The english in north america


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The English in

North America

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Puritans and Indianschapter 9

With the introduction of Puritans to the

New World, we see many differences

in the beliefs, culture, and

outlook on its future with the

Indians whom had already

established their society on land.

• The Puritans came to the New World with one goal in mind: expansion. • Clashes betweens ideal ways of life were evident from the very beginning , as the Puritans saw the Indians as lazy for not taking advantage of the land before them.

• Having already built itself, the Indian society functioned mostly off the land.• They believed in only taking enough to manage from Earth , while re-rooting themselves as the seasons changed.

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Puritans and Indians: Chapter 9

• A priority for the Puritans when beginning their take over of New England was to ensure that the way of the Indians was abolished.

• There was an importance to push the influence of Christianity onto the natives.

• Land was demolished in efforts to build a new society for the English which kept the Indians from continuing their way of life, living off the ground.

• When land wasn’t just simply destroyed it was conned from the hands of Indians when deeds were made to imply a shared understanding of land which left most Indians with nothing eventually running them out of the place they considered home.

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Puritans and Indians: Chapter 9

Continuing to weaken the Indian society , the Puritans sought to create ally ties. The more desperate tribes were chosen to help eliminate tougher and more stabilized tribes like the Pequot.

King Philip’s war would become one of the most impactful wars leading to the demise of the Indians in the New England territory. After the hanging of three Indians, lead by Metacomet the main leader of the natives, guerilla warfare was struck upon the colonists of the New World. Metacomet’s death pre-emptily ended the war resulting in a Puritan victory. Both sides suffered in the end with 600 deaths on the Puritan side and the Indians losing over 3,000 warriors. The damages made to the land and society only fueled to colonies to develop faster post war.

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Puritans and Indians: Chapter 9

By the end of the 17th century the Indian society was in its demise. The population of the New World Puritans was nearly 100,000 and there was very little the natives could do . By the mid 1700s the Indians were living in a land they no longer knew and were forced to inevitably move west.

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Chesapeake Colonies

Chapter 7

The Chesapeake Colonies were

different of its time. when in other parts of the world nobility

and power ruled territories colonies in the New World

were built upon the working man who

strived to revolutionize a new

way of life.

Covering what we know as the states of Maryland and Virginia, was a new civilization booming with commerce and culture that would shape the New World in its time of evolution.

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Chesapeake Colonies: Chapter 7

Structural understanding was key in the development of the Chesapeake colonies, while there was indeed a “king” there was a definite flow of order on common level as well. Colonies were managed on a communal level Every community had its chain of command, as did the family unit/household Men were seen in the power position as of the times, and it was considered high treason to question it. Women were still not independent of their household or husbands and had little effectiveness in regards to management.

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Chesapeake Colonies: Chapter 7

The boom in tobacco for the colonies was vital in its early cultivation. During the 1640s and 50s we saw a high influx of commerce and trade with the demand of tobacco. However in its decline, we see the exact impact only negative on the colonies. With the Dutch now unable to act in tobacco trade there was a dramatic downfall in the market over all.

One of the first acts of revolt within the Chesapeake colonies with Nathaniel Bacon in 1676. Unhappy with the nearly appointed governor of Virginia, William Berkeley. Bacon lead rebels in running Berkeley out of Jamestown.

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Chesapeake Colonies: Chapter 7

The early structure of the colonies revolved around the need for servants. White men were seen superior to the black men and so the idea of slaves became popular. African slave were brought into the New World as a commodity and were also traded and sold as so.

At the turn of the 17th century we find that black are gaining freedom from slavery however, in an effort to keep the black man down they are never granted the same rights as white men.