The Frankfort commonwealth. (Frankfort, KY) 1865-01-13 [p...

r G. W. C HADDOCK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, FRANKFORT, KY. on St. Clair Streot, next door iouth OFFICE Branch Bank of Kentucky. Will practice law in all the Courts holden in the oity of Frankfort, and in the Circuit Courts of the djoining counties. April 7, 1862-t- f. WAENEE, DEXTAL SURGEON. ' FRANKFORT, KY. at Lewis B. Crutcher's, opposite the OFFICE of the State. Will be in Frankfort the second and third week of each month. May 13th, 1863-t- f. . W. FINNELL. V. T. OHAVBKBg. FINNELL & CHAMBERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE Wejt Side Scott St. bet. Third& Fourth Street. gOVINQTON, KENTUCKY. February 22, 1860-t- f. J. II. KINKEAD, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, GALLATIN, MO. B JRACTICE3 in the Circuit and other Courts of Davioss, and the Cirouit Courts of the ad- joining counties. fcj- j- Offioe up stairs in the Gallatin Sun Office. May 6, 1857-t- f. LYSANDEB. IJOFJ), ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' FRANKFORT, KY. IJRACTICES Law in the Court 'of Appeals, JL Federal Court, and Franklin Circuit Court. Any business confided to him Shall be faithfully A and promptly attended to. His office is on St. Clair street, near the .Branch Bank of Kentuoky, where he may gonorally bo found. Frankfort, Jan. 12, 1859-t- f. JA1IR3 SPEED . VII. F. BARRET. SPEED & BARRET, ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LOUISVILLE, KY., associated with them Sami.'kl B. Smith, HAVE late firm of Bullitt & Smith, in the practice of the law, under the firm of SPEED, BARRET k SMITH, and will attend the Court of Appeals, Federal Court at Louisville, and all the Courts held in Louisville Jan. 17, '62--ly JAHKS HARLAN, JR. JOHN M. HARLAN. HARLAN & HARLAN, Attornevs at Law, FRANKFORT, ICY. practice law in the Court of Appeals, WILL the Federal courts holdnn in Frankfort, Louisville, and Covington, and in the Circuit Courts of Franklin, Woodford, Shelby, Henry, Anderson, Owen, Mercer, and Soott. l5,Speoial attention given to the collection of olaims. They will, in all oases where it ia desir- ed, attend to the unsettled law business of James Harlan, dee'd. Correspondence in reference to that business is requested. March 16. 186?. tf. THO. E. BKAMI.ETTE. . E. L. VAMWINCI.Ei BRAHLETTE & VANWINKLE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. '"W7"ILL practico in the Court of Appeals and 'f T Federal Courts held in Kentucky. SSTOSVooin MANSION HOUSE, nearly Commonwealth Printing Office. ' E. L. d J. S. VAN WINKLE Will praotic in the Franklin, Anderson, Boyle, and adjacent Circuit Courts. Offices Fbahkfobt and Daxti'lli. Sept. 14, 1863-b- y. J. M. GRAY, DENTAL SURGEON, Ojfi-- and residence on Main between St. Clctir and Lexcie Street. FRANKFORT, KY. 4 LL operations for the Extraction, Insertion, J Regulation, and Preservation of the Teeth periormed iu a scientilio and satisfactory manner. He would ask the particular attention of those wanting artificial Teeth to his own improvement upon tho Gold Rimmed Plate, which, for oleanli ness, durability, and neatness, cannot be excolled. J0f Speoimens of all kinds of plate work mny be seen at his office. Frankfort, April 22, 1863-l- Kentucky River Coal. XHAVE just reooived a fresh supply of tho KENTUCKY RIVER COAL ; also a large lot of CANNEL, Pittsburg, Youghioghony, and Pomeroy, which 1 wilt sell at tho lowest market price. All orders will be promptly filled lor any point on the railroad or city, by applyin-- true by mail, or at my Coal Yard in Frankfort. feb2 twtf. S. BLACK. L. WEITZEL. V. BERBKRICH. WEITZEL it BEKRERICH, MERCHANT TAILORS WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of and vicinity that they have opened a select stock of spring poods for Gen tlemen s wear, which they will sell low for cash. They will carry on the Tailoring business in all its branches, and will warrant their work to give satisfaction, both aa to its execution and the ohargea made for it. Terms caah. busine39 room is under Metropolitan Hall, and next door to the Postoflice. August 3, 1863-t- f. Proclamation by the Governor. $300 REWARD. Commonwealth op Kentukt, Executive Department. J it has been made known tome WHEREAS, TANNER was committed to the Garrard county jail, for tho allogod murder ot his wito, two children and aistor-in-la- and for arson; he mado his e3cape from jail on tho 15th July, 180-1- and is now a fugitive and going nt large. Now, thcrofore, I THOS. E. BRAMLETTE, (Governor ot the Commonwealth aforesaid, do hereby offer a reward of THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS lor tho apprehension of the said John Tanner, and his delivery to the Jailor of Garraed county, within one year Irom the date hereof. - , , IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, have hereunto set my hand and caused L. S. the seal of tho Commonwealth to be affiled. Done at Frankfort this 22d - , ' day of July, A. D., 1861, and in the 73d year of the Commonwealth. THOS. E. BRAMLETTE. By the Governor: E. L. Van Winkle, Secretary of State. By Jas. R. Page, Assistant Secretary. DESCRIPTION. Ue is about 35 or 40 years old, 5 feet C inches high, dark hair, rather sallow complex ion, weighs about 135 pounds, has a stoppage or stammering in his speech, articulates impertectly and in the habit ot repeating tne last word f every sentence. At first the impression i made that he is simple minded or polish. July 24, NOTICE. was committed to the jail of Garrard THERE a runaway slave calling himsoll nARLAND, who says he bolongs to Clayton Car- ter, of Lincoln county. Said boy is of copper color, weighs about ISO pounds, about 30 or 35 years of ago. Tho owner can come forward, prove property, and pay charges, or ho will be dealt with a3 the law ronnirps. WM. ROMANS, J. G. C. June 27.1304 -- 336-lm. COMMISSIONER'S SALE. The Falmouth Bridge Co., Plaintiffs, against In Equity. Thos. S. Oldham and others, Defts N nitrsiinncn to an order of the Pondleton j Circuit Court, rendered at its April term, 1864, 1 will, as Commissioner, appointed in this cause, offer for sale, at Public Auction, on the 1st Monday in August noxt, it being County Court day, on credits of 6. 12. 18 and 24 months, at the Court House door in the town of Falmouth. Ky., the Wire Sus pension Bridge over main Licking river at said Dlace. with all its aDDurtenances, privileges, fran chise, stooks, real estate and personal effects. The purchaser will be required to execute bands with good seounty, bearing interest irom aaie. C.A. WANDELOHR, Commissioner. Falmouth. June 27, 1864336 6tw3w. TATE OF KENTUCKY, S3. Fbankxin Count? Court, July Term, 1864. John W. Sanders, Plaintiff, against William Sanders, Lotitia Sanders, Henry Sanders, AlcxanderSan-ders- , and Tilman Sanders, hpirs Defendants. at law of William Sanders, Sr., deceased. THIS day Plaintifffiled his petition for i divis- - I ion of lands which belonged to William San ders. Sr., deceased, at his death, and showed that Alexander Sanders and Tilman Sanders, two of tho defendants, are ts of Kentucky. It is ordered that notice of the aforesaid applica- tion bo published in the newspaper called the Commonwealth, published at Frankfort, Ken- tucky, for three weeks consecutively, giving said notice of caid application, that they may appear thereto. Thos. N. Lisdset, Attorney for Plaintiff. copy attest: A. H. RENNICK, Clerk C. C July 20, 1864 346 tw&w3w. NEW ENGLAND Fire & Marine Insurance Comp'y OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. a Sffi'Businest Confined To Fir Insurance Exclusively. 538 Chartered Capital, $500,000. Losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid. GEO. W. GWIN, Agent. Frankfort April 13, 1863-b- ' AND FLUX! STRICKLAND'S ANTI-CHOLER- MIXTURE!! T3 a composition of astringents, absorbents, stim J ulants and carminatives, which every physioian acknowledges is the only preparation that will eheot a permanent euro ot Diarrhoea and Dysente ry. This Anti-cnoio- mixture is now in use in several of our army hospitals where it gives the reatest satisfaction. It has saved the lives of thousands of our soldiers and citizens, and we will guarantee it to be the best romedy in the world for Diarrhoea and Dysentery. Mr. Woods, of Covington, Ky., will bo most happy to satisfy any one as to the virtue of Striokland's a Mixture; in faot we have a great number of testimonials from patients who have been cured after being pronounoed in curable by their physicians, some after taking only one bottle of Strickland's Anti-Cholo- ra Mixture. If you suitor with Diarrhoea and Dys entery try one bottle, SOLDIERS! You ought not to be without such a valuable medicine. The Cincinnati National ' Union , of April 24th, says : that thousands of our soldiers have been saved by the use of Striokland's Anti-Chole- Mixture. For sale by Druggists at 58 per bottle. "May 25, r FAMILY DYE COLORS. Patented October 13, 1SG3. Black , Dark Qreen, Black for Site, Light Orten Dark Blue, Magenta Light Blue Mans French Blue Maroon Claret Brown, Orange Dark Brown, Pink Light Brown, Purple Snuff Brown Royal Purpls, Cherry Salmon Crimson Scarlet Dark Drab Slate Light Drab, Solferint, Favn Drab Violn Light Drab Yellow. For Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bon- nets, Hats, Feathers, Kid Gloves, Chil-dren- s' Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. SAVING OF So FEB CENT.y For 25 cents you can color as many Ljroods as would otherwise cost live times that gum. Van ous shades can be produced from the same dye The process is simple, and any one can use th dye with perfect success. Directions in English trench, and uerman, inside ot each package. x or lurcher information in Dyeing, and giving a pertect knowledge what colors are best adapte1 to dye ovpt others, (with many valuable recipes,) purchase liowedi btevens' Treatise on Dyeing an Coloring. Sent by mail on receipt of price 10 cents. Manufactured .by HOWE & STEVENS, 260 Broadway . Boston. For sale by druggists and dealers generally. Nov. 25, 1863 wly. NOTICE. THERE WAS COMMITTED TO THE Franklin county jail, as a runaway slave, on the 27th of July 1804, a negro woman calling herself MART. She is 23 years old, copper color, 5 feet 6 inches high, and weighs about 130 pounds. Says she belongs to Mrs. Mary Smith, of St. Louis county, Missouri. The owner can como forward, prove proper ty, and pay charges, or she will bo doalt with the law requires. WILLIAM CRAIK, J. F. C. July 28, CITY BARBER, FRANKFORT Rooms under Commonwealth Office. TF you want your Hair Trimmed, Faco Shaved B or your Head Shampooned, go to II. SAMUEL'S BARBER SHOP. Feb. 8,-- 1 HM. COLORING. GENTLEMEN can have their Whiskors.Goatee, colored in tho highest style ot tho art, by calling at Jan. 8. ISftO. SAMUEL'S BARBER SHOP NOTICE. was committed to the jail of Bracken THERE on the 27th Junes, asarunaway slave, a negro man who cans mmseit daini,Ij. bays he bolongs to one Walker Thornton, of Harrison county, Kentucky. Said ne;ro man is about 45 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, black com plexion, weighs aoout iid pounds. lie was arrost-e- d in Bracken county, Kentucky. The owner can come forward, prove property , and pay charges, or he will be dealt with as the aw requires. fll. MAK.S11 Abb, J. IS. U. July 15, 1864-l- m 344. A. C. KEEN05TS BOOK BINDERY A. C. KEENON informs his friends and customers, that he still continues the Book Binding business, in all its branches, at his old stand, over Major's Book Store, on Main etreet, and will give his whole attention to its management, xie rcspecttuiiy solioits a continuance of the patronage heretofore extended to the establishment. be furnished with RECORD BOOKS ruled to any patern, and of the very best quality of paper. ttr BLANK BOOKS of every description, manulactured at short notice, to oraer, on rea sonable terms. Frankfort. Mama 23, 1863-t- f. PROSPECTUS OP THE NATIONAL UNIONIST. undersigned having purchased the THE ka.. of the office known as the States man ottioc, propose to puoiisn in me cuy oi Lexington, KontucKy, A LOYAL NEWSPAPER, Devoted to Maintaining the Government in Putting Down the Rebellion. . It is unnecessary for us to issue a lengthy pro spectus. Suffice it to say that our paper will De an uncompromising Union paper, and an arden) adrocato of the best interests of the Government of tho United States, and of Kentucky ; and we will spare no pains to make it worthy of the con fidence and patronage of every truly loyal person. The latest news pertaining to me vv ar, iivu Government, Agriculture, and a General Review of the Markets o Agricultural l'roducts, Grocer- ies and Family Supplies, will bo found in each issue. ' The cublication will be oommenced in as short time as the necessary preparation can be made. Persons obtaining ten subscribers ana sending us the money, will be entitled to one copy gram Terms Semi-weekl- per year, in advance, $4 00 Weekly, per year, in advance $2 00 Considering the high price of paper and other matonals, the price ot tho paper is low, ana we hope to receive a largo subscription list. Will friends of the cause exert themselves to aid us? Address : GEO. W. k JOS. B. LEWIS, Lexington Kentucky. March 28, 1864. LOUISVILLE NATIONAL UNION PRESS. A DAILY NEWSPAPER To Represent and Advocate the views of Uncon dtltonal Union Men. TTROM the inception of tho rebellion, the gen- - I uine Union sentiment of the State of Ken tucky has found but little expression, either in the addresses of the prominent politicians or in the press. This state of things, at all times a sourco of murmuring, though somewhat allovia- - tod by the partial supply of loyal journals fro other States, has at last ripened into dissatisfac tion and a positive demnnd tor such a newspaper. Demanding that tho rebellion shall be suppress ed, we would have all tho means necessary to suppress it chcertully supplied. Regarding unity as essential to speedy success, we would enforce it as the duty of every citizen to give to those who administer the Government whilst the war continues sympathy and support. Believing the rebellion to bo not only without palliation or excuse, but a crime we would have it taught that those who have inaugurated and prosecut ed it should wholly bear tho responsibility ot its guilt. Reoognmng the rebellion as gigantic in its proportions, wo woul have the difficulty of grappling with it lully realized. in so wide a neia where tne instruments em ployed must bo varied, errors of judgment are unavoidable. Wo would not therefore, judgo harshly of the means employod, whilst wesee thoy are suggested by- - a sincere desire to re-e- s tablish the authority of the Government. In a word, we wish to teach that it is the paramoun duty of the Government to preserve the Union by all the means recognizea Dy civilizoa warfare Rejoicing at every triumph ot our arms, we de- sire to affiliate with those true Union men every where, who hope for, and look to the nation': sucooss in the held not to its dofeat as th surest means of securing a lasting and honorabl peace. The vote of the peoplo of Kentucky, on every oooasion and their resolutions in thoir primary assemblies, far ahead of their politicians, far in advance or their press, are to us the surest guar anty that a majority are with us. The object of this paper is to give organization to that ma jority, and to develope into politioal action the convictions which, in their hearts the peopl cherish. Also, to take full advantage of th facilities at command to furnish its patrons with the current news, ana to develope some importan features of a Daily, that have not hitherto receiv ed from the press here the prominence desirable in a mercantile oommunity. Without waiting for the new Press, Type, &o ordered, the Publisher, depending upon his pres ent rosources, not inconsiderable, ventures to an nounce the appearance of the first numbor Monday, April 18th, 1864. TERMS. To City Subscribers, payable to tho Carrior twenty cents por week. To Mail Subscribers, payable in advancd,$l 00 per month ; $5 00 for six months ; J9 00 for on year. L. A. CIVILL, 431 Main St., Louisville, Ky FISK'S METALLIC BURIAL CASES "SST'ERE introduced into this community by T T myseu aooui ion, ana a large numbor o cans attenuea wun entire satisfaction, to all con ocrnca, until iuji, wnen 1 discontinued the trade Sinco that timo Mr. A. G. Cammack has had th trade almost exclusively, and recently expressin a strong Determination to rotire from the busines: and offering very reasonable inducements. J. Wl lie Graham and myself purchased his entire stock on hand, which, together with a fine assortmen of CASES AND CASKETS, received since th purchase from him, makes our present supply vry ample. nenave also conciuuca to manufacture an keep constantly on hand a full assortment WOODEN COFFINS, of every size, price, a quality. We are also prepared to offer Bpeoial induce ments to undertakers in or out of the city, either for Cases, Caskets, Wooden Collina, and every description oiuomns trimmings, all ot wmcn we in tend to Keep and oner on reasonable terms. Individuals or families can feel assured that a orders entrusted to us, will be promptly and care tully attended to. Apply to J. It. GRAHAM & CO., Aro. 6, St. Clair St.. Frankfort Ky.. opp. P. 0. August 26, lv. Statement cf the Condition J1TNA INSURANCE COMPANY, On the 1 day of July, A. D. 1864, made to the Auauor of tlie State of AentucAry, in compliance with an act entitled, "an act to regulate Agen- cies of Foreign Insurance Companies," approved SO. March. 185B. rfHE name of the corporation is .35TNA IN- - I SURANCE COMPANY, and is looated at Hartford, Connecticut. The oapital is TWO MILLION TWO HUN DRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, and is paid up. ASSETS. Par Value. Market Val. Real Estate unincumbered, . $87;963 18 Cash on hand and in Bank, 72,022 48 Cash iu the hands of Ag'ts and in transit, 124,273 40 Hartford, P. & F. Railroad, Mortgage Bonds, 7 per ct., semi-annu- interest, 44,000 44,000 00 Michigan Central R. R. Co., M tgage Bonds, 8 per ct., semi-annu- interest, 10,000 13,00 00 Cleveland k P. A. Railroad, Mortgage Bonds, 7 pr. ct. semiannual interest, 3,500 4,025 00 Cleveland & T. Railroad (S. F.) Mortgage Bonds. 7 per cent., semi-annu- interest 25,000 29,000 00 Cleveland and Pittsburg, R. R., 3d M't. Mortgage Bond3, 7 por cent, semi- annual interest,.'. 25,800 26,500 00 Michigan, S. & N. I.R. R., (G'IMort.) M'tgage B'ds, 7 per cent., somi-annu- interest, 25,000 29,250 00 Michigan, S. N. I. R. R-- , (2d Mort.) M'tgage B'ds, 7 per cent., semi-annu- interest, 25,000 26,000 00 P. Ft. W.& C. Railroad, (2d Mort.) Mortgage Bonds, 7 per cent., semi-annu- inte at, 50,000 57,000 00 BHtTalo, Now York k Erie R. R. Second Mortgage Bonds, 7 per cent, semi- annual interest, 18,000 18,3C0 00 Hartford k N. II . R.R. Co., Mortgage Bonds, b pr ct., semi-annu- interest, 38,000 39,140 00 N. Y. Central Railroad Co., Mortgage Bonds, 6 p'r ct., semi-annu- interest, 30,000. 33,900 00 Conn. River ' Railroad Co., M'tgage Bonds, 6 per ct., semi-annu- interest, 10,000 10,600 00 Little Miami Railroad Co., M tgage Bonds, 6 per ct., semi-annu- interest, 3,000 3,240 00 N. J. R. R., k Trans. Co., M'tgage Bonds, 6 per ct., aemi-annu- interest, 50,000 52,500 00 Wayne County, Michigan, Bonds, 7 per cent, semi- annual interest 25,000 25,000 00 Rochester City Bonds, 7 pr. cent., semi-annu- int 25,000 27,500 00 Brooklyn City Bonds, (WaJ ter,) 6 por cent., semi-annu- interest, 25,000 29,250 00 Jersey City Water Bonds, tl per ct. semi-annu- int.,.. 50,000 56,000 00 Hartford City Bonds, 6 per oent., semi-annu- int.,... Jo,U00 41,420 00 Hartford City Scrip, 6 p'ret, l interest, 21,000 21,000 00 Town of Hartford Bonds, 18S3 &1888, 6 percent., annua! interest, 60,000 65,400 00 New York City Bonds, 6 pr. ct., quarterly 75,000 81,750 00 United States Coupon Bonds 18i4, 5 por cent., semi-annu- interest, 196,000 196,000 00 United States Coupon Bends 1881, 6 per cent., semi-annu- interest 182,500 191,625 00 United States Cou pon Bonds 1882, 8 perot., semi-annu- interest 109,000 172,380 00 Connecticut State Script,' 6 per cent, semi-annu- in- terest, 200,000 200,000 00 Conneotic'tState Stock, 6 pr. ct., semi-annu- interest, o0,0U0 52,500 00 R. I.' State Stock, 6 per ct., semi-annu- interest, 50,000 50,000 00 Ohio State Stock, 6 pr. oent. semi-annu- interest, 100,000 110,000 00 Ky. State Stock, 6 per ot., 8emi-anuu- intorest, 10,000 11,000 00 Michigan State Stock, 6 pr. ot., semi-annu- interest, 25,000 26,250 00 N. J. State Stock, 6 per ct., semi-annu- interest, 13.U00 15,000 00 N. Y. State Stock, 6 pr. ct., quarterly intorest, 31,000 34,720 00 Indiana Stat Stock, 2pr. i ct., semi-annu- interest, 74,U0u 60,921) OP Atlantic Dock Co., Mortg'e Bonds, 7 per cent., semi- annual intorost, 20 , 080 21,200 00 Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co., Scrip, 1863, 1864, 23,410 22,239 50 500 Shares Hartford and N. Haven R. R. Co. Stock, 50,000 110,000 00 300 Shares Conn. River R. R. Co. Stock 30,000 33,600 00 107 Shares Boston and Wor cester R. R. Co. Stock, ... 16,700 16,050 00 60 Shares Conn. River Co. Stock,,. 5,000 1,250 00 50 Shares Citizens' B'k S'k, Waterbury, Conn 5,000 5,000 00 50 Shares StaffordB'nk S'k, Stafford Springs, Conn.,. 6,000 5,000 00 51 Shares Eagle E'nk S'k, Providence, R. I., 1,800 1,800 00 200 Shares Revere B'nk S'k, Boston, Mass 20,000 21,600 00 100 Shares First National Bank S'k, Boston, Mass., 10 000 11,500 00 200 Shares B'k of the State Mo. S'k, St. Louis, Mo... 20,000 15,000 00 100 Shares Merchants Bank Stock, St. Louis, Mo 10,000 8,500 00 200 Shares Mechanics Bank Steck, St. Louis, Mo 20,000 15,000 0 400 Shares Farmers and Me chanics B'k S'k, Phil. Pa. 20,000 24,000 00 500 Shares Bank of Hartf'd Co. S'k, Hartford, Conn., 50,000 71,000 00 440 Shares Farmers & Me chanics Bank S'k, Hart- ford, Conn 44,000 53,680 00 300 Shares Phoenix B'k S'k, Hartford, Conn 30,000 35,550 00 250 Shares State B'k Stock, Hartford, Conn., 25,000 33,760 00 150 Shares Conn. Riv. B'k-in- g Co. S'k, Hartf'd, Conn. 7,500' 12,000 00 140 Shares jEtna B'k Stock, Hartford, Conn. 14,000 14,840 00 100 Shares Bank of Hart- ford County, Hartferd, Conn., 5,000 5,900 00 200 Shares City Bank 8tock, Hartford, Conn., 20,000 22,800 00 100 Shares First National Bank, Hartford, Conn.,... 10,000 12,400 00 200 Shares Nat'l Ex. Bank Stock, Hartford, Conn 10,000 11,800 00 100 Shares Charter Oak B'k Stock, Hartford, Conn 10,000 10,800 00 400 Shares Am. Ex. B'kS'k, N. Y. City 40,000 47,600 00 109 Shares B'k of Am. 8'k, N. Y. City 30,000 40,500 00 600 Shares Broadway Bank S'k, N. Y. City, 20,000 38,000 00 800 Shares Butchers & Dro vers B'k S'k, N. Y. City, 20,000 25,000 00 100 Sharo3 Hanover B'kS'k, N. Y. City 10,000 10,700 00 100 Shares City B'k Stock, N.V Citv, 10,000 15,000 00 200 Shares B'k of Cominorco Stock, N. Y.City 20,000 22,000 00 100 Shares Bank of Cbm'th Stock, N. Y. Citv, 10,000 10,500 00 300 Shares Importers and Traders BkS k,N. Y.C'y. 30,000 33,000 00 100 Shares Mercantile Bank Stock, N. Y. City, '.. 10,000 13,500 08 00 Shares Market B'k S'k, N. Y. City, 20,000 21,000 00 200 Shares Mochanics B'k Stock, N. Y. City, 30,000 34,200 00 200 Shares Merchants Ex. B'kS'k, N.Y., 10,000 10,200 00 400 Shares Metropolitan B'k Stock, &'. Y. city, 40,000 48,000 00 20 Shares Merchants Bank Stock, N. Y. City, 41,000 44,690 00 400 Shares Manhattan Co. B'k S'k, N. Y. City, 20,000 27,000 00 300 Shares Nassau B'k S'k, New York City, 30,000 31,800 00 00 Shares N orth River, B k Stock, N. Y. City, 10,000 11,000 00 00 Shares Bank of N. Y. Stock, N. Y. City, 30,000 36,000 00 200 Shares B'k North Amer ica S'k, N. Y.City, 20,000 22,400 00 200 Shares Bank of the Re public S'k, N. Y. City,... 20,000 21,000 00 400 Shares Ocedn B'k Stock, flow 1 ork City, 20,000 19,400 00 400 Shares Peoples B'k S'k, New York City 10,009 10,500 00 500 Shares Phenix B'k S'k, N. Y. Citv 10,000 11,200 00 400 Shares Union Bank S'k, IN . x. City, 20,000 24,000 00 150 Shares N. Y. L. Ins. and Trust Co. S'k, N. Y. City, 15,000 30,000 00 100 Shares U. S. Trust Co. Stock, N. Y. City, 10,000 19,000 00 Total assets of Company,... $3,401,938 66 LIABILITIES. The amount of Liabilities due or not duo to banks and other creditors, . . None. Losses adjusted and due, None. Losses adjusted and not duo, 5,478 60 Losses unadjusted, in suspense, or waiting for further proofs 122,625 02 All claims against the Company are email, lor printing, Ac. , 200 00 Total liabilities, $128,303' 52 STATE OF CONNECTICUT, 1 Haetfoed County, j Thoniai A. Alexander, President, and Lucius J. Hendee, Secretary of the ETNA INSU RANCE COMPANY, being severally sworn, de- pose and say, each for himself says, that the fore- going is, a full, true and correct statement of the affairs of the said Company, that the said Insu rance Company is the bona fde owner of-a- t least UINU xi U J DtX.i AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS of actual Cash Capital invested in Stocks and Bonds; that the above described investments, nor any part thereof, are made for the benefit of any individual exercising authority in the management of said Company, nor for any other person or persons whatever: and that they are tne aoove described olhcors ot the said ifctna Insurance Company. THUS. A. ALEXANDER, FreeideM. . LUCIUS J. HENDEE, Secretary. Subsoribed and sworn to before me, a !r a I Justice of the Peace in and for said I ' ' J County of Hartford, State of Connecticut, - this 2d day ot July, 1864. HENRY FOWLER, Justice of the Peace. No. 20, Renewal. AUDITOR'S OFFICE. ) FaiNKFORT Ky., July 2d, 1864. J This is to certify, That DR. JOHN M. MILLS, as Agent ot too .&tna Insurance Company of Hart ford Conn., at Frankfort, Franklin county, has filed in this offioe the statements and exhibits re quired by the provisions of an act, entitled "An aot to regulate Agencies of t oreign Insurance Companies," approved March 3, 1856; and it hav- ing been shown to tho satisfaction of the under- signed that said Company is possessed of an ac tual capital ot at toast one hundred and htty thousand dollars, as required by said act, the said DR. JOHN M. MILLS, as Agent as afore said, is hereby licensed and permitted to take risks and transact business of insurance at his ce in Frankfort, for the torm of one year from the date horeof. But this license may be revoked if it shall be made to appear to the un- dersigned that since the filing of th statements above referred to, the available capital of saidj company nas oeen reduced below one hundred and htty thousand dollars. In Testimony whereof, I have set mv hand the day and year above written. W. T. SAMUELS, Auditor. August8, NOTICE. THERE AVAS COMMITTED TO THE JAIL of Franklin county Kentucky, as a runaway slave, on the 27th day of July 1864, a negro girl, call ing herselt CALLlii. She 13 about 17 years old 5 feet high, weighs about 115 pounds, black color. Says sue belongs to John Holloway, or linox Til le Tennessee. . The owner can oome forward, prove property, and pay charges, or she will bo dealt with as the law requires. WM. CRAIK, J. F. C. July 28, Louis rille & Frankfort and Lexington & Frankfort Railroads mm srzm On and after Monday, Oct 17, 1SC4 XPRESS TRAIN LEAVES LOUISVILLE DAILY (except Sunday) at 6:35, A. M., stopping at all stations except Fair Grounds, Race Course, urownsboro, and JJelleview. Leaves Lexington at 2:00, P. M., and arrives at Louisville ar7:10, v. M. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN (stopping at all stations,) leaves Louisville at 3:20, P. M Leaves Frankfort at 5:00, A. M., and arrives at Louisville at 8:50, A. M. FRIEGHT TRAINS leave Louisville and Lex ington Daily (Sundays excepted.) SAM'L. GILL, Sup't. Monday. March 23. 1864 tf Louisville and Frankfort, and Lex im'toii and Frankfort Eailroads, mmmmwmmm&A and after Monday, Jan. 11, 1864, trains ON run daily (Sundays excepted) as fol lows: EXPRESS TRAIN will leave Louisville at 5:35 A. M., stopping at all stations when flagged, ex- cept Fair Grounds, Race Courso, lirownsboro and Relleview, connecting at eminence witn stage tor New Castle, at Frankfort for Lawrenceburg, and Danvillo, at Midway for Versailles, at Payne's for Georgetown, and at Lexington, via rail and stage, for Nicholasville, Danvillo, Crab Orchard, Somerset, Richmond, Alt. Sterling, and all interior towns. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave Frank- fort at 5:1)0 A. M., arrive at Louisville at 8:50, A. M., and will leave Louisville at 3:20 P M. ar- riving at Frankfort at 7.15 P. M. EXPRESS TRAIN, leaves Lexington at 2 P. M., and arrives at Louisville at 7:10 P. M. FREIGHT TRAINS leave Louisville daily (Sundays excepted) at 5:30 A. M. FREIGHT TRAINS leave Lexington daily (Sundays excepted) at 6:00 A. M. Freight is received and discharged from 7:30 A. M. to 5 P. M. Tickels fr Danvillo, llarrods-burg- , Crab Orchard, Somerset, Richmond, Mt. Sterling, Winchester, Nicholasville, Georgetown, Shelbyvillo, and other towns in the interior for sale, and all further information can lo had at the Depot in Louisville, corner of Jetferson and Brook streets. SAM DEL GILL, Jan. 9, 1864- - Superintendent COUNTING-HOUS- E CALfctfDAR FOR 1865 ol 1 3' 4 7 J'T. 1 8- 010 11 '.11 1314 Si 31 4 5 6 7 8 15 16 1? 18 Ifl .'0i2l 9 18 131415 23 27 28 24 2j!'2U 16 17il8;19 2J21'2!t 12030.311 23 24125126127;2tj29 M l 30,31 Fib S' 61 7 8 1(1 II 1 2; 3: 4 12 13 14 15 17ll8 6 7 S 9'10!ll 19 20 21 22 aa 24 25 13 14ll5 1017lh 26 27,28! 20 21 22 23 24 2 3 4 2728 2930!31 M'R 5 0 7; 9 10 11 I2'l3 14 17 18 3 4 5 0 ' 19 20 2122 24 96 Will 12 13:1411.11 IE 2G27j28:29 31 17HH fl920 2ll22i23 1 24 25126 .87188128,30 2 31 4' 5 6 7 H :10'l I2il3 14 15 S 3 4 5 6 7 n nils 19 an 21 !22 9 H Ii;l2!13ll4 23 24 25 2b 27 28i 15 n;li: lM9'2Hi21 ?0 22 23 24 25 261i M'v 1! 2! 3 5 6 293lii31 7 81 S1K1 12 13 Nov l! 8 14 1516 17 5 6 8: 9 181 2223l24 25 26 87 12:13 141 15II6I 23,29 30.31 I920 22,23 1 3 26'27 2?,29 30i 5 6 7 10 Die 12l3 14 15 16 17 3! 5 6 7' I9'20 21 29 23 24 It'1 1411314 25?6!27S8 29 30 r, I' 20,21 29130 SETTLEMENTS!! Everybody wants to make oot their bills, and everybody can lavo a vast amount of labor by having nicely THE COMMONWEALTH 0FF1CB J O IB ROOMS Turn out that class of Printing in tho highest stylo of the art, and at the VERY LOWEST PUICES." August 8, 1860. LAW BOOKS AND BLANKS, FOR SALE AT COMMONWEALTH OFFICE. BOOKS. MONROE k HARLAN'S DIGEST OF THE DE- CISIONS OF THE COUR OF APPEALS, 2 vols. Price $10 00 REVISED ST A UTE3 OF KENTUCKY, 1 vol. Price g 00 DEBATES OF THE CONVENTION, . I vol. Price $ so GUIDE TO JUSTICES, CLERKS, SHERIFFS, to., by John C. Hkrndon, 1 vol. Price $ go THE GENERAL ACTS of Session 1855-- 6, Pamphlet form. Prioe 1 00 LOUGHBOROUGH'S DIGEST OF THE STAT- UTES, 1 vol. Price J ot BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. We are prepared to execute ill kinds ef Book, Pamphlet, ari Job Work, In the neatest and beat style, on short notice, and aa low as any office will do simi.Iai' work. LAWYER'S BRIEFS Printed is the very best and neatest manner, and on moderate terms. 1 BLANKS. . Clerku, Sheriffs, and all other kinds of Blanks, printed on short notice and mo dor ate terms.. NOTICE. , THERE WAS COMMITTED TO THE JAIL of Franklin oounty, on the 27th day of July, 1864, aa a runaway slave, a negro woman calling her self MABTHA. Says that she belongs to Tho. Carter, of Knoxville, Tennessee. Said negro woman is about 24 y ears of age, of a eopper color, weighs about 175 pounds, about 5 feet six inches high, and was arrested in Franklin county, Ken- tucky. The owner can oome forward, prove proper- ty, and pay charges, or she will be dealt with as the law requires. WILLIAM CRAIK, J. F. C. July 28, STATE OF KENTUCKY, 1 Fbakklim Codntt, j FTIAKEN UP, as a STRAY, by Harris Harrod, X. liviug in said county, on the Harvie Mill road, three miles east of Jacksonville, and the same distance from Pleasant Ridge meeting house, ONE DARK BROWN HORSE, sixteen hands high, four years old this spring, shoe on the right fore foot, small white spot on the right fore shoulder, with saddle, blanket and bridle on, when taken up. Appraised by me to Qne Hun- dred vnd Twenty-fiv- e Dollars, this 13th day of June, 1864. LLOYD HACKETT, J. P. F. C. July 27, Kentucky Central Railroad! WINTER ARRANGEMENT, 1363-- riHE most direot route from tho interior of Ken- -' I tuoky, to all Eastern, Northern, and North- western Cities and Towns. But one 'change of , car TWO PASSENGER TRAINS Loave Lexington, daily, (Sundays excepted) at 5:35 a. u. and 1:10 p. u. Leave Covington, daily, (Sundays excepted) at 6 a. u. and 2 r. u. ONE, PASSENGER TRAIN Leaves Lexington for Nioholasrille, daily, (Sundays excepted) at 11:05 a. m. Leaves Nicholasville .for Lexington, daily, (Sundays excopted) at 12:20 r. u. Passengers can leave by th afternoon Train, and arrive at Pittsburg, Cleveland, Chicago, or St. Louis, early the next morning. LEAVE ARBIVI Nicholasville. 12:20 r. v. Covington ....6:00 r. u. Lexington 1:10 p. u. Chicago 9:00 A. u. Cincinnati 7:00 p. m. St. Louis 10:46 A. u. And at Cinoinnati, make connection with th Eastern Express Train at 10 p. u., having time for Supper at Cinoinnati. 1 The Morning Train arrives at Covington at 10:40, giving time for business in Cincinnati, and taking tho 2:00 p. M. Train on tho I. & C. R. R. for Indianapolis, Lafayette, Chicago, Springfield Bloomington, Quinoy, Keokuk, St. Joseph , an4 Leavenworth. Baggage oheoked throuhl Sleep- ing Cars by Night Trains! For through tickets, apply at the offices of the Company at Nicholavill,Lexington,and Paris. A. U. RANSOM, Nov. 30, 1863-t- f Oen'l Ticket Agent 1 J 1

Transcript of The Frankfort commonwealth. (Frankfort, KY) 1865-01-13 [p...

Page 1: The Frankfort commonwealth. (Frankfort, KY) 1865-01-13 [p ] · r G. W. C HADDOCK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, FRANKFORT, KY. OFFICE on St. Clair Streot,



FRANKFORT, KY.on St. Clair Streot, next door iouth

OFFICE Branch Bank of Kentucky.Will practice law in all the Courts holden in the

oity of Frankfort, and in the Circuit Courts of thedjoining counties. April 7, 1862-t- f.


' FRANKFORT, Lewis B. Crutcher's, opposite the

OFFICE of the State.Will be in Frankfort the second and third

week of each month.May 13th, 1863-t- f.



ATTORNEYS AT LAW.OFFICE Wejt Side Scott St. bet. Third& Fourth


gOVINQTON, KENTUCKY.February 22, 1860-t- f.


GALLATIN, MO.B JRACTICE3 in the Circuit and other Courts of

Davioss, and the Cirouit Courts of the ad-

joining counties.fcj- j- Offioe up stairs in the Gallatin Sun Office.

May 6, 1857-t- f.



IJRACTICES Law in the Court 'of Appeals,JL Federal Court, and Franklin Circuit Court.

Any business confided to him Shall be faithfully Aand promptly attended to. His office is on St.Clair street, near the .Branch Bank of Kentuoky,where he may gonorally bo found.

Frankfort, Jan. 12, 1859-t- f.




associated with them Sami.'kl B. Smith,HAVE late firm of Bullitt & Smith, in thepractice of the law, under the firm of SPEED,BARRET k SMITH, and will attend the Courtof Appeals, Federal Court at Louisville, and all theCourts held in Louisville Jan. 17, '62--ly



Attornevs at Law,FRANKFORT, ICY.

practice law in the Court of Appeals,WILL the Federal courts holdnn in Frankfort,Louisville, and Covington, and in the CircuitCourts of Franklin, Woodford, Shelby, Henry,Anderson, Owen, Mercer, and Soott.

l5,Speoial attention given to the collection ofolaims. They will, in all oases where it ia desir-

ed, attend to the unsettled law business of JamesHarlan, dee'd. Correspondence in reference tothat business is requested.

March 16. 186?. tf.



ATTORNEYS AT LAW.'"W7"ILL practico in the Court of Appeals and'f T Federal Courts held in Kentucky.

SSTOSVooin MANSION HOUSE, nearlyCommonwealth Printing Office. '

E. L. d J. S. VAN WINKLEWill praotic in the Franklin, Anderson, Boyle,and adjacent Circuit Courts.

Offices Fbahkfobt and Daxti'lli.Sept. 14, 1863-b- y.


Ojfi-- and residence on Main between St. Clctir andLexcie Street.

FRANKFORT, KY.4 LL operations for the Extraction, Insertion,

J Regulation, and Preservation of the Teethperiormed iu a scientilio and satisfactory manner.

He would ask the particular attention of thosewanting artificial Teeth to his own improvementupon tho Gold Rimmed Plate, which, for oleanliness, durability, and neatness, cannot be excolled.

J0f Speoimens of all kinds of plate work mnybe seen at his office.

Frankfort, April 22, 1863-l-

Kentucky River Coal.XHAVE just reooived a fresh supply of tho

KENTUCKY RIVER COAL ; also alarge lot of CANNEL, Pittsburg, Youghioghony,and Pomeroy, which 1 wilt sell at tho lowestmarket price. All orders will be promptly filledlor any point on the railroad or city, by applyin--true by mail, or at my Coal Yard in Frankfort.

feb2 twtf. S. BLACK.



MERCHANT TAILORSWOULD respectfully inform the citizens of

and vicinity that they haveopened a select stock of spring poods for Gentlemen s wear, which they will sell low for cash.

They will carry on the Tailoring business in allits branches, and will warrant their work to givesatisfaction, both aa to its execution and theohargea made for it. Terms caah.

busine39 room is under MetropolitanHall, and next door to the Postoflice.

August 3, 1863-t- f.

Proclamation by the Governor.$300 REWARD.

Commonwealth op Kentukt,Executive Department. J

it has been made known tomeWHEREAS, TANNER was committed tothe Garrard county jail, for tho allogod murderot his wito, two children and aistor-in-la- andfor arson; he mado his e3cape from jail on tho 15thJuly, 180-1- and is now a fugitive and going ntlarge.

Now, thcrofore, I THOS. E. BRAMLETTE,(Governor ot the Commonwealth aforesaid, dohereby offer a reward of THREE HUNDREDDOLLARS lor tho apprehension of thesaid John Tanner, and his delivery to the Jailor ofGarraed county, within one year Irom the datehereof. -

, , IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,have hereunto set my hand and caused

L. S. the seal of tho Commonwealth to beaffiled. Done at Frankfort this 22d

- , ' day of July, A. D., 1861, and in the73d year of the Commonwealth.

THOS. E. BRAMLETTE.By the Governor:

E. L. Van Winkle, Secretary of State.By Jas. R. Page, Assistant Secretary.

DESCRIPTION.Ue is about 35 or 40 years old, 5 feet C

inches high, dark hair, rather sallow complexion, weighs about 135 pounds, has a stoppage orstammering in his speech, articulates impertectlyand in the habit ot repeating tne last word

f every sentence. At first the impression i

made that he is simple minded or polish.July 24,

NOTICE.was committed to the jail of Garrard

THERE a runaway slave calling himsollnARLAND, who says he bolongs to Clayton Car-

ter, of Lincoln county. Said boy is of coppercolor, weighs about ISO pounds, about 30 or 35

years of ago.Tho owner can come forward, prove property,

and pay charges, or ho will be dealt with a3 thelaw ronnirps.


June 27.1304 -- 336-lm.

COMMISSIONER'S SALE.The Falmouth Bridge Co., Plaintiffs,

against In Equity.Thos. S. Oldham and others, Defts

N nitrsiinncn to an order of the Pondletonj Circuit Court, rendered at its April term, 1864, 1

will, as Commissioner, appointed in this cause, offerfor sale, at Public Auction, on the 1st Monday inAugust noxt, it being County Court day, on creditsof 6. 12. 18 and 24 months, at the Court Housedoor in the town of Falmouth. Ky., the Wire Suspension Bridge over main Licking river at saidDlace. with all its aDDurtenances, privileges, franchise, stooks, real estate and personal effects. Thepurchaser will be required to execute bands withgood seounty, bearing interest irom aaie.

C.A. WANDELOHR, Commissioner.Falmouth. June 27, 1864336 6tw3w.

TATE OF KENTUCKY, S3.Fbankxin Count? Court, July Term, 1864.

John W. Sanders, Plaintiff,against

William Sanders, Lotitia Sanders,Henry Sanders, AlcxanderSan-ders- ,

and Tilman Sanders, hpirs law of William Sanders, Sr.,deceased.THIS day Plaintifffiled his petition for i divis- -

I ion of lands which belonged to William Sanders. Sr., deceased, at his death, and showed thatAlexander Sanders and Tilman Sanders, two oftho defendants, are ts of Kentucky.It is ordered that notice of the aforesaid applica-tion bo published in the newspaper called theCommonwealth, published at Frankfort, Ken-

tucky, for three weeks consecutively, giving saidnotice of caid application, that

they may appear thereto.Thos. N. Lisdset, Attorney for Plaintiff.copy attest: A. H. RENNICK, Clerk C. CJuly 20, 1864 346 tw&w3w.

NEW ENGLANDFire & Marine Insurance Comp'y


Sffi'Businest Confined To Fir InsuranceExclusively. 538

Chartered Capital, $500,000.

Losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid.

GEO. W. GWIN, Agent.Frankfort April 13, 1863-b-



ANTI-CHOLER- MIXTURE!!T3 a composition of astringents, absorbents, stimJ ulants and carminatives, which every physioianacknowledges is the only preparation that willeheot a permanent euro ot Diarrhoea and Dysentery. This Anti-cnoio- mixture is now in use inseveral of our army hospitals where it gives the

reatest satisfaction. It has saved the lives ofthousands of our soldiers and citizens, and wewill guarantee it to be the best romedy in theworld for Diarrhoea and Dysentery.

Mr. Woods, of Covington, Ky., will bo mosthappy to satisfy any one as to the virtue ofStriokland's a Mixture; in faot wehave a great number of testimonials from patientswho have been cured after being pronounoed incurable by their physicians, some after takingonly one bottle of Strickland's Anti-Cholo- ra

Mixture. If you suitor with Diarrhoea and Dysentery try one bottle,

SOLDIERS!You ought not to be without such a valuable

medicine. The Cincinnati National ' Union , ofApril 24th, says : that thousands of our soldiershave been saved by the use of Striokland's Anti-Chole-

Mixture. For sale by Druggists at 58per bottle.

"May 25, r

FAMILY DYE COLORS.Patented October 13, 1SG3.

Black , Dark Qreen,Black for Site, Light OrtenDark Blue, MagentaLight Blue MansFrench Blue MaroonClaret Brown, OrangeDark Brown, PinkLight Brown, PurpleSnuff Brown Royal Purpls,Cherry SalmonCrimson ScarletDark Drab SlateLight Drab, Solferint,Favn Drab ViolnLight Drab Yellow.

For Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed GoodsShawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bon-

nets, Hats, Feathers, Kid Gloves, Chil-dren- s'

Clothing, and all kinds ofWearing Apparel.

SAVING OF So FEB CENT.yFor 25 cents you can color as many Ljroods as

would otherwise cost live times that gum. Vanous shades can be produced from the same dyeThe process is simple, and any one can use thdye with perfect success. Directions in Englishtrench, and uerman, inside ot each package.

x or lurcher information in Dyeing, and givinga pertect knowledge what colors are best adapte1to dye ovpt others, (with many valuable recipes,)purchase liowedi btevens' Treatise on Dyeing anColoring. Sent by mail on receipt of price 10cents. Manufactured .by

HOWE & STEVENS,260 Broadway . Boston.

For sale by druggists and dealers generally.Nov. 25, 1863 wly.


Franklin county jail, as a runaway slave, onthe 27th of July 1804, a negro woman callingherself MART. She is 23 years old, coppercolor, 5 feet 6 inches high, and weighs about 130pounds. Says she belongs to Mrs. Mary Smith,of St. Louis county, Missouri.

The owner can como forward, prove property, and pay charges, or she will bo doalt with

the law requires.WILLIAM CRAIK, J. F. C.

July 28,

CITY BARBER, FRANKFORTRooms under Commonwealth Office.

TF you want your Hair Trimmed, Faco ShavedB or your Head Shampooned, go to


1 HM.

COLORING.GENTLEMEN can have their Whiskors.Goatee,

colored in tho higheststyle ot tho art, by calling at


NOTICE.was committed to the jail of Bracken

THERE on the 27th Junes, asarunaway slave,a negro man who cans mmseit daini,Ij. bayshe bolongs to one Walker Thornton, of Harrisoncounty, Kentucky. Said ne;ro man is about45 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, black complexion, weighs aoout iid pounds. lie was arrost-e- d

in Bracken county, Kentucky.The owner can come forward, prove property ,

and pay charges, or he will be dealt with as theaw requires.

fll. MAK.S11 Abb, J. IS. U.July 15, 1864-l- m 344.

A. C. KEEN05TS BOOK BINDERYA. C. KEENON informshis friends and customers,that he still continues theBook Binding business, inall its branches, at his oldstand, over Major's Book

Store, on Main etreet, and will give his wholeattention to its management, xie rcspecttuiiysolioits a continuance of the patronage heretoforeextended to the establishment.

be furnished with RECORDBOOKS ruled to any patern, and of the very bestquality of paper.

ttrBLANK BOOKS of every description,manulactured at short notice, to oraer, on reasonable terms.

Frankfort. Mama 23, 1863-t- f.


NATIONAL UNIONIST.undersigned having purchased theTHE ka.. of the office known as the States

man ottioc, propose to puoiisn in me cuy oiLexington, KontucKy,


Devoted to Maintaining the Government in

Putting Down the Rebellion. .

It is unnecessary for us to issue a lengthy prospectus. Suffice it to say that our paper will De

an uncompromising Union paper, and an arden)adrocato of the best interests of the Governmentof tho United States, and of Kentucky ; and wewill spare no pains to make it worthy of the confidence and patronage of every truly loyal person.

The latest news pertaining to me vv ar, iivuGovernment, Agriculture, and a General Reviewof the Markets o Agricultural l'roducts, Grocer-

ies and Family Supplies, will bo found in eachissue. '

The cublication will be oommenced in as shorttime as the necessary preparation can be made.Persons obtaining ten subscribers ana sending

us the money, will be entitled to one copy gram

Terms Semi-weekl- per year, in advance, $4 00

Weekly, per year, in advance $2 00

Considering the high price of paper and othermatonals, the price ot tho paper is low, ana we

hope to receive a largo subscription list. Willfriends of the cause exert themselves to aid us?

Address : GEO. W. k JOS. B. LEWIS,Lexington Kentucky.

March 28, 1864.



To Represent and Advocate the views of Uncondtltonal Union Men.

TTROM the inception of tho rebellion, the gen- -

I uine Union sentiment of the State of Kentucky has found but little expression, either inthe addresses of the prominent politicians or inthe press. This state of things, at all times asourco of murmuring, though somewhat allovia- -tod by the partial supply of loyal journals froother States, has at last ripened into dissatisfaction and a positive demnnd tor such a newspaper.

Demanding that tho rebellion shall be suppressed, we would have all tho means necessary tosuppress it chcertully supplied. Regarding unityas essential to speedy success, we would enforceit as the duty of every citizen to give to thosewho administer the Government whilst the warcontinues sympathy and support. Believingthe rebellion to bo not only without palliationor excuse, but a crime we would have it taughtthat those who have inaugurated and prosecuted it should wholly bear tho responsibility otits guilt. Reoognmng the rebellion as giganticin its proportions, wo woul have the difficulty ofgrappling with it lully realized.

in so wide a neia where tne instruments employed must bo varied, errors of judgment areunavoidable. Wo would not therefore, judgoharshly of the means employod, whilst weseethoy are suggested by- - a sincere desire to re-e- s

tablish the authority of the Government. In aword, we wish to teach that it is the paramounduty of the Government to preserve the Unionby all the means recognizea Dy civilizoa warfareRejoicing at every triumph ot our arms, we de-

sire to affiliate with those true Union men everywhere, who hope for, and look to the nation':sucooss in the held not to its dofeat as thsurest means of securing a lasting and honorablpeace.

The vote of the peoplo of Kentucky, on everyoooasion and their resolutions in thoir primaryassemblies, far ahead of their politicians, far inadvance or their press, are to us the surest guaranty that a majority are with us. The objectof this paper is to give organization to that majority, and to develope into politioal actionthe convictions which, in their hearts the peoplcherish. Also, to take full advantage of thfacilities at command to furnish its patrons withthe current news, ana to develope some importanfeatures of a Daily, that have not hitherto received from the press here the prominence desirablein a mercantile oommunity.

Without waiting for the new Press, Type, &oordered, the Publisher, depending upon his present rosources, not inconsiderable, ventures to announce the appearance of the first numborMonday, April 18th, 1864.

TERMS.To City Subscribers, payable to tho Carrior

twenty cents por week.To Mail Subscribers, payable in advancd,$l 00

per month ; $5 00 for six months ; J9 00 for onyear.

L. A. CIVILL,431 Main St., Louisville, Ky

FISK'S METALLIC BURIAL CASES"SST'ERE introduced into this community by

T T myseu aooui ion, ana a large numbor ocans attenuea wun entire satisfaction, to all conocrnca, until iuji, wnen 1 discontinued the tradeSinco that timo Mr. A. G. Cammack has had thtrade almost exclusively, and recently expressina strong Determination to rotire from the busines:and offering very reasonable inducements. J. Wllie Graham and myself purchased his entire stockon hand, which, together with a fine assortmenof CASES AND CASKETS, received since thpurchase from him, makes our present supplyvry ample.

nenave also conciuuca to manufacture ankeep constantly on hand a full assortmentWOODEN COFFINS, of every size, price, a

quality.We are also prepared to offer Bpeoial induce

ments to undertakers in or out of the city, eitherfor Cases, Caskets, Wooden Collina, and everydescription oiuomns trimmings, all ot wmcn we intend to Keep and oner on reasonable terms.

Individuals or families can feel assured that aorders entrusted to us, will be promptly and caretully attended to. Apply to

J. It. GRAHAM & CO.,Aro. 6, St. Clair St.. Frankfort Ky.. opp. P. 0.

August 26, lv.

Statement cf the Condition


On the 1 day of July, A. D. 1864, made to the

Auauor of tlie State of AentucAry, in compliancewith an act entitled, "an act to regulate Agen-cies of Foreign Insurance Companies," approvedSO. March. 185B.

rfHE name of the corporation is .35TNA IN- -

I SURANCE COMPANY, and is looated atHartford, Connecticut.


ASSETS.Par Value. Market Val.

Real Estate unincumbered, . $87;963 18Cash on hand and in Bank, 72,022 48Cash iu the hands of Ag'ts

and in transit, 124,273 40

Hartford, P. & F. Railroad,Mortgage Bonds, 7 per ct.,semi-annu- interest, 44,000 44,000 00

Michigan Central R. R. Co.,M tgage Bonds, 8 per ct.,semi-annu- interest, 10,000 13,00 00

Cleveland k P. A. Railroad,Mortgage Bonds, 7 pr. ct.semiannual interest, 3,500 4,025 00

Cleveland & T. Railroad(S. F.) Mortgage Bonds.7 per cent., semi-annu-

interest 25,000 29,000 00Cleveland and Pittsburg,

R. R., 3d M't. MortgageBond3, 7 por cent, semi-annual interest,.'. 25,800 26,500 00

Michigan, S. & N. I.R. R.,(G'IMort.) M'tgage B'ds,7 per cent., somi-annu-

interest, 25,000 29,250 00Michigan, S. N. I. R. R-- ,

(2d Mort.) M'tgage B'ds,7 per cent., semi-annu-

interest, 25,000 26,000 00

P. Ft. W.& C. Railroad, (2dMort.) Mortgage Bonds,7 per cent., semi-annu-

inte at, 50,000 57,000 00BHtTalo, Now York k Erie

R. R. Second MortgageBonds, 7 per cent, semi-annual interest, 18,000 18,3C0 00

Hartford k N. II . R.R. Co.,Mortgage Bonds, b p r ct.,semi-annu- interest, 38,000 39,140 00

N. Y. Central Railroad Co.,Mortgage Bonds, 6 p'r ct.,semi-annu- interest, 30,000. 33,900 00

Conn. River ' Railroad Co.,M'tgage Bonds, 6 per ct.,semi-annu- interest, 10,000 10,600 00

Little Miami Railroad Co.,M tgage Bonds, 6 per ct.,semi-annu- interest, 3,000 3,240 00

N. J. R. R., k Trans. Co.,M'tgage Bonds, 6 per ct.,aemi-annu- interest, 50,000 52,500 00

Wayne County, Michigan,Bonds, 7 per cent, semi-annual interest 25,000 25,000 00

Rochester City Bonds, 7 pr.cent., semi-annu- int 25,000 27,500 00

Brooklyn City Bonds, (WaJter,) 6 por cent., semi-annu-

interest, 25,000 29,250 00Jersey City Water Bonds, tl

per ct. semi-annu- int.,.. 50,000 56,000 00Hartford City Bonds, 6 per

oent., semi-annu- int.,... Jo,U00 41,420 00

Hartford City Scrip, 6 p'ret,l interest, 21,000 21,000 00

Town of Hartford Bonds,18S3 &1888, 6 percent.,

annua! interest, 60,000 65,400 00New York City Bonds, 6 pr.

ct., quarterly 75,000 81,750 00

United States Coupon Bonds18i4, 5 por cent., semi-annu-

interest, 196,000 196,000 00

United States Coupon Bends1881, 6 per cent., semi-annu-

interest 182,500 191,625 00

United States Coupon Bonds 1882, 8 perot.,semi-annu- interest 109,000 172,380 00

Connecticut State Script,' 6

per cent, semi-annu- in-

terest, 200,000 200,000 00

Conneotic'tState Stock, 6 pr.ct., semi-annu- interest, o0,0U0 52,500 00

R. I.' State Stock, 6 perct., semi-annu- interest, 50,000 50,000 00

Ohio State Stock, 6 pr. oent.semi-annu- interest, 100,000 110,000 00

Ky. State Stock, 6 per ot.,8emi-anuu- intorest, 10,000 11,000 00

Michigan State Stock, 6 pr.ot., semi-annu- interest, 25,000 26,250 00

N. J. State Stock, 6 per ct.,semi-annu- interest, 13.U00 15,000 00

N. Y. State Stock, 6 pr. ct.,quarterly intorest, 31,000 34,720 00

Indiana Stat Stock, 2pr.i ct., semi-annu- interest, 74,U0u 60,921) OP

Atlantic Dock Co., Mortg'eBonds, 7 per cent., semi-annual intorost, 20 , 080 21,200 00

Atlantic Mutual InsuranceCo., Scrip, 1863, 1864, 23,410 22,239 50

500 Shares Hartford and N.Haven R. R. Co. Stock, 50,000 110,000 00

300 Shares Conn. River R.R. Co. Stock 30,000 33,600 00

107 Shares Boston and Worcester R. R. Co. Stock, ... 16,700 16,050 00

60 Shares Conn. River Co.Stock,,. 5,000 1,250 00

50 Shares Citizens' B'k S'k,Waterbury, Conn 5,000 5,000 00

50 Shares StaffordB'nk S'k,Stafford Springs, Conn.,. 6,000 5,000 00

51 Shares Eagle E'nk S'k,Providence, R. I., 1,800 1,800 00

200 Shares Revere B'nk S'k,Boston, Mass 20,000 21,600 00

100 Shares First NationalBank S'k, Boston, Mass., 10 000 11,500 00

200 Shares B'k of the StateMo. S'k, St. Louis, Mo... 20,000 15,000 00

100 Shares Merchants BankStock, St. Louis, Mo 10,000 8,500 00

200 Shares Mechanics BankSteck, St. Louis, Mo 20,000 15,000 0

400 Shares Farmers and Mechanics B'k S'k, Phil. Pa. 20,000 24,000 00

500 Shares Bank of Hartf'dCo. S'k, Hartford, Conn., 50,000 71,000 00

440 Shares Farmers & Mechanics Bank S'k, Hart-ford, Conn 44,000 53,680 00

300 Shares Phoenix B'k S'k,Hartford, Conn 30,000 35,550 00

250 Shares State B'k Stock,Hartford, Conn., 25,000 33,760 00

150 Shares Conn. Riv. B'k-in- g

Co. S'k, Hartf'd, Conn. 7,500' 12,000 00140 Shares jEtna B'k Stock,

Hartford, Conn. 14,000 14,840 00100 Shares Bank of Hart-

ford County, Hartferd,Conn., 5,000 5,900 00

200 Shares City Bank 8tock,Hartford, Conn., 20,000 22,800 00

100 Shares First NationalBank, Hartford, Conn.,... 10,000 12,400 00

200 Shares Nat'l Ex. BankStock, Hartford, Conn 10,000 11,800 00

100 Shares Charter Oak B'kStock, Hartford, Conn 10,000 10,800 00

400 Shares Am. Ex. B'kS'k,N. Y. City 40,000 47,600 00

109 Shares B'k of Am. 8'k,N. Y. City 30,000 40,500 00

600 Shares Broadway BankS'k, N. Y. City, 20,000 38,000 00

800 Shares Butchers & Drovers B'k S'k, N. Y. City, 20,000 25,000 00

100 Sharo3 Hanover B'kS'k,N. Y. City 10,000 10,700 00

100 Shares City B'k Stock,N.V Citv, 10,000 15,000 00

200 Shares B'k of CominorcoStock, N. Y.City 20,000 22,000 00

100 Shares Bank of Cbm'thStock, N. Y. Citv, 10,000 10,500 00

300 Shares Importers andTraders BkS k,N. Y.C'y. 30,000 33,000 00

100 Shares Mercantile BankStock, N. Y. City, '.. 10,000 13,500 08

00 Shares Market B'k S'k,N. Y. City, 20,000 21,000 00

200 Shares Mochanics B'kStock, N. Y. City, 30,000 34,200 00

200 Shares Merchants Ex.B'kS'k, N.Y., 10,000 10,200 00

400 Shares Metropolitan B'kStock, &'. Y. city, 40,000 48,000 00

20 Shares Merchants BankStock, N. Y. City, 41,000 44,690 00

400 Shares Manhattan Co.B'k S'k, N. Y. City, 20,000 27,000 00

300 Shares Nassau B'k S'k,New York City, 30,000 31,800 00

00 Shares N orth River, B kStock, N. Y. City, 10,000 11,000 00

00 Shares Bank of N. Y.Stock, N. Y. City, 30,000 36,000 00

200 Shares B'k North America S'k, N. Y.City, 20,000 22,400 00

200 Shares Bank of the Republic S'k, N. Y. City,... 20,000 21,000 00

400 Shares Ocedn B'k Stock,flow 1 ork City, 20,000 19,400 00

400 Shares Peoples B'k S'k,New York City 10,009 10,500 00

500 Shares Phenix B'k S'k,N. Y. Citv 10,000 11,200 00

400 Shares Union Bank S'k,IN . x . City, 20,000 24,000 00

150 Shares N. Y. L. Ins. andTrust Co. S'k, N. Y. City, 15,000 30,000 00

100 Shares U. S. Trust Co.Stock, N. Y. City, 10,000 19,000 00

Total assets of Company,... $3,401,938 66

LIABILITIES.The amount of Liabilities due or not

duo to banks and other creditors, . . None.Losses adjusted and due, None.Losses adjusted and not duo, 5,478 60Losses unadjusted, in suspense, or

waiting for further proofs 122,625 02All claims against the Company are

email, lor printing, Ac. , 200 00

Total liabilities, $128,303' 52


Haetfoed County, jThoniai A. Alexander, President, and Lucius

J. Hendee, Secretary of the ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, being severally sworn, de-

pose and say, each for himself says, that the fore-going is, a full, true and correct statement of theaffairs of the said Company, that the said Insurance Company is the bona fde owner of-a- t leastUINU xi U J DtX.i AND FIFTY THOUSANDDOLLARS of actual Cash Capital invested inStocks and Bonds; that the above describedinvestments, nor any part thereof, are made forthe benefit of any individual exercising authorityin the management of said Company, nor for anyother person or persons whatever: and that theyare tne aoove described olhcors ot the said ifctnaInsurance Company.


Subsoribed and sworn to before me, a!r a I Justice of the Peace in and for saidI ' ' J County of Hartford, State of Connecticut,

- this 2d day ot July, 1864.HENRY FOWLER, Justice of the Peace.

No. 20, Renewal.


FaiNKFORT Ky., July 2d, 1864. JThis is to certify, That DR. JOHN M. MILLS,

as Agent ot too .&tna Insurance Company of Hartford Conn., at Frankfort, Franklin county, hasfiled in this offioe the statements and exhibits required by the provisions of an act, entitled "Anaot to regulate Agencies of t oreign InsuranceCompanies," approved March 3, 1856; and it hav-ing been shown to tho satisfaction of the under-signed that said Company is possessed of an actual capital ot at toast one hundred and httythousand dollars, as required by said act, thesaid DR. JOHN M. MILLS, as Agent as aforesaid, is hereby licensed and permitted to takerisks and transact business of insurance at his

ce in Frankfort, for the torm of one yearfrom the date horeof. But this license may berevoked if it shall be made to appear to the un-

dersigned that since the filing of th statementsabove referred to, the available capital of saidjcompany nas oeen reduced below one hundredand htty thousand dollars.

In Testimony whereof, I have set mv hand theday and year above written.

W. T. SAMUELS, Auditor.August8,


of Franklin county Kentucky, as a runaway slave,on the 27th day of July 1864, a negro girl, calling herselt CALLlii. She 13 about 17 years old5 feet high, weighs about 115 pounds, black color.Says sue belongs to John Holloway, or linoxTil le Tennessee. .

The owner can oome forward, prove property,and pay charges, or she will bo dealt with as thelaw requires.


July 28,

Louis rille & Frankfort and Lexington& Frankfort Railroads

mm srzm

On and after Monday, Oct 17, 1SC4XPRESS TRAIN LEAVES LOUISVILLEDAILY (except Sunday) at 6:35, A. M.,

stopping at all stations except Fair Grounds,Race Course, urownsboro, and JJelleview.Leaves Lexington at 2:00, P. M., and arrivesat Louisville ar7:10, v. M.

ACCOMMODATION TRAIN (stopping at allstations,) leaves Louisville at 3:20, P. MLeaves Frankfort at 5:00, A. M., and arrivesat Louisville at 8:50, A. M.

FRIEGHT TRAINS leave Louisville and Lexington Daily (Sundays excepted.)

SAM'L. GILL, Sup't.Monday. March 23. 1864 tf

Louisville and Frankfort, and Lexim'toii and Frankfort Eailroads,

mmmmwmmm&Aand after Monday, Jan. 11, 1864, trainsON run daily (Sundays excepted) as fol

lows:EXPRESS TRAIN will leave Louisville at 5:35

A. M., stopping at all stations when flagged, ex-

cept Fair Grounds, Race Courso, lirownsboro andRelleview, connecting at eminence witn stage torNew Castle, at Frankfort for Lawrenceburg,

and Danvillo, at Midway for Versailles,at Payne's for Georgetown, and at Lexington, viarail and stage, for Nicholasville, Danvillo, CrabOrchard, Somerset, Richmond, Alt. Sterling, andall interior towns.

ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave Frank-fort at 5:1)0 A. M., arrive at Louisville at 8:50, A.M., and will leave Louisville at 3:20 P M. ar-

riving at Frankfort at 7.15 P. M.EXPRESS TRAIN, leaves Lexington at 2 P.

M., and arrives at Louisville at 7:10 P. M.FREIGHT TRAINS leave Louisville daily

(Sundays excepted) at 5:30 A. M.FREIGHT TRAINS leave Lexington daily

(Sundays excepted) at 6:00 A. M.Freight is received and discharged from 7:30 A.

M. to 5 P. M.Tickels fr Danvillo, llarrods-burg- ,

Crab Orchard, Somerset, Richmond, Mt.Sterling, Winchester, Nicholasville, Georgetown,Shelbyvillo, and other towns in the interior forsale, and all further information can lo had at theDepot in Louisville, corner of Jetferson and Brookstreets. SAM DEL GILL,

Jan. 9, 1864- - Superintendent



ol1 3' 4 7 J'T. 18- 010 11 '.11 1314 Si 31 4 5 6 7 815 16 1? 18 Ifl .'0i2l 9 18 131415

23 27 2824 2j!'2U 16 17il8;19 2J21'2!t12030.311 23 24125126127;2tj29

M l 30,31Fib S' 61 7 8 1(1 II 1 2; 3: 4

12 13 14 15 17ll86 7 S 9'10!ll

19 20 21 22 aa 24 25 13 14ll5 1017lh26 27,28! 20 21 22 23 242 3 4 2728 2930!31

M'R 5 0 7; 9 10 11

I2'l3 14 17 18 3 4 5 0 '19 20 2122 24 96 Will 12 13:1411.11 IE2G27j28:29 31 17HH fl920 2ll22i23

124 25126 .87188128,30

2 31 4' 5 6 7 H

:10'l I2il3 14 15 S 3 4 5 6 7n nils 19 an 21 !22 9 H Ii;l2!13ll423 24 25 2b 27 28i 15 n;li: lM9'2Hi21?0 22 23 24 25 261i

M'v 1! 2! 3 5 6 293lii317 81 S1K1 12 13 Nov l! 8

14 1516 17 5 6 8: 9181 2223l24 25 26 87 12:13 141 15II6I23,29 30.31 I920 22,23

1 3 26'27 2?,29 30i5 6 7 10 Die

12l3 14 15 16 17 3! 5 6 7'I9'20 21 29 23 24 It'1 1411314

25?6!27S8 29 30 r, I' 20,2129130

SETTLEMENTS!!Everybody wants to make oot their bills, and

everybody can lavo a vast amount of labor byhaving nicely



J O IB ROOMSTurn out that class of Printing in tho highest styloof the art, and at the


August 8, 1860.








to., by John C. Hkrndon,1 vol. Price $ go

THE GENERAL ACTS of Session 1855-- 6,


UTES,1 vol. Price J ot

BOOK AND JOB PRINTING.We are prepared to execute ill kinds ef

Book, Pamphlet, ari Job Work,

In the neatest and beat style, on short notice, andaa low as any office will do simi.Iai' work.

LAWYER'S BRIEFSPrinted is the very best and neatest manner, andon moderate terms. 1


Clerku, Sheriffs, and all other kinds of Blanks,printed on short notice and mo dorate terms..


THERE WAS COMMITTED TO THE JAILof Franklin oounty, on the 27th day of July, 1864,aa a runaway slave, a negro woman calling herself MABTHA. Says that she belongs to Tho.Carter, of Knoxville, Tennessee. Said negrowoman is about 24 y ears of age, of a eopper color,weighs about 175 pounds, about 5 feet six incheshigh, and was arrested in Franklin county, Ken-tucky.

The owner can oome forward, prove proper-ty, and pay charges, or she will be dealt withas the law requires.



Fbakklim Codntt, j

FTIAKEN UP, as a STRAY, by Harris Harrod,X. liviug in said county, on the Harvie Mill

road, three miles east of Jacksonville, and thesame distance from Pleasant Ridge meeting house,ONE DARK BROWN HORSE, sixteen handshigh, four years old this spring, shoe on the rightfore foot, small white spot on the right foreshoulder, with saddle, blanket and bridle on,when taken up. Appraised by me to Qne Hun-dred vnd Twenty-fiv- e Dollars, this 13th day ofJune, 1864.

LLOYD HACKETT, J. P. F. C.July 27,

Kentucky Central Railroad!WINTER ARRANGEMENT, 1363--

riHE most direot route from tho interior of Ken- -'

I tuoky, to all Eastern, Northern, and North-western Cities and Towns. But one 'change of ,


Loave Lexington, daily, (Sundays excepted) at5:35 a. u. and 1:10 p. u.

Leave Covington, daily, (Sundays excepted) at6 a. u. and 2 r. u.

ONE, PASSENGER TRAINLeaves Lexington for Nioholasrille, daily,

(Sundays excepted) at 11:05 a. m.

Leaves Nicholasville .for Lexington, daily,(Sundays excopted) at 12:20 r. u.

Passengers can leave by th afternoon Train,and arrive at Pittsburg, Cleveland, Chicago, orSt. Louis, early the next morning.

LEAVE ARBIVINicholasville. 12:20 r. v. Covington ....6:00 r. u.Lexington 1:10 p. u. Chicago 9:00 A. u.Cincinnati 7:00 p. m. St. Louis 10:46 A. u.

And at Cinoinnati, make connection with thEastern Express Train at 10 p. u., having timefor Supper at Cinoinnati. 1

The Morning Train arrives at Covington at10:40, giving time for business in Cincinnati, andtaking tho 2:00 p. M. Train on tho I. & C. R. R.for Indianapolis, Lafayette, Chicago, SpringfieldBloomington, Quinoy, Keokuk, St. Joseph , an4Leavenworth. Baggage oheoked throuhl Sleep-

ing Cars by Night Trains!For through tickets, apply at the offices of the

Company at Nicholavill,Lexington,and Paris.A. U. RANSOM,

Nov. 30, 1863-t- f Oen'l Ticket Agent