The earth at night Source:.

The earth at night Source: earth_lights_lrg.jpg

Transcript of The earth at night Source:.

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The earth at night Source:

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Population density source:

human_density.jpg&imgrefurl= 1&tbnid=kDvgNTr1PDR1zM:&tbnh=97&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dworld%2Bdensity%2Bmap%26start%3D18%26imgsz%3Dxxlarge%26ndsp%3D18%26 svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dfr%26sa%3DN

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Distribution of downloads

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Map of the human footprint on earth


The following factors: human population density greater than 1 person per square kilometre, within 15 km of a road or major river, occupied by urban or agricultural land uses, within 2 km of a settlement or a railway, and/or producing enough light to be visible regularly to a satellite at night.

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The earth at night Source:

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Carbon Dioxide Emission Estimates * Source:

* From Fossil-Fuel Burning, Hydraulic Cement Production, and Gas Flaring for 1995 on a One Degree Grid Cell Basis 

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Based on 18 months of Envisat observations, this high-resolution global atmospheric map of nitrogen dioxide pollution makes clear just how human activities impact air quality.

NO2 pollution map source:

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The Land and Oceans have warmed

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Precipitation patterns have changed

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Millennium Ecosystem AssessmentForest Cover Change and Drylands Change

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Land areas are projected to warm more than the oceans with the greatest warming at high latitudes

Annual mean temperature change, 2071 to 2100 relative to 1990: Global Average in 2085 = 3.1oC

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Projected concentrations of CO2 during the 21st century are two to four times the pre-industrial level

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The earth at night Source:

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World insolation map source:

This map shows the amount of solar energy in hours, received each day on an optimally tilted surface during the worst month of the year.(Based on accumulated worldwide solar insolation data.)

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Global ocean energy potential source:


This shows that the most energy rich coastlines in the world are located on the coasts of territories with a western exposure to the Southern Ocean.

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Hydropower potential (2002) source: ttp://

The map shows the ratio of usage and potential of hydropower resources by continent. Especially Africa but also Asia and South America could use a higher amount of their hydraulic energy reserves.

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The earth at night Source: