The Fifth Sunday of Creation All Saints’...

Here you will find an energized and inclusive community of people seeking God’s reconciling and transforming presence in their lives. Grace St. Paul’s is a safe place to connect your spirit without disconnecting your mind. Experience Christ’s love in a diverse congregation that celebrates individual gifts. Participate in liturgies that are rich and innovative. Take part in spiritual formation for all ages. Reach out to the world and act for social justice. We welcome you to share in this joyful journey! Welcome to A Progressive Community — Loving God, Serving Others, Journeying Together The Fifth Sunday of Creation All Saints’ Sunday November 3, 2013 8 a.m. service begins on page 3 • 10 a.m. service begins on page 18

Transcript of The Fifth Sunday of Creation All Saints’...

Page 1: The Fifth Sunday of Creation All Saints’ · 11/3/2013  · Tuesday 6 p.m. – Evening Prayer (1 st Tuesday of month

Here you will find an energized and inclusive community of people seeking God’s reconciling and

transforming presence in their lives. Grace St. Paul’s is a safe place to connect your spirit without

disconnecting your mind. Experience Christ’s love in a diverse congregation that celebrates individual

gifts. Participate in liturgies that are rich and innovative. Take part in spiritual formation for all ages.

Reach out to the world and act for social justice. We welcome you to share in this joyful journey!

Welcome to

A Progressive Community — Loving God, Serving Others, Journeying Together

The Fifth Sunday of Creation

All Saints’ Sunday

November 3, 2013

8 a.m. service begins on page 3 • 10 a.m. service begins on page 18

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2331 East Adams Street • Tucson, Arizona 85719Visit us on the Web:

Phone (520) 327-6857 • Fax (520) 327-1347Emergency Pastoral Care (520) 668-5727

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. • Friday 9 a.m.-noonThe Rev. Steve Keplinger, Rector: [email protected]

The Rev. Debbie Royals, Assistant Rector: [email protected] Garcia: [email protected]

KiKi Fenik: [email protected] Wachter: [email protected]

Weekly WorshipMonday

11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. – Drop-inSpiritual Direction

Sunday8 a.m. – Communion Service10 a.m. – Communion Service

Tuesday6 p.m. – Evening Prayer (1st Tuesdayof month includes Communion)

7 p.m. – Meditation Group

Wednesday7 a.m. – Communion Service

Thursday5:30 p.m. – Spirit Now Service

About Today’s Services

Altar FlowersToday’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and for the beauty of the worship service! in memory of her father, John McVean, by Karen McVean.If you would like to dedicate flowers, please call the church office at 327-6857.

Service Participants, 8 a.m.Deacon: The Rev. Nancy Meister Book

Assisting Clergy: The Rev. Steve Keplinger

Lectors: Steve Mattix, Lois Mervyn


in Spanish: Heather Williams

Chalice: Peter Foley & Pia Cuneo

Acolyte: Ann Schlumberger

Altar Guild: Kay Bigglestone

Ushers: Robin Beelen, Robert Rosenberg,

Peggy Scott, Heather Williams

Service Participants, 10 a.m.Deacon: The Rev. Nancy Meister BookAssisting Clergy: The Rev. Joe FitzgeraldSubdeacon: Br. Chuck HannanLectors: Chris Cole, Terry TrujilloGospel in Spanish: Josue AparicioChalice: Toni Sue Brooks, Jim Franks,

Dennis Kirchoff, Nanalee RaphaelServer: Lu PipentacosCrucifer: Andrew GoodenTorches: Ayden Kube, Olivia LaraUshers: B.J. Bower, Chris Cole, Kitt Cordero,

Steve WilliamsAltar Guild: Nancy Barton, Eric Carr, Br. Chuck & Nan

HannanGreeters: Anagrace & Dan Misenhimer

We thank Catherine Wolfson and Michael Gibson, soloists,for their musical offering at today’s 10 a.m. service.

Listings of lay ministers are subject to last-minute changes after the bulletin is printed.CHILDCARE—We offer childcare for all ages beginning at 9:45 a.m. on Sundays. If you’d like childcare

provided for any other church event, please contact the church office at 327-6857.NURSERY—Nursery care is available for children ages 3 and under from 9:45-11:45 a.m. on Sundays.

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8 a.m. Communion ServiceThe Rev. Steve Keplinger, Celebrant

You are invited to sit toward the front and center of the church for this service.Hymn numbers refer to The Hymnal 1982 (blue) or Wonder, Love, and Praise (green) in your pew racks.

The Liturgy of the WordPlease remember to silence your electronic devices.

Prelude Siciliano Max Reger

Greeting and Announcements

Processional Hymn For all the saints Please stand, as you are able.

(Blue) No. 287 (stanzas 1 & 2)

The Processional will include a cedar blessing of the congregation and the saints table.

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Opening AcclamationThe Opening Acclamation is adapted from Enriching Our Worship, Church Publishing Inc.

Celebrant: Blessed be the Creator God.People: For ever and ever. Amen.

Chant of Praise

The Collect of the DayThe Collect of the Day is adapted from The Book of Common Prayer, p. 245.

Celebrant: May God be with you.People: And also with you.Celebrant: Let us pray.



Almighty God, you have knit together your elect in one communion and fellowship in the mysticalbody of your Son Christ our Savior: Give us grace so to follow your blessed saints in all virtuousand godly living, that we may come to those ineffable joys that you have prepared for those whotruly love you; through Jesus Christ, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God,in glory everlasting. Amen.

A Reading from Daniel [7:1-3, 15-18] Please be seated.

In the first year of King Belshazzar of Babylon,Daniel had a dream and visions of his head ashe lay in bed. Then he wrote down the

dream: I, Daniel, saw in my vision by night thefour winds of heaven stirring up the great sea,

and four great beasts came up out of the sea,different from one another. As for me, Daniel,my spirit was troubled within me, and thevisions of my head terrified me. I approachedone of the attendants to ask him the truth

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concerning all this. So he said that he woulddisclose to me the interpretation of the matter:“As for these four great beasts, four kings shallarise out of the earth. But the holy ones of the

Most High shall receive the kingdom andpossess the kingdom for ever—for ever andever.”

Reader: Hear what the Spirit is saying to God’s Creation.People: Thanks be to God.

Psalm 149 The Psalm is read responsively by whole verse.

1 Hallelujah!Sing to the LIVING GOD a new song; *

sing praise in the congregation of the faithful.

2 Let Israel rejoice in its Maker; *let the children of Zion be joyful in their sovereign.

3 Let them praise God’s Name in the dance; *let them sing praise with timbrel and harp.

4 For the HOLY ONE delights in the people *and adorns the poor with prosperity.

5 Let the faithful take pleasure in abundance; *let them be joyful on their beds.

6 Let the praises of God be in their throat *and a two-edged sword in their hand;

7 To bring justice to the peoples *and retribution to the nations;

8 To bind their rulers in chains *and their nobles with links of iron;

9 To carry out the judgment decreed against them; *this is glory for all God’s faithful people.Hallelujah!

A Reading from Ephesians [1:11-23]

In Christ we have also obtained aninheritance, having been destined accordingto the purpose of him who accomplishes all

things according to his counsel and will, so thatwe, who were the first to set our hope onChrist, might live for the praise of his glory. In

him you also, when you had heard the word oftruth, the gospel of your salvation, and hadbelieved in him, were marked with the seal ofthe promised Holy Spirit; this is the pledge ofour inheritance toward redemption as God’sown people, to the praise of his glory. I have

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heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and yourlove toward all the saints, and for this reason Ido not cease to give thanks for you as Iremember you in my prayers. I pray that theGod of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father ofglory, may give you a spirit of wisdom andrevelation as you come to know him, so that,with the eyes of your heart enlightened, youmay know what is the hope to which he hascalled you, what are the riches of his gloriousinheritance among the saints, and what is theimmeasurable greatness of his power for us

who believe, according to the working of hisgreat power. God put this power to work inChrist when he raised him from the dead andseated him at his right hand in the heavenlyplaces, far above all rule and authority andpower and dominion, and above every namethat is named, not only in this age but also inthe age to come. And he has put all thingsunder his feet and has made him the head overall things for the church, which is his body, thefullness of him who fills all in all.

Sequence Music Please stand, as you are able.

During the Sequence Music, any members of the congregation who have photos of or messages to theirdeceased loved ones are invited to process to the Dia de los Muertos ofrenda and place their photos on thetable and their messages in the basket.

A Reading from the Holy Gospel [Luke 6:20-31]

The Gospel will be proclaimed adjacent to the saints table.

Deacon: The Holy Gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ according to Luke.People: Glory to you, O Christ.

Diácono: Santo Evangelio de nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, según Lucas.Pueblo: ¡Gloria a ti, Cristo!

Jesus looked up at his disciples and said:“Blessed are you who are poor, for yours isthe kingdom of God. Blessed are you whoare hungry now, for you will be filled. Blessed

are you who weep now, for you will laugh.Blessed are you when people hate you, andwhen they exclude you, revile you, and defameyou on account of the Son of Man. Rejoice inthat day and leap for joy, for surely your rewardis great in heaven; for that is what theirancestors did to the prophets. But woe to youwho are rich, for you have received yourconsolation. Woe to you who are full now, foryou will be hungry. Woe to you who are

laughing now, for you will mourn and weep.Woe to you when all speak well of you, for thatis what their ancestors did to the falseprophets. But I say to you that listen, Love yourenemies, do good to those who hate you, blessthose who curse you, pray for those who abuseyou. If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offerthe other also; and from anyone who takesaway your coat do not withhold even yourshirt. Give to everyone who begs from you; andif anyone takes away your goods, do not ask forthem again. Do to others as you would havethem do to you.”

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Deacon: The Gospel of Jesus Christ.People: Praise to you, O Christ.

Diácono: El Evangelio del Jesucristo.Pueblo: Te alabamos, Cristo.

The Sermon Please be seated.

Preacher: The Rev. Steve Keplinger

A period of silence follows the Sermon, marked with meditation bell.

The Nicene Creed Please stand, as you are able.

The Nicene Creed is a historical statement of faith used by the early Christian community to define orthodoxy.Please join us as you feel called.

We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father. Through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary, and was made man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.

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We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father [and the Son]. With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

The Filioque (Latin for “and the son”), the dogmatic formula expressing the double procession of the HolySpirit, was added to the Nicene Creed by the Western church.

The Prayers of the People Parish intercessions are listed on page 38.

The Prayers of the People were adapted from those written by The Rev. Claudia Heath.

Each prayer is read by a different member of the congregation. Please feel free to participate by readinga prayer. It is perfectly acceptable for multiple readers to participate simultaneously in reading prayers.

Leader: Creator God, Architect of the Universe, we gather to praise your holy name and givethanks for all of your creation and our place in it.

Majestic mountains point our hearts and minds upward to your splendor. You bless us withpeace and grace that flow like your rivers. Like the flowers bursting with blooms, we toocan glorify your Name. Like your love and kindness, the twinkling stars and blazing sun giveus warmth and light for the journey.

For these and all of the other blessings of creation, we thank you.People: Give us grace to learn lessons from nature.

Leader: In speaking your word and truth, help the Church be like the determined and single-mindedsalmon, struggling upstream against the current. This week we pray for the citizens of themainly Christian district of Damascus, Syria, who have been hit repeatedly by mortars inthe last two weeks.

(People add specific prayers for the church either silently or aloud.)

God, who is with us in all Creation,People: Give us grace to swim upstream.

Leader: When we gather to form nations, cities, and governments, help those in high places and allof us learn from the small ants that teach us to replace greed and exploitation withcommunity, teamwork, responsibility, and diligence. As lobbying increases in Congress this

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*We pray for Oma "Sam" Guard; Christine Nelson; Suzanne Nystrom; Elise Petropoulos; Susan Southwick; Ed; Lee; BetsyBret Harte & MaryKay Zeeb; Mary Gould; Francesca Jarvis; Tony Jones; David Shaw; Peggy Southwick; Beryl Todd; MaryWilcox; Amanda & Matt; Amy, Phil & Vince; Barry; Nick; Charlie; Jerry & Rondy; Karl; Monica & Carri; Nichole; Sid.


week, we pray for passage of comprehensive immigration legislation that includes a pathto citizenship.

(People add their own prayers silently or aloud.)

God who is with us in all Creation,People: Give us grace to live in harmony with each other.

Leader: Give us the wisdom to see that our hearts can be like the fire, sending sparks out into theworld as light and warmth for others. This week we give thanks for our partnership withInterfaith Community Services and all they have done to help us serve those in need. Wealso pray for those in need on our prayer list* and for those we name now either silentlyor aloud.

(People add their own prayers silently or aloud.)

God who is with us in all Creation,People: Give us grace to kindle our hearts with your Love.

Leader: Comfort us with the lessons from seeds. We are born; we grow; we bloom; we die; andwe are born again. This week we especially remember all of our saints at Grace St. Paul’swho did so much to build and foster this community.

(People add their own prayers silently or aloud.)

God who is with us in all Creation,People: Give us grace to believe in our own resurrection.

Leader: Wet kisses from puppies, purrs and rubs from kittens remind us to cherish each other andlove unconditionally.

God who is with us in all Creation,People: Give us grace to take time for fellowship and friendships.

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The Collect after the Prayers for the People is composed and adapted by The Rev. Steve Keplinger.


O God of earth and sky, assist us in being aware of your presence in the world around us. Teachus to treat all of creation as part of your glory and to realize that we are not masters of the earth,but a strand in its web. We ask that these things be revealed to us through the power of theincarnation. Amen.

The Peace

Celebrant: The Peace of God be with you and all of God’s Creation.People: And also with you.

Meditation bell will bring us back to silence.

Prayer for Birthdays and Anniversaries

Celebrant:O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on your servants as they beginanother year. Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in yourgoodness all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.

Telling Our Stories: Ministry SpotlightThe Rev. Karen MacDonald, Interfaith Community Services

The Liturgy of the Table

Offertory Sentence Please be seated.


O God, you are worthy to receive glory and honor and power; because you have created all things,and by your will they were created and have their being. (Revelation 4:11)

Both tables and the congregation will be blessed with cedar during the Offertory.

Offertory Music

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Table Chant Please stand, as you are able.

The Great Thanksgiving Eucharistic Prayer C is adapted from The Book of Common Prayer.

Celebrant: God is with us.People: God is present here.Celebrant: Rejoice! Lift up your hearts.People: We lift our hearts to the Most High.Celebrant: Let us give thanks to the Holy One.People: It is right to offer thanks and praise.


God of all power, Ruler of the Universe, you are worthy of glory and praise.


Glory to you for ever and ever.


At your command all things came to be: the vast expanse of interstellar space, galaxies, suns, theplanets in their courses, and this fragile earth, our island home.


By your will they were created and have their being.

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From the primal elements you brought forth the human race, and blessed us with memory, reason,and skill. You made us the caretakers of creation. But we turned against you, and betrayed yourtrust; and we turned against one another.


Have mercy, God, for we are sinners in your sight.


Again and again, you called us to return. Through prophets and sages you revealed your righteousLaw. And in the fullness of time you sent your only Son, born of a woman, to fulfill your Law, toopen for us the way of freedom and peace.


By his service, he reconciled us.By his love, we are healed.


And therefore we praise you, joining with the heavenly chorus, with Jerry Keyack, Rhonda Whatley,Ray F. Harris, Philip Greenman, Ruth Crowdes, Lenora Hendrix, Zackery Meade, Mary Jane Hunt,Augustina Soto, Betty Fritz, Raymond Turner, Herman Price, Clif Click, Gilbert Murietta, andremembering Gordon McBride and all those in every generation who have looked to you in hope,to proclaim with them your glory, in their unending hymn:

Celebrant and People:Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,heaven and earth are full of your glory.Hosanna in the highest.Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.Hosanna in the highest.

Please stand or kneel, as you are able.


And so, Father, we who have been redeemed by him, and made a new people by water and theSpirit, now bring before you these gifts. Sanctify them by your Holy Spirit to be the Body and Bloodof Jesus Christ our Savior.

On the night he was betrayed he took bread, said the blessing, broke the bread, and gave it to hisfriends, and said, “Take, eat: This is my Body, which is given for you. Do this for the remembranceof me.”

After supper, he took the cup of wine, gave thanks, and said, “Drink this, all of you: This is myBlood of the new Covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins.Whenever you drink it, do this for the remembrance of me.”

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Deacon: Remembering now his work of redemption, and offering to you this sacrifice ofthanksgiving,

People and Celebrant:

We celebrate his death and resurrection,as we await the day of his coming.


God of our Mothers and Fathers; God of Sarah, Leah, Rebecca and Chloe, Abraham, Isaac, andJacob; God and Father of Jesus Christ: Open our eyes to see your hand at work in the world aboutus. We give thanks for the opportunity to come to this Table for solace and for strength, forpardon and for renewal. Let the grace of this Holy Communion make us one body, one spirit inChrist, that we may worthily serve the world in his name.

People and Celebrant:

Risen Christ, be known to us in the breaking of the Bread.


Accept these prayers and praises, Father, through Jesus Christ our great High Priest, to whom, withyou and the Holy Spirit, your Church gives honor, glory, and worship, from generation togeneration. AMEN.

The Lord’s Prayer (traditional)

Deacon: As our Savior Christ has taught us, we are bold to say,

Deacon and People:Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread.And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

Diácono y Pueblo:Padre nuestro que estás en el cielo, santificado sea tu Nombre, venga tu reino, hágase tu voluntad, en la tierra como en el cielo.Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día.Perdona nuestras ofensas, como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden.No nos dejes caer en tentación y líbranos del mal.Porque tuyo es el reino, tuyo es el poder, y tuya es la gloria, ahora y por siempre. Amén.

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The Breaking of the Bread

Fraction Anthem The Fraction Anthem is adapted from other texts by The Rev. Steve Keplinger.

Celebrant: Be known to us, risen Christ, in the breaking of the bread.People: Alleluia. The bread which we break makes all of us one with you. Alleluia.

The Invitation to Communion

Celebrant: The Gifts of God for the People of God.

The Communion Please be seated.

No matter who you are, or where you are on your spiritual journey, you are invited to receive communion atGrace St. Paul’s. It is appropriate to stand or kneel.

Communion Music

Sending Eucharistic Visitors

After communion, the service resumes here. The Celebrant may name the Eucharistic Visitors and those whomay receive Holy Communion at home. All say together:

We send you forth bearing these Holy Gifts. May those to whom you go share with usin the Communion of Christ’s Body and Blood. We who are many are one body,because we all share one bread, one cup.

Postcommunion Prayer The Postcommunion Prayer is adapted from

The Book of Common Prayer, p. 365.

Celebrant and People:

Eternal God, divine Creator,you have graciously accepted us as living membersof your Son our Savior Jesus Christ,and you have fed us with spiritual foodin the Sacrament of his Body and Blood.Send us now into the world in peace,and grant us strength and courageto love and serve youwith gladness and singleness of heart;through Christ our Savior. Amen.

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Blessing The Blessing is from The Book of Occasional Services, Church Publishing Inc.


May Almighty God, to whose glory we celebrate this festival of all the Saints, be now and evermoreyour guide and companion in the way. Amen.

May God, who has bound us together in the company of the elect, in this age and the age to come,attend to the prayers of his faithful servants on your behalf, as he hears your prayers for them.Amen.

May God, who has given us, in the lives of his saints, patterns of holy living and victorious dying,strengthen your faith and devotion, and enable you to bear witness to the truth against all adversity.Amen.

And the blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, be upon you and remain with youfor ever. Amen.

Recessional Hymn Ye watchers and ye holy ones

(Blue) No. 618 (stanzas 1 & 2)

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Dismissal The Dismissal is from The Book of Common Prayer, p. 366.

Deacon: Let us go forth into the world, rejoicing in the beauty of God’s world. Alleluia! Alleluia!People: Thanks be to God! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Postlude Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren Dieterich Buxtehude

Please join us following this service for Coffee Hour in McBride Hall(across the labyrinth), or join us for classes—classrooms are downstairsbeneath the sanctuary, with access either by the stairs off the breezeway

or by the ramp near the parking lot.

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10 a.m. Communion ServiceThe Rev. Steve Keplinger, Celebrant

SACRED SPACEPlease respect those who seek time for quiet reflection before worship begins andwhile listening to the prelude. Your sanctuary is a sacred place for all to prepare forworship in meditation and prayer. We encourage you to socialize and greet others inthe foyer in the back of the church (the narthex) and in McBride Hall.

Hymn numbers refer to The Hymnal 1982 (blue) or Wonder, Love, and Praise (green) in your pew racks.

The Liturgy of the WordPlease remember to silence your electronic devices.

Greeting and AnnouncementsAs the Greeting and Announcements end, the church will be darkened and the candles will be lit by theacolytes, signaling the silence we enter into before worship.

Prelude Siciliano Max Reger

Processional Hymn For all the saints Please stand, as you are able.

(Blue) No. 287 (stanzas 1-2, 6-8)The Processional will include a cedar blessing of the congregation and the saints table.

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Opening Acclamation

The Opening Acclamation is from The Iona Community Worship Book,(Glasgow: Wild Goose Publications, rev. ed. 1991), 48. Copyright 1991 The Iona Community.

“Although the principal purpose of this book is for use in the Abbey Church,it is hoped that the services and resources will be well used and adapted for use elsewhere.”

From the preface, page 4.

Celebrant: In the beginning, God made the world:Women: Made it and mothered it,Men: Shaped it and fathered it;Women: Filled it with seed and signs of fertility.Men: Filled it with life and song and variety.

Celebrant: All that is green, blue, deep, and growing,All: God’s is the hand that created you.

Celebrant: All that is tender, firm, fragrant, and curious,All: God’s is the hand that created you.

Celebrant: All that crawls, flies, swims, walks, or is motionless,All: God’s is the hand that created you.

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Celebrant: All that speaks, sings, cries, laughs, or keeps silence,All: God’s is the hand that created you.

Celebrant: All that suffers, lacks, limps, or longs for an end,All: God’s is the hand that created you.

Celebrant: The world belongs to God,All: The earth and all its people.

Prayer of Invocation The Prayer of Invocation is from the United Methodist Book of Worship

(Nashville: United Methodist Publishing House, 1992), 472.Copyright 1992, the United Methodist Publishing House.

Celebrant: Like the sun that is far away and yet close at hand to warm us, so God’s Spirit is everpresent and around us.

People: Come, Creator, into our lives. We live and move and have our very beingin you. Open now the windows of our souls. Amen.

Chant of Praise

The Collect of the DayThe Collect of the Day is adapted from a prayer by The Rev. Steven Shakespeare

in Prayers for an Inclusive Church.

Celebrant: May God be with you.People: And also with you.Celebrant: Let us pray.



God of heaven’s reach, of earth reborn; you call us from starless graves to sing under infinite skies:we praise your name for those who have walked this way unheralded and unnumbered but knownto you, their beginning, their end, their joy in life; give us the same grace to be unbound and takethe step of faith; through Jesus Christ, the alpha and the omega. Amen.

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We Proclaim and Respond to the Word of God

A Reading from Daniel [7:1-3, 15-18] Please be seated.

In the first year of King Belshazzar of Babylon,Daniel had a dream and visions of his head ashe lay in bed. Then he wrote down the

dream: I, Daniel, saw in my vision by night thefour winds of heaven stirring up the great sea,and four great beasts came up out of the sea,different from one another. As for me, Daniel,my spirit was troubled within me, and thevisions of my head terrified me. I approached

one of the attendants to ask him the truthconcerning all this. So he said that he woulddisclose to me the interpretation of the matter:“As for these four great beasts, four kings shallarise out of the earth. But the holy ones of theMost High shall receive the kingdom andpossess the kingdom for ever—for ever andever.”

Reader: Hear what the Spirit is saying to God’s Creation.People: Thanks be to God.

Sequence Hymn I sing a song of the saints of God Please stand, as you are able.

(Blue) No. 293

During the Sequence Hymn, any members of the congregation who have photos of or messages to theirdeceased loved ones are invited to process to the Dia de los Muertos ofrenda and place their photos on thetable and their messages in the basket.

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A Reading from the Holy Gospel [Luke 6:20-31]

The Gospel will be proclaimed adjacent to the saints table.

Deacon: The Holy Gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ according to Luke.People: Glory to you, O Christ.

Diácono: Santo Evangelio de nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, según Lucas.Pueblo: ¡Gloria a ti, Cristo!

Jesus looked up at his disciples and said:“Blessed are you who are poor, for yours isthe kingdom of God. Blessed are you whoare hungry now, for you will be filled. Blessed

are you who weep now, for you will laugh.Blessed are you when people hate you, andwhen they exclude you, revile you, and defameyou on account of the Son of Man. Rejoice inthat day and leap for joy, for surely your rewardis great in heaven; for that is what theirancestors did to the prophets. But woe to youwho are rich, for you have received yourconsolation. Woe to you who are full now, foryou will be hungry. Woe to you who are

laughing now, for you will mourn and weep.Woe to you when all speak well of you, for thatis what their ancestors did to the falseprophets. But I say to you that listen, Love yourenemies, do good to those who hate you, blessthose who curse you, pray for those who abuseyou. If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offerthe other also; and from anyone who takesaway your coat do not withhold even yourshirt. Give to everyone who begs from you; andif anyone takes away your goods, do not ask forthem again. Do to others as you would havethem do to you.”

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Deacon: The Gospel of Jesus Christ.People: Praise to you, O Christ.

Diácono: El Evangelio del Jesucristo.Pueblo: Te alabamos, Cristo.

The Sermon Please be seated.

Preacher: The Rev. Steve Keplinger

A period of silence follows the Sermon, marked with meditation bell.

Prayer of Remembrance Please stand, as you are able.

The Prayer of Remembrance, in honor of all of our saints,is by The Rev. Bruce Prewer, Uniting Church in Australia.

Living God, in whom there is no shadow or change,we thank you for the gift of life eternal, and for all those who, having served you well, now rest from their labors.

We thank you for all the saints remembered and forgotten, for those dear souls most precious to us.We bless you for their life and love, and rejoice for them “all is well, and all manner of things will be well.”

God of Jesus and our God,mindful of all those choice souls who have gone on ahead of us,teach us, and each twenty-first century disciple of every race and place,to follow their example to the best of our ability:

to feed the poor in body or spirit,to support and comfort the mourners and the repentant,to encourage the meek and stand with them in crises,to affirm those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,to cherish and learn from the merciful,to be humbled by, and stand with, the peacemakers.

Let us clearly recognize what it meansto be called the children of God,and to know we are to be your saintsneither by our own inclination norin our own strengthbut simply by the calland the healing holinessof Christ Jesus our Savior. Amen!

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The Prayers of the People Parish intercessions are listed on page 38.

The Prayers of the People were adapted from those written by The Rev. Claudia Heath.

Each prayer is read by a different member of the congregation. Please feel free to participate by readinga prayer. It is perfectly acceptable for multiple readers to participate simultaneously in reading prayers.

Leader: Creator God, Architect of the Universe, we gather to praise your holy name and givethanks for all of your creation and our place in it.

Majestic mountains point our hearts and minds upward to your splendor. You bless us withpeace and grace that flow like your rivers. Like the flowers bursting with blooms, we toocan glorify your Name. Like your love and kindness, the twinkling stars and blazing sun giveus warmth and light for the journey.

For these and all of the other blessings of creation, we thank you.People: Give us grace to learn lessons from nature.

Leader: In speaking your word and truth, help the Church be like the determined and single-mindedsalmon, struggling upstream against the current. This week we pray for the citizens of themainly Christian district of Damascus, Syria, who have been hit repeatedly by mortars inthe last two weeks.

(People add specific prayers for the church either silently or aloud.)

God, who is with us in all Creation,People: Give us grace to swim upstream.

Leader: When we gather to form nations, cities, and governments, help those in high places and allof us learn from the small ants that teach us to replace greed and exploitation withcommunity, teamwork, responsibility, and diligence. As lobbying increases in Congress thisweek, we pray for passage of comprehensive immigration legislation that includes a pathto citizenship.

(People add their own prayers silently or aloud.)

God who is with us in all Creation,People: Give us grace to live in harmony with each other.

Leader: Give us the wisdom to see that our hearts can be like the fire, sending sparks out into theworld as light and warmth for others. This week we give thanks for our partnership withInterfaith Community Services and all they have done to help us serve those in need. We

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*We pray for Oma "Sam" Guard; Christine Nelson; Suzanne Nystrom; Elise Petropoulos; Susan Southwick; Ed; Lee; BetsyBret Harte & MaryKay Zeeb; Mary Gould; Francesca Jarvis; Tony Jones; David Shaw; Peggy Southwick; Beryl Todd; MaryWilcox; Amanda & Matt; Amy, Phil & Vince; Barry; Nick; Charlie; Jerry & Rondy; Karl; Monica & Carri; Nichole; Sid.


also pray for those in need on our prayer list* and for those we name now either silentlyor aloud.

(People add their own prayers silently or aloud.)

God who is with us in all Creation,People: Give us grace to kindle our hearts with your Love.

Leader: Comfort us with the lessons from seeds. We are born; we grow; we bloom; we die; andwe are born again. This week we especially remember all of our saints at Grace St. Paul’swho did so much to build and foster this community.

(People add their own prayers silently or aloud.)

God who is with us in all Creation,People: Give us grace to believe in our own resurrection.

Leader: Wet kisses from puppies, purrs and rubs from kittens remind us to cherish each other andlove unconditionally.

God who is with us in all Creation,People: Give us grace to take time for fellowship and friendships.

The Collect after the Prayers for the People is composed and adapted by The Rev. Steve Keplinger.


O God of earth and sky, assist us in being aware of your presence in the world around us. Teachus to treat all of creation as part of your glory and to realize that we are not masters of the earth,but a strand in its web. We ask that these things be revealed to us through the power of theincarnation. Amen.

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Confession of Sin The Confession is said, the People standing, sitting, or kneeling (as able).

The Confession of Sin is by The Episcopal Church’s Season of Creation Liturgical Committee.


Let us confess our sins against God, our neighbors, and God’s creation.


Merciful and sustaining God:we confess that we have sinned against you,lacking humility and gratitude for the beauty and bountyof your creation as it sustains us and all that lives.We confess that we have misused your earth;grant us amendment of life, we pray.We confess that we have been intemperate in our appetites;strengthen us in self-control.We confess that we have taken the abundance of your world for granted;make us urgent now for its protection,and, through our Savior Jesus Christ, forgive and renew usby the power of the Holy Spirit,with whom you live and reign one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Composed and/or adapted by The Rev. Steve Keplinger.


May the God of Creation pardon us for the sins that we heap upon God’s earth, our island home.May the Creator refresh us and renew us with love, and guide us again to see all of the cosmos asour kin. Give us the strength to protect all of God’s world as a Mother protects her children. Andmay the blessing of God, Creator, Liberator, and Sustainer be upon us and all of the cosmos.Amen.

The Peace

Celebrant: The Peace of God be always with you and all of God’s Creation.People: And also with you.

Meditation bell will bring us back to silence.

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Prayer for Birthdays and Anniversaries

Celebrant: O God, grant long life and peace and protection and many years!

Telling Our Stories: Ministry SpotlightThe Rev. Karen MacDonald, Interfaith Community Services

The Liturgy of the Table

Offertory Sentence Please be seated.


O God, you are worthy to receive glory and honor and power; because you have created all things,and by your will they were created and have their being. (Revelation 4:11)

Both tables and the congregation will be blessed with cedar during the Offertory.

Offertory Anthem I saw a new heaven and a new earth Carl Schalk

Catherine Wolfson and Michael Gibson, soloists


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Table Chant Please stand, as you are able.

Prayer over the Gifts The Prayer over the Gifts is from A New Zealand Prayer Book.

Celebrant: Giver of life, receive all we offer you this day.People: Let the Spirit you bestow on your Church continue to work in the world

through the hearts of all who believe. Amen.

The Great Thanksgiving Eucharistic Prayer C is adapted from The Book of Common Prayer.

Celebrant: God is with us.People: God is present here.Celebrant: Rejoice! Lift up your hearts.People: We lift our hearts to the Most High.Celebrant: Let us give thanks to the Holy One.People: It is right to offer thanks and praise.


God of all power, Ruler of the Universe, you are worthy of glory and praise.


Glory to you for ever and ever.


At your command all things came to be: the vast expanse of interstellar space, galaxies, suns, theplanets in their courses, and this fragile earth, our island home.


By your will they were created and have their being.

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From the primal elements you brought forth the human race, and blessed us with memory, reason,and skill. You made us the caretakers of creation. But we turned against you, and betrayed yourtrust; and we turned against one another.


Have mercy, God, for we are sinners in your sight.


Again and again, you called us to return. Through prophets and sages you revealed your righteousLaw. And in the fullness of time you sent your only Son, born of a woman, to fulfill your Law, toopen for us the way of freedom and peace.


By his service, he reconciled us.By his love, we are healed.


And therefore we praise you, joining with the heavenly chorus, with Jerry Keyack, Rhonda Whatley,Ray F. Harris, Philip Greenman, Ruth Crowdes, Lenora Hendrix, Zackery Meade, Mary Jane Hunt,Augustina Soto, Betty Fritz, Raymond Turner, Herman Price, Clif Click, Gilbert Murietta, andremembering Gordon McBride and all those in every generation who have looked to you in hope,to proclaim with them your glory, in their unending hymn:

Sanctus (Holy) My Heart Sings Out, No. 38

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Please stand or kneel, as you are able.


And so, Father, we who have been redeemed by him, and made a new people by water and theSpirit, now bring before you these gifts. Sanctify them by your Holy Spirit to be the Body and Bloodof Jesus Christ our Savior.

On the night he was betrayed he took bread, said the blessing, broke the bread, and gave it to hisfriends, and said, “Take, eat: This is my Body, which is given for you. Do this for the remembranceof me.”

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After supper, he took the cup of wine, gave thanks, and said, “Drink this, all of you: This is myBlood of the new Covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins.Whenever you drink it, do this for the remembrance of me.”

Deacon: Remembering now his work of redemption, and offering to you this sacrifice ofthanksgiving,

People and Celebrant:

We celebrate his death and resurrection,as we await the day of his coming.


God of our Mothers and Fathers; God of Sarah, Leah, Rebecca and Chloe, Abraham, Isaac, andJacob; God and Father of Jesus Christ: Open our eyes to see your hand at work in the world aboutus. We give thanks for the opportunity to come to this Table for solace and for strength, forpardon and for renewal. Let the grace of this Holy Communion make us one body, one spirit inChrist, that we may worthily serve the world in his name.

People and Celebrant:

Risen Christ, be known to us in the breaking of the Bread.


Accept these prayers and praises, Father, through Jesus Christ our great High Priest, to whom, withyou and the Holy Spirit, your Church gives honor, glory, and worship, from generation togeneration. AMEN.

The Lord’s Prayer (Contemporary) Each Sunday at Grace St. Paul’s,

the Lord’s Prayer alternates between English and Spanish.

Deacon: Oremos como nuestro Salvador Cristo nos enseñó,

Diácono y Pueblo:Padre nuestro que estás en el cielo, santificado sea tu Nombre, venga tu reino, hágase tu voluntad, en la tierra como en el cielo.Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día.Perdona nuestras ofensas, como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden.No nos dejes caer en tentación y líbranos del mal.Porque tuyo es el reino, tuyo es el poder, y tuya es la gloria, ahora y por siempre. Amén.

Deacon and People:Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your Name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.Give us today our daily bread.Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.Save us from the time of trial, and deliver us from evil.For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and for ever. Amen.

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The Breaking of the Bread

Fraction Anthem Adapted from Book of Alternative Services, Anglican Church in Canada.

Celebrant: Creator of all, you gave us golden fields of wheat, whose many grains we have gatheredand made into this one bread.

People: So may your Church be gathered from the ends of the earth into yourRealm.

The Invitation to Communion

Celebrant: The gifts of God for the people of God.

The Communion Please be seated.

No matter who you are, or where you are on your spiritual journey, you are invited to receive communion atGrace St. Paul’s. It is appropriate to stand or kneel.

Everyone is invited to receive Holy Communion. Please approach the altar rail from the center aisle and takethe first available space at either side. You may choose to stand or kneel for communion. You may comeforward to receive a blessing if you prefer not to receive communion. Place crossed arms on chest to signalyour desire for a blessing. You may also do this if you prefer not to receive the wine. You may touch thechalice and the chalice bearer will say the words of administration.

Communion Anthem I heard a voice Thomas Tomkins

Communion HymnNo saint on earth lives life to self alone (Green) WLP No. 776

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After Communion, the service resumes here.

Sending Eucharistic Visitors

The Celebrant may name the Lay Eucharistic Ministers and those who may receive home Holy Communion.All say together:

We send you forth bearing these Holy Gifts. May those to whom you go share with usin the Communion of Christ’s Body and Blood. We who are many are one body,because we all share one bread, one cup.

Postcommunion Prayer Please stand, as you are able.

The Postcommunion Prayer is adapted from the website.

Celebrant: Let us give thanks for this meal.

People: We thank you Christ, for the meal we have celebrated with you, and wepray that through your body and blood we may be healed and becomeagents of healing for our kin on Earth. Amen.

Celebrant: Christ calls you to be his disciples, to serve him with love and compassion, to serveEarth by caring for creation, and all creatures in danger or need.

Will you care for creation?

People: We will care for all creatures.We will sustain our endangered kin.We will nurture our planet.

Blessing The Blessing is from The Book of Occasional Services, Church Publishing Inc.


May Almighty God, to whose glory we celebrate this festival of all the Saints, be now and evermoreyour guide and companion in the way. Amen.

May God, who has bound us together in the company of the elect, in this age and the age to come,attend to the prayers of his faithful servants on your behalf, as he hears your prayers for them.Amen.

May God, who has given us, in the lives of his saints, patterns of holy living and victorious dying,strengthen your faith and devotion, and enable you to bear witness to the truth against all adversity.Amen.

And the blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, be upon you and remain with youfor ever. Amen.

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Recessional Hymn Ye watchers and ye holy ones (Blue) No. 618

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Dismissal The Dismissal was adapted from a prayer by The Rev. Debbie Royals.

Deacon: Go now into the four Sacred Directions, the east, south, west, and north.Go into your communities, into unknown lands and places.Go where God’s name is well known and where it has yet to be known.Go to those who welcome you and those who reject you.Go and share the Gospel of God in Creation with all who will hear, Alleluia, Alleluia!

People: Thanks be to God! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Postlude Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren Dieterich Buxtehude

Please join us following this service for Coffee Hour in McBride Hall(across the labyrinth), or join us for classes or meetings—classrooms andmeeting rooms are downstairs beneath the sanctuary, with access either

by the stairs off the breezeway or by the ramp near the parking lot.

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We hold the following in our prayers today:

We pray for Katharine our Presiding Bishop; Kirk our Bishop; Steve, our Rector; and the clergyand staff who serve Grace St. Paul’s; the Diocese of Udi (Enugu, Nigeria), The Rt. Rev.Chjioke Augustine Aneke; Church of the Epiphany in Tempe; North Swan Baptist Churchin Tucson.

We pray for peace in Zimbabwe, Syria, Congo, Sudan, Gaza, and in all places. We pray forthose in the military, especially those serving in combat zones, including Ronald Berryhill;Christopher Gallo; Laura Goodman; Michael Hannan; Andrew Harris; Frederick Jenning;Greg Maynard; Eric Osche; Mark Pundt; Thomas Rice; Terrence Robinson; LaramieStruble; Matt Woodruff; Brian.

We pray for Oma “Sam” Guard; Christine Nelson; Suzanne Nystrom; Elise Petropoulos; SusanSouthwick; Ed; Lee; Betsy Bret Harte & MaryKay Zeeb; Mary Gould; Francesca Jarvis; TonyJones; David Shaw; Peggy Southwick; Beryl Todd; Mary Wilcox; Amanda & Matt; Amy, Phil& Vince; Barry; Nick; Charlie; Jerry & Rondy; Karl; Monica & Carri; Nichole; Sid.

We hold in prayer animal companions who are in need.

We hold in prayer our animal companions who have died.

We pray for those who have died.

We pray also for those who have died in the desert on our border and all those who have diedin Afghanistan.


Names of parishioners submitted this week will remain on the list during the current month.Please contact David Wachter by 4 p.m. on Wednesday (327-6857 or e-mail [email protected])to add a name to the list printed in the bulletin. Names of non-parishioners, including relatives ofparishioners, will remain on the prayers for one week only—if the crisis persists, please call thechurch office each week by 4 p.m. on Wednesday to renew, or send an email [email protected]. Full names will be listed unless “first name only” is requested. TheIntercessory Prayer Team will receive all names submitted; this large team maintains dailyintercessions. There are no time limitations on this ministry.

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GSP Parish Life – November 3, 2013The Sunday bulletin is filled with information about events at Grace St. Paul’s or of interest to the GraceSt. Paul’s community. Please take it home and read it at your leisure. There’s something for everyone!

Check out GSP’s website: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church • 2331 E. Adams St., Tucson, AZ •

Tonight in McBride Hall!

Join us for

Telling Our Stories:Giving and Receiving in CommunityTonight, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., in McBride Hall

Fr. Steve invites everyone in the parish to join him and the Parish DevelopmentCommittee at one of these Sunday evening gatherings. Hear about the vision andmission of Grace St. Paul’s from Fr. Steve, listen to the wisdom of Henri Nouwenand his spiritual approach to giving and receiving as a response to God’s abundancein our lives, and hear from others about how their lives have been touched bygenerosity. Let us treat you to dessert, coffee and tea. Childcare will be provided.

The next events will be on:Sunday, November 3 (tonight!)

Sunday, November 10

Ushers Help Our Services Run Smoothly

Do you enjoy helping people? Do you like to serve as a welcoming presence? Do you want to helpour liturgies run smoothly? If you answered yes, then consider becoming an usher for the 10 a.m.Sunday service. Volunteers work in teams of four people and on a rotating scheduleevery four to six weeks. If your interest is even only mildly piqued, then attend one of thetwo upcoming training sessions to see if this might be a volunteer activity for you.

Meet in the narthex—Saturday, November 9 from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. orSunday, November 10 after the 10 a.m. service.

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Join us for a Grace St. Paul’s tradition as we celebrate Dia de los Muertos and the Feasts of AllSouls and All Saints over the four days of October 31-November 3. All of the events will bechild-friendly and families are encouraged to participate!

All Saints’ Day, Sunday, November 3

Today we celebrate the Feast of All Saints, the culmination of this seasonal rememberingof the saints of the Church and all those loved ones who have gone before us. At theSequence Music or Sequence Hymn, you will have an opportunity to write the name of aloved one on a slip of paper or add a photo to the Dia de los Muertos altar in the chancel.

At 6 p.m., members of the Tucson community will gather downtown for the annual AllSouls Procession . Please contact Catherine Penn Williams [email protected] if you would like more information on how toparticipate.

Everyone is invited!

Annual Church Cleaning DaySaturday, November 30

8 a.m. – noon

Join the Buildings & Grounds Committee members as they prepare for the Advent season by deepcleaning the church and taking care of maintenance projects. This is a wonderful opportunity towork off your Thanksgiving meal! If you can bring a vacuum or carpet cleaner, please let Mark Drewor Sue Pierce know. Meet in McBride Hall at 8:00 a.m. for bagels, pastries, coffee and juice.

Wreath Sales to Benefit J2A Pilgrimage:

Buy a Wreath: Save a National Forest!

Sundays, after each service; prices range from $18-$35

LAST DAY to buy gifts delivered by FedEx: Sunday, Nov. 3 (today!)LAST DAY to buy wreaths delivered to GSP: Sunday, Nov. 10

Our table is outside McBride Hall. Come see these beautiful wreaths!

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Date Changes for Youth “Happening” Event!

“Happening” is now scheduled for January 10-12, 2014 at GSP

For Teens 10th-12th Grades; Cost $50Scholarships available

Contact Rosalind Garcia at [email protected] or at 327-6857for more information

Coffee Hour Hospitality

We’d like to make coffee hour self-supporting. Your donations of food and any monetarycontributions you make can help offset the costs of condiments and paper products.

Coffee and light refreshments are offered on Sundays at 9 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. in McBride Hall. Wehave wonderfully generous members and talented bakers and we want to take advantage of both.So, in an effort to have the wealth spread evenly across the various Sundays each month, we’ll askfolks to provide goodies based on the first letter in their last names:

! The first Sunday of each month: last names that begin with letters A–F

! The second Sunday of each month: last names that begin with letters G–L

! The third Sunday of each month: last names that begin with letters M–R

! The fourth Sunday of each month: last names that begin with letters S–Z

Our hope is that by providing some sort of schedule, we will have something delicious to offerconsistently and have every Sunday offer a feast rather than have uneven episodes of feasts andfamines. Of course, anyone inspired to share good food on additional Sundays is welcome to doso. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Allen, the chair of the Coffee Hour Hospitalityministry, at 327-4448.

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Liturgy & Music

SPIRIT NOW: an Emerging WorshipExper i e n c e , I n c l u s i ve a ndInteractive—This service is a contemporary

expression of ancient spiritualities emerging fromthe people. The service begins at 5:30 p.m. everyThursday and is followed by a meal of soup, bread,and wine. On the third Thursday of each month,there is a potluck dinner. Everyone is welcome! Thisweek’s service will take place in McBride Hall.


try Prayer in a small community? Come to EveningPrayer on Tuesdays, from 6 to 6:30 p.m. in the JulianChapel. On the first Tuesday of each month,Evening Prayer will include Communion. Stayafterwards for the brief fellowship afterwards ifyou’d like. Come join us in the joy of small, prayerfulcommunity. If you have any questions, feel free to

ask Chris Ledyard, Br. Chuck or Nan Hannan, GaleOdion, or Mark Drew.

INTERFAITH MEDITATION GROUPPlease join us for meditation every Tuesday at 7 p.m.for an intimate, candlelit gathering in the Julian Chapel.Our meditation group is inclusive and open to allregardless of where you may be on your spiritualjourney or whether you are new to meditation or anexperienced meditator. Our format begins with ashort optional walking meditation that flows into our20-25 minutes of silent seated meditation. For moreinformation please contact David Clements at429-4438.

DIGITAL BULLETIN AVAILABLE!For those who find it an aid to worship(and can help save trees and money), wehave made our Sunday bulletin available fordownload on electronic devices. You canaccess the bulletin by visiting our website

and clicking on “Sunday Bulletins,” clicking on the linkprovided in the left column of the Friday e-mail, or byscanning the QR code right here.

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If you choose to download the bulletin, please berespectful of your neighbor and be particularly care-ful about the light that your device casts. Our goal isalways to create the most spirit-filled, meditative,energizing, and enlightening worship experiencepossible for all.

RECORDINGS AVAILABLECD and DVD recordings of the 10 a.m. service maybe ordered; please contact the church office(327-6857).

FLOWERS—Did something special happen to

you recently that you’d like to celebrate? Honorit with altar flowers or plants! Perhaps you wantflowers or plants in memory of or in honor of aloved one. If so, call the office (327-6857) toarrange flower or plant dedications. Any OfficeWelcome Team volunteer will be happy to takeyour information and give it to KiKi Fenik, ourParish Administrator.

Adult Spiritual Formation &Education

Oil Spoils Our Water and Soil—Sunday,Nov. 3, 9–9:50 a.m. in the BloomEducation Center. Skye Siegel from the Pima

County Department of Environmental Quality(PDEQ) will lead this class that provides a generaloverview of PDEQ as a regulatory agency and PimaCounty’s Clean Water Program. Water qualityissues will be highlighted, with a focus ontransportation-related pollutants such as oil andgrease. There are many simple things people can doto improve our water quality now and for futuregenerations. Come learn how you can help!Facilitated by Holly Shinn.

Continuing a Deeper ConversationAbout Violence—Wednesdays, Nov. 6,13 & 20, 7–8:30 p.m. in the WeeksRoom. Join us for a continuing conversation about

the “Spectrum of Violence.” We will reflect on howwe encounter violence in life, examine our response toit, and discuss options to think act in faithful andhealthy ways as God’s people. Please call thechurch office at 327-6857 to register; thedeadline for registration is Wed., Oct. 30.Facilitated by The Rev. Allen Breckenridge, Director of theCenter for Creative Spirituality & The Spirit Dojo Karateprogram at GSP.

Reading The Bible Again For The FirstTime (Marcus Borg)—Sundays, Nov. 10& 17 at 9 a.m. in the Bloom EducationCenter. Progressive biblical scholar Marcus Borg

offers a bold new understanding of scripture as heexamines both the Old and New Testaments, not ashistorical documents but as vital teaching stories aboutour relationship with God in our own time. Thesesessions are a must if you’ve wondered how to applyscripture in the 21st century. Facilitated by CatherinePenn Williams, scripture student and member of GSP.

EfM Graduates’ Forum—Mondays, Oct.28, Nov. 18, Dec. 16, 10 a.m. in theWeeks Room. This monthly forum is for

graduates of EfM. The purpose of the forum is toprovide an ongoing format in which we can continueto participate in the transformation of the world withina supportive group. Each month’s forum is a two-hourmeeting with a theme, a short reading or video,reflection and discussion, and ending with worship.Advance registration is required; please call thechurch office to sign up. This forum is convened byBrian Arthur.

Children, Youth & Families

Rummage Sale Collection continuesTODAY!!Please bring us your items for GSP’s 3rd annual youthrummage sale to benefit J2A Pilgrimage. We will becollecting Sunday mornings in the Mary of Bethany

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room (room 11) in the undercroft. We needfurniture, large and small appliances, campingequipment, household items, clothing, tools, gamesand toys! Please help us by making sure yourdonations are in good shape for sale.

Please contact Rosalind Garcia at 327-6857 or [email protected] for moreinformation and large item pick-up dates.

We Need Plastic Bags for the YouthRummage Sale!Please bring your donation of plasticgrocery bags to the Mary of Bethany Roomany time between now and Nov. 10. Thankyou for your help!

ST. ZENO’S ZOMBIE CHOIRDo you enjoy munching brains at coffee hour? Thenthe Zombies may be for you. The St. Zeno’sZombie Choir, directed by Christina Jarvis, islooking for youth from middle school to college ageto sing and/or play instruments for 10:00 Sundayservices and other services throughout the churchyear. We rehearse in the St. Nicholas Room from12:30 to 1:15 p.m. on Sundays. Please sign up withChristina or contact her at 628-8119 or by email [email protected] for further information.

Health & Healing Ministries

EMERGENCY PASTORAL CAREPHONE NUMBERWe have made reaching a member of the pastoralcare team easier and quicker. If you have a pastoralemergency after hours, please call (520) 668-5727.If you would like to learn more about how tobecome a trained pastoral care team member, pleasecontact Lynne Albright.

Social Justice & Outreach

Tucson CROP Hunger Walk: EndingHunger – One Step at a TimeToday, November 3, 2 p.m.

Walk 2.5 miles for hunger—starts at FirstUnited Methodist Church, 915 E. 4th St. (justsouth of the U of A Main Gate). Registration:1:30–2 p.m. Free parking is available in theTyndall Avenue and 4th St. Parking Garage.

Take advantage of this opportunity to share ourabundance. Wear your GSP T-shirt and bring a GSPpresence to this event by taking a pleasant Sundayafternoon walk around the UA campus. Make apersonal contribution or gain a sponsor for youreffort. For more information or a contribution form,ask Dick Kelbaugh in the choir.

Just Coffee:Dark Ro a s t ,Regular Roast,

and Decaf (bean or ground) will be availablefor sale and for order at $9-$10/pound inMcBride Hall today after both services.

Do you have 45 minutes to spare once a week? Oronce a month? Bread from the Pantry is looking fordrivers to collect and deliver bread on different daysduring the week. Volunteers can sign up for the sameday every week or the same day once a month. We’llwork with your schedule!

Volunteers need a good-sized sedan or small SUV andneed to be comfortable working alone in the evening.Volunteers collect bread from Beyond Bread (onCampbell south of Ft. Lowell) on Mondays, Tuesdays,Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. The bread iscollected at 8 p.m. and delivered to GSP. If you’reinterested or would like additional details, please callBill Trujillo at 344-8498. Thank you!

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Parish Membership &Administration

GREEN CHURCH COMMITTEEThe Green Church Committee will be meetingtomorrow night (Monday, Nov. 4) in the Maryof Bethany Room (“the other comfy-chair room”)at 7 p.m. Our usual topics will include the solarproject, our third-week ministry table, and ourongoing “green church” efforts. We hope to see youthere!

We believe everyone who comes to GraceSt. Paul’s has something to offer thiscommunity, and we are happy to welcomeyou. Information forms are available in thechurch office Monday through Friday, and inMcBride Hall at the Welcome Table onSundays from 9 a.m. to noon.

GET YOUR NAME TAG!If you don’t already have a name tag, please sign upfor one at the Welcome Table in McBride Hall or onthe bulletin board across from the Welcome Table.

HOW DO I SUBMIT ITEMS FORTHE SUNDAY BULLETIN?Please send bulletin announcements to DavidWachter at [email protected]. Please makeprayer list requests by calling the church office at327-6857 and speaking with the Office WelcomeTeam volunteer, or by sending them directly toDavid Wachter at [email protected]. Thedeadline for the Sunday bulletin is 4 p.m. on thepreceding Wednesday. Prayer list requests forthe bulletin may be made until 4 p.m. onWednesday this week. Thanks!

HOW DO I SCHEDULE AN EVENTAT GSP?If you would like to schedule a meeting or event atGrace St. Paul’s, contact KiKi Fenik, GSP’s ParishAdministrator, in the church office; please e-mail herat [email protected].

Community Events at GSP

MUSICA SONORA PRESENTS THEINSTRUMENTAL CONCERTSunday, November 10, 2013, 3 p.m., at GraceSt. Paul’s. We explore the lives of J. S. Bach, G. F.Telemann, Frederick the Great, Vivaldi and othersthrough their music and primary source readings:letters, gossip, and other materials that allow us toexperience their music with fresh understanding oftheir humanity. With Kiann Robinson Mapes, baroqueflute; Michael Simmons, cello; Jeffri Sanders,harpsichord; and Christina Jarvis, reader.

Tickets are $15 general admission, $12 for groups often or more, and $5 for students and are available atthe door.

For further information, please call 628-8119 or seeour website at or check outour Facebook page.

REVEILLE MEN’S CHORUS: GET AFREE TICKET!Would you like a free ticket to this year’s ReveilleMen’s Chorus concerts at GSP?

Friday, December 6 and Saturday, December 7 at 7:30p.m.; Sunday, December 8 at 2:30 p.m.

Reveille Men’s Chorus invites GSP ushers or otherGSP parishioners to usher at any of its upcomingconcerts. The group expects to sell out all threeshows and will need people familiar with the church tohelp seat people. Volunteers will need to arrive 30minutes before showtime. All volunteers will receivecomplimentary admission to the show.

Please contact Stephen Kraynak if you are interested.520-329-8242 or [email protected].

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The Sunday Octave: November 3 – 10Sunday, November 3All Saints’ Sunday; The Fifth Sunday of Creation8 a.m. – Communion Service – Sanctuary8 a.m. – Coffee & Conversation – McBride Hall9 a.m. – Oil Spoils Our Water and Soil – Bloom

Education Center9:45 a.m. – Childcare begins – Nursery10 a.m. – Communion Service, followed by Coffee

Hour – Sanctuary, McBride Hall11:30 a.m. – GSP Prayer Shawl Ministry – McBride Hall12:30 p.m. – St. Zeno’s Zombie Choir rehearsal – St.

Nicholas Room3 p.m. – Tucson Chamber Artists concert – Sanctuary,

Bloom Education Center6:30 p.m. – Telling Our Stories: Giving and Receiving

in Community – McBride Hall

Monday, November 410 a.m. – Animate: Faith Development for Progressive

Christians (Group 2) – Bloom Education Center11:30 a.m. – Drop-In Spiritual Direction – Julian ChapelNoon – GSP Prayer Shawl Ministry – McBride Hall4 p.m. – Spirit Dojo Karate – McBride Hall7 p.m. – Animate: Faith Development for Progressive

Christians (Group 1) – off-site7 p.m. – GSP Green Church Committee – Mary of

Bethany Room7 p.m. – Tucson Masterworks Chorale rehearsal –

Sanctuary7:30 p.m. – Healing Touch Clinic – Weeks Room7:30 p.m. – AA Southside Group – McBride Hall

Tuesday, November 59 a.m. – Spiritual Book Discussion Group – Bloom

Education Center2 p.m. – TIHAN Eating & Living Well – McBride Hall6 p.m. – Evening Prayer & Communion – Julian Chapel7 p.m. – Interfaith Meditation Group – Julian Chapel

Wednesday, November 67 a.m. – Communion Service – Julian Chapel9 a.m. – Education for Ministry (EfM) – Weeks Room10 a.m. – GSP Quilting Ministry – McBride Hall12:15 p.m. – GSP Clergy Meeting – Bloom Education


1:30 p.m. – Liturgy Planning Meeting – Bloom EducationCenter

5 p.m. – Spirit Dojo Karate – McBride Hall7 p.m. – Education for Ministry (EfM) – Weeks Room7 p.m. – Continuing a Deeper Conversation About

Violence – Weeks Room

Thursday, November 710:30 a.m. – Bridge Group – Bloom Education Center3 p.m. – Healing Touch Clinic – Weeks Room5:15 p.m. – Congregational Development Committee

– Social Services Office5:30 p.m. – Spirit Now: An Emerging Worship

Experience, Inclusive and Interactive – McBrideHall

6 p.m. – Tucson Adoption Reunion Support – BloomEducation Center

7:30 p.m. – Choir rehearsal – Chancel

Friday, November 84 p.m. – Musica Sonora rehearsal – Sanctuary8 p.m. – AA Goodlife Group – Weeks Room

Saturday, November 911 a.m. – Usher Training – Sanctuary4:30 p.m. – Piano Studio Recital (students of Ji Sun

Lee) – Sanctuary; reception follows in McBride Hall

Sunday, November 10The Sixth Sunday of Creation8 a.m. – Communion Service – Sanctuary8 a.m. – Coffee & Conversation – McBride Hall9 a.m. – Reading The Bible Again For The First Time

(Marcus Borg) – Bloom Education Center9:45 a.m. – Childcare begins – Nursery10 a.m. – Communion Service, followed by Coffee

Hour – Sanctuary, McBride HallNoon – Lay Minister Training—Ushers, Chalice

Bearers, Readers, Acolytes – Chancel12:30 p.m. – St. Zeno’s Zombie Choir rehearsal – St.

Nicholas Room3 p.m. – Musica Sonora concert – Sanctuary6:30 p.m. – Telling Our Stories: Giving and Receiving

in Community – McBride Hall

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Our Mission:Grace St. Paul’s Episcopal Church is a spiritualhome, open to all, built on a progressiveChristian theology, providing food for thejourney and calling people to change the world.

Our Vision:Grace St. Paul’s will be known for itscommitment to the spiritual formation ofpeople, that they might live a dynamicallytransformative Christian life. This vision will beembodied in:

! experience of Christ’s love

! innovative Episcopal worship

! education in progressive Christianity for allages

! a diverse congregation

! full integration of children and youth

! celebration of individual gifts

! action in the community.

VestryMartha P.L. Whitaker, Senior Warden; Mark Drew, JuniorWarden; Rob Rauh, Chancellor; Peggy Scott, Giving &Receiving Chair; Tom Pitello, Treasurer; Lou Ann Bieging,Clerk of the Vestry

Vestry Members: Kitt Bret Harte, David Clements, ChrisEastoe, Spencer Hunter, Steve Mattix, Roger Pierce, LuPipentacos, Richard Rhoads, Janet Roths, Holly Shinn,Jean Marie Smart, Steve Williams

ClergyKirk S. Smith, Bishop of Arizona; Mary Delaney, JoeFitzgerald, Rosanna Kazanjian, Priest Associates; NancyMeister Book, Deacon; Lynn Marie Hunter, Ana Ortiz,Interfaith Ministers; Debbie Royals, Assistant to the Rector;Steve Keplinger, Rector.

Pastoral Ministries—Health & HealingMinistriesHealing Touch: Pat Dickson, CHTP; Linda Hutson,

CHTP; Ann Misenhimer, CHTP; Carol Forshey,CHTP; Miriam Huber, CHTP; Dorée Ramey; MaryWildner-Bassett, CHTP

Community of Hope Leaders: Lynne Albright, KayBigglestone, Patricia Dickson, Ann Schlumberger

Intercessory Prayer: Nan Hannan

StaffJane Click, Pianist; Director, Handbell Choir; PamelaDecker, Organist; KiKi Fenik, Parish Administrator;Rosalind Garcia, Director of Children, Youth & FamilyMinistries; Christina Jarvis, Music Director; Patti Morrison,Bookkeeper; Bob Randall, Computer & Staff Consultant;James Teal, Facilities Assistant; David Wachter,Publications Manager, Computer Specialist, & AssociateOrganist; James White, Sexton.

Sunday School Teachers, Youth MentorsBeginning (Preschool & Kindergarten) (meets in the Martha

of Bethany Room): Nikki Kerns, SuzanneMcCullough, Rochelle Ramey, Holden Sanders

Primary (Grades 1-3) (meets in the St. Jude Room): JudyGossard, Holly Shinn

Intermediate (Grades 4-6) (meets in the Weeks Room):Madeleine Caldwell, David Christy, Jim Kane, JeanKeplinger

Youth Groups (Grades 7-12) (meets in the St. FrancisRoom): Eric Carr, Brian Fairbanks, Alice Garcia,Michael Sugimoto

VergerBeth Miksa, Verger

Adult Spiritual Formation & EducationMinistry GroupPeggy Scott and Roger Pierce, Co-Chairpersons

Children, Youth & Family Ministry GroupRosalind Garcia, Chairperson

Congregational Development MinistryGroupAl Whitehurst, Chairperson

Fellowship Ministry GroupChris LaBour, Chairperson

Health & Healing Ministry GroupChuck Hannan, Chairperson

Liturgy & Music Ministry GroupThe Rev. Steve Keplinger, Chairperson

Parish Development CommitteeThe Rev. Debbie Royals, Chairperson

Social Justice & Outreach Ministry GroupThe Rev. Nancy Meister Book, Chairperson

Briefly Editing TeamJoyce Henderson, Lead EditorCraig Garver, Supporting EditorWendy Pipentacos, Calendar