The Essence of Preparedness

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  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness



    Liberty LibertyLiberty Liberty

  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


    The Essence of PreparednessThe Essence of Preparedness

    For SHTFFor SHTF

  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


    The Essence of PreparednessThe Essence of Preparedness

    For SHTFFor SHTF

  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness


    An ounce of prevention is worth aAn ounce of prevention is worth a

    pound of cure.pound of cure.

    Every human at some point in their life hasEvery human at some point in their life hasreflected upon a situation and thenreflected upon a situation and thenconcluded that the outcome would haveconcluded that the outcome would have

    been different !if only " had done this.# "nbeen different !if only " had done this.# "nevery case of !if only# it is always anevery case of !if only# it is always anabsence of forethou$ht and lac% of actionabsence of forethou$ht and lac% of actionthat results in a bad outcome. The focus ofthat results in a bad outcome. The focus ofthis class is to share ways to have positivethis class is to share ways to have positiveoutcomes in turbulent times.outcomes in turbulent times.

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    Self Preservation S%illsSelf Preservation S%ills

    Situational Awareness/Situational Awareness/

    &ein$ aware of the environment&ein$ aware of the environment

    &ein$ aware of dan$er&ein$ aware of dan$er

    &ein$ P0EPA0E1 T2 A3T&ein$ P0EPA0E1 T2 A3T

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    ,eep "n 4ind/,eep "n 4ind/

    You may have to ACT to save your life.You may have to ACT to save your life.

    Learn how to defend yourself+Learn how to defend yourself+ Hand to hand combatHand to hand combat

    Weapons Trainin$Weapons Trainin$

    0 5 (0 5 (

    Self defense is a CRITICAL SKILLSelf defense is a CRITICAL SKILL

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    Self Preservation S%illsSelf Preservation S%ills

    Findin$ WaterFindin$ Water

    Findin$ FoodFindin$ Food

    Findin$ 3lothesFindin$ 3lothes

    Findin$ ShelterFindin$ Shelter

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    Humans 3an Survive/Humans 3an Survive/

    67 minutes without air67 minutes without air

    67 hours without warmth67 hours without warmth

    67 days without water67 days without water689 days without sleep689 days without sleep

    6:8 days without food6:8 days without food

    67; days without defecatin$67; days without defecatin$

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    Will disaster stri%e youua%es*olcanic Eruptions=Earth>ua%es


    Wild Fires=Forrest FiresWild Fires=Forrest Fires

    3hemical Spills=Plant E?plosions3hemical Spills=Plant E?plosions0uptured )as Lines=Pipe Lines0uptured )as Lines=Pipe Lines

    4eteors=Space @un%4eteors=Space @un%

    War=4artial Law=Economic 3ollapseWar=4artial Law=Economic 3ollapse

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    &e 0eady ust in case+&e 0eady ust in case+

    Build a Basic Disaster Supplies KitBuild a Basic Disaster Supplies Kit

    aterater! one "allon of #ater per person per day for at least three days!! one "allon of #ater per person per day for at least three days!for drin$in" and sanitationfor drin$in" and sanitation

    %ood%ood! at least a three&day supply of non&perisha'le food! at least a three&day supply of non&perisha'le food

    Battery&po#ered or hand cran$ radio and a ()AA eather RadioBattery&po#ered or hand cran$ radio and a ()AA eather Radio %lashli"ht%lashli"ht BatteriesBatteries %irst aid $it%irst aid $it histle to si"nal for helphistle to si"nal for help Dust mas$ to help filter contaminated air and plastic sheetin" and ductDust mas$ to help filter contaminated air and plastic sheetin" and duct

    tape totape to


    *oist to#elettes! "ar'a"e 'a"s and plastic ties for personal sanitation*oist to#elettes! "ar'a"e 'a"s and plastic ties for personal sanitation rench or pliers torench or pliers to turn off utilitiesturn off utilities *anual can opener for food*anual can opener for food Local mapsLocal maps Cell phone #ith char"ers! inverter or solar char"erCell phone #ith char"ers! inverter or solar char"er
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    Additional +mer"ency SuppliesAdditional +mer"ency Supplies

    Prescription medicationsPrescription medicationsand $lassesand $lasses "nfant formula and diapers"nfant formula and diapers Pet food and e?tra water for your petPet food and e?tra water for your pet 3ash or un% silver coins3ash or un% silver coins "mportant family documents such as copies of insurance policies identification and"mportant family documents such as copies of insurance policies identification and

    ban% account records in a waterproof portable container.ban% account records in a waterproof portable container.

    Emer$ency reference material such as a first aid boo%.Emer$ency reference material such as a first aid boo%. Sleepin$ ba$ or warm blan%et for each person ade>uate for the environmentSleepin$ ba$ or warm blan%et for each person ade>uate for the environment 3omplete chan$e of clothin$ includin$ a lon$ sleeved shirt lon$ pants and sturdy3omplete chan$e of clothin$ includin$ a lon$ sleeved shirt lon$ pants and sturdy

    shoes. 3onsider additional clothin$ if you live in a coldBweather 3onsider additional clothin$ if you live in a coldBweather climate. Household chlorine bleach and medicine dropper - When diluted nine parts water toHousehold chlorine bleach and medicine dropper - When diluted nine parts water to

    one part bleach bleach can be used as a disinfectant. 2r in an emer$ency you canone part bleach bleach can be used as a disinfectant. 2r in an emer$ency you canuse it to treat water by usin$ 8C drops of re$ular household li>uid bleach per $allon ofuse it to treat water by usin$ 8C drops of re$ular household li>uid bleach per $allon ofwater. 1o not use scented color safe or bleaches with added cleaners.water. 1o not use scented color safe or bleaches with added cleaners.

    Fire e?tin$uisherFire e?tin$uisher 4atches in a waterproof container4atches in a waterproof container Feminine supplies and personal hy$iene itemsFeminine supplies and personal hy$iene items 4ess %its paper cups plates paper towels and plastic utensils4ess %its paper cups plates paper towels and plastic utensils Paper and pencilPaper and pencil &oo%s $ames puDDles or other activities for children&oo%s $ames puDDles or other activities for children
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    %irst Aid Kit%irst Aid Kit

    Two pairs of sterile $loves (itrile or Late?Two pairs of sterile $loves (itrile or Late? Sterile dressin$s to stop bleedin$Sterile dressin$s to stop bleedin$ 3leansin$ a$ent=soap and antibiotic towelettes3leansin$ a$ent=soap and antibiotic towelettes Antibiotic ointment &urn ointmentAntibiotic ointment &urn ointment Adhesive banda$es in a variety of siDesAdhesive banda$es in a variety of siDes Eye wash solution to flush the eyes or as $eneral decontaminantEye wash solution to flush the eyes or as $eneral decontaminant

    ThermometerThermometer Prescription medications you ta%e every day such as insulin heart medicinePrescription medications you ta%e every day such as insulin heart medicine

    and asthma inhalers. 'ou should periodically rotate medicines to account forand asthma inhalers. 'ou should periodically rotate medicines to account fore?piration dates.e?piration dates.

    Prescribed medical supplies such as $lucose and blood pressure monitorin$Prescribed medical supplies such as $lucose and blood pressure monitorin$e>uipment and suppliese>uipment and supplies

    (onBprescription dru$s/(onBprescription dru$s/ Aspirin or nonBaspirin pain relieverAspirin or nonBaspirin pain reliever AntiBdiarrhea medication Antacid La?ativeAntiBdiarrhea medication Antacid La?ative Antihistamines 1econ$estants 3ou$h 4edicineAntihistamines 1econ$estants 3ou$h 4edicine

    2ther first aid supplies/2ther first aid supplies/ Scissors TweeDers Tube of petroleum elly or other lubricantScissors TweeDers Tube of petroleum elly or other lubricant

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    Supplies for ,ni-ue (eedsSupplies for ,ni-ue (eeds

    For &abies/ Formula 1iapers 1iaper rashFor &abies/ Formula 1iapers 1iaper rash

    ointment &ottlesPowdered mil%ointment &ottlesPowdered mil%

    4edications Wipes bin%y4edications Wipes bin%y

    For Seniors/ 1enture needs 3ontact lensesFor Seniors/ 1enture needs 3ontact lenses

    and supplies E?tra eye $lasses Hearin$and supplies E?tra eye $lasses Hearin$

    Aids and &atteries 3anes braces etc.Aids and &atteries 3anes braces etc.

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    @ust as important as puttin$ your supplies to$ether is@ust as important as puttin$ your supplies to$ether ismaintainin$ them so they are safe to use when needed.maintainin$ them so they are safe to use when needed.

    Keep cannedKeep canned foodfoodin a cool! dry a cool! dry place. Store 'o/ed food in ti"htly closed plastic or metal containers toStore 'o/ed food in ti"htly closed plastic or metal containers to

    protect from pests and to e/tend its shelf life.protect from pests and to e/tend its shelf life.

    Thro# out any canned "ood that 'ecomes s#ollen! dented orThro# out any canned "ood that 'ecomes s#ollen! dented orcorroded.corroded.

    ,se foods 'efore they "o 'ad and replace them #ith fresh,se foods 'efore they "o 'ad and replace them #ith

    0lace ne# items at the 'ac$ of the stora"e area and older ones0lace ne# items at the 'ac$ of the stora"e area and older onesin the the front.

    Inspect stored food fre-uently. Chan"eInspect stored food fre-uently. Chan"e #ater supplies#ater supplieseveryeverysi/ months. Be sure to #rite the date you store it on allsi/ months. Be sure to #rite the date you store it on allcontainers.containers.

    Re&thin$ your needs every year and update your $it as yourRe&thin$ your needs every year and update your $it as yourfamily1s needs chan"e.family1s needs chan"e.
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    Keep items in airti"ht plasticKeep items in airti"ht plastic

    'a"s and put your entire'a"s and put your entiredisaster supplies $it in one ordisaster supplies $it in one or

    t#o easy&to&carry containers!t#o easy&to&carry containers!such as an unused trashcan!such as an unused trashcan!

    campin" 'ac$pac$ or duffelcampin" 'ac$pac$ or duffel


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    Since you do not $no# #here you #ill 'e #hen anSince you do not $no# #here you #ill 'e #hen anemer"ency occurs! prepare supplies for home! #or$emer"ency occurs! prepare supplies for home! #or$and vehicles.and vehicles.

    2)*+2)*+ Your disaster supplies $it should contain essentialYour disaster supplies $it should contain essential

    food! #ater and supplies for at least three! #ater and supplies for at least three days.

    Keep this $it in a desi"nated place and have it ready inKeep this $it in a desi"nated place and have it ready incase you have to leave your home -uic$ly. *a$e surecase you have to leave your home -uic$ly. *a$e sure

    all family mem'ers $no# #here the $it is $ept.all family mem'ers $no# #here the $it is $ept. Additionally! you may #ant to consider havin"Additionally! you may #ant to consider havin"

    supplies for shelterin" for up to t#o #ee$ for shelterin" for up to t#o #ee$s.

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    )RK)RK You need to 'e prepared to shelter at #or$ forYou need to 'e prepared to shelter at #or$ for

    at least 34 hours. *a$e sure you have food andat least 34 hours. *a$e sure you have food and

    #ater and other necessities li$e medicines in#ater and other necessities li$e medicines inyour $it. Also! 'e sure to have comforta'leyour $it. Also! 'e sure to have comforta'le#al$in" shoes at your #or$place in case an#al$in" shoes at your #or$place in case anevacuation re-uires #al$in" lon" distances.evacuation re-uires #al$in" lon" distances.

    Your $it should also 'e in one container andYour $it should also 'e in one container andready to 5"ra' and "o6 in case you areready to 5"ra' and "o6 in case you areevacuated from your #or$place.evacuated from your #or$place.

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    In case you are stranded! $eep a $it of emer"ency supplies in your car.In case you are stranded! $eep a $it of emer"ency supplies in your car.

    This $it should include8This $it should include8 9umper ca'les9umper ca'les %lashli"hts and e/tra 'atteries%lashli"hts and e/tra 'atteries %irst aid $it and necessary medications in case you are a#ay from home for a%irst aid $it and necessary medications in case you are a#ay from home for a

    prolon"ed timeprolon"ed time %ood items containin" protein such as nuts and ener"y 'ars: canned fruit and a%ood items containin" protein such as nuts and ener"y 'ars: canned fruit and a

    porta'le can openerporta'le can opener ater for each person and pet in your carater for each person and pet in your car A*;%* radio to listen to traffic reports and emer"ency messa"esA*;%* radio to listen to traffic reports and emer"ency messa"es Cat litter or sand for 'etter tire tractionCat litter or sand for 'etter tire traction ShovelShovel Ice scraperIce scraper arm clothes! "loves! hat! sturdy 'oots!

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    Also consider8Also consider8

    A fully&char"ed cell phone and phone char"erA fully&char"ed cell phone and phone char"er

    %lares or reflective trian"le%lares or reflective trian"le

    Ba'y formula and diapers if you have a small childBa'y formula and diapers if you have a small child

    Be prepared for an emer"ency 'y $eepin" your "asBe prepared for an emer"ency 'y $eepin" your "astan$ full and if you find yourself stranded! 'e safe andtan$ full and if you find yourself stranded! 'e safe andstay in your car! put on your flashers! call for help andstay in your car! put on your flashers! call for help and#ait until it arrives#ait until it arrives2%ay sure+2%ay sure+

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    Store at least a threeBday supply of nonBperishable food.Store at least a threeBday supply of nonBperishable food. 3hoose foods your family will eat.3hoose foods your family will eat. 0emember any special dietary needs.0emember any special dietary needs. Avoid foods that will ma%e you thirsty.Avoid foods that will ma%e you thirsty.

    3hoose saltBfree crac%ers whole $rain cereals and canned3hoose saltBfree crac%ers whole $rain cereals and cannedfoods with hi$h li>uid contentfoods with hi$h li>uid content

    Followin$ a disaster there may be power outa$es thatFollowin$ a disaster there may be power outa$es thatcould last for several days. Stoc% canned foods dry mi?escould last for several days. Stoc% canned foods dry mi?esand other staples that do not re>uire refri$eration coo%in$and other staples that do not re>uire refri$eration coo%in$water or special preparation. &e sure to include a manualwater or special preparation. &e sure to include a manualcan opener and eatin$ utensilscan opener and eatin$ utensils


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    The followin$ items are su$$ested when selectin$ emer$ency food suppliesThe followin$ items are su$$ested when selectin$ emer$ency food supplies 0eadyBtoBeat canned0eadyBtoBeat canned

    meats fruits ve$etablesmeats fruits ve$etables

    Protein or fruit barsProtein or fruit bars

    1ry cereal or $ranola1ry cereal or $ranola Peanut butterPeanut butter

    1ried fruit1ried fruit

    (uts(uts 3rac%ers3rac%ers

    3anned uices3anned uices


    pasteuriDed mil%pasteuriDed mil%

    Hi$h ener$y foodsHi$h ener$y foods


    Food for infantsFood for infants

    3omfort=stress foods3omfort=stress foods @ams Preserves@ams Preserves

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    %ood Safety and Sanitation%ood Safety and Sanitation

    Flood fire national disaster or the loss of power from hi$hFlood fire national disaster or the loss of power from hi$hwinds snow or ice could eopardiDe the safety of your food.winds snow or ice could eopardiDe the safety of your food.,nowin$ what to do before and after an emer$ency can,nowin$ what to do before and after an emer$ency canhelp you reduce your ris% of illness and minimiDe thehelp you reduce your ris% of illness and minimiDe the

    amount of food that may be lost due to spoila$e.amount of food that may be lost due to spoila$e. Power outa$es can occur at any time of the year and itPower outa$es can occur at any time of the year and it

    may ta%e from a few hours to several days for electricity tomay ta%e from a few hours to several days for electricity tobe restored to residential areas. Without electricity or a coldbe restored to residential areas. Without electricity or a coldsource food stored in refri$erators and freeDers cansource food stored in refri$erators and freeDers can

    become unsafe. &acteria in food $row rapidly atbecome unsafe. &acteria in food $row rapidly attemperatures between ; and 8; F and if these foodstemperatures between ; and 8; F and if these foodsare consumed people can become very sic%.are consumed people can become very sic%.

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    %ood Safety and Sanitation Do1s%ood Safety and Sanitation Do1s ,eep food in covered containers.,eep food in covered containers.

    ,eep coo%in$ and eatin$ utensils clean.,eep coo%in$ and eatin$ utensils clean. ,eep $arba$e in closed containers and dispose outside buryin$,eep $arba$e in closed containers and dispose outside buryin$

    $arba$e if necessary.$arba$e if necessary. ,eep your hands clean by washin$ them fre>uently with soap and,eep your hands clean by washin$ them fre>uently with soap and

    water that has been boiled or disinfected.water that has been boiled or disinfected. 1iscard any food that has come into contact with contaminated1iscard any food that has come into contact with contaminated

    floodwater.floodwater. 1iscard any food that has been at room temperature for two hours1iscard any food that has been at room temperature for two hours

    or more.or more. 1iscard any food that has an unusual odor color or te?ture.1iscard any food that has an unusual odor color or te?ture. 5se readyBtoBfeed formula if possible for formulaBfed infants. "f5se readyBtoBfeed formula if possible for formulaBfed infants. "f

    usin$ readyBtoBfeed formula is not possible it is best to use bottledusin$ readyBtoBfeed formula is not possible it is best to use bottledwater to prepare powdered or concentrated formula. "f bottled waterwater to prepare powdered or concentrated formula. "f bottled wateris not available use boiled water. 5se treated water to prepareis not available use boiled water. 5se treated water to prepareformula only if you do not have bottled or boiled water. &reastfedformula only if you do not have bottled or boiled water. &reastfedinfants should continue breastfeedin$.infants should continue breastfeedin$.

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    %ood Safety and Sanitation Don1t%ood Safety and Sanitation Don1t

    Eat foods from cans that are swollen dented or corrodedEat foods from cans that are swollen dented or corrodedeven thou$h the product may loo% safe to eat.even thou$h the product may loo% safe to eat.

    Eat any food that loo%s or smells abnormal even if the canEat any food that loo%s or smells abnormal even if the canloo%s normal.loo%s normal.

    Let $arba$e accumulate inside both for fire and sanitationLet $arba$e accumulate inside both for fire and sanitationreasons.reasons.

    (ote8(ote8Thawed food usually can be eaten if it is stillThawed food usually can be eaten if it is still

    !refri$erator cold.# "t can be reBfroDen if it still contains ice!refri$erator cold.# "t can be reBfroDen if it still contains icecrystals. To be safe remember !When in doubt throw itcrystals. To be safe remember !When in doubt throw itout.#out.#

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    Alternative coo%in$ sources in times ofAlternative coo%in$ sources in times ofemer$ency includin$ candle warmersemer$ency includin$ candle warmerschafin$ dishes fondue pots or a fireplace.chafin$ dishes fondue pots or a fireplace.

    3harcoal $rills and camp stoves are for3harcoal $rills and camp stoves are foroutdoor use only.outdoor use only.

    3ommercially canned food may be eaten out3ommercially canned food may be eaten outof the can without warmin$.of the can without warmin$.

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    To heat food in a can8To heat food in a can8

    =.=. Remove the la'el.Remove the la'el.3.3. Thorou"hly #ash and disinfect the can.Thorou"hly #ash and disinfect the can.

    >.>. )pen the can 'efore heatin".)pen the can 'efore heatin".

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    *ana"in" food #;o +lectricity*ana"in" food #;o +lectricity

    Have a refri$erator thermometerHave a refri$erator thermometer

    ,eep the refri$erator and freeDer doors,eep the refri$erator and freeDer doors

    closed as much as possible.closed as much as possible.

    The refri$erator will %eep food cold for aboutThe refri$erator will %eep food cold for about

    hours if it is unopened. hours if it is unopened.

    0efri$erators should be %ept at ; F or0efri$erators should be %ept at ; F orbelow for proper food stora$e.below for proper food stora$e.

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    +ssentials of *ana"in" ater+ssentials of *ana"in" ater

    Allo# people to drin$ accordin" to their needsAllo# people to drin$ accordin" to their needs

    4any people need even more than the avera$e of one $allon per day. The individual4any people need even more than the avera$e of one $allon per day. The individualamount needed depends on a$e physical activity physical condition and time of year.amount needed depends on a$e physical activity physical condition and time of year.

    (ever ration drin$in" #ater unless ordered to do so 'y authorities.(ever ration drin$in" #ater unless ordered to do so 'y authorities.

    1rin% the amount you need today and try to find more for tomorrow. 5nder no1rin% the amount you need today and try to find more for tomorrow. 5nder nocircumstances should a person drin% less than one >uart Gfour cups of water each day.circumstances should a person drin% less than one >uart Gfour cups of water each day.'ou can minimiDe the amount of water your body needs by reducin$ activity and stayin$'ou can minimiDe the amount of water your body needs by reducin$ activity and stayin$

    Drin$ #ater that you $no# is not contaminated first.Drin$ #ater that you $no# is not contaminated first.

    "f necessary suspicious water such as cloudy water from re$ular faucets or water from"f necessary suspicious water such as cloudy water from re$ular faucets or water fromstreams or ponds can be used after it has been treated. "f water treatment is notstreams or ponds can be used after it has been treated. "f water treatment is notpossible put off drin%in$ suspicious water as lon$ as possible but do not becomepossible put off drin%in$ suspicious water as lon$ as possible but do not becomedehydrated.dehydrated. )et A Water Filtration System++)et A Water Filtration System++

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    +ssentials of *ana"in" ater+ssentials of *ana"in" ater

    Do not drin$ car'onated 'evera"esDo not drin$ car'onated 'evera"es

    instead of drin$in" #ater.instead of drin$in" #ater.

    3arbonated bevera$es do not meet3arbonated bevera$es do not meet

    drin%in$Bwater re>uirements. 3affeinateddrin%in$Bwater re>uirements. 3affeinateddrin%s and alcohol dehydrate the bodydrin%s and alcohol dehydrate the body

    which increases the need for drin%in$ water.which increases the need for drin%in$ water.

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    +ssentials of *ana"in" ater+ssentials of *ana"in" aterSafe SourcesSafe Sources

    4elted ice cubes.4elted ice cubes. Li>uids from canned $oods such as fruit or ve$etables.Li>uids from canned $oods such as fruit or ve$etables. Water drained from pipes. To use the water in your pipes let air into the plumbin$ byWater drained from pipes. To use the water in your pipes let air into the plumbin$ by

    turnin$ on the faucet in your home at the hi$hest level. A small amount of water willturnin$ on the faucet in your home at the hi$hest level. A small amount of water willtric%le out. Then obtain water from the lowest faucet in the home.tric%le out. Then obtain water from the lowest faucet in the home.

    Water drained from the water heater. To use water in your hotBwater tan% be sure theWater drained from the water heater. To use water in your hotBwater tan% be sure the

    electricity or $as is off and open the drain at the bottom of the tan%. Start the waterelectricity or $as is off and open the drain at the bottom of the tan%. Start the waterflowin$ by turnin$ off the water inta%e valve at the tan% and turnin$ on the hotBwaterflowin$ by turnin$ off the water inta%e valve at the tan% and turnin$ on the hotBwaterfaucet. After you are notified that clean water has been restored you will need to refillfaucet. After you are notified that clean water has been restored you will need to refillthe tan% before turnin$ the $as or electricity bac% on. "f the $as is turned off athe tan% before turnin$ the $as or electricity bac% on. "f the $as is turned off aprofessional will be needed to turn it bac% on.professional will be needed to turn it bac% on.

    ,nsafe Sources,nsafe Sources

    0adiators Hot water boilers Ghome heatin$ systems.0adiators Hot water boilers Ghome heatin$ systems.

    Water from the toilet bowl or flush tan%.Water from the toilet bowl or flush tan%. Water beds. Fun$icides added to the water or chemicals in the vinyl may ma%e waterWater beds. Fun$icides added to the water or chemicals in the vinyl may ma%e water

    unsafe to use.unsafe to use. Swimmin$ pools and spas. 3hemicals used to %ill $erms are too concentrated forSwimmin$ pools and spas. 3hemicals used to %ill $erms are too concentrated for

    safe drin%in$ but can be used for personal hy$iene cleanin$ and related drin%in$ but can be used for personal hy$iene cleanin$ and related uses.

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    ater treatmentater treatmentBoilingBoiling &oilin$ is the safest method of treatin$ water. "n a lar$e pot or %ettle brin$ water to a rollin$ boil&oilin$ is the safest method of treatin$ water. "n a lar$e pot or %ettle brin$ water to a rollin$ boil

    for one full minute %eepin$ in mind that some water will evaporate. Let the water cool beforefor one full minute %eepin$ in mind that some water will evaporate. Let the water cool beforedrin%in$.drin%in$. &oiled water will taste better if you put o?y$en bac% into it by pourin$ the water bac% and forth&oiled water will taste better if you put o?y$en bac% into it by pourin$ the water bac% and forth

    between two clean containers. This also will improve the taste of stored water.between two clean containers. This also will improve the taste of stored water.

    ChlorinationChlorination 'ou can use household li>uid bleach to %ill microor$anisms. 5se only re$ular household li>uid'ou can use household li>uid bleach to %ill microor$anisms. 5se only re$ular household li>uid

    bleach that contains I.:I to C.; percent sodium hypochlorite. 1o not use scented bleaches colorbleach that contains I.:I to C.; percent sodium hypochlorite. 1o not use scented bleaches colorsafe bleaches or bleaches with added cleaners. &ecause the potency of bleach diminishes withsafe bleaches or bleaches with added cleaners. &ecause the potency of bleach diminishes withtime use bleach from a newly opened or unopened bottle.time use bleach from a newly opened or unopened bottle.

    Add 8C drops G8=J teaspoon of bleach per $allon of water stir and let stand for 7; minutes. TheAdd 8C drops G8=J teaspoon of bleach per $allon of water stir and let stand for 7; minutes. Thewater should have a sli$ht bleach odor. "f it doesnKt then repeat the dosa$e and let stand anotherwater should have a sli$ht bleach odor. "f it doesnKt then repeat the dosa$e and let stand another8I minutes. "f it still does not smell of chlorine discard it and find another source of water.8I minutes. "f it still does not smell of chlorine discard it and find another source of water.

    2ther chemicals such as iodine or water treatment products sold in campin$ or surplus stores2ther chemicals such as iodine or water treatment products sold in campin$ or surplus storesthat do not contain I.:I or C.; percent sodium hypochlorite as the only active in$redient are notthat do not contain I.:I or C.; percent sodium hypochlorite as the only active in$redient are notrecommended and should not be used.recommended and should not be used.

    DistillationDistillation While boilin$ and chlorination will %ill most microbes in water distillation will remove microbesWhile boilin$ and chlorination will %ill most microbes in water distillation will remove microbes

    G$erms that resist these methods as well as heavy metals salts and most other chemicals.G$erms that resist these methods as well as heavy metals salts and most other chemicals.1istillation involves boilin$ water and then collection of only the vapor that condenses. The1istillation involves boilin$ water and then collection of only the vapor that condenses. Thecondensed vapor will not include salt or most other impurities. To distill fill a pot halfway withcondensed vapor will not include salt or most other impurities. To distill fill a pot halfway withwater.water.

    Tie a cup to the handle on the potKs lid so that the cup will han$ ri$htBsideBup when the lid isTie a cup to the handle on the potKs lid so that the cup will han$ ri$htBsideBup when the lid isupsideBdown Gma%e sure the cup is not dan$lin$ into the water and boil the water for :; minutes.upsideBdown Gma%e sure the cup is not dan$lin$ into the water and boil the water for :; minutes.The water that drips from the lid into the cup is distilled.The water that drips from the lid into the cup is distilled.

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    ater treatmentater treatment




    &oilin$&oilin$ 'es'es (o(o

    3hlorination3hlorination 'es'es (o(o

    1istillation1istillation 'es'es 'es'es

  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness



    There may be situations dependin$ on yourThere may be situations dependin$ on yourcircumstances and the nature of thecircumstances and the nature of the

    disaster when its simply best to stay wheredisaster when its simply best to stay where

    you are and avoid any uncertainty outsideyou are and avoid any uncertainty outside

    by !shelterin$ in place.#by !shelterin$ in place.#

  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness



    The len$th of time you are re>uired toThe len$th of time you are re>uired to

    shelter may be short such as durin$ ashelter may be short such as durin$ a

    tornado warnin$ or lon$ such as durin$ atornado warnin$ or lon$ such as durin$ a

    winter storm or a pandemic. "t is importantwinter storm or a pandemic. "t is important

    that you stay in shelter until it is safe tothat you stay in shelter until it is safe to


  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness



    1urin$ e?tended periods of shelterin$ you1urin$ e?tended periods of shelterin$ youwill need to mana$e water and foodwill need to mana$e water and food

    supplies to ensure you and your family havesupplies to ensure you and your family have

    the re>uired supplies and >uantities.the re>uired supplies and >uantities.

  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness



    There may be situations dependin$ on yourThere may be situations dependin$ on your

    circumstances and the nature of the disastercircumstances and the nature of the disaster

    when its simply best to flee the protection of yourwhen its simply best to flee the protection of your

    home place of employment or other location whenhome place of employment or other location whendisaster stri%es. Shelterin$ outside the haDarddisaster stri%es. Shelterin$ outside the haDard

    area could include stayin$ with friends andarea could include stayin$ with friends and

    relatives see%in$ commercial lod$in$ or stayin$ inrelatives see%in$ commercial lod$in$ or stayin$ in

    a mass care facility operated by disaster reliefa mass care facility operated by disaster relief$roups.$roups.

  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness



    To Bu" In or (ot to Bu" In!To Bu" In or (ot to Bu" In!

    That is the ?uestion.That is the ?uestion.

    Sometimes it is no'lerSometimes it is no'ler

    To Bu" )ut.To Bu" )ut.

  • 7/25/2019 The Essence of Preparedness
