The field for deletion flag is LVORM in all material master tables.docx

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  • 8/10/2019 The field for deletion flag is LVORM in all material master tables.docx


    The field for deletion flag is LVORM in all material master tables. But the significance differs from table totable. In mara if LVORM means deletion flag at client level, in MARC it means at plant level, in MARD itmeans at plant and storage location level and so on.

    Try CAUFV, AUFK, AFKO AFPO, Depending on what you need it should be in 1 of these.

    Dear Kishore,

    You cannot delete the material from material master until archiving. To archive the material master, first goto transactionMM71.

    Archiving Material Master:Transaction SARA contains all the SAP archiving objects for all the SAP R/3 applications modules. All the SAP archivefunctions are shown in SARA. Choose the corresponding SAP archive object, hit enter and the archive administration menuwill be shown. Provided here will be an example on how to archive the SAP Material Master.

    Archive a Material Master Record

    When a material is no longer required in a company or plant, you can archive and delete the material master record.

    You have to Flag the material master record for deletion. This is known as logical deletion.

    Before a material master record can be archived and deleted, other objects (such as purchasing documents) that refer tothis material must themselves be archived. You can see which objects these are and the dependencies between them in thenetwork graphic.

    If a material master record cannot be archived and deleted at a given organizational level, the reason is given in the log (forexample, a purchase order exists for the material). The log also contains technical data such as the number of materialmaster records read and the number deleted.

  • 8/10/2019 The field for deletion flag is LVORM in all material master tables.docx


    Some of the archive error log message :-

    Costing data existsUse in routingUse in sales and distribution

    Use in bill of materialDelivery existsCosting data existsInfo record existsPurchase order existsThe Archiving steps :-

    Archiving object MM_MATNR for archiving material master records.

    You can display the archived data, but not reload it.

    To archive the material master, first goto transaction MM71.

    Type in a variant name and click Maintain. (Tick the Test Mode for archive simulation).

    Save the variant.

    Maintain the Start date and Spool parameters and click execute.

    Click Goto Job Overview to check the archive status.

    To do a permanent delete, goto transaction SARA and click Delete button.

    Maintain the Archive Selection, Start date and Spool parameters.

    Click Test Session for testing or click execute to start the deletion program.

    Click Goto Job Overview to check the delete status.

    Now, if you goto MM02/MM03, you will not be able to find the record in the material master.


    Transaction: SARA

  • 8/10/2019 The field for deletion flag is LVORM in all material master tables.docx


  • 8/10/2019 The field for deletion flag is LVORM in all material master tables.docx


  • 8/10/2019 The field for deletion flag is LVORM in all material master tables.docx



    You cant delete completely from the system (not possible)..

    But you can archieve the material (if it is not used, doent have stock)

    with transaction SARA
  • 8/10/2019 The field for deletion flag is LVORM in all material master tables.docx


    And after SARA you must run the program MMREO110N with transaction SE38

    to not to see the archieved at table MARA..


    In standard it is not possible to archive just one org element of a material.

    to do this you have to follow the instruction given in OSS Note 543279

    New material created on 14-9-2014 in DEV 110 client
  • 8/10/2019 The field for deletion flag is LVORM in all material master tables.docx


  • 8/10/2019 The field for deletion flag is LVORM in all material master tables.docx


  • 8/10/2019 The field for deletion flag is LVORM in all material master tables.docx


  • 8/10/2019 The field for deletion flag is LVORM in all material master tables.docx


  • 8/10/2019 The field for deletion flag is LVORM in all material master tables.docx


    Data ArchivingGenerally large amounts of database data is produced in the production system of a business application,which often times is reflected in a deterioration of system performance and an increased use of resources.Costs can also be negatively affected by large data volumes, since resources and efforts spent on databaseadministration go up as a result.

    Therefore, data from closed business processes, meaning data that is no longer needed in every day businessprocesses, should be moved out of the database, in order to gain a reduction in costs, and improveperformance and system availability. Simply deleting this data is often not a valid option, due to legal dataretention requirements. This means that the data has to be removed from the database and stored in such away that it is always accessible for reading if necessary. This is the task of SAP Data Archiving , which allowsyou to removed data from the database and store it in a consistent and secure manner. The archived data isstored in a file system and from there can be moved to other, more cost efficient storage media.

    Data archiving is an administrative task that must be performed regularly, particularly if you arefacing fast growing data volumes. How often you archive largely depends on the growth rate ofyour database tables.

    The technological foundation of data archiving is located in the SAP NetWeaver Application Server and isavailable in two different variations:

    ADK-based Archiving - ADK-based archiving is used only by ABAP applications that employ ABAParchiving objects in their data archiving projects.

    XML-based Archiving - XML-based archiving is employed for XML archiving objects that are used by

    ABAP applications with XML interfaces, and for archiving sets used by JAVA applications.
  • 8/10/2019 The field for deletion flag is LVORM in all material master tables.docx


    Time 3:00 PM dated 15-9-2014.

    Production client 100

    Material : 350202-00102-fk

  • 8/10/2019 The field for deletion flag is LVORM in all material master tables.docx


  • 8/10/2019 The field for deletion flag is LVORM in all material master tables.docx


  • 8/10/2019 The field for deletion flag is LVORM in all material master tables.docx


    Transaction: SARA

  • 8/10/2019 The field for deletion flag is LVORM in all material master tables.docx



    Execute the above

  • 8/10/2019 The field for deletion flag is LVORM in all material master tables.docx


    Press the Job icon on the menu

    Delete the record

  • 8/10/2019 The field for deletion flag is LVORM in all material master tables.docx


  • 8/10/2019 The field for deletion flag is LVORM in all material master tables.docx
