The Festive Edition



FREE Festive Edition complete with recipes, gift guide and wellness tips.

Transcript of The Festive Edition

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This heart-felt creation has been deliberately and intuitively infused with positive + healing energy, loving vibes and an abundance of happiness before being

released into the big, beautiful universe.

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contentsfestive season 2014



festive features7 HOW TO FIND BODY HARMONY IN 2015By: Cassie Mendoza-Jones









in this issue



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Happy social

PUBLISHER Happy Planet Apps

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Cassandra Lane

COVER IMAGE Sarah Craven Photography

GIFT GUIDE PHOTOGRAPHY Sarah Craven Photograhy


Cassie Mendoza-JonesJessica SepelKylie CarmodyKelly Fielding

DEVELOPER Brian Tanedo

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with your pitch idea.

For more information, contact Happiness + Wellbeing magazine at [email protected]

Copyright 2014 Happiness + Wellbeing magazineAll Rights Reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written permission of the publishers. The information in Happiness + Wellbeing Magazine is for

educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice or attention of health care professionals.


Page 6: The Festive Edition

Are you ready to transform your

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Page 7: The Festive Edition

happy body

how to find

harmonyin 2015


By: Cassie Mendoza-Jones

Photography by: Hannah Blackmore Photography

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It’s a new year, and you hope… this time, a new you, right?

Maybe this kind of feeling starts to creep up on you every time the new year rolls around … you want the new year to be different. You want your body to be different. You want to think differently, you want to feel grounded, and balanced, and be calmer, more connected, and more centered.

Maybe you think to yourself that this year, you’ll lose the weight you wished you’d lost last year.

This year, you’ll finally release your anxieties and worries.

This year, you’ll be happier.

You’ll laugh more.

You’ll feel more comfortable in your skin.

You’ll be the most confident girl in the room.

But the New Year rolls around … and you’re just not sure how to find that girl, or how to start cultivating freedom & harmony in your own skin.

Yet … you know you deserve better.

Let me give you a few simple ways you can start to feel happier, just by being you.

Firstly, forgive yourself for last year’s ‘stuff’It doesn’t matter what intentions or resolutions you set for yourself last year, the only way to move forward now is to forgive yourself for whatever you feel you did or didn’t do, or didn’t do well enough.

If you hold onto internal grudges, you keep yourself stuck in old patterns.

If you hold onto internal grudges, you’re telling yourself you’re not good enough to move forward… when the truth is you are utterly worthy of having more than that.

Acknowledge the old ‘stuff”: the mistakes, the errors, the irrational reactions, and then release them.

You can release them any way that feels good to you. A morning of intention setting and journaling with a huge pot of tea. A refreshing swim in the ocean.

Kinesiology sessions to help you work out why you’re feeling stuck and get you back on the right path again.

You might even simply write out everything that feels as if it’s not working for you, and then set the intention to release these old patterns, habits and limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

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acknowledge the old ‘stuff’ ...the mistakes, the errors, the

irrational reactions, andthen release them

Photography by: Hannah Blackmore Photography

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Set intentions, not rigid goalsSet yourself up for success by setting intentions for the new year, but allow these ‘conscious goals’ to be flexible as your year develops.

As Danielle LaPorte says “Everything we do is driven by the desire to feel a certain way.”

If we use this concept to help us set new year’s intentions, it becomes much easier to set intentions and ways of being that align us with how we want to feel instead of what we want to achieve, do, be or have.

The truth is … you can feel harmony in your skin before you’ve lost any weight.

You can feel freedom in your spirit before you’ve meditated.

You can feel expansive in your mind before you’ve quit your job.

You can feel bliss in your whole being before you go on a yoga retreat.

Set intentions, work out how you want to feel… and then take steps to feel that way … consistently.

Give yourself permission to do things differently

If last year’s schedule wasn’t working out for you so much, change things up.

Move yoga studios.

Change gyms.

Hire a new personal trainer.

Arrange a lunch-share schedule at work, so each day one of your colleagues or you cooks a super healthy lunch for a few of you.

Community + healthy eating = winning.

Just because you always do it that way, doesn’t mean you always have to.

What can you mix up in your life to cultivate more harmony in your skin?

What needs to go? What needs to be upgraded? What needs to be added in?

Release guilt & shameReleasing guilt and shame is one of the key ways to cultivate freedom and harmony in your skin.

And there is a big difference between these two emotions.

This is something Brené Brown explains really well in her brilliant book, The Gifts of Imperfection.

Guilt = I did something bad

Shame = I am bad

“Shame is basically the fear of being unlovable,” explains Brown.

Living your life coloured with guilt and shame is limiting, suffocating, and draining. It stifles creativity, spontaneity and joy.

Release all feelings of guilt and shame that are colouring your life, your choices, actions and experiences. You haven’t done something bad because you ate cake, and you’re not a bad person because you drank too much alcohol on the weekend, or didn’t get to yoga this week.

But holding on to those low vibing emotions? That’ll make you feel like you don’t deserve health, happiness and body harmony … but honestly, that’s what you deserve more than anything else in the world.

Start nourishing yourself with food, not punishing yourselfThis year, choose to nourish your body, and not punish yourself with food. Know deeply that you are worthy of nourishment, not punishment.

Give yourself time to re-learn how to trust your body and it’s needs, and not follow some fad.

Because body harmony is something you want forever, and fads don’t last.

Start the year on a high Moving your body can be one of the most joyful parts of your healthy life routine, but only if you make it a priority to move for reasons other than weight loss.

Apart from all the physical benefits of exercise, daily movement will also help to:

• Reduce stress

• Reduce anxiety

• Improve mood

• Balance hormones

• Clear your mind

• Improve learning and memory

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So you can see how your morning walk or yoga sesh is so much more important for you than just toning up.

You’re actually toning your brain and mind, which will in turn help you to look after yourself even more.

Give yourself permission to not burnoutSelf-care is the new black.

While burning out and driving ourselves into the ground used to be all the rage, the New Year is the perfect time to let go of the old habit of pushing yourself so hard that you wilt into half the person you know you can be.

Go to sleep earlier. Move your body. Eat really good food. Say ‘yes’ to things only when you really want to. Learn to be okay with saying ‘no’. Learn to ask for more time, more support, more grace. Book yourself in for a monthly massage. Leave work earlier. Sleep in to miss rush hour. Wake up early to go to yoga.

Ultimately, you get to choose how to look after yourself.

Release all guilt around looking after yourself … it’s ok to treat yourself as if you were the most important person in your world.

Because honestly, you are.

How do you want to look after yourself this year?

Create a kit of resources to help you Just like a newborn baby, it’s important we learn how to self-soothe and create resources and a sense of resourcefulness to carry us through the harder times.

My ‘happiness’ toolkit includes yoga, spending a lazy morning in a café having breaky with my hubby, reading books by authors I love, pulling angel/guidance cards, kinesiology, journaling, clearing the energies of my space/home, making tea, taking myself off to a little café and just chilling out with the paper and a great coffee, spending time with my family and our dogs, and giving myself permission to do absolutely nothing.

Now, I want you to make a list of the things that bring you joy, and pin it up somewhere prominent where you can view it everyday.

Any time you feel yourself being dragged down, or you start feeling stressed, anxious, sad or weepy… look at your list and pick one thing that’ll help lift you up again.

Use your resources and your resourcefulness to create a life that lifts you up … a life full of body harmony and freedom.

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because ultimately, it’sall aboutharmony + freedom

Photography by: Hannah Blackmore Photography

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As a kinesiologist, naturopath, nutritionist & herbalist, Cassie Mendoza-Jones helps women upgrade their health & their life. She’s the founder of Elevate Vitality and the Body Harmony Society. Her work has been featured in publications & websites such as Body + Soul, & She regularly speaks for businesses, including LinkedIn, on all things self-care. Meet Cassie and stay in-the-loop about her upcoming courses & events at:

about cassie

Photography by: Hannah Blackmore Photography

Page 14: The Festive Edition

Does the idea of having freedom and harmony in your own skin feel like a miracle right now?

T H E N T H E B O DY H A R M O N Y S O C I E T Y I S F O R Y O U .

We’re launching our life-changing online courses, classes & resources in early 2015. Can’t wait until then?

B O D Y H A R M O N Y S O C I E T Y . C O M

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happy travel

By: Jessica Sepel

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Healthy living and travelling – these are a few of my favourite things. Unfortunately, healthy living while traveling can be quite the challenge! It’s taken several years and even more miles to create a plan of action when I take trips, but now that I’ve got the hang of it, it’s even easier than packing my bags. Because really, there is no way you can possibly fit the number of shoes required into one suitcase.

The trick is preparation. Pack smart, explore your destination and stick to your everyday healthy habits – allowing some wiggle room for local fun, of course!


Look into fitness clubs, yoga studios, or CrossFit gyms in the area that offer free trials or inexpensive drop in passes.


Be sure to bring your workout gear - sneakers take up precious space in your suitcase, so you’re more likely to make it worthwhile by putting them on and hitting the pavement. And consider bringing resistance bands. If you’re looking for something that takes up next to zero space in your bag, resistance bands will be your new bestie. They’re perfect for strength training – difficulty is increased simply by changing the position of the band. No weight machines required!


Plane/airport food is usually very high in sodium. This is OK in moderation, but save the splurge for a great restaurant when you arrive! Pack some healthy treats that are travel-friendly, like raw almonds, dates stuffed with seeds, sliced veggies, an apple, rice cakes with almond butter, and homemade granola bars or protein bites.


I bring a B vitamin complex for energy, stamina and recovery (it also seems to help with jetlag), zinc to keep my immune system strong, and spirulina tablets - they’re packed with amino acids, nutrients and antioxidants to stay healthy and full of energy during travel. I also bring a digestive enzyme and probiotic. It can be difficult to maintain good bacteria in the gut when traveling, so these support and aid digestion and help with travel bloat.

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If you’re traveling by car, schedule in regular stops to get out and stretch your legs. Find parks to explore – you can stretch or even go for a quick jog – or if you’re near a city, a museum or even a shopping mall is a great way to get in some serious walking.


Hydration cannot be emphasized enough, especially when traveling by plane. This prevents water retention and other issues associated with dehydration when you land. Carry a glass water bottle to refill at the filters available at most airports, and bring herbal tea bags with you too. Ginger and peppermint tea aids digestion, and chamomile will soothe your system.


Don’t let jet lag, flight connections or uncomfortable hotel beds get between you and your rest. Sleep is essential, especially when traveling, to keep your immunity and energy up. Aim for 8 hours whenever possible.


It will help you enjoy the restorative sleep you need, both on the plane and once you’ve arrived at your destination. The darkness will support melatonin production (since light can destroy the production) and it will help with jet lag too.


I dab some on my temples to induce calmness and rest on the plane and when going to sleep while I’m away. Adjusting to jet lag, lighting and a different bed can cause stress on your body and this routine is very soothing.


Seek out healthy options where you can. If you’re staying somewhere with a kitchen, shop the local market for easy things to prep, especially breakfasts. Try to add greens at each meal, if possible, and have a daily green juice. It will help boost immunity too!

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Enjoy local delicacies and treats in moderation, but don’t let one splurge spiral you out of control. Savour the treat, then move on and recommit to your healthy eating habits. Guilt over food will only distract you from your adventure.


If you want to toast to your trip with a cocktail, choose gin or vodka, and have it with soda water and fresh lime to cut down on added sugar and calories. Or enjoy a glass of red wine – and antioxidants!


I don’t worry too much about formal exercise when traveling, but I stay active exploring my surroundings. Walking, biking and jogging is always a great way to sightsee. You may even find a fun local yoga or dance class!


You don’t want to miss out on the daily activities, so set your alarm an extra 30 minutes early to fit in a quick jog, yoga session, or time at the hotel gym.


Believe it or not, you require very little space to get a full body workout. Consider the size of a yoga mat and work within those dimensions. You can easily practice sun salutations and warrior poses, or work your core with planks and crunches. Even burpies – everyone’s favorite – can be done in the space of a yoga mat In your hotel room – or the airport terminal, if you’re feeling bold.


Find fun ways to include the family: walk on the beach, take a bike ride, go for a hike, try whitewater rafting – whatever. There are plenty of things you can do together that count as group exercise – and family bonding.


Try to spend at least 10 minutes a day alone. Switch off, practice some deep breathing, and journal about your experiences that day. Not only will it help you focus, it will be wonderful to reflect back on!

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about jess

Having recently completed a Bachelor of Health Science and Nutritional Medicine, Jessica’s policy to a healthy lifestyle is informed by a well- researched understanding of nutrition, and complemented by a passion to achieve physical and psychological balance. Jessica’s approach towards health and nutrition aims to push people to live the best possible lifestyle, and she believes in order to feel better, we must first be better. Jessica believes our optimum health is dependent on many lifestyle choices and habits, including sleep, stress, food choices, physical activity, relationships, work choices, and the natural environment. Jessica is passionate about helping individuals embrace a healthier lifestyle through nutrition and believes food can heal all.

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happy food

picnic recipes


By: Kelly Fielding

Photography by: Tommy Leitch

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There is something I really love about eating outdoors. A big rug on the grass, a spread of healthy colorful food, plates balanced on knees, the smell of summer in the air, good friends and beautiful nature- it doesn’t get much better really.

I love eating with my fingers, letting time roll by without any need to know the hour, allowing laughter and conversation to flow over the passing of plates and pouring of drinks.

My idea of picnic food isn’t really sandwiches, chips and soda. Instead, these simple raw vegan picnic recipes are vibrant and nourishing, full of the flavors of Summer and the colors of all seasons combined!

I like to make simple food that allows the robust flavors of seasonal produce to shine- there is nothing quite like the taste of summer strawberries or biting into fresh ripe cherry tomatoes.

So visit your local Farmers market, grab your favorite picnic rug and head into the wildness to laze about and enjoy the taste of summer goodness.

The following recipes serve two to four people.

happy food

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asian sesame slaw

Photography by: Tommy Leitch

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Serves 2 to 4

Asian Summer Slaw Ingredients

½ a large green or purple cabbage finely sliced

2 carrots grated

1 spring onion finely sliced

1 red capsicum finely diced

1 cucumber finely diced

2 teaspoons of sesame seeds

1 tablespoon of raisons

Apricot Sesame Dressing Ingredients

¼ cup dried apricots soaked, plus 2 tablespoons of soak water

1/4 cup of tahini

2 tablespoons of tamari

1 tablespoon of fresh ginger

2 tablespoons of lemon juice

1 tablespoons of raw untoasted sesame oil


1. Blend dressing ingredients until smooth, using enough of the apricot soakwater to create a smooth consistency.

2. Mix the dressing through the coleslaw until well combined, massaging wellwith your hands.

3. Sprinkle with fresh mint and sesame seeds.

asian sesame slaw

happy food

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quinoa tabbouleh

Photography by: Tommy Leitch

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Serves 2 to 4

Tabbouleh is a bit of a staple picnic salad! Fresh and full of flavor with mint, lime and parsley, this is a delicious salad on its own or with a dollop of zucchini hummus (see recipe below!) Here the wheat is substituted with quinoa for a light, gluten free alternative


1 ½ cups of cooked quinoa

1 large cucumber diced

1 red bell pepper diced

¼ cup of sun ripened black olives

1 handful of mint leaves, finely chopped

1 handful of coriander leaves, finely chopped

1 cup of parsley finely chopped

1 handful of pea shoots or sunflower sprouts

½ a punnet of cherry tomatoes halved

1 lime juiced

1 tablespoon of olive oil

Freshly cracked Himalayan salt and black pepper


1. Chop the cauliflower into large chunks then add them to the food processor.Pulse until the texture is a rice-like consistency.

2. Place in a bowl and add the cucumber, capsicum, coriander, parsley andmint.

3. Squeeze the juice of 1 lime over the vegetable mix and top with cherrytomatoes, pea shoots and lots of freshly ground black pepper.

quinoa tabbouleh

happy food

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Photography by: Tommy Leitch

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Serves 2 to 4

This was my staple travel food for a while, sometimes minus the fresh sunflower sprouts! I found that if I traveled with nori sheets and macadamia butter or tahini and some good quality salt, I could usually pick up an avocado or some fresh greens somewhere, and this was just heaven.


4 raw nori sheets

4 tablespoons of tahini

2 cups of fresh sunflower sprouts

2 avocados

A dozen sun dried tomatoes

Himalayan salt


1. Lay the nori sheets flat and fill each one with one tablespoon of macadamiabutter, ½ a cup of fresh sprouts, ½ of an avocado, a few sliced sun dried tomatoes and a pinch of salt.

2. Roll the nori up and eat fresh with your hands!

3. You can choose to add any fillings you like, but I find this particular combinationso simple and so tasty. Sometimes I will add a spread of miso paste instead of the salt.


happy food

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Choc beetroot + orange cake

Photography by: Tommy Leitch

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Serves 2 to 4

This was a cake created in part by one of my all time favorite kitchen partners. How much fun we used to have creating new recipes and going on foodie adventures! This is a light chocolate cake, lightened by the addition of orange zest and coconut flour. It is a brilliant red color when sliced and always delights dinner guests!

Ingredients: Cake

2 ½ cups of brazil nuts

½ cup of coconut nectar

1 ½ cups of coconut flour

1 cup of soft or soaked dates

2 beetroots grated

1 orange- zest only

1 cup of cacao powder

Instructions: Cake

1. Process brazil nuts until they form a fine powder. Add all of the other ingredientsand process until smooth and the mixture combines easily. You may need to do this in batches if your food processor is small.

2. Press the mixture into a spring form cake tin and refrigerate while you makethe icing.

Instructions: Icing

1. Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth and creamy. Youmay need to add a little extra almond milk so that it blends easily.

2. Spread the icing over the cake and decorate with coconut and pistachios.


happy food

Ingredients: Icing

1 cup of soaked and strained cashews (try to soak your cashew for 2-4 hours)

1 tablespoon of coconut nectar

¼ teaspoon of vanilla essence

2 tablespoons of coconut oil

½ cup of fresh raspberries

1-2 tablespoons of almond milk

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about kelly

Kelly is a passionate writer and raw/vegan chef who combines her love of writing with her forays into health and wellness. Kelly has traveled and worked extensively across the world in health resorts, detox centers, raw food restaurants and wellness retreats, sharing ways to live simply, mindfully and sustainably. Her work is regularly published on several online journals as well as her own website ‘Bella and Bhakti’ which offers information about plant-based living, vibrant nourishing recipes as well as inspiration to encourage others to share their own passions and dreams. A gypsy heart and lover of nature, Kelly finds inspiration in the world around her and translates her visions into whimsical stories and edible creations

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Photography by: Sarah Craven

happy gifts

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Clockwise: Maui Mala, Vegan Suede Quartz Necklace, Sun & Moon Stack Bracelets, Amethyst Cluster Necklace

Also shown: The Little Sage oracle card deck


Earth Elements is a company supported by the Earth, nourished by the Sun, connected to the Moon and energized by the stars. Based in beautiful Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

The Earth Elements philosophy is about living in tune with Mother Earth and the sacred wisdom of the Universe.

Each crystal necklace and every set of mala beads are handmade with love and infused with the intention to connect you to the abundant, joyful soul you really are. The crystal necklaces are carefully created with sterling silver chains and high quality vegan suede cords. All the crystals and natural beads are hand picked and offer beautiful variations - making each piece unique and one of a kind.



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Seasonal Eating Charts


Would you like to have a stronger connection with nature, understand and appreciate the seasons, enjoy fresh, juicy fruits and vegetables, get your hands dirty and become an earth mumma? All fruit and vegetables have a particular time of the year when they are at their peak.

Seasonal nutrition brings an amazing variety, textures, colours and flavours to your table. The excitement you will experience when you realise a new fruit or vegetable has come into season will make you fall in love with the uniqueness of each season and nurture a deeper appreciation for what it has to offer. You will begin to understand that fruits and vegetables appear during the season in which your body will benefit from them most. And as seasonal produce is picked and provided at its peak you will benefit from much higher nutritional values.

By committing to eating seasonally you will live a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle, feel amazing, reduce your carbon footprint and therefore greenhouse gases! You will support local farmers and reduce food miles – especially if you buy direct - enjoy more creative cooking and save money!

I have designed beautiful Seasonal Eating Charts to walk you step-by-step through the seasons. They will guide you to make seasonal choices + live a more nourished, sustainable + connected life. Place them in a space in your home that you will always glance at them, so before you head to the supermarket your awareness is heightened.

RRP: $25.00 for a set of four

A NurturedBalance


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Hummingbird Muscle Tee


A loose fit, organic cotton muscle tee with limited edition print by Talisa Sutton at Badlands blog. Hummingbirds are said to bring joy, positivity and playfulness to life so we designed these tanks to bring all that to you this season! These tees are super cute with jeans, cut-offs and skirts. Style also available in white, marle grey and vintage black and without print.

Pre-washed and pre-shrunk for super soft finish.

RRP: $65 AUD

betty browne


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04 Orange and 02 Dark Hot Choccy Flavoured Drinking Powder


Hot Choccy was created with the simple belief that everyone should have access to delicious, guilt-free and nourishing hot chocolate. Owned by Rochelle and Matt, two self-confessed chocolate addicts, Hot Choccy is the only flavoured chocolate powder on the market that combines delectable, swoon-worthy and healthy ingredients with an earth and human-friendly approach.

Compared to most chocolate powders on the market, Hot Choccy is low in sugar and light on your belly. Available in seven different gluten-free flavours – including milk, dark (which is dairy-free), caramel, orange, strawberry, mocha and white! – and offered in two pre-packaged sizes – 75g sachets and 150g jars – Hot Choccy can be consumed both hot and cold as a yummy, guilt-free beverage.

RRP: From $6.95 AUD



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Banana & Cinnamon Muffins, Chewy Cacao-Chip Muesli Bars, Raw Cacao Bliss Balls, Cacao-Chip Chia & Oat Cookies


Bake Mixes create organic, vegan-friendly baking mixes made from quality whole food ingredients. Easy to bake at home, the Bake Mixes range of products are perfect for anyone who loves delicious treats but doesn’t want to compromise on their health. Each mix is dairy and egg free and do not contain processed sugars. There are two gluten-free options in the range, so all dietary requirements can be accommodated. Bake Mixes is an ethical company who endeavour to support the environment through their processing and support various not-for-profit organisations within Australia.

RRP: $14.95 AUD each

Bake mixes


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Deliciously Delicious Taster Pack

Also shown: Addition Design Zig Zag


A taste of Delicious featuring one of everything from our amazing range! Perfect as a gift, a trial or for a weekend away. Enough product to last for up to 2 weeks. The Taster pack includes: Deliciously Clean Butter Cleanser (10mls), Deliciously Supple Silk Serum (5mls), Deliciously Soft Moisturising Cream (10mls), Deliciously Smooth Exfoliating Mask (10gs) and a free bonus- a Deliciously Silky Lip Salve (7mls).

RRP: $35.00 AUD

Delicious skin


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Fairy Friend Space Clearer


Space Clearers serve to remind of our origins, connecting us back to the earth and ether as they hang with radiance in the location they choose to reside. Their purpose is to clear the energies within the space and imbue it with unique positive vibrations emanating from the combined gems, nature trinkets and feathers. Each item taken from the earth is thanked and blessed so that when a completed clearer passes into your hands it is abundantly happy.

RRP: From $28.00 AUD

feather Finder


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Happi Pack


This is the ultimate package to bring shiny-joy to the face of someone you love (which also could be you!). Packaged in a shimmery organza bag, you will find 4 sparkling delights to not only bring joy to the lucky receiver in the moment, but for the weeks and months to come. This package will soothe ones soul, set your mind-dial to positive and gently remind you to choose happiness as a way of living.

RRP: $39.00 AUD

The Happi Empire


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Cacao and Banana Face Glow Mask, Pineapple and Zeolite Micro Polish, Ultra C Radiance Face Serum


The Little Alchemist natural skin care company is an Australian brand that offers a unique range of anti aging skin care products, natural perfumes & deliciously nourishing shea body butters. Combing our passion for natural healthy ingredients and our penchant for luxury, artisan quality we create our products by hand in small batches. Marrying together the finest organic, natural ingredients & the latest cosmeceutical bio actives to bring you a 100% fresh, pure and concentrated skin care solution to nourish, protect and feed your skin with vital nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants.

The little alchemist


Also available at

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Cleanse Organic Herbal Tea and Balance Organic Herbal Tea


Gently cleanse and detoxify to find balance in health with both the Cleanse Organic Herbal Tea and Balance Organic Herbal Tea. Enjoy glowing skin, healthy digestion, a balanced weight, decreased cravings, more energy and increased vitality.

RRP: $27.95 AUD

Balanced by nature


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Wellicious Serenity Top, L’urv Sea Spray Cami, L’urv Stone Leopard Print Cami, Wellicious Skort

Also shown: 2015 Calendar from Steph Says Smile


Fire and Shine was born in a moment of possibility where everything dropped away and suddenly a whole new future opened up. Looking for a change from their 9 to 5 jobs, Jackie and Jane met at yoga teacher training and immediately connected. This harmony continued as they bonded over headstands and ujjayi breathing, fine wine and soft cheese, and finally a mutual passion for stylish, unique yoga wear.

They are like two shadows cast from the same light, and even their work histories have run parallel to finally converge with Fire and Shine, the destination for those driven to inspiration. Jackie and Jane have done their research and road tested the great clothing on offer. Buy with confidence knowing every piece is quality and fit for purpose.with vital nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants.

fire and shine


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Well & Good by Natalie Kringoudis


Well & Good will set you on the path of priming your body for a complete wellness overhaul, because fertility isn’t just about babies or a thriving reproductive system, it’s about taking control of your health on all levels.

With plenty of tips and recipes, Nat Kringoudis shows step-by-step how to take charge of your health and wellbeing. Her knowledge is not only for those want to boost their fertility, but for anyone who wants to experience better daily health.

RRP: $32.99 AUD

Natalie kringoudis


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Maple Pumpkin Bread


Sweet scent of pumpkin pie drizzled in maple syrup and cream and then dusted off with spices of cinnamon & nutmeg. A strong scent that has proved to be a true favourite! Rawscents soy candles are made using eco soy wax, derived from soybeans which are 100% pure, biodegradable and non-toxic. We use the highest quality fragrance oils with lead-free cotton wicks to keep your soy candles as raw as possible.

RRP: From $17.00 AUD

Raw scents


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Night Cream

Also shown: Earth Elements Sun & Moon Stack


A breakthrough in beauty sleep, Kelapa Organics Night Cream instantly transports you to a tropical destination! Organic coconut oil and exotic natural fragrances rejuvenate your skin while you sleep, leaving you to wake with silky soft, hydrated skin.

RRP $39.95 AUD

Kelapa Organics


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Oracle Cards


Perform intuitive readings with your oracle cards and accompanying reference book; pick a card and read the meaning in your reference book, connecting with divine guidance whenever you need it.

These cards can help you to manifest change, inspire the tone for your day, meditation or journalling practice, answer important questions, provide guidance on life decisions or just give you the positive affirmation you need to hear on a particular day.

RRP $29.00 AUD

The little sage


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Spiritual Warrior Tank and Eat Sleep Yoga Repeat Tank


Spiritual Warrior is an Australian fashion brand designed and printed locally on the Gold Coast, that has been founded on the philosophy that our state of consciousness promotes an inner beauty that is much more empowering than just our physical being alone. It is designed to promote, enhance & remind us of our true essence and beauty that resonates deep within our body, mind and soul combined.

The Spiritual Warrior is someone who embraces courage, compassion, discipline and training in order to master ones own alter ego. It is someone who loves. Someone who radiates light. Someone who inspires, uplifts and empowers others to be the best version of themselves.

RRP $29.95 AUD

Spiritual warrior


Page 71: The Festive Edition


2015 Motivational Calendar, Motivational/Inspirational Quotes


StephSaysSmile’s philosophy is based on the three P’s:




With this in mind, StephsSaysSmile has created sets of inspirational/motivational framed prints for you to keep at home, work, anywhere! They help you stay on track and live a life filled with gratitude and love.



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happy presentsGive the gift of This festive season, you can treat you or your loved ones to a 12-month subscription to Happiness + Wellbeing Maga-zine and receive a bucketload of goodies for FREE!

fOR JUST $33 aud you get:• A free issue for both you and your loved one!• A blissful edition of Happiness + Wellbeing Magazine delivered

straight into your gift recipients’ inbox each month for a full year• A free oracle card reading for you or your loved one

(per-fect for gaining clarity on what the new year has in store!)• A digital gift certificate with your subsciption details• Complimentary access to any special editions

released within the subscription period• Exclusive membership into the VIP Happy +

Well Sister Circle on Facebook• A free copy of our Happy + Well manifesto (print

and frame, pop onto your desktop or even use as your phonebackground)

PLUS, you’ll be supporting a free-spirited and earth-friendly inde-pendent (fancy word for small fry!) digital magazine in fostering positive global change and empowering earthlings just like you to change the world for the better.


we support WWF global conservation efforts$4 from every 12-month subscription gets donat-ed to WWF global conservation efforts and in particular their work with the giant panda species. Despite being one of the most popular animals in the world, pandas are threatened by habitat fragmen-tation and unsustainable development. It is estimated that 1,600 pandas remain in the wild. WWF is the primary international conser-vation organization protecting pandas and their habitat. WWF works towards increasing the area of panda habitat under legal protection, creating green corridors to link isolated pandas, patrolling against poaching, illegal logging, and encroachment and building local ca-pacities for nature reserve management.

You can read more about WWF’s work (and make a personal dona-tion) at


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Body Butter, Hand Balm, Lip Balm, Face Balm and Body Oil


Mettā is an ancient style of meditation that encourages loving-kindness with yourself and the world around you. Regular practice fosters a sense of belonging, a pure connection with other living beings and a compassionate understanding of the interconnected world.

By wishing strong happiness for others, “One sleeps easily, wakes easily and dreams no evil dreams. One’s mind gains concentration quickly. One’s complexion is bright.”*

Mettā Skincare shares much with this style of meditation. We wish to help reconnect your daily skincare routine to nature through a practice of loving-kindness for your skin.

Metta skincare


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Strength Mandala Ring


This beautiful mandala symbolises Strength; governed by the element of air - it’s associated spirit animal is the eagle. He brings his superior sense of sight, clarity and intention. This mandala represents the ability to find that inner strength, to know that you are more than capable to achieve your hearts desires.

Each mandala ring is made with sterling silver with an adjustable/mouldable back.

RRP: $88.00 AUD

the fifth element life


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Happy Box


The Happybox is a gift hamper delivery service created with the intention to infuse meaningful spirit, soul and heart into the art of gift giving. With a range of colourful, vibrant and feel-good gift box solutions full of positive vibes and contagious playfulness, The Happybox hopes to deliver inspiration and delight with every gift.

From mouth-watering yummies through to inspirational artwork and nourishing delights, each and every Happybox has been carefully designed, created and prepared to radiate with high-vibing, spirited and sublime happiness.

RRP: From $49.00 AUD

The happybox


Page 80: The Festive Edition


I My Life Organic Perfumes


I My Life Organic Perfume Collection has a powerful purpose – to remind you to love your mind, body and spirit. Look closely and you’ll see quartz crystals catching the sunlight and twinkling.

RRP: $33.00 each

Sacred self


Page 82: The Festive Edition


The Daily Dream Creator


A gorgeous hardcover daily planner for 2015. Includes daily pages for scheduling and taking action on your dreams, important astrological dates, individual inspirational quotes for every day of the year, monthly calendars, quarterly brainstorming pages and more!

RRP: $39.95



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Sugar Free Box


GoodnessMe Box is a health food sampling service. Each month, GoodnessMe Box surprises you with 5-10 health food goodies so you can get your hands on the most sought-after clean eats the world is going nuts about!

The GoodnessMe Box experience is all about discovery so each month the content of the box is a surprise. Plus, each GoodnessMe Box includes nutritional recipes.

In response to the high demand for their monthly health food subscription boxes, GoodnessMe Box has launched a suite of gift boxes including a Paleo, Sugar Free, Coconut Lover and Boutique Box just in time for Christmas which are all gluten free and dairy free.

Unlike traditional Christmas hampers which tend to be full of highly processed, sugar-filled biscuits and cakes, the Sugar Free Box treats you to a range of low sugar and fructose free foods that double as being delicious. In the box you’ll find wholesome foods like rice malt syrup, a fructose free alternative to fructose- laden sweeteners such as corn syrup, agave and honey...There’s also cacao powder for whipping up nutritious raw desserts, Maca powder to add to your morning smoothies or breakfast bowl, cashew nut butter, coconut oil and chai tea to curb any sweet cravings. GoodnessMe Box are offering free shipping until XMas.

RRP: $85.00 AUD

Goodnessme box


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Zig Zag Trivet and Concrete Tray


Simple, accessible and functional design solutions for your home and office. The Zig Zag Trivet is a multi-purpose formsto be used as dining trivets or sculptural pieces. Each trivet is made from clear sealed birch packaged in canvas bag. The Concrete Tray is a multi-purpose concrete storage tray suitable for the studio or lounge room.

Addition design


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Singing Peacock Chair in Natural, The Wanderer Cushion, Cabo Jute Round Aztec Rug and Moroccan Leather Pouf


Zohi Interiors was a dream brought to life for mother-daughter team Debbie and Natasha, who bring together a collection of beautiful furniture and homewares to their online store – Zohi Interiors.

Their journey began in late 2011, when Debbie was re-branding and creating a website for her existing interior design consultancy business. Natasha came on board to help with the project, Natasha explains ‘while we were pouring our idea’s for the new website, we talked about one day having an online store filled with beautiful hand-picked pieces to offer our clients’. Talking and dreaming soon became planning and organizing. Within a few weeks Debbie and Natasha had decided on a name, brand and website developer. Within a few months, the mother-daughter duo had begun importing from India, Morocco and beyond

Zohi Interiors has now been online for over a year and a half, Debbie explains ‘We aspire to give our customers a one stop shop for beautiful pieces for their home and lifestyle. Our range extends from our signature collection of Bone Inlay Furniture to Moroccan treasures such as poufs and wedding blankets that we import directly.’ Take a look at their online store and you will find a large collection of homewares and gifts, such as stunning cushions, throws, statement lamps, beautiful wall art, candles, floor rugs and more. Debbie and Natasha hand-pick each piece to ensure each product is not only beautiful but are high-quality, unique and on trend.

‘My favourite part of my job is to style our pieces in a unique way to show our customers how to use colour, pattern and texture in an interesting way’ says Debbie. The next few pages showcase some of Zohi Interiors most iconic looks to help inspire you for your own home.

Zohi interiors


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happy gifts

... lovemadewith

// spirited handmade gift ideas for your loved ones //

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Psst don’t forget to wrap your handcrafted gifts in eco-friendly paper!

And for the creative souls who’d like to add more of a handcrafted element to their gift giving this year, why not try out some of these fun + spirited ideas?

// Design and create custom jewellery //

You can pick up some beads from your local markets or repurpose some of your existing jewellery to conjure up heartfelt and totally personalised pieces for your loved ones.

// Go green with terrariums //

You’ve probably seen the bite-sized and irresistibly gorgeous tiny succulent gardens floating around social media, but what you might not have realised is that it’s actually beautifully easy (and fun!) to create your own! Just pop in to your local nursery for some plants and tips and then sprinkle with your own unique flavour of creativity.

// Make yummy and healthy treats //

You can whip up some delicious raw treats at home (that can be stored for a few weeks in the fridge) and then oackage them up in gift baskets with handcrafted swing tags for a scrumptious surprise.

// The art of gift vouchering //

But don’t worry, we’re not talking about store-bough gift cards - instead, why not create some cute gift vouchers that utilise your unique skills? You can pop in a day of landscaping if you’ve got a green thumb, a week of home-made meals if you’re a whiz in the kitchen or even a month of bedtime stories for your beautiful children.

// Memory book love //

Want to savour the memories of 2014 for years to come? Design and build persoanlised memory books full of photos, handdrawn illustrations and meaningful comments to bring a smile (and maybe even a few tears!) to your loved ones.

// Put pen to paper //

There’s nothing quite like a love letter or poem to add some love and romance into your gift giving!

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happy food

recipesfestive season

By: Kylie

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festive seasoning loaf

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3 cups breadcrumbs (I used a Paleo style bread. You choose what bread works best for you. I place the fresh slices of bread into the food processor and minutes later…fresh breadcrumbs!)

1 large knob of garlic, diced

1 red onion, diced

1 cup/large handful spinach, chopped

1 lemon, zest and juice

½ cup pistachios, textured

½ cup raisins

¼ cup cranberries, chopped

3 eggs, whisked

1 cup parsley, chopped

Salt and pepper


One bowl Place all ingredients in one bowl, add whisked eggs and stir well to combine. You want a moist-looking mixture, not overly wet. If you feel it’s a little dry you may need another egg (depending upon the size you used. I used approx. 700g eggs). My lemon was quite large and juicy and we love that zesty hit. If you’re not so keen, tone it back a little. O

nce well combined and balanced to your liking, place ingredients in lined loaf tin. Firmly push into tin and place in 160 degree oven for approx. 25 minutes. We like ours a little crispy on top and usually that’s around the time that the smell has got your attention!

Remove from oven, allow to cool in tin for approx. 10 minutes and then turn out and cool on wire rack. If you’re eating straight away, I cut into slices for serving. We really enjoy this one with the white meats … roast chicken is our favourite. Though it would be a great accompaniment to any festive meats.

Note: by the term ‘textured’ I mean some whole, some chopped and some smashed. To achieve this result I put the nuts in a snap-lock bag and use the back of an ice cream scoop, so easy!

festive seasoning loaf

happy food

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summer seafood salad

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Ingredients: Salad

1 packet of noodles (I used a bean thread noodle. It’s light on the digestion, though nourishing. These are a great option for those following a gluten free, dairy free and grain free eating style)

1 red onion, thinly sliced

1kg medium ocean prawns, peeled

½ cup kalamata olives

½ cup dry roasted peanuts

1 mango, diced

½ cup dry roasted cashews, textured

1 bunch coriander leaves

2 tomatoes, diced

Ingredients: Dressing

¼ cup coconut milk

2 limes, zest and juice

½ red chilli, diced (with seeds)

2 tblsp tahini

1 bunch coriander root, finely diced

Salt and pepper

Instructions: Salad

Place noodles in heat proof bowl and pour enough boiling water to cover, toss and allow to stand for approx. 2 minutes. Just long enough to soften the noodles, then strain and I actually cut them roughly with the kitchen scissors. Makes it easy for eating! In the other bowl combine drained olives, red onion, mango, prawns, toasted nuts and coriander. Once noodles are strained and cooled combine with remaining salad ingredients and toss. I topped mine with a little handful of the nuts, you could also use coriander for this.

summer seafood salad

happy food

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Instructions: Dressing

In a small bowl combine all ingredients and stir really well. I do much ‘tasting’ to get the balance of this dressing just how we like it. That’s the benefit…customise it to your tastebuds. My limes were really juicy and we love that hit of citrus. So just play with the taste and consistency. Once you’re happy with it, pour over the salad and toss well. I always make a little extra so people can add more if they choose … Enjoy!

Note: by the term ‘textured’, I mean some whole, some smashed etc. I do this by popping them into a snap-lock bag and using the back of the ice cream scoop …super easy!

This is a great salad that we particularly enjoy throughout the Festive Season, though with the following of seasonal ingredients can be enjoyed at other times. Also great for leftovers the next day!

summer seafood salad

happy food

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christmas cake

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½ cup sultanas

½ cup raisins

5 fresh dates, chopped

½ cup cranberries

½ cup apricots, chopped

6 figs, chopped

2 cups apple juice

¼ cup pear juice concentrate

4 eggs


Combine all the fruit in a large bowl and marinate in the apple juice. Overnight is best. In a separate bowl whisk eggs and then add pear juice concentrate, almond butter and vanilla. Stir to combine. In the same bowl that your fruit is marinating in, now add the bi carb soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, almond meal, hazelnut meal, cacao powder and espresso. Stir well to combine and now add in the contents of your bowl that has the eggs and other ingredients. It will end up being a large, moist and dark-looking mixture. Stir well.

I ended up baking mine in two ways … a lined loaf tin and also a dozen cupcakes. The cupcakes have proved a big hit, great for portion sizes and I used some of the cupcakes as xmas gifts! If you are baking just one cake, I would suggest you may need something similar to a large springform tin.

Bake in pre-heated oven at 150-160 degrees for approx. 40 – 50 mins. Allow to cool in tin before turning onto wire rack. This one was a massive hit … no pudding needed!

christmas cake

happy food

2 tbsp almond butter

1 tsp Vanilla bean paste

½ tsp bi carb soda

1 tbsp cinnamon ¼ tsp ground nutmeg

¼ tsp ground ginger 1 cup almond meal

1 cup hazelnut meal 1 tbsp cacao powder

2 shots espresso

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+ earth-friendly independent


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