The Evening star.(Washington D.C.) 1894-05-15 [p 10]. · lc* Offlcea A and B (upatairs), 10»>6 F...

WASTED.HELP. W Al.g. WA.VTOV_immediatki.Y-A RELIABLE MAN, Woo iintVn-ioJs thorwigljly dairy and farming: «Slt« man preferred. Ad<irrt* M. 8., Star office, la* WA.VH5D . IMMEDIATELY mi <5> FIJWT- cUh coat maker*. Ap^iy to SNYDER & WOOD, 1111 P.-am. »*.¦ myl3-Sa' WACTIO A lX>LORED BUY. ABOCT IS rears old. for light »<i<l about the yard. Apply at 8il>7 17th »t. u-w (Mt. PlMaaot).la* ^AVCED _ ui urvi« c OF CTVIL ENGLNEEH", young rd*q comp«tect to make plates of sur¬ veys; salary nominal. Address, stating age, Suallflcationa, references, Ac., CIVIL EN(;iN"EER, office. myi5-3a* Wanted . five ex!>fpartment c!7er ks *1U riven steady employment at $100 per mo. ft fonna competent. K. A. DINSMORE, G * n.w. my 15-3a* Wanted.FOOTMAN; mtst hav e-lono IS"- perleifc-*; hav# beat r*f»reoc«a; not rrrtr fl-.s feet eight Inches tall. Apply A. C. MOSES, F and 11th «t». It VANTED.<J4X)D DRIVER, USED TO BREWrlRY work preferred. Address W., Star office.myl4-3a* wanted _ experienced salesman fob Lars and (enta' fumlnMn^s: must be well pmted In the hat business and bring best references. Address A. B. K , Star office. my 14 3a Wanted.kirst clam coat makers, apti.t to J. D. BURNS & CO., 'l'ailors, cor. S»th and O sta. n.w. myU-4« W.ANTED. DUXIXJRES lfrilT,OYM»."T "Bt REAVj conducted by ladies*.me > and women, white and colored, for all kinds of domestic labor, city.state «mI springs, with refererce*. 709 L »t. ap21-24a* WANTED.AT THE CITY INTELLIGENCE OF- Oce. eooks. ehsmiiermalds. waiter*, drivers, por¬ ters. clerks, laundresses, men, women, boys, fur all work; place* furnished till suited. SHAC'K- LEFORD'S, «27 11th st. n.w. mylu-tSa* Wanted stenographers and remind too typewriter operators directed to positions; EMIXOYF.ll.S prov.dnl competent si enoKraphers and Itemlngton operators: no charge for services. WVCKOFF! SEAMA.NS ft BENEDICT. Kem'.n;;- toa Typewriter office. 8th and F sts. n.w. m-At it W A \TED.SA1XSJI EN TO SELL "Of R^GOODrf .ample to the wholesale and retail trad**; lefl on tight vO every business man or firm; liberal sal¬ ary and expense* paid; position permanent. For terms address. with 8lamp, CENTLN'MiL MFG. CO.. Milwaukee, Wis. my&-s,tu,th-lmo* W A nTEI > FOR "fuflxfraf STATES ARMY able-btdled. unmarried men. between the sg*>s of 21 and 30 J ears, good pay. ration*, clothing and mcdkal attendance; applicants must be prepared to furuiab satisfactory evidence as to age. char¬ acter and habits. Apply at 1202 Pennsylvania ave. n.w., Wsahlngton.D.C. fe<i-tuAs2awtoJu30 Kt.MALK. WANTED-A NEAT, TIDY GIRL FOR GENERAL huisswork in family of three; stay nights. < all immediately at 2 If st. n.w. lb* Wanted.a woman for general hoise- work in small family; must stay nights, refer¬ ences required. Mrs. LIl*SCOMB, cor. lfcth st. sod Howard sts.. Mt. Piea*ant. lb* WANTED.A YOUNtTlADY WHO SEWS NEAT^ ly; one who ha* been with a dressmaker pre- feried. Apply 523 2d st. n.w. lb* fl\TED A GOOD. RELU BLR HEAD COOK for dining room. Address, with references. Box 26. Star c-fflce. lb* WANTED-FOR JCNE 1. A THOROUGHLY R& 11aMe colored woman aa first class cook in private family; city references required. Address Box 154. Star oflten. iuyl5-2t WANTED.LADY STENOGRAPHER AND TYPE- writar; salary tu»» a month; must be first class. Address Bot Star otfc-. lb* WANTED-A FIJOT-CLASS SKIRT HAND. ONE wto can take charge; none other need apply. *lo 1st st. n.w It* wanted-flu# 12th ~sn\~\.w..white wuhan* for general hou.<*ework; nm»t be good cook; neat and tidy; stay at night, tall aft*»r 4 p.m. lb* Wa iolG 11T1I ST. N u a COLORED girl for general housework; 4 grown x»eoole in rat-ally; must stay nights and brine fuod lty r«f*r«Mft 1!>* W a.\T!D A GOOD COOK, WASHER AND IKON- er to assist In general housework: private family; food wages and good home. Wll S »t. ikw. lo* Wanted" a~~ ni rse girl- not over li years old; must stay at oj^ht and hate city ref-ren'e. or need not aj-pfy. lluu F st. n.w. myl5-2b* WANTED-A WHITE WOMAN AS CHAMBER- maid and waitress for small family; references re- ^quire<t. Api«ly at 22J2 Mass. ave. lb* WaM*E1>- WAIST AND 5>KIK1 HANDS; MIST Le neat worker*. 51tf 11th st. n.w. lb* wan ro> <js rhe~ridgk road, 2 miles froaa Georgetown, a woman to ct*>k: no washing; lie. Apply, bet. tt.30 and 3 o'clock, at 7KfO G St. n.w., 3d floor. lb* WANTEI^GIRL FoRllOlSEWORK and mind .'tift «hild five y»ars old; must stay at Di^ht. lay Pa. are. n.w. lb* W AN TED -COOKS. MAIDS, NURaSES. GENER-\L kotNWOvkm, ia*try ruoks. i-Lumber maids, wait¬ ers. waitress and kitchen help for city and re¬ sorts at oUi-e. DICK S AGENCY, 613 7th at. n.w. toy W AN TED^COLORED GIRL FOR GENERAL houseeork, also assist with children, wi ii refer- aaae; stay at night. s st. n.w. my 14-^b* W\NTFI> AT BKRTrv TOCLETTB INTF.KVA- ti<H>al employment office, cooks, butlers, footmen. Builds, wsitressea; with refs.; for city or coun- j 0.l are. n.w. my 12-lm* WANTED" <X)dks7~KITCHEN AND CHAMBEUt- ma 'is. fl3 to S25; wailrtsses, maids; also store your ha, general house wc-rkers, farm and dairy kai^tls. etc. BIRNHAM S 1110 G at. n.w. my!2-6t* W.VNTED.A COMPETENT WOMAN, l*NMAR- ried, to cook, wash and iron and do general house¬ work in a small family; good references required. Apyly at 447 M st. n.w. myl2-3b WANTED.ALL FDIAli^ IN WANT OF EM- ployment. In city or out. who hare references, wi], frul it to their lnteiest to call at the D. C. AGENCY, ttlu 11th at. n.w. my7 9b* MALE OR FEMALE. Wanted c\>vassert for books of ali. kinds who meet the cry of hard times," should Investigate flilirtli flhdclw^ by OMMI Brew¬ er and Marion Harland; costM only 3c. per day; weekly earnings of our people open for Inspec¬ tion; inexperienced persons do well; one took 22 orders in one week: $3 cash per order, and outfit free. Apply, after 10 Wednesday, S EI.MAR II ESS, lc* Offlcea A and B (upatairs), 10»>6 F at. n.w. WANTED.CHANCE OF A LIFETIME.IM ME- diately. canras.ners snd agents in every city in the L'nited States to introduc e "Multtun in Par- ?o." the eiastl-' Ink holder for pens; from $3 to $10 easily made with 5 hours' work dally. Call or address TEEO. S. MEYER, 140 Nassau at., Room 46. New York city. apl9-th.s,tulm wanted bkst families to know that firs' class help. guarant»-^d references, furnished for mmiasr resorts; old-establlsb**d D. C. agency. 61i> 11 a st. Houses cared for daring summer, lay 12-3.* WANTED.HOUSES. W anted parties haying Hoi sts for rent bet. Georgetown and Teuleytown should put them in our hands, as wi» e\j»ect to mskr a specialty of such renting. FULLER A F17LLER. Real Es¬ tate and Ix-ans. 504 11th st. n.w. myl2-3t* %amt*i>. at onc*. for A tAMii ri nmfHL » to I0-ro«>m dw««!llng, Muth of and west of 12th st. n.w.; prefer lot to alley; must in* a bargain. Call on o: send particulars, with lowest prftre ft»r cash, to BITI.ER A GRA1IA.M. .^33 E sr. n.w. myl2-3t WWTEI» HolSES TO REST IN X E. MIJIW .»f city; al^o to sell; sales quickly made; tents promptly remittt^J. FRANK L. HANCOCK Sc CO., ap2&-tf Cor. 13th and G sts. n.e. "WANTED.ROOMS. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD WITH HOME comforts, by a gentleman: only reilned private faiiiily with no other boarders ne«*d apply; state t»>nu* and io*-atioa. Addiess Box 140, Star u*o». It* WANTED.BOARD. W ANTED BOARD IN GO« »D FAMILY: CO.WENI- ent to Washington; in cwintry or Mt. Pleasant; tuan. wife and »«>n of 0; to $40 per mouth; best referen t*s. A. I.. J.. Siar office. myl2 3t* PERSONAL WHAT l»N EARTH IS THE MATTER WITH the Senators? We even l»eat them with the itn- ai>proa«'hable rate« we pay for gents' discarded ^arinenta. Have a fn»t trotter, will call quick. jfSTH S OU> STAND. 610 D st. n.w. my!5 (l.OuO FREE ir TOU NAME WINNERS OF NA-| t.ocal Ball League. For j-urfi'ulars. address M. C. A. 1M B. CO., n,jlO-Tt* Kau»as City, no. C1ML SERVICE examination QI EXTIoNS AND Mnvni Sani Itr. f s. W. FLxNN. A.M., IVY INSTTTTTE Bt <INK>S ( 'HJJU'.K. my7 1m* *.W. COR. HTII ANI> K STS. N.W. Ann PRIVATE DETECTIVE agency c »nhd«»n;ial communications promptly attend d to. offi- e op.-u all hours. B**st references. W. LAMS. Manager. 020 F at. a.W. mh7 3m* FOR SALE F1ANQ9 FOR SALE A SI PERB I PRIGHT PIANO; STAND ard n»ak*»; n arly Dew; only |1S»; belong* to a ili* hsnr.-d War l»*-pt. clerk, who mm saerifire This p-ano for cash. THOMSON S Ml SIC STORE, j-i 11th *t. uiylu-tf tOK SALE ONE 7 1-3^0CTAVE ROSEWiX>D CASE upright piano, with handsome plush stool and thorough v izuarufir-fd. for $1*>5 cash. PFEIFFER A CONIJIT. 417 lltb s:. n.w. ap21-tf EOR SALE.BICYCLES FOR SALE 12 NEW. HIGH GRADE. SAFETY bicycles; for lady or gentleman, cushion tires; guarant'-ed one v*-ar; rash. *#v» on time, ay 12 tf 11 S »»WEN MFG. CO.. 1423 N.Y.ave, FOR SALE- !«3 VRTt»R PNEVMATIC; A BEaTTY"; complete. $?«> rash, or time, if good refs.; MAC., 1 lu& E »t. n.w. iprint shop.) my7tf HOTELS ILLAaU S HOTEL. fa. are. and nth it. > Wutltitoc, D. (X EBBITT BOC3E. WASHINGTON, ft a WASTED.SITUATIONS. MAI.h. WANTED.BY A GERMAN. HAUOCD. SITLA- tloo us butler, wulier or general housework in family, or flat; German laolly preferred. Aiiarpw V. I*., Star office. mylo-ad givmLiiT yih:\i; .MAN. coMMAXDDiO BIO trndo, a situation as clothing salesman. Address SAl.tSi.MAN, at..r otfl<-e. IDJ 1R-3<1" WANTED.A PLACE WITH A IlElJABLE FIRM oJ i>ateot attorney* by a hoy with some exper¬ ience: will work for »4 a week, or $5 and fur¬ nish typewriter. I. X. L-, Star ofllce. myl-t-^d (EMALL. WANTED.BY A KESPfcCTABLE COLORED wcioan, a situation aa <<ook or nursa In prlTat* fatally to leave city foi summer; good refs. Please call at 1027 17th at. n.w. le* WANTED.BY IUC.XU H OMAN, POWTION; COM- panlon to lady or entire charge of end t growing children; good need.e-woman; small compensation; best lefereuces. Adurcss Box 97, Star office. 1«* WAN TED-BY MIDDLE-AGED WHITE LADY, situation as nurse and to do lf^bt housework; I references. Address B. H. L., Star office. le* waxied-go to dick7*-agency for cooks, stewards, maids, nurses, house workers. waitress, kitchen help and waiters; city or resorts; male __©r female; with refs. <513 7th st. n.w. myl.Vfle* WANTED^BY A RELIABLE COLORED WOMAN, place as cook, laundress, or general housework, by mo. or Job; bent reference. Address M. ANDEK- W_9US. 2511 M it. n.w. WANTED.A !SITUATION BY TWO KESPECTABLB white girls to do waiting, or as thambevmahls; good reference from present employer. Address A. E.. Star offlie. myl5-2e* WANTED- BY HEXPECTABLE YOUNG~ COLORED woman, place to do cookimr uiul laundry work; good references. Apply 142$ N. J. a\e. n.w. inyl5-3e* WANTED.BY A WIDOW LADY. SITUATION AS chambermaid or nurso In private family; willing to leave the city. Address -Ho 1 st. n.w. le* WANTED.BY YOUNG SWEDISH GIRL. l'LACE a* chambermaid or hom»emaid; best refs. Apply __S14 E. Capitol st. le* WANTED.BY~ TWO NEAT, INDUSTRIOUS COL- ored girls, washing and ironing to do at home or housework by the day; references, till Gordon |ave. n.»'., or 314, rear A st. s.e. le* WANTED.BY 2 NEAT COLORED illRLs] places as general bouseworkers or cooks. Call at 440 I st. n.w. Je* WAN rti) L\1 MEDIATELY-A COMPETENT COOK; willing to do some housework; white preferred. Apply 1937 l£th n.w. lb* I wanted -by as efficient white girl, a pla e to do cbamberwock in a first-class family. Please callC at 1711 Conn. ave. n.w., at present employer* s. myli-2e* WANTED^BY A RESPECTABLE ( OLORED GIRL a place as chambermaid or nurse. Apply to 924 ISth st. n.w. myl4-2e* ! WANTED-"BY RESPECTABLE YOl'NG WHITE girl, home to do chamberwork and waitress or plain sewing; willing to assist in care of chlldreu. Address N. V., Star office. myl4-3e* WANTED-BY a respectable colored- wo- man, a situation as cook or chambermaid in pri- rate family; good reiereuces. Please call at 1214 lbth st. n.w. myl4-2e* WANTED.SITU.ATIONS FOR DRIVERS, MA 1 l>s£ clerks, porter*, housekeepers id ties, resorts or travel); responsible i>er%ous to take charge of houses. Bl KNUAM'S. lllo G st. n.w. niyEMEt* wanted- ly a vinatc-cukia French~ wo- man* place as cook in a private family best city references. Address F. C., Star office, my 12-3e* WANTED-BY~ A." RESPECTABLE HERM AN W' >- uaj, a place aa rook In a lint class private fami¬ ly ; wllllnie to leava city; reference. Address i o<>K, Siar oth.'e. myll-4e* I WANTED--WORK OP SOME K15D BY SMART German girl In hotel or prlrate family; must get off from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sundays. Address annie. 8Ur iBw. myl2-Se* WANTED " SI MMER ENGAGEMENTS F <) R tutors and governesses; no i-hutge to employers. Apply at i'lsK TEACHERS' AOENCY. S03 Milk at. myS-lrn* MUE OK FEMALE. WAN'TED. SITUATION* BY TWO RESPECTABLE white people, to take charge of a bouse for the sumui'-r: have pood recouimendatlous. Address StMMKR HGL'SE, Star office. myl2-3c« BUSINESS CHANCES. I MR SALE BARGAIN ONE OF TI1E BEST COR. grocery stores n.w.; splei«lid stand; good reason for telling. DULEY A 11ERRLXG, 225 Pa. are. j n.w. myl5-3t FOR SALE.THE RIDING~SCHOOL AND OUTFIT complete of Prof. J. A. 4iAI.ES, lit* 11th st. n.w.; reason (or selling: Chauge of business. my 15-6t* IF YOU OWN EQUITIES IN WASlILNGToN 1M proved or unimproved real estate, and wish lo 1 exchange the name for improved Baltimore prop- erty and cash, send full description and price to SAM'L BEALMEAR, n.w. cor. Lexington aud St. Paul sts., Baltimore, Md. myl5-St* Ft |R SALE GENERAL STORE DOING A GOOD cash business In a growing suburb of Washing- ton; spivi*lid chance. F. BENJAMIN. 61-' F st. I n.w. myl.V3t FOR SAIX.CHEAP-DAIRY LUNCH~ROOM AT ¦ junctiou 4 iiiit'S «*ars; chjap reut and iMf lease. Address Mr. LOUTS, 1H37 7th st. n.w. wy\o '2l* ||1» WILL BUY STOCK AND FIXTURES OF lirsf-class store; suitable for lady or gentleman; buslnes-* center; rent low; rare chance; owing to health. 4Vj »t. s.w. myl5-3t* FOR SAI.E A SMALTTgROCERY AN'D PROVISION store doing a good cash business; selling on ac¬ count of sickness; cheap for cash. Apply at 1015 E st. n.w. myl5-.1t* OLD ESTABLISHED GROCERY AND PROVISION store doing good cash trade; everything complete. Including household furniture. If desired; death in family makes it lmpo«iible for o^ner to continue in business; will l>« sold cheap. Call at 1SW «Uh | tt. b.w. myl5-St* WANTED - AN ALL-AROUND STRAIGHTFOR- ward man of business with small capital to handle our patent right for this city and county; large profits, no risks, takes wherever Intro¬ duced; exclusive right for a cumber of years; no com pe ition. Address GEO. W. REID & CO., 60 High st., Cleveland, Ohio. Send 2-cent stamp. mvl4-2t* Ft'R SALE-BARBER SHOP NEWLY FURNISHED; doing good business and a good location. Addre&« J F. L I., Star office. myl4-3t* rrREaSMAkERTWITH SPLKNDID~"PATRONAtJE. d«^ire» some one to take entire charge, with goo«l will, of her «*«tabliahment. Also desires a place to do first-class dressmaking. Address Box 1, St*r office. myl4-2t FOB 8ALJ&.CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM saloon with dining room license, till Pa. are. s.e. |_my 14-3t * A THOROUGH BUSTNES8 MAN WITH $15,000 cash, would like to bur in interest In some pav¬ ing concern; would give his services; only tb'*e who have something that is dead sure need ad¬ dress M. TRY, Star office. my!4-2t FOR "SALE.CARPENTER AND BUILDER'S WA* gon. platform springs; in good condition; will ¦Kcritice at $35. Can be seen at the Blacksmith Shop. IMS 4th at. n.e. iiiyl2-3t* i oil nil ASK OU> EfTABLBUD FLOI R AND feed brsiness, over fifteen years old; 2<>od loca¬ tion; cor. stand; good chance. Addreas I'. and F.t Star oftlce. »yl2-3t* WANTEl>-PARTNER WITH CAPITAL OF $2,500 In firMt-class drug busiLess; no trlfter or party without capital need apply. Address DRUG STORE, Star office. my 121* FOB RENT-A NEW STORE; ONLY $10 PER month; in northwest section of city. R. A. PHIL¬ LIPS A SON, 1422 V X. ave. iml-'3i s N K. Kix n UES AND GOOD WILL of c store, doiu'/ a fine business on one of the husleMt etreefa: gor^l reasons for selling. AddreM E. M. W., Star office. myl0-7t* WANTED PARTNER. WITH CAPITAL OF FROM $2,000 to $3,000. to engage In profitable business. Particulars at interview. No trifler* or parly without capital need apply. Address G. B. W., Btar »ffice. invlo-6t* pole SALE LIVERY STABLE, WELL EQI IPTED; lu central part of the city; doing good business; or will take partner. Address B. B. B.. Star f.ffice. mylotit* WHY PAY RENT?"YOU CAN BUY A COMFORT- able home in good location, containing 9 r«N)Uis and bath and all conveniences, on monthly pay- mei ts of $".«»; no cash payment. Address OWNER. Room 132, Wash. L. and T. building. ap21-eolm* fou bale Uuudi iron dwelling at- tached; centrally located: dolnpr a thriving busi¬ ness; long lease, license secured: will tell stock, fixtures, household furniture, Ac.; good reason* for selling. Address Box 79. Star office. fe7-tf AT RAMSAY'S Your watch cleaned for $1; watch mainspring. $1. All our »ork warranted for one year. ap3-tr 1221 F st. n.w. FOR SALE.MISCELLANEOUS I'dlt SALE.2 PALMS AND I Kt'UBER PLANT; ail extra large and very fine; with their fancy Jars, $25; ore half their value: and a Hallet Davis upright piano, $275. JAMES ROBINSON, City P. O. mylb-.1t* rOR~8ALE A GOOD MILCH COW IN VlXi COS- ditlou: gives verv rich milk. Call at, or address, MARGARET ROBINSON, 1SW Florida avo. my 15 -2t* Foil SAI£A GOOD MIUH COW; CHEAP; s!so 3 thoroughbred black and tan puppies. 2ul2 2d st. n.w. myl4-3t* FOR SALE.REM INGTON TYPEWRITE». NO. 5, and cabinet: oak roll-top desk, at WM. liOW- ^ENTHAL'S, 937 7th st. n.w. my 14-2t FOR SALE AT~~BENN1 NO~RACE TRACK.ONE wind mill; in good order; with all attachments an,I fixtures. Apply WM MILLKIL No. 452 Cen- J ii GHEEN, 1444 P at *71441' FOR 1EAP A 1 ZE SODA rOVS- _t..:n. XNEVMAN, I'kH 14th st. n.w. mvl23t FOR SALE BARGAIN.PKIVATE MONARCH billiard table; go«.rl as new; appointments eomplete: entire outfit for $125: room wanted. Inquire quickly at 1802 M st. n.w. myl2-3t* FOR KALE.LOUNGE, $2.50: CooK~~ffPOVES, $5; oak d-'-k, $5; $1 p#»r week for bel r*»om and par- lor stilt***: low prices. Call REDMOND'S CHEAP CASH AND TIME HOUSE, Ml 7th at. n.w.my4-tr FOR S4LE I«'E BOXES AT J. T. MOXI.EY'S dry air refrit;«*rator works; all sizes in stock. Factory 22S 7th st. s.e. Give him a call. mh23-2m* F<>!t balS harts mountains isinoin(1 canaries, parrots, fancy pigeons, gold fisiies and a< (iariums.m«x-king birds, monkeys.Jke. SCHMID'S PET ANIMAL STORE, 712 12th *t. n.w. Hos¬ pital for pet aniLials. Pets boarded. ap5-3m VERY EASY TERMS ARE OFl'ERED~FOlt FCR- nittire and household goods at WORCH'S FUII- NIT! RE WARE ROOMS. 924 7th st. n.w. Mat¬ tings, carpets, wedding and stoies. Ja5 FOR SALE- OTTO * GAS ENGINES, BOTH NEW an*i secobd-'iand: any size. Send for clrcnlar or ' all on ¦12-tr U. liALLAH'. Agt., 731 7th st. n.w. WANTED. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED.HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAL1> FOR ladles' and gents' and children * cast-off clothing and shoes. Address postal and I will call. V\. RICH, 1332 7th st. n.w. myl3toJe8 WANTED . GENTLEMEN'S FINE CLOTHING made to order on liberal terras of credit. Address TAILOR, Star office. myl5-6t* WANTO^ENW* SUITS TO CLEAN AND PHK8 ai $1 a suit; coats, 50c.; pants and vests, 25c. each. .Best work guaranteed. Established IStJti. Goods railed for aud delivered. L. H. POSEY, 1119 14th st. n.w. ap23-24t* WANTED . HORSES TO PASTURE; GRASS, shade and water abundant; special business, horses called for and returned; farm on 7th st. toad. 8 miles out. U. II. P. CLARK, Sligo, Md. myft-lnto* WANTED^- h ouseh old and office furni- ture, carpets, stoves and store fixtures, feather bed*. Ac. Address or call at THE JUNCTION FURNITURE HOUSE, cor. 7th, K and Mass. ave. n.w. nnj9-tf W A NTED. IMMEDIATELY ELEVATOR FOR < carriages; must be in good condition; state site and lowest cash price. Address Box 126, Stsr oth»-e. WANTED.BIO MONEY PAID FOR FURNITURE, carpets, etc.; entire coutants of houses also; merchants' stocks a specialty. Call or address _M. NOTES, 2d and G sts. n.w. my8-lm* WANTED.REMEMBER, WILL PAY- HIGHEST cash price for ladies', gents* and children's cast- off clothing, shoes, Itc. Address postal and will call. R. SEI.INGER, 1424 7tn st.jn.w. ap4-2m* WAMLD WATCH CUUK1NO. 800.; MAIN springs, 60c.; clock cleauing and repairing. 25c. up; best material used; work guaranteed. THOS. H. I NSWORTH, 2004 7th st. n.w. nnD-lmo* W ANTED- W ATCH M A k ING^ROC K FORI>, WAL- tham, Elgin. English and Swiss watches cleaned and repaired; hairsprings, mainsprings, pivoting. Jeweling and staff turning work skillfully aud promptly executed. All *ork guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Trade work a specialty. Work called for and delivered. T. F. CALLAHAN, 721 *)th st. n.w. Late of Waltham Horologkal School. my2 I mo* WANTED.ROOMS PAPERED IN BEST "STYLE by skilled workmen, up. New Wall Papers lust ree'd. Highest satisfaction or no 6harge. Write.we will call. F. G. NOLTE, 907 lltli st. n.w. myl-lmo* WANTED . ANTIQUE FURNITURE REPAIRED aud restored by A. HEITMULLER A CO., ap27-lm 133.1 14tU st. WANTED-GENTLEMEN, YOU CAN~SELl7~Y0UR discarded garments at a high price to MAX L MICHAELSON, 003 D. Drop a card and receive prompt attention. apl7-lm* WA XTED ( ASH "" PAID VOft OtD QOLD AND SILVER OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS old aud new Jewelry, dentist cold, coins, spoons, watch cases. F. LOEWENSTE1N, Manufg Jeweler, Gold and Silver Refiner, bl& G st. n.w., opp. patent ofiite. apl6-lm* WAN'l ED WIT.1.1 AM C. FR1SSELL. EXPERT PI- sno tuner. Orders by n-rll from Maryland and Virginia and the District receive prompt atten¬ tion. C23 Gth st. k.w. mh3-t,thAstf wanted try ruiibkr roof paint. WE STOP ALL LEAKS FREE And charge only for painting; work guaranteed. NAT. RUBBER ROOF PAINT CO., 1023 8 u.w. del-tr WANTED.GOODS OF ALL KIND#, SUCH AS furniture, stoves, carpets, feather beds, Ac., Ac.; in LARGE or SMALL quantities, for which I pay highest cash prices. Call or address B. EInSTEIN, 637 Louisiana ave. fe2-tr WANTED-THE PUBLIC TO KNOW THEY CAN get Peter Henderson A Co.'s fresh flower, cardon and lawn grass seeds, also bulbs, at SCHMID'S, 712 12tb st. n.w. fe6-4m WANTED YOUR CHOICE FOR WALL PAPERS might better be made where there's plenty of choice of new styles as where a few of the old stereotyped styles of Wall Paper only are to be found. Everything's new and up to date here. Our stock moves too fast to get behind the times. Prices sre up to the times, too.very moderate. W. B. MOSKS * SONS. 11TII AND F STS. N.W. myl5 WANTED; A chance to prove our statement That our method of COLORING PHOTO¬ GRAPHS is not only the best aud productive of the finest results, but is the easiest to use. Send 25 cents for samples of the work or call and see It. We'll teach you the methtsl and furnish the materials for a very moderate price. You needn't be an artist to be able to do tine work in photo, coloring. Tin OQLOSOEAra OOl, lot ttH W. My IS WANTED TO ANYONE WANTING WALL PAPER ING DONE We offer extraordinary Inducements. The finest, freshest, newest patterned papers are her# at prtceg that range from 25 to GO per cent below that of other dealers. Thor¬ oughly skilled, trustworthy workmen only employed. C70ur work embraces decorating in all Its bi-in<hes, including frescoing, bouse- raintinir, Ac., Ac. GILLETT A CO.. NO. 733 7TH ST. my 14 LOST AND FOUND. LOST-jTHUR8DAY NIGHT, IRISH SETTER DOG; answers to natm* of "Dash;" light red; hind toes tipped with white, and white mark on breast. Liberal reward. 8o7 T ft. n.w. myl5-2t* LOST BETWEEN 9T. MATTHEWS A>fl) ST. Johu's Church, or 15th »»et. II and K, Sunday, green clover hat pin. brilliant center*; "vaku»»4 as gift of friend. Reward given if returned to ^JBoom 238, National Hotel. It* LOOT SI NDA Y EVEN 1 NO. BET WEEN* lOTR AND 7th and Pa. ave., gold chain and locket. Finder return to 517 9th st. s.e., and receive suitable reward. It* LOST DURING SUNDAY AFTERNOON, A fAIR of gold rim eyeglasses. The Under will please re¬ turn same to 1323 G at. n.w. and receive re¬ ward. myi5 2t* LOST-ON SUNDAY, BETWEEN M ST. AND ST. Patrick's Church, a small geld watch, engraved M. C., and locket on chain. Reward if returned to 1217 12th st. n.w. It* LOST. ON SUNDAY EVENING ABOUT 7 O'CLOCK^ in neighborhood of 17th and P sts., a fox terrier female dog; white, with tan face and black spots on body; had on tag aud leather collar; answers to name of Nellie. A liberal reward If returned to 1536 17th st., or 412 14th st. n.w. myl5-3t LOST -ON MONDAY FAEN1NG~ MAY 14~ONE light plaid shawl. Reward if returned to Mrs. MATTHEWS, 1112 Va. ave. «.w. If* LOST.A SMALL LIGHT-COLORED TERRIER dog; answers to the name of "Bo;" had on col¬ lar and tag when he left. Reward If returned to 1726 15th st. n.w. myl4-3t* LOST-SUNDAY, MAY 13, IN MAY PROCESSION at St. Peter's Church, boy's silver watch, with Sold necklace and ring attached. Return to 700 th st. s.e. and receive reward. mvl4-3t* L<«T-A LARGE GOLD MONOGRAM PIN IN THE vicinity of 14th st. and Kenesaw ave. Reward liberal if returned to s.w. cor. Park and Pine sts., Mt. Pleassnt. myl4-2t* LOST- ON 14TH SI\ OR HOWARD AVE., BLACK leather satchel, containing surgical instruments. Reward paid if left at the office of Warren Choate A Co.. 730 11th st. u.w. G. 11. SHOULTER. myl4-3t LOST ^A BLACK ONYX WATCH CHARM, ONE side plain and the other has three heads carved In relief. Suitable reward if returned to 2420 Pa. ave. n.w. mvH-lt* Found-a bicycle, near where forfT- paugh's circus was; owner can have same by proving property and paylug charges. Mrs. DUFF, « M st. n e. myl2-3t* COUNTRY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE- 11 ACRES. WITH 7 ROOM HOUSE, barn, fine shade and fruit trees, two miles from city, on Thursday, the 17th lust ant, at 5 o'clock p.m., for whatever it may bring, without re¬ serve. JAMES E. ELEMENTS, myl5-2t 1321 F^st^n.w. FAIUI FOR SALS < >R EXCHANGE; 7 MILES from Washington; 12u seres glass; 50 acres in oats, seeded with clover; .'<0 acres in corn: 50 acies In woods, principally chestnut; dwelling; large barn and all necessary outbuildings; in go«xl order. Apply to owner, W. W. McCULLOUGH, Lumber Dealer, 14th and W sts. myl5-3t FOR KENT ^SUMMER OR WINTER A 11KAUTL ful farm 1 mile from Washington Grove on Met. branch; 7-rooui house, purtly furnished; tenuis court; large barn, accommodating 4 horses, 3 cows, concreted door, water and inodfrn conve¬ niences, 6 outhouses; abundance of fruit, berries, flowers; 2 large pasture fields adjoining barn and other grazlug lundi; minerul water; will rent whole farm, 19# acres, or house and barn. 15 acres, extremely low. For particulars apply to owner, H. L. CHRISTMAN, 1337 Corcorau at.n.v myl4-3t* FOR RENT.EDINBURG, VA.. ON B. AND O. R. R., furnished house; larce yard: good water; share of garden aud fruit; terms reasonable Call before 11 o'clock at t)u8 14th st. n.w. myl2-6t* FOR ~SALE.A BEAUTIFUL STOCK~~FARM OF 450 acres in high state of cultivation; has 7-room dwelling, elegant bank barn, with every conven¬ ience; close to schools, churches and railroad sta¬ tion; can be had at once away below cost. myl2-3t GRAVES A BELT, 631 Pa. are. FOR HOST.BUCK M.VNSiox'; 20~ROOMS' FVtt- nlshed; mountain spring water. Call for particu¬ lars 1IW 11 St. n.w. lujll-Oi* FOR RENT- REDUCED TO f22 PER MONTH~FOR several elegant new 8-room and bath bricks; a. m.l.; nicely papered; porches; shade; Ac. Take Bright wood ave. cars to Newman terrace, 4007 8th st. n.w., Petworth sub. my3-3m for RENT-FOR THE SEASON, PART~OF FUfi¬ nished house in Lincoln, Loudoun county, Va.; seven rooms; pantiy: use of cellar and dairy; also room for two carriages and time horses. Address, with reference, Mrs. PHINEAS JANNEY. my 12. ISA D»* $5 TO $10 MONTHLY WILL BUY A GARDE* FARM; on alt water; near city and R.R.; health soil ar.d beauty of surrounding unsur> passed. PLANS FREE. Address GEO. T. MEL- YIN, Annapolis, Md. mhl3-tuAth3m FOR RENT -A FARM IN PRINCE GEORGE'S county. Md., adjoining R. R. station ten miles from city; good flv<»-rooin dwelling; stabling, barn, orchard, small fruits; f>0 acres of tdo* land; suitable for truck, dairy or grain. Address P. O., Star office. Ja23-law-tf COUNTRY UAL ESTATE-- SEND STAMP FOR t'ATALOOUE JOHN STEPHEN, aplg-Sao* 519 7TH ST. N.W. BOARDING FIRST-CLASS BOARD IN A LIGHT, AIRY, NICE dining room. b26 14th st. n.w. It* 7U2 19111 ST.. CoR OF G N.W. A FEW MORE table b<Miders can be accommodalvd with first- class board. my 11-2 w* FOR RENT.ROOMS. FURNISHED. FOR RENT- 928 L N.W., FURNISHED SECOND- floor front room; three large south-front wiudows, opening on tree-shaded piazza; convenient ad¬ joining bark room; tingle or an suite; cheap; summer rate#. Also froet hall room. myl.VSa* FOR KENT.008 L ST., FUR. FEONT ROOM, with alcove; 2d floor; double closets; home com¬ forts and table. To permanent parties, with boafd for 2, $4!* par mo. myll-fla* FOR 'RENT.BEAUTIFUL COOL FRONT ROOMS; furnished or unfurnished; southern exposure; good light; all conveniences; summer rates; good home table board; central location. Not. 20 and 22 Grant Place. la* FOR RENT.COR. ®TH AND MASS. AVE.VL'E. lsrge nicely furnished rooms, with board; $60 and $60 for two persons; southern and eastern ex¬ posure; very cool in summer; refs. ex. apl8-2ro* FOR RENT.XICliY FUR. ROOMS; SINGLE OR en suite; suitable for light housekeeping; nice hull room; pleasaut bouse; central; near Tension grounds; summer rates. 224 Indiana gve. n.w. my 14-2a* FOR RENT.ONE LARGE, HANDSOME ROOM, second floor, with flne bath: suitable for man ana wife or three gentlemen; also hall room; hand¬ some house; fine table and prompt atteutlon. Ap- ply 724 12th st. n.w. myl4-3a* FOR~RENT 3 I TRNIMHED 2d1'LOOR ROOMS, without board. 1092 K st. n.w. myl4-3d* FOR RENT-N1CELY FI RNItiHKD FRONT ROOM, with or without board. in private family; con¬ venient to p<»st and pension offices and sererul lines of cars. 720 6th st. n.w. myl4-3a* FOR KENT-1329 N ST., LARGE 2D-FLOOR souih-front room and rooms communicating, with board; also south-front Hd-floor room; location de¬ sirable and convenient. myl4-4Ja* F?>it RENT-1329 N ST., COOL, FCRNISIIHD south-front communicating rooms, on 2d and 3d floors, with board; location very desirable and convirlent. my3-15a* Fl»R KENT- FTRXWHED, WITH PRIVATE FAM- ily, one larce, pleasant. se<-ond-floor room; suit¬ able for married couple without children, or two gentlemen; also two room*. 3d floor, furnished or unfuruished. 1707 DeSales st. myl2-2a* FOR RENT.FURNIBHED ROOMS IN THE*HERS- don, 1235 N Y. ave. n.w.; prices reduced to $10, $12 and $11 each; cool uud pleasant summer apartments; central location. myl2-3a* FOR RBKT.TWO X1CS 20BWLT FUKNUIUBD rooms, with or without hoard; noar cars and ter- dlcs and departments. 4W G st. n.w. myl2-3a* For rent pleasant communicating rooms; two in room, with board, $35; smaller rooms, for one, llo; with gas; small rooms with¬ out board; near cars. 908 12th st. n.w.myl2-3a* FOR RENT.KB® N tt7~)nTw.; TWO NICELY FURNISHED. PLEASANT. SECOND STORY ROOMS; LARGE FRONT ROOM SUITABLE FOR GEXTU2MAN AND W^B. myl2-3a* FOR RENT- 1233 MASS. AVE., HANDSOMELY furnished rooms, with board; table boarders ac¬ commodated. myl2-6a* FOR KENT- AT MT. PLEASANT^ARGB ROOMS, single or en suite, with board, flne lawn and shade trees; private family. Address MT. PLEASANT, star offl««e. myl2-3a* i*M HKXT WITlfllOAftO, EXCELLENT" ROOMS; tt-rms moderate; comfortable home; well fur¬ nished house; good cooking; southern exposure. 1449 N st. n.w. myl2-3a* FOR RENT IN GERMAN PRIVATE FAMILY (French spoken alsoi to single geutleman; room and t«oard $25 per mo.; locality, near Iowa Circle. Address ..CAMERA" X.. Star office, myl2-3a* FOR RENT.789 13TH ST. N.W~, 2 FURNISHED room* on 2d floor; siugle or en suite: also oue hull room on 2d floor. myl2-3a* FOR RENT ~FURNISHED- ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; also two hall l»ed rooms, furnished. Inquire at oil F at. n.w. myl2-3t* FOR KENT 1123 13TH SfTT OORT~MAf«. AVE.", suite of three rooms; parlor floor; and single rooms; vacant May 1; also table bourd; summer rates. ap21-24a* FOR RENT~TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH board, lu a private family; references exchanged. Address 2111 K st. n.w. myl23u* INFIHMSHKD. FOR RENT ISO# 12T1I ST. N.W., THREE UN- furulshed third-story rooms; oath on tame floor; with gas Mi heat, $11 per month. niylfi-2t* FOR FLAT Of rol U UNFl HMS'llH) rooms aul bath; second floor; hot and cold water; gas. 18 7th st. n.e.; key in store; rent. $15, in advan< e. myl3-3t* FOR REN T-R EASONABLY.FIVE UNFURNISHED rooms; single or en suite; second or third fl<s>rs; hot and cold water on same floor; gas and heat supplied. 003 12th st. n.w. mjl4-3b* FOR KK.vr 40H RHODE IsLAnTTa'VE. N.W 2D fio«»rf unfurnished, containing 3 rooms, private batn and other conveniences, good location and view. my 12-3b* FOR RENT-UNFUR..3 ROOMS; SUITABLE FOR light housekeeping; also hsll room, fur.; prlrste family; bath; a.m.!.; rent reasonable; to parties without children. 1W19 11 st. n.w. myl2-3b* FLRMISHKO OH INFIR1V19UEO. FOR KENT .521 3D ST. N.W., 2, 3 OR 4 ROOMS; 2d fl.; unf. or part fur.; cheap rates; 1 fur. front room. 3d fl.; 2 nice fur. rooms, at V08 2uth st.u.w. myl5-2c* For HENT-FLOOH OF THRDE ROOM9 AND bath; furnished or unfurnished; to gentlemen only. 1000 24th st., Wsnhlngton 14-3c* FOR KENT-NICE BED ROOMS FOR~8UMMER; furnished or unfurnished. Call at 802 K at. n.w. niyl2-8c* V*>It IHENT-NIi-EI.yTTRNI&IIED ROOMS; NEAR ears, herdlcs aud Capitol; also two unfur. riMms. 12 3d st. n.e. myl2-3c* FOR RENT.FLATS. FUR ltENT-BUAVTLFl'L FI.AT AT 133# 14TH »t. n.w.; 6 rooms, ball) ainl nil modern Improve¬ ments: $50. A. P. LANU, 1333 14tb at. n.w. mvl2-2w FOR RENT-FLAT. 420 O ST. X.W.: 4 ROOMS hihI bath; n.m.l.; reut. $14 pvr mouth. J. MAit- T1N PROCTOR, 907 O «t. n.w. uiyl^St FOR KKXT-am" PA. AVE. N.W.; OON\TLV1K>T- lj- arraugrU. Zd and Sd floor., wtiaratrlr ,r to- rpthrr. at a reasonable rental. H. L. ltfST. 624 14th »t. n.w. mjrlO-tf FOR RENT . APARTMKNT8 IN ANALOHTAN Flats, No. 1718 Corcoran St. n.w.; thre#, four ami tire rooms ea.ta; rent Inoliulsa hsat, light, &.I-. ¦ $25 to $.VI. ruylO-lw* I,. S. FR18T0K. 13JS F st. a.w. rOR BKNT-FIAT-«K<X»XD STORY, 1408 14TH st. n.w.; 5 nn>ma and bath, wltb heat; no chil¬ dren; yearly lease. Apply to F. B. MARLOW, ap21-eotf 70 Corcoran building. FOR KE\T.FLATS AT TIIK WOODSioNT. COIL 13th «t. and lo«a circle; private hatha; »abl, board. J. F. ROBINSON. Proprietor. ap-'O 3m FOR RENT.OFFICES. FOR RENT.DE8IRABLE OFFICE FOR DEVnaT <one or two rooms); 2d floor. 3 windows; closets; very central; use of telephone and parlor. 707 IStI st. n.w. myl5-3t* foti RENT-OFFICEL 507 14th nw $<kVftO 1421 F nw. rm S. .30.00 Globe bldg.1 lsrge rm. Several flne offices.. SE cor 12th snd F 1421 F nw. rm 10..10.00 sts uw, 4r, entire 60ft-7 7th, several rs.. 3d floor 60.HO: 1213 F nw,several rs.. Pa av k 11 nw.2r.05.00 SE cor 0th and F... 607 7th nw. l»t fl. .50.00 1417 O nw,several rs. SE cor 12th and F 1421 F nw, several sts nw, 2r, 2d fl.40.001 flne offices . 733 7th nw, 1st ft 1423 F nw, several 2d floors 40.001 fine offices . 1420 Pa av. 2d A..40.00 620 F nw,several rs. SW cor 11 ft E. 3r.30.»*> THOS. J. FISHER ft CO., myl2-tr 1324 F st. n.w. FOR RENT OFFk'ES ON F ST. N.W.; FRONT rooms, including heat and janitor service; $15 and $2T» per mo. J. MARTIN PROCTOR. W>7 G .t. n.w. myl2-3t FOR RENT.ON FIRST FLOOR. TWO NICE rooms; especially suitable for lawyer or claim agent; near departments, reaaonable rent. Apply 463 G st. n w. myl2-3t* FOR RENT-THAT DESIRABLE LARGE OFFICE room, 1001 G st. n.w., with counter; matting on floor; ttre-proof vault; entrance on G, also on 10th; rent $H5. McLACHLKN ft BATCHELDER, Cor. 10th and.G sts! n.w. inyl2-3t FOR RENT THE DESIRABLE OFFICE ROOMS, oc.-upled by J. R. Johnson ft Co., 1319 F st. n.w. These rooms sre especially Adapted to the use of brokers. For further Information, ap¬ ply to DEEBLE. DAVIS ft CO.. my8-lm 1319 F st. n.w. FOR RENT.40 OFFICE ROOMS; ALL MODERN Improvements; Bliss building, Xos. 35, 37 and 39 B st. n.w., opposite Capitol grounds; floor plana upon application. A. EUGENE COX, Manager. ap24-3m* FOR RENT.STORES l oll RENT-LARGE STORE ROOM~WITH Fix¬ tures. altuated 944 Fla. are., cor. W at. n.w.; suitable for groceries aad provisions. my 12 3t* FOR RK,\T STORE "ROOM AT 1811 14TH ST. nw «t«.S0 Store, Or. d«lg. and ccllur, 1374 11 at. n.e... 17.30 CAY WOOD A GARRETT, 13tb at. and N. Y. ave. my 12-31 . Folt KENT-STORE AND DWELLINU, 1621 8TH n.w.; 5 rooms, .table, Ac.; $20. Also 1520 4th n.w.; 4 rooms, largo van!. mvl2 3c E. A. McINTIRE. 224 C n.w. FOR RENT. STORES! 733 7th st nw $100 1739 Pa are nw..37S0 1214 F st nw 150 S24 12th st nw, atore.25 1413 O nw SO 1*02 11th st nw 15 1711 Pa av nw iatore).7o 1S04 11th st nw 15 «2<) F at nw 35 1411 F at nw 720 17th st nw 30 Basew't 426 5tb nw.10 117 U at 30 THOS. J. FISHER A CO.. tny4-tr 1324 F at. n.w. FOR RENT.STABLES. FOR RENT-STABLE IN REAR OF 1212 0TH ST. «.w. Apply 441 U St. n.w. myl4-3t* FOR REVT-STAB I.E3. Bet 17th and 18th, K S, »q 86 $2B and L at a $45 5, aq 165 .'25 1212 l«tb nw (rear)..45 S, aq 195 25 6, bet L and M. 18th 4. aq 66 25 and 17th sta 35 1324 N Y are nw (r'r).15 1214 10th nw (re»r»..S5 1121 14th st nw ir'r).15 1. S'i 66 30 618 E nw (In rear).12.50 2, ».] 66 2." 4,at) 66.Maas a. A 21at.25 2. aq IM 25 THOS. J. FISHER A CO.. my4-tr 1324 P at. a.w. FOR KENT.MISCELLANEOUS FOIt RENT.I1EMIXOTON TVI'EWIUTERS AT flie REMINGTON OFFICE: modern machine; per¬ fect condition guaranteed, with stand; delivered free in city; oue month applies on purchase of new when directlv following rental. WYCKQFF, SEAM AN8 ft BENEDICT. A19-U Oor. §U and F sts. m.w* FOR RENT.HOUSES. FOR RENT-PRESS BRICK; BAY WINDOW; AT r m.l.; 9 rooms uud concrete cellar; Dice yard »nd «" «»mn clean and !. beet caisdltlou. _117 >. are. n.w. mylS-lm* FOR RENT.N1CB BRICK NBAS PAT. OFFICE, $60.60. 2100. 2108 Ward piece, new bricks $40 #07, 900, 911 and 916 Gulden it. a wTnearly J°lo**d tenant*, onlj $11. CLAR- JCNCB THOMAS, 63 Kellogg building. it* FOR RENT.FURNISHED, rxCLUDCCQ CHINA, silver, etc., at nominal rent until September 16. a new tan-rx>m house, 922 T «t. n.w. Call after 8. myl8-8t« FOR RENT.FURNISHED.FOR FOl'R OR FIVE months, bouse. 9 rms., a.m.l., Maryland are one square east of Capitol; cool, delightful situation- B0,?lK,,5i.prU*- °*u 129 »*.- n.aT nylo-st' FOR RENT- 23# N J ave nw. 8r.$50 Wealey Helghta nw.9r.50 220 I it nw, lOr 60 441 M at nw. llr 50 1100 16th st nw. lOr. .50 1212 L at nw, 7r..*5.50 532 21st at nw, lOr.. 46 214# Fla ava nw,9r.42.50 2132 L at nw. 9r 40 1122 22d st nw. l>r...*0 Up pt 1416 14th st nw, Dr 40 234 F at nw. llr.. .40 2135 G at nw, 12r 40 2M>3 Q st nw, 9r....37 1203 11th st nw, 7r.36.63 1421 Fla are nw. Sr. .85 1015 T st nw. 7r 35 614 8th st nw, 6r....35 1102 18th at nw, 7r..35 1418 11th st nw. 10r..35 903 II at nw. 7r... 85 464 C st nw. llr. .50..K) 1427 8 at nw. $r..W.35 2211 L »t n.v, 7r 30 V^t 1408 I" at nw,7r.30 2309 L at nw, 7r 30 1307 6th at nw, 6r....30 38-40-42 and 44 R at nw, 7r 27.50 Up pt 1001 R at nw, 8r 26.60 1611 8th at nw, 6r.25.60 619 S st nw, Tr 25 50 1602 8th st nw. Or.28.50 1926 8tb st nw, 6r.2S.3B 526 21st st nw, dr.. .26 I'd pt 1*10 P ut nw.7r.2B 4019 8th st nw, 8r 2R 716 6th at nw. 9r....2B 1838 18th at nw. dr. .25 *26 O vt nw, 7r. .23.30 18*1 L2th at aw, 18*3 12tb st nw, 6r 22.S0 1*12 Fla are uw.7r.22.50 1343 V st nw, 6r..22.50 1922 8th st nw, 6r.22.ii0 *6* O st nw, 5r...22.50 18;;3 12th at nw. Or. 20.80 117 D ft nw, (tr...20.50 828 9th st nw, 2r.20.50 813 22d at nw. Sr.20.*5 607 N st iw. 7r.. .20.40 11th st nw, 7r. .30 2012 E st nw. 6r..20.40 827 22d Bt nw. 9r 30 2010 E »t nw. 6r..20.3T 619 N st nw, 6r 30 783 2d «t nw, 6r. .20.30 4025 8th st uw, 8r 30 519 X Cap st nw.5r.20.30 The above la only a portion of tne property on ray books. For full list call at office for bulletin Issued on the 1st and 15th. myl3-tu,th,s T. E. W AGO A MAN. FOR RENT-TO A DESIRABLE COIX)RED THN- ant, at $12.50 a month, a comfortable 2-story bilck; newly papered and painted; back Yard; woodshed; paved alley- 1224 Wylle st. n.e.: half square from 12tb and H sts. n.e.; key at 1224W It DAVID D. STONE, 804 and 80# F St. B.w. FOR RENT-*#* H ST. X.W.; A I.AROE 4-STORY brick dwell lug; in good repair; 10 rooms; mod. Imps.; at the low rent ot $37.50. Inquire of A. EBERLY'S SONS, 718 7th at. n.w. inyl6-3f FOR BENT.NEW BRICK; STONE TRIMMINGS; 8 rooms and bath;; desirably located; re¬ duced to $30. WEBB * TOTTKN, 506 E st. n.w. myl5-3t« FOR RENT.911 H BT. N.W.; 4-STOBY BRICK; modern conveniences; 11 rooms: suitable for a phyalclan or business man; convenient to all street tar lines and business center. Apply to CHAS. C. D UN CANSON, myl5-6t 9th and D sts. n.w. FOR "RENT-SEVERAL DESIRAB LEHOISKS ON 22d bet. K und L sta., <-ontalning 9 rooms, bath, cellar and u11 mod. luios., iu nice ordei. Keys at WARD'S STORE, 22d and K sta. mylB-St* FOR RENT- 11152 18th at 88.83 UNFURNISHED 82* 18tb st 75 1623 H at *38 34 1*32 N at 70 1523 N H ava 275 1922 I st 65 1719 I at Atxi 192* I st 65 1213 Conn ava 250 1150* Vt a«e «6 1521 K at 175 1840 19th at « 20O9 I si 100 1235 W st. «lth ata.,50 22d at, weat aide. Juat |82l 17jh st 50 2£i £ 1 a,,e 10" -'*o Fla av«. ....'".'.SO 203* O st 100 1311 8 at 45 1827 Jefferson pi. .83.84 2021 N at 40 V2J " .. ....75.U) 1317 Vt ave 35 1818 Jeffersoi plsoe..70 1*27 20th at 19 FURNISHED. Cor ISth k y .»* nw lflth bet P and U sta.225 (with .$ s.tH.3* It ,t bet 20th aud Mass ave, 18th k P 21st sta 200 sta, with stable.. .626 Fla ave near Maw H bet 17th k 18th ave laummer) 80 sts, with stable.. .600 O at bet 20th and R 1 ave bet 17th st 2l*t ata 150 k Coun ave, with Jeffcraon place bet stable 416.67 Conn ave k 19tii..l75 Jl at near Conn ave. Cor II and 30th... 200 with stable 416.67 19th at bet Q and 1! 150 M bet 14th * 16th..300 lie Sales st bet 17tli Mas* ave bet IStti st «t snd Conn are ..IK and Dupout Circle. .300 M bet 18th k 19ih..l(t5 Conn ove bet M and Corcoran st t»et 17tb . sts 291.67 and 18th sts 100 Conn ave bet M and 16th «( near Masa ave N sta, with stable.260 tsumniert 40 ROOMS. Offlce rooms 1st floor of 1814 II, heat $35 1108 K at. lat flour 7 furnished rooms aud aud basement... .$125 bath oa F at near lrm. 2d floor. 1503 11 th at Pa ave. cor 15tli 35 STORES. 1.35 W st. n.w., cor. 131h at., (tore and dwelling, with brick stable (1230) $50 170* G .*(. 1st floor aud basement 80 BULLETINS CAN BE OBTAINED AT OCR OF¬ FICE. FOR PERMITS APPLY TO HILL * JOHNSTON. mylS-eo 1503 I'ennaylvanla ava. FOR RENT-614 12TH ITT.. STORE * CO... 1008 M at. n.w., 10 rn». and bath $52.50 62* 2d ne. 6r1>£-nl. $2$ 1420 E at nw, 8r 18 510 11th, flats..$18 & 20 mylS-tr THOS. W. HUNGERFORD. 1219 H at. FOR HENT-1113 AND 1117' 17TH 'stTxTW.. BJPT L and M, 10 rooms, balh, *c.; $42 50 nor mouth, p. F. LAUNER, 639 F st. mj l4-St* FOR RENT-BY R~ HOLTITUAN, RXAL Es¬ tate and Insurance Broke'. 10th ami F ata. b.w. UNFCRNIKHLO HOl'RBS. 1482 K. 17r A at.n .$800 13*1 Walla -h. 7r.... 35 25 15U st, lHr, 3h .190 208 E nw. 8r 35 28 lBt, st. 15r,2b. 183.75 1P27 15tb St. 9r...85.50 2118 O. l«r 125 1333 Wallach, Tr 85 1308 N Y ave. 12r.83.33 220 D n«. 8r 80 63 7*1 18th nw. lOr 75 Z222 H. 7s80 BOtv ltth -iw 7511th k E, up por.$XAS0 60S F nw, 12r 75 fiOl Oth ne. 7r 2K Til !lth nw. 10r....«B2MO H. Tr 27 1620 R 1 ave. lOr 6B 2210 II, Tr 27 12r. ft> 14*3 Fla ave. 7r. .25.75 1017 Md ave. 6r k stv> 90 1438 Fla ave. 7i..».»< ,2ri- 2»7 14th »w. Tr * 808 19th, lOr 56 2351- 1*th aw, 7r.. 25 29?2 14th nw. Pr. .»i 1237 9th nw, 7r...22.50 G.,nw' 9r... .50.W5 8-JN 12th ue. Or ...22.50 15^ J3,h* lt*r... .60.53 22» C ne, 7r 22 40 21*5 N st, lOr 50 611 9th ue. 7r 22 131*1* 9th nw. llr.50.50 *ln.3 vth ne. Tr 22 J4,h- 9rAstore. .50 911 12th nw, 7r...20.«<> li? P.*av- 9,r; W 1830 8lh nw- 7r... .20.8$ ifr 50 1889 F ne. Or....18 50 nw- 1«' 00 *32 I nw. Sr 18 $0 Hi* ®th nw- lOr 50 *22H 11th aw, *..17 88 4:a ,w- «r...17.88 1712 9th nw. 10r.. JO 1223 ti sw. Sr....10.50 ^ i* «»..,> «r.. 47 50 18(3! E a*. 7r 16 35' 174.. F nw, 10r....46.50 site C aw. Br 16 25 }?5 l6,Xb- 43 420 ,lth »r....15.50 1346 Rlggs, br 40 1118 A ae. «r 12 OFFICES. Elegant rooms In "Sun' bidldlng. lire proof.from $20 to $100 each. 470 La ar.from $10 to IS 638 F at S Desirable rooms, "At- lautlc Coast Line build¬ ing." all front r.nd flr». proof, fraai $10 to »SS each. STORKS. I 1016 Conn ave $75 1537 14th nw. 9r....5A 1018 Oonn ave 78 1017 Md sve. Or 60 1024 Coon ara 76 Coffee-roasting ,-stahllsh- 1026 ave 75 meat, with all macliln- 741 ISth nw. lOr 7B cry$75 214 6th uw 75 V* o aw 30.40 STABLES. 1614 R I are (rear*..$80 1028 Ooan ava, rear..$25 1020 Oonn are, rear.. .28 !«3S M, rear 10 my!4 It. O. HoLTZMAX. 10th and F sts. n w. FOR RENT-NEAR MT. PLEASANT; 8 ROOMS aud bath; pre*a brick; mod. imp.; rent redu-ed from $30 to $22 per month. F. R. HERTFORD, Real Estate, my!4 3t 617 14th at. FOR RENT-BY JOHN B. WIGHT. 1410 G ST.. 1315 14th St., large atore and flau. per mo. .$110.00 13(1 E st. n.e 80.BO j 1714 Oregon are., 10 rooms SO.00 F st. near 9th n.w., 1 large room 23 00 Cor. 12th and (1 u w., 2 large rooms 21.00 2 cottages at Charlton Heights, each 16.00 A few very desirable furulshed bouses at low rental for the summer mouths. my 14 6t FOiTrEN^T.1010 ISTH STrX7W., . ROOMS ' and bath, a m.l $45.00 1211 11th n.w., 9 rooms, a.m.l $25.50 617 6th n.e., 8 rooms and bath, a.m.l $26.50 1030 15th n.e.. 9r. and b.. a.m.l $16.50 34 8th n.e.. 6 rooms $16.36 REDFORD W. WALKER * SON, 1006 F n.w. myl4-3t FOR RENT-MT. PLEASANT-17TH NEAR park, 13 rooms, large lot, atabla, ke....$35.00 Meridian are., 8 rooms, water and gaa, - large lot $25.00 School St., 6 rooms and cellar, stable $20.00 KEDFORD W. WALKER k SOX, 1006 F n.w. myl4-3t FOR RENT-NEAT SEVEN ROOM BRICK, WITH cellar, bath, Ac., cor. G and 4th sts. n.e.; In food repair; $23.60. Also eight-room brick. No. 319 Rlggs place, with new plumblug, dry cellar and In elegant repair; key at 1322. opposite; $35. myl*-3t ALBERT F. FOX, 930 ¥ st. n.w. POR RENT 1817 16 nw.l*r.aml$83.33 807 4V, ew.lOc.aml.30.00 80* 6th sw.7r.ami.25.00 403 44 sw, sftdw.25.00 470 H sw, 7r,ami. .30.80 421 414 sw, sAdw.22.00 45 C sw, fir. ami..20.35 607 9th sw.6r.aml.22.50 853 I sw, 6r, ami .20.50 226 3d nw. atable.25.00 Cor 3AN sw, »&dw.25.00 813 7tb sw, 6r.wa. 16.30 1225 1st sw.6r.wa.15.30 452 lat aw, 6r. wa. 15.30 844 C SW, st&dw. .18.00 930 C sw, 7r,wa.. 16.50 477 I sw, 6r, wa..14.30 868 11 sw. 6r. wa. lB 50 813 7tb aw, 6r,wa.15.60 228 Del av sw, 6r.12.50 8*9 M sw, Sr.wa.. 12.50 315 M sw, 6r, wa..10.30 2*2 K aw, *r.wa..10.30 727 6th se, Sr, wa. 11.25 922 lat aw, *r 8.00 12*8 2d se, Br, wa. 8.50 aiy!2-3t* C. H. PARKER, cor. *'. and E s.w. FOR RENT.402 RHODE ISLAND AVE. X.W., 8 rooms and bath; all modern Improvements; rent $25. Apply 1. B. WILLIAMSON, jr., 483 R.I. ave. n.w. myl2-3t* FOR RENT-TI1E BEST 6-ROOM BRICK DWElC j Ing in this city for the price.$12 per moutb; on . able car line. R. A. PHILLIPS k SON. my7-lm 1422 Xew York are. FOR RENT-2*8 3D 8.W.. 8R~a7m.I .$» 800 E sw, stAdw 25 2*8 4Vt sw, stAdw.,.25 853 I sw. 6r. ami.20.50 2U0 4U aw. at*dw...25 236 4H sw, Btidw 25 1303 4>4 sw. stAdw .22 3>« C sw, 6r, ml..30.50 610 F sw, SrAwa. .15.30 67 X se, 7r, wa...10.50 11 K se, 6rAwa.. .10.30 458 C sw, 6r, ami.22.60 niyl2-8t« JOHX QUIXX, 447 Ttb st. a.w. FOR RENT.BY OSCAR W WHITE. 980 F N.W. 939 M nw, 12r&ata..$60 17lh end. Mt Pleas. .40 882 C nw. 12r 60 800 Masa are ne, dr. .27 1111 R I are nw. Sr..45 617 6tb ae, 8r 25 1021 9th nw. llr 45 717 8th ne. 9rftata...22 737 6th nw, lOr 35 431 3d ne, flr 22 1002 SC ave se, 9r...80 680 Mass ave ne. 5r..l5 2004 Harew'd. I. DP.20 628 Mass a* ne, Br 8 336 Oak St. LDP....16 myl2-8t | FORWENT. Cor. bouse. Ecklngton. Store 7*0 10th nw....30 12r. ami $50 526 10th ne. 6r.. .17.50 171* Oregon ave, 9r...55; 1^28 Linden ne. 6r.l5 30 2131 L nw, 9r. new.*o.5o 1236 Duncan ne. 6r.15.30 McLACHLEN k HATCH ELDER. mjS-tf 10th and G ata. n.w. FOR RENT-HANDSOYIE~NEW BRICK HOI SES; 8 rooms, bath sod all modern Improvementa; nl-tly papered; porrbes; large aide yard with shade, stable, $:<¦.; only $30 per month; near Mt. Pleasant and Soldiers' Home; take Bright- wiwd ave. elei-tric enra to "Newman terra>-«," *007 8tU at. u.w.: i'stworth sub. Telephone, 1617-3. j FOR RENT.HOUSE9 FOR BBVT. .1744 N st 00 2 Dupont clrcla 1125 12024 N st 60 8 Dupont circle 128 1348 Corcoran »t 48 1835 Mass are 100 708 D at se 21.50 1817 16th at 100 1354 Wallach place. .2" 1464 Rhode Ialand a*. 100 Stable r'r ISIS M st. 28 >024 G at 91.67 1616 Q at 20 1315 M at S3 S3 1706 £ 1712 4th at...17 2000 8 at S3.33 531 11th at ae 16 Offlce 1406 G at 62.50 419 I at ae 12.80 Alao a large list of desirable furnlabed bouaea. FITCH, FOX & BROWN, my!2 1406 G at. n.w. FOR RENT. 624 2Sd, llr *50 60 514 lat ae. 6r 23 50 3830 X nw. 12r 40 612 lat ae. 6r, 2906 P nw, lOrAb.35.60 808 lat «e. 6r. .21.50 2906 X aw, 10(, ml.S5.50 1229-81 10th Be,6rfcb. 10.80 1505 28th av, lOr.82.50 124 G ne. 7r A b.18.30 8062 P, lOr 82.50 11106-17 Harvard. 6r .18 1671 Slat nw, 12r. .80.42 i 1028 4th ne. 6r ...10.80 616 ltt m, 7r t b.80.50 1204 Ward ct. 4r icoli 1410 ar nw lat t.. .80' water 10 10S E ae. 7r A b. .28.80 11662 Vall«7. 4r 9 *«*> ®r 25.80 12 Scott at. 2r » 808 A ae. 6r * k. .25 80 | DEEBLE, DAVIS * CO., mjl2-tr 131# F at. *.«. FOR KENT- j£? 8th .w.9ranil83e 50 414 «w. 6r. aU.15.TO .30 40 824 X ae. 6r 10.50 £52 r> »w,6r,iiil. .17.00 10 L ae, 6r 10.80 Jr. ml..20.80 912 lat. 6r 8.00 SL- 1321 H P aw. 5r.. 8.50 a » _??* faqr wan bricks, cor. 4th and X ata. ?8 50^ermonfhro n* clo**t4- "Wt* People 0*1,. 1 HARRISOX JOHNSON ft SOX. _myl2-8t So3 7th at. a.w. FOR RENT. 637 Acker oe 81V50 3336 O at $30.75 18S D ne 20.50 419 4th ne 40.50 1238 O ne 15 687 Elliot ae 18 80 HyattsTille cottages.- 28 V ne Rear 620 10th. atable. 668 12th ae 20.50 Vienna, Va. cottage*. WATERS * THOMPSON, my 12 1835 F at. n.w. FOR RENT.FUltNISHED.FOR THE SVMMEft m<ntha.three hundaowely furnished reatdewee In a fashionable aertlon of ibe city: 10 to 14 rooms; price 83il to 86u per mouth. For further in¬ formation apply to A M. H. SAUNDERS A CO., 1407 F at. myl2-3teo FOR RENT -TWO NICE, 6-ROOM BRICK HOlSES~; a.m.l.. 403 and 406 1st at. a.e.; near two car lines, library and Capital; J2o. A|>ply 315 Pa. arc. n.w. myl2-«t" rol RENT OR RALE-TWO 4-ROOM HuCtUai with atable and large lots; street cars pasa door; water In yard: rent only $8 per month. Apply to G. J. BOXD. 631 F at. uiyl2 St FOR RENT. Store and 9 rooms* 1314 e m - Brick. 203 12th .,w . *'W'; m l KW 0.I Brick, 2121 loth at ilw M oo Brick. 120HS Write at n i- .? !; l«-4o oace room, 426 loth at. n.w. *¦«> my12 81 **. SHOEMAKER. _n^PHOCT6K mil n!w. "u,,,fc- "tai 1ST PRltV- .^d X'ra's1" inj,ru o^Sis'SxI' 1st uvli'-st* FOR HfiXT. . . TlMl £. ^H.^T ,3TH AKD 0 .-N.W. 1415 Hopkins plaVeVw .in*"""' . ,®' .So.oO 1414 2S»tV at Si ."u m' *».00 ** «. «-».!'* fwVif.r1 £.*; U1I C&SST n w* V^m-rnui/ "U.-L 25 34 2)34 WyJ... 1' ' - rwB|; all in.I.... 13. oO «<.*'»«. "SI 1825-/: and *1288 22d at HT.'* "" 1710 i:<45 B at. ."¦¦L 17 30 1419-21 G at n m iS?' m l 18.00 80S E St. ae 6 , 15 30 in ,w>ms; all m l iniai "svi 1222. .ear 22d at iV - i'iST!; " ** " 80 12 Liberty u w' ",' ZjZ?*; » n37^Sir*fr.roT.1'« ; 4 ,oom*; »:«; ^ : P 105 Reeres at n.w V 111" 10.00 myl2-8t '' nt. 4 roouia; w.. js.ju FOR RENT- . 7'« ur^w"- llT,;.,10 mT.' » ' 1630 llth at Vw k , 50 oo »I4 G at. n.w., B ris.Tl- " ' % <*> l«»-4 5th Bt. n.vr 8 ri'i* m ,***".......... 30.50 1518 6th at. n.w' ^ i *J50 «. lat at. a. , ri,"'®'1 ».» tUP1 Bt* n-w-» ® rxn»., mi"*" S:S IS 'ra'Tvin.0.^;6 ;...' ?s f^'ad3?? *V r^,D mp**- «'v.. .,i: ass 10U5 7 at. ..... « rooJ.*' wVtiT'.V. '?2 «vl2-Jt * WEAVES, llis *51 h""' 7^b*«, i:; *2 M5« "AiAT A1fi v t-. «») terms 4 »«r) "iS*°s'» - . . **21 F st. n.w. FUR RENT 1914 K N.W.; PRESSKi» BPirw fr«it. 8 and cellar: |2S rluak »K1C* .. . » 10 * roo"> brick. |I0: entrance r.w m^ -i°" ,u"t- °wvn- #.*wk: ' Or 804 9th at ssasraraw- srsi u-,2r°,t^ i7«6sEn:w.vt, ?i,is ^ ml .18.80 783 Nary pu"' 2S IS S.': £: * UAKRErr- "'O FOR RENT^~ 10U) 8tb nw. ml.16r.f70 1* VP _ 1T61 P nw, ml. 18r.67.60 251s 7ih ntT ."Ir'S 50 619 Fla ar 53 ism «..? JJ*-n)'..'r.22.30 923 «th nw,ml.llr.6"i 4? Ji7 C^. «^Vr ^n 881 C nw. ml.lSr U26 r^"ib. TI: WO G nw. ml, 13r ,VI 44(7 TV ' ¦ 6r.20.80 909 9th,sid « Jii 5 £*rJ}w:*l*r . 1006 Mb 18ig '. 6r .l8.80 Il.'t3 9th uw. ml. 9r.3s 2T.14 ~tk f*' ®r--.l8.W) 1410 loth nw,ml »r 32 60 235 2rt »? ?' *18.<I0 1315 Waltack pl aw wJi?*' fr ..¦.1S.00 ml. 7r 30 ,S?5 »,J " »». 6r 14.00 .86 French 2Tl« Aih"^' ^ 14.00 521 N J Sr! 27^60 j Jl,?.1' 8r .14.00 728 Irrizi^r 2*» 50 Cor ix-s. ^r.13.50 811 P nw. mi H* aw 2^ >*N.w.^3r.l2 0o 409 4th ne. ml. 7r 22 50 " Ri.MiS k. " 8r ".50 136 1> ne, ml. 7r ffl 5o 8 IwSi* "1.6r. 10.60 1008 B oe, ml. 7r.22.50 CIti i! ". u7 ?56 lat ne. ml. 7r.22.50 1014 8 nln v_.I0.8o Hat.t | Potomac Hall.cor.nth^d.are.a.w .M fl,|10.0u MiSVtSTw:^ -.« . . STABLES. 8 Rear 910 9th aw 86 Rear 1m Rear 6-3 F aw S Wllaon ¦»...« ^mylj-St' A. <- CATWOOD. us ^ . . w FOR RENT -FOR THREE MONTHS SoiPirTe 1 a pleaaantly sltuatSd iSuli Jf %n ^ Olsh.4. In Annapolis: rent mXler^. p. ' £?' ^W lnformatlon a|>f>I.T «J341 » ,t. u ZnlFo' TO GARS, SCHOOLS AND MARKET*^ Jlls 1*ER F?^T«Ar^nuSA«NHn Z*-K-ir S1'I±NDU> GROCERY STAND ^ S E~ 'nrl2-3t CHAS. A. SHIELDS 1 .re F at. n w FOR RKXTU-1521 yTH v v . .«..rr;.~~. n.w.; 118.80. 1529 4th n'w. il2^ ivj n1"'" n e ; 811.60. 10k and 110 Ma$25r 810 X"* E A. McLNTDjE.' 224 C a w. FOR RENT-CHEAP.ONXT fl" iv» ._ ' 1811 181S 18th at.: Bnelr finished 10 and i^?* a.m.l., ate.; recep-ion halU a.wa'~. beat. Key. of OWNER. 1809 lMb n^.J^' ^e^Tfer^^^^^n^bsrn^^ 5^,5^ .wsii £?*& 8th st. n.w.. Petworth aub. ^Ti,^'7 'O. HEVT-1326 UTH 8T X.W.; HAN'Dhomc STm^SS WUXE T. J FOR RETNT.BY JA1IRI <;. JESTITtT _ _ , Real Eaute Brakn 83j r _ _ 6J7 Md ar lm.V) 1*2117 r r . J«3 :,\ld ar ne.8rb.ml45.501 1»I8 »t "Vw^? ^F SS 1027 N J ar, 6rh,ml.25 30 1 *:n \<* 7^. mi.23 1610 lat nw,9rb (new>,28 1232 2d aw ?5;®r,',c'18-80 myl2 3t* M .*.?*>, wa. .8.»o FOR RENT 1848 FlilHTTu _ brick dwelling; ml; rem 818 it 5i' ,S1Y>RV _aj_1226 N sr n.w * ". ln *dv«n'T., .Key FOR RUN T -2320" m iff.. rooms, bath and furnace withli ^ "EVEV Signal offlre: *25 50. 7 ,^^ "f WILCOX. 1907 p.. month. « f»< > (IT A FOR RENT. -'yl2 "l*_ 1739 Ouiconn.ISr.875 oo .Yu V ... . 91« 8th ne. 6r TlSlso ^aVll, 1% & l ZX*ton-!?-SK }S? ,L 0*4 I ae, 6r ::i8 40 ltjl 5*4,V *h"P 728 16th ne. 5r Jo J, 1 U"* " 4O.U0 _myl2-8t DAIS *j;tfAPPEI.. 525 llth n w «J| S: S::::::1S;S ®v££::--&£ 61o 2d ne. 6r 8 E sr nw 12 30 614 6th ae. 6r. ...:iv40 K " "" ~ SV1X-8C BUTLUt * GRAHAM, 5o3 E at. ..«. ( FOR KENT.HOUSES. PfW KKNT-1US X 2«C4 K «w. Mh ..22 60 " see, I2r.2 l».new._i 1608 norcoraa do, 6r 20 2106 R bw. I Or, 2 b*.- 210 Fit »* aw. Or It > 1446 R I ae aw.lOrAh.. 1518 X Can 8r IB *110 14th bw. 10rAb»45 12M M «r«r.....U.W not N H »» I»,?i*b.4f. 610 Blair ae, 4r.,.i0.30 ! H L. II 1ST. 624 14th et. n.w. Poll MHt-A lO-KHUM MUUML WHU Alj- modern improvem*"it. Rett, *22 141. 1707 Xew iTS**1. .*,*. f."" *.«* * .' 620- Apply 1106 L at. t.«. in* 12 It* fur rknt.xoTTii~tth~jt" xt. tvco^iSr. .even room*. bath nod cellar. Hoot. 826 mylg«t ALLEN C. CLARK. 806 F b.w. FOR RENT-MAY 15. NEW BAV-W. PR uj 6 room* and bat*; reception hall, latrobe, opeu grate. cablaet meat el*. electrk hella, Ac.- liuf i«AW "Li i ?* MT W- «¦ JERTER, ®# b »t. n.w. mvl2-Jt* FOR RENT OhTlEASI^ Ml MD. AV*. \ t. WK br.<6ewl:«a|i^; hot Water beetle.; elictrie bell® and lighter*; burglar alarm* acreebad TOP ,ltrou*lK*" : »M JAilEs O. JKS TEE. WFit a.w. my12-81 . FOR RENT -06 O KTV. *01 H aw. iUt. IrTTs $14.30 414 tiUj j, ata .15 1 ,? *T **. E «W. 8r. bath 21 50 1023 lat at aw. Or..14.80 62 G aw, Be 5M #23 6th aw. h....UJ| Ml O *w 6r...... To B-JJOXARD. MOmt e.w FOR KENT. 510 G BC 4r ail 25 AO 248 iWl av, 822 *4th, Sr. eel ml 2ft ho #10 18th. one* ra> 55 2500 l iOr, « » £7 1ij2 Jan, lor. mi....6^ 1129 23d 6r rr»l m M 454 D, 6r. at * cel. .65 fig # fc t i jSif 1144 S, 8rf ml. «V> 1210 SOrh Or nil %. **a biw'o.V mi "1.52." §r» 84tbar Sr" V -'itS 1.4ft Pa av.10r.iul.6u.CiO 240S H 6r w m 16 30 2*:¦.*> 1'a ave.10r.ui1 50 50 nh'are' 5r f»i in 2434 Pm are. lOr. ml 50 411 il* % »' tk'il 2306-7 L, Sr. ml..40.50 to; 9 11 13 22d Or wlf> '.<> £!23 Pa 50 2427-8 \ 6r «jL, i? sa 2185. K. Or. ml....85.50 "r il* lsn «. lor 35 80 681 X H eve 5r 15 M 2327 Pa 50 2ii23 L. r'r ' 5r' w 'l* Jo 8123 F. Sr. ml... 33 50 UN O ir.' w A « a M F^.*r' <*'. >nl ,1M ,245V* *". waitlso Howard av A Rrown 351X Pmep»< t. Tr 15 at. Mt Plea a, .r, 1222 26 2S 25th. 6r IS eel .table 82.M ft«56 326. 5r. ."i.litt 21M T.. <r, ml-...K0.30 13**4 11th. 4r w... , 15 rw» 2"tb. Or. ml...»iW]»w M atore w ,15 212# P. are. 7r.ml2750 ^7 236. 6r ^. ' \S.IS Kkxi Klngmaii.7r,mV27 Ml ?145 I>. Mr. w. 14 30 1510 23..V) 516 »<1. 6r. wa .. .14 la 2207 H. 8r, ml.... 27.80 23t*-i: Va «ve Or.wl* 50 _ . . 680-82^4 XM.«r w .18 40 For full llet applv to ^ESCOtT 4 WILCOX. 1»07 Pa. are. mv12-«. tuAtb rOR RENT- 450 M at bw. 10r. .40.50 4»0 La ave. 15r *1S0 43.'. I at bw. 7r 22 5(> H'0? CL " nw' fr....inrt 1364 C at aw, I2r... M o "t. 'Or MO 214 Arthur pi. 7r. .22 .«> Ki7 14th nw, 12r... .75 1U2H 9th si ?r m 2119 K »t nw, llr.. 75 i«j24 I. st. i "**22 Ml »tb BW. atore....75 1428 Pierce pi. «r. 22.60 J-' 11 "*¦ llr... .60 1121 12th at ae 7r. .22 V> nw '".. TO H3ft 24th at. * .22 30 6T.42 910 E bw. f.r 21 HO A 9r lwKS X H ave. Or. .21 .«» 509 6th et uw, llr 65 75 1S1# 13th at. Or 21 80 The Mlltoa Apartuient». <>32 D at ae Or 2i. *«i 1620 226 at. lOr 65 T*5 4th at «w. Or w uab Urora. 6r 60 <#j 2d at ¦». Or. *1X5 2015 O at bw. llr 60 126 O at Be. Or. M) 35 S13 #tb bw. lOr .00 2224 H at nw. St 20 1310 G at nw. lOr.33.45 1143 Otb at Be. Or .. So Sol E Cap, > & d«'.53.u0 ''«o2 16tb at. or ao 1 I? T* S«le» lOr r,'. 2181 Va ave >w.0>.'iS.M 1.23 I'eSalea at. »r .55 1SS4 E at bw. Or. .Is 80 1010 22d at nw. 9r.3*t 00 1226 M at Be. Or .30 30 8002 Q at. lOr RO 1T«4 V at. Or an SO 1T2» 12th at,- 12r 50 I. at bw. 6r... 1R 'c» 018 X T ave Rrt 21 2d »t Be. f.r 17 30 9!3 R at. S*r 5.1 2H3S Stb at. Or....16.30 1000 X at. sr 45. V* 823 Maaa ave Be. Or.16 3o 13 E at nw. 14r..40 t2> 715 A at Be. Or 18 40 014 17th at. 13r f/< *40 R 1 ave. Or.... 14 1205 M at. ISr 45 H14 25th at. br .12 00 Frederick, fiat l,4r 87 M 6*II CaUaa at. Or .12 00 l»r> K at. lOr 42S 6H at aw. 6r..ll 80 lftOH 9th at ow. 0r.2e.50 2344 ''l.^mpln av irlo 5<» 1528 V at. 7r 42.50 23 Fentoa Be. Or lu.M 624 4", at aw, 6r .au.50 SOS loth at Be. 7r.l7 30 b h. wakner * oo . 010 r m.. / FOR RENT-UVFCRNIKHnV- 10-1 Vt ave nw. 18r 8300 A>12 Hllljer pi. lOr .50 1723 R I av nw. i7r. £>0 124S 11th at bw. 10r..4f 1416 aotii at. 22r 1242 11th at nw. Or ..45 Xw cor SthJcO rw.16r.150 626 8 at bw. |»r 46 1011 Cobb av nw. i4r.1V) 1882 Corrermn. lOr .40 1331 O at nw. I6r .156 UtQ Oat*. Or 1344 l»th at aw. 12r.lM 1801 21at at aw. 0r ..4O Road at. Georgetown. 1244 llth at nw. lOr 46 16r IS 225 R at Be. lOr 45 122S M at nw. I5r...l2* 028 E at aw iflati. Or 43 1212 F at nw. 14T...10U mi .-iwuln at aw. «r.4« 1333 G at nw. 10r...lu0 1416 33d at aw. lOr .46 84<« L* at nw. I*r...l00 233 R at Be. 16r 40 1486 X at nw. 12r 1O0 1235 12th 6t. Sr 83 1534 2Mb (t nw. I2r 1«6 2»t22 1 at nw. »r 40 1732 1 6th at bw. llr.lllO 1U16 15th at. Or .38.10 14O0 Cbapin. 12r ftu 615 12:b at aw. (flat) 830 8th et nw. at A ftr 88 M3,m« ,*,h Ot bw. 7r 3.-. 1214 F «. bw. Sfl. 3d 1237 ISth at nw. St 35 .f?l.4th .oor" 63 *3 1634 1 5th at bw. 8r,87 56 1626 8 at bw. llr....60 1432 Corcoran at. lur 3ft 816 E at aw. 16r 7ft X606 Q at aw. .e. .88 a 1.2 H at BW. 14r....82* 7th aa. llr....81 50 016 F at bw. 22r 7*1217 8 at bw, Or 85 406 Elm at nw.Or. .21.25 1 BAQ flata.80tbAM.0r *0 J121 I>t nw. 14e.. S3 88 4015 Otb at bw. Sr.22 no 11*0 17th at ow, Sr...46 1525 O et bw. Or 6o 1611 X at nvr. 10T....50 be, cel.... 827.50 The abava u only a partial Itat of the propertlea U oor haada. For Reat Bulletla raataiBlac full dt«< rlptk-u laauod weekly asd can be had ttpoa ap¬ plication to THOMAS i. FISHER * C?TT 18J4 T au FOR EKNT-BT WM. B. RACXDCStS A 00 . " 1407 » at. a.w. 1320 M BW, 16r, per 1836 Wallack BW. Or annum .........$1000 and cc.Iar 83 Nf HW 1 1M7 <M * Vi." * .^.WU «« tt «B»m .,5r'.rirsoO Z* " P'U 1325 M nw. I6r, per !T ¦Mum er 2io 5th oc,' i 1.860 711 18tb bw. .86.40 ...; .....»,ami .11 IBIB B* I v .-18r-- -200 22ft 2d bc. 8r 7. 2J.85 -. Oap at. per 226 12th «.Ar. " l.aoo 220 llth ae' (V S? fI2® P «r 70 844 Elm. L P P Or 23 " nw. lOr.OO 346 Elm. L I> p' ?, -¦-> .Ui at (cor). 706-8 3d Be 6r 5 "i 712-16 Jd it. 6r a . 02-4-6 Newark at i.«6 4th " ,. t., Petwortb. llr 80 sis O « «, 1?bJ 2fi!bF- »-...» ^ w ..^ui aujoiunc houaaa. 66 raoma, will be reviled at 6 rumiBable Ogure. STABLE Temperaoc* allaj rear 632 E at. B.t.1, far 18 boraee 816 par mo. iu)12-eo8t F<>R RENT. 28 H Be. stare. Ar7T..n 1217 X nw, ltr 76 1236 X J ave bw. 8r. 28 »lo6 G aw, fur 00 »« L Bw. 7r 22 (-30 E bw. llr 6o 533 6th ae. Or 16 2106 G bw, lftr 5>< 214 12th nw. 6r IS 1507 R at nw. lOr 50 3048 Stb nw. Or 17 1251 6th bw, lOr 45 12>tt Md ave Be. 6r 16 120 E bw. 14r 48 *>60 E bw. Or 16 1107 X nw, Or 42 12i>4 Md ave Be. Or.. 16 17<>1 Otb nw. lftr 42 1*77 Valley at. 7r. 18 11*6 10th at aw. Sr .30 613 P m«ro< at. ftr 10 M 1$1» Illsre place. Sr..85 8o2 12tb nw, ala# 10 lio Sd n bw. Or 35 m\ M Be. ftr lo 73 H BW. Or So 1521 M BW. 3r 1478 Kroeaaw are. Sr 30 16 D ncmaa rt. 6r 8 4*11 G et lie. Tr 25 Si A eta. Ifth AR «v »l 1226 Stb nw. Sr 2J 13th A T nw Sr 82.50 2218 «r> nw, Or .. 25 offl.v roomi 637 F bw. myl2 3t ALBEKT F. NX. 030 F at. B.W. FOR KHXT.$42.6t^~BRICK 1016 H 8T. N W ; V n. tu latrol>ea. reure. bath, cellar. large yar".. Jc>8. FORRSST. loot W at. a.w. 13 la 2 tor 11 lni* "for r/xt. i Floe Sr flat. Ami... 840 4 O'Brlea'a raw. 8r.10.0t 2316 H. Sr A be. 22 2 He.. 11 a et.4r.w 10.5W 2306 M. Or 22.50 600 27tb 6t, we..10 86 523 2Sd Or 18.50 Storage rm. S18 10 Bw S Sit 5 room bouete aomb.-eet. eight dollar* v^r month. GEO. W. LIXKLV8. ¦nj'10 6U0 lotb at. a.w. FOR RKNT A MAT O-R. BRICK; ALL M l7| good condition: 82>' 1! at. a.e.; 118. apleodkl loa¬ th®; nleo e»me nice new hoaee*: r>ut free te intended punhaeere. 1. D. CHOIMSAVT, 01* llth et. B.w. ap/7 lm FOR RENT 027 R 8T X.W.J 8 ROOMS AXD lath 865 1138 10th et. B.w.; 10 routne and bath.........883 1757 Madtooa ave.; lo h»na betb 86* 175ft Madleon ave.. lo rouma and bath SftO 1761 MailieoB ave.; 10 Mama, end bath 850 tuyO-Ot ED. J. O HARK. 1006 F et. FOR RENT-AT A LOW PUICK. 2106 R OT. B W., near Cobb. ave. car*, very deelrmhle aad attractive house «- ¦ PWWBW^IiirwT Oeatrml'le aal attractive bouae; nearly new; In perfect order: 10 roumi; 2 betb*. H. L RL 8T. 824 14th at.B.w ap3 if FOR RKVT HKaI.TMFI'L I/1CAT10N URIi* cvittage. laniv grounds, abude. fruit, e tablet eeble; beedlce: ten uilnutee to Ph. a»e.; fiwllh ed or unfurnleb.d; enainier or year; terina rea- auuable. Boi W, Star odlc*. in>5-2w- WK REXT.DWELLING. M 0 It K.W.; M rooms: betb; gaa. Ac. 828, iBQulre 028^6 La- a>. apH-lme F.'!l RENT "l ''25 OlR'MRAN ST ft Hi.'VS ANI> lath, with ftrnace. <al>lnat mantels, mod imp* : 843 50 a mouih. AmiIv at premleee. myl28t' FOR RENT.ONT.Y 86.80-6-ROOM HOCSBB O* 1 TllQWaB . -OK(K)M Horses ( Turner »l. u.%. mt tb+ Rimdmburr road: IV- tomac water. THOS. K WAGC.AMAX. apft-2m* 611 r it. FOR RENT 318 C S E EI JBGAXT FINISH XKW brick;; electric bell*, speekiui tube*, tiled; coal vault; yard; near care. HARBLN, 318 avo. a.e. ARXOLD. 43b la. eve apl6-la>o FOR RENT.616 K ST. N K.; 6 ROOM BRICK; m.l.: handy to acboMl and -ar*. at *1T. Key at 610 K at. B.e. ». W. TtHXER A no . ^ ap2ft 1 m* 100 F at. a.e. FOR RENT. 112 10th ae. Or. ...16.30 1326 R bw. lOr. ami. 65 (16 4th ae. Or 16 30 814 P* ave nw.lOrftb..4i 616 14th Be.Oekaml.. 16.80 1825 lbth nw. 8r*h, 2*07 Olive ave aw.OrlS fK> ml 32 60 611 12th Be. Or... 18 60 603 Howard ave nw, 1»18 Ttb ne.Sr.ami. 16 8f or and ami 35 R'r 1K1 14 nw. ftr.lft.80 1243 X Oap. 7rAaml 26 Cella* ae. 6r 12 6o 61s 21.t Bw.7r«remt 26..v> 1371 Fla ave ne. Sr.10.00 113 13th nc.6rA-euil 20.50 1008 Cree^-i-nt nw, 6r .8 1814 14th nw. i.t IS X ew. 6r a door, flat. 4rAh 30.30 1232 U>odua pi aa. 13 Q ow. drA*ml .30.30 4r 7 SO myT SWORMSTKDT A IlRAIiLEY. 687 W ot. FOR RENT OR SALE BOBT-ROOM XKW atone *ud brick house; m.l.; 1806 18th et. b.w ; l'»>tion line Apply to Owner, R. W. FEN- WICK, at 1308 X at. my2 2w PROPOSALS. oi ri- K' l T1IK <*i»\!MlSSluN*Ra U. C . Will- liurtoii. D C.. M*y 14, 1H^4. -Sealh<1 uropoMiU mlU »*« iwrlfMl »t ihii oOr# imtl! TWO CdOi'K P.M.. WEDNESDAY, MAV 11'K.VTV THUUi. 1 Si*4. for 4iirBi»l>liif Ihe »u|»f-n»tru<-iur** of & nt^l plattt girder highway brfdg** over tb* Jamea i ipfk ranal a> N atreer, \\ n»liiiMrtun. L>.C Biank f«»rnja of i.1>. Bj>eri*«w! kan> aod all oihrr information uuoi. bo «>t«tainr<1 on ajiuih-atlon at tliu <>fh*« J \V ROM. <oL(»K«iK TRI'KSDKLL, rilAS K. P»>WKLL. '' IM' iu^14-^t rn«>P' »SAl> Y\>lC Til 16 COSKTRI CTTION oP m-w«h-k 4 l#it of tho* ronim>te«ilourr». 1». C. Waahalstoo. r Majr 1^, 1 V.A4 Sealed uru' Iiosalit will l»e rwfivcl at 1Mb* t»0«»» until 1h<1 . M MAI TWKN1V SIXTH. 1 h^4. for . un- ?..rvt. ung a »ewer and 4T» tliiKi.log Uaatiio. in tba IHalrh-t «>f i'olumM*. >>,.. ri. na and bbitk f »rm» of nro)MM6ala nm\ >»e oi'ln neU Mt ihia oA v. J W R«:*< QKCmCiK TRI »>D1XL. C 9. I'OWLLL, CoUiau*»iwneia, It. C. S|12-K

Transcript of The Evening star.(Washington D.C.) 1894-05-15 [p 10]. · lc* Offlcea A and B (upatairs), 10»>6 F...

Page 1: The Evening star.(Washington D.C.) 1894-05-15 [p 10]. · lc* Offlcea A and B (upatairs), 10»>6 F at. n.w. WANTED.CHANCE OF A LIFETIME.IMME-diately. canras.ners snd agents inevery


WA.VTOV_immediatki.Y-A RELIABLE MAN,Woo iintVn-ioJs thorwigljly dairy and farming:«Slt« man preferred. Ad<irrt* M. 8., Star office,la*

WA.VH5D . IMMEDIATELY mi <5> FIJWT-cUh coatmaker*. Ap^iy to SNYDER & WOOD,1111 P.-am. »*.¦ myl3-Sa'

WACTIO A lX>LORED BUY. ABOCT IS rearsold. for light »<i<l about the yard. Apply at8il>7 17th »t. u-w (Mt. PlMaaot).la*

^AVCED _ ui urvi« c OF CTVIL ENGLNEEH",young rd*q comp«tect to make plates of sur¬veys; salary nominal. Address, stating age,

Suallflcationa, references, Ac., CIVIL EN(;iN"EER, office. myi5-3a*

Wanted . five ex!>fpartment c!7erks*1U b« riven steady employment at $100 per mo.ft fonna competent. K. A. DINSMORE, G

* n.w. my15-3a*

Wanted.FOOTMAN; mtst hav e-lono IS"-perleifc-*; hav# beat r*f»reoc«a; not rrrtr fl-.s feeteight Inches tall. Apply A. C. MOSES, F and11th «t». It

VANTED.<J4X)D DRIVER, USED TO BREWrlRYwork preferred. Address W., Star office.myl4-3a*

wanted _ experienced salesman fobLars and (enta' fumlnMn^s: must be well pmtedIn the hat business and bring best references.Address A. B. K , Star office. my 14 3a

Wanted.kirst clam coat makers, apti.tto J. D. BURNS & CO., 'l'ailors, cor. S»th and Osta. n.w. myU-4«

W.ANTED.DUXIXJRES lfrilT,OYM»."T "Bt REAVjconducted by ladies*.me > and women, white andcolored, for all kinds of domestic labor, city.state«mI springs, with refererce*. 709 L »t. ap21-24a*WANTED.AT THE CITY INTELLIGENCE OF-

Oce. eooks. ehsmiiermalds. waiter*, drivers, por¬ters. clerks, laundresses, men, women, boys, furall work; place* furnished till suited. SHAC'K-LEFORD'S, «27 11th st. n.w. mylu-tSa*

Wanted stenographers and remindtoo typewriter operators directed to positions;EMIXOYF.ll.S prov.dnl competent si enoKraphersand Itemlngton operators: no charge for services.WVCKOFF! SEAMA.NS ft BENEDICT. Kem'.n;;-toa Typewriter office. 8th and F sts. n.w. m-At itW A \TED.SA1XSJIEN TO SELL"OfR^GOODrf.ample to the wholesale and retail trad**; lefl on

tight vO every business man or firm; liberal sal¬ary and expense* paid; position permanent. Forterms address. with 8lamp, CENTLN'MiL MFG.CO.. Milwaukee, Wis. my&-s,tu,th-lmo*WA nTEI > FOR"fuflxfrafSTATES ARMYable-btdled. unmarried men. between the sg*>s of21 and 30 Jears, good pay. ration*, clothing andmcdkal attendance; applicants must be preparedto furuiab satisfactory evidence as to age. char¬acter and habits. Apply at 1202 Pennsylvaniaave. n.w., Wsahlngton.D.C. fe<i-tuAs2awtoJu30

Kt.MALK.WANTED-A NEAT, TIDY GIRL FOR GENERALhuisswork in family of three; stay nights. < allimmediately at 2 If st. n.w. lb*

Wanted.a woman for general hoise-work in small family; must stay nights, refer¬ences required. Mrs. LIl*SCOMB, cor. lfcth st.sod Howard sts.. Mt. Piea*ant. lb*

WANTED.A YOUNtTlADY WHO SEWS NEAT^ly; one who ha* been with a dressmaker pre-feried. Apply 523 2d st. n.w. lb*

fl\TED A GOOD. RELUBLR HEAD COOKfor dining room. Address, with references. Box26. Star c-fflce. lb*

WANTED-FOR JCNE 1. A THOROUGHLY R&11aMe colored woman aa first class cook in privatefamily; city references required. Address Box154. Star oflten. iuyl5-2tWANTED.LADY STENOGRAPHER AND TYPE-writar; salary tu»» a month; must be first class.Address Bot Star otfc-. lb*

WANTED-A FIJOT-CLASS SKIRT HAND. ONEwto can take charge; none other need apply. *lo1st st. n.w It*

wanted-flu# 12th ~sn\~\.w..white wuhan*for general hou.<*ework; nm»t be good cook; neatand tidy; stay at night, tall aft*»r 4 p.m. lb*

Wa iolG 11T1I ST. N u a COLOREDgirl for general housework; 4 grown x»eoole inrat-ally; must stay nights and brine fuod ltyr«f*r«Mft1!>*Wa.\T!D A GOOD COOK, WASHER AND IKON-er to assist In general housework: private family;food wages and good home. Wll S »t. ikw. lo*

Wanted" a~~ ni rse girl- not over liyears old; must stay at oj^ht and hate cityref-ren'e. or need not aj-pfy. lluu F st. n.w.myl5-2b*

WANTED-A WHITE WOMAN AS CHAMBER-maid and waitress for small family; references re-

^quire<t. Api«ly at 22J2 Mass. ave. lb*

WaM*E1>- WAIST AND 5>KIK1 HANDS; MISTLe neat worker*. 51tf 11th st. n.w. lb*

wan ro> <js rhe~ridgk road, 2 milesfroaa Georgetown, a woman to ct*>k: no washing;lie. Apply, bet. tt.30 and 3 o'clock, at 7KfO GSt. n.w., 3d floor. lb*

WANTEI^GIRL FoRllOlSEWORK and mind.'tift «hild five y»ars old; must stay at Di^ht.lay Pa. are. n.w. lb*

WANTED -COOKS. MAIDS, NURaSES. GENER-\LkotNWOvkm, ia*try ruoks. i-Lumbermaids, wait¬ers. waitress and kitchen help for city and re¬sorts at oUi-e. DICK S AGENCY, 613 7th at. n.w.toy

WANTED^COLORED GIRL FOR GENERALhouseeork, also assist with children, wi ii refer-aaae; stay at night. s st. n.w. my14-^b*

W\NTFI> AT BKRTrv TOCLETTB INTF.KVA-ti<H>al employment office, cooks, butlers, footmen.Builds, wsitressea; with refs.; for city or coun-

j 0.l are. n.w. my 12-lm*WANTED" <X)dks7~KITCHEN AND CHAMBEUt-ma 'is. fl3 to S25; wailrtsses, maids; also storeyour ha, general house wc-rkers, farm and dairykai^tls. etc. BIRNHAM S 1110 G at.!2-6t*

W.VNTED.A COMPETENT WOMAN, l*NMAR-ried, to cook, wash and iron and do general house¬work in a small family; good references required.Apyly at 447 M st. n.w. myl2-3b

WANTED.ALL FDIAli^ IN WANT OF EM-ployment. In city or out. who hare references,wi], frul it to their lnteiest to call at the D. C.AGENCY, ttlu 11th at. n.w. my7 9b*

MALE OR FEMALE.Wanted c\>vassert for books of ali.kinds who meet the cry of hard times," shouldInvestigate flilirtli flhdclw^ by OMMI Brew¬er and Marion Harland; costM only 3c. per day;weekly earnings of our people open for Inspec¬tion; inexperienced persons do well; one took 22orders in one week: $3 cash per order, and outfitfree. Apply, after 10 Wednesday,

SEI.MAR IIESS,lc* Offlcea A and B (upatairs), 10»>6 F at. n.w.

WANTED.CHANCE OF A LIFETIME.IMME-diately. canras.ners snd agents in every city inthe L'nited States to introduc e "Multtun in Par-?o." the eiastl-' Ink holder for pens; from $3 to$10 easily made with 5 hours' work dally. Callor address TEEO. S. MEYER, 140 Nassau at.,Room 46. New York city. apl9-th.s,tulm

wanted bkst families to know thatfirs' class help. guarant»-^d references, furnishedfor mmiasr resorts; old-establlsb**d D. C. agency.61i> 11 a st. Houses cared for daring summer,lay 12-3.*

WANTED.HOUSES.W anted parties haying Hoi sts for rent

bet. Georgetown and Teuleytown should put themin our hands, as wi» e\j»ect to mskr a specialtyof such renting. FULLER A F17LLER. Real Es¬tate and Ix-ans. 504 11th st. n.w. myl2-3t*

%amt*i>.at onc*. for A tAMii ri nmfHL» to I0-ro«>m dw««!llng, Muth of and west of12th st. n.w.; prefer lot to alley; must in* abargain. Call on o: send particulars, with lowestprftre ft»r cash, to BITI.ER A GRA1IA.M. .^33 Esr. n.w. myl2-3t

WWTEI» HolSES TO REST IN X E. MIJIW.»f city; al^o to sell; sales quickly made; tentspromptly remittt^J.

FRANK L. HANCOCK Sc CO.,ap2&-tf Cor. 13th and G sts. n.e.

"WANTED.ROOMS.WANTED ROOM AND BOARD WITH HOMEcomforts, by a gentleman: only reilned privatefaiiiily with no other boarders ne«*d apply; statet»>nu* and io*-atioa. Addiess Box 140, Staru*o». It*

WANTED.BOARD.WANTED BOARD IN GO« »D FAMILY: CO.WENI-ent to Washington; in cwintry or Mt. Pleasant;tuan. wife and »«>n of 0; to $40 per mouth;best referen t*s. A. I.. J.. Siar office. myl2 3t*

PERSONALWHAT l»N EARTH IS THE MATTER WITHthe Senators? We even l»eat them with the itn-ai>proa«'hable rate« we pay for gents' discarded^arinenta. Have a fn»t trotter, will call quick.jfSTH S OU> STAND. 610 D st. n.w. my!5(l.OuO FREE ir TOU NAME WINNERS OF NA-|t.ocal Ball League. For j-urfi'ulars. address

M. C. A. 1M B. CO.,n,jlO-Tt* Kau»as City, no.

C1ML SERVICE examination QI EXTIoNS ANDMnvni Sani Itr. f s. W. FLxNN. A.M.,IVY INSTTTTTE Bt <INK>S ( 'HJJU'.K.my7 1m* *.W. COR. HTII ANI> K STS. N.W.

Ann PRIVATE DETECTIVE agencyc »nhd«»n;ial communications promptly attend d to.offi- e op.-u all hours. B**st references. W.LAMS. Manager. 020 F at. a.W. mh7 3m*

FOR SALE F1ANQ9FOR SALE A SI PERB I PRIGHT PIANO; STANDard n»ak*»; n arly Dew; only |1S»; belong* to aili* hsnr.-d War l»*-pt. clerk, who mm saerifireThis p-ano for cash. THOMSON S Ml SICSTORE, j-i 11th *t. uiylu-tf

tOK SALE ONE 7 1-3^0CTAVE ROSEWiX>D CASEupright piano, with handsome plush stool andthorough v izuarufir-fd. for $1*>5 cash. PFEIFFERA CONIJIT. 417 lltb s:. n.w. ap21-tf

EOR SALE.BICYCLESFOR SALE 12 NEW. HIGH GRADE. SAFETYbicycles; for lady or gentleman, cushion tires;guarant'-ed one v*-ar; rash. *#v» on time,ay12 tf 11 S »»WEN MFG. CO.. 1423 N.Y.ave,

FOR SALE- !«3 VRTt»R PNEVMATIC; A BEaTTY";complete. $?«> rash, or time, if good refs.; MAC.,1 lu& E »t. n.w. iprint shop.) my7tf


fa. are. and nth it.>Wutltitoc, D. (X



WANTED.BY A GERMAN. HAUOCD. SITLA-tloo us butler, wulier or general housework in

family, or flat; German laolly preferred.Aiiarpw V. I*., Star office. mylo-adgivmLiiT yih:\i; .MAN. coMMAXDDiO BIOtrndo, a situation as clothing salesman. AddressSAl.tSi.MAN, at..r otfl<-e. IDJ 1R-3<1"

WANTED.A PLACE WITH A IlElJABLE FIRMoJ i>ateot attorney* by a hoy with some exper¬ience: will work for »4 a week, or $5 and fur¬nish typewriter. I. X. L-, Star ofllce. myl-t-^d


WANTED.BY A KESPfcCTABLE COLOREDwcioan, a situation aa <<ook or nursa In prlTat*fatally to leave city foi summer; good refs.Please call at 1027 17th at. n.w. le*WANTED.BY IUC.XU H OMAN, POWTION; COM-panlon to lady or entire charge of end tgrowing children; good need.e-woman; smallcompensation; best lefereuces. Adurcss Box 97,Star office. 1«*WANTED-BY MIDDLE-AGED WHITE LADY,situation as nurse and to do lf^bt housework;

I references. Address B. H. L., Star office. le*waxied-go to dick7*-agency for cooks,stewards, maids, nurses, houseworkers. waitress,kitchen help and waiters; city or resorts; male

__©r female; with refs. <513 7th st. n.w. myl.Vfle*WANTED^BY A RELIABLE COLORED WOMAN,place as cook, laundress, or general housework, bymo. or Job; bent reference. Address M. ANDEK-

W_9US. 2511 M it. n.w.

WANTED.A !SITUATION BY TWO KESPECTABLBwhite girls to do waiting, or as thambevmahls;good reference from present employer. AddressA. E.. Star offlie. myl5-2e*

WANTED-BY HEXPECTABLE YOUNG~ COLOREDwoman, place to do cookimr uiul laundry work;good references. Apply 142$ N. J. a\e. n.w.inyl5-3e*

WANTED.BY A WIDOW LADY. SITUATION ASchambermaid or nurso In private family; willingto leave the city. Address -Ho 1 st. n.w. le*

WANTED.BY YOUNG SWEDISH GIRL. l'LACEa* chambermaid or hom»emaid; best refs. Apply

__S14 E. Capitol st. le*WANTED.BY~ TWO NEAT, INDUSTRIOUS COL-ored girls, washing and ironing to do at homeor housework by the day; references, till Gordon

|ave. n.»'., or 314, rear A st. s.e. le*WANTED.BY 2 NEAT COLORED illRLs]places as general bouseworkers or cooks. Call at440 I st. n.w. Je*

WAN rti) L\1MEDIATELY-A COMPETENT COOK;willing to do some housework; white preferred.Apply 1937 l£th n.w. lb*

I wanted -by as efficient white girl, apla e to do cbamberwock in a first-class family.Please callC at 1711 Conn. ave. n.w., at presentemployer* s. myli-2e*

WANTED^BY A RESPECTABLE ( OLORED GIRLa place as chambermaid or nurse. Apply to 924ISth st. n.w. myl4-2e*

! WANTED-"BY RESPECTABLE YOl'NG WHITEgirl, home to do chamberwork and waitress orplain sewing; willing to assist in care of chlldreu.Address N. V., Star office. myl4-3e*WANTED-BY a respectable colored- wo-man, a situation as cook or chambermaid in pri-rate family; good reiereuces. Please call at1214 lbth st. n.w. myl4-2e*

WANTED.SITU.ATIONS FOR DRIVERS, MA 1 l>s£clerks, porter*, housekeepers id ties, resorts ortravel); responsible i>er%ous to take charge ofhouses. Bl KNUAM'S. lllo G st. n.w. niyEMEt*wanted- ly a vinatc-cukia French~ wo-man* place as cook in a private family best cityreferences. Address F. C., Star office, my12-3e*


uaj, a place aa rook In a lint class private fami¬ly ; wllllnie to leava city; reference. Addressi o<>K, Siar oth.'e. myll-4e*

I WANTED--WORK OP SOME K15D BY SMARTGerman girl In hotel or prlrate family; must getoff from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sundays. Addressannie. 8Ur iBw. myl2-Se*WANTED


SI MMER ENGAGEMENTS F <) Rtutors and governesses; no i-hutge to employers.Apply at i'lsK TEACHERS' AOENCY. S03 Milk

at. myS-lrn*MUE OK FEMALE.

WAN'TED.SITUATION* BY TWO RESPECTABLEwhite people, to take charge of a bouse for thesumui'-r: have pood recouimendatlous. AddressStMMKR HGL'SE, Star office. myl2-3c«

BUSINESS CHANCES.I MR SALE BARGAIN ONE OF TI1E BEST stores n.w.; splei«lid stand; good reasonfor telling. DULEY A 11ERRLXG, 225 Pa. are.

j n.w. myl5-3tFOR SALE.THE RIDING~SCHOOL AND OUTFITcomplete of Prof. J. A. 4iAI.ES, lit* 11th st.n.w.; reason (or selling: Chauge of 15-6t*

IF YOU OWN EQUITIES IN WASlILNGToN 1Mproved or unimproved real estate, and wish lo1 exchange the name for improved Baltimore prop-erty and cash, send full description and price toSAM'L BEALMEAR, n.w. cor. Lexington audSt. Paul sts., Baltimore, Md. myl5-St*

Ft |R SALE GENERAL STORE DOING A GOODcash business In a growing suburb of Washing-ton; spivi*lid chance. F. BENJAMIN. 61-' F st.I n.w. myl.V3t

FOR SAIX.CHEAP-DAIRY LUNCH~ROOM AT¦ junctiou 4 iiiit'S «*ars; chjap reut and iMf lease.

Address Mr. LOUTS, 1H37 7th st. n.w. wy\o '2l*||1» WILL BUY STOCK AND FIXTURES OF

lirsf-class store; suitable for lady or gentleman;buslnes-* center; rent low; rare chance; owingto health. 4Vj »t. s.w. myl5-3t*FOR SAI.E A SMALTTgROCERY AN'D PROVISIONstore doing a good cash business; selling on ac¬count of sickness; cheap for cash. Apply at1015 E st. n.w. myl5-.1t*

OLD ESTABLISHED GROCERY AND PROVISIONstore doing good cash trade; everything complete.Including household furniture. If desired; death infamily makes it lmpo«iible for o^ner to continuein business; will l>« sold cheap. Call at 1SW «Uh| tt. b.w. myl5-St*

WANTED - AN ALL-AROUND STRAIGHTFOR-ward man of business with small capital tohandle our patent right for this city and county;large profits, no risks, takes wherever Intro¬duced; exclusive right for a cumber of years;no compe ition. Address GEO. W. REID & CO.,60 High st., Cleveland, Ohio. Send 2-cent stamp.mvl4-2t*

Ft'R SALE-BARBER SHOP NEWLY FURNISHED;doing good business and a good location. Addre&«J F. L I., Star office. myl4-3t*rrREaSMAkERTWITH SPLKNDID~"PATRONAtJE.

d«^ire» some one to take entire charge, with goo«lwill, of her «*«tabliahment. Also desires a placeto do first-class dressmaking. Address Box 1,St*r office. myl4-2t

FOB 8ALJ&.CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAMsaloon with dining room license, till Pa. are. s.e.|_my 14-3t *

A THOROUGH BUSTNES8 MAN WITH $15,000cash, would like to bur in interest In some pav¬ing concern; would give his services; only tb'*ewho have something that is dead sure need ad¬dress M. TRY, Star office. my!4-2t

FOR "SALE.CARPENTER AND BUILDER'S WA*gon. platform springs; in good condition; will¦Kcritice at $35. Can be seen at the BlacksmithShop. IMS 4th at. n.e. iiiyl2-3t*

i oil nil ASK OU> EfTABLBUD FLOI R ANDfeed brsiness, over fifteen years old; 2<>od loca¬tion; cor. stand; good chance. Addreas I'. and F.tStar oftlce. »yl2-3t*

WANTEl>-PARTNER WITH CAPITAL OF $2,500In firMt-class drug busiLess; no trlfter or partywithout capital need apply. Address DRUGSTORE, Star office. my121*

FOB RENT-A NEW STORE; ONLY $10 PERmonth; in northwest section of city. R. A. PHIL¬LIPS A SON, 1422 V X. ave. iml-'3i

s N K. Kix n UES AND GOOD WILLof c store, doiu'/ a fine business on oneof the husleMt etreefa: gor^l reasons for selling.AddreM E. M. W., Star office. myl0-7t*

WANTED PARTNER. WITH CAPITAL OF FROM$2,000 to $3,000. to engage In profitable business.Particulars at interview. No trifler* or parlywithout capital need apply. Address G. B. W.,Btar »ffice. invlo-6t*

pole SALE LIVERY STABLE, WELL EQI IPTED;lu central part of the city; doing good business;or will take partner. Address B. B. B.. Starf.ffice. mylotit*WHY PAY RENT?"YOU CAN BUY A COMFORT-able home in good location, containing 9 r«N)Uisand bath and all conveniences, on monthly pay-mei ts of $".«»; no cash payment. Address OWNER.Room 132, Wash. L. and T. building. ap21-eolm*fou bale Uuudi iron dwelling at-tached; centrally located: dolnpr a thriving busi¬ness; long lease, license secured: will tell stock,fixtures, household furniture, Ac.; good reason*for selling. Address Box 79. Star office. fe7-tf

AT RAMSAY'SYour watch cleaned for $1; watch mainspring.$1. All our »ork warranted for one year.

ap3-tr 1221 F st. n.w.


ail extra large and very fine; with their fancyJars, $25; ore half their value: and a Hallet Davisupright piano, $275. JAMES ROBINSON, City

P. O. mylb-.1t*rOR~8ALE A GOOD MILCH COW IN VlXi COS-ditlou: gives verv rich milk. Call at, or address,MARGARET ROBINSON, 1SW Florida 15 -2t*

Foil SAI£A GOOD MIUH COW; CHEAP;s!so 3 thoroughbred black and tan puppies. 2ul22d st. n.w. myl4-3t*FOR SALE.REMINGTON TYPEWRITE». NO.5, and cabinet: oak roll-top desk, at WM. liOW-

^ENTHAL'S, 937 7th st. n.w. my14-2tFOR SALE AT~~BENN1NO~RACE TRACK.ONEwind mill; in good order; with all attachmentsan,I fixtures. Apply WM MILLKIL No. 452 Cen-

J ii GHEEN, 1444 P at *71441'FOR 1EAP A 1 ZE SODA rOVS-_t..:n. XNEVMAN, I'kH 14th st. n.w. mvl23tFOR SALE BARGAIN.PKIVATE MONARCHbilliard table; go«.rl as new; appointmentseomplete: entire outfit for $125: room wanted.Inquire quickly at 1802 M st. n.w. myl2-3t*FOR KALE.LOUNGE, $2.50: CooK~~ffPOVES, $5;oak d-'-k, $5; $1 p#»r week for bel r*»om and par-lor stilt***: low prices. Call REDMOND'S CHEAPCASH AND TIME HOUSE, Ml 7th at. n.w.my4-trFOR S4LE I«'E BOXES AT J. T. MOXI.EY'Sdry air refrit;«*rator works; all sizes in stock.Factory 22S 7th st. s.e. Give him a call.mh23-2m*

F<>!t balS harts mountains isinoin(1canaries, parrots, fancy pigeons, gold fisiies anda< (iariums.m«x-king birds, monkeys.Jke. SCHMID'SPET ANIMAL STORE, 712 12th *t. n.w. Hos¬pital for pet aniLials. Pets boarded. ap5-3m

VERY EASY TERMS ARE OFl'ERED~FOlt FCR-nittire and household goods at WORCH'S FUII-NIT! RE WARE ROOMS. 924 7th st. n.w. Mat¬tings, carpets, wedding and stoies. Ja5

FOR SALE- OTTO * GAS ENGINES, BOTH NEWan*i secobd-'iand: any size.Send for clrcnlar or ' all on

¦12-tr U. liALLAH'. Agt., 731 7th st. n.w.

WANTED. MISCELLANEOUSWANTED.HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAL1> FORladles' and gents' and children * cast-off clothingand shoes. Address postal and I will call. V\.RICH, 1332 7th st. n.w. myl3toJe8

WANTED . GENTLEMEN'S FINE CLOTHINGmade to order on liberal terras of credit. AddressTAILOR, Star office. myl5-6t*WANTO^ENW* SUITS TO CLEAN AND PHK8ai $1 a suit; coats, 50c.; pants and vests, 25c.each. .Best work guaranteed. Established IStJti.Goods railed for aud delivered. L. H. POSEY,1119 14th st. n.w. ap23-24t*WANTED . HORSES TO PASTURE; GRASS,shade and water abundant; special business,horses called for and returned; farm on 7th st.toad. 8 miles out. U. II. P. CLARK, Sligo, Md.myft-lnto*

WANTED^-household and office furni-ture, carpets, stoves and store fixtures, featherbed*. Ac. Address or call at THE JUNCTIONFURNITURE HOUSE, cor. 7th, K and Mass. ave.

n.w. nnj9-tfWANTED. IMMEDIATELY ELEVATOR FOR< carriages; must be in good condition; state siteand lowest cash price. Address Box 126, Stsroth»-e.

WANTED.BIO MONEY PAID FOR FURNITURE,carpets, etc.; entire coutants of houses also;merchants' stocks a specialty. Call or address

_M. NOTES, 2d and G sts. n.w. my8-lm*WANTED.REMEMBER, WILL PAY- HIGHESTcash price for ladies', gents* and children's cast-off clothing, shoes, Itc. Address postal and willcall. R. SEI.INGER, 1424 7tn st.jn.w. ap4-2m*WAMLD WATCH CUUK1NO. 800.; MAINsprings, 60c.; clock cleauing and repairing. 25c.up; best material used; work guaranteed. THOS.H. I NSWORTH, 2004 7th st. n.w. nnD-lmo*WANTED-WATCHMAkING^ROCK FORI>, WAL-tham, Elgin. English and Swiss watches cleanedand repaired; hairsprings, mainsprings, pivoting.Jeweling and staff turning work skillfully audpromptly executed. All *ork guaranteed. Pricesreasonable. Trade work a specialty. Work calledfor and delivered. T. F. CALLAHAN, 721 *)thst. n.w. Late of Waltham Horologkal School.my2 I mo*

WANTED.ROOMS PAPERED IN BEST "STYLEby skilled workmen, up. New Wall Paperslust ree'd. Highest satisfaction or no 6harge.Write.we will call. F. G. NOLTE, 907 lltli st.

n.w. myl-lmo*WANTED . ANTIQUE FURNITURE REPAIREDaud restored by

A. HEITMULLER A CO.,ap27-lm 133.1 14tU st.

WANTED-GENTLEMEN, YOU CAN~SELl7~Y0URdiscarded garments at a high price to MAX LMICHAELSON, 003 D. Drop a card and receiveprompt attention. apl7-lm*WAXTED ( ASH


PAID VOft OtD QOLD ANDSILVER OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS old aud newJewelry, dentist cold, coins, spoons, watch cases.F. LOEWENSTE1N, Manufg Jeweler, Gold andSilver Refiner, bl& G st. n.w., opp. patent ofiite.apl6-lm*

WAN'l ED WIT.1.1AM C. FR1SSELL. EXPERT PI-sno tuner. Orders by n-rll from Maryland andVirginia and the District receive prompt atten¬tion. C23 Gth st. k.w. mh3-t,thAstfwanted try ruiibkr roof paint.

WE STOP ALL LEAKS FREEAnd charge only for painting; work guaranteed.NAT. RUBBER ROOF PAINT CO., 1023 8 u.w.del-tr

WANTED.GOODS OF ALL KIND#, SUCH ASfurniture, stoves, carpets, feather beds, Ac.,Ac.; in LARGE or SMALL quantities, for whichI pay highest cash prices. Call or address B.EInSTEIN, 637 Louisiana ave. fe2-trWANTED-THE PUBLIC TO KNOW THEY CANget Peter Henderson A Co.'s fresh flower, cardonand lawn grass seeds, also bulbs, at SCHMID'S,712 12tb st. n.w. fe6-4m


might better be made where there's plentyof choice of new styles as where a few ofthe old stereotyped styles of Wall Paper onlyare to be found. Everything's new and up todate here. Our stock moves too fast to getbehind the times. Prices sre up to the times,too.very moderate.

W. B. MOSKS * SONS.11TII AND F STS. N.W. myl5WANTED;A chance to prove our statement

That our method of COLORING PHOTO¬GRAPHS is not only the best aud productiveof the finest results, but is the easiest touse. Send 25 cents for samples of the workor call and see It. We'll teach you themethtsl and furnish the materials for a verymoderate price. You needn't be an artist tobe able to do tine work in photo, coloring.



We offer extraordinary Inducements. Thefinest, freshest, newest patterned papersare her# at prtceg that range from 25 to GOper cent below that of other dealers. Thor¬oughly skilled, trustworthy workmen onlyemployed.C70ur work embraces decorating in all

Its bi-in<hes, including frescoing, bouse-raintinir, Ac., Ac.

GILLETT A CO.. NO. 733 7TH ST. my14

LOST AND FOUND.LOST-jTHUR8DAY NIGHT, IRISH SETTER DOG;answers to natm* of "Dash;" light red; hind toestipped with white, and white mark on breast.Liberal reward. 8o7 T ft. n.w. myl5-2t*

LOST BETWEEN 9T. MATTHEWS A>fl) ST.Johu's Church, or 15th »»et. II and K, Sunday,green clover hat pin. brilliant center*; "vaku»»4 asgift of friend. Reward given if returned to

^JBoom 238, National Hotel. It*LOOT SI NDAY EVEN 1 NO. BETWEEN* lOTR AND7th and Pa. ave., gold chain and locket. Finderreturn to 517 9th st. s.e., and receive suitablereward. It*

LOST DURING SUNDAY AFTERNOON, A fAIRof gold rim eyeglasses. The Under will please re¬turn same to 1323 G at. n.w. and receive re¬

ward. myi5 2t*LOST-ON SUNDAY, BETWEEN M ST. AND ST.Patrick's Church, a small geld watch, engravedM. C., and locket on chain. Reward if returnedto 1217 12th st. n.w. It*

LOST. ON SUNDAY EVENING ABOUT 7 O'CLOCK^in neighborhood of 17th and P sts., a fox terrierfemale dog; white, with tan face and black spotson body; had on tag aud leather collar; answersto name of Nellie. A liberal reward If returnedto 1536 17th st., or 412 14th st. n.w. myl5-3t

LOST -ON MONDAY FAEN1NG~ MAY 14~ONElight plaid shawl. Reward if returned to Mrs.MATTHEWS, 1112 Va. ave. «.w. If*

LOST.A SMALL LIGHT-COLORED TERRIERdog; answers to the name of "Bo;" had on col¬lar and tag when he left. Reward If returned to1726 15th st. n.w. myl4-3t*

LOST-SUNDAY, MAY 13, IN MAY PROCESSIONat St. Peter's Church, boy's silver watch, with

Sold necklace and ring attached. Return to 700th st. s.e. and receive reward. mvl4-3t*

L<«T-A LARGE GOLD MONOGRAM PIN IN THEvicinity of 14th st. and Kenesaw ave. Rewardliberal if returned to s.w. cor. Park and Pine sts.,Mt. Pleassnt. myl4-2t*

LOST- ON 14TH SI\ OR HOWARD AVE., BLACKleather satchel, containing surgical instruments.Reward paid if left at the office of Warren ChoateA Co.. 730 11th st. u.w. G. 11. SHOULTER.myl4-3t

LOST ^A BLACK ONYX WATCH CHARM, ONEside plain and the other has three heads carvedIn relief. Suitable reward if returned to 2420Pa. ave. n.w. mvH-lt*

Found-a bicycle, near where forfT-paugh's circus was; owner can have same byproving property and paylug charges. Mrs. DUFF,« M st. n e. myl2-3t*

COUNTRY REAL ESTATEFOR SALE- 11 ACRES. WITH 7 ROOM HOUSE,barn, fine shade and fruit trees, two miles fromcity, on Thursday, the 17th lust ant, at 5 o'clockp.m., for whatever it may bring, without re¬serve. JAMES E. ELEMENTS,myl5-2t 1321 F^st^n.w.

FAIUI FOR SALS < >R EXCHANGE; 7 MILESfrom Washington; 12u seres glass; 50 acres inoats, seeded with clover; .'<0 acres in corn: 50acies In woods, principally chestnut; dwelling;large barn and all necessary outbuildings; in go«xlorder. Apply to owner, W. W. McCULLOUGH,Lumber Dealer, 14th and W sts. myl5-3t

FOR KENT ^SUMMER OR WINTER A 11KAUTLful farm 1 mile from Washington Grove on Met.branch; 7-rooui house, purtly furnished; tenuiscourt; large barn, accommodating 4 horses, 3cows, concreted door, water and inodfrn conve¬niences, 6 outhouses; abundance of fruit, berries,flowers; 2 large pasture fields adjoining barn andother grazlug lundi; minerul water; will rentwhole farm, 19# acres, or house and barn. 15acres, extremely low. For particulars apply toowner, H. L. CHRISTMAN, 1337 Corcorau at.n.vmyl4-3t*

FOR RENT.EDINBURG, VA.. ON B. AND O.R. R., furnished house; larce yard: good water;share of garden aud fruit; terms reasonableCall before 11 o'clock at t)u8 14th st. n.w.myl2-6t*

FOR ~SALE.A BEAUTIFUL STOCK~~FARM OF450 acres in high state of cultivation; has 7-roomdwelling, elegant bank barn, with every conven¬ience; close to schools, churches and railroad sta¬tion; can be had at once away below cost.myl2-3t GRAVES A BELT, 631 Pa. are.

FOR HOST.BUCK M.VNSiox'; 20~ROOMS' FVtt-nlshed; mountain spring water. Call for particu¬lars 1IW 11 St. n.w. lujll-Oi*

FOR RENT- REDUCED TO f22 PER MONTH~FORseveral elegant new 8-room and bath bricks; a.m.l.; nicely papered; porches; shade; Ac. TakeBright wood ave. cars to Newman terrace, 40078th st. n.w., Petworth sub. my3-3m

for RENT-FOR THE SEASON, PART~OF FUfi¬nished house in Lincoln, Loudoun county, Va.;seven rooms; pantiy: use of cellar and dairy; alsoroom for two carriages and time horses. Address,with reference, Mrs. PHINEAS 12. ISA D»*

$5 TO $10 MONTHLY WILL BUY A GARDE*FARM; on alt water; near city and R.R.;health soil ar.d beauty of surrounding unsur>

passed. PLANS FREE. Address GEO. T. MEL-YIN, Annapolis, Md. mhl3-tuAth3m

FOR RENT -A FARM IN PRINCE GEORGE'Scounty. Md., adjoining R. R. station ten milesfrom city; good flv<»-rooin dwelling; stabling,barn, orchard, small fruits; f>0 acres of tdo*land; suitable for truck, dairy or grain. AddressP. O., Star office. Ja23-law-tf


JOHN STEPHEN,aplg-Sao* 519 7TH ST. N.W.

BOARDINGFIRST-CLASS BOARD IN A LIGHT, AIRY, NICEdining room. b26 14th st. n.w. It*

7U2 19111 ST.. CoR OF G N.W. A FEW MOREtable b<Miders can be accommodalvd with first-class board. my 11-2w*


FOR RENT- 928 L N.W., FURNISHED SECOND-floor front room; three large south-front wiudows,opening on tree-shaded piazza; convenient ad¬joining bark room; tingle or an suite; cheap;summer rate#. Also froet hall room. myl.VSa*

FOR KENT.008 L ST., FUR. FEONT ROOM,with alcove; 2d floor; double closets; home com¬forts and table. To permanent parties, withboafd for 2, $4!* par mo. myll-fla*

FOR 'RENT.BEAUTIFUL COOL FRONT ROOMS;furnished or unfurnished; southern exposure; goodlight; all conveniences; summer rates; good hometable board; central location. Not. 20 and 22Grant Place. la*

FOR RENT.COR. ®TH AND MASS. AVE.VL'E.lsrge nicely furnished rooms, with board; $60 and$60 for two persons; southern and eastern ex¬posure; very cool in summer; refs. ex. apl8-2ro*

FOR RENT.XICliY FUR. ROOMS; SINGLE ORen suite; suitable for light housekeeping; nicehull room; pleasaut bouse; central; near Tensiongrounds; summer rates. 224 Indiana gve. n.w.my14-2a*

FOR RENT.ONE LARGE, HANDSOME ROOM,second floor, with flne bath: suitable for man anawife or three gentlemen; also hall room; hand¬some house; fine table and prompt atteutlon. Ap-ply 724 12th st. n.w. myl4-3a*

FOR~RENT 3 I TRNIMHED 2d1'LOOR ROOMS,without board. 1092 K st. n.w. myl4-3d*

FOR RENT-N1CELY FI RNItiHKD FRONT ROOM,with or without board. in private family; con¬venient to p<»st and pension offices and sererullines of cars. 720 6th st. n.w. myl4-3a*

FOR KENT-1329 N ST., LARGE 2D-FLOORsouih-front room and rooms communicating, withboard; also south-front Hd-floor room; location de¬sirable and convenient. myl4-4Ja*

F?>it RENT-1329 N ST., COOL, FCRNISIIHDsouth-front communicating rooms, on 2d and 3dfloors, with board; location very desirable andconvirlent. my3-15a*

Fl»R KENT- FTRXWHED, WITH PRIVATE FAM-ily, one larce, pleasant. se<-ond-floor room; suit¬able for married couple without children, or twogentlemen; also two room*. 3d floor, furnished orunfuruished. 1707 DeSales st. myl2-2a*

FOR RENT.FURNIBHED ROOMS IN THE*HERS-don, 1235 N Y. ave. n.w.; prices reduced to $10,$12 and $11 each; cool uud pleasant summerapartments; central location. myl2-3a*

FOR RBKT.TWO X1CS 20BWLT FUKNUIUBDrooms, with or without hoard; noar cars and ter-dlcs and departments. 4W G st. n.w. myl2-3a*

For rent pleasant communicatingrooms; two in room, with board, $35; smallerrooms, for one, llo; with gas; small rooms with¬out board; near cars. 908 12th st. n.w.myl2-3a*


FOR RENT- 1233 MASS. AVE., HANDSOMELYfurnished rooms, with board; table boarders ac¬commodated. myl2-6a*

FOR KENT- AT MT. PLEASANT^ARGB ROOMS,single or en suite, with board, flne lawn andshade trees; private family. Address MT.PLEASANT, star offl««e. myl2-3a*

i*M HKXT WITlfllOAftO, EXCELLENT"ROOMS;tt-rms moderate; comfortable home; well fur¬nished house; good cooking; southern exposure.1449 N st. n.w. myl2-3a*

FOR RENT IN GERMAN PRIVATE FAMILY(French spoken alsoi to single geutleman; roomand t«oard $25 per mo.; locality, near Iowa Circle.Address ..CAMERA" X.. Star office, myl2-3a*

FOR RENT.789 13TH ST. N.W~, 2 FURNISHEDroom* on 2d floor; siugle or en suite: also ouehull room on 2d floor. myl2-3a*

FOR RENT ~FURNISHED- ROOMS FOR LIGHThousekeeping; also two hall l»ed rooms, furnished.Inquire at oil F at. n.w. myl2-3t*

FOR KENT 1123 13TH SfTT OORT~MAf«. AVE.",suite of three rooms; parlor floor; and singlerooms; vacant May 1; also table bourd; summer

rates. ap21-24a*FOR RENT~TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, WITHboard, lu a private family; references exchanged.Address 2111 K st. n.w. myl23u*


FOR RENT ISO# 12T1I ST. N.W., THREE UN-furulshed third-story rooms; oath on tame floor;with gas Mi heat, $11 per month. niylfi-2t*

FOR FLAT Of rol U UNFl HMS'llH)rooms aul bath; second floor; hot and cold water;gas. 18 7th st. n.e.; key in store; rent. $15, inadvan<e. myl3-3t*

FOR RENT-REASONABLY.FIVE UNFURNISHEDrooms; single or en suite; second or third fl<s>rs;hot and cold water on same floor; gas and heatsupplied. 003 12th st. n.w. mjl4-3b*

FOR KK.vr 40H RHODE IsLAnTTa'VE. N.W 2Dfio«»rf unfurnished, containing 3 rooms, privatebatn and other conveniences, good location and


light housekeeping; also hsll room, fur.; prlrstefamily; bath; a.m.!.; rent reasonable; to partieswithout children. 1W19 11 st. n.w. myl2-3b*


FOR KENT.521 3D ST. N.W., 2, 3 OR 4 ROOMS;2d fl.; unf. or part fur.; cheap rates; 1 fur. frontroom. 3d fl.; 2 nice fur. rooms, at V08 2uth st.u.w.myl5-2c*

For HENT-FLOOH OF THRDE ROOM9 ANDbath; furnished or unfurnished; to gentlemenonly. 1000 24th st., Wsnhlngton 14-3c*

FOR KENT-NICE BED ROOMS FOR~8UMMER;furnished or unfurnished. Call at 802 K at. n.w.niyl2-8c*

V*>It IHENT-NIi-EI.yTTRNI&IIED ROOMS; NEARears, herdlcs aud Capitol; also two unfur. riMms.12 3d st. n.e. myl2-3c*


»t. n.w.; 6 rooms, ball) ainl nil modern Improve¬ments: $50. A. P. LANU, 1333 14tb at. n.w.mvl2-2w

FOR RENT-FLAT. 420 O ST. X.W.: 4 ROOMShihI bath; n.m.l.; reut. $14 pvr mouth. J. MAit-T1N PROCTOR, 907 O «t. n.w. uiyl^St

FOR KKXT-am" PA. AVE. N.W.; OON\TLV1K>T-lj- arraugrU. Zd and Sd floor., wtiaratrlr ,r to-rpthrr. at a reasonable rental. H. L. ltfST. 62414th »t. n.w. mjrlO-tf

FOR RENT . APARTMKNT8 IN ANALOHTANFlats, No. 1718 Corcoran St. n.w.; thre#, fourami tire rooms ea.ta; rent Inoliulsa hsat, light,&.I-. ¦ $25 to $.VI.ruylO-lw* I,. S. FR18T0K. 13JS F st. a.w.

rOR BKNT-FIAT-«K<X»XD STORY, 1408 14THst. n.w.; 5 nn>ma and bath, wltb heat; no chil¬dren; yearly lease. Apply to F. B. MARLOW,ap21-eotf 70 Corcoran building.

FOR KE\T.FLATS AT TIIK WOODSioNT. COIL13th «t. and lo«a circle; private hatha; »abl,board. J. F. ROBINSON. Proprietor. ap-'O 3m

FOR RENT.OFFICES.FOR RENT.DE8IRABLE OFFICE FOR DEVnaT<one or two rooms); 2d floor. 3 windows; closets;very central; use of telephone and parlor. 707IStI st. n.w. myl5-3t*

foti RENT-OFFICEL507 14th nw $<kVftO 1421 F nw. rm S. .30.00Globe bldg.1 lsrge rm. Several flne offices..SE cor 12th snd F 1421 F nw. rm 10..10.00sts uw, 4r, entire 60ft-7 7th, several rs..3d floor 60.HO: 1213 F nw,several rs..

Pa av k 11 nw.2r.05.00 SE cor 0th and F...607 7th nw. l»t fl. .50.00 1417 O nw,several rs.SE cor 12th and F 1421 F nw, severalsts nw, 2r, 2d fl.40.001 flne offices .

733 7th nw, 1st ft 1423 F nw, several2d floors 40.001 fine offices .

1420 Pa av. 2d A..40.00 620 F nw,several rs.SW cor 11 ft E. 3r.30.»*>

THOS. J. FISHER ft CO.,myl2-tr 1324 F st. n.w.

FOR RENT OFFk'ES ON F ST. N.W.; FRONTrooms, including heat and janitor service; $15and $2T» per mo. J. MARTIN PROCTOR. W>7 G.t. n.w. myl2-3t

FOR RENT.ON FIRST FLOOR. TWO NICErooms; especially suitable for lawyer or claimagent; near departments, reaaonable rent. Apply463 G st. n w. myl2-3t*

FOR RENT-THAT DESIRABLE LARGE OFFICEroom, 1001 G st. n.w., with counter; matting onfloor; ttre-proof vault; entrance on G, also on10th; rent $H5. McLACHLKN ft BATCHELDER,Cor. 10th and.G sts! n.w. inyl2-3t

FOR RENT THE DESIRABLE OFFICE ROOMS,oc.-upled by J. R. Johnson ft Co., 1319 F st.n.w. These rooms sre especially Adapted tothe use of brokers. For further Information, ap¬ply to DEEBLE. DAVIS ft CO..my8-lm 1319 F st. n.w.

FOR RENT.40 OFFICE ROOMS; ALL MODERNImprovements; Bliss building, Xos. 35, 37 and 39B st. n.w., opposite Capitol grounds; floor planaupon application. A. EUGENE COX, Manager.ap24-3m*

FOR RENT.STORESl oll RENT-LARGE STORE ROOM~WITH Fix¬tures. altuated 944 Fla. are., cor. W at. n.w.;suitable for groceries aad provisions. my 12 3t*

FOR RK,\T STORE "ROOM AT 1811 14TH ST.nw «t«.S0

Store, Or. d«lg. and ccllur, 1374 11 at. n.e... 17.30CAYWOOD A GARRETT, 13tb at. and N. Y. 12-31 .

Folt KENT-STORE AND DWELLINU, 1621 8THn.w.; 5 rooms, .table, Ac.; $20. Also 1520 4thn.w.; 4 rooms, largo van!.mvl2 3c E. A. McINTIRE. 224 C n.w.

FOR RENT.STORES!733 7th st nw $100 1739 Pa are nw..37S01214 F st nw 150 S24 12th st nw, atore.251413 O nw SO 1*02 11th st nw 151711 Pa av nw iatore).7o 1S04 11th st nw 15«2<) F at nw 35 1411 F at nw720 17th st nw 30 Basew't 426 5tb nw.10117 U at 30

THOS. J. FISHER A CO..tny4-tr 1324 F at. n.w.

FOR RENT.STABLES.FOR RENT-STABLE IN REAR OF 1212 0TH ST.«.w. Apply 441 U St. n.w. myl4-3t*

FOR REVT-STAB I.E3.Bet 17th and 18th, K S, »q 86 $2Band L at a $45 5, aq 165 .'251212 l«tb nw (rear)..45 S, aq 195 25

6, bet L and M. 18th 4. aq 6625and 17th sta 35 1324 N Y are nw (r'r).151214 10th nw (re»r»..S5 1121 14th st nw ir'r).15

1. S'i 66 30 618 E nw (In rear).12.502, ».]66 2." 4,at) 66.Maas a. A 21at.252. aq IM25

THOS. J. FISHER A CO..my4-tr 1324 P at. a.w.


flie REMINGTON OFFICE: modern machine; per¬fect condition guaranteed, with stand; deliveredfree in city; oue month applies on purchase ofnew when directlv following rental.

WYCKQFF, SEAM AN8 ft BENEDICT.A19-U Oor. §U and F sts. m.w*


m.l.; 9 rooms uud concrete cellar; Dice yard»nd «" «»mn clean and !. beet caisdltlou._117 >. are. n.w. mylS-lm*FOR RENT.N1CB BRICK NBAS PAT. OFFICE,$60.60. 2100. 2108 Ward piece, new bricks $40#07, 900, 911 and 916 Gulden it. a wTnearlyJ°lo**d tenant*, onlj $11. CLAR-JCNCB THOMAS, 63 Kellogg building. it*FOR RENT.FURNISHED, rxCLUDCCQ CHINA,silver, etc., at nominal rent until September 16.a new tan-rx>m house, 922 T «t. n.w. Call after8. myl8-8t«FOR RENT.FURNISHED.FOR FOl'R OR FIVEmonths, bouse. 9 rms., a.m.l., Maryland are onesquare east of Capitol; cool, delightful situation-B0,?lK,,5i.prU*- °*u 129 »*.- n.aTnylo-st'

FOR RENT-23# N J ave nw. 8r.$50Wealey Helghta nw.9r.50220 I it nw, lOr 60441 M at nw. llr 501100 16th st nw. lOr. .501212 L at nw, 7r..*5.50532 21st at nw, lOr.. 46214# Fla ava nw,9r.42.502132 L at nw. 9r 401122 22d st nw. l>r...*0Up pt 1416 14th st nw,Dr 40

234 F at nw. llr.. .402135 G at nw, 12r 402M>3 Q st nw, 9r....371203 11th st nw, 7r.36.631421 Fla are nw. Sr. .851015 T st nw. 7r 35614 8th st nw, 6r....351102 18th at nw, 7r..351418 11th st nw. 10r..35903 II at nw. 7r... 85464 C st nw. llr. .50..K)1427 8 at nw. $r..W.352211 L »t n.v, 7r 30

V^t 1408 I" at nw,7r.30

2309 L at nw, 7r 301307 6th at nw, 6r....3038-40-42 and 44 R atnw, 7r 27.50

Up pt 1001 R at nw,8r 26.601611 8th at nw, 6r.25.60

619 S st nw, Tr 25 501602 8th st nw. Or.28.501926 8tb st nw, 6r.2S.3B526 21st st nw, dr.. .26I'd pt 1*10 P ut nw.7r.2B4019 8th st nw, 8r 2R716 6th at nw. 9r....2B1838 18th at nw. dr. .25*26 O vt nw, 7r. .23.3018*1 L2th at aw, Sr.22.sl18*3 12tb st nw, 6r 22.S01*12 Fla are uw.7r.22.501343 V st nw, 6r..22.501922 8th st nw, 6r.22.ii0*6* O st nw, 5r...22.5018;;3 12th at nw. Or. 20.80117 D ft nw, (tr...20.50828 9th st nw, 2r.20.50813 22d at nw. Sr.20.*5607 N st iw. 7r.. .20.40

11th st nw, 7r. .30 2012 E st nw. 6r..20.40827 22d Bt nw. 9r 30 2010 E »t nw. 6r..20.3T619 N st nw, 6r 30 783 2d «t nw, 6r. .20.304025 8th st uw, 8r 30 519 X Cap st nw.5r.20.30The above la only a portion of tne property on

ray books. For full list call at office for bulletinIssued on the 1st and 15th.myl3-tu,th,s T. E. WAGOAMAN.

FOR RENT-TO A DESIRABLE COIX)RED THN-ant, at $12.50 a month, a comfortable 2-storybilck; newly papered and painted; back Yard;woodshed; paved alley- 1224 Wylle st. n.e.: halfsquare from 12tb and H sts. n.e.; key at 1224WIt DAVID D. STONE, 804 and 80# F St. B.w.

FOR RENT-*#* H ST. X.W.; A I.AROE 4-STORYbrick dwelllug; in good repair; 10 rooms; mod.Imps.; at the low rent ot $37.50. Inquire of A.EBERLY'S SONS, 718 7th at. n.w. inyl6-3f

FOR BENT.NEW BRICK; STONE TRIMMINGS;8 rooms and bath;; desirably located; re¬duced to $30. WEBB * TOTTKN, 506 E st. n.w.myl5-3t«

FOR RENT.911 H BT. N.W.; 4-STOBY BRICK;modern conveniences; 11 rooms: suitable for aphyalclan or business man; convenient to allstreet tar lines and business center. Apply to

CHAS. C. DUNCANSON,myl5-6t 9th and D sts. n.w.

FOR "RENT-SEVERAL DESIRABLEHOISKS ON22d bet. K und L sta., <-ontalning 9 rooms, bath,cellar and u11 mod. luios., iu nice ordei. Keysat WARD'S STORE, 22d and K sta. mylB-St*FOR RENT- 11152 18th at 88.83UNFURNISHED 82* 18tb st 751623 H at *38 34 1*32 N at701523 N H ava 275 1922 I st 651719 I at Atxi 192* I st 651213 Conn ava 250 1150* Vt a«e «61521 K at 175 1840 19th at«20O9 I si 100 1235 W st. «lth ata.,5022d at, weat aide. Juat |82l 17jh st 50

2£i £ 1 a,,e 10" -'*o Fla av«. ....'".'.SO203* O st 100 1311 8 at 451827 Jefferson pi. .83.84 2021 N at 40V2J " .. ....75.U) 1317 Vt ave 351818 Jeffersoi plsoe..70 1*27 20th at 19

FURNISHED.Cor ISth k y .»* nw lflth bet P and U sta.225(with .$ s.tH.3* It ,t bet 20th audMass ave, 18th k P 21st sta 200sta, with stable.. .626 Fla ave near MawH bet 17th k 18th ave laummer) 80sts, with stable.. .600 O at bet 20th andR 1 ave bet 17th st 2l*t ata 150k Coun ave, with Jeffcraon place betstable 416.67 Conn ave k 19tii..l75

Jl at near Conn ave. Cor II and 30th... 200with stable 416.67 19th at bet Q and 1! 150M bet 14th * 16th..300 lie Sales st bet 17tliMas* ave bet IStti st «t snd Conn are ..IKand Dupout Circle. .300 M bet 18th k 19ih..l(t5Conn ove bet M and Corcoran st t»et 17tb

.sts 291.67 and 18th sts 100Conn ave bet M and 16th «( near Masa aveN sta, with stable.260 tsumniert 40

ROOMS.Offlce rooms 1st floor of 1814 II, heat $351108 K at. lat flour 7 furnished rooms audaud basement... .$125 bath oa F at nearlrm. 2d floor. 1503 11 th atPa ave. cor 15tli 35

STORES.1.35 W st. n.w., cor. 131h at., (tore anddwelling, with brick stable (1230) $50170* G .*(. 1st floor aud basement 80BULLETINS CAN BE OBTAINED AT OCR OF¬FICE. FOR PERMITS APPLY TO

HILL * JOHNSTON.mylS-eo 1503 I'ennaylvanla ava.FOR RENT-614 12TH ITT.. STORE * CO...1008 M at. n.w., 10 rn». and bath $52.5062* 2d ne. 6r1>£-nl. $2$ 1420 E at nw, 8r 18510 11th, flats..$18 & 20mylS-tr THOS. W. HUNGERFORD. 1219 H at.

FOR HENT-1113 AND 1117' 17TH 'stTxTW.. BJPTL and M, 10 rooms, balh, *c.; $42 50 nor mouth,p. F. LAUNER, 639 F st. mj l4-St*FOR RENT-BY R~ HOLTITUAN, RXAL Es¬tate and Insurance Broke'. 10th ami F ata. b.w.

UNFCRNIKHLO HOl'RBS.1482 K. 17r A at.n .$800 13*1 Walla -h. 7r.... 3525 15U st, lHr, 3h .190 208 E nw. 8r 3528 lBt, st. 15r,2b. 183.75 1P27 15tb St. 9r...85.502118 O. l«r 125 1333 Wallach, Tr 851308 N Y ave. 12r.83.33 220 D n«. 8r 80 637*1 18th nw. lOr 75 Z222 H. 7s80BOtv ltth -iw 7511th k E, up por.$XAS060S F nw, 12r 75 fiOl Oth ne. 7r 2KTil !lth nw. 10r....«B2MO H. Tr 271620 R 1 ave. lOr 6B 2210 II, Tr 27

12r. ft> 14*3 Fla ave. 7r. .25.751017 Md ave. 6r k stv> 90 1438 Fla ave. 7i..».»<,2ri- 2»7 14th »w. Tr *808 19th, lOr 56 2351- 1*th aw, 7r.. 25

29?2 14th nw. Pr. .»i 1237 9th nw, 7r...22.50G.,nw' 9r... .50.W5 8-JN 12th ue. Or ...22.5015^ J3,h* lt*r... .60.53 22» C ne, 7r 22 4021*5 N st, lOr 50 611 9th ue. 7r 22131*1* 9th nw. llr.50.50 *ln.3 vth ne. Tr 22J4,h- 9rAstore. .50 911 12th nw, 7r...20.«<>li? P.*av- 9,r; W 1830 8lh nw- 7r... .20.8$

ifr 50 1889 F ne. Or....18 50nw- 1«' 00 *32 I nw. Sr 18 $0Hi* ®th nw- lOr 50 *22H 11th aw, *..17 88

4:a ,w- «r...17.881712 9th nw. 10r.. JO 1223 ti sw. Sr....10.50^ i* «»..,> «r.. 47 50 18(3! E a*. 7r 16 35'174.. F nw, 10r....46.50 site C aw. Br 16 25}?5 l6,Xb- 43 420 ,lth »r....15.501346 Rlggs, br 40 1118 A ae. «r 12

OFFICES.Elegant rooms In "Sun'bidldlng. lire proof.from$20 to $100 each.

470 La ar.from $10 to IS638 F at S

Desirable rooms, "At-lautlc Coast Line build¬ing." all front r.nd flr».proof, fraai $10 to »SSeach.

STORKS. I1016 Conn ave $75 1537 14th nw. 9r....5A1018 Oonn ave 78 1017 Md sve. Or 601024 Coon ara 76 Coffee-roasting ,-stahllsh-1026 ave 75 meat, with all macliln-741 ISth nw. lOr 7B cry$75214 6th uw 75 V* o aw 30.40STABLES.1614 R I are (rear*..$80 1028 Ooan ava, rear..$251020 Oonn are, rear.. .28 !«3S M, rear 10my!4 It. O. HoLTZMAX. 10th and F sts. n w.

FOR RENT-NEAR MT. PLEASANT; 8 ROOMSaud bath; pre*a brick; mod. imp.; rent redu-edfrom $30 to $22 per month.F. R. HERTFORD, Real Estate,my!4 3t 617 14th at.

FOR RENT-BY JOHN B. WIGHT. 1410 G ST..1315 14th St., large atore and flau. per mo. .$110.0013(1 E st. n.e 80.BO j1714 Oregon are., 10 rooms SO.00F st. near 9th n.w., 1 large room 23 00Cor. 12th and (1 u w., 2 large rooms 21.002 cottages at Charlton Heights, each 16.00A few very desirable furulshed bouses at lowrental for the summer mouths. my 14 6tFOiTrEN^T.1010 ISTH STrX7W., . ROOMS


and bath, a m.l $45.001211 11th n.w., 9 rooms, a.m.l $25.50617 6th n.e., 8 rooms and bath, a.m.l $26.501030 15th n.e.. 9r. and b.. a.m.l $16.5034 8th n.e.. 6 rooms $16.36REDFORD W. WALKER * SON, 1006 F n.w.myl4-3tFOR RENT-MT. PLEASANT-17TH NEARpark, 13 rooms, large lot, atabla, ke....$35.00Meridian are., 8 rooms, water and gaa, -

large lot $25.00School St., 6 rooms and cellar, stable $20.00KEDFORD W. WALKER k SOX, 1006 F n.w.myl4-3tFOR RENT-NEAT SEVEN ROOM BRICK, WITHcellar, bath, Ac., cor. G and 4th sts. n.e.; Infood repair; $23.60. Also eight-room brick. No.319 Rlggs place, with new plumblug, dry cellarand In elegant repair; key at 1322. opposite; $35.myl*-3t ALBERT F. FOX, 930 ¥ st. n.w.

POR RENT1817 16 nw.l*r.aml$83.33 807 4V, ew.lOc.aml.30.0080* 6th sw.7r.ami.25.00 403 44 sw, sftdw.25.00470 H sw, 7r,ami. .30.80 421 414 sw, sAdw.22.0045 C sw, fir. ami..20.35 607 9th sw.6r.aml.22.50853 I sw, 6r, ami .20.50 226 3d nw. atable.25.00Cor 3AN sw, »&dw.25.00 813 7tb sw, 6r.wa. 16.301225 1st sw.6r.wa.15.30 452 lat aw, 6r. wa. 15.30844 C SW, st&dw. .18.00 930 C sw, 7r,wa.. 16.50477 I sw, 6r, wa..14.30 868 11 sw. 6r. wa. lB 50813 7tb aw, 6r,wa.15.60 228 Del av sw, 6r.12.508*9 M sw, Sr.wa.. 12.50 315 M sw, 6r, wa..10.302*2 K aw, *r.wa..10.30 727 6th se, Sr, wa. 11.25922 lat aw, *r 8.00 12*8 2d se, Br, wa. 8.50aiy!2-3t* C. H. PARKER, cor. *'. and E s.w.FOR RENT.402 RHODE ISLAND AVE. X.W., 8rooms and bath; all modern Improvements; rent$25. Apply 1. B. WILLIAMSON, jr., 483 R.I.ave. n.w. myl2-3t*

FOR RENT-TI1E BEST 6-ROOM BRICK DWElC jIng in this city for the price.$12 per moutb; on. able car line. R. A. PHILLIPS k SON.my7-lm 1422 Xew York are.

FOR RENT-2*8 3D 8.W.. 8R~a7m.I .$»800 E sw, stAdw 25 2*8 4Vt sw, stAdw.,.25853 I sw. 6r. ami.20.50 2U0 4U aw. at*dw...25236 4H sw, Btidw 25 1303 4>4 sw. stAdw .223>« C sw, 6r, ml..30.50 610 F sw, SrAwa. .15.3067 X se, 7r, wa...10.50 11 K se, 6rAwa.. .10.30458 C sw, 6r, ami.22.60niyl2-8t« JOHX QUIXX, 447 Ttb st. a.w.

FOR RENT.BY OSCAR W WHITE. 980 F N.W.939 M nw, 12r&ata..$60 17lh end. Mt Pleas. .40882 C nw. 12r 60 800 Masa are ne, dr. .271111 R I are nw. Sr..45 617 6tb ae, 8r 251021 9th nw. llr 45 717 8th ne. 9rftata...22737 6th nw, lOr 35 431 3d ne, flr 221002 SC ave se, 9r...80 680 Mass ave ne. 5r..l52004 Harew'd. I. DP.20 628 Mass a* ne, Br 8336 Oak St. LDP....16myl2-8t |FORWENT.Cor. bouse. Ecklngton. Store 7*0 10th nw....30

12r. ami $50 526 10th ne. 6r.. .17.50171* Oregon ave, 9r...55; 1^28 Linden ne. 6r.l5 302131 L nw, 9r. new.*o.5o 1236 Duncan ne. 6r.15.30McLACHLEN k HATCH ELDER.

mjS-tf 10th and G ata. n.w.FOR RENT-HANDSOYIE~NEW BRICK HOI SES;8 rooms, bath sod all modern Improvementa;nl-tly papered; porrbes; large aide yard withshade, stable, $:<¦.; only $30 per month; nearMt. Pleasant and Soldiers' Home; take Bright-wiwd ave. elei-tric enra to "Newman terra>-«,"*007 8tU at. u.w.: i'stworth sub. Telephone,1617-3. j

FOR RENT.HOUSE9FOR BBVT. .1744 N st002 Dupont clrcla 1125 12024 N st 608 Dupont circle 128 1348 Corcoran »t 481835 Mass are 100 708 D at se 21.501817 16th at 100 1354 Wallach place. .2"1464 Rhode Ialand a*. 100 Stable r'r ISIS M st. 28>024 G at 91.67 1616 Q at 201315 M at S3 S3 1706 £ 1712 4th at...172000 8 at S3.33 531 11th at ae 16Offlce 1406 G at 62.50 419 I at ae 12.80Alao a large list of desirable furnlabed bouaea.

FITCH, FOX & BROWN,my!2 1406 G at. n.w.

FOR RENT.624 2Sd, llr *50 60 514 lat ae. 6r 23 503830 X nw. 12r 40 612 lat ae. 6r, P nw, lOrAb.35.60 808 lat «e. 6r. .21.502906 X aw, 10(, ml.S5.50 1229-81 10th Be,6rfcb.10.801505 28th av, lOr.82.50 124 G ne. 7r A b.18.308062 P, lOr 82.50 11106-17 Harvard. 6r .181671 Slat nw, 12r. .80.42 i 1028 4th ne. 6r ...10.80616 ltt m, 7r t b.80.50 1204 Ward ct. 4r icoli1410 P» ar nw lat t.. .80' water 1010S E ae. 7r A b. .28.80 11662 Vall«7. 4r 9*«*> ®r 25.80 12 Scott at. 2r »808 A ae. 6r * k. .25 80 |

DEEBLE, DAVIS * CO.,mjl2-tr 131# F at. *.«.FOR KENT-j£? 8th .w.9ranil83e 50 414 «w. 6r. .30 40 824 X ae. 6r 10.50£52 r> »w,6r,iiil. .17.00 10 L ae, 6r 10.80

"¦ Jr. ml..20.80 912 lat. 6r 8.00SL- 1321 H P aw. 5r.. 8.50a » _??* faqr wan bricks, cor. 4th and X ata.?8 50^ermonfhro n* clo**t4- "Wt* People 0*1,.

1 HARRISOX JOHNSON ft SOX._myl2-8t So3 7th at. a.w.FOR RENT. 637 Acker oe 81V503336 O at $30.75 18S D ne 20.50419 4th ne 40.50 1238 O ne15687 Elliot ae 18 80 HyattsTille cottages.-28 V ne Rear 620 10th. atable.668 12th ae 20.50 Vienna, Va. cottage*.

WATERS * THOMPSON,my 12 1835 F at. n.w.

FOR RENT.FUltNISHED.FOR THE SVMMEftm<ntha.three hundaowely furnished reatdewee Ina fashionable aertlon of ibe city: 10 to 14 rooms;price 83il to 86u per mouth. For further in¬formation apply to A M. H. SAUNDERS A CO.,1407 Fat. myl2-3teoFOR RENT -TWO NICE, 6-ROOM BRICK HOlSES~;a.m.l.. 403 and 406 1st at. a.e.; near two carlines, library and Capital; J2o. A|>ply 315 Pa.arc. n.w. myl2-«t"rol RENT OR RALE-TWO 4-ROOM HuCtUaiwith atable and large lots; street cars pasa door;water In yard: rent only $8 per month. Applyto G. J. BOXD. 631 F at. uiyl2 StFOR RENT.Store and 9 rooms* 1314 e m -

Brick. 203 12th .,w . *'W'; m l KW 0.I

Brick, 2121 loth at ilwM oo

Brick. 120HS Write at n i- .? !; l«-4ooace room, 426 loth at. n.w.


my1281**. SHOEMAKER.

_n^PHOCT6K mil n!w. "u,,,fc-

"tai 1ST PRltV-.^dX'ra's1" inj,ruo^Sis'SxI' 1st

uvli'-st*FOR HfiXT. . .

TlMl £.^H.^T ,3TH AKD 0 .-N.W.1415 Hopkins plaVeVw .in*"""' . ,®' .So.oO1414 2S»tV at Si ."u m' *».00

** «. «-».!'* fwVif.r1 £.*;U1I C&SST n w* V^m-rnui/ "U.-L 25 34

2)34 WyJ... 1' '-

rwB|; all in.I.... 13.oO

«<.*'»«. "SI1825-/: and *1288 22d at HT.'* "" 1710i:<45 B at.

."¦¦L 17 30

1419-21 G at n m .« iS?' m l 18.0080S E St. a e 6

, 15 30

in,w>ms; all m l iniai

"svi .»1222. .ear 22d at iV - i'iST!; " ** " 80

12 Liberty u w' ",' ZjZ?*;»n37^Sir*fr.roT.1'« ; 4 ,oom*; »:«;

^ :P105 Reeres at n.w V 111" 10.00

myl2-8t'' nt. 4 roouia; w.. js.ju


7'« ur^w"- llT,;.,10 mT.' » '1630 llth at Vw k ,

50 oo

»I4 G at. n.w., B ris.Tl- " ' % <*>l«»-4 5th Bt. n.vr 8 ri'i* m ,***".......... 30.501518 6th at. n.w' ^ i*J50«. lat at. a. , ri,"'®'1 ».»

tUP1 Bt* n-w-» ® rxn»., mi"*"S:SIS

'ra'Tvin.0.^;6 ;...' ?sf^'ad3?? *V r^,D mp**- «'v.. .,i: ass

10U5 7 at. ..... « rooJ.*' wVtiT'.V. '?2«vl2-Jt


llis *51h""' 7^b*«, i:; *2M5«


A1fi t-. «») terms 4 »«r)



**21 F st. n.w.FUR RENT 1914 K N.W.; PRESSKi» BPirwfr«it. 8 and cellar: |2S

rluak u» »K1C*

.. . »10 * roo"> brick. |I0: entrance r.w

m^ -i°" ,u"t- °wvn-#.*wk:' Or 804 9th at

ssasraraw- srsi u-,2r°,t^i7«6sEn:w.vt, ?i,is "̂»

ml .18.80 783 Nary pu"'2S IS S.': £:

* UAKRErr- "'O

FOR RENT^~10U) 8tb nw. ml.16r.f70 1* VP _

1T61 P nw, ml. 18r.67.60 251s 7ih ntT ."Ir'S 50619 Fla ar 53 ism «..? JJ*-n)'..'r.22.30923 «th nw,ml.llr.6"i 4? Ji7 C^. «^Vr ^n881 C nw. ml.lSr U26 r^"ib. TI:WO G nw. ml, 13r ,VI 44(7 TV

' ¦ 6r.20.80909 9th,sid « Jii 5 £*rJ}w:*l*r .1006 Mb 18ig

'. 6r .l8.80Il.'t3 9th uw. ml. 9r.3s 2T.14 ~tk f*' ®r--.l8.W)1410 loth nw,ml »r 32 60 235 2rt »? ?' *18.<I01315 Waltack pl aw wJi?*' fr ..¦.1S.00ml. 7r 30 ,S?5 »,J " »». 6r 14.00

.86 French 2Tl« Aih"^' ^ 14.00521 N J Sr! 27^60 j Jl,?.1' 8r .14.00728 Irrizi^r 2*» 50 Cor ix-s. ^r.13.50811 P nw. mi H* aw 2^ >*N.w.^3r.l2 0o409 4th ne. ml. 7r 22 50 " Ri.MiS k.

" 8r ".50136 1> ne, ml. 7r ffl 5o 8 IwSi* "1.6r. 10.601008 B oe, ml. 7r.22.50 CIti i! ". u7?56 lat ne. ml. 7r.22.50 1014 8 nln v_.I0.8o

Hat.t |Potomac Hall.cor.nth^d.are.a.w .M fl,|10.0u

MiSVtSTw:^ -.«. .

STABLES. 8Rear 910 9th aw 86 Rear 1mRear 6-3 F aw S

Wllaon ¦»...«

^mylj-St' A. <- CATWOOD. us ^ . . wFOR RENT -FOR THREE MONTHS SoiPirTe

1 a pleaaantly sltuatSd iSuli Jf%n^Olsh.4. In Annapolis: rent mXler^. p.' £?'

^W lnformatlon a|>f>I.T «J341 » ,t. u ZnlFo'TO GARS, SCHOOLS AND MARKET*^ Jlls 1*ER


'nrl2-3t CHAS. A. SHIELDS 1 .re F at. n w

FOR RKXTU-1521 yTH v v . .«..rr;.~~.n.w.; 118.80. 1529 4th n'w. il2^ ivj n1"'"n e ; 811.60. 10k and 110 Ma$25r 810 X"*

E A. McLNTDjE.' 224 C a w.FOR RENT-CHEAP.ONXT fl" iv» ._


1811 181S 18th at.: Bnelr finished 10 and i^?*a.m.l., ate.; recep-ion halU a.wa'~.beat. Key. of OWNER. 1809 lMb n^.J^'^e^Tfer^^^^^n^bsrn^^5^,5^ .wsii £?*&8th st. n.w.. Petworth aub. ^Ti,^'7

'O. HEVT-1326 UTH 8T X.W.; HAN'DhomcSTm^SSWUXE T. _« J


Real Eaute Brakn 83j r _ _

6J7 Md ar lm.V) 1*2117 r r .

J«3 :,\ld ar ne.8rb.ml45.501 1»I8 »t "Vw^? ^F SS1027 N J ar, 6rh,ml.25 30 1 *:n \<* 7^. mi.231610 lat nw,9rb (new>,28 1232 2d aw ?5;®r,',c'18-80myl23t*

M .*.?*>, wa. .8.»o

FOR RENT 1848 FlilHTTu _

brick dwelling; ml; rem 818 it 5i' ,S1Y>RV

_aj_1226 N sr n.w* ". ln *dv«n'T., .Key

FOR RUNT -2320"m iff..rooms, bath and furnace withli ^ "EVEVSignal offlre: *25 50. 7 ,^^"fWILCOX. 1907 p..

month. « f»< > (IT A

FOR RENT. -'yl2 "l*_1739 Ouiconn.ISr.875 oo .Yu V ... .

91« 8th ne. 6r TlSlso ^aVll, 1%& l ZX*ton-!?-SK }S? ,L0*4 I ae, 6r ::i8 40 ltjl 5*4,V *h"P728 16th ne. 5r Jo J, 1 U"* " 4O.U0

_myl2-8t DAIS *j;tfAPPEI.. 525 llth n w

«J| S: S::::::1S;S ®v££::--&£61o 2d ne. 6r 8 E sr nw12 30

614 6th ae. 6r. ...:iv40 K " "" ~

SV1X-8C BUTLUt * GRAHAM, 5o3 E at. ..«. (

FOR KENT.HOUSES.PfW KKNT-1US X 2«C4 K «w. Mh ..22 60" see, I2r.2 l».new._i 1608 norcoraa do, 6r 202106 R bw. IOr, 2 b*.- 210 Fit »* aw.Or It>1446 R I ae aw.lOrAh.. 1518 X Can 8r IB*110 14th bw. 10rAb»45 12M M «r«r.....U.Wnot N H »» I»,?i*b.4f. 610 Blair ae, 4r.,.i0.30!H L. II1ST. 624 14th et. n.w.Poll MHt-A lO-KHUM MUUML WHU Alj-modern improvem*"it. Rett, *22 141. 1707 XewiTS**1. .*,*. f."" *.«* * .'620- Apply 1106 L at. t.«. in* 12 It*fur rknt.xoTTii~tth~jt" xt. tvco^iSr..even room*. bath nod cellar. Hoot. 826mylg«t ALLEN C. CLARK. 806 F b.w.FOR RENT-MAY 15. NEW BAV-W. PR uj6 room* and bat*; reception hall, latrobe, opeugrate. cablaet meat el*. electrk hella, Ac.- liufi«AW "Li i ?* MT W- «¦JERTER, ®# b »t. n.w. mvl2-Jt*FOR RENT OhTlEASI^Ml MD. AV*. \ t. WKbr.<6ewl:«a|i^; hot Water beetle.; elictriebell® and lighter*; burglar alarm* acreebadTOP ,ltrou*lK*" : »M JAilEs O. JKSTEE. WFit a.w. my12-81.FOR RENT -06 O KTV. *01 H aw. iUt. IrTTs$14.30 414 tiUj j, ata .151,?*T **. E «W. 8r. bath 21 501023 lat at aw. Or..14.80 62 G aw, Be 5M#23 6th aw. h....UJ| Ml O *w 6r...... ToB-JJOXARD. MOmt e.wFOR KENT. 510 G BC 4r ail 25 AO248 iWl av, 822 *4th, Sr. eel ml 2ft ho#10 18th. one* ra> 55 2500 l iOr, «,£ » £71ij2 Jan, lor. mi....6^ 1129 23d 6r rr»l m M454 D, 6r. at * cel. .65 fig # fc t i jSif1144 S, 8rf ml. «V> 1210 SOrh Or nil %. **a

biw'o.V mi "1.52." §r» 84tbar Sr"V -'itS1.4ft Pa av.10r.iul.6u.CiO 240S H 6r w m 16 302*:¦.*> 1'a ave.10r.ui1 50 50 nh'are' 5r f»i in2434 Pm are. lOr. ml 50 411 il* % »' tk'il2306-7 L, Sr. ml..40.50 to; 9 11 13 22d Or wlf> '.<>£!23 Pa 50 2427-8 \ 6r «jL, i? sa2185. K. Or. ml....85.50 "r il*lsn «. lor 35 80 681 X H eve 5r 15 M2327 Pa 50 2ii23 L. r'r' 5r' w 'l* Jo8123 F. Sr. ml...33 50 UN O ir.' w A « a MF^.*r' <*'. >nl ,1M ,245V* *". waitlsoHoward av A Rrown 351X Pmep»< t. Tr 15at. Mt Plea a, .r, 1222 26 2S 25th. 6r ISeel .table 82.M ft«56 326. 5r. ."i.litt21M T.. <r, ml-...K0.30 13**4 11th. 4r w... , 15rw» 2"tb. Or. ml...»iW]»w M atore w ,15212# P. are. 7r.ml2750 ^7 236. 6r ^. ' \S.ISKkxi Klngmaii.7r,mV27 Ml ?145 I>. Mr. w. 14 301510 23..V) 516 »<1. 6r. wa .. .14 la2207 H. 8r, ml.... 27.80 23t*-i: Va «ve Or.wl* 50

_. .680-82^4 XM.«r w .18 40For full llet applv to^ESCOtT 4 WILCOX. 1»07 Pa. are.mv12-«.tuAtb

rOR RENT- 450 M at bw. 10r. .40.504»0 La ave. 15r *1S0 43.'. I at bw. 7r 22 5(>H'0? CL " nw' fr....inrt 1364 C at aw, I2r...Mo "t. 'Or MO 214 Arthur pi. 7r. .22 .«>Ki7 14th nw, 12r... .75 1U2H 9th si ?r m2119 K »t nw, llr.. 75 i«j24 I. st. i "**22 Ml4» »tb BW. atore....75 1428 Pierce pi. «r. 22.60J-' 11 "*¦ llr... .60 1121 12th at ae 7r. .22 V>nw '".. TO H3ft 24th at. * .22 306T.42 910 E bw. f.r 21 HOA9r lwKS X H ave. Or. .21 .«»509 6th et uw, llr 65 75 1S1# 13th at. Or 21 80The Mlltoa Apartuient». <>32 D at ae Or 2i. *«i1620 226 at. lOr 65 T*5 4th at «w. Or 2«w uab Urora. 6r 60 <#j 2d at ¦». Or. *1X52015 O at bw. llr 60 126 O at Be. Or. M) 35S13 #tb bw. lOr .00 2224 H at nw. St 201310 G at nw. lOr.33.45 1143 Otb at Be. Or .. SoSol E Cap, > & d«'.53.u0 ''«o2 16tb at. or ao1 I? T* S«le» lOr r,'. 2181 Va ave >w.0>.'iS.M1.23 I'eSalea at. »r .55 1SS4 E at bw. Or. .Is 801010 22d at nw. 9r.3*t 00 1226 M at Be. Or .30 308002 Q at. lOr RO 1T«4 V at. Or an SO1T2» 12th at,- 12r 50 M» I. at bw. 6r... 1R 'c»018 X T ave Rrt 21 2d »t Be. f.r 17 309!3 R at. S*r 5.1 2H3S Stb at. Or....16.301000 X at. sr 45.V* 823 Maaa ave Be. Or.16 3o13 E at nw. 14r..40 t2> 715 A at Be. Or 18 40014 17th at. 13r f/< *40 R 1 ave. Or.... 141205 M at. ISr 45 H14 25th at. br .12 00Frederick, fiat l,4r 87 M 6*II CaUaa at. Or .12 00l»r> K at. lOr 42S 6H at aw. 6r..ll 80lftOH 9th at ow. 0r.2e.50 2344 ''l.^mpln av irlo 5<»1528 V at. 7r 42.50 23 Fentoa Be. Or lu.M624 4", at aw, 6r .au.50 SOS loth at Be. 7r.l7 30b h. wakner * oo . 010 r /FOR RENT-UVFCRNIKHnV-10-1 Vt ave nw. 18r 8300 A>12 Hllljer pi. lOr .501723 R I av nw. i7r. £>0 124S 11th at bw. 10r..4f1416 aotii at. 22r 1242 11th at nw. Or ..45Xw cor SthJcO rw.16r.150 626 8 at bw. |»r 461011 Cobb av nw. i4r.1V) 1882 Corrermn. lOr .401331 O at nw. I6r .156 UtQ Oat*. Or .«1344 l»th at aw. 12r.lM 1801 21at at aw. 0r ..4ORoad at. Georgetown. 1244 llth at nw. lOr 4616r IS 225 R at Be. lOr 45122S M at nw. I5r...l2* 028 E at aw iflati. Or 431212 F at nw. 14T...10U mi .-iwuln at aw. «r.4«1333 G at nw. 10r...lu0 1416 33d at aw. lOr .4684<« L* at nw. I*r...l00 233 R at Be. 16r 401486 X at nw. 12r 1O0 1235 12th 6t. Sr 831534 2Mb (t nw. I2r 1«6 2»t22 1 at nw. »r 401732 1 6th at bw. llr.lllO 1U16 15th at. Or .38.1014O0 Cbapin. 12r ftu 615 12:b at aw. (flat)830 8th et nw. at A ftr88

M3,m« ,*,h Ot bw. 7r 3.-.1214 F «. bw. Sfl. 3d 1237 ISth at nw. St 35.f?l.4th .oor" 63 *3 1634 1 5th at bw. 8r,87 561626 8 at bw. llr....60 1432 Corcoran at. lur 3ft816 E at aw. 16r 7ft X606 Q at aw. .e. .88 a1.2 H at BW. 14r....T» 82* 7th aa. llr....81 50016 F at bw. 22r 7*1217 8 at bw, Or 85406 Elm at nw.Or. .21.25 1 BAQ flata.80tbAM.0r *0J121 I>t nw. 14e.. S3 88 4015 Otb at bw. Sr.22 no11*0 17th at ow, Sr...46 1525 O et bw. Or 6o1611 X at nvr. 10T....50 be, cel.... 827.50The abava u only a partial Itat of the propertleaU oor haada. For Reat Bulletla raataiBlac fulldt«< rlptk-u laauod weekly asd can be had ttpoa ap¬plication to THOMAS i. FISHER * C? 18J4 T auFOR EKNT-BT WM. B. RACXDCStS A 00 .


1407 » at. a.w.1320 M BW, 16r, per 1836 Wallack BW. Orannum .........$1000 and cc.Iar 83Nf HW 11M7 <M * Vi." * .^.WU «« tt«B»m .,5r'.rirsoO Z* " P'U

1325 M nw. I6r, per !T¦Mum

er 2io 5th oc,' i1.860 711 18tb bw.

.86.40...; .....»,ami .11 IBIB B*

I v .-18r-- -200 22ft 2d bc. 8r 7. 2J.85-.

Oap at. per 226 12th «.Ar. "

l.aoo 220 llth ae' (V S?fI2® P «r 70 844 Elm. L P P Or 23

" nw. lOr.OO 346 Elm. L I> p' ?, -¦->.Ui at (cor). 706-8 3d Be 6r 5

"i 712-16 Jd it. 6r a.02-4-6 Newark at i.«6 4th

",. t.,

Petwortb. llr 80 sis O « «, 1?bJ2fi!bF- »-...»^

w ..^ui aujoiunchouaaa. 66 raoma, will be reviled at 6 rumiBableOgure.STABLETemperaoc* allaj rear 632 E at. B.t.1, far 18boraee 816 par mo.iu)12-eo8t

F<>R RENT. 28 H Be. stare. Ar7T..n1217 X nw, ltr 76 1236 X J ave bw. 8r. 28»lo6 G aw, fur 00 »« L Bw. 7r 22(-30 E bw. llr 6o 533 6th ae. Or 162106 G bw, lftr 5>< 214 12th nw. 6r IS1507 R at nw. lOr 50 3048 Stb nw. Or 171251 6th bw, lOr 45 12>tt Md ave Be. 6r 16120 E bw. 14r 48 *>60 E bw. Or 161107 X nw, Or 42 12i>4 Md ave Be. Or.. 1617<>1 Otb nw. lftr 42 1*77 Valley at. 7r. 1811*6 10th at aw. Sr .30 613 P m«ro< at. ftr 10 M1$1» Illsre place. Sr..85 8o2 12tb nw, ala# 10lio Sd n bw. Or 35 m\ M Be. ftr lo73 H BW. Or So 1521 M BW. 3r 1«1478 Kroeaaw are. Sr 30 16 D ncmaa rt. 6r 84*11 G et lie. Tr 25 Si A eta. Ifth A R «v »l1226 Stb nw. Sr 2J 13th A T nw Sr 82.502218 «r> nw, Or .. 25 offl.v roomi 637 F bw.myl2 3t ALBEKT F. NX. 030 F at. B.W.FOR KHXT.$42.6t^~BRICK 1016 H 8T. N W ;V n. tu latrol>ea. reure. bath, cellar. largeyar".. Jc>8. FORRSST. loot W at. a.w. 13 la 2tor11 lni*"for r/xt. iFloe Sr flat. Ami... 840 4 O'Brlea'a raw. 8r.10.0t2316 H. Sr A be. 22 2 He.. 11 a et.4r.w 10.5W2306 M. Or 22.50 600 27tb 6t, we..10 86523 2Sd Or 18.50 Storage rm. S18 10 Bw SSit 5 room bouete aomb.-eet. eight dollar* v^rmonth. GEO. W. LIXKLV8.¦nj'10 6U0 lotb at. a.w.FOR RKNT A MAT O-R. BRICK; ALL M l7|good condition: 82>' 1! at. a.e.; 118. apleodkl loa¬th®; nleo e»me nice new hoaee*: r>ut free teintended punhaeere. 1. D. CHOIMSAVT, 01*llth et. B.w. ap/7 lmFOR RENT 027 R 8T X.W.J 8 ROOMS AXDlath 8651138 10th et. B.w.; 10 routne and bath.........8831757 Madtooa ave.; lo h»na betb 86*175ft Madleon ave.. lo rouma and bath SftO1761 MailieoB ave.; 10 Mama, end bath 850tuyO-Ot ED. J. O HARK. 1006 F et.FOR RENT-AT A LOW PUICK. 2106 R OT.B W., near Cobb. ave. car*, very deelrmhle aadattractive house .¦ «-

¦PWWBW^IiirwT Oeatrml'le aalattractive bouae; nearly new; In perfect order:10 roumi; 2 betb*. H. L RL 8T. 824 14th at.B.wap3 ifFOR RKVT HKaI.TMFI'L I/1CAT10N URIi*cvittage. laniv grounds, abude. fruit, etableteeble; beedlce: ten uilnutee to Ph. a»e.; fiwllhed or unfurnleb.d; enainier or year; terina rea-auuable. Boi W, Star odlc*. in>5-2w-WK REXT.DWELLING. M 0 It K.W.; Mrooms: betb; gaa. Ac. 828, iBQulre 028^6 La- a>.apH-lmeF.'!l RENT "l ''25 OlR'MRAN ST ft Hi.'VS ANI>lath, with ftrnace. <al>lnat mantels, mod imp* :843 50 a mouih. AmiIv at premleee. myl28t'FOR RENT.ONT.Y 86.80-6-ROOM HOCSBB O*1 TllQWaB .

-OK(K)M Horses (Turner »l. u.%. mt tb+ Rimdmburr road: IV-tomac water. THOS. K WAGC.AMAX.apft-2m* 611 r it.

FOR RENT 318 C S E EIJBGAXT FINISH XKWbrick;; electric bell*, speekiui tube*, tiled;coal vault; yard; near care. HARBLN, 318 P»avo. a.e. ARXOLD. 43b la. eve apl6-la>o

FOR RENT.616 K ST. N K.; 6 ROOM BRICK;m.l.: handy to acboMl and -ar*. at *1T. Key at610 K at. B.e. ». W. TtHXER A no .

^ap2ft 1m* 100 F at. a.e.FOR RENT. 112 10th ae. Or. ...16.301326 R bw. lOr. ami. 65 (16 4th ae. Or 16 30814 P* ave nw.lOrftb..4i 616 14th Be.Oekaml.. 16.801825 lbth nw. 8r*h, 2*07 Olive ave aw.OrlS fK>

ml 32 60 611 12th Be. Or... 18 60603 Howard ave nw, 1»18 Ttb ne.Sr.ami. 16 8for and ami 35 R'r 1K1 14 nw. ftr.lft.801243 X Oap. 7rAaml 26 Cella* ae. 6r 12 6o61s 21.t Bw.7r«remt 26..v> 1371 Fla ave ne. Sr.10.00

113 13th nc.6rA-euil 20.50 1008 Cree^-i-nt nw, 6r .81814 14th nw. i.t IS X ew. 6r a

door, flat. 4rAh 30.30 1232 U>odua pi aa.13 Q ow. drA*ml .30.30 4r 7 SOmyT SWORMSTKDT A IlRAIiLEY. 687 W ot.FOR RENT OR SALE BOBT-ROOM XKWatone *ud brick house; m.l.; 1806 18th et. b.w ;l'»>tion line Apply to Owner, R. W. FEN-WICK, at 1308 X at. my2 2w

PROPOSALS.oi ri- K' l T1IK <*i»\!MlSSluN*Ra U. C . Will-

liurtoii. D C.. M*y 14, 1H^4. -Sealh<1 uropoMiU mlU»*« iwrlfMl »t ihii oOr# imtl! TWO CdOi'KP.M.. WEDNESDAY, MAV 11'K.VTV THUUi.1 Si*4. for 4iirBi»l>liif Ihe »u|»f-n»tru<-iur** of & nt^lplattt girder highway brfdg** over tb* Jameai ipfk ranal a> N atreer, \\ n»liiiMrtun. L>.C Biankf«»rnja of i.1>. Bj>eri*«w! kan> aod all oihrrinformation uuoi. bo «>t«tainr<1 on ajiuih-atlon attliu <>fh*« J \V ROM. <oL(»K«iK TRI'KSDKLL,rilAS K. P»>WKLL. '' IM' iu^14-^t

rn«>P' »SAl> Y\>lC Til 16 COSKTRI CTTION oPm-w«h-k 4 l#it of tho* ronim>te«ilourr». 1». C.Waahalstoo. r Majr 1^, 1 V.A4 Sealed uru'Iiosalit will l»e rwfivcl at 1Mb* t»0«»» until 1h<1. M MAI TWKN1V SIXTH. 1 h^4. for . un-

?..rvt. ung a »ewer and 4T» tliiKi.log Uaatiio. in tbaIHalrh-t «>f i'olumM*. >>,.. ri. .« na and bbitkf »rm» of nro)MM6ala nm\ >»e oi'ln neU Mt ihia oA v.J W R«:*< QKCmCiK TRI »>D1XL. C 9.I'OWLLL, CoUiau*»iwneia, It. C. S|12-K