The Full Moon is the First Lunar Phase · 2017. 8. 6. · 1 The Full Moon is the First Lunar Phase...

1 The Full Moon is the First Lunar Phase his Scripture study in Tehilim (Psalms) 89:35-37 reveals that the full moon is the FIRST lunar phase of each lunar month and was set-apart for the rhythms of the Sanctuary/Temple services. This was so important to its author, King David, that he emphasized it to be true on the basis of himself being found to be honest and not a liar. Once these facts are realized it can be understood why the urgent call goes forth in Revelation for Yahuah’s obedient followers to “come out of Babylon.” For all the false calendar systems based upon the sun and/or fraudulent new moons only give birth to erroneous Sabbaths and inaccurate Feast Days that were never ordained nor set-apart by our Eternal Father and Creator. Yahuah is proactively preparing a people who will stand boldly for the full marvelous LIGHT OF TRUTH amidst adversity and the deepest darkness this world has ever seen, in preparation for His eternal Kingdom. As the unsaved world at large fall into decline, the contrast of His obedient followers will become apparent as they arise in strength and vitality to walk according to His Ruach (Yahuah’s presence & power). (Note: With regard to the Scripture Word Study link, it is recommended that you keep the PDF Study open as a ready reference, while you explore this document.) T

Transcript of The Full Moon is the First Lunar Phase · 2017. 8. 6. · 1 The Full Moon is the First Lunar Phase...

Page 1: The Full Moon is the First Lunar Phase · 2017. 8. 6. · 1 The Full Moon is the First Lunar Phase his Scripture study in Tehilim (Psalms) 89:35-37 reveals that the full moon is the


The Full Moon is the First Lunar Phase

his Scripture study in Tehilim (Psalms) 89:35-37 reveals that the full moon is the FIRST lunar phase of each lunar month and was set-apart for the rhythms of the Sanctuary/Temple services. This was so important to its

author, King David, that he emphasized it to be true on the basis of himself being found to be honest and not a liar. Once these facts are realized it can be understood why the urgent call goes forth in Revelation for Yahuah’s obedient followers to “come out of Babylon.” For all the false calendar systems based upon the sun and/or fraudulent new moons only give birth to erroneous Sabbaths and inaccurate Feast Days that were never ordained nor set-apart by our Eternal Father and Creator.

Yahuah is proactively preparing a people who will stand boldly for the full marvelous LIGHT OF TRUTH amidst adversity and the deepest darkness this world has ever seen, in preparation for His eternal Kingdom. As the unsaved world at large fall into decline, the contrast of His obedient followers will become apparent as they arise in strength and vitality to walk according to His Ruach (Yahuah’s presence & power).

(Note: With regard to the Scripture Word Study link, it is recommended that you keep the PDF Study open as a ready reference, while you explore this document.)


Page 2: The Full Moon is the First Lunar Phase · 2017. 8. 6. · 1 The Full Moon is the First Lunar Phase his Scripture study in Tehilim (Psalms) 89:35-37 reveals that the full moon is the

2 Subject: Scripture Verse: Decoder: Kerrie French

The Full Moon is the First Lunar Phase Tehilim (Psalms) 89:35-37

Word for Word Comparison All word studies utilize two or more lexicon sources to ensure accuracy.

Overt errors in translation are highlighted in red. * Represents a reversal of word order between two words.

P and S denote the prefix and suffix in the Hebrew text column. Hebrew is read from R – L, and the part underlined is the portion that will perfectly

match the Strong’s word choice, with the remainder as the prefix and suffix. Strong’s # Word Choice

KJV Scripture English Translation

Actual Hebrew Interlinear Text

Strong’s Hebrew Definitions

Brown-Driver-Brigg’s Hebrew Lexicon and TWOT

New Restored Text

Verse 35 259


Once אחת‘echad This word is not a perfect match.

a numeral meaning to unify; one as an ordinal first;

one (number); each; every; a certain one; only; once; once for all; first;

The “first one”



have I sworn נ שׁבע תיshaba`

נ שׁבע תי#7646 saba -

נ שׁבע תי#7647 saba –

נ שׁבע תי#7648 soba -

to be complete; to seven oneself; swear; repeat a declaration seven times; adjure; charge (by an oath, with an oath); feed to the full; take an oath; swear; #7646- to satiate, filled; full; fill to satisfaction; #7647- copiousness, abundance, plenteous #7648--satisfaction; fullness; joy-full;

to swear; to take an oath; to curse; to cause to take an oath; #7646--be satiated; have or get enough; having its fill; satisfied with one’s fill; reach the full limit; #7647--plenty; satiety; abounding in favor; #7648--satiety; thy fill; satisfying abundance;

and fully satiated shall be kept

Page 3: The Full Moon is the First Lunar Phase · 2017. 8. 6. · 1 The Full Moon is the First Lunar Phase his Scripture study in Tehilim (Psalms) 89:35-37 reveals that the full moon is the


נ שׁבע תי

#7649 sabea (P: and, but) (S: I shall, I shall keep, I kept)

#7649-- satiated

#7649 --satiated; abounding in favor; absolute satisfied;



by my holiness ב קדשׁ יqadosh or kadosh (P: among, in, with, by) (S: my)

a sacred place or thing; sanctity; consecrated thing; dedicated thing; hallowed thing; holiness; holy thing; saint; sanctuary;

apartness; holiness; sacredness; separateness; set-apartness;

kadosh (set-apart and sacred),



not אם‘im

lo; oh that; when; hence; not; if; although; and; but; neither; whereas; nevertheless; nor; or; seeing; since; surely; though; of a truth; unless; when; whether; while; yet;

if; whether . . .or; when; whenever; since; but rather;




David. ל דוד

David (P: to, for)

David, the youngest son of Jesse;

David the beloved; youngest son of Jesse and second king of Israel;




that I will lie א כזב

kazab (P: I will)

to lie; deceive; be found a liar; make a liar; lie; lying; be in vain;

to lie; to tell a lie; to be a liar; to be found a liar; to be in vain; to fail;

will be found a liar.

Verse 36 2233


His seed זרע ו

zera (S: his)

seed; fruit; plant; sowing-time; posterity; carnally; child;

seed; sowing; offspring; semen virile; offspring; descendants; posterity; children; sowing time;

His seed [the Messiah and His followers]

1961 *


shall endure י היהhayah (P: he will, they

to exist; be or become; come to pass; accomplished;

to be; to become; to come to pass; to exist; to come about; to happen; to fall out;

shall endure

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4will, he shall, they shall)

5769 *


forever, and ל עולם

`olam (P: to, for)

eternity; concealed; the vanishing point; time out of mind (past or future); forever; always; ancient time; anymore; continuance; eternal; everlasting; evermore; ever of old; long time; of old time; perpetual; at any time; beginning of the world;

eternity; long duration; antiquity; forever; everlasting; evermore; perpetual; old; ancient; world; always; continuous existence; perpetual unending;

for eternity



his throne as ו כסא וkecceh

ו כסא ו#3677 - - - keceh’ (P: and, but) (S: his)

covered; a throne (as canopied); seat; #3677 - fullness or the full moon; i.e. its festival; KJV: (time) appointed.

a seat of honor; a throne; a stool; authority; power; royal dignity; #3677- full moon; TWOT # 1006: full moon


5048 *


me. נגד יneged

נגד י #5046 - - (S: you shall keep)

a front; part opposite; specifically a counterpart; or mate; over against; before; about; aloof; far off; from; over; presence; other side; sight; to view; #5046 - to manifest; to front; stand boldly out opposite; to announce; to expose; predict; explain; bewray; certify; declare; denounce; expound; messenger; profess; report; speak; tell; utter; inform;

opposite; what is conspicuous; in the sight of; before your face; parallel to; corresponding to; what is in front of; at a distance; away from; at a distance from; #5046 - to be conspicuous; to make known; to tell; to announce; to report; to inform; to publish; to declare; to proclaim;

you shall keep that stands out conspicuously opposite

8121 *


the sun before כ שׁמשׁ

shemesh (P: as, like, according to, in reference to)

to be brilliant; the sun; the east; a ray;

the sun; sunrise; east; glittering or shining;

in reference to the sun.

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5Verse 37



as the moon, כ ירחyareach (P: as, like, accordingly, therefore)

the moon; the moon; Accordingly, the MOON



it shall be established י כון

kun (P: he will, they will, he shall, they shall, it shall)

set up; erect; fix; confirm; firmly anchor; completed; perfect; fully arrived; unchanging; being ready; firmly established; render sure;

to constitute; to be restored; to be firm; to be stable; to be established; to be fixed; to be secure; to be ready; to be prepared; to be arranged; to accomplish; to provide; to be fastened;

shall be restored and firmly established



forever עולם`olam

concealed; the vanishing point; time out of mind (past or future); eternity; always; ancient time; anymore; continuance; eternal; forever; everlasting; evermore; ever of old; long time; of old time; perpetual; at any time; beginning of the world;

long duration; antiquity; forever; everlasting; evermore; perpetual; old; ancient; world; always; continuous existence; perpetual unending; eternity;


539 *


faithful נ אמן‘aman (P: we will)

to build up; support; to foster as a parent or nurse; to render firm or faithful; to trust or believe; to be permanent; quite; morally to be true; to go to the right hand; turn to the right;

to support; to confirm; to be faithful; to uphold; to nourish; foster parent; pillars; supporter of the door; to be established; to make firm; to be lasting; sure; reliable;

we will trust



and as a witness ו עד`ed (P: and, but)

a witness; testimony; a recorder;

witness; testimony; evidence;

and witness its testimony



in heaven. ב שׁחקshachaq (P: in, with, by)

a powder (as beaten small); by analogy, a thin vapor; by extension, the firmament; heaven; sky; cloud; dust;

dust; a cloud; a thing cloud;

in the sky.

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Selah. סלהseh-la

suspension (of music) or pause;

to lift up; to exalt; a technical musical term showing accentuation, pause, interruption;


Verse by Verse Comparison of Tehilim (Psalms) 89:35-37 New King James Translation The Creator’s Calendar New Restored

Interlinear Text Verse 35 Once I have sworn by My holiness; I will not lie

to David: The “first one” and fully satiated shall be kept qadosh (holy, sacred, and set-apart) among my dedicated things, unless David will be found a liar.

Verse 36 His seed shall endure forever, and his throne as the sun before Me.

His seed [the Messiah and His followers] shall endure for eternity and His FULL MOON you shall keep that stands out conspicuously opposite in reference to the sun.

Verse 37 It shall be established forever like the moon, Even like the faithful witness in the sky.

Accordingly, the MOON shall be restored and firmly established perpetually; we will trust and witness its testimony in the sky. Selah

The First Lunar Phase is Fully Satiated

A foundational principle of the Hebrew language is that the correct meaning of a word is the one that fits the contextual theme of all the corresponding verses.

For example, the Strong’s Dictionary word for #7650 has been most often translated as “swear an oath.” But in light of all the word forms of #7646 – #7650, the consistent meaning of this word is: “full and satiated.” The differences between each of these word choices are only discerned after the modern artificial vowel points were proactively applied to change the meaning of this verse. This vowel point system did not exist at the time this Hebrew text was first written.

Here in Tehilim (Psalms) 89:35, we find the answer to the age old question of “What is Scripture’s true New Moon?” The answer may surprise you that after these last 1,700 years of conjunction lunar phase New Moon domination by the Jews, the truth bears out that the FULL MOON has always been the Creator’s true New Moon, as identified throughout Scripture in a myriad of ways.

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On King David’s Good Name Verse 35 goes on to declare that the first and fully satiated shall be kept qadosh (holy, sacred, and set-apart) among my dedicated things such as the Temple, which naturally includes marking time for qadosh New Year’s Day, all New Moon days, the Feast Days, and Sabbaths.

This point about the first lunar phase (New Moon) being the full moon, was so important to the author that it was emphasized to be true unless King David, himself, were found to be a liar. Since we know that it was King David that wrote this Psalms, he was essentially swearing upon his own good name that the first lunar phase of the lunar month is emphatically the full moon. For the full moon is the only fully satiated lunar phase.

Notice that the context of these three verses render a comparison of the “seed of David,” which is referring to the Messiah, then comparing Him to the “full moon.” Strikingly, there is no chance that the Messiah is being compared to a “throne” for two reasons: 1) The first reason is that the “full moon” and not the “throne” can “stand out conspicuously opposite the sun.” 2) The second reason is context, as verse 37 continues with the context of the moon that was first presented in verse 35 and 36. The full moon is the trustworthy symbol of the Messiah that will forever be manifest conspicuously opposite the sun, which is the symbol of the Father. This distinctive lunar phase is wholly conspicuous, because it is fully clothed with the LIGHT of the sun, with no portion of darkness or shadow of a turning orbit.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the FATHER OF LIGHTS, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning [full sun, full stars, and full moon]. Yaakov (James) 1:17

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What might otherwise have been a hidden gem, veiled from view becomes a complete and

marvelous picture of the full moon, as the true New Moon, the trustworthy symbol of

our Messiah.

The Full Moon You Shall Keep

Moving on, Verse 36 declares that King David’s seed (the Messiah and His obedient

followers) shall be forever compared to the full moon that receives the pure and

perfect LIGHT of the sun, just as the Messiah, as a pattern for us, represents and

reflects all the attributes of His Father flawlessly.

Also, the thought is carried forward that just as the full and complete moon is in first position and sacred, so too is the seed of David (the Messiah). He stands in first position as the only begotten of the Father and set apart for the sacred work as the shamayim Temple’s Lamb, Priest and King.

Note to the Reader: Most Scripture versions use the word “throne”

(#3678 kecceh כּסא) in place of the words “full moon” (#3677 keceh

.in this verse. This is because it is the exact same Hebrew word (כּסא

The only difference is that vowel points have been added to all Hebrew

words in the last 1,700 years giving translators the ability to change the

meaning of words to manipulate a verse to correspond with a particular

slanted view without anyone recognizing it.

For example, if the Jews (as we believe) swapped the original full New

Moon for a false crescent when under Roman rule, it is to their

advantage to cover-up all reference to a full moon as New Moon in

Scripture. It is the purpose of these studies to expose that this proactive

deception has indeed occurred many times through a close inspection of

all the verses where this has happened and by illustrating the

inconsistencies through the use of several Hebrew lexicon’s and


The word “throne” (#3678 kecceh כּסא) is used 175 times in the O.T. However, the

use of “throne” can easily be used to conceal the truth regarding the full moon and its

New Moon designation in this verse, since it is the same Hebrew word. But, context

is everything! As displayed in verse 36, the word “throne” simply does not fit the

context of this set of verses as it must stand out conspicuously opposite the sun. For

example, if the word “throne” was the correct word to be used the verse would say, “His (David’s) seed (the Messiah) shall endure for eternity and His ‘throne,’ you shall keep that stands out conspicuously opposite the sun.”

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Verse 36 first identifies King David’s seed (the Messiah and His obedient followers) are to endure

for all eternity. Then the full moon is referred to as “HIS full moon,” which “you shall keep.” It is well documented in YAHchezqEL (Ezekiel) 46:1-3 and

YashaYAHU (Isaiah) 66:22-23 that the New Moon is a qadosh (set-apart) worship

day to Yahuah along with the Sabbaths, and for centuries millions have believed the

New Moon was the crescent or dark moon, but here it is declared on the good name of King David that the FULL MOON is the true New Moon.

Both the full moon and the Messiah represent and reflect their marvelous LIGHT

source perfectly and both are established as continuing forever into eternity. This

theme is further demonstrated when in the Brit Hadasha (NT) the Messiah said, “He

who has seen me has seen the Father?” YAHchanan (John) 14:9. Not because He is the Father, but naturally, this was because the Son was the fully visible and complete reflection of the Father on earth. The Moon is only a perfect reflection of the sun when it “stands out boldly opposite the sun.”

For three witnesses in a row, Verse 37 defines attributes of the full moon and not attributes of the word “throne,” or for that matter, any other lunar phase. The

descriptive words used in this verse alone are: the moon, restored, established,

perpetually we will trust and witness, in the sky. Collectively, these terms identify a

restored and established lunar beacon that we can witness in the sky. When we add

the descriptive words from verse 35 and 36, we find that without question the

attributes define the full moon to be the true New Moon. This is verified by the

following three witnesses:

1. The first [lunar phase] is fully satiated.

2. His full moon you shall keep that stands conspicuously opposite the


3. The moon shall be restored and established perpetually.

In this example below, only #4 illustrates the true New Moon as it stands out

boldly opposite the sun.

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Despised and Rejected

The Messiah’s set apart work from the foundation of the world was to bring a full and complete restoration of atonement for humble and confessing sinners back to

the Father by being our substitutiary LAMB and Kohen (priest) advocate. Because

the entire Temple system revolved around this theme, the Messiah was in typology

the chief cornerstone of the Temple system. On the other hand the full New Moon’s

set-apart work from the foundation of the world was to synchronize and maintain

mankind’s connection to the worship rhythms of the shamayim (heavens), later

displayed in the Sanctuary/Temple services. Because the entire Temple system was keyed to the time sequence of the full New Moon, it is easy to see that it alone can be the iconic symbol of the Messiah and by extension the icon of the chief cornerstone of the same system.

So it is that both the Messiah and the full New Moon were set-apart to work hand in

hand as typified in the Sanctuary/Temple service. For the system would be rendered

meaningless without each.

The Tanakh (OT) Prophecy

The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. Tehilim (Psalms) 118:22.

The Brit Hadasha (NT)

The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone,

a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense. 1 Kepha (Peter) 2:7-8

Remarkably, not just the Messiah, but both the Messiah and the full New Moon have been historically despised and rejected by the world at large, but most profoundly by the Jews who had the greatest opportunity to know and maintain this truth. This is because the full New Moon is the pure and perfect symbol for

trustworthiness and obedience to the laws and statutes belonging to the ordained plan

of salvation, only made possible by the Messiah who has now come and died for

mankind and today represents us before His Father in the shamayim

Sanctuary/Temple above.

Each is eternally linked to the other as trustworthy witnesses of Yahuah’s great love.

When one is rejected, so is the other by extension. It would be impossible to reject the pure and perfect light of the world, the Messiah, and not reject His sign, the pure and perfect full New Moon, and vice versa. As we partake of seeking to witness the full New Moon each month, we are declaring that we choose to be restored and established forever in Yahusha’s Kingdom, that we may worship both Father and Son for all eternity.

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What Might Have Prompted the New Moon Change?

So, in light of all of this, why on earth would the Jews/Israelites/Semites be motivated

to swap the full New Moon for the conjunction lunar phase or crescent to commence

their months?

The Brit Hadasha (NT) record tells us it was the Yahudahim/Jewish leaders who led

in the rejection and crucifixion of the Messiah by the Hebrew people. Is it possible

that through their continued cover-up through the ages with regard to the true identity

of Yahusha the Messiah, there was an innate necessity to give up the true full New

Moon that represented the full and complete plan of salvation, and Yahusha as “THE

LIGHT OF THE WORLD,” in every aspect of the Temple service and Hebrew


In the fourth century did the Jewish leaders adopt an artificial week in accordance

with the pressure from Rome? Yes they did, and the exact year that the Jews

ultimately complied was A.D. 358, led by Hillel II, head of the Sanhedrin. While it

was Rome that dispersed the newly legislated seven-day continuous weekly cycle, it

had been formerly stylized in Babylon and Egypt and no doubt the Jews were

acquainted with it since their years of captivity there. Might the Jews have also been

tempted to adopt the conjunction as the New Moon at the same time they adopted the

false Sabbath to appear to the world at large, that all things have continued

uninterrupted from the beginning, as well as bring peace between themselves and the

pagan Romans? It is certainly possible.

New Evidence from the Dead Sea Scrolls

According to an article by William Doehring—

“James C. Vanderkam, and John A. O'Brien Professor of Hebrew

Scriptures at the University of Notre Dame, has written extensively

about the Dead Sea Scrolls community. Set up approximately 200 years

prior to the birth of Jesus [Yahusha], the Qumran community split off

from the mainstream population of Judea, because the community

believed that the religious system at the

time had become corrupted. One crucial

conviction that developed over the years

in Qumran, was that their religious leaders ultimately corrupted the Jewish calendar, thereby corrupting all of the Jewish Sabbaths and Holy days. ibid

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In Vanderkam’s article, Calendrical Texts and the Origins of the Dead Sea Scroll Community, he reveals that the Qumran community followed a Jewish calendar, which is different than the calendar that Jews use today. More crucial to the paradox, he reveals that the Qumran community taught that the full moon commenced the month, which would mean that Passover, which occurs mid-month, would have occurred when the moon was dark. Thus, if Passover was celebrated within Ancient Judaism at the dark of the moon, rather than at the full of the moon, then it would be very possible for a total solar eclipse to occur, simultaneous to Passover and the Crucifixion of Jesus. Ibid

Note: Hillel II, the last president of the Sanhedrin, established the modern Jewish calendar, approximately 350 years after the cross of Jesus [Yahusha]. Other arguments have been made as to why the Jewish calendar may have been corrupted as well.” Christianity Shrouded by Solar Eclipse,, William Doehring, May 19, 2012.

Although, it is argued above that the Qumran community split off 200 years prior to the Messiah, it is more likely that these calendar corruptions did not begin until the early years following the crucifixion of Yahusha the Messiah. As the true Son of Yahuah, the Messiah gave His life as the Lamb slain for us on the precise day of the ancient Jewish Passover. This signified at this epi-center of time that the Creator’s true calendar had not yet become corrupt. Refer to word study, The Sun was Darkened from the Sixth to the Ninth Hour.

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Shortly thereafter, Rome began to apply force to eliminate all the Natsarim Quartodecimen (Fourteeners) factions through what is known as the Easter Controversy of the 2nd – 4th century A.D. These Quartodecimens were the obedient followers of the Messiah who continued to celebrate His crucifixion on Passover the

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15 14th day of Abib as counted from the full New Moon, as well as His resurrection on the 16th. At the Council of Nicaea (A.D 321-324) an edict by Constantine was proclaimed that was ultimately successful in exterminating these Scripturally judicious followers of the Messiah, and harmonized Rome’s entire empire upon the principles of their own unique calendar model. This calendar was then and continues to be in conflict with the Biblical astro-luni-solar calendar model in that its months and weeks are wholly disconnected from the orchestration of the celestial shamayim bodies ordained by the Creator of time (Genesis 1:14-16). Of special note is the disengagement of the months and weeks from His New Moon. Make no mistake, the total eradication of the Quartodecimens’ established way of calculating New Moons, Feast days, and Sabbaths, was designed to cause all to adopt the Roman Julian calendar. So it is that when the Easter Controversy is discussed it must be understood that it was not simply a conflict over the single day of Easter. But rather, it was a unity pressure tank, effectively designed to force all believers to adopt the same calendar model within the Roman Empire, with months and weeks disassociated from the moon. For more on this subject refer to, Constantine’s Easter Controversy with the Messiah’s Obedient Quartodecimen.

Come Out of Babylon Throughout Scripture, YAHishraEL (Israel) is the name that is referred to as My people. However, all who are the Messiah’s are grafted in and included as My people. Today, most of the world who keeps a lunar phase as New Moon, keeps the dark or crescent moon, including the Muslims. Yet, history bears out that both the seven-day continuous weekly cycle and the crescent New Moon are distinctly Babylonian and the conjunction as New Moon, a mix of Babylonian and Egyptian. Might this be why at the very end of earth’s history, Yahuah’s messenger in Revelation is depicted as crying out:

Babylon is fallen, is fallen . . . come out of her my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto the shamayim (heaven) and Yahuah has remembered her iniquities. Hagilu Natan Alahim (Revelation) 18:4

The pagan planetary week days are named below cycling from week to week without any connection to the New Moon, or other astronomical markers.

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Babylonian Roman Anglo English French Spanish Shamash Sol Sun Sunday Dimanche Domingo SIN (crescent) Luna Moon Monday Lundi Lunes Nergal Mars Tiw Tuesday Mardi Martes Nabu Mercurius Woden Wednesday Mercredi Miercoles Marduk Jupiter Thor Thursday Juedi Jueves Ishtar Venus Freya Friday Venredi Viernes Ninurta Saturnus Saturn Saturday Samedi Sabbado

NOTE: The seven-day week originated in ancient Mesopotamia and became part of the Roman calendar in A.D. 321. The names of the days are based on the seven celestial bodies (the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn), believed at that time to revolve around Earth and influence its events. Most of Western Europe adopted the Roman nomenclature. The Germanic languages substituted Germanic equivalents for the names of four of the Roman gods: Tiw, the god of war, replaced Mars; Woden, the god of wisdom, replaced Mercury; Thor, the god of thunder, replaced Jupiter; and Frigg, the goddess of love, replaced Venus.

These imported superstitions [from Babylon] eventually led Jewish rabbis to call Saturn, Shabbti, “the star of the Sabbath.” It was not until the first century of our era, when the planetary week had become an established institution that the Jewish Sabbath seems always to have corresponded to Saturn's Day [Saturday]. Rest Days, p.244 by Hutton Webster [Emphasis mine]

Scripture’s Acknowledgement of the Crescent Nowhere in Scripture is the instruction given to keep a crescent or conjunction New Moon. In fact, the only time the term crescent is used from Genesis to Revelation is regarding “crescent” ornaments worn around the camels necks of the pagans (Shoftim Judges 8:21 and 26). Does this not speak volumes with a subject as vital as the true New Moon lunar phase, that the only reference in all Scripture to the term “crescent” refers to objectionable pagan symbols? Add to this that there is no reference to the New Moon being dark, unless one is willing to construe the Hebrew text of Psalms 81:3 or Psalms 104:19. Might it be that the only way the Jewish leaders could shake themselves from guilt and prying questions with regard to the Messiah and their and their role in His crucifixion, was to make it appear that the dark conjunction was the true New Moon,

Page 17: The Full Moon is the First Lunar Phase · 2017. 8. 6. · 1 The Full Moon is the First Lunar Phase his Scripture study in Tehilim (Psalms) 89:35-37 reveals that the full moon is the

17 and designated the full moon as the middle of the month. If they could sell this lie, then all the questions about the prophecy in prophecy in Amos regarding the solar eclipse on the day of the crucifixion would be hushed forever. Luke’s record of the actual occurrence would be chalked up as of little consequence, because after all, it will be said, “everyone knows the Jews have always kept the dark conjunction as New Moon, therefore it would be impossible for a solar eclipse to occur on the 14th, the night of the full moon.” As a result, the world is led to believe that Yahusha was not the true Messiah after all, simply because the 14th of the current Jewish month does not naturally lend itself to produce a solar eclipse. Certainly, this is a profound point to consider.

The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone, a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense. 1 Kepha (Peter) 2:7-8

One must ask the hard question with regard to the true New Moon. Who and what are you going to believe—millions of Jews, millions of Muslims, the Karaite Jews, the Messianic Jews, Ellen White, the Book of Enoch, the Book of Jubilees, the Dead Sea Scrolls with its abundance of conflicting information, or the multiple original interlinear Hebrew verses of TORAH Scripture? It is these qadosh (sacred/holy) Scripture verses of Tehilim (Psalms) 89:35-37 and many others, in multiple and dynamic ways that identify the full moon as the true New Moon, the first lunar phase of our Creator's Calendar and His preordained months. For this is the remarkable lunar phase that stands out boldly opposite the sun perpetually every 29 to 30 days. It is the only visible lunar phase witnessed in both hemispheres within the same 24 hour period. May our beliefs be founded upon the sure word of truth as it is in Scripture, for it is by this book alone that all mankind will be judged in the last great day, and not by the spurious, fictional, and false traditional teachings of men. Thus it is that according to Tehilim (Psalms) 89:35-37, the full moon is first among the lunar phases.

For additional studies that illustrate the full moon is the original New Moon in Scripture, click on this link: He Ordained the Full Moon for Appointed Times.

Kerrie L. French Freelance Writer/Illustrator

[email protected]

Page 18: The Full Moon is the First Lunar Phase · 2017. 8. 6. · 1 The Full Moon is the First Lunar Phase his Scripture study in Tehilim (Psalms) 89:35-37 reveals that the full moon is the
