The Evolution: Inbound Marketing from Budding Culture

How Budding Culture is Helping Evolutionize Marketing

Transcript of The Evolution: Inbound Marketing from Budding Culture

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How Budding Culture

is Helping Evolutionize


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Yes, marketing has made some pretty huge leaps in recent years. But at the core of the evolution, maybe it’s not really marketing that’s doing all the changing. Maybe it’s us.

We work more.Play harder.We’ve evolved our own functionality through technology. We’ve become more mobile.Multi-taskers. Keen observers and data miners.

And as the channels of information and entertainment continue to splinter, so does our attention to the messages being pushed at us. We’ve become a society of “Seekers” – searching and finding the information we are looking for. The information that leads us to the products and services that appeal to our wants, needs and our sensibilities – and that make us happy and fit into our lives.

The Evolution

of Advertising

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Nobody wakes up and says: “Boy, I really want to see an ad!”.

We don’t make decisions based on ads, we make them based on information and enthusiasm. We take in the opinions of those we respect, comparisons, shared passions and ideologies. And if it’s the right fit- it’s in. In other words, as customers, we are in control.

As marketers, we need to follow our own lead. We need to create content people want. Content that doesn’t “interrupt”, but that customers seek out, feel a connection to, or get inspired by. Content with relevant and valuable information.

And once, as a customer, we rationalize a decision for ourselves, it’s almost impossible to move us off that decision.

Content. The New King

of All Media

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Inbound Marketing.

The Power ofContent

With Context.

Answer questions. Establish trust and thought leadership.

Introduce position.Address common Qs.

Product and service info.

Address pushback.


E.g. blogging, video, podcasts, social media responsiveness.

Premium content such as ebooks, interactive tutorials, automated emails etc.

Brand filter promotions. Incentive based emails and content programs.

Sales offers or promotions.

All the best content in the world is useless if it’s not being found, not ending up in the right hands or not delivering the leads we need as marketers.

Our Inbound Marketing methodologies are what help Budding Culture turn great content into effective marketing for our clients.

We begin by building a context for your content. We develop a Strategic Content Roadmap, and then develop relevant information that appeals to customers, no matter what point of the sales funnel they may be in.

With an Inbound platform, we can segment customers based on a number of criteria including what content they are consuming, where they found us, etc. And we can track them, learn from them, and help guide them to further engagements they might be interested in, and effectively winning them over as fans and advocates, and customers.

With Inbound Marketing from Budding Culture, we are able to efficiently manage our marketing programs and methodically track success by taking advantage of the most appropriate marketing automation tools/software available.

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Inbound Marketing.

Turns Content and Social Media Into

Very Potent Tools.One of the biggest questions around Content Marketing and Social Media has been about ROI. With a Budding Culture Inbound Marketing program, we have the ability to turn content and social media into hard working, strategic and effective marketing tools that your customers seek out, and want to engage in. And the automated system lets us know who is coming to find us, from where, and what they are looking for… virtually taking the guesswork out of your marketing’s effectiveness.

To learn more about a Budding Culture Inbound Marketing program, call 949.340.5746 or email us at [email protected], and we’ll help you get your content working harder in no time.