*-• .--- rv*m mmnjwmjwy** -7-w-J JI II mvwijwiimjjifmm wwwwvM^^t^mwmmm^i * ** K^W v ""^WiWWWWII MIS. JEFFERSON DAVIS BESIDE HER HUSBAND. Baried In Hollywood Cemetery at Richmond. Richmond. Va.. Oct 19. -The train bearing the body of Mrs. Jefferson Davis arri\ed here about half past 8 o'clock tihs Boor id s met at Elba, an u n •'• rion, by Lieuten- a i. i. Taylor i I v' i c . ed the ladies of funeral part} from Now i r to the I fife Hotel. The members of the Davis family RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. Ayden. N. C. Oct. 20, 1906. To the officers and members of Eureka Eodge, No. 167. Ayden. N. C We your committee appointed to draft resolutions, beg leave to submit the following: Whereas, it has pleased an|All Wis Providence to remove from ti lv cm ii rother, m «- W. ' (juincriy, a ittle .v.,, Whereas, \ reeognize and bow in humble sul a who came with the remains were. io li <-' will of Him, our Great Mr. a uldisoi . i ... Jeffe ' i ss Haj s and l>r. and Mrs. \V A Ii,. m s ti:e we e met ' Io- « ., i- Vi er: » and I I ' t . au V e i ti v t people a v. ere I « < con d 1 : J ( J Si R , C ' i . . 1 A ,' ; , s After the a processioi was formed and the march was taken up 'or. I Cem< t- ery. The procession was made up of the Ideal batallion of the Seventieth regiment of Virginia volunteers, a company from Pe- tersburg, the Richmond Howitz- ers, local and visiting camps of Con federate veterns and sons of veterns. daughters of the Con- federacy and Confederate Me- morial Associations. There were representatives in Hne from most of the States which made up the Confederacy. A: the head of the procession roae General Stephen D. Lee. of Mississippi, their numbers became in many Chancellor who knoweth what is terefore be it i iso red, . r Broth< r ': in- and his family our si cer in their hour sor- ,ni the ! I ,.:...> : . . we would reini; . tiicin al Cha ic II cha lovi . ningl; n »« a . . in the (nd red a : I ioy, things well. h: i ( od. ' : Shaw is qiiou "Self-government is the seve-l est task w! ich God in His wisdo n | evei bee. uon pHiss> hildren. It look six thousand years to develop a people into whose hands He dared commit then own political affairs." This is a great truth, and yet the Republican party boasts o; its wisdom in giving the ballet t< a great horde of ignorant black men less than three hundred years removed from savagery and but a few years removed from slavery, who by virtue of ixaraactnw.; . '.*." . .r:jtu in civilian garb, as chief marsh- all of the parade. At the cemetery there was an- other large gathering of people. The service.-, which were brief. were conducted by Rev. Mr. Forsyth and Rev. Dr. Seagle. The Howitzers fired an artillery salute with the guns which were TCCOtly issued to them by the general government and two companines of the infantry fired .three volleys over the grave. A noteworthy personage at the" obesquies was James Jones, a colored nun who drove the Davis family carriage during the war and who now lives in Ral- eigh, N. C. He attended the funeral of President Davis and Hiss Winnie Davis and though now bent writhage and much en- feebled, insisted on being pres- places rulers of their masters. The Republicans dared by statute to repeal God's eternal law of the races and the ages, and now they glory in their shame and folly. —Raleigh News nd Observer. eni' gi C H Cl d i - I i i : e great insti- tut on all good things, tin e i who constantly seek to i ! ' 1 lessings. For the bet i fit of those who have suf- fered by the action of those who have always managed to break in at thi time and in a dozen different ways cause in- convenie ice, we give the follow- ing rules governing; the proper use oi i:it telephone, taken from the Richmond Journal: 1. "Don't call a man to the telephone for a social chat dur- ing ' . ' B hours. 2. 1.' n't waste the time of ©tl : le by talking longer thai i . cessary. 8. Don't "jolly" Central and Perkins-Hamersley.. Weldon, Oct. 18.—Mr. William Whithead Perkins, the mail cl rk on the Weldon and Kin?;on branch, and Miss Virginia Mi s- grove Hamersley were marric i at the home of the bride at Roil- ing Hill, Charlotte county, Va. Mr. Perkins is a splendid young man and stands high with the officials of the railway mail service. The bride is said to bo a lovely and charming young woman- Raleigh News and Ob- : ,.. I'aec Wed- la; Mr. Perkins is a Ovi isited < relativi ir home pre . . I . "1 JF ' Every charm arc! grace of fern nine I. era finds t in ' shoes. 1 i fashion co;r... frill covei i, , ci >f footwear, for are not woman's credentials to refinement signed by her shoes? and her passport therefore should be the "Doro- thy Dodd". If you have never worn a "Dorthy Dodd"ju6tJ try one pair. It will work wonders in the looks of your lett. These charming shoes can be lound here in a lull assortment ot styles and sizes. ^'.M. J ^ Give Cen- Anything the keep others waiting. your number only, moi is an imposition on otl bribers. 4 Don'l use thi office tele- pi let b. ' r i ls te gossip over th. . . If you must tell it, wr t ' u the telephi all Their Supper. The simplest, most straight- forward acts are often fraught with a dramatic power which elaborately studied art would fail to produce. Much homely tragedy is contained in the d< ( d of a poor woman related in the Chicago Chronicle. Quietly and modestly she entered a barroom and advanced to her husband, who sat drinking with ti.iv ot'ier men. She placed a cover I dial the table and said: "Thml .. $ you d be too busy to come hoi to supper, Jack, I've brought to you here. Then she departed. The man laughed awkardly. He invited his friends to share the meal with him. When he n . ired the cover from the i i h r iinal con- '<'•' : ' '''< ! tlial '' y ' ' v & I .. slip of paper, on which \... written: 1 hope you will enjoy your sup per. It is the same your wife and chsldren have at home. b kLEOF I'I- I TV PR )PEH I \: ' N UP. Ih . i np i/i.i' SOT, weigh- ing alxmi 200 pound* if fat, red and l>i:ick spnttad, npili ID left ear. Omaurm .<t saiae by proTiog pm-r. I ii <1 payiog o«*t J. F. M»j, Greenville, N. C. 'i-r<t-y fflven '' ' 'ii bur i>, ,i .ii., i '(» H 13 0 Cl «' . < "• II. I *li, . >(•- I. put' h'MU il ' I.- I tbc I t- Hailie K k>v«BS. of UrMnrllli ,0«IUhlP all the i,*T»ni hi pro|*riy nf tin <>Kt*reof ihe MldHjtttta K KvaMi.eniiniBtlnir of : r. - - - l cow, i yearlliiK. i$ ho.-*, i bn«Ky, t ' <r < | WUOB, 1 n I'WIUK Daoblne and rMk- i » ". pl« w», ha if f.-. i i»u.,jr>. I wag on. *H'» hooaabold au<J kitebno lori.ltur*. Irrmirub. Tbli 1h« utb dtf of tici..bnr '***' ROT T MTktn AdBtctatMiOBOf Batti* E Pi—a 1 a The cloaks and furs are here in great abundance of styles i trices. We have the newest ar xclu= andyr: them i „_L<» . j:.:.a^*»Mtii - -.^.. . - ..." T YJ Ml A 1 ^tlOt'l!) ->X+i i>ay- -. -*£'.. -fc- *.*- :»-~« «^« Ml W \Jf*& Need no mending. They are the stockings for Winter. Never wrinkle or come down as they fasten securely at the waist. They are made of the best yarns and only r?er = poisonotii DYE£ are used in their construc- tion fVo Roll and f.uarnnteo FRY STOCXIMBSl EVERY PAIP GUARANTEED TO OIVH SATISFACTION TRIAL OF NOT LESS fMAN FOUR VH KS SATISFACTION AFTER A FAIR No, -It sizes .") li> 7 price only No. ^11 size-. 7$ to !• price only No. 234 sizes 5 in "'price onlv No. 23-t >'" - lh '" ' ' price only 19c 23e 28--. 82«. We heartily recommend that you give Fay Stockings a i air [ £ai« - ,^-mt- sail •••*." THE EASTERN » J WHICHARD. Editor and Owner. Twice-a-WeeK—Tuesday and Friday. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR OL.No. XXV GREENVILLE. PITT COUNT/. NORTH CAROLI VI, OCTOBER 26, 19'.6 ;:o. 9-1 WOMAN'S ASSOCIATION. [ For tlie Betterment of Public School Kcusei in Pitt County. I Reported for i.eflector: On Saturday Oct. 13th. at the [graded school. Greenville, N. C., I was organized the Woman's As- sociation for the betterment of [public school houses of Pitt I county. The meeting was called to or- [der by Miss Dora Hornaday. [piesident pro. tern. The first! | business in order was the election! of officers. The officers elected are as fol- lows: President. Miss Betty Wright; vice president, Miss Dora Hornaday: secret ry and treasurer. Miss Annie Perkins. Whil president, rice presidem and secretary retired to select V.) i icecuth - ommitl , Prof McArthur, of Ayd l, spoke I very fittingly ol Dr. Mclver, t founder and promoter of this organization Misses Boushall, L. Mooring. i Blanche Mayo, Ada Ward, Eula j Cox, Mrs. Bobbitt together with 1 the officers constitute the exec.i- j tive committee. This committee was instructed to draft a consti- j tution for the approval of the j association before its next meet- ing The officers of the teachers as- sociation have kindly consented! [to give the last half hour eachj meeting for a session of the] [ Womans Betterment Association. | The township vice-presidents | are as follows: Beaver Dam Miss Dell Clement Belvoir Miss May Brooks, Bethel Miss Elizabeth Jones, Carolina Miss Anna Spain, i Chicod Miss Addie Johnson, i Contentnea Miss Mollie Bryant, Falkland Miss Mary Brown, iFarmville Miss Ada Tyson, Greenville ' Miss Nelf Pactolus Miss Oharlotte Ireland Swift Cre?k Miss Lilly Pair These vice-presidents are re- quested io organize, as best they can, an association in their re- spective townships before the [November meeting of the asso- I ciation. The-Woman's Betterment As- Isociation Li not merely for the (teachers but for every woman of {Pitt county: each woman should [be vitally interested in the pub- He schools of her county, for it lis to ti..' public schools we look for our future citizenship and] Headers. So far as improving the kchool id Bch ol < nvifbnmenl [of tiii.- ( . :::;• is c< IHI ned, we, las teach aln oi I ilpless In II . .i cl [woi-. i ...n: V, iii! [the teas!'! re. Wc i •- ! ask your help. V kins secretary. DREAM CAME TRUE. Young Lady Finds Lost Ring Through a Vision. "Did you ever know a dream to come true?" Royce Tucker asked the editor the other day. "Oh, yes," was the reply "but have you got something to tell about one coining true?" Whereupon he said, that one of his sisiers lost a linger ring somewhere in her room, and though she searched diligently failed to find it. Afterward she went into the country for a visit and while away Miss Tucker dreamed that her ring was under a tablet on the bureau in her room. Returning hone she looked at the place indicated in her aream and, sure enough, th u as the ring. Perhaps some ether of our . saders can tell equal'y as re- markable an incident of a dream coming true, if so let us have it. RESOLUTIONS Or RE PtCT. Advtcd by Mohican Tribe I. O R. M., Winterv.lle. N. C. Whereas the Great Spirit has seen fit to visit the home of our brother, J. F. Harrington, and take from him his little son. Theron, be it resolvad: 1st. That we bow in humble submission to the will of the Great Spirit and rely upon him alone who can comfort. 2nd. That wc extend thent bereaved family our totfelt-n sympathy, trusting thhearhen' they can no longer fatt whee trails of this life maoilow bet reunited with lity they ou the shores of tho ppy Ha oneH ing Ground, where the council fire of love burneth forever in righteousness. 3rd. That a copy of these res- olutions be spread upon our rec- ords, a copy be sent to the be- reaved family and a copy be sent tne Reflector for publication. Heber McLawhorn, | J. A. Manning, f Com E. A. Cooper. I KUilcL ITtMS. Bethel. N. C. Oct. 22.190G. The Democratic speaking here Saturday was well attended. M. O. Blount is Laving a two- story dwelling house erected near he d epot. This will be quite an addition to our little town. Mrs. Elizabeth L. Mathtws, of Bethel, died on the 15th inst., in the 71st year, of her age. She had been in feeble hialth for some time. She left two sons and many friends to lament their loss. Missionary Rally Day was ob- served at the Methodist church yesterday, it being the th Sunday. The program which w: si m iwhat elaborate wai > n in- sd in a creditable manner, "•iving evidence of che fact that the children had be well trained. It was a d< ligh I'ul occasion, and everybody seemed to enjoy it. How to Get On. Say. do you know the kind of man who's just to the world's mind. The kind the world can'4 lose. The kind that folks grow enthusiastic over and take oil their hats to? Why, it's the nun who does. He's the man! Not the fellow DEMOCRAT* SPEAKINGAI tYDEN- CAPTiVE STOMACHS FOR ALCOHOL f WOMEN FAVOR A REF0RMAT5KT TESTS. . _ UW HSTJUS* an^Grhn V **\ JKing', Daughtm of N.-'i : o'in. G. James and il! w/'v.Twdbei' , Gav « rlunsn! Chemist Intends to Fill, Issue an Appeal to Men. ' address*the people of Pitl Men With Strong Driuk. . The following app-jal Iia been county on tho political issues of rf«mirMoomii«,».«.* *- :* !• lay. | " congress will co sent to it, issuedby the reformatory com- et everybody attend and hear I)r - Harvey \V. Wiley, chief mittee of the King's Daughters chemist of the department of hn this state: . "" curate a ;To the Men of North Carolina: r. C. Harding, Chm. Dem. Ex. Com, a '-" t ' :il ^e. W. L. B'l.wn. .': ]•> ::.i.. i ' ' xperiments to determ- The Dau hters of | neth ' ' " »f alcohol on the | North Carolina, at their last !ccte:l a com- Miss Moye"s Vv'!!i. ••'! f tl . I , T : ''' : : '" Bt0maCil - nieMoyebas been admitt ' |; '' course, i everybody| mittee t0 ' ' ' of . ; pi ' at* and Mrs. Nannie H(.s- is an idea ateusi iedas the sole 1. - of strong dri - is i llowed by ' ' what f i I in this i in v. hich . . . . d ' ; : ioint ..•';•. -. The N. C. Division 6. C. A. to Organ- ize in Districts. i ' : . . mow "the blgl eo ne' fit pi known . . . Wiley hard, titnl facts, i livethingsj? 6 the state i . irm- ;rl bo .. your careful in- dorsement i ! i ; W e i' 1 i no e than one . in this i •• or tates :' •• :: expei in i n this work California, is. whose grandpa there; not the man who would if he could; not the gentleman woo's i .g to some day: buttlv man W.ID does, now, today. —Frederick - burg Journal. Request to SuSsc-ibers. In a few days The Reflector will begin sending statements to subscribers of what they owe the paper. Those who feel interest- ed in saving us the trouble and expense of sending these State- ments can do so by coming in and paying without wait'ng for the statement. Rut if you do get a statement please attend to it promptly, as th i money due us is needed. conference today with all forms of alcohol, from the real 1 few months to devote their ef- from hard Clder and bcer to forts to district rather than coun-, straight whiskey, then to the ty organization. President Moore| highball and then th.' cocktail. will,go to central points in the | an d from that delicious concoc- Noilh ( rohna cotton belt and gather together the county offi- cers in the adjacent counties for conference and carry on through the the work of edu- cation in the bringing of the rank hie of the cotton growers into the fullest possible co-oper- ation in the work of the associa- tion Tke first of these district meetings is to be held within the next week or two THE WASHINGTON HOSPITAL. tion to the finest "mixed" drink. Whispers have been heard that another poison squad was r-out to begin doing business in Dr. Wiley's laboratory. Dr. Wiley confirmed the report today. "It is true," he said, "This time we shall use food products containing saltpeter." I IHe then explained the salt- peter squad will be on trial for about four weeks. For the first two weeks they will be fed the purest food, and in the last two Our Neighbor Town Has Cause to be weeks they will get the saltpeter. Pi or Milkman :fli : . Ili ' by Three 1. . IT..'.. ffWLi . Lester B. iprietor of a small uts ti';'" terely provided| hi life a necessities, lias In. ! i i thrust upon him. Within six months three rela- tives have died, leaving him $260,000. First two aunts living in the west passed away, making Har-1 Tis sole beneficiary of their wills. Then a brother, who left home when :t lad to follow the races, died, after naming Harris the sole their. The brother left more th in 8100.00 Mr. and Mrs: Harris, who have four children, celebrated their good Lck and their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary the other day. They hav moved into town to a finely furnished home from their little rented farm. At ' ' celebration Mrs. Har* ri i e a Worth gown that cost hundreds of dollars. Among the gin s's were patrons of Han-;..' old ni route. Marriage License. Rei -of D ' R. Williams I h n following 1 sine i . Clai [urii< id Mary A. Rouse. Edward Smith am! Maud Ty- son. COLORED. Lonnie Williams and Lela Bar- rett William McKelly and Pearle More. AV£BJ)ICf OPGUIL Y. RelurntH Again t Standard Oil vompany, ol Ohio -Jtuy Dclibtraieu Thirty Two Hours. Findlay, Ohio, Oef »ber 10. Bj the -' of . jury t! .-'. ". aid Oi i - ipany of 0 ;- u Itj ti r y r. le in viol pi t \ tine a :: ; -i. I law ol Ihio. The penalty i a fine of from .-. t) to S ." H. ' ich lay !)>• iv- ', ated for eai . d<ij of the of- e, ot. imprii it if from six to I v. lv m ith i. The Standard * 'il Companj of ol Ohio, ha g^iven notice that it will file a motion for a new trial. The next step will be for the ^ ... to impose the p<rial < To ;he state, the suit, the ver- dict and the tiltim te appeal is important particularly because it initiates an entirely new method of proceeding against alleged trade monopolies—that is by confirmation and affidavit instead of by grand jury indict- ment. After the verdict had been read. Attorney Troup stepped up to the bar of the court as the jury was leaving the box and said he wished to make the mo- tion for a new trial in the case. He was assured by the court that the motion would be enter- tained, whereupon he returned to his hotel. - Pr of Such an Institution, •nt rt of a day An Unusual Case :i, V/i'.kos. Wilkes is hard to head. About two weeks ago Mitchell Wood went to Pres Hayes, in Mulberry township, and sold him a calf to }':•' i onej i license u< ued Gene I gins. Next day he was di d, went back, hai.' i! o' >nej i id ti the calf home. A few days later he again took the calf to Pres, got the money and came to town and bought the license. He was. married soon afterwards, but his bride refused to go home with him and still refuse to live with him. It is something new in the marriage line. ENGINE AND FK' I 'I" CAR WRECK- ED AT tilNi. A serfcna wreck occurred onj the A. 0. .. at Dunn Friday nigh. „. -:. ieven o'clock, k.Tl-i ing cor-' tor Furbeville, . .: a bral: The cause of th wreci. i ' p •' >valy kno bul it >H iu ..:• '• if the, thi few Lei beam loc ; id v< :v.. i , ng< . :• nU groove ther by railing the engine whi< ii turne I its : 'le. piling the freight ear on topi :' it and pin ni the i igineer fireman, con uctor and . ,.',-.. in under the! mai a ol dol ,: ';-.. Conouctor Turbevilh had bi en in the employ of the company for. eleven years i" 1 *! was held in high ste i. by the company. He was;12y ..isold and unmarried and lived at Florence, S. C. i Damaging Cotton. The recent rains have done still further damage to cotton. Farmers coming in say that seed are sprouting in the burr. We nt ,-t ot a day in Wash: .,tor. jcently, our first visit to that town in a number of years. The progress the town has made is almost marvel- ous. The business section of Main street has been nicely -Ex. The Best Christmas Present for a Little Money. When your Christmas present is a year's subscription to The Youth's Companion you give as much in good reading as would paved and beautiful brick stores |v ,.„... ,„.„_, P(1S ,, S , r ,,. , ks ;; : - :;" the . '; 1; '-' V . the !of history or travel or biograi ' '"ildingsthat stoodl there ordjna] . ,- : . ., ... : .. '' 5i ears ' ^ryiewd No , doyouKive , ; iv;u v . ,te bellum relics bong ( . : : > Kb ilr ii wi.- pleasant to nine changes, what impres sed nost wa i the splendid hos fiv.mi luildings that stm d thi r i. ' h low \> tin us pilai th< I th< institu- iion in char re ol !>;•.•-. D. T. and • ir Taj ii r two of the best ph; bi fou id in the East. We were shown through the institution by Dr. .Joshua Taylor, and whil much hadbi :i heard of it we were not prepared for such a revelation. The building i .. el....... .. one of two stories and '•. loment, ii .' st, renov m d mo I entertair g ol iters have been contribute n to Tin i . ipa lion, i 11 need u r i'i, r that The Companion will i: ro i ite or unwel- co •'. . boy. the girl, every other member of the family,— will insist upon a share in it' There i: i other present costing so little that goes so far. On receipt of 31.75, the yearly subscription price, the publishers send to the new subscriber The Companion's four leaf hanging District Meeting of Superintendents. Prof. W. H. Ragsdale left this morning for Windsor to attend the meeting of the North Eas- tern Association of county su- perintendents of schools This association embraces twenty- two counties in this section of the State. Prof. Ragsdale is president of the body and has been since its organization. An Import::::'. Matter. It is the duty ol e\ rj I lento- crat in Pitt count) to regi iter al once it' his name v i th registration books two years ago. Those who have moved from one precinct to another should get a certificate from the registrar of their old precinct and see that their name is enrolled on the books at their present precinct. large enough to care for thir:; ,,,,,,,„,„. fol . l907> lith(Wraphed patients at one time. It is fa twe i veco!oi . s antl , d< an(i heated throughout by steam and 1 8ub8cription certificate for the fitted for Jjoth gas and electric I f ., ty , v . () i6gueB of the >v;l ,.. s volume. Full illustrated anncuncemen of The Companion for 1907 will be sent with sample copies of the paper to any address free. Subscribers who get new sub- scriptions will receive $16,290.00 in cash and many other special awards. Send for information. The Youth's Ci: ipan'on, Boston, Mass. lighting. The wards, halls, of- fice, reception and operating rooms are appropriately fur- nished; the equ'pm nt of surgical Instruments and medical appli- ances is the v.r - be;t science and skill have produced. There are fourteen trained nurse; con- nected with the hospital, not all engaged at the same time in at- tending the patients, but a re- serve force kept to be sent out l44 Berkeley Street on call where their services are IT ili 1 in nursing the sick, Its , | , ..i. ;,i ,. ,., ,. count Aftei thro I : . ;i has grown so rapidlj in popu- lar favor. It is a credit to the physicians and attendants in charge as well as to the town of Washington. We long for the time to come when Greenville can have such an institution Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Virginia. Why is not North Carolina on th .. list? Her boys are as well worth sav- ing as others, her men and women as philanthr : : c and yet her criminal '•' . i are er hardened ; n . ire ,.:es. by association with those more vicious than ourselves or have to be sent to other stat s f r 'for- mation; that there m ., be no doubt of the duty and expedi- ency of having a re for i school in this state, we mention the following statistics; The majority of s:ates dec are that they save 75 per cent of de- linquents in their rsformato ":es. The percentage is much lar-jer i-i the case of youthful than adult offenders. In some cases 90 pet cent, and more of the youthful criminals are re- claimed. In Nashville, Tenr., a citizc n in the presence of the re- form sc! oo; stated that of the 1,800 inmat ss only 1 had been known n I urn to < . nallife. Prom tl ' in : •• of ' : '. Cin- /• i : i im ' v..! f ' ... : ii Is 91 | II i; ceni - r .. n d, i of adt ts, Tl i r !! d tubt, Il cate, mot i . our juvenile ... ; matt " of ecu I: sax 1 to thi ... SO. A boy is clothed, f' : i -md )• Ii imed in .. r 1 at a cost of ijilOO . i :. . rifl is paid annually $100 .'or lie ling him only. If the weal h i tali do- pen's upon its proc'u i rs, W in- crease ii,.ii i lass Ly vingthe boys ami co n rtinj t e nto workingme i, ind in I k i a iner diminis'i the numbi if. i um- ers io be fed and nuar the jail-. Ci me t- ur aid < n a •'. ave the boy . by i r i that t <• leg- islature estc in an formatory for tl em. DEMOCRATIC SPE AT 0i 12 .1 r The Ladles Aid Spcietyof thej . ; ' . (vif'JtV( i ... i. b \ e attti n will be t/ansacted The moon would shine if it had a chance. Just think of it, Christmas only two months off. ' day. Oct, l«06 at '.. noon. II "i. ''. G. V. Who I the ' 'I'.'fS I I'I U ' i Chm. t , W: L Brown, Secrr' try. Com Ohio has approp i $76,000 to erect a building ami l.iake ex- hibits at the Jamestown exposi- tion. V .:"• mm

Transcript of THE EASTERN -

*-• .--- rv*m mmnjwmjwy** -7-w-„ J JI II mvwijwiimjjifmm wwwwvM^^t^mwmmm^i *** K^W v ""^WiWWWWII
Baried In Hollywood Cemetery at Richmond.
Richmond. Va.. Oct 19. -The train bearing the body of Mrs. Jefferson Davis arri\ed here about half past 8 o'clock tihs Boor id s met at Elba, an u • n •'• rion, by Lieuten- a i. i. Taylor i I v' i c . ed the ladies of funeral part} from Now i r to the I fife Hotel. The members of the Davis family
Ayden. N. C. Oct. 20, 1906. To the officers and members of
Eureka Eodge, No. 167. Ayden. N. C
We your committee appointed to draft resolutions, beg leave to submit the following:
Whereas, it has pleased an|All Wis Providence to remove from
ti lv cm ii rother,
m «-
.v.,, Whereas, \ reeognize and bow in humble sul a
who came with the remains were. io li<-' will of Him, our Great Mr. a uldisoi . i ... Jeffe ' i ss Haj s and l>r. and Mrs. \V
A Ii,. m s • ti:e we e met ' Io- « ., i- Vi
er: » and I I ' t . au V
. . 1 A ,' ; , s
After the a processioi was formed and the march was taken up 'or. I Cem< t- ery. The procession was made up of the Ideal batallion of the Seventieth regiment of Virginia volunteers, a company from Pe- tersburg, the Richmond Howitz- ers, local and visiting camps of Con federate veterns and sons of veterns. daughters of the Con- federacy and Confederate Me- morial Associations. There were representatives in Hne from most of the States which made up the Confederacy. A: the head of the procession roae General Stephen D. Lee. of Mississippi, their numbers became in many
Chancellor who knoweth what is terefore be it i iso red,
. r Broth< r ': in- and his family our si cer
in their hour sor- ,ni the !
I ,.:...>: . . we would reini; . tiicin
al Cha ic II cha lovi .
ningl; n »« a . . in the (nd red
a : I ioy, things well. h:

: Shaw is qiiou
"Self-government is the seve-l est task w! ich God in His wisdo n | evei bee. uon pHiss> hildren. It look six thousand years to develop a people into whose hands He dared commit then own political affairs."
This is a great truth, and yet the Republican party boasts o; its wisdom in giving the ballet t< a great horde of ignorant black men less than three hundred years removed from savagery and but a few years removed from slavery, who by virtue of
ixaraactnw.; . '.*." . .r:jtu
in civilian garb, as chief marsh- all of the parade.
At the cemetery there was an- other large gathering of people. The service.-, which were brief. were conducted by Rev. Mr. Forsyth and Rev. Dr. Seagle. The Howitzers fired an artillery salute with the guns which were TCCOtly issued to them by the general government and two companines of the infantry fired .three volleys over the grave.
A noteworthy personage at the" obesquies was James Jones, a colored nun who drove the Davis family carriage during the war and who now lives in Ral- eigh, N. C. He attended the funeral of President Davis and Hiss Winnie Davis and though now bent writhage and much en- feebled, insisted on being pres-
places rulers of their masters. The Republicans dared by
statute to repeal God's eternal law of the races and the ages, and now they glory in their shame and folly. —Raleigh News
nd Observer.
i : e great insti- tut on all good things, tin e i who constantly seek to i ! ' • 1 lessings. For the bet i fit of those who have suf- fered by the action of those who have always managed to break in at thi time and in a dozen different ways cause in- convenie ice, we give the follow- ing rules governing; the proper use oi i:it telephone, taken from the Richmond Journal:
1. "Don't call a man to the telephone for a social chat dur- ing '. ' B hours.
2. 1.' n't waste the time of ©tl : le by talking longer thai i . cessary.
8. Don't "jolly" Central and
Perkins-Hamersley.. Weldon, Oct. 18.—Mr. William
Whithead Perkins, the mail cl rk on the Weldon and Kin?;on branch, and Miss Virginia Mi s- grove Hamersley were marric i at the home of the bride at Roil- ing Hill, Charlotte county, Va.
Mr. Perkins is a splendid young man and stands high with the officials of the railway mail service. The bride is said to bo a lovely and charming young woman- Raleigh News and Ob-
• : ,.. • I'aec Wed- la; Mr. Perkins is a Ovi

. "1 JF '
Every charm arc! grace of fern nine I. era finds t
in *£ ' shoes. 1 i fashion co;r... frill covei i, , ci >f footwear, for are not woman's credentials to refinement signed by her shoes? and her passport therefore should be the "Doro- thy Dodd".
If you have never worn a "Dorthy Dodd"ju6tJ try one pair. It will work wonders in the looks of your lett. These charming shoes can be lound here in a lull assortment ot styles and sizes.
keep others waiting. your number only, moi is an imposition on otl bribers.
4 Don'l use thi office tele- pi let
b. ' r ils te gossip over th. . . If you must tell it, wr
t ' u the telephi all
Their Supper.
The simplest, most straight- forward acts are often fraught with a dramatic power which elaborately studied art would fail to produce. Much homely tragedy is contained in the d< ( d of a poor woman related in the Chicago Chronicle. Quietly and modestly she entered a barroom and advanced to her husband, who sat drinking with ti.iv ot'ier men.
She placed a cover I dial the table and said: "Thml .. $ you d be too busy to come hoi to supper, Jack, I've brought to you here. Then she departed.
The man laughed awkardly. He invited his friends to share the meal with him. When he n . ired the cover from the i i h
r iinal con- '<'•' :' '''< ! tlial '' y ' 'v
& I .. slip of paper, on which \... written:
1 hope you will enjoy your sup per. It is the same your wife and chsldren have at home.
I \: ' N UP. Ih . i np i/i.i' SOT, weigh-
ing alxmi 200 pound* if fat, red and l>i:ick spnttad, npili ID left ear. Omaurm .<t saiae by proTiog pm-r. I ii <1 payiog o«*t
J. F. M»j, Greenville, N. C.
'i-r<t-y fflven '' ' 'ii bur i>, ,i .ii., i '(» H 13 0 Cl «' . <"• II. I
*li, . >(•- I. put' h'MU il ' I.- • I tbc I t- Hailie K k>v«BS. of UrMnrllli ,0«IUhlP all the i,*T»ni hi pro|*riy nf tin
<>Kt*reof ihe MldHjtttta K KvaMi.eniiniBtlnir of : r. - - - l cow, i yearlliiK. i$ ho.-*, i bn«Ky, t ' <r < | WUOB, 1 n I'WIUK Daoblne and rMk- i » ". pl« w», ha if f.-. i i»u.,jr>. I wag on. *H'» hooaabold au<J kitebno lori.ltur*. Irrmirub. Tbli 1h« utb dtf of tici..bnr
'***' ROT T MTktn AdBtctatMiOBOf Batti* E Pi—a 1 a
The cloaks and furs are here in great abundance of styles i trices. We have the newest ar xclu=
andyr: them i
„_L<» .j:.:.a^*»Mtii--.^.. .-
Ml W \Jf*& Need no mending. They are the
stockings for Winter. Never wrinkle or come down as they fasten securely at the waist. They are made of the best yarns and only r?er = poisonotii DYE£ are used in their construc- tion
fVo Roll and f.uarnnteo FRY STOCXIMBSl
No, -It sizes .") li> 7 price only No. ^11 size-. 7$ to !• price only No. 234 sizes 5 in "'price onlv No. 23-t >'" - lh '" '' price only
19c 23e
28--. 82«.
We heartily recommend that you give Fay Stockings a i air [ £ai«
- ,^-mt- sail
THE EASTERN » J WHICHARD. Editor and Owner. Twice-a-WeeK—Tuesday and Friday. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR
[ For tlie Betterment of Public School Kcusei in Pitt County.
I Reported for i.eflector:
On Saturday Oct. 13th. at the [graded school. Greenville, N. C., I was organized the Woman's As- sociation for the betterment of
[public school houses of Pitt I county.
The meeting was called to or- [der by Miss Dora Hornaday. [piesident pro. tern. The first! | business in order was the election! of officers.
The officers elected are as fol- lows: President. Miss Betty Wright; vice president, Miss Dora Hornaday: secret ry and treasurer. Miss Annie Perkins.
Whil president, rice presidem and secretary retired to select V.) i icecuth - ommitl , Prof McArthur, of Ayd l, spoke I very fittingly ol Dr. Mclver, t founder and promoter of this organization
Misses Boushall, L. Mooring. i Blanche Mayo, Ada Ward, Eula j Cox, Mrs. Bobbitt together with 1 the officers constitute the exec.i- j tive committee. This committee was instructed to draft a consti- j tution for the approval of the
j association before its next meet- ing
The officers of the teachers as- sociation have kindly consented! [to give the last half hour eachj meeting for a session of the]
[ Womans Betterment Association. | The township vice-presidents
| are as follows: Beaver Dam Miss Dell Clement Belvoir Miss May Brooks, Bethel Miss Elizabeth Jones, Carolina Miss Anna Spain,
i Chicod Miss Addie Johnson, i Contentnea Miss Mollie Bryant, Falkland Miss Mary Brown,
iFarmville Miss Ada Tyson, Greenville ' Miss Nelf Pactolus Miss Oharlotte Ireland Swift Cre?k Miss Lilly Pair
These vice-presidents are re- quested io organize, as best they can, an association in their re-
spective townships before the [November meeting of the asso- I ciation.
The-Woman's Betterment As- Isociation Li not merely for the (teachers but for every woman of {Pitt county: each woman should [be vitally interested in the pub- He schools of her county, for it lis to ti..' public schools we look for our future citizenship and] Headers.
So far as improving the kchool id Bch ol < nvifbnmenl [of tiii.- ( . :::;• is c< IHI ned, we, las teach aln oi I ilpless In II . .i cl [woi-. i ...n: V, iii! [the teas!'! re.
Wc i •- ! ask your help. V kins secretary.
Young Lady Finds Lost Ring Through a Vision.
"Did you ever know a dream to come true?" Royce Tucker asked the editor the other day.
"Oh, yes," was the reply "but have you got something to tell about one coining true?"
Whereupon he said, that one of his sisiers lost a linger ring somewhere in her room, and though she searched diligently failed to find it. Afterward she went into the country for a visit and while away Miss Tucker dreamed that her ring was under a tablet on the bureau in her room. Returning hone she looked at the place indicated in her aream and, sure enough, th u as the ring.
Perhaps some ether of our . saders can tell equal'y as re- markable an incident of a dream coming true, if so let us have it.
Advtcd by Mohican Tribe I. O R. M., Winterv.lle. N. C.
Whereas the Great Spirit has seen fit to visit the home of our brother, J. F. Harrington, and take from him his little son. Theron, be it resolvad:
1st. That we bow in humble submission to the will of the Great Spirit and rely upon him alone who can comfort.
2nd. That wc extend thent bereaved family our totfelt-n sympathy, trusting thhearhen' they can no longer fatt whee trails of this life maoilow bet reunited with lity they ou the shores of tho ppy Ha oneH ing Ground, where the council fire of love burneth forever in righteousness.
3rd. That a copy of these res- olutions be spread upon our rec- ords, a copy be sent to the be- reaved family and a copy be sent tne Reflector for publication.
Heber McLawhorn, | J. A. Manning, f Com E. A. Cooper. I
Bethel. N. C. Oct. 22.190G. The Democratic speaking here
Saturday was well attended. M. O. Blount is Laving a two-
story dwelling house erected near he d epot. This will be quite an addition to our little town.
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Mathtws, of Bethel, died on the 15th inst., in the 71st year, of her age. She had been in feeble hialth for some time. She left two sons and many friends to lament their loss.
Missionary Rally Day was ob- served at the Methodist church yesterday, it being the th Sunday. The program which w: si m iwhat elaborate wai > n in- sd in a creditable manner, "•iving evidence of che fact that the children had be well trained. It was a d< ligh I'ul occasion, and everybody seemed to enjoy it.
How to Get On. Say. do you know the kind of
man who's just to the world's mind. The kind the world can'4 lose. The kind that folks grow enthusiastic over and take oil their hats to?
Why, it's the nun who does. He's the man! Not the fellow
UW HSTJUS* an^Grhn V**\ JKing', Daughtm of N.-'i : o'in. G. James and il! w/'v.Twdbei' , Gav«rlunsn! Chemist Intends to Fill, Issue an Appeal to Men. ' address*the people of Pitl Men With Strong Driuk. . The following app-jal Iia been county on tho political issues of rf«mirMoomii«,».«.* *- :* !• lay. | " congress will co sent to it, issuedby the reformatory com-
et everybody attend and hear I)r- Harvey \V. Wiley, chief mittee of the King's Daughters chemist of the department of hn this state: . ""
curate a ;To the Men of North Carolina: r. C. Harding,
Chm. Dem. Ex. Com, a'-"t':il^e. W. L. B'l.wn. .':]•> ::.i.. i ' ' xperiments to determ- The Dau hters of
|neth' '" »f alcohol on the | North Carolina, at their last !ccte:l a com-
Miss Moye"s Vv'!!i.
pi ' at* and Mrs. Nannie H(.s- is an idea ateusi iedas the sole 1. - of strong dri - is i llowed by
' ' what f t© i I in this i in v. hich . . . . d '
;: ioint ..•';•. -.
The N. C. Division 6. C. A. to Organ- ize in Districts.
i ': . . mow "the blgl eo ne'
fit pi known . . . Wiley
hard, titnl facts, i livethingsj?6
the state i . irm- ;rl bo .. your careful in- dorsement i ! i ; We i'1 i no e than one . in this
i •• or tates :' •• :: expei in i n this work California, is.
whose grandpa there; not the man who would if he could; not the gentleman woo's i .g to some day: buttlv man W.ID does, now, today. —Frederick - burg Journal.
Request to SuSsc-ibers. In a few days The Reflector
will begin sending statements to subscribers of what they owe the paper. Those who feel interest- ed in saving us the trouble and expense of sending these State- ments can do so by coming in and paying without wait'ng for the statement. Rut if you do get a statement please attend to it promptly, as th i money due us is needed.
conference today with all forms of alcohol, from the real
1 few months to devote their ef- from hard Clder and bcer to
forts to district rather than coun-, straight whiskey, then to the ty organization. President Moore| highball and then th.' cocktail. will,go to central points in the |and from that delicious concoc- Noilh ( rohna cotton belt and gather together the county offi- cers in the adjacent counties for conference and carry on through the the work of edu- cation in the bringing of the rank hie of the cotton growers
into the fullest possible co-oper- ation in the work of the associa- tion Tke first of these district meetings is to be held within the next week or two
tion to the finest "mixed" drink. Whispers have been heard that
another poison squad was r-out to begin doing business in Dr. Wiley's laboratory. Dr. Wiley confirmed the report today.
"It is true," he said, "This time we shall use food products containing saltpeter." I IHe then explained the salt- peter squad will be on trial for about four weeks. For the first two weeks they will be fed the purest food, and in the last two
Our Neighbor Town Has Cause to be weeks they will get the saltpeter.
Pi or Milkman
. Lester B. iprietor of a small
uts ti';'" terely provided| hi life a necessities, lias In. ! i i thrust upon him. Within six months three rela- tives have died, leaving him $260,000.
First two aunts living in the west passed away, making Har-1 Tis sole beneficiary of their wills. Then a brother, who left home when :t lad to follow the races, died, after naming Harris the sole their. The brother left more th in 8100.00
Mr. and Mrs: Harris, who have four children, celebrated their good Lck and their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary the other day. They hav moved into town to a finely furnished home from their little rented farm.
At '' celebration Mrs. Har* ri i e a Worth gown that cost hundreds of dollars. Among the gin s's were patrons of Han-;..' old ni route.
Marriage License. Rei -of D ' R. Williams
I hn following 1 sine
i .
rett William McKelly and Pearle
RelurntH Again t Standard Oil vompany, ol Ohio -Jtuy Dclibtraieu Thirty
Two Hours.
Findlay, Ohio, Oef »ber 10. Bj the -' • of . jury t! .-'. ". aid Oi i - ipany of 0 • ;- u Itj ti • r y r.
le in viol pi t \ tine a ::;-i. I law ol • Ihio.
The penalty i a fine of from .-. t) to S ." H. ' ich lay !)>• iv- ', ated for eai . d<ij of the of-
e, ot. imprii • it if from six to I v. lv m ith i.
The Standard * 'il Companj of ol Ohio, ha g^iven notice that it will file a motion for a new trial.
The next step will be for the ^ ... to impose the p<rial < To ;he state, the suit, the ver- dict and the tiltim te appeal is important particularly because it initiates an entirely new method of proceeding against alleged trade monopolies—that is by confirmation and affidavit instead of by grand jury indict- ment.
After the verdict had been read. Attorney Troup stepped up to the bar of the court as the jury was leaving the box and said he wished to make the mo- tion for a new trial in the case. He was assured by the court that the motion would be enter- tained, whereupon he returned to his hotel. -
Pr of Such an Institution, •nt rt of a day
An Unusual Case :i, V/i'.kos.
Wilkes is hard to head. About two weeks ago Mitchell Wood went to Pres Hayes, in Mulberry township, and sold him a calf to }':•' i onej i license u< ued Gene I gins. Next day he was di d, went back, hai.' i! o' >nej i id ti the calf home. A few days later he again took the calf to Pres, got the money and came to town and bought the license. He was. married soon afterwards, but his bride refused to go home with him and still refuse to live with him. It is something new in the marriage line.
A serfcna wreck occurred onj the A. 0. .. at Dunn Friday nigh. „. -:. ieven o'clock, k.Tl-i ing cor-' tor Furbeville, . .: a bral: The cause of th wreci. i ' p •' >valy kno bul it >H iu ..:• '• • if the, thi few Lei beam loc ; id v< :v.. i • , ng< .
:• nU groove ther by railing the engine whi< ii turne I its :'le. piling the freight ear on topi :' it and pin ni the i igineer fireman, con uctor and
. ,.',-.. in under the! mai a ol dol,:';-..
Conouctor Turbevilh had bi en in the employ of the company for. eleven years i"1*! was held in high • ste i. by the company. He was;12y ..isold and unmarried and lived at Florence, S. C.
Damaging Cotton.
The recent rains have done still further damage to cotton. Farmers coming in say that seed are sprouting in the burr.
We nt ,-t ot a day in Wash: .,tor. jcently, our first visit to that town in a number of years. The progress the town has made is almost marvel- ous. The business section of Main street has been nicely
The Best Christmas Present for a Little Money.
When your Christmas present is a year's subscription to The Youth's Companion you give as much in good reading as would
paved and beautiful brick stores |v,.„... ,„.„_, P(1S,,S ,r ,,. ,ks
;;:- :;" the. ';1;'-' V .the!of history or travel or biograi ' '"ildingsthat stoodl there ordjna] . ,- :. ., ... :..
'' 5iears' ^ryiewd No, doyouKive, ;iv;u v. ,te bellum relics bong (. :„ : •
> Kb
ilr ii wi.- pleasant to nine changes, what impres sed
nost wa i the splendid hos
fiv.mi luildings that stm d thi r i. '
h low
us pilai th< I th< institu- iion in char re ol !>;•.•-. D. T. and • ir Taj ii r two of the best ph; bi fou id in the East. We were shown through the institution by Dr. .Joshua Taylor, and whil much hadbi :i heard of it we were not prepared for such a revelation.
The building i .. el....... .. one of two stories and '•. loment,
.' st, renov m d mo I entertair g ol iters have been contribute n to Tin i . ipa lion, i 11 need u r i'i, r that The Companion
will i: ro i ite or unwel- co •'. . boy. the girl, every other member of the family,— will insist upon a share in it' There i: i other present costing so little that goes so far.
On receipt of 31.75, the yearly subscription price, the publishers send to the new subscriber The Companion's four leaf hanging
District Meeting of Superintendents. Prof. W. H. Ragsdale left this
morning for Windsor to attend the meeting of the North Eas- tern Association of county su- perintendents of schools This association embraces twenty- two counties in this section of the State. Prof. Ragsdale is president of the body and has been since its organization.
An Import::::'. Matter.
It is the duty ol e\ rj I lento- crat in Pitt count) to regi iter al once it' his name v i th registration books two years ago. Those who have moved from one precinct to another should get a certificate from the registrar of their old precinct and see that their name is enrolled on the books at their present precinct.
large enough to care for thir:; ,,,,,,,„,„. fol. l907> lith(Wraphed patients at one time. It is fa tweiveco!oi.s antl ,d< an(i
heated throughout by steam and 18ub8cription certificate for the fitted for Jjoth gas and electric I f.,ty ,v.() i6gueB of the >v;l,..s
volume. Full illustrated anncuncemen
of The Companion for 1907 will be sent with sample copies of the paper to any address free.
Subscribers who get new sub- scriptions will receive $16,290.00 in cash and many other special awards. Send for information.
The Youth's Ci: ipan'on, Boston, Mass.
lighting. The wards, halls, of- fice, reception and operating rooms are appropriately fur- nished; the equ'pm nt of surgical Instruments and medical appli- ances is the v.r- be;t science and skill have produced. There are fourteen trained nurse; con- nected with the hospital, not all engaged at the same time in at- tending the patients, but a re- serve force kept to be sent out l44 Berkeley Street on call where their services are IT ili 1 in nursing the sick, Its
, | , ..i. ;,i ,. ,., ,.
count Aftei thro I :
. ;i has grown so rapidlj in popu- lar favor. It is a credit to the physicians and attendants in charge as well as to the town of Washington. We long for the time to come when Greenville can have such an institution
Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Virginia. Why is not North Carolina on th .. list? Her boys are as well worth sav- ing as others, her men and women as philanthr : :c and yet her criminal '•'. i are er hardened ;n . ire ,.:es. by association with those more vicious than ourselves or have to be sent to other stat s f r 'for- mation; that there m ., be no doubt of the duty and expedi- ency of having a re for i school in this state, we mention the following statistics; • The majority of s:ates dec are that they save 75 per cent of de- linquents in their rsformato ":es. The percentage is much lar-jer i-i the case of youthful than adult offenders. In some cases 90 pet cent, and more of the youthful criminals are re- claimed. In Nashville, Tenr., a citizc n in the presence of the re- form sc! oo; stated that of the 1,800 inmat ss only 1 had been known n I urn to < . nallife. Prom tl ' in :•• of ':'. Cin- /• i : i im
' v..! f ' ... :
i; • ceni - r .. n • d, i
of adt ts, Tl i r !! d tubt, Il cate, mot i . our juvenile ... ; matt " of ecu I:
sax 1 to thi ... SO. A boy is clothed, f' : i • -md )• Ii imed in .. r 1 at a cost of ijilOO . i :. . rifl is paid annually $100 .'or lie ling him only.
If the weal h i tali do- pen's upon its proc'u i rs, W in- crease ii,.ii i lass Ly vingthe boys ami co n rtinj t e nto workingme i, ind in I k i a iner diminis'i the numbi if. i um- ers io be fed and nuar • the jail-.
Ci me t- • ur aid < n a •'. ave the boy . by i r i that t <• leg- islature estc in an formatory for tl em.
i ... i.
The moon would shine if it had a chance.
Just think of it, Christmas only two months off.
V. Who I the ' 'I'.'fS
U ' i
Ohio has approp i $76,000 to erect a building ami l.iake ex- hibits at the Jamestown exposi- tion.
V • .:"•
pp*- »r-r v— u •' «^ipi||HMWI «Pi«mnwwiiiiuii|«H^iiiaii
.- ii*. 4
i :. ' ! vandWcdnesdayfOct.9and 10.
no no .4 TO OBioiom. T»i Cierk of Kuix-rlor ONH of PlttC.otttr
havln i-.-ur.-d |pt>r- of adiniuiatr-c-lou To i»- he aixlrrslmrii, on the IV». day °" Bed."- IV* 11,.- . -•!«•( r.dK»r Sahara. •••MOT i,u le- i» hirrby Kives 10 All i-era >a» IM—WOT lolbr |MW« e. make Imm. dlate i-arinrnl'0 Mi* undrn-lxned. and lo all rt»illl«>r» ••« »«o inn •• HI i reaeni their MM iiroiwrij emu entle»t-d. to the undersigned. wliMu ivrelr- ii i'i-f -Ml-d-i'ol ii'i* Notice, oribt* N. tit-.- will be |,lead In bar of l heir recovery
Tni- thellth day of Sept 1«»« „ ,, , Snaan «. »al lard
' dlnx on the r'HtRte "f K-l • .r i- .. 1 i r 1
in itaroiind. Pitt Oouniy.
i UTeel
. ti- f n<iNHt- fi.«.T*» nan* i i . ||,a .ii.-. in t, em I If I
i .-. i ?.i • l In it.- -•• !•(
' 'll , •('• but h»" •> •' •,
. r •• N i i ' •• •• nn inn* i" -"• •
i ;> io thi*Coarl i >i ... nude FI -1 id eompUluti
i \r* Mi.- .*Mi <•*)" of r-ei>t«'iut'--r l'«». |». (J Mo. I-
i'!i>rk '•uperto? Julius l!r. «ii,
ifomey for l*i*iiitl.r
What Joaquin Said.
It is related that when Joaqnhx Miller was asked to 50 to the race* he wpOe$$v *<.•]&<•& 'jP't"101 R- ano!*' Aid" (li«itSijVl'on»P*niw
tho^mwle, wo arv [orced to put our own construction on thepoet'senig- ma ti H lajay l«...yial ,1. 1 tltc-ioVii thi r 1 . -
r 1
il that '. 1 the lyre
1 '. '
le raem- 1- »ti chnld lake eogni-
zancc of Ii'- proposed whereabouts. Perhaps we'd belter let it go at that.—Cli' Ii' 'I Plain Dealer,
I . ,1 - fn il- rm ill H" Sn| »ri ' url . . 1 HI 1 riiniiy 1, n,W 111 a m.i'i.1 |iroe Huff. numberless. -niHeo . L>. Joyn.r a titnara. Kx. ' »H-. 'hi- ill .'err-ll I r vi'i '--' ner «! aril fm .•«!! lefoie Hie linn lima* nirii. i;r«i-nv'i'- .HI at, 1 day. • i i , I
]efh 1906 at 13 r.'.'h ck m t'"- f-' ' *' , rilu irartoftai ,1 In rurinv i
I"I .1 ir.- I 11 'Joining II • leWl" •• ' ' '"- I-11 w, ii.,-,.-, \l . II. fcinillmii,l l'-i- ly-
1 t I 1 ' -II ' I I-" 5 1 Ii" nlvi 1 11.1 lh
il,- Wll 1 V llliaa ,1 : ,.-! 11 ,- l . it- . 1 ' In
. . 1 ,-. . - 1 • roi
. . , i-i •,.- -it 1 «• rat •. ei.:*'(i.l„-r i -lh i'i«,.
V a. t'ninm
llli.-l... -' -' I''-' - ' Pitt eonnti i» V,. I, ' ' :" »U. "1 idrtaiffiicd will Mil
, , .. ,. saiurJai 'i,- HI ilaj ofnoTan !th i.lidlvl .,1 lllt»>*«l II
t,--.i'i 1 ( land 1, . 1.. - 'i' - - ....... 1 ,
''. .. ,:.'.. . r : 1, .1 h Heilwl T. wnahm
Hue nan hlh. J ract
.,..., . 1.
NOTICE TO MBRCHANT. 1 liavo complo ed mv trip 0 or
til- cull: y tGSt IV! wrife'llts and
measuios If any havo been Iovorlookvd and will bring their I'Wright s and meanuresto Oreen- NriUtt on the first Monday in N - I vember I wi 11'at them icn on thai day
• • '. K 11 'I '
II • .. rin y
TI e pai tncrship 11 ' rt>re I cxis:inji bi tw«-fi the UIMI' 1 si:rn- : oil in 11 o i' "ii ofGr»»envil e. Pitt
con 1 North Carolina, 1 nder I the firm imme «.f "B !!• Pie Ion Tobacco 1 oinpany, ' lias bwn ilisMhi'l by mutual eonKoiii Mr. K Hcl len «ill eoi.tinoe busii • r under ttie same name and ut tlio same p'aco, .11 'I we exti n 1 'iim our best '•' s, • M.,,1 . 1 11 i'< for him and hi • j
. 1 „ i- . ilic must liberal patron- j
'i:;.'. . j 1', . • ii Idinuclaimsaga'pist
HI wil present i!;'' •. t; H. P.c'.i on, tire 11 I
1 once. -'*,li 1'ay ut A'i iust
ih -
i .' I'.iyi-n
OriCETO CBEDITX)B8. 'lark «-f-iiipurlori'onrt Kilt Cnnitf |
iny laaua.l i-r.-ro' Adinltitstra »•" 10 . ill., nuder, "< ,',l on ih- i'i, day I Oat IYO* the • -t,i- . 1 Tho» l>. v ,-. il ir.-i. not la h.ri.t.y nlvaii to all |n»raoah m.lHlit.'d fhaaatate' lo umk^ Im Iiat* i.iyiu^nt the nnderalanrd. and to all ore-dllon of ea eaiate«fo preaei t th-lr alaiUfl |,J,'|,erly a them Irate,1, to the iin-iemiidieil with twelve inontha ^fter thn .late of thia nolle will be tilesil In bar of their recovery
Thl»,th...yofOc,..'i.,v j^JUma
F. o. .lumen attorney.
Isn'lit Wonprf eul?
has entirely cured our little girl of
a very bad case of eczema, which covered a great part of her body.
She had ee/.eina periodically) from the lime she was three weeVs old,
until she was six years old. Sh6
h 1 uw per'retly well and I feel 1 a) . (auioi -\>: V u 0 h gblv of" I bill I.; • I . ' I I 11 Ii -\ll pit in <>f
i I'm MI yttm. i;<t-i tciliilly, .1 W'.COBB
To Publishers and Printers

- i ,: - Col
nd ' ad Kn •-. 4 I thick . ly as 1 . ' 1 i.-«
withou' '• . 'ttly ' . 1 ..
' '.1 ..
Horse floods, &C, — of
PRICES Retacli j Itil II '
llulei regular lenirths 2fle. PM
raoing Xi. S. C'oluin and Ili'iul Ruled - in.'lies in and over Hii DW
A 1 JII tile 1 r rt- i.u mi
Rule, wi e fnP partirn- 9pl I.,I-, will be oheerfiilly ^' -ii on application. kiFhiladiliiia Printers Su Iv Co •T- I U....1..I,,... .< Tu.a -.„il
Cor cy
». NIr.1l- 5" • Uiiitf'tM 1
Is one where health abounds. With impure blood there can- not be good health. With a disordered LIVER there cannot be good blood.
TirtfsPills revivify the torpid LIVER and restore Its natural action.
D. W. HARDEE, or \' 1
n s And PrOA 'oilS
Cotton !'•..;:-.'':...•. and Tit's always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con- stantly In stock. Country Produce Uo .In ond Sold
A healthy LIVER meant pure blood. . — Pare bleod means Health. Health moans happiness.
Take no Substitute. All Druggists.
liardee, NVILLE
STlC We heartily iuvife our jriends to caU at our s ore any day during this week where v/e are d:n^tis- ratingtiie superior qualities of the will ktowi
l'rtBahjS$ni ',1
••'; WIK- -;•--'- -'.'tr.'.r.'""?'j.J«; - • '-. '
»,'S, 18flaltoMelw..lef ,ij Mun procsure water is us ;"'') bomt i>) Uif fWlnl 3I I', |h., niaPsabla Iren pir.-e :toi iiaX.t. iKiiMt*,. whiic liroaaiasi jM water ftO'-.l. v.liicl: ici.i
- '. H. ..-.ft' lur Vfl-'-.T 1. V.i' ' :• - . .:— HI^BM Ibaa tnv 10 cooMne. V! -n wale.-1| • ri<j'-" i .*' ..1 *••'• '"''' ;-•; '"',n . a '' ' ''• ' ' I m
< ia i -'' >" °i' '»l'' "-' n ltieiCa»«fi
... IS use.] riir,-e:tcnsiOO
Ron heating surtax Utan any other, supplies ahuailamc a jvtis^ ol hot water lo > all r.arl-. of Hw house '! IskesUM ulij* ol reservoir.
*..... -'".;. MI I,uBnag,wt""£SS.;
The majestic M-.lla- |ble and sceel ran'" as (formerly turned out by [ti e Majesticpeopl 1 has [considered throughout I it lie entire country par lexcellence, an I tar Jaliul of any other irange made. But with {the new Charcoal I on [body in place of Steel [making it double its ,value" and the tactlhat jit is the only range in (existence made ot Mall fable and Charcoal Iron
Jyou can readily see that it quality is am-
sideesd, the Majestic l-.i l, bv a !>U mirgin. VVB vVANT VOU TO CAL'wai oar STORE this vo-.-.v. and let us explain thi- new lev .„.,.;... CHACO.VL RION BODIES. 1st us explain why it is ih» >N' materwl for it-.l • h ,{:^. and ii» -i-
I d ntalty.why it is n>t I used 0 1 other ranges. • \V : want you to edl it 1 y )i intend to buy or j not.a, tlii intormation j gaiusd will serve you j in the tutu re.
! etft . M.
:. ia . . repce»
, . -i-
' '•'*
•live tent dr. D jell
wi1 . -- I •L"1" inji over to him, «aid: "'Don't i'ive this away. Thai - the first innjiey i have earned since 1 have 1" en in
58." Tl ' ' 1 I ie piil- -. ;- ' trailer*
an 1 - 1 Dani I cti| >ina a feat in tl, . |io .-". Aft> r the session he
I hunted Mr. Daniell out. and the tw« took nipper together at the New
I York man's expense.—Washington Pl:>t.
Commercial Panics.
In it true that these great canvl nercial panics recur at fairly regal lar intervals—as a rule once in e» erv tuenty year ? Are prrioila M eoinnier :.'ii -li-ii' -- ' ' ' ' "!<«- the illtervi :iiii-; p>-r; •; i.r'i-per . itv thus arn ed? 'I at I been I bit mtct • ,: ir c i •"- njj I or,l fixes the j -:- '- "• ' :'~- ,87: and l>'.'! -- i••" ' ''- "' "ur ^r,'a* er panics. En^-lai I'.- r • ord i< l«23 I8J i. ISO"", ami l.-:»0. In ".nil casy» the twenty year interval i- pr« eerred with r'ea-oiiable .n-c-.traey. ! B-iH be oh-erved thai ihe "paBT
years in Engln v. re tint thK -:,,,.,- a- ill t':i" 1'Mlc'l s'"",-;i
eonnti" !• ia! ' ''' ' -''•'' aI5'. 1 - ; reacted. 11 1 Innbt, on Londofl
troubles m ..'.led on fitn i if*
- 11 h " :< ' ' et 11 pan n .. 1 .i" re tl Niii" 111 .' ' i.inl
. result wi am lir-i order in th> affected.—A. t
Ing jmteni rigl orders t£ enlarging piel fv bolicitins
Hot Coffee and Biscuits Free. Comeanydaydurin.thisweek and have butteredhot biscuits and hot collee. Biscuits baked on a'Majestic in B minutes while you wait
Handsome Set of Ware Free
cannot bo bught for a cent less than $7.50. and it ir cheap at that.
eon, to Snydrv,youare welcome .rAetter you INTEND io BUY or not.
20 W. Main St.
PI, c While They Rob. T] „ 1 , ra have U)
-„„_ ry. ijood 1 \ rflnavs I V"V ore Ii
I'' books ami ma] . selling cloth ly men's wear—cloth that "escaaj luty at i .• port"—offering tinwet or cutlery vert cheap, .-citing tOt' ami ihrpwing in a prize ond unlofl ing v.,inh!' - stuff generally. I used lo IM a peddler was poorly clj but nowaday* 1!"' peddler is a <m dressed, prayerful, smooth propt_<" tion. male or female. He or she smart, dressed neatly ami ready-" say grace at the table, lead in h I five, dance the twostep, milk cows or make the p::-.",io sing tg; talk. To please people while r9 bin'.- them is tl e p • Idler's missR on earth.—Paoln (Kan.) Spirit.
"Hiflh" Noon Lunches.
Talk about your "high" nil r. .-,. Tl 1 are monB
1 who wo..1"! .-ii "it 1 10 dfl , .. - : 1 ".;•.' iing l
,! .,, mi] ,' 'ii a chance, jc p.. '•. ti rv, e&
., • ., 'iowff. , . ,.!..'. on I he edge
," '.. c h.iildiiiggg
Tlie aB
p ,.-iiirnhlfl at the time K
pic - Pittsbulg I pat ..1
Loam & 0. Furnituiri & •' Dne (r.)tn '' Cashltc, Gold com Silver ool i Nat, Dk L. I
State of - • Co,
Bubsoiil fore m , " 1900.
is -I 476-00
t»J «ook pd .0 H0,oW Undivided profits 2.055- B:IU -n..l>.. , «•»«
., ... .lieck 81.777.Q
At close of buslnsss Sept 4th, 19")3.
— ••; t • v
i h. :
new ph MIX
.> . ink, do sol*1 n . . „ „Ua bdoL ol t-i I
/. :t. I) WIS, Cathier.
c ...... t—Attest: ",' J.TUKNAQE,
Q . < iinire 1 "•• unsecured lO^Sf '
; |.,nds, l.'1""00
1- 2,598.12 .. , • , 90.00
.:: ,906 10
Capital slock paid in 125.000.00 Surplua 12,500.00 fin divided prolits, 3 r."i "•' Bibs payable BS.OOO.iO Dopoxita
.„ . '"" ||2Q WI I 1, :,'..- ,\ ii . . _-|
Cashiers <-k oui i'tl'iiu •"•' ~ "•'<
. eoi " Carolina, Ooonty oi I'm I, 1" S.Carr, Cashier of the i'i
v. ' iiii" ' ' above tUaleinon' is ti • ,- .
. 1.1.I ...voni In h.'ioi'" 1 , lliii dav of S.i.i l!IU';
!. HOORE, Notary Public
', i,,\ «
. M. SCHULTZ V i I|QI| ' " -'Vl 'ie "IV -i
.. 1. -ir.. ' ,-)• C» h pi',1 ;ui<w, fu. >. • ed. on 1
la, T.r'ci «te. >" .\'. !.*»..-• - 'r.its, J
'Virrhi'riM, j C- rl", Pi*r •its Tt' los, Loin :e , Safes,
•. . ! • 1
' "i
- • 'V
1 1 '"in', md • Hi Qnalit ai
' .'h (lotn
, -iirs have ii and no inherit!
. ,., : 1,!,- them in theii aotii ! • xpenditare of it. It ten pr«di c a ela-s which is hel gether internally by nothinj emulous extravagance in insan self satisfying indulgence and a... ita its si pTemacy ;-.i I el the . "inml public merely by In" this insane self indnl.-'ets ten,,>tions. — W. H. MalH >:,. \ n Review.
-ia Ideal Ouster.
deal J I the Ii 1
.ir. brip ,. •.: 1 ir lit''
'.1 the • el '.
Canker Sores.
an kinnvn as "cankej 11 with those t n, IIIKI a mix
mre honey, a < 1. Mileriau and a - i.wtlered borax il •. a teaspoonful
rinse the month wi
B, mil nffloc at Grrenvil e, N. '' M - \.. o kl "•> ' '• application.
.,: office in Pitt mulailj
.. ilcfr.wc to iifiira
Figures which represent facts are hard to gat around. Greens- boro Tar HeeL
No, you cannot get around the i >. but we notice that Re-
publicans continue to misrepre- s •". even after h iving both the Tacts and ligures.
ID KOADS. The schools within her boi-der
Quarter in
are Pitt . mnty's pride, . nd Far' ho live in c ies man who raises his voice aga ist
that are i '''•' J- ''•' , < i- 5Jrt5 : w ather lil them for political purp - we are « this week. No would rob the children of ir *» • ,' ",'';„ :l'r rightsifhe cou i gain porsoi .1 lenburg I ' ' •'- nome. m ca:1 ... pitto ' ' Ike a crank prefermentthereoy. c.;ir un stcei rails.—Charlotte , Chr . Added to her other troubles
ns as tms are enough
The Enoch Arden 8 - has , reversed at Hig I
This time a man's wif« left hi::: several year, ago and we .t to New York to live. He suppose* he wasdead and married again,
and M>on after ; le latter event
to make water e :me in the
mouths of the'down Easterners
who live along side of the mud roat.s. ' "Just think of roads over which people can clip along to town in any kind of weatherjj There is nothing that Pitt county is more in need of. We have a a gr *t county in some respects,
Raleigh i.~ now in the midst of a rnaddog scare, A rabid canine in that city bit live pe.>] : and a number of dogs, causing much
Mu»i br P«id for Bed Advance.
The following order has just li issued by the actim? post- master general in regard to pay- ment )i box rents. The impor- tant Mure of the order is that it requires payment in advance before the quarter actually be- gins:
06 e of the Postmaster Gen- eral-
Washington, D. C, Oct. 13, 190,;.
Order No 129L Paragraph 2, section 348, pos-
is t j tal laws and regulations, I amended to read as follows:
"] . rents must be collected All thedeath traps are not in ai the beginning of each quarter
NewYork. but some of them are jf<M" the entire quarter, but no
even in the South. Re- hns°r- Tcn days
Indecent men on any party , ticket drag the ticket down to :heir level. That is a condition
- in which the Republican; of Pitt but in the matter oi roads woau *
u u; A n,„. nmoMu in county have placed themselves. awav behind. Our progress in - • ,'• v n „„„.;.,„<> t,» he The utterances ot their lenders in this line will continue to De
t „ .v,..™^.u moil'- dsgust decent people, slow as long as the present met - . odso: road making are kept up. The thing to do is issue bonds The expressions of certain Re- sumed c to build good roads alljpublican leaden in Pitt county
the country and push the '-rive the impression that their
:.- rapidly as possible. The! principles are the product of the
peopi •• gradually coming:s,um3- Yet decenl people are around to this way of thinking, asked to give their support to
and the sentiment of good roads such men.
is growing. - Instead of nearing a settle*
" y fairspicka weekoi jment k ,wks likl, th(? strike
better weather next time. imong the machinists of the
Southern railway will reach larg-
ov •> v •
found cently a boarding house in Bir- m:ngham was destroyed by fire
and ten of its guests wore burn ed to death. The house was patronized chiefly by street rail- way employes.
Ten days before the list day of e.ich quarter postmas- ters are requested to place a bill (on form 1538 of 1538 1-2.) bear- ing th? date of the last day of the quarter, in each rented box. If a box holder fails lo renew his right to his box on or before the last day of a quarter the box shall then be closed and offered for rent and the mail will be
1 WINTERV1LLE DEPART 1EN1 This department is in Charged! F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Wintervitle and territory
be I
F. B. Hitchcock, "Acting Postmaster General.'
Why should it take three war- ships to bring Secretaries Taft piac;~d"m tl» mlieral delivery. and Bacon an.; tUeir wives and|r .^ 0 „., , * General Funston from Cuba? One would suppose that there was room enougn on one of these big vessels for all of them.— V. dmington Mesenger.
Oh, hush! Look what a big boat it took to carry Noah and
Tin . . charact- •
ouc in .. . >
« " "!' • P8 to draw in union laborers in oth-l ..:: '!.
The Making of a Juror.
The judge had his patience I sorely tried by lawyers who wish-1
his pr. ,'e and his three sons and ed to talk and by. men who treid!
their wives. j to evade jury service. Between! hypothetical questions and ex-
, , . cuses itseemed as if th v never Lawlessness begel lawless- ly ^ ^^ actUi,,-tl.ia, of,
ness. and one wrong almost m-| the case. So when the puzzled, variably leads to another. In i German, who had been accepted S.neca. S. '.'.. there was a negro .by both sides, jumped up, the colic whose president made Judge was exasperated.
himse.f very objectionable to ['^e\"}cd ] the S™»*
, . . , . .. i what is it.' demanded the white people by advising the ne-| -^
gives not to work and teaching,, "i think I like to go home to them other incendiary doctrines.; my wife," said the German.; A. H. TAET This was the first wrong. The
We are now re eJy to show our patrons the finest line of Mens Suits we have ever hud the privillege of offering our trade 'Ihe man who w.ints a fall Suit that's different from the cut and d led s:vles that greet him at every turn will do we 1 to co uo here anl see what we have to offer.
Our Snits are Different They art in de by sailed Tailors, the I est i i the tr de. Tbuf ibrics are ex lnriv , and you'll net mee a dozen men drea ed in iho same style cfaSuii. If you want to ge" av ay from 'he oommon wort of seady to wvar .Suits, come here for y -urs.
Now that the fairs are over the next thing is election. After ; that comes Thanksgiving.
The Republicans may try to gain sympathy by claiming that
What odds it make to put a f ne en the Standard Oil Com- pany? They would pay it anc i
never miss the money.
outside poking fun at Hearst.
whi'" if they lived in New York tl- . T v< -
ilroad service, miswaewie nrst wrong, in, "You can't," retorted the second was committed by the iad^- »* dowa white people who, because the p "
BuL- s.h"d/e•'' fistedI the , . German, I don 11 ink 1 make a
college president did not "w--' g00d shuror. "
! the Democrats are accusing them'tlie town- as advised, dynamited • 'Yotir're the best in the box,'' I of lying, but such accusations!the colie^e and wrecked it. said the judge. "Sit down."
The third wrong was not long "What box?" said the Ger-
following, the negroes seeking man- ...,,., c t tU "Jury box, said the judge,
revenge by setting fire to the ..0h'* thought y. was a bad
town and destroying a large por- i)0X tnat people gets in some- tion of it. Where the trouble.dimes." will end there can be no conject-' "No," said the judge, "the urff. This is an indication of bad b°x is the prisoner's box."
,, , , „ , | "But, shudge," persisted the ^ wie trouble one fool negro col- . . _ ... , ,,
the httle German, I don t speak
ii-iTISK /
urnilure Problem,
• .: • id ' • ItnrA
Oi: C • •- .I1:' . ' ut putting the: gelse. Will have to catch the old man first.
represent matters about which the facts have been given them.
From every direction there i
: comes complaints of scarcity of labor, and it is confined no •!•• ' -calling. Theranw-lfoxprarident can «"»<*! in ajg^ Engiish.» er was a time when the demand community by inciting th? ne- "You don't have to speak at I '.vas greater for men who can do g™** t0 idleness and lawlessness all," said the judge. "Sit down." thing -e time fille- but 'instead of advising them to bei The little German pointed at! men who earn their salaries, j i 'dustrious, law abiding citizens. *J lawyers to make the lastdes-
We can solve it for you.
This is a day By th I me the president does lit'la - • • for Cortelvou in
., •;. •' •• latl r
w<l: ' enlial bee to In" . e •
negroes of Philadelphia tried l revent the presentation of Tom Dixon's "Clansman"
.. numbi i- of them but uie '; e,.
Tall: i boat r being fit for
pojitK.ns ''' visibility, what can you think of some who ar? on th-' Republican ticket? We eve;'. i .:. t Republican say it would be acalnmiy to the county to •! • f them.
of revolutions, when even an old saj in eta k locked higher than a kite,
in 1 ..;.• i:s ! Eosay "talk' p," ei > . -
headed j preicheis gathered !p*ny in Baltimore aga'iutay ing
itheatre with that ob- lad-v for nw"''-v ^•00° to.r [ui • • „ - ,. ,'. , ,. ing to her sweetheart m Ricl> jec.: vi ,v and had t<» be dis- • . ., .
i.iond snows that even t":Kl perse.; .- the polxce. |eomcs hiKh whi,e aii other prices!
1 —"*~~ | have advanced during "Repub-I The people of lonesville, S. ('. ,i>,;n prosperiti." -Wilmington
have b com itiredof the —"•-' lesi id ii ,: i nl . ortion
perate plea "Shudge," he said. "I can't
make noddings of what these fellers say."
[( was the judge's chance to : 'veil for many annoyances.
"Neither can anyone else," he! sa'd. "Sit down."
With a sigh the little German sat down.
worth- of the
negro populition of that town and war u d Lhem th it .hey must
No Democrat will do his duty leave. The bate.-class of neg
!t it Rare That the People Have the Opportunity to Get i" Much and
do as Much W-'o 50c.
The ladies will give a first class
Pri-pari' • !o Build. C. S. Forbes has startsd work
preparatorv u> bu'kliug a hand- . some residence on the lot he re-1 entertainment attue opera hoiM
cently purchased near the graded rWB nl'2S *>
whortaysat home and fails to roes should join in movements!sch0ol. vote i ' ming election day. ofthi ; con m ml ies. .. ... T1 ' . : ar.s are going to of tl iless el< i nt loEMOJRATI LV \T
hi 1': . and ~"
Furniture Sale Claims are many and loud.
that offers you
• Come and be convinced. Yours \o please.
i <
Th ica joker ought to b« , . , 1.1,.. ticket.
suppressed. In a store in St. | The evidence grows stronger ov- Louis was a bargain saie attend- er:! •'. i hat that party is a
The "Reveries of a Bachelor" will be rendered by talent personatorg. "Under i he MistiO toe" «. t form e I rat feature of I ? evem Holy City" . .ii o* ma i i
courage _. . id sung by sweel Bingers.
trafficin l9gT '/ j , :' r ^'"S; SSVSife ;•.•'" ,'; ,.. H. strumental. Anevonmg (w\ <: lose by snp-iW. , G.James, the i healthful pleasun and h
Ij ( ,.;,1S, prominent sp iwill addresi The net proceeds to be used on
ie people on the political ques- helping pay for a pipe organ for
/ ISl ! ictiv 'I »
i tiotis of the day.
edby2,0 .women. A boy cried ,..,;.. >rthe , ,,, m Neither Jdd55^SSL5 PM out "There •• a '• • bil on the ;.. ,.- 'gg would couirty Democrats discu: floor - nt to n. , . what v mid exist ''''"S(,l.:
L •• J1U "*"" Brass band and othet hunting tor it, tumohng over now if the Republicans could ea>;h other so that several seriously injured.
again , lina.
thenew Metodist church. Think of it. you get more than
,50 cents wofth of pleasure at the ince, and then your money hel)>s
iake beautiful, seul stirring atureb music for years to come. Surely
will make the occasion enjoyable, the Greenville people will pack t., C. 1. ing, ; the opera house to overflowing
„r , r. C1"S- DeF' Ex> Com' I <>n this occasion. iW. L. Brown, Secretary. I
Neat Job Pintir ^
Ouri specialty. deflector Job Printing Office
As the id* of die ymr baa omoe The A. C. CSo.x -ffg to, •ud money»in greater circulation, receiving orders for th<-ii
those in >\ intervi le and on tu.- rur- s ipiv'.l nii'i !•' ti) I laltimo •
3d routea leading wtf >'< hen-, * _ . B. D. Forest is in ex i nt
Who are in arrear. on auhs -i. l.-.n spirit, t;. , .c,k. jt j a :)0y. totne Daily »»d B >-" ^ 'tor w (.,,, , ,,,;. ,.„ ,:. , ,,„ •riUco.iIer a . !v:n .Tor up- ua|;u>J t,;|U|.. „ „>M .,,,.,.,.,., „a)
by hau Itiiii tbc amount t" mi ic j ii,in.. «-.. ever » m I r tl 'money. yoareurli^trouvinieni'H. Receipt*.'. . I!....... .....I C. will ie promptly, t-ubecription* Remember ths.t all are invited also aolii'iud ' to hear 1/r Parrott in t!ie audi-
torium of W. H. S., Friday morning at '-'.'M o'clock.
..i u
i : ' i
P. G Man. Win rviHe l> D«.
» Rev. B. E. Stanfield, of Ay don, filled his regular appointment at the Methodist church Sunday afternoon,
Call and sea the large line of shoes daily arriving at B. F. Manning & Co. They will give you bargains.
George Worthington, of Ayden, was visiting relatives and friends here Sunday.
"Laxo lake« the ..a-- of Calo- mel," We fell »«.
B. T Cox, & B.o. We etill hiVM o maud af'» cop
ies of Teaaaen Bible*, we are "ff- eiiui{ to tue tia«le ai ver.v low prices.
B T. Cox, iS: Bro.
Prof. G. E. Lineberry, little Ruth and Annie Walker went to Kinston Saturday.
Nice sun dried apples fresh and bright at J. B. Carroll & Co.
FOR SALE. - One-half acre corner lot with three room dwell- ing conveniently located to school and business part of town- For particulars see
J. A. Manning. Winterville. W. C.
John Taft, of Hobgood, has been here for the past week in the depot relieving J. E. Green, who has been quite sick. We are glad to see him out again.
Go to the drag dt'>ie el B. T. Cox & Bio f.n T. W. ** -.<. & Bon's hiuh ci»'* turoip and u!.. bags s . .1
I. A. Sugg, Jr., of Waycross, Ga., was here Sunday night visiting his many friends.
All kinds of fancy candies, just arrived at J. B. Carroll & Co.
Joseohus Cox and little son, John Davhl, returned Saturday night from Norfolk, where John David underwent an operation forappendici is. We are glad to say that he has almost recovered.
Miss Helen Connor, of Mars Hill, came in Saturday night to take charge 11' the art depart- ment She is assisting also in the literary work.
Tbe Oi'iu en is now great foj buggj i ua>l seats, How- ever the, ». i •' ;. : •- ''«., are in gii< lion .11 ,i ••' . or.ii r rea Bonabh
Miss >. who had been spending several aays with her grandmothei near Stokes, returned home Monday evening.
'I'll- youi.r men "iil do will to see !i I U inniiiu * Co , before buviug Hi »ir lull ittc. Tliey are offri'iii • H| • i..l i irj.iius nn their enUro j
The md ' ' will be here Wednesday lig'.i Oct. 24th. j Wean ex| to h ar some exceilen! -lie'..:', from reports given at oilier plad s.
An i" "'ii-'.t lim : Usosai red ot •
Tucsd Baptist •, a is to comer ' hurch in! G.-! . : Tu ssd v
Ladii tor" an atB. F
Hu shells -J* roll & u>,
''Ai'«l [run MinTii'' L-reat honoehoid remedv. neurr tifl ( \>,t' bi'«Ml fii-ic eaO>. Cures fl 10.
|>ii •
n • u 'f* A con
. .Sr.ips Indices-
13 .i «<i
A. G. Cox M'f'g" Co.. are still making shipments of their
iproved cart Babbles to differ- ent parts of the state.
Why use that old wornoutsew- ing machine of yours when you can geta brand new ''NEW ROY- AL" for the next few days from $12.98 np, at A.W. ANGE& CO.
I have taken up one unmarked tray hog, red sandy color, weight
".bout 40 oriSU pounds. Owner can get same by proving property and paying oosts.
W. M. Jones. R. F. D. Greenville, N. C.
K.-ln-y ton«'% fivtt-.aa F-niale */ ikue*-), ouin
'.". For H.ile al tue drug f li. T. C.)i, ami B">.
The deposits of the Bank of Winterville have increased over
$5,000 during the past two weeks, thus making the excellent showing. Farmers, bring your cotton on to market. We have the money to pay you.
J. L. JACKSON, Cashier.
Yon ifll -1 well to -••" Hnnanek- erai A. G. Cot ftffgOi'*., oefue tiiicti.i-l;.;- r iiirs a- inn'«i nn t.! V\'i(.l. i v i| ,.
ICf in 111 »ll'l n
l.-l i... .
•(. Hnn fver >!m#:. Hi i. i * to ie" >> fii ami
' \ • H nn>! •-, a.|.|
A full line of fa.'.cy candies and fruit ut J II Carroll & Co
The e in need ot nice winter pants Ail see B F. Mannig and i o. beforeb aying.
We are otFerias our entire linf of IJiessgoi'lH at special' low prices and ii will l>" to your intern lo see them before buying elsewhere and come before ill tho-eg-xxi bargains are gone, regular 50 cent goods now 49c 25 and 3fic. goods now lilo an.l several others same w .y.
Harrington Barber and <""o 1 are lieidquarten fur Trm.ks
ami valises. Uarrington Barber and C».
We now Lave the s.iee-et tin of la • and geots umbrella* .. carried Harrington Brrlier nn i
The A. G Cox Mfg Jo, now receiving daily or^ors ti.eir improved oirt sadd solicit your ; .-..
Jure pitta line i.i F.dl ami Winter millinery goo * wiin. read> f ir inspection i •. • o'cli ••'< Wednesday morning Oc loth [906 coiitinueing throuji Thursd' v All are invited toe. 1 at our • u- poarters with the .;. Ii. Sine ii.. d Company.'s .'orrisoi'.
Large Ciewd At Coi's. A telepnone message from
Cox's store, on the line of Chi- cod and Swift Creek townships, where the Democratic county candidates rjake today, G -,ys a large crowu is present, number- ing between 80 and 100. There is much enthusiasm, and Democ- racy in that part of the county is in fine shape. They will show a good vote on election day.
The Manner of a Wedding Dane* In the Province*.
The wedding dance was being held in u long, narrow building near u fountain, and we entered on a imooth earl Si its were ar- ranp I :. IOIII I lie lide* of i he * was) od run n, II nd i lie lov uere cl DJ oonod with f m-
III gold -rrnlls i.i.. : IUI • «:.- r irniahcd h\ a pun
oi . ai one end of the long i : 111 m d in rotalion by u i i r •• Biiiull boys HI ii: -ir cli i. bl ie
ami .v. II i r luroy I'.I, who fell i-.i'ij importance,
and r.l Hu ier end of I e ro >ra II li We ,\.i- prcad » ith e- and bread and n * tion very hwcel ml pleasant, but seductive. The women, Men., bringing thoir babii -. i ere plcasanl set, lmt n beautiful, although a few, witl th. large dark eyes, came very near lo it. They did imt wear the n\ oosts net of my imagination, lmt their dresses showed great care and conse'"minus patching. A gay handkereliief vas often folded arn"nil t!i" neck and across the breast, and large earrings and big' breastpins were the vogue evrn j ttmoiiT the young wmni-n. The men ' won- broad brimmed black felt hati and clean blue blouses, corduroy trousers, either light tea or brown, and the long n d or biault "ih belt oallod a "faja" wound m;ny times I about the waist, the ioiiHl serving as pockets for eigr.rettes, tobacco poach and i'.o viilr.iaoua knife tliatj every ono carries. I
The dances wci"e "round." inter- I j-. ,~-, ____ J • • sporsod with a spare dance, where OUT Ull(ierW£ar IS C0IT1 Dlete. four people oompnsed a set—a sort | * "»*^*a» J»T**»»*»») of fandango, with lots of stamping j and attempts at lithe, serpentine motions, with the hands raised above the head. There was a very old man who danced with great gusto and amused the crowd of young people, who c- couraged him witl] clapping of IIIIMI.-. Kdward Penlield in Seribner'
New. latest, and up-to-date Fa!! and Winter Dr Goods, Shoes, Silks, Woolens. Dress trimmings and Cloaks, we only have space to give you a few price but have lots of goods and will take pleasure in showing you -
Make ourstor* your nieadqxarters
Dress goods in so*id colors, Plaids ail nlxai, the newestthmgs at : : : :
25c, 35c, 53:, 6Dc, 75c, 35c 1.00,1.25,1,50 per ya*<l
SHOES AT AW" PRICE. Reginoand/utoHavbli.i.fs for ladies the Nobifetil """-*'"'"' '1 e uioai Cumfortable made at 3.on 3.50 and 4.00
Percales and iindhams for school dresses in figures ind plaids.
5 10c 12 1 ^'and 15 cent
R^!.i,:'i Preacher Inveighs Against AH Dope and Cigarettes.
Raleigh. N. C, Oct. 22. Th? most sensational sermon people of Raleigh have heard in a great I A while was that last night at Tib-, joints of certain kinds of bs'iboo.
Stom.i In Quear Plscca.
.Yv bin N '
Noi Wo
, mut) ' ' i.-.:ent dissolved co- •„uka v -'parrn . nd olfcr the. entire ,,Bt arr].j8tocli xUconsisting Gener-
al »eat cost A reas- oi . : II cti'ercd. Por
' m I I -...!::. address K. I nd th I. '. ... ' iMietoe. N. C.
R. J. Little, J. H. Clark.
the highest mar-
ernacle Baptist church by Rev- J. W. Ham in his farewell sermon as assistant pastor. His theme was "The Trinity of .Man the Trinity of Dope." The trinity of man was represented to be hi mental, moral and physic.i natures, and the trinity or dop? was morphine, cocaine and cigar- ettes. The devil was represent- ed as tempting men and women to the use of dope. He declared that one part of Raleigh was so given over to the use of laudanum as dope that even the hens' nests were made of laudanum boxes, He used the term "beyond the capital" to indicate the section of the city to which he referred and the cougregation inferred from this that he meant West Raleigh, one of the best sections of the city. He charged that cocaine i.< being used here gener- ally by men and women, who are living too fast and resort to dope to bear up under the strain of social and business life. He de- clared that he often spotted peo- ple hurrying down town morn- ings to get dope.
Rererring to the use of cigar- tes he charged that if a man
v\... ."ouldsmoke them for ten years they would co npleteiy und
ie his mental, moral and physical natures so that he would
I al, lio. commit adultery and murder. He would not say that "vsry man who used cigarettes would do these things, but his nature would be so undermined that he would do these thing if it served his purpose. He said he had been addicted to dope and cigarettes, but had com- pletely rid himself of the evil h:'bits and had been "going up h!U ever since" Ho held up t'.-.i- Turks as an illustration of '• : effect of cigarettes on national life, it having reduced them b a people listless, slothful and untrustworthy He urged thai North Carolina should follow the example of Georgia and ol States in prohibiting by lav. the
and sal • of igarel es.
ier Co . o tor
F. Thi- is called "tahssheer" r.nd is ttuuposed to be de] osited from the siliceous juices of the fane. Anoth- er curiosity of this '.-t is tl • " >- connuf stone." found in the en- dosperm of tb«' cocoauut in Java and "iilior East Indian inlands. It. is a pure carbonate 'if lime, and the form of the stone is sometimes i round, sometimes pear shaped, while the appearance is thai " f a while pearl without much luster. Some of these stones are as lai :<• as cherries and as hard a* feldspar] or opal. They are very rarely found I and are regarded as precious stones I by the orientals and as chanm ' against disease or evil spirits by the j natives. Stones of this kind are| also found in the pomegranate and in other Rait Indian fruits. Apa-, tite has also been discovered b. teak wood.
Study of the Wild. There is no inure healthful am)
instructive recreation fur the intel- ligent buy (or man, either, lor that matter) than that which is n.-.i. obtainable by studying the ways of ii"- wild things thai inhabit thel swamps, woods and forests in the! vicinity of the town iii which he lives. It is good for brain, nerves, eyes and muscles. It is good for j the disposition, too, for the more; you know of any living creatures I (except bcusts "i . • ".. ruttlesnuk * i, and sut 'ii i'• le i i1; lined to do '
or in e is I'u ii, eni ... 'ity. '.«• need i I se '.i the "'•.:! forests "i Iho north
I v.c . . study wild things and! 11, . The habits '.i many in- ter Ing bird> und smaller wildani-l nnii- I 'iy be studied at the expense j of a iii>t very long walk by the; dwellers in most country towns all over the United States antl Canada. —Field and Stream.
i. .; - we have i
be uncased - :..!;.• i .'is
we therefore tvii h t) \ : to • 'if fellow .in sens through i • col- ums of this paper i': ' 're
i . . ) !)..; |..| |">tS.
foonough duson" iiv br breakfat. ' addiDii to it r supper. A'ith su i. a
!>V )|.
1 '. MIS, efcgs, nigiii; II friday. . . n, ,.. u- anything in that
Me: .I.I. i.rDugout lino of ling. shoes • lo '.'»intervllle — • - at Harringl ' ier and Oo, Thj
Win High School has ;' made .. i exce le il reci <>{ thl fall. '• • •' '1 a i two have been irolled, one hundred | '••* ' a ;d aixWe i ol w.iom are board- ers. The music class numbers •''"' forty-seven. !•!«• i
1 UK Farn for R*nt. i fi i (•! i) toreOi n D*vid House lived
S atlou, will e ear 1007. i'ornar-
I > t>, Mouse, oi Little, Qreeuville, N. 0.
• rf .
(irocei e5 Cann t? (loo i Goods. Pickles, Butter Ch
Calm Caadie Pru " • are easy and the worrn <
:onveuce you of this if you vi i i You can bud me ono door Sorth >f VI'»
, Package ese, Coffee,
nalect iiu? a»id buy- fckfl on . ^ument tu < i what I carry.
n| .\,.v. i< . . it II i
»i. *IIH f, i,, *;i • .. ,i it IK'-litl,,. i | i
I till- 17 ! ii eiitt*Mi pin 'i " ihv eontiiy <>r IMI hi sir Hi ' WJI ' ' '
vtakfl on the rt*l -'t- »»f i . • |.II1 ihfii runift w«*t*nycourarMM t >>«Hluk6 Ihsim R —.»n• !•« i>- founts H' rl.»M with flmt line-W fo*l ' i itk" <li .-H-t . |t aoureei ftntl line I to* Ht.-ik i «« i -'i • ' null rcw I. H iH-rli. i y p iH . MI iu \- I * lie ID «' lit' 1*1 'i •iirhth f P <• III' i.' ur I Ml i »> i K ti NHUie IN'I I Ii |n*h« |<M I; rh«n «t i i,:,v i ».». fi, ,,i\ .1 - |.ii li. l> il- . I i . I- l-l i' . . Ill* III.,'.'.. • l.ll.lll-J ill''' 111 I7ih.i y ulO«tube",
By V Q Jeaea Alloriiry
J. B Joiihston
V a ' i ii. nn iffjeii i iiirnal'le In lh* \<« IIIII |M ,r ,• . , .A , I l | ... % t
fa In - '. i i
i |..
i v.<r for 11 '» i i " ' my n- in thi i' > >' it
II 1 nl - II. li • ill. ii .ii, . r i»r*l •
i> rnhy no Iftnti f I'-nhe [HiriiiHr i'i I U#'i •
WHIM"-- <uy l.-i . ii ,i -- btfvf ot obir it*
II l M<"•>'• .c.
J* , •-. .• .v fm F^ppw^w*" I.Ull-l I f HHU
"1, yalms In Msns, and yzung is Suits *»<> Overcoats.
_ > nsiveSuil or Overgarment to •Om; Suction on our Clothing cm,
ten, they are better values than obtainable else -where. The ^eeareistakentogiveourenstomersthe best. There .
-ts in Pitfc^tv Itw
.payvouasho, , > t, I ,. over this li.eol L-bth.,g H
| ni;,,'. ,.,.. you and ,.u dm't t»i d*-
where. It is not possible to describe the elegance of our
Clothing. Vou must so, the line to appreciate it. j
KORFIGK RM« COATS 12.50 TO 25.00
round in Sstoapps thai Satiates Tobacco Hunger
The Kenrewn. A Guaranteed Rainco^ inr Eareign Bain Ooa < Tu a line of
The cuts shown represe .t thefron and h t^xie ^ .^ iutroduced by their up-rieri y The eots shown represe-.t thefron an n, * % .* iutroduced by their up-rioi-iy Rain C JK i « ^Jj J^S^SSu. JKr iS but your sdecid aifntio.. ., caied ,o to other make*, §pace forbtae w «"»«» —
2 it"
Korean Spe i a av*e for n or loose tittim,, does, co * on the market
1,::' f! • 1 ' ' . ,
Pri: ' " "• Bookman. ' • ' ': "; I' ' that time "'» i person who took himself and responsi- bilities with portentous seriousness.
1 :,r>r-..>>•-^
There are three ways used by far- mers for curing and preparing their tobacco for the market; namely, sun cured, air cured and Hue cured. The old and cheap way is called air cured; the later discovery and improved way is called flue cured. In flue-curing the tobacco is taken from the field and suspended ever intensely hot flues in houses especially built to re- tain the heat, and there kept in the proper temperature until this curing process developes in the tobacco the stimulating taste and fragrant aroma found in Schnapps tobacco, just as green coffee is made fragrant and stimulating by the roasting process. Only choice selections of this ripe, juicy flue cured leaf, grown in the famous Piedmont country, where the best tobacco grows, arc used in Schnapps and other Reynolds' brands of high grade, flue cufed tobaccos.
Hundreds of imitation brands are. on sale that look like Schna] ps; the outside of the imitation plugs of to- bacco is flue cured, but the inside is filled with cheap, flimsy, heavily sweetened air cured tobacco; one chew of ichnapps will satisfy tobacco hunger longer than two chews ©f such tobacco.
Expert tests prove that this flue cured tobacco, grown in the famous Piedmont region, requires and takes less sweetening than any other kind, and has a wholesome, stimulating, sati.vf-ing effect on chewers. If the; kind o: tobacco you are chewing don t satisfy, more than the mere haoit of expectorating, stop fooling yourself and chew Schnapps tobacco.
Schnapps is like eke tobacco chew- ers formarly bought costing from 75c. to $1.00 per pound; Schnapps is sold at 50c. per pound in 5c. cuts, strictly 10 and 15 cent plugs.
Paramor< > o &
•"-.LOO. r *w
,cok deeper than the Surface m ,,, .,. n .,, . . uame here and do that irith the A»tumu and w ii IT models 1 f the noted
i n 1 ''• "' " atel ,.,.. , .. ..,na,,. 1.1 ; 1.1 ia> the orstl.est creai - • ; to .. a |( ,.s- but a, ba . t'..,. pr-cesjand, you «... « «^ *$
tmt- a(1 wo have said, or ail th.U ou have heard in favn ol mv-turt '' "• foahionabie C|othos, is absolutely true.
',neda, • EFP-BPF»' aiNOI^E AND DOUBLE BBEASTKD SACK SUITS ,:ik of correct r.shion, made of Lands »me »«itjngs 0 m^rior quality
'"* 4
•* . ... -.. in u wide aS'-ortmcut -i exdnsive weaves. *IS to j-/ •.
it —
To Polish U : r. IC ••'.
It. i^ often '' • ''' lo Ket
new boot, to bri rhtly, bej if rubbed over "" an« "'•- till drv thej "!l- '{v*" ven ea ' '. "" houU »• Xopontcil if B
. ."in-
Jfool The fashi b y Cho,tertteld, 12 .inches long, . f^"^"^ oeuy. back an I, sed side seama; alao oonservattve n: -l a «a well a.
11 mage ,,Cravenertei'RuluCoate, JiStoM
May be f u I en i | ofUMon nf -t) e- tea W si., ail tastes for d i - "" !
Tffnfnfw '" f ffww»nTnT!ffnf^W"Tntwifntiffi»w
C.L. Wilktason & 3o. |
Greenville Livery and
Transier Cnn roniiah nl»« bow and ear> ,\wm (,.r nil '•• '>'<H.
Hones boarded by tbedav, weel
TAND'SALB. I.v virdi" "'» n rt»M» •iM*t«a'<f •'" "
.v ' i. ...t.t wit i : , D»vl« ...i.r.n...
„ „|.. i in •!.« ..iii. r o Untatof ••' I „.„IIM r unly II II.OK K-T MM 117,
Ul,.1»»l|t»r<l "I" "•" ,,,r cmh •"ff" ,„„ roon "•"" .io..r iii <i- wllla on M .o EUV it..'»l't ''.y1'1 ..V-IIII'.T. 1'>i,«.ln • i >n.>w II,IJ',V.,TII.-II iniol >.r lull Tn» trtol "f land III 'ir-i.i.vil'.' ' .winlili.-'ii Hi" *»a[» , ,|^ .,f rlv-r. I..iii'l."l on 'Ii' linrtB I:
, ,r KIV.T. on M' ..I'.vlli' i"'.- •' I. • I! .mo-...... Hi- "'••'I"'I
U"." ',,."» I....I.I. '.Hi ..••«. i.v Hi" '"'"I" '' '• "
.lien, IMMTM. •"^"JJ";,!"< h-ln* l..-1-...l • ..v. ytlt.> f. .:'• Wlll.n«rl bTT.I.'•"!». '" an iMl.nmr.«ry
••I UH • "• "•••I • "• "I'l"" ,l,,w
«id lend III a.1 I" miMlfaaM mort*»if" rLli Kk any ol uclobor. I4M
90 BBBHMi**BF?5S* •^?*r*w ^ Come in and examire my
. ..,.;.liNKS.
*, <*, ATii&A. ... C. -^ "
A you' in Paris friend sa\ sent bv an
. Lottar and a Tanglo •♦ Rid Tnpn. Kn^lithwoman rifiting
•... lived a note from a ,g that tickets had l>een I'arlier pott for a concert
FALL, 1906 f. Xhjn
,. il !.<<• •>'
<j.. ... K "''"I <^fc Oo**
Diflrk.-t:..: '. •" B,,,ato>
(BUM-, .,' •! i • '' l;>"-
C. R. Williams and .lanes I Jones wont to GreenvUle yeati r-
.M.UTCB clean*. i**»in halfr ;.. ol Ayden tiood sell "«e
cceeary i - ;-" '' " H, f .ul.iva ion. Ap| ly i"
J. «'' x
. s
MBKOHANDim BKOKIW.-I «*' a, mli lite ..f meal, lard • good-. !>•• buj beture K»v" me., tnal frank M»>' * ' '
E. L Coward left Monday w
mak« hon ' mon* /the. :.i . M-avcs and palms.
I uiw..., .. •-!• •• ' "•••"> ":
,l„e ..I ' .1 -""ff ** 1,,w"-1 c,-!:
prune .-. - b»>, oats, cure Clio „e.-.l ..crtl a...! hiiilf. bi ni,.) »r,i|. -i-»V. '•'- < '< I" «« A '
William Manning and iamil> went to Hanrahan Monday ,to attend the funeral of a little
l/granchild. daughter of Wyatt Manning cfthat place.
Oursl';. ..cBliiubl RO, the season ie well ad'»aneed. The prices now will iutere.-i the most .•. .uioa.ic buy er Cannon and Tyson.
Mrs W. J. Her.iby and child- ren are away on a visit to friends and relatives.
The Raleigh crowd have all re - turned and of course report ibig things.
C. L. ('.mon has gone to Greensboro to lake a special course hi pharmacy.
Miss Mamie Dawson earns up from Griftoii yesterday to visit friends here.
C. S. Carr, of Greenville, spent iron-. Saturday until Mon- day with Dr. L. C. Skinner.
Col. Skinner in opening his ad- dress here Saturday asked those present if '• peechof Dockery wasn't better than that of Sena- tor Oven an, the Saturday pre- vious. One lone long, sonorous
" voice way out responded loudly. "No-o-o-o"" There was a sil-
t enci . eal n and deep, then the colo,. ' pro* d ••!.
Aci to i i poinl mei'i ; i <ii,i-ii n ii lied bj Cli udius Doc ' .I. Harrj Skinner. v . ai d :-; Ii , . as a h , [.resent, manj l> inj
id around Greenville, and even so far off as
Carolina and I'actolus townships to fi' ,•'•'•'•' band wagon. After usual., i Oil Hi by the coun- ty candidates. Dockery and Skinner ir.•: b speeches. Their talks were somewhat of an im- provement on the old style of the radical addresses, being clean and devoid to a great extent of slang and utter contempt of any and everything not of their call- ing. No 71 v eon verts so far as we can lea,.i waremade and oldCon- tentnen ill as of old render a Democratic majority that will Bwell thai throughout the county
,, nviiu these worthy ... .,. n. ities that
. i, county and remain. The crowd
1. and the occasion and peacefully.
Vl and Observer and p, eially attached one to
by several kindred ties,
iupils. '- is complimentary to the students, not on y for proficiency in study. hut a disposition shown by them for promptness and punctuality is very gratifying to him There were only 13 tardies during the whole of'last month. New heat- ers have been placed in the vari- ous departments and e ry means taken for the comfort ol both teacher and pupil dun i the w