The Four Seasons. Individual Work Student should write three sentences about their favorite season....

The Four Seasons

Transcript of The Four Seasons. Individual Work Student should write three sentences about their favorite season....

The Four Seasons

Individual Work

• Student should write three sentences about their favorite season. Sentences should state why its their favorite and what they like to do during those times then make a small collage of things that are connected to that season. – Ex. If their favorite holiday is winter than they can cut

out or draw pictures of snowmen or Christmas trees.

Group Work

• Students will be split up into four groups, one for each season. Within those groups they each make a poster explaining their season, what may happen during that season (ex. Summer- no school) then each group will explain their season to the class.

• Recognize the seasonal changes throughout the year.

• Identify the appropriate clothing for each season as well as the different activities that that they might involve themselves in during that season.

• TEKS 112.13 (8b)• Work in groups

Students Should Be Able To…


Students should be able to answer questions to this effect:–Which season is the

coldest/warmest? –Which season are people able to go

skiing? –Which season are people able to go

to the beach –Which season does the leaves fall?