The End of the PDF Proof?: The Future of XML Workflows


Transcript of The End of the PDF Proof?: The Future of XML Workflows

1. PDFPROOF? THEOFTHEend THEFUTUREOFXMLWORKFLOWS 2. EVOLUTION publishingOF 3. The last ten years saw a dramatic transition from print to digital in many areas across publishing: - eRetailers/ecommerce - eBooks, digital products - new revenue streams 4. As a result there has been a shift in priorities for the modern publisher. Speed to market has never been more pertinent than in these days of instant access. 5. Changes in the buying process, new models of distribution, and an emphasis on content creation, rather than book creation, has changed the shape of publishing. 6. Why then is the industry so resistant to developing new ways to handle the production process and, in particular, the proofing process within publishing? 7. HISTORY proofingOF ABRIEF 8. Before modern developments, the process involved a paper copy of a manuscript being marked up with pen, before being forwarded, via post no less, to the author for review. The editor and author then went back and forth until the manuscript was ready. 9. All changes were then manually input into a final version, which went to the typesetter, and back for final proofing. Ultimately, this was a long and arduous process to get one book ready before it even went to print. 10. CURRENT proofingSTATEOF the 11. Developments in technology saw authors adapt to electronic versions of proofs sent by email, in the form of the PDF. 12. As authors adapted to the idea of electronic proofs, we moved on to recognise the annotated proof as the norm. This is still the case. Canwetakethis further?Yes. 13. XML centrality THE OF 14. There has been much debate over when the implementation of XML in production should occur, with views mainly based on the sector in which any given publisher functions. 15. For greater benefits, the creation of XML should be at the very core of the publishing production process, and therefore be produced as early as possible. This allows for greater automation, whether the project is traditional print publishing or digital or a combination. 16. Early implementation also allows for the content to be built correctly from start, eliminating many extra steps. XML provides transformative power, giving greater scope for content distribution in multiple formats. 17. If we agree to the centrality of a final proofed XML file, we then can move on to looking at alternative and modern approaches to the timely proofing process. 18. proofing DIGITAL publishing, TRADITIONAL 19. The distribution of electronic formats such as ePub, XML and XHTML is now critical to present and future publishing revenue streams. 20. So why are we stuck within a print based production process that is focussed on format first and content second rather than seeing the former as a by-product of valid and proofed content? 21. workflow ideal ELECTRONIC THE 22. Isnowthetimetolookatmoremodernand efficientproofingmethods? If we agree that a validated XML file is the starting point to give us the power of transformation and the speed of production that goes with that format, then now is the time to start exploring new workflows for production proofing. ?? 23. Whatshoulditlooklike? Author can update content directly. Publisher can review and accept/reject author changes. Collaborative work environment for all parties. Immediate content transformation functionality. Streamlined. Simplified. User friendly. 24. By working together in one space, endless phases of a lengthy process are handled instantly. Then if production teams can click a button and have their content transformed into a finished EPUB or PDF file, think how much time is shaved off a cumbersome workflow. 25. benefits? whatARETHE 26. Greater collaboration between author, publisher and production teams Capacity to immediately update content Dramatically reduced production turnaround times 27. Reduced production stages Immediate content transformation across variety of formats Capacity to push content to market quicker and more efficiently Significant cost savings to production. 28. Discover Deanta's publishing production platform, DeantaSource. 29. The system features a uniquely centralised collaborative workspace, enabling content transformation and real-time editing of XML within a HTML environment. The platform also features trackable milestones, a communication portal and DAM capacity with metadata integration to ONIX standards. 30. [email protected] Artwork designed by Freepik