The following items were presented at the last meeting of ... · o EAP/SAP Information Report...

This is a brief synopsis of action taken by the Board on various items. We are now listing the complete Board Of Education packet (with the exception of Executive Session) on the schools website. Detailed and supporting information regarding all information discussed is available at: The following items were presented at the last meeting of the Hillsboro Board of Education held on June 23, 2016: Change of Status for 2015-2016 School Year: The following employees have successfully completed the orientation period and are being recommended for regular employment status with benefits effective 9/1/2016: Michael Rains, Bus Driver Originally hired March 24, 2016 EMPLOYMENT BEGINNING WITH THE 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR: Christy Schacht, Office Manager HS Leanne Brase, Secretary II HS Kayla Yim, PT Food Svc Primary Julie Larkin, PT Food Svc Jr. High Dylan Thomas, Math Teacher HS Linda Hicks, Bus Driver Heather Rains, Bus Driver RESIGNATION BEGINNING WITH THE 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR: Kara Jokerst, Special Services Teacher JH Kara Jokerst, 8th Grade Volleyball Coach JH Kara Jokerst, Head Track Coach JH Nick Fisher, Science Teacher HS Nick Fisher, Football Asst Coach HS Nick Fisher, Wrestling Asst Coach HS Nick Fisher, Asst Track Coach - JH On behalf of the Board of Education I would like to extend these individuals the best of luck in their future endeavors and congratulations to all those selected to fill positions for next school year.

Transcript of The following items were presented at the last meeting of ... · o EAP/SAP Information Report...

Page 1: The following items were presented at the last meeting of ... · o EAP/SAP Information Report UNFINISHED BUSINESS -- o Approval of Board Committee Assignments – Director Sucharski

This is a brief synopsis of action taken by the Board on various items. We are now listing the complete

Board Of Education packet (with the exception of Executive Session) on the schools website. Detailed

and supporting information regarding all information discussed is available at:

The following items were presented at the last meeting of the Hillsboro Board of Education held

on June 23, 2016:

Change of Status for 2015-2016 School Year: The following employees have successfully completed the orientation period and are being recommended for regular employment status with benefits effective 9/1/2016:

Michael Rains, Bus Driver – Originally hired March 24, 2016

EMPLOYMENT BEGINNING WITH THE 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR: Christy Schacht, Office Manager – HS Leanne Brase, Secretary II – HS Kayla Yim, PT Food Svc – Primary Julie Larkin, PT Food Svc – Jr. High Dylan Thomas, Math Teacher – HS Linda Hicks, Bus Driver Heather Rains, Bus Driver RESIGNATION BEGINNING WITH THE 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR: Kara Jokerst, Special Services Teacher – JH Kara Jokerst, 8th Grade Volleyball Coach – JH Kara Jokerst, Head Track Coach – JH Nick Fisher, Science Teacher – HS Nick Fisher, Football Asst Coach – HS Nick Fisher, Wrestling Asst Coach – HS Nick Fisher, Asst Track Coach - JH

On behalf of the Board of Education I would like to extend these individuals the best of luck in

their future endeavors and congratulations to all those selected to fill positions for next school


Page 2: The following items were presented at the last meeting of ... · o EAP/SAP Information Report UNFINISHED BUSINESS -- o Approval of Board Committee Assignments – Director Sucharski

Open Session:

Special Recognitions

A. Carole Patterson Excellence in Education Award Mrs. Carolyn Fishback, Kindergarten Teacher, was honored with the 2016 Carole Patterson Excellence in Education

Award on May 19, 2016 by Judge Patterson.

Mrs. Fishback was nominated by twelve colleagues for her phenomenal job working with children. She received a

$1,000 grant, commemorative clock, and plaque to hang outside her classroom. Seven Primary faculty members

were also nominated for the award: Aimee Epley, Ann Fischer, Stacy Lowery, Sharon Luster, Lindsey Reed, Lisa

Schreckenberg, and Beth Tlapek.

B. Primary wins the Gold two years in a row

Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education announced on May 10, 2016 that the Primary has

achieved the GOLD level of recognition for School-wide Positive Behavior Support implementation. The GOLD

award is the highest honor a PBIS school can achieve for implementing a three-tier behavior support program.

Members of the Primary PBIS team will accept the award on June 13th at the annual Missouri SW-PBS Summer

Training Institute.

C. Junior High Hawks Compete in the National Archery Competition

The Hawks traveled to Louisville, KY on May 14th to compete in the National Archery Competition. They shot a

score of 3,317 points which placed them 15th in the nation out of 206 other middle school teams at the

tournament. The top twelve shooters for the hawks were: Emma Tilley 269 points, Mitchel Hickson 270, Nikki

Foster 271, Ryleigh Hindle 271, Lizzy Pittman 271, Sophia Holupka 274, Madison Bruggemann 278, Abigail

Woods 279, Andrew Riley 281, Donald Holupka 283, Payton Gronborg 287, and Carly Herget 288

points! Congratulations archers on a fantastic season! The JH Archery Team is coached by Dan Gronborg.


A. Scheduled

i. Mr. Joe Dessau – Concerns regarding the length of ECSE bus


B. Sign Ups

i. None



A. Approval of Board of Education Minutes

1. Meeting of May 18, 2016

2. Special Meeting of June 1, 2016

B. Approval of Financial Report for May, 2016

C. Attendance Data – Average Daily Attendance for the prior month was: 3211.48

D. Investment Data

E. Summary of Activity Accounts

F. Bills for Payment – $581,380.64

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Special Approval of Check # 87617 (Erin Kraus) G. Program Evaluations

1. N/A

H. First Read – Athletic Student & Coach Handbooks

I. First Read – Faculty Handbooks

J. First Read – Practical Arts Industrial Tech

K. First Read – Substitutes Handbook

L. First Read – Transportation Handbook

M. Overnight Trip Request –



o Superintendent

o Facilities & Grounds

o Technology

o Senior Attendance update

o Student Advisor to the Board

o MSBA Conference Report

o EAP/SAP Information Report


o Approval of Board Committee Assignments –

Director Sucharski was added to the Audit Committee.



2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR

POLICY REVIEW: Renee Sucharski, Lisa Welker, & Angie Oshia

TAB: Beth Petry, Angie Oshia & Rob Kruse

CURRICULUM: Lisa Welker & Renee Sucharski

EXTRA CURRICULAR: John Lewis, Erick Stephenson, & Rob Kruse



TEACHER MEET & CONFER: (3 to attend meetings) Rob Kruse, Lisa Welker, & Angie Oshia

NURSE MEET & CONFER: Lisa Welker, Erick Stephenson & John Lewis, alternate-Renee Sucharski

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SECRETARY MEET & CONFER: Lisa Welker, Angie Oshia & Renee Sucharski

PARAPROFESSIONAL MEET & CONFER: Lisa Welker, Angie Oshia & Renee Sucharski

CLASSIFIED SALARY SCHEDULES: Bo Harrison & John Lewis (removed per 9/4/12)

CALENDAR: Rob Kruse & Angie Oshia

TEACHER-OF-THE-YEAR: John Lewis & Angie Oshia

HAWK AWARD: Erick Stephenson, John Lewis & two former board members

FACILITIES: John Lewis, Rob Kruse & Erick Stephenson

INSURANCE: Erick Stephenson &

HUMAN RESOURCES: Erick Stephenson, Lisa Welker (Have family members) Rob Kruse

TIF: Erick Stephenson

HILLSBORO R-3 FOUNDATION: Lisa Welker, (John Lewis Alternate)

WELLNESS COMMITTEE: John Lewis & Angie Oshia

AUDIT COMMITTEE: Rob Kruse, Renee Sucharski & Beth Petry

CSIP: Rob Kruse


o Approval of Paraprofessionals Memorandum of Understanding –

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3). Removal of Summer School extra duty pay, removal of Event Workers,

removal of Department Heads from Extra Duty Schedule and placed on District

Salary Schedule. Summer School salary stipend increased to $4,500. Event

Workers $12.50 per hour, Department Heads $30 per person (X per staff in

department) Approved – 6-0

o Approval of District Salary Schedule – Approved 6-0 (Large Document…will be

posted online later for your review).

o Approval of Extended Days for the Special Education Process Coordinators –

Approved 6-0 (Currently 10 days extended – moved to 15 days extended)

o Approval of Practical Arts – FACS, Technology & Business Curriculum –

Approved 6-0

o Approval of P.E. & Health Curriculum for 3-4th grades & 5-6

th grades– Approved


o Approval of Student Handbooks (Final Read) – Approved 6-0

o Approval of the intermediate Grant Applications – Approved 6-0

Statement of Issue: The principals are seeking permission to apply for a Jefferson Memorial Community Foundation grant to purchase

up to 15 tower gardens for our science programs at each building.

Background Information: Tower gardens are vertical areoponics growing systems. They are self-contained units that require nutrient enriched water to grow the plants. Each building would like to pursue the grants to purchase 2-3 per building. The systems

can be used to supplement the curriculum, as well as incentives for students. There are presently 17 gardens in the

DeSoto School District and 12 have been purchased for the Grandview District. Marsha Greenstreet, with Juice

+, has helped both schools apply for the grant and will be assisting us.

Justification of Need and Rationale of Purpose: If given permission to apply for the grants, we would have access to projects that supplement our programs. We

will also have access to educational resources through the company.

Cost Analysis: Each system costs approximately $1100, and this is the startup for the unit. The cost of the units is covered by the grant. There are recurring costs of purchasing the enriched water and the starter seeds/plants for the unit. This cost

would be approximately $100 per year and will be covered by building budgets or activity accounts.

Recommendation: Approve permission to apply for $16,500 through the Jefferson Memorial Community Foundation.

Prepared By: Scott Readnour, Intermediate Principal

o Approval of bills through June 30, 2016 – Approved 6-0

o Approval of 2016-2017 Preliminary Budget – Approved 5-0 (One Board member

left to return to work @ 10:00 p.m.)

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o Approval of Budget adjustments & Transfer Resolution – Approved 5-0

o Approval of the District Phone System – Approved 5-0

After competitive negotiations ENT was able to decrease their bid to: $148,471.35

Statement of Issue:

Our current NEC phone system is beginning its 17th year and NEC ended life and support for the system in 2011.

Over the past year, we have experienced several hardware issues that have limited the efficiency and stability of our

district phone communication.

Background Information: We originally installed our current phone system in 1999 along with the construction of High School. Over the next

couple of years, we expanded the NEC phone system into our other school buildings and facilities. As the years passed, we did perform upgrades to various parts, but the base system ended life and support with NEC in 2011.

With the NEC phone system being in its 17th year, we are experiencing more and more issues with the system not

being stable. At the moment, our NEC phone system is not working properly with our voicemail and it is too costly

to repair an outdated phone system. We strongly recommend the replacement of the district phone system with a

modern solution.

Rationale of Purpose and Justification for Need:

Elements being addressed through our CSIP and Technology Action Plan include the following:

Following the District’s Technology Action Plan on efficiency and stability of District Communication

Improve the efficiency and reliability of Hillsboro community access to our school buildings and offices Improve the effectiveness of District security communication

CSIP Goal 1 – improve student performance to meet or exceed state standards… improve resources and time

for teachers to collaborate and analyze data for improvement of instruction

CSIP Goal 2 – expand resources for all students, staff, and community.

CSIP Goal 3 – provide an environment conducive to learning

Cost Analysis:

Est. $154,515.54 via 3-year lease payment (final lease documents presented at the board meeting)

We opened bids on Thursday, June 17, 2016 at 2 pm. We received bids from three vendors, and I have listed the

costs below.


A. Communication Innovators $177,515.54

B. Prime Communications $197,016.66

C. Essential Network Technologies $154,591.35


The Technology Department recommends the purchase of Avaya Phone System through Essential Network

Technologies. We base this recommendation on our past experiences with the vendor and knowledge of Avaya

Phone System.

Prepared by: Steve Murray, Director of Technology

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Statement of Issue:

Our district currently uses Versa Trans Software to assist in school bus routing, however the trip tracker software is

an add on that is a necessity for the efficiency and improved communication of all departments in our district

concerning requesting, scheduling, approving, budgeting and documenting trips.

Background Information:

The Transportation Department handled approximately 780 trips during the 2015-2016 school year. In order to meet

the needs of our district, the Transportation Department requests approval to acquire Versa Trans’ add on Trip

Tracker. Currently, teachers and departments must fill out a 2 part NCR carbonless copy paper trip request that is

forwarded for approval and then sent to the transportation department via interschool mail. The Transportation

Department then copies this request and sends it to the Superintendent for final approval. Central office then sends

the trip request back to transportation to be scheduled. Often times, the trip request reaches us after the trip has

already been completed in order to meet the needs of the district. The Athletics Department puts together a

spreadsheet of their schedule and emails the Transportation Department. At times, the trips will be modified several

times before the scheduled date. This causes a lapse in communication between the district departments. The

Transportation Secretary then fills out a 3 part NCR carbonless copy paper Trip Time Sheet for the Drivers to use to

log times and mileage for each trip request. After the trip is completed, the trip sheet is then returned to log all trip

times, mileage and categorize activity department.

Rationale of Purpose and Justification for Need:

The Versa Trans Trip Tracker will increase communication between all departments in this District. All

Departments have access the program that interlinks the trip request process; from trip request, to approval, to

confirmation of approval, to scheduling, and finally trip completion information which can be broken down into

departmental transportation usage reports, mileage reports, and budget reports. In addition, all district employees can

access a transportation calendar to view what trips are scheduled on a specific date to decrease overbooking trips.

This program can be used for all district vehicle usage. (Big buses, Mini Buses, and School Vans) Trip Tracker also

reduces the amount of NCR paper documents used therefore saving our district money on paper supplies. The

Transportation Department benefits in saving employee hours towards processing activity trips. Teachers and

Athletics benefit due to the ease of requesting trips and tracking the approval process. The program can break down

each trips expense for the requesting Department to better maintain their budget. Administration benefits due to the

notification that a trip needing approval. Trip Tracker will provide our District ease, efficiency, manageability and

accurate and time saving record keeping.

Cost Analysis:

Our District will save money towards the NCR carbonless paper for approximately 780 trips per year.

I requested two (2) bids on trip tracking programs that are similar to each other:

App Garden Travel Tracker

1st Year - $4700.00

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Every Year After - $4200.00

(Monthly cost to Transportation Department $350.00)

Versa Trans Trip Tracker

1st Year $4811.00

Break down of 1st year costs:

Versa Trans Trip Tracker (up to 4000 students) $3,570.00

Discount as a Versa Trans User (-$714.00)

$2,856.00 $2,856.00

Application Software Maintenance Fees $680.00

Versa Trans Trip Tracker Training – Online (4) $1,275.00

Total for the first year: $4811.00

Every Year After - $680.00

Application Software Maintenance Fees

(Monthly cost to Transportation Department $56.70)


To approve the addition of the Trip Tracker to our existing Versa Trans Routing Software.