The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln
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Transcript of The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

Page 1: The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

The Early Life of Abraham


Page 2: The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

Lincoln was born in this house.

Page 3: The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

Lincoln’s Grandfather lived here.

Page 4: The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

Another picture of Lincoln’s house.

Page 5: The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

The front door

Page 6: The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

• This cabin was made of poles not logs.

• It was closed on three sides.

• Lincoln lived here for about a year.

• It had dirt floors.

• It was 14 feet square.

Page 7: The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

• There were poles stuck into the side of the building to make a loft to sleep in.

• The bed was covered with leaves, skins of animals and old petticoats.

Page 8: The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

Abraham Lincoln

• Born:

• February 12, 1809

• in Hardin County, Kentucky

Page 9: The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

His father was Thomas Lincoln.

Nancy Hanks was Lincoln’s mother.

Page 10: The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

• They had a few pewter and tin dishes to eat with.

• No knives or forks.

• Cooking utensils were a Dutch oven and a skillet.

Page 11: The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

• His teachers in the pioneer schools in Indiana didn't have any arithmetic textbooks,

Page 12: The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

• so Lincoln found some paper, which was hard to come by, tied it together, and created his own

“Sum book."

Page 13: The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

These are the words Lincoln wrote in his

schoolbook when he was a young boy.

Page 15: The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

•Lincoln’s total time in school was about one year.

Page 16: The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

Lincoln read to his family.

Page 17: The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

• Mary Todd and Abraham Lincoln had four children.

• Robert was the oldest and lived to adulthood.

• Edward died at 4 years old.

• William died at the age of 11 years old.

• Tad lived to the age of 18.

Lincoln’s Children

Page 18: The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

This is a bureau or dresser used during the time of Lincoln.

Page 19: The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

This is Lincoln reading in his home as a young person.

Page 20: The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

Lincoln rode a horse to many places.

Page 21: The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

A formal picture of Lincoln.

Page 22: The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

Abraham Lincoln in front of his house in Springfield, IL

Page 23: The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

People used feather quills and inkwells

to write information.

Page 24: The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

Lincoln practiced law in Shawneetown, Illinois.

Page 25: The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was born in this house.

Created forGovernor's State University-

An Adventure of the American Mindby Patricia Finnerup

McKinley SchoolChicago Heights, IL

Last Updated: September 4, 2004