The engine that grows your business Illustrations

Customer Support | Affiliates | Cash Like Clockwork | Facebook Page | Twitter | Customer login The engine that grows your business Illustrations. Examples. Tips. Hi, This is Marlon. The ENGINE that grows yours business. That’s what today’s newsletter is about. Before I jump in, there are two offers I sent out via email. Some of you didn’t see the Edmund Loh Firesale offer that ends asap. Here’s the link. You know, I find marketing and sales extremely fascinating. Always have. Always will. The ENGINE that drives businesses is often almost INVISIBLE. Usually, it’s a purring, humming machine. Sometimes it’s subtle and hard to see. Sometimes it’s an awesome machine that is totally invisible. But that ENGINE is always lead generation. By that, I mean the ability to obtain new Patrons. Patrons are customers who repeat and refer. I’m going to give you MULTIPLE EXAMPLES and illustrations today.

Transcript of The engine that grows your business Illustrations

Page 1: The engine that grows your business Illustrations engine that grows your business Illustrations. Examples. Tips. Hi, This is Marlon.

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The engine that grows your business

Illustrations. Examples. Tips. Hi,

This is Marlon.

The ENGINE that grows yours business. That’s what today’s newsletter is about.

Before I jump in, there are two offers I sent out via email.

Some of you didn’t see the Edmund Loh Firesale offer that ends asap. Here’s the link.

You know, I find marketing and sales extremely fascinating. Always have. Always will. The ENGINE that drives businesses is often almost INVISIBLE.

Usually, it’s a purring, humming machine.

Sometimes it’s subtle and hard to see.

Sometimes it’s an awesome machine that is totally invisible.

But that ENGINE is always lead generation. By that, I mean the ability to obtain new Patrons. Patrons are customers who repeat and refer.

I’m going to give you MULTIPLE EXAMPLES and illustrations today.

Page 2: The engine that grows your business Illustrations engine that grows your business Illustrations. Examples. Tips. Hi, This is Marlon.

If you are a NEWBIE, these are ADVANCED examples. Sometimes I produce newsletters that are “pure newbie.” Sometimes I need to give content for more ADVANCED marketers.

Today would fall in the ADVANCED category, but even if you’re a newbie, you should learn something.

1. A SIMPLE but highly effective $500 a day marketing system

Recently, my friend Robert Blackman released the single best video I’ve ever seen about lead generation for network marketing. And I’ll tell you why:

Reason one: It’s numbers based

What really annoys me is so many people in that industry give a lot of generalizations and never give any numbers that bring it down to daily reality.

Reason two: It shows the level of ACTIVITY required to get the RESULT.

Robert calls 100 people a day in about 2 hours. Normally, you need 4 hours to make 100 dials. But if you have an auto-dialer of some type you can do it faster.

Reason three: With Robert’s method people make $500 a day EVEN IF they ONLY make $100 one-time for signing up a new person. That’s pretty amazing. Whatever they get from the networking marketing company AFTER the sign ups is gravy train.

Here’s the video:

The stats: 100 dials Reach 20-40 10-20 appointments Sign up 5-10 Gets $100 upfront per sale

Page 3: The engine that grows your business Illustrations engine that grows your business Illustrations. Examples. Tips. Hi, This is Marlon.

So if he signs up 10 people that is $1000. He pays $3-$5 per lead.

Now, SOME of those people will go on autoship and creating monthly recurring income. A few will duplicate his system and call others.

Before all you newbies run out faster than Flash Gordon and join an mlm, the POINT of this example is that Robert has a semi-SECRET ENGINE.

In other words, he knows what DAILY ACTIVITIES produce the result. He isn’t just inviting a few friends to meetings hoping to win the lottery. That’s what most people do.

With so many businesses, you see the RESULTS. The # of customers and the $ made. But you don’t see the ACTIVITIES required to generate the new customers.

Robert has a heck of a simple system. But I can tell you not a lot of people will make 100 dials a day. Why? It’s not easy. Even thought they are interviewed leads, you get hung up on. And even if you didn’t, it wouldn’t matter.


Because doing ANYTHING REPETITIOUS daily is challenging.

Before I go on, let me say that Robert is masterful at lead generation and FOLLOW UP. Here are the numbers on another marketing system he created:

Page 4: The engine that grows your business Illustrations engine that grows your business Illustrations. Examples. Tips. Hi, This is Marlon.

The REASON he converted 46.98% of leads from his website (absolutely outrageous) is that he CALLED, EMAILED and sent DIRECT MAIL, including postcards MONTHLY like the following:

Page 5: The engine that grows your business Illustrations engine that grows your business Illustrations. Examples. Tips. Hi, This is Marlon.

And that’s the thing about lead generation. Depending on the system, it can be a grind or boring. This is why your PREFERENCE is to have a lead generation system that can be operated by OTHER PEOPLE or by systems.

Robert prints a lot of postcards on his home printer and mails them. But for bigger mailings, he has them printed up.

Which brings me to the NEXT example.

2. How to sell 426 homes in 180 days with a super powerful inside sales machine. Read this example of using “Inside Sales Agents” to generate massive amounts of leads for real estate agents

You don’t often get to the see the real ENGINE of businesses, especially online.

Few people show you their REAL NUMBERS. They’ll show you SOME of the numbers that make them look good.

Here is a VERY RARE example of someone who far as I can tell is revealing ALL the numbers of a CRUSHING engine that DOMINATES:

Page 6: The engine that grows your business Illustrations engine that grows your business Illustrations. Examples. Tips. Hi, This is Marlon.

You can watch the video explanation here:

In this period of time, they made 9,578 dials, connected with 1,532, talked to 1,283, set 57 listing appointments and 111 appointments total.

In one video he shows how they SOLD 426 homes in 180 days.

You should know these are PERMISSION BASED calls. That means they subscribe to numerous services like ZILLOW where people INITIATE contact by entering their PHONE NUMBER.

In the U.S. if you outbound call people on the do not call list who haven’t given PERMISSION to be contacted, you are subject to massive fines.

Like Robert Blackman above, these calls are made on a PERMISSION basis, just on a much more MASSIVE SCALE.

The POINT IS there is a massive LEAD GENERATION MACHINE creating these sales.

Page 7: The engine that grows your business Illustrations engine that grows your business Illustrations. Examples. Tips. Hi, This is Marlon.

Russell Shaw built a radio ad lead machine for real estate. Here’s an interview with Russell where you’ll learn a lot about what it takes to create a successful lead generation machine.

Oh, here’s another guy in the real estate industry who does a lot of lead generation.

3. In Internet marketing, if you sell via affiliates, you can expect to pay out 30% commissions or $30,000 for every $100,000 in sales you generate.

While you may pay out 50% to 70% or even 100% commissions upfront, you have a lot of sales come in from referrals and name recognition. My experience is you’ll pay NET about 30% commissions. But that’s in MY market. Other markets differ.

That’s not the point. The POINT is is takes a lot of MASS to create $1,000,000 in sales.

That means you’ll pay out $300,000 in commissions!

Of course, BIG TICKET SELLERS will point out that if you sell $10,000 coaching, you only need 100 buyers. And if you close 1 out of 3, you ONLY NEEDED 300 appointments!

If you have my Big Ticket Dashboard, you know this.

However, it is ALSO true that to GET those appointments you need a lot of people on webbys. This is why in the Big Ticket Dashboard, I included a simple software program where you punch in the amount you want to make and it spits out the number of people you need on webbys and the number of visitors or clicks you need to get that many people on your webbys LIVE.

Most people don’t know the TRUE NUMBERS. The people who sell the big ticket stuff are usually skewing what it takes to really generate leads and sales because they want to make it look as attractive as possible.

Page 8: The engine that grows your business Illustrations engine that grows your business Illustrations. Examples. Tips. Hi, This is Marlon.

THAT is why my loyal readers LIKE YOU have an advantage. You can SEE DEEPER and have DEEPER INSIGHT into these things than your normal person.

4. Lead generation engines in the business-to-business sales market

The SAME IDEAS apply to the business-to-business market.

Here’s a video where numbers are broken down:

Out of the people they made appointments with, they sold 1 out of 2.

This is HOW grew. Aaron Ross built their whole outbound and inbound lead generation machine. You can hear him here. He also has a large Youtube channel and books on Amazon.

If you’re in the business-to-business (b2b) market selling to businesses, you can get lost in the intriguing videos here.

But Marlon, What Do I Do For Lead Generation?

I know. I know. I know.

Page 9: The engine that grows your business Illustrations engine that grows your business Illustrations. Examples. Tips. Hi, This is Marlon.

And at the outset, I told you this was a newsletter more for ADVANCED marketers.

The MAIN THING I want you to get today is that you NEED a LEAD GENERATION ENGINE.

I can share what I’ve personally done over the years. There are MANY ways to accomplish the SAME OBJECTIVE of predictably bringing in new customers.

For a long time, what we did was launch a new product every 1 to 3 months.

Affiliates would promote it.

We got constant new customers and our autoresponder email sequences and broadcast emails took it from there.

Now, since stand alone affiliate platforms have largely lost out to JVZoo, Warrior+ and Clickbank, I’m changing my launch system.

But the point is – regular, consistent launches are ONE WAY to do it.

Facebook ads are another. The challenge with that is it’s really, really difficult to get info on Facebook ads that is both updated and doesn’t require joining a high-end Mastermind or buying services to get it working. In fact, I don’t know of ONE good source.

MOST Facebook ads things are designed to ultimately practically force you to buy services FROM THEM because they leave out steps, make it far more complicated than it needs to be and so forth.

If you are detail oriented, though, and dig in, you can do Facebook ads. It’s a lot of detail. There’s Instagram, Youtube, Twitter ads. Really, there are many ways to get new customers.

And the primary lesson I wanted to get across today is that when you SEE a SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS, you KNOW that somewhere behind the scenes they have potent lead generation going on.

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Because it’s the ENGINE that drives the business.

In Traffic Dashboard I teach content marketing, banner ads, affiliate marketing and joint ventures. You can do solo ads but you have to really work at it to break even or make a profit.


I let my group become dormant.

Why not REVIVE it and go here:

Let’s DISCUSS comments, questions or feedback on this issue as a GROUP!

Services You Can Use

1. The PDF for the new product “How to Create Digital Products In 2-5 Hours” is at

The price goes up with every sale. So you save money by getting it now. The price is currently $15. If you are on YOUROWNPRODUCTS.COM, that is a DIFFERENT PRODUCT, NOT the new one.

Get the NEW one. It’s over 100 pages, leaves nothing out and SHOULD be sold for $150 because it’s worth $15,000 to $150,000.

If you do what it says, I see no reason you can’t do $15,000 to $150,000 or more, although most won’t because they won’t do what it says. I can’t fix that problem.

2. The VIDEO VERSION of “How to Create Your Own Digital Products In 2-5 Hours” is at

That contains over-the-shoulder videos for every step. Currently the price is $67 and going up with every sale. This is a really big value in my opinion.

If you don’t have the videos AND the PDF – GET BOTH.

Page 11: The engine that grows your business Illustrations engine that grows your business Illustrations. Examples. Tips. Hi, This is Marlon.

The big picture: http;// Some of the links are out of date but 90% is evergreen. Good stuff. -- This is a product that will take you out of the box. -- If you’re new, this is a good first product. – create and sell big tickets The POINT of Product Dashboard is to get you to create QUICK audio-based info products to TEST MARKET your ideas as fast as possible to find the 1 or 2 out of 7 that is a winner! THAT is why I created Product Dashboard. Now, it’s really the APPLICATION of the product creation part of Gimme My Money Now, which is the action plan for Amazing Formula. In Gimme, I teach to do a 12-product survey, create a FAST audio product, TEST it with a KSL and roll it out via affiliate traffic. That model applies TODAY every bit as much as when I originally created the model. What I FOUND was Gimme presented the IDEAS but not enough of the mechanics on HOW to DO the fast audio products for some people to be able to implement it. So I said, “Hey, let me REALLY help people by putting this into a step-by-step how to.” Again, I KNOW you want to know, “Marlon, is it out of date?” The answer is again, I teach EVERGREEN stuff. It’s basic. Find your target audience. Do a survey. Find out what they want. Create a FAST audio product and see if it SELLS. That’s the whole concept. A few SMALL details may have changed…like the VERSION of Audacity you use I’m sure has changed. It doesn’t matter. It’s the BASICS that matter. THAT is the concept behind Product Dashboard. Survey > Create audio > TEST FAST. If it sells, roll with it and roll out an affiliate program. If it doesn’t, do the NEXT ONE.

Page 12: The engine that grows your business Illustrations engine that grows your business Illustrations. Examples. Tips. Hi, This is Marlon.

Get all the basics on how to do graphics the REAL WAY using PSD’s from Photoshop Elements, so later you can graduate to full-blown Photoshop. This is very basic but really, really good training in just the core stuff you need to START OUT with. This is training wheels for graphic design. You won’t become a pro overnight. But this gets you on the RIGHT PATH and that is the PURPOSE. We updated screen caps last year. None of the basics in Photoshop Elements change much. You got a lasso. Paint bucket. Patterns. Gradients. This is what we teach here. BASICS. To me, if you’re really SERIOUS and don’t want to just hire out all graphics, you need this. Get “training wheels” to walk you through my famous 12-step formula I taught around the world in 120 seminars Fill in the blanks and click a button. The ORIGINAL fill-in-the-blanks letter software. This is NOT about magically creating sales letters. It’s like TRAINING WHEELS for my 12-step formula to FORCE you to use it and walk through the process mentally. I found in teaching this in 120 seminars that people would not actually DO the formula I taught. So I decided to create a way to FORCE FEED it. THAT is why I created Push Button Letters that then spawned the whole entire genre of sales letter creation software, MOST of it sold as a magic pill without understanding the GOAL which is to get you to MENTALLY PROCESS and walk through a precise, step-by-step FORMULA. Need a target market? If you’re struggling to find a target market, I think this can help. It isn’t the ONLY thing you need. It isn’t like “the answer.” But I really think if you delve into the tool it talks about that you can really gain a deeper understanding of what is SELLING in the market. That is the purpose of it. Money Getting Secret: On December 3, 1998, I Discovered A "Money Getting" Secret That I've Repeated 122 Times -- And You Can Use This Same Secret Starting 2 Hours and 58 Minutes From Right Now!

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Page 14: The engine that grows your business Illustrations engine that grows your business Illustrations. Examples. Tips. Hi, This is Marlon.

The Road Not Taken Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim Because it was grassy and wanted wear,

Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I marked the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,

I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

Page 15: The engine that grows your business Illustrations engine that grows your business Illustrations. Examples. Tips. Hi, This is Marlon.