in every quarter, in other studies - one every six months of initial instruction in full.

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Unscheduled carried out with instructing employees in the workplace or in the office of labor:• in the case of the introduction of new or revised regulations on health and safety;• a change process, modernization of equipment, instruments and other factors that affect health and safety;• in case of violation of regulations on employee health and safety, which led to injuries, accidents or poisoning;• at the request of the employees of state supervision of safety;• if there is a break in the professional activity of more than 30 calendar days - for work with high-risk, more than 60 days - for other work

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The Task instruction is conducted with the employee:• If you perform one-time operations that are not associated with direct responsibilities in the specialty;• In case of an emergency or natural disaster;

• during the work, which is made dress-tolerance, resolution, or other similar documents;• in the case of excursions in the business

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Primary, second, unscheduled and targeted briefings conducted directly head works. Moreover, their implementation must necessarily end test knowledge through verbal questioning, through technical training and checking under the acquired skills of safe work practices. Knowledge checks the person who conducted the briefing.

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On an initial, repeated, unplanned and targeted coaching, the person who conducted the briefing, making the log entry. This is required signatures as those instructed, and who instructed. Journals briefings should be numbered and with the seal, lace up.

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Rules of storing drugs in the pharmacy

Warehouses for storage of flammable and explosive materials must fully comply with building codes and design rules and thus be isolated, protected from direct sunlight, atmospheric sediments and groundwater, equipped with a mechanical ventilation system and more.

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Pharmacies located in the building for other purposes, the amount of flammable substances are stored in a nerozfasovanomu shall not exceed 100 kg.Flammable liquids in quantities exceeding 100 kg should be stored in a separate building placed in a glass or metal container, isolated from the premises for the storage of flammable substances other groups.

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Storage facilities of flammable and inflammable substances shall be constructed of fire-resistant materials and are located at a distance of at least 20 m from other storage buildings and 50 meters from the premises.

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Storage facilities of flammable and combustible materials should be located on the ground floor have in the outside wall window opening not less than 1.1 m3 with a width or height of not less than 0.75 m

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Room storage for storing flammable and hazardous drugs must be equipped with fire-resistant racks that are installed at a distance of 25 cm from the floor and walls, and shelving width should not exceed 1 m, and the longitudinal passage between opposite exceed 1,35 m

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On the Main storage for flammable and explosive substances outside and pa door of each room to store and work with the mentioned substances and within these areas should be made clear indelible lettering "Flammable", "Risk of explosion", "Smoking is prohibited“ "In case of fire call on 101 "and so on.In warehouses flammable and inflammable substances must be storedseparately from other materials.

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Pair of most flammable liquids can have a pronounced adverse effects on the body. As containers of these substances should be tightly sealed. Do not store flammable and combustible materials in open containers.Flammable liquids (ethanol, turpentine, ether, etc.) are stored in a tightly sealed glass or solid metal container to prevent evaporation of the liquid from the vessel.

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Bottles, cans and other large containers with flammable and combustible liquids should be placed on the shelves in several rows with different cushioning. Handling these chemicals near heating devices is allowed. The distance from rack to stack the heating element should be not less than 1 m

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Bottles of flammable and combustible liquids shall be stored in containers that protect them from impact, or device for tipping cylinders in a row. Pharmacies in the workplace can be kept so many substances does not exceed the changing needs. This container should be tightly closed.

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Do not store highly inflammable and combustible liquids in containers filled to the brim. The degree of filling shall not exceed 90% of the volume. Alcohol in small amounts are stored in containers that fill no more than 95% volume. Ether Medical and ether for anesthesia and stored in original packaging in a cool dark place (away from fire and heaters).

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In the course of working with flammable liquids must comply with special care and constantly monitor the condition of container, its tightness and serviceability. In case of failure of container should immediately take immediate measures to eliminate or substances contained therein, to translate into another container and so on.Traffic barrels allowed just unscrew and screw tools of soft metal that makes sparks when struck by wooden hammers. When rolling barrels and loaded into storage should be careful to avoid hitting drums and formation of sparks.

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Do not store flammable materials compatible with mineral acids (sulfuric and nitric acid, etc.), compressed and liquefied gases, flammable materials (dressings, vegetable oil, sulfur), and inorganic salts, which react with organic substances potentially explosive mixtures (chlorate potassium permanganate, potassium chromate, etc.).

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Calcium chloride is not flammable substance, but on contact with liquid oily organic products can cause them to fire, and with ammonia and ammonium salts - an explosion, so the storage should be carried out separately on the basis of the above properties.

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Перманганат калію при взаємодії з пилом, сіркою, органічними маслами, ефірами, спиртом, гліцерином, органічними кислотами та іншими органічними речовинами стає вибухонебезпечним. Тому зберігати його на складах слід у спеціальному відсіку в бляшаних барабанах, а в аптеках - у штангласах з притертими пробками окремо від вищеназваних засобів. Нітрат срібла зберігається у невеликих кількостях (на складах - до 5 кг, в аптеках - до 50 г) ізольовано від отруйних речовин.

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A solution of nitroglycerin, which is known as explosive should be stored in the pharmacy or pharmacy warehouse in small well-sealed glass or metal container in a cool dark place subject to precautions against fire. Move dishes with nitroglycerin and weigh the drug should be especially careful, because the evaporation of spilled nitroglycerin threatening explosion. Also, keep in mind that getting even a small amount on the skin can cause severe headaches.

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Ether during storage (especially when exposed to air) form peroxides, which in the case of concussion, shock, friction or fever also may cause an explosion, so work with it requires special care.

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Strictly forbidden to store all

hazardous substances with

acids and alkalis

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During storage of nitric and sulfuric acids should be taken to prevent their contact with wood, straw and other substances of organic origin.

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In premises where stored flammable and explosive substances in case of accident electric strictly forbidden to enter with kerosene lamps and candles. In such cases, you should use only Electronic lighters.

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In order to avoid any problems when storing flammable and explosive products in storage or pharmacy established under special requirements, and, above all, anyone who goes to work, must pass an entrance and primary instruction in the workplace for the treatment of fire and explosives, compressed gases, safety and fire safety, first aid to victims of accidents and so on.

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At least once a year to conduct a background check in staff knowledge on storage of drugs that are flammable and explosive properties, safety and fire safety.    To this end created Qualifications Commission. Test results must be submitted protocol

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