The Eaquals Framework for Language Teacher Training ... › wp-content › uploads › The... ·...

The Eaquals Framework for Language Teacher Training & Development

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The Eaquals Framework for Language Teacher Training & Development

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The Eaquals Framework for Language Teacher Training & Development © Eaquals 2016 2

The Eaquals Framework for Language Teacher Training & Development

Eaquals (Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality in Language Services) is an international association of institutions and organisations involved inlanguage education founded in 1991. Its aim is to promote and guarantee high quality in language teaching and learning. For more information about Eaquals see

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Eaquals is a company limited by guarantee and registered 07727406 in England & Wales at 29/30 Fitzroy Square, London W1T 6LQ, UK

Eaquals is a registered UK charity 1143547

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The Eaquals Framework for Language Teacher Training & Development © Eaquals 2016 3


ContentsIntroduction 4

The Eaquals TD Framework

Values and attitudes 8

Overview of language teacher competences across three phases of development 9

Detailed descriptors by main area 10

Planning teaching and learning 10

Teaching and supporting learning 14

Assessment of learning 21

Language, communication and culture 25

The teacher as professional 30

Glossary of terms 33

Examples of how to use the Eaquals TD Framework 36

Expanding the Eaquals TD Framework 38

Further information 40

References and further reading 42


Eaquals is especially grateful to the following individualswho have consistently contributed to the project:

Sharon Celtek Sabanci University TurkeyJim Ferguson QQI/ACELS IrelandSue Hackett QQI/ACELS IrelandFrank Heyworth Eaquals SwitzerlandDr Deniz Kurtoglu-Eken Sabanci University TurkeyDr Laura Muresan QUEST RomaniaRichard Rossner Eaquals UKDr. Agnieszka Szplit Poland

Eaquals also wishes to acknowledge the manycontributions made by colleagues within Eaquals who have contributed to the work in various ways.

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IntroductionWhat is the Eaquals Framework for Language Teacher Training & Development?

The main mission of Eaquals ( is to contribute to the enhancement of quality in language teachingand learning. In line with this mission, the Eaquals Framework for Language Teacher Training & Development(Eaquals TD Framework) aims to respond to the need for guiding principles and tools. The Eaquals TD Framework isrelated to the European Profiling Grid (the EPG), which provides an overview of the main training and experience,competences, and professionalism of language teachers at six successive phases in their development. The EaqualsTD Framework adds to this a much more detailed but open-ended description of the key professional competences interms of attitudes, knowledge and skills needed by language teachers at three main phases of development.

What is its relevance for language teachers?

The Eaquals TD Framework is designed primarily with language teachers in mind, although the open-endedinventory of descriptors of professional competences across different phases of development could be used byteachers in general to identify their strengths in various areas of activity, as well as further development goals. Theapproach adopted in the Eaquals TD Framework is similar to that of the European Language Portfolio, in that itencourages a positive attitude to self-assessment and evaluation. It acknowledges the fact that we may have differentlevels of competence in different skill areas and thus that we are likely to have different profiles as teachers.

Who is it intended for?

It is intended for use by both novice and more experienced teachers, by managers, coordinators, teacher trainers andother professionals in the field of language education, when they are assessing teaching-related competences.

It can also be used when setting aims for or deciding the content of further training and development that meets thespecific needs of teams of teachers as well as individual teachers, or of training courses for language teachers.

What are its main aims?

To help practising teachers to assess and reflect on their own language teaching competences, but in greaterdepth and using more detailed descriptors than those in the EPG to help identify training needs and planprofessional development for practising teachers

To encourage teachers to continue their professional development on their own and with the support oftheir institutions

To help document the design of public training courses for practising teachers

To serve as a tool for evaluating and accrediting teacher training courses.

It can also serve as a model for those wishing to develop additional descriptors for more specific areas, such asmaterials design, teaching young learners, teaching one-to-one lessons, providing specialised training and so on.

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What approach has been taken and what does the Eaquals TD Framework contain?

The Eaquals TD Framework aims to describe the key competences required of language teachers (although most ofthem not restricted to language teaching) across three phases of professional development.

The following elements are included in the Eaquals TD Framework:

• ‘values’ and ‘attitudes’ placed right at the beginning of the Framework, such as:• A positive attitude to diversity and difference among learners• Respect for the learners’ personal and cultural backgrounds• A belief that learning is more effective if learners are aware of their aims• A belief in the learning-centred classroom

• ‘global descriptors’ summarize in a few sentences the all-round competence expected of language teachersat each of the three development phases

• the descriptors of ‘knowledge’ and ‘skills’ for 5 main areas:• Planning Teaching and Learning• Teaching and Supporting Learning• Assessment of Learning• Language Communication and Culture• The Teacher as Professional

Development Phases

• Development Phase One normally applies early in a teaching career before experience has been gainedacross a wide range of contexts and levels of courses, and when the teacher’s own ‘repertoire’ of professionalcompetence is not yet fully developed.

• Development Phase Two is an ‘intermediate’ phase where teachers are accumulating experience andgradually gaining greater autonomy and competence as professionals.

• Development Phase Three would normally be associated with teachers with broad experience, furthertraining and a strong commitment to the profession as well as high levels of competence across a broadspectrum.

The Eaquals Framework for Language Teacher Training & Development

Values and attitudesDescriptors of globaldevelopment for phases 1 - 3

Detailed descriptors ofteacher competences:

(a) knowledge(b) skills and aptitudes

Examples of how to use the Eaquals TD Framework

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Examples of ‘global descriptors’ as distinctive characteristics associated with the 3 development phases

It is, of course, assumed that what is described at phase 2 builds on what is in phase 1, and phase 3 builds on what isdescribed at phases 1 and 2. However, these 'phases' do not refer to the actual jobs that teachers may be doing or theirqualifications or seniority. The focus is on the extent to which a teacher’s background knowledge and awareness, theirprofessional skills, and their experience have so far developed, and it is likely that even an experienced teacher may beat different 'phases of development' in different skills areas.

The competences listed at each development phase are overlapping and are seen as the minimum levels of competencerequired at each development phase. As with the ELP-based language learner profiles, a teacher's profile based on theEaquals TD Framework is likely to be uneven or ‘jagged’ (i.e. not at the same level in all competence areas).

Main areas and their sub-sections

Development Phase 3

• mastering a broad range of skills;

• competent in curriculum development;

• creating teaching materials anddeveloping assessment tools;

• able to provide effective guidance to otherteachers.

Development Phase 2

• with greater confidence;

• showing initiative in planning, teachingand evaluating;

• can independently identify andimplement appropriate teachingstrategies

Development Phase 1

• competent replicators;

• still needing guidance and feedback;

• involved in further development of theirteaching skills;

Planning Teachingand Learning

1 Learner needs andlearning processes

2 Curriculum and syllabus(the teaching andlearning programme)

3 Lesson aims andoutcomes

4 The lesson - tasks,activities and materials

Teaching andSupporting Learning

1 Teaching methodology

2 Resources/Materials

3 Interacting withlearners

4 Lesson management

5 Using digital media

6 Monitoring learning

7 Learner autonomy

Assessment ofLearning

1 Assessment and thecurriculum

2 Test types - selection, design andadministration

3 Impact of assessmenton learning

4 Assessment andlearning processes

Language,Communication and Culture

1 Using the targetlanguage effectivelywith learners

2 Applying the principlesof the CommonEuropean Frameworkfor Reference

3 Giving sound languagemodels and guidance

4 Handling relevantcultural issues as partof language learning

5 Applying practicalinsights from linguisticsand psycho-linguistics

The Teacher as Professional

1 Self-assessment andteacher autonomy

2 Collaborativedevelopment

3 Exploratory teaching

4 Lesson observation

5 Professional conduct

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Detailed descriptors by main area

Although in reality it is not easy to distinguish these elements from each other in the daily practice of teachers, theyare separately described in order to make it easier for teachers, trainers and managers to identify and reflect on thestrengths and gaps in competence that may exist, and what the focal points of professional training and developmentshould therefore be.

In each main area, the competences are subdivided and organised under sub-headings or ‘Key Areas’. Each Key Areahas three separate columns, where relevant ‘knowledge’ and ‘skills’ are specified and grouped by development phaseto illustrate the minimum progression that might be expected at the three successive phases.

The excerpt below illustrates this approach and the formulation of ‘detailed descriptors’ characteristic of a certainphase, by area of professional activity. The key area selected for exemplification is “Self-assessment and teacherautonomy” – the first sub-section from the main area “The teacher as professional”. The competences are describedboth (a) on the content side -what is expected of a teacher in relation to professional conduct in this area - and (b) interms of qualifiers to indicate progression from one development phase to the next one.

The teacher as professional

Key Area 1: Self-assessment and teacher autonomy

Development Phase 3

Knowledge of

• the principles of reflective practice andways of encouraging this with colleagues

• self-development processes and strategiesin depth

• how to evaluate and apply tools,resources and processes to enhancestrengths and to address areas fordevelopment


• managing self-developmentindependently, professionally andethically in a variety of contexts,including unfamiliar ones

• critically evaluating tools, resources andprocesses and creating/designingalternative approaches in order todevelop greater autonomy

Development Phase 2

Knowledge of

• a broad range of self-developmentprocesses and strategies

• a range of tools, resources and processesto enhance strengths and to address areasfor development


• managing self-developmentautonomously, professionally andethically in a variety of familiareducational contexts

• identifying, selecting/recycling andincorporating/exploiting a range of tools,resources and processes to enhancestrengths and to address areas fordevelopment

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• a limited range of self-developmentprocesses, strategies and resources

• one’s own strengths and areas fordevelopment (e.g. teaching methodology,materials development, classroomassessment)


• engaging in self-developmentprofessionally and ethically in supervisededucational contexts

• investigating and gathering informationon one’s own strengths and areas fordevelopment (e.g. teaching methodology,materials development, assessment)

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Values and attitudesLanguage teachers at all phases of development share the following values and attitudes:

A positive attitude to diversity and differences among learners, and respect for the personal and cultural background ofthe learners

A readiness to adapt teaching to make the best possible provision for learners with learning difficulties or otherdisadvantages

A belief that learning is more effective when learners are aware of their aims and the progress that they are making

A recognition of the value of the learning-centred classroom, the various roles played by teacher and learners and theirrelated modes of interaction

A realisation that knowledge and awareness of the target language and sound methodology contribute to successfulteaching and learning.

Learners needs andplanning

• A concern with identifyingthe learning needs and wantsof all learners, and aconviction that methodicalplanning will lead to greaterlearner achievement andsatisfaction

• A readiness to consultlearners and involve them inthe planning process,prompting feedback andadapting activities inresponse to this

• A realisation that planningneeds to be flexible and thatplans should be modified inthe light of the learningprocess and learners’ needs

• An appreciation that thereshould be a clear progressionfrom one lesson to anotherwith reference to the plannedlearning outcomes, and thatremedial work is likely to benecessary to address areaswhere language developmentis progressing more slowly.

• Critical awareness of a rangeof possible resources andtheir sound exploitation withreference to learners’ level


• A belief in the value oflifelong learning anddevelopment

• A commitment to takingaccount of both individualand group learning needs

• An open mind concerningmethods and techniques forguiding and supportinglanguage learning

• A belief that learners learnmore effectively if they areactively involved in decisionsabout the learning process

• A determination to enable alllearners to achieve optimalprogress in their learning


• A belief that assessment is anintegral part of learning andteaching and thereforeshould be designed and usedin a fair, transparent andcoherent way

• A commitment toimplementing the principlesof validity and reliability intest design, delivery, gradingand feedback

• An appreciation of theimpact of assessment on thewhole learning and teachingprocess (assessment forlearning; assessment oflearning)

• A commitment to providingtimely, accurate andmeaningful feedback tolearners on their progressand attainment

• An appreciation of the role ofself-assessment in enablinglearners to actively engage inmonitoring their ownprogress

Language, communicationand culture

• A commitment to promotinglinguistic diversity,plurilingualism andpluriculturalism, and arespect for varieties oflanguage

• A belief in language andcommunication asinstruments for socialcohesion and mobility

• A belief in the dynamism andcreative potential of languagein planning, teaching andlearning

• A belief in the educationalvalue of language learningand understanding of othercultures

• A recognition of theimportance of the role offoreign language learning incognitive development

• An appreciation of thesignificance of differencesamong individuals in termsof the way they use language.

The Eaquals TD Framework

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Detailed descriptors Overview of language teacher competences across three phases of development

Overview of language teacher competences across three phases of development

Development Phase 3

Teachers at this level are expertfacilitators.

They have mastered a broad range of skillsand strategies related to learning andteaching processes. They are competent incurriculum and syllabus development,creating teaching materials and developingassessment tools for use by others. They canalso provide informed and instructiveguidance to other teachers.

Teachers at this level understand the needfor continuing professional developmenteven at this high level of competence, andare fully engaged in this, both as learnersand as trainers or mentors of lessexperienced colleagues.

Development Phase 2

Teachers at this level are awarepractitioners.

They have greater confidence and showinitiative in planning, delivery andevaluation. They are open to and aware ofissues that arise in the learning and teachingprocess, and can independently identify andimplement appropriate teaching strategies,seeking guidance as necessary.

Within an institutional environmentconducive to professional development,teachers at this level have gained a clearunderstanding of the nature and value ofcontinuing professional self-development,can identify their professional needs, andcan set objectives for continued professionalgrowth.

Development Phase 1

Teachers at this level are competentreplicators.

They have pre-service teachingqualifications and can follow models of goodpractice. They plan, teach and reflect ontheir teaching effectively, and are responsiveto guidance and feedback.

Teachers at this level are engaged in thefurther development of their teaching skillsin the context of systematic institutionaldevelopment programmes.

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Detailed descriptors Planning teaching and learning

Detailed descriptors by main areaPlanning teaching and learning

Key Area 1: Learner needs and learning processes

Development Phase 3

Knowledge of

• a wide range of possible learning needsand learning styles, and ways of makinglearners aware of them

• the principles behind various proceduresand processes to identify learning needs,and how they relate to differing teachingcontexts


• designing procedures to find out aboutlearners’ language learning needs in arange of contexts and setting relevantlearning objectives

• helping less experienced teachers toanticipate and take learners’ needs intoaccount in designing their lessons

Development Phase 2

Knowledge of

• the main areas where learning needs andlearning styles are likely to differ fromlearner to learner

• various procedures and processes forfinding out about learning needs, andtheir usefulness in different teachingcontexts

• aspects of educational culture whichmight affect learners’ approach tolanguage learning


• determining and anticipating learners’language learning needs and learningstyles at a range of levels, selectingappropriate ways of finding out aboutthese

• basing lesson and course design and theselection of learning activities onlearners’ needs

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• the rationale for identifying learningneeds and taking account of these inplanning

• the processes and resources available inthe institution to determine learners’needs

• different learning theories and how theseare applied to the learning and teachingprocesses


• understanding and determining learners’main language learning needs usingprocedures designed by the school

• identifying some of the differencesbetween the cognitive and affective needsof different learners

• integrating awareness of the culturalbackground of the learners into theirteaching

• taking these needs into account indesigning lessons and developingteaching aims and planning learningoutcomes

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Detailed descriptors Planning teaching and learning

Key Area 2: Curriculum and the teaching and learning programme (TLP) or syllabus

Development Phase 3

Knowledge of

• processes and resources that can be usedfor reviewing and developing acurriculum and TLPs that are consistentwith applying CEFRL levels andprinciples

• ways of defining curriculum aims andcontent in terms of learner andstakeholder outcomes


• consulting learners and otherstakeholders in an appropriate andsystematic manner on TLP content.

• developing the curriculum and TLPs of aninstitution, taking into account thefeedback obtained from teachers, learnersand clients

• cross-referencing the school curriculumand course syllabuses to the CEFRL orother widely accepted levels

• writing new syllabuses for use in a givenschool context

Development Phase 2

Knowledge of

• the principles and rationale behind theschool curriculum and syllabuses, and theway these relate to the needs of learners

• the main principles of the CEFRL and arelevant range of scales and descriptors

• the way in which the curriculum and theTLPs relate to each other


• implementing the school curriculum andTLPs taking learners’ needs into account

• helping learners understand theprinciples and aims of the institution’scurriculum and TLPs

• giving feedback to the institution on thecurriculum and TLPs, and contributing totheir further development

• planning a logical sequence of lessonsbased on the TLP and learner needs

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• processes and resources that can be usedfor reviewing and developing acurriculum and TLPs, including thosethat reflect CEFRL levels and principles

• the rationale for consulting stakeholders -including learners themselves - about thecurriculum and TLP, and means of doingthis


• following the school curriculum andTLP/course syllabus with guidance fromschool managers and more experiencedpeers

• using standard processes and resourcesavailable at the school for researchingand analysing language and other contentin order to plan a logical sequence oflessons based on the TLP

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Detailed descriptors Planning teaching and learning

Key Area 3: Lesson aims and outcomes

Development Phase 3

Knowledge of

• all the main aspects of communicationand language issues, including manyrelating to higher level discourse genresand idiomatic and metaphoric uses inliterature, technical writing, journalism,political discourse etc.

• the way the target language works indifferent domains, at different levels offormality, in different interculturalsettings etc.

• a wide range of linguistic, procedural andaffective problems relating to differentteaching contexts, and various options forsolving these


• analysing and developing plans forteaching all main formal and functionalaspects of the target language andcommunication across all levels

• differentiating learning objectives in thelight of learners’ needs

• assisting less experienced teachers toanticipate learner problems and to deviseways of overcoming them

• providing guidance to less experiencedteachers in developing lesson aims thatare realistic and match the learners’needs as well as the requirements of theTLP

• helping less experienced teachers toappreciate and reflect on the complexrelationship between lesson aims andlearning outcomes

Development Phase 2

Knowledge of

• the roles of grammar, vocabulary andpronunciation in spoken communication

• a wide range of aspects of communicationand language: transaction vs. interaction;speech vs. writing; text types and genres;levels of formality; register and domains;the relationship between language andculture etc.

• the interdependence of learningoutcomes, the teaching context andindividual learners

• the main linguistic, procedural andaffective problems likely to arise indifferent teaching contexts, and possibleoptions for solving these


• analysing and selecting a wide range oflanguage functions, forms and features ofcommunication relevant to lessonobjectives in the TLP for a fairly widerange of level and learner needs

• anticipating procedural, affective as wellas linguistic learning problems, andthinking of appropriate solutions to useduring the lesson

• adapting lesson aims in the light ofprevious lesson outcomes, and planningactivities for recycling and revision

• successfully balancing objectives thatrelate to language systems, languageskills, and language use.

• relating objectives of individual lessons to‘Can Do’ statements

• linking language skills development withlearners’ real-life needs

• organising activities that integrate the useof different language skills

• reflecting on the extent to which learningoutcomes reflect lesson aims

• matching thematic content and topics oflessons with linguistic aims

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• the grammar, vocabulary andpronunciation points and language skillsto be taught during a given course

• the basic components and functions ofspoken and written communication andinteraction (grammar, vocabulary,pronunciation, spelling, body languageetc.)

• common areas of difficulty within alimited range of teaching contexts, andways of overcoming them

• the complex interrelationship betweenteaching aims and learning outcomes

• the importance of integrated skills and ofrecycling and revision


• analysing, with guidance if required, thelanguage points and functions for alimited range of levels to facilitateplanning and sequencing

• selecting appropriate lesson objectives fora limited range of levels based on theTLP, and taking into account the needs ofthe learners in the group.

• anticipating common areas of difficultywithin a limited range of teachingcontexts, and planning ways ofovercoming these

• drawing learners’ attention to the relationbetween ‘Can Do’ statements and otherelements in the syllabus and theirlearning needs

• planning basic activities aimed atintegrating skills and at providingopportunities for recycling

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Detailed descriptors Planning teaching and learning

Key Area 4: The lesson - tasks, activities and materials

Development Phase 3

Knowledge of

• the principles and techniques of materialsand test design with reference to variousteaching contexts

• a wide range of strategies for fosteringlearning opportunities to develop andsustain learner autonomy


• critically assessing, selecting and usingapproaches and strategies to enhancelearning opportunities

• selecting and creating teaching resourcesbased on authentic materials, adaptingthem to suit the learners’ language leveland needs

• selecting or developing a variety ofteaching procedures, techniques andactivities for use by other teachers

• assisting less experienced teachers inselecting materials and resources andplanning tasks and activities

• incorporating into learning activities awide range of techniques to support thedevelopment of learner autonomy

• devising activities to develop learnerautonomy and study skills for use outsidethe classroom

Development Phase 2

Knowledge of

• various possible teacher and learnerroles, and some effective lessonmanagement techniques

• the rationale and options for planninglesson stages in different logicalsequences

• a wide range of presentation techniques,practice activities, interaction patternsand assessment procedures relevant tolearners’ needs, and the cognitivedemands of these types of activities

• a wide range of course-books andsupplementary materials used fordifferent purposes

• basic techniques for materials design

• strategies for developing learnerautonomy and for fostering learningopportunities in the classroom


• selecting and designing teachingmaterials beyond the course-book, usingother language teaching materials andteacher resource books relevant to thelearners’ needs and learning styles, takinginto account their cultural background

• deciding on appropriate sequences ofactivities, timing and pace for lessonphases and activities, matching these tolearners’ progress and needs

• planning activities to support thedevelopment of learner autonomy,considering individual learner needs

• reflecting on and evaluating planning inthe light of learners‘ progress, andidentifying strengths and areas forfurther development

• reinforcing learning with activities aimedat ensuring that learners haveopportunities to recycle and expand onlanguage already encountered

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• some possible ways of organising lessonsand varying activities

• a limited range of presentationtechniques, practice activities, interactiontypes and assessment procedures relevantto the needs of learners

• the prescribed course-book, especially theway it is structured, and other coreresources

• the fact that language learning is a non-linear, cyclical process

• the meaning of ‘learner autonomy’, andthe need to develop it

• the importance of learners’ individualand group culture as a factor in theirresponse to topics and learning activities


• gathering information on the resourcesavailable, and selecting teachingmaterials from set course-books

• planning teaching and assessmentprocedures, techniques and activities assuggested in course-books and teachers’books

• selecting and using a limited range ofrelevant additional resources andtechnical teaching aids

• planning appropriate sequences ofactivities, paying attention to pace,variety and use of time

• planning some activities to developlearner autonomy following proceduressuggested by the course-book or school

• selecting activities aimed at gettinglearners to recycle previouslyencountered language

• introducing elements of interculturalawareness into lesson activities

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Detailed descriptors Teaching and supporting learning

Teaching and supporting learning

Key Area 1: Teaching methodology

Development Phase 3

Knowledge of

• theories and research related to morespecialised approaches and methods oflanguage teaching (e.g. task-basedlearning, the lexical approach, cognitiveand affective factors in learning etc.)


• using a broad range of teachingapproaches and techniques effectivelyand flexibly to fully develop receptive andproductive skills

• evaluating the appropriateness oftechniques for different teaching andlearning situations, and creativelydeploying a wide range of techniques

Development Phase 2

Knowledge of

• key issues in learning theory relevant tolanguage learning

• the principles and rationale behind theselection and use of commonly usedteaching approaches, methods andtechniques

• the role of cognitive and affective factorsin the learning process and thedevelopment of language competence


• effectively using differentteaching/learning techniques for thedevelopment of receptive skills, andengaging in productive and interactivecommunication

• efficiently setting up and running a widerange of classroom language learningactivities and techniques, and monitoringtheir effectiveness

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• concepts and meta-language needed forhandling simple explanations andanswering basic language questions atlower levels

• the notions of 'reception', 'production'and 'interaction' as key dimensions oflanguage skills development

• the impact of affective factors on learning

• the main approaches, methods andtechniques of language teaching, andtheir underlying principles


• using basic teaching techniques fordeveloping receptive skills andencouraging productive and interactivecommunication

• using a range of core techniques topresent and promote practice andsupport learning of the target language(grammar, vocabulary andpronunciation)

• using classroom language appropriate tothe level of the learners

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Detailed descriptors Teaching and supporting learning

Key Area 2: Resources and materials

Development Phase 3

Knowledge of

• methods of evaluating a wide range ofmaterials from different practical andtheoretical points of view, taking intoaccount degrees of linguistic and culturalauthenticity

• categories, genres and text types inlanguage teaching and learning


• adapting or designing and usingresources effectively for a broad range ofteaching contexts

• reviewing, evaluating and selectingmaterials and resources for use by theteaching team

• creating additional materials based onauthentic oral and written texts,including digital resources, and teachers’notes

• mentoring and guiding colleagues inselecting, adapting and designingmaterials

• developing and managing online learningmanagement platforms(e.g. Moodle) in ablended learning context

Development Phase 2

Knowledge of

• the rationale and principles behind thedesign, sequencing and use of a range oflearning resources, including digital andinternet based media

• the relationship between cultural contentin learning resources and the social andcultural background of learners


• adapting and using effectively a widerange of published and other learningmaterials, including digital resources

• evaluating the suitability of learningmaterials for different teaching contexts,taking into account linguistic, culturaland cognitive aspects

• selecting, adapting and designingteaching/learning materials for a range ofteaching situations to optimise learningoutcomes

• using various resources effectively,including the board and body language,to optimise learning outcomes

• adapting and using creativelyInformation & CommunicationTechnology (ICT) to aid learning in andoutside the classroom

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• the main kinds of learning resources andways they can be used for a limited rangeof levels and types of learners


• using a limited range of publishedmaterials and other learning resourceseffectively

• managing teaching / learning resourceswell in familiar teachingcontexts/situations

• using resources effectively followingsuggestions in a teacher's guide orcourse-book

• creating simple learning materials in linewith learners’ interests and needs tocomplement other resources

• basic techniques for using authenticmaterials in class

• adopting a professional approach tocopyright and indicating the source ofmaterials

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Detailed descriptors Teaching and supporting learning

Key Area 3: Interacting with learners

Development Phase 3

Knowledge of

• sociolinguistics and the languageclassroom

• applications of classroom discourseanalysis in observation and self-observation

• concepts and terminology relevant tohandling explanations and answeringlanguage and use questions at all levels


• efficiently setting up and managinglearner-centred, multi-level group work

• guiding less experienced teachers inclassroom management, including themanagement of incidents arising fromcultural and other differences betweenlearners

• writing clear instructions for tasks to bemanaged by other colleagues

Development Phase 2

Knowledge of

• the principles and procedures foreffective management of a broad range ofinteraction modes for optimisinglearning, including the flexible switchingfrom one type of activity to another

• concepts and terminology relevant togiving explanations and answeringlanguage and use questions at a fairlywide range of levels


• efficiently setting up and monitoring abroad range of classroom languagelearning activities, flexibly alternatingbetween whole-class and pair, group, andindividual work, in order to optimiselearning outcomes

• giving clear, relevant instructions for avariety of activity types, including forefficient changes of activity or interactionformat

• helping learners to activate their existinglearning strategies in order to prepare forand carry out tasks

• responding to and integrating feedbackfrom learners, and handling cultural orother disagreement between learners

• varying teacher and learner roles topromote learner-centred activities

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• basic principles and procedures formanaging teacher-class interaction -whole class teaching, group work, pair-work or individual activities

• concepts and meta-language relevant tohandling simple explanations andanswering basic language questions attwo or three levels


• establishing a positive rapport conduciveto effective learning

• setting up and monitoring a basic rangeof classroom language learning activities,including pair and group-work, followingsuggestions in a teacher's guide

• giving clear instructions for a range ofbasic classroom activities

• supervising a range of basic activities,including motivating learners toparticipate, encouraging interaction andcommunication among them

• varying interaction patterns to optimiselearning

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Detailed descriptors Teaching and supporting learning

Key Area 4: Lesson management

Development Phase 3


• observing and mentoring lessexperienced colleagues to assist them inmaintaining and increasing learnermotivation

• using task-based teaching and learningimaginatively to develop learners’language competence

• advising peers on the effectiveness ofdifferent teacher roles in increasingcognitive and affective engagement andenhancing learning

Development Phase 2


• delivering effective lessons for classes tolearners at a wide range of levels and inspecialist courses

• organising longer teaching and learningsequences, building in variety,improvisation and cultural interest as ameans of sustaining learner engagementand motivation

• looking for contrast or homogeneitywithin the group, and diagnosingindividual learner needs within a class

• assessing, reacting and responding tolearner needs on the spur of the moment

• handling groups of learners fromdifferent cultural backgrounds, ofdifferent ages, and/or with differentabilities and needs

• adapting and varying teacher roles tomatch the context and emerging learnerneeds

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• the kinds of guidance and teaching stylesneeded to cater for needs of differentlearners


• keeping different learners involved inclasses at a limited range of levels(through pace, timing and variety,weighting etc.)

• using voice, body language and attitudeto communicate with the class

• creating a positive and constructiveclassroom atmosphere

• running the lesson as planned whileadjusting pace, format, and feedback tolearners’ reactions

• using time effectively so that learners feelthey are making progress and remainmotivated

• adopting different teacher and learnerroles according to the teaching/learningcontext

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Detailed descriptors Teaching and supporting learning

Key Area 5: Using digital media

Development Phase 3

Knowledge of

• coordinating project work with digitalmedia (camera, internet)

• learning management systems (LMS) andinternet platforms, and their applicationin supporting autonomous andinteractive language learning

• the various uses of mobile learningdevices and applications for languagelearning


• training students to select and use on-lineexercises

• training students to participate in IWBuse and use of mobile phones etc. forlanguage learning

• using any standard web and computersoftware, including media-relatedapplications

• showing colleagues how to exploit theteaching potential of new media ( phones, IWBs etc.)

• designing blended learning modulesusing an LMS e.g. Moodle

Development Phase 2

Knowledge of

• technical aspects and uses of data-projectors, interactive whiteboards(IWBs), software for creating media,audio and video files, and images

• main uses of digital equipment, mobiledevices, the internet and relevantsoftware in supporting language learning


• using data projectors for lessonsinvolving internet, DVD etc.

• troubleshooting problems with classroomdigital equipment

• using software for handling images,DVDs, and sound files

• recommending appropriate onlinematerials

• creating lessons with downloaded texts,pictures, graphics, etc.

• using the IWB creatively

• setting and supervising individual on-linework

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• basic software that is needed forpreparing materials and handouts forteaching

• useful websites and search-engines


• word-processing worksheets followingconventions

• following menus to operate software

• using Power Point and standardtechnology in the classroom (e.g. MP3,CDs, the internet)

• downloading resources from websites

• searching for potential teaching materialon the internet

• organizing materials in logically ordereddigital folders

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Detailed descriptors Teaching and supporting learning

Key Area 6: Monitoring learning

Development Phase 3

Knowledge of

• main conclusions from research intogeneral educational theory, theacquisition and learning of the mothertongue and second languages, universalaspects of language; and their impact onlanguage transfer


• listening actively to learners and advisingthem on learning problems and ways ofaddressing them

• advising colleagues on techniques formonitoring learning, giving feedback tolearners, and handling learners’ errors

Development Phase 2

Knowledge of

• the impact of specific cultural, social andlearning contexts on language learningand teaching

• individual differences in learners(aptitude, motivation, learning style,education and social background etc.)and their impact on learning and teaching

• the uses and impact of different types andsources of feedback to learners (e.g. frompeers, via self-assessment etc.), ondifferent aspects of performance such asfluency and accuracy

• the role of errors in the development oflearners’ language proficiency and inlanguage learning


• giving feedback that is both useful andencouraging, helping learners to identifyprogress in learning and ways of seekingfurther practical support

• responding flexibly to learners’ mood,feedback and problems, changing plansto meet needs or opportunities that arise

• using a range of techniques for dealingwith learners’ errors including self andpeer correction, matching interventionsappropriately to the type of activity

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• basic psychology of learning, and howlanguages, including the mother tongue,are learnt/acquired

• key issues relating to individualdifferences between learners, and theireffect on classroom dynamics

• the role of feedback and error correctionin fostering language learning

• the nature and role of different kinds ofmotivation in learning


• identifying learners’ errors and using abasic range of techniques to correct themat a limited range of levels

• giving feedback that is clear and identifiespositive points as well as areas whichneed further work

• guiding learners towards appropriatelexical and grammatical referencematerials

• identifying emerging needs andresponding to them, seeking advice asnecessary

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Detailed descriptors Teaching and supporting learning

Key Area 7: Learner autonomy

Development Phase 3

Knowledge of

• a wide range of techniques for developingand maintaining learner autonomy


• incorporating a wide range of techniquesto develop learner autonomy into generallearning activities

• devising activities to develop learnerautonomy and study skills for use outsidethe classroom

• helping learners and colleagues to set upand manage their own out-of-classprojects for language development

• developing learner autonomy by helpingthem to set their own objectives anddiscussing different ways of continuinglearning outside the classroom

Development Phase 2

Knowledge of

• some techniques for developing learnerautonomy


• including activities to develop learnerautonomy as appropriate, bearing inmind individual learner needs

• setting up and managing simpleindividual and group out-of-class projectsfor language activation and practice

• involving learners in decision makingwithin the lesson and course

• encouraging learners to takeresponsibility for their learning, andadvising them on independent learningoptions

• training learners to use ‘Can Do’statements, a language portfolio and/orother instruments for self-assessment

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• the meaning of ‘learner autonomy’, andthe need for ways of developing it


• planning some activities to developlearner autonomy following proceduressuggested by the course-book, colleaguesor school

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Detailed descriptors Assessment of learning

Assessment of learning

Key Area 1: Assessment and the curriculum

Development Phase 3

Knowledge of

• key criteria in designing language tests,assessment and evaluation, and how toapply them appropriately

• awareness of the different kinds oflearning appropriate to different CEFRLlevels – for example, the increasedcognitive element in attaining levels B2and above – and implications forassessment

• the principles and application oftechniques of “assessment for learning”

• the finer distinctions in the CEFRL ‘plus’levels, e.g. the nature of B1+ proficiencyas compared to B1 and B2


• guiding and advising others in makinginformed choices on when to test, assessand evaluate, and how to use theresulting data

• creating and developing an assessmentsystem as an integral part of thecurriculum and the course syllabus

• applying CEFRL criteria to describe andassess proficiency across the languageskills in any language learning context

Development Phase 2

Knowledge of

• the underlying principles of anddifferences between testing, assessmentand evaluation

• the distinctions between formative,summative and diagnostic assessment,and how these are best used

• the potential relationships betweenteaching/learning and assessmentprocesses

• the principles, organisation andclassification system of the CEFRL, andtheir implications for and impact onassessment


• making informed choices on when to test,assess or evaluate

• assessing learners’ performance withtests based on CEFRL scales which areappropriate to the learners’ needs andaims

• developing learners’ awareness of theirprogress in language learning asexpressed, for example, in the CEFRL‘Can Do’ statements so as to facilitatelearner self assessment and increaselearner autonomy

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• the basic differences between evaluation,assessment and testing

• the importance of learners’ classroomperformance in assessing learning needs

• the relationship between intendedlearning outcomes as specified by theinstitution and the principles ofassessment being applied

• the basic CEFRL proficiency levels andlearning progression as expressedthrough the ‘Can Do’ statements in theCEFRL global scale and the self-assessment grid


• monitoring classroom learning to identifylearning needs and achievement

• carrying out assessment as instructed bythe institution

• evaluating learner performance inrelation to the levels of the CEFRL

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Detailed descriptors Assessment of learning

Key Area 2: Test types – selection, design and administration

Development Phase 3

Knowledge of

• types of testing and assessmenttechniques in relation to their reliabilityand validity for the intended purpose,high or low stakes etc

• the concept of validity and differencesbetween various kinds of validity, and theimpact of them on test design andimplementation

• the uses of quantitative and qualitativeassessment and tests

• the critical differences between ‘standard’and customised assessment techniquesand tests, and the advantages anddisadvantages of each

• intercultural aspects of assessment andtesting, and the attitudes of differentgroups of learners to these


• using appropriate and valid task-types todesign and construct a wide range oftesting and assessment tools for variouscontexts and groups

• coordinating assessment and testingprocedures within a team of assessors inorder to ensure consistency of approachand the reliability of test and assessmentoutcomes

• devising grading scales and ensuring thatthey are valid and can be appliedappropriately to support the developmentof learner autonomy and provide positivereinforcement of learning

Development Phase 2

Knowledge of

• a wide range of different types of tests,and assessment techniques, taking intoaccount cognitive and meta-cognitivecompetences (e.g. age, domain etc)

• a wide range of grading/scoring methodsand the underlying techniques, e.g.,weighting, using different types ofgrading/ scoring scale


• collaborating in the design of tests andassessment tasks which are fit forpurpose

• using assessment tasks effectively duringteaching

• overseeing and monitoring testadministration (test taking, grading,recording of grades)

• selecting and using an appropriategrading/scoring method in line with theunderlying test purpose and design

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• common types of tests, (e.g. placement,diagnostic etc.) and task types (e.g.multiple choice, cloze etc.)

• procedures for running different types oftest

• a range of basic techniques for gradinglearners’ work

• how to correct, grade and comment onlearners’ work


• selecting from a pre-specified range ofavailable (published and in-house) testsand using them in familiar contexts

• supervising test takers and marking classtests (informal and formal)

• administering tests according toprocedures ensuring test conditions arerespected

• using an appropriate grading or scoringscheme for the test to ensure learnersreceive the correct grade/score

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Detailed descriptors Assessment of learning

Key Area 3: Impact of assessment on learning

Development Phase 3

Knowledge of

• ways in which self-assessment, peerassessment and various non-standardassessment methods can be designed andused to support effective learning

• the development of individualisedlearning pathways

• ways of using feedback as a motivationalfactor in enhancing learner autonomyand self-esteem


• using the results of assessment so thatlearners can, independently or withteacher guidance, select, plan andevaluate their learning

• analysing and evaluating the mosteffective approach to feedback forindividualized learning

Development Phase 2

Knowledge of

• the different purposes for which testingand assessment can be used, e.g.assessment of learning, assessment forlearning, certification

• feedback as a means of supportinglearning by promoting learner autonomyand the setting of learning objectives andplanning learning

• ways of providing feedback so that it issensitive to the culture and expectationsof the learners


• delivering feedback to the learner andhelping the learner to use this in thefurther planning and development oftheir learning

• developing learners‘ awareness ofassessment criteria with a view toengaging them in monitoring their ownprogress using a range of assessmentmechanisms

• applying a constructive and systematicapproach to handling errors

• providing individualised and relevantfeedback to enable the learners to beginto monitor their own progress andachievement

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• the basic purposes of assessment insupporting learning

• the types of feedback that can be givene.g. from formal testing, assessment ofclass performance, general evaluation

• alternative ways in which feedback can begiven, e.g. self-assessment, peerassessment, teacher assessment


• selecting appropriate ways of providingfeedback for learners

• delivering feedback to learners in amanner appropriate to the purpose of theassessment and the assessment tasks andin a manner which helps subsequentlearning

• identifying situations in which self-assessment and peer assessment can beuseful

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Detailed descriptors Assessment of learning

Key Area 4: Assessment and learning processes

Development Phase 3

Knowledge of

• the effectiveness of various approaches tothe development of exam takingstrategies

• the various types of motivation whichinfluence learner choice in assessment


• incorporating opportunities fordevelopment of examination strategieswithin the course syllabus

Development Phase 2

Knowledge of

• a detailed range of exam takingtechniques and their effectiveness


• demonstrating and providing experiencein task types and mechanisms in order todevelop test taking strategies for thelearner

• using assessment as a means ofmotivating the learner and supportinglearning

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• a basic range of exam taking techniques,e.g. reading the rubric, familiarity withtask types etc.

• the role of assessment and self-assessment in fostering learnermotivation


• carrying out simple language assessmenttasks in the context of classroom learningactivities

• supporting the development of examtaking techniques through the use ofexam practice materials and tasks

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Detailed descriptors Language, communication and culture

Language, communication and culture

Key Area 1: Using the target language effectively with learners

Development Phase 3

Knowledge of

• the ways in which communicationdifficulties can be overcome using variouslinguistic and interpersonal strategies


• communicating effectively with learnersof the target language at all levels

• identifying and overcomingcommunication difficulties andmaintaining communication flow

Development Phase 2

Knowledge of

• the causes of the communicationdifficulties of learners with low andintermediate levels of proficiency


• communicating effectively with learnersof the target language up to C1

• anticipating most communicationdifficulties up to at least B2 level

• overcoming any significantcommunication problems with learnersup to at least B2 level

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• the communication limitations andlearning difficulties of learners with lowlevels of language proficiency


• selecting language used in class tocommunicate effectively with learners ofthe target language up to B2 level

• recognising the main causes ofcommunication difficulties up to, forexample, B1 level

• overcoming basic communicationproblems with learners up to B1

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Detailed descriptors Language, communication and culture

Key Area 2: Applying the principles of the CEFRL

Development Phase 3

Knowledge of

• comprehensive knowledge of the CEFRLand the complementary documents –database of ‘Can Do’ statements, UserGuides, case studies etc. – as a basis forcurriculum and syllabus planning

• the full range of didactic, pedagogicprinciples which underlie the CEFRL –the processes of language learning, thetreatment of error, the development oflearner autonomy, the teaching of therange of competences

• the methodology required to designassessment procedures to calibrate themwith the CEFRL levels as described in theCouncil of Europe manual for relatingtests and examinations to the CEFRL


• distinguishing between learners’ languagecompetence in respect of the levels A1 toC2, including ‘plus’ levels, in all skill areasand all domains

• distinguishing between different levels ofquality in spoken language use – range,accuracy, fluency, interaction andcoherence

• guiding less experienced teachers inidentifying the CEFRL levels of learners

• designing and planning curricula inwhich the approach reflects CEFRLprinciples, and which have coherentCEFRL levels systems

Development Phase 2

Knowledge of

• the implications of “learner-centred” and“action-oriented” as underlying principlesof language curricula

• the full range of CEFRL scale descriptors,including the “plus” levels

• comprehensive understanding ofintercultural communication, language,language levels etc.

• the distinction between competences andactivities in the scales

• the different competences included in‘communicative competence‘

• the difference between “user” and “rater”scales;

• the descriptors in the CEFRL self-assessment grid and the grid onqualitative aspects of spoken and writtenlanguage use


• recognising and distinguishing specificdifferences between levels of languagecompetence and language knowledge upto B2 level

• distinguishing clearly between learners’language competence in respect of thelevels A1 to C1, including ‘plus’ levels, inall skill areas

• planning TLPs/course syllabuses relatedto the levels of the CEFRL

• selecting appropriate teaching materialsfor courses related to CEFRL levels

• teaching coherent sequences of activitieswhich combine to lead learners to attainthe levels (global and specific) in theCEFRL descriptors at A1-B2 levels

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• the 6 proficiency levels of the CEFRLglobal scale

• some basic ‘Can Do’ statements

• the concepts of “text” and “task”

• the concepts “learner-centred” and“action oriented”

• main features of the language levels,intercultural communication, etc.


• distinguishing between learners’ languagecompetence in respect of the broad levels‘basic’, ‘independent’ and ‘proficient’ inthe CEFRL Global Scale

• recognising and distinguishing basicdifferences between levels of languagecompetence and language knowledge atleast at A1, A2 and B1 levels

• linking topics and grammar lessons toappropriate ‘Can Do’ statements

• setting, presenting and explaininglearning objectives in terms of:

- a general CEFRL level (for example, A1, A2and B1)

- specific ‘Can Do’ statements

• assessing whether learners have:

- satisfactorily achieved a ‘Can Do’ objectiveat, for example, A1-B1

- reached the overall target CEFRL level ofthe class

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Detailed descriptors Language, communication and culture

Key Area 3: Giving sound language models and guidance

Development Phase 3

Knowledge of

• likely areas of difficulty in learning andusing the target language up to C2 leveland for specialist purposes


• anticipating, and helping learners up toC2 level to overcome language andcommunication difficulties

• providing easily understood andcomprehensive guidance, and answeringquestions on all aspects ofcommunicative language use, as well asgrammar, vocabulary and pronunciationfor learners up to C2 level and withspecialist language requirements

• identifying and responding to specialneeds arising in communication/interaction

• giving guidance to learners on alternativeways of achieving goals incommunication and avoidingcommunication difficulties.

Development Phase 2

Knowledge of

• likely areas of difficulty in learning andusing the target language up to, forexample, B2 level


• giving consistently correct and well-contextualised models and examples ofusage up to at least B2 level

• answering all main language queriesreliably up to this level

• anticipating, and helping learners up tothis level to overcome language andcommunication difficulties

• providing guidance and correctlyanswering questions on most aspects ofcommunicative language use, as well ason grammar, vocabulary andpronunciation for learners up to this level

• demonstrating paralinguistic features andgetting learners to rehearse these

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• likely areas of difficulty in learning andusing the target language up to, forexample, B1 level


• giving good and correct models oflanguage and paralinguistic features ofusage for learners up to B1 level, forexample:

• good pronunciation models (sounds,stress and intonation)

• correct models of written language(grammar, style, spelling)

• identifying and seeking help withlearners’ language difficulties, andanswering most language queriessatisfactorily at, for example, A1-B1, usingreference sources as necessary

• anticipating major language andcommunication difficulties, and helpinglearners at these levels to overcome them

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Detailed descriptors Language, communication and culture

Key Area 4: Handling relevant cultural issues as part of language learning

Development Phase 3

Knowledge of

• the impact of culture on language and oflanguage on culture among mothertongue speakers

• cultures of education: teaching andlearning – the relationships betweenlearners and teachers

• types of intercultural and interpersonalproblems that may arise in class


• designing/creating materials thatpromote pluricultural understanding (aswell as language use)

• using web searches, projects andpresentations to expand own andlearners’ understanding of interculturalissues

• ensuring that learners understand therelevance of cultural conventionsregarding proximity, politeness,punctuality, directness etc.

• systematically developing learners’ andless experienced colleagues’ ability toanalyse and discuss cultural similaritiesand differences

• anticipating and managing effectivelyareas of intercultural disagreement andincidents if they arise

• advising less experienced colleagues ontechniques to defuse such disagreementsand incidents when they arise

Development Phase 2

Knowledge of

• language and culture – power, gender,status, conformity etc.

• the social impact of culture

• concepts of “otherness”, “diversity”

• the importance of intercultural aspects inthe choice and development of teachingactivities and materials


• adapting materials so that they areculturally appropriate

• identifying and using approaches toteaching which help learners to developintercultural and pluriculturalcompetence

• integrating into lessons key areas ofintercultural difference (e.g. proximity,politeness, punctuality, directness anddefiniteness)

• helping learners to analyse and comparecultural behaviour, traditions, artefactsetc. with materials and activitiesappropriate to the group.

• identifying or adapting materials thatpromote intercultural understanding(and language use)

• selecting and using materials that are wellmatched to and yet extend the culturalhorizons of learners

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• definitions of ‘culture’

• the relationship between language andculture

• relevant cultural behaviour, traditions,artefacts

• cultural differences and interculturalissues

• features of one’s own culture which mayinfluence the way one teaches andbehaves


• dealing with other cultures in thelearners’ home country or in targetlanguage countries

• creating an atmosphere of respect,tolerance and understanding

• identifying and using materials that areculturally appropriate (and culturallyinappropriate) for given learners

• taking account of relevant stereotypicalviews

• promoting inclusivity and tolerance, andresolving intercultural difficulties

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Detailed descriptors Language, communication and culture

Key Area 5: Applying practical insights from linguistics and psycho-linguistics

Development Phase 3

Knowledge of

• language domains and registers, andlanguage for specific purposes

• lexical chunking and the relationshipbetween lexis and grammar

• the potential uses of corpora andconcordances in language teaching andlearning


• using concordances to explore anddemonstrate similarities and differencesbetween lexical and syntactical usage

• assisting less experienced teachers todevelop their understanding of therelevance to language teaching of insightsfrom language acquisition studies andpractical linguistics

Development Phase 2

Knowledge of

• child and adult language acquisition

• the effects of the mother tongue onsecond language learning

• the importance of acknowledginglearners’ mother tongues as elements intheir personal identity, and in theirlearning of other languages

• the way frequency lists and languagecorpora work

• the relevance of chunking, collocationand fixed expressions in languagelearning


• using reference sources, includingfrequency lists and inventories, forselecting and analysing the language tointroduce for production and recognitionup to at least C1 level

• explaining or demonstrating distinctionsbetween different collocations andconnotations of the same lexical item

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• how first languages, second and furtherlanguages develop

• basic concepts of connotation, collocation,chunking, fixed expressions etc.


• using reference books and tools to selectvocabulary items at the appropriate levelfor production and recognition

• explaining or demonstrating distinctionsbetween similar lexical and grammaticalitems up to, say, B1 level and providingexamples

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Detailed descriptors The teacher as professional

The teacher as professional

Key Area 1: Self-assessment and teacher autonomy

Development Phase 3

Knowledge of

• the principles of reflective practice andways of encouraging this with colleagues

• self-development processes and strategiesin depth

• how to evaluate and apply tools,resources and processes to enhancestrengths and to address areas fordevelopment


• managing self developmentindependently, professionally andethically in a variety of contexts,including unfamiliar ones

• critically evaluating tools, resources andprocesses and creating/designingalternative approaches in order todevelop greater autonomy

Development Phase 3


• critically assessing collaborativedevelopment needs and taking a leadingrole in the development of policies,processes and projects

• mentoring other teachers and facilitatingtheir further professional development

• taking an active role in the planning,presentation and evaluation of externalCPD activities

• providing informed views when consultedon professional and institutional policies,processes etc.

Development Phase 2

Knowledge of

• a broad range of self-developmentprocesses and strategies

• a range of tools, resources and processesto enhance strengths and to address areasfor development


• managing self developmentautonomously, professionally andethically in a variety of familiareducational contexts

• identifying, selecting/recycling andincorporating/exploiting a range of tools,resources and processes to enhancestrengths and to address areas fordevelopment

Development Phase 2


• engaging in, promoting and leading somecollaborative development activities

• attending/presenting at continuousprofessional development (CPD) eventsoutside the institution

• giving feedback on professional andinstitutional policies, processes etc. (e.g.TLPs)

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• a limited range of self-developmentprocesses, strategies and resources

• one’s own strengths and areas fordevelopment (e.g. teaching methodology,materials development, classroomassessment)


• engaging in self developmentprofessionally and ethically in supervisededucational contexts

• investigating and gathering informationon one’s own strengths and areas fordevelopment (e.g. teaching methodology,materials development, assessment)

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• the importance of professionaldevelopment in collaboration withcolleagues


• engaging in collaborative developmentactivities e.g. ideas sharing, workshops,team teaching, peer observation, seekingguidance, project work etc.

Key Area 2: Collaborative development

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Detailed descriptors The teacher as professional

Key Area 3: Exploratory teaching

Development Phase 3


• analysing, assessing and acting upon datafrom exploratory research

• creating/designing alternative tools andprocesses for exploratory practice

Development Phase 3


• being able to undertake observations ofless experienced colleagues and provideconstructive feedback for them

• creating/designing alternative reflectionand feedback tools, processes, tasks,resources and strategies

• contributing to the professionaldevelopment of other teachers throughcoaching or mentoring processes

• taking a leading role in fostering aconstructive developmental culturewithin the institution through the use ofobservation, reflection and feedback

Development Phase 2


• exploring classroom-based researchopportunities and incorporating researchprocesses as part of exploratory teaching

• selecting and adapting tools andprocesses for exploratory practice

Development Phase 2


• anticipating challenges regardingteaching and learning processes

• selecting and adapting different models,processes, tasks, resources and strategiesbased on feedback

• using a variety of reflection tools e.g.diaries, video recordings etc.

• seeking regular involvement in peerobservation, asking for advice andengaging in constructive collegialdiscussion

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• the importance of principled teachingpractices and processes

• the importance of exploratory practiceand research in teaching


• using existing model tools and processesfor exploratory practice

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• the importance of being receptive toobservation and feedback

• the importance of reflection processes inteaching

• teachers’ affective needs in lessonobservation


• engaging in observation of moreexperienced teachers

• interpreting and incorporating feedbackinto teaching practice by using differentexisting models, processes, tasks orresources

Key Area 4: Lesson observation

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Detailed descriptors The teacher as professional

Key Area 5: Professional conduct

Development Phase 3


• being pro-active in the furtherdevelopment of communication andrelevant decision-making processes

• actively supporting and developing theethos of the institution


• constructively assessing the effectivenessof existing teaching and otherprofessional responsibilities and dutieswithin the institution and developing newsystems and processes as necessary

• assuming a variety of roles to support andpromote school success

• coordinating administrative tasks withothers; collating information, reports,opinions, etc. if asked to do so

• acting as course coordinator if asked

• taking responsibility for certainadministrative tasks (e.g. organisingteachers’ meetings, etc.)

• liaising with the enrolment department,finance department, sponsors, parentsetc. as necessary

• contributing actively to the design orreview of administrative systems


• representing and promoting the institution inthe wider community; actively contributingto the strategic planning of the institution

• monitoring, reviewing and designingquality systems and contributing to qualitypractices in the wider professional context

Development Phase 2


• identifying and using relevant strategiesto effectively and constructively respondto planned and unforeseen challenges incommunication

• helping develop the institution’s ethos


• providing support and giving guidance topeers in their teaching and otherprofessional responsibilities and dutieswithin the institution

• assuming a variety of roles to supportlearners’ achievement and peer growthe.g. resource sharer, peer observer, etc.

• handling marking and report writingefficiently

• handling administrative tasks around thejob efficiently and reliably

• anticipating regular but less frequenttasks and completing them in good time

• dealing with students’ issues andenquiries appropriately


• being proactive in supporting andpromoting the institution through avariety of professional activities

• enhancing and extending quality in allaspects of institutional work

Development Phase 1

Knowledge of

• the need for effective on-goingcommunication within the work placeand with all stakeholders;


• contributing to effective communicationand helping maintain the ethos of theinstitution

Knowledge of

• ethical principles related to teaching andlanguage teaching

• the importance of teaching and otherprofessional and administrative dutiesand responsibilities within the institution

• the need for different teacher roles tosupport learners’ achievements


• carrying out teaching and otherprofessional responsibilities and dutieswithin the institution

• completing routine tasks like taking theattendance register, giving out andcollecting materials

• delivering required plans and/or recordscorrectly completed and on time

• marking homework and tests efficiently

Knowledge of

• the mission, vision and educational goalsof the institution and what it stands for


• contributing to the maintenance ofquality within the institution

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Glossary of terms

Glossary of terms

The definitions below relate to the ways in which the terms are used in the text of the Framework, not to other uses.

affectiveRelating to feelings, emotions and motivation

assessmentA systematic approach to assessing the (language) ability of astudent. This can be done by test, interview, questionnaire,observation etc.

authenticRefers to spoken or written texts taken from realcommunication, i.e. not designed for teaching purposes

autonomyIndependence in learning, i.e. without relying on supportfrom a teacher

blended learningCombination of face-to-face learning with e-learning

CEFR, CEFRLA Council of Europe document describing learning, teachingand assessing languages, and describing language competenceacross six main levels

chunkingThe way in which words cluster together to make semi-fixedexpressions such as ‘how are you’, ‘don’t mention it’ etc.,which can be learnt as units

classroom-based researchResearch focusing on teaching and learning that is carried outin the classroom by the teacher herself or by a researcher orcollaborator

cognitiveRelating to mental processes such as perception, reasoning,making connections

collocationThe grouping together of words with certain other words e.g.‘tall woman’, ‘high mountain’; ‘do a test’, ‘make a mistake’

connotationAn association or idea suggested by a word. Words can havepositive or negative connotations; e.g. ‘terrorist’ versus‘freedom fighter’ can refer to the same person, but terroristhas a negative connotation while freedom fighter has apositive one

corpus, plural: corpora (of language)A collection of examples of language use that can be used toillustrate, for example, the more frequent ways of usingwords, grammatical structures etc.

curriculumAn overall description of the aims, content, organisation,methods etc. of an educational course.

customisedAdapted for the specific needs of a learner or group oflearners

data projectorAn electronic device that can be connected to a computer toproject images or texts for a whole class

descriptorA phrase or sentence, for example in the CEFRL, describingwhat an individual can do with language and communicationat a specific CEFRL level

digital resourcesMaterials that are in computerised form, not printed

discourse analysisAnalysis of the way language is used in a specific real situationor context

domainSector of social or professional life in which language is used

educational cultureThe tradition and background of education of a specificcountry or group

evaluationUsing evidence to decide what level of proficiency has beenreached

exploratory practiceTrying out new or experimental techniques or materials inteaching and assessing their relevance and effectiveness

formative, summative assessmentFormative assessment is assessment that takes place duringlearning and is intended to provide guidance whichcontributes to further learning; summative assessmenthappens at the end of a stage of learning as a record what hasbeen learnt

frequencyThe number of times certain words or grammatical formsoccur in normal language; for example, the more frequent aword is, the more useful it may be for elementary learners

functions, language functionsThe purposes for which language is used, for exampleapologizing, inviting, thanking etc.

genres of discourse, of textSpoken discourse and written texts can be categorisedaccording to their type, for example, an e-mail is differentfrom a report or a newspaper article; an informalconversation is different from a debate or a speech

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Glossary of terms

gradingDeciding and communicating to learners what level ofproficiency they have reached in a certain language or skillarea following an assessment, or deciding how well they havedone a task

individualisedAdapted to the needs of individual learners

integrated skillsLanguage learning that involves combining language skills,e.g. reading then talking and/or writing about what has beenread

interaction, transactionInteraction involves people communicating with each other,e.g. in a discussion; a transaction involves passing oninformation or getting something done, e.g. an instruction ororder, and usually implies an outcome

interactive whiteboard (iwb)Computerised equipment in the form a wallboard which isused for presentations and other teaching and learningapplications. It can be used dynamically by teachers andcourse participants using electronic markers and/or also as alarge computer or projector screen

intercultural difficultiesDifficulties arising because of individuals’ different culturalbackgrounds through misunderstanding or rejection of otherpeople’s cultural norms

language modelsClear examples (usually spoken) of language mainly providedby a teacher or a digital recording, suitable for learners tolisten to, understand, and replicate or manipulate

language transferThe way in which features of the learner’s first language mayaffect his/her learning and use of another language: thesefeatures may help them or may ‘interfere’ with the way theyuse the second language

learning pathwaysWays proposed by a teacher or in course materials whichdifferent learners can follow to achieve the proficiency theywant to achieve

learning management system (LMS)A digital framework such as Moodle, usually based on theinternet, in which learning can take place. The platform maycontain tasks, texts and examples of spoken language, videoclips, test exercises, and means of communicating with ateacher and other learners, e.g. a forum or blog

learning styleThe way in which individual learners approach and managetheir (language) learning depending on their preferences; forexample, some learners depend a lot on written examples,while others prefer to listen; some like to memorise language,others prefer to experiment

lesson managementThe way in which a teacher carries out her/his plan for alesson, including giving instructions, organising tasks, givingfeedback, using time etc.

lexical approachA specific approach to language teaching developed in the1990s where the main focus was on vocabulary and itsmeaning and use rather than other aspects of language

mentor, mentoringA mentor is a person who is asked or invited to help anotherperson, in this case another teacher; mentoring usuallyinvolves a more experienced teacher helping a lessexperienced teacher, including by observing her/him, helpingwith planning etc.

metalanguageTechnical language used to discuss another area such asgrammatical structures, phonology, teaching methods ortesting

mobile learning(language) learning involving the use of mobile phones,tablets, etc. so that learning can continue when the learner isnot in class

monitoringListening to what learners are saying or reading what they arewriting in order to be able to provide feedback later

outcomes, learning outcomesThe expected and actual results of (language) learning

out-of-class projectsProjects organised by a teacher involving groups of learners(or individual learners) using the language outside thelanguage classroom; the project might involve activities suchas research on the internet, interviews with other speakers ofthe language, preparing a presentation in the language, etc.

paralinguisticAspects of communication that do not involve language, forexample gestures, body language, facial expression and eyecontact, pauses

peer assessmentAssessment of an aspect of a learner’s language, for examplewritten work, carried out by another learner

peer observationObservation of a teacher by a fellow teacher, involving givingfeedback afterwards, comparing the teacher’s approach withthe observer’s approach etc.

pluriculturalismA term coined in Council of Europe documents to describe theability of individuals to respond and react appropriately indifferent cultures

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Glossary of terms

plurilingualismA term coined by the Council of Europe to describe the abilityof individuals to operate in however limited a way in morethan one (usually at least three) different languages.Countries or institutions can be “multilingual” (i.e. a numberof languages are used); plurilingualism describes individuals’competence in different languages

proceduralOccurring during the teacher’s management of a lesson

production, receptionLanguage skills such as speaking and writing are described as‘productive’, in contrast with reading and listening, which aremainly ‘receptive’

professional competencesThe combination of knowledge and skills that enable anindividual to carry out her/his profession effectively

rate, raterTo measure (language) performance relative to a scale, suchas the CEFR scales; a rater is someone who does this with theresults of an assessment such as a test.

recycling, revisionRecycling involves the teacher organising tasks to encouragelearners to use language that they have learnt and used onprevious occasions; revision involves the teacher finding waysof getting learners to go over again elements of what they havepreviously learnt

reflective practiceActivities carried out by teachers that involve themconsciously thinking about what they have done in theirteaching, the way the learners reacted, the way in which theirteaching skills are developing, and using the results of thereflection to adapt future practice.

registerSpecific language used for specific contexts, e.g. in differentprofessions, in management, in education etc.

reliabilityThe extent to which a test or assessment task gives similarresults whenever it is used

self-assessmentChecking one's own performance on a language learning taskafter it has been completed or checking one's own success inusing language

sociolinguisticsThe aspect of linguistic studies that focuses on the waylanguage is actually used in communication in society

stakeholdersThose with an interest in the (language) learning process andoutcomes, including learners, perhaps their parents oremployers, teachers, school heads etc.

summative, formative assessmentSummative assessment happens at the end of a stage oflearning as a check on what has been learnt; formativeassessment is assessment that takes place during learning andmay at the same time contribute to learning

task, task-based learningA (language) learning activity that involves using language,for example, to solve a problem by sharing information, or toprepare a dialogue based on an imaginary situation

teaching and learning programme (TLP) or syllabusA written description of the content of a (language) courseand the order in which skills and/or knowledge are to betaught, usually including an indication of the time to beallocated to main elements . (see also curriculum)

teaching contextThe situation in which a teacher is working, including aspectssuch as the age and number of learners, the type of institutionor classroom, the number of lessons learners have per week,the aims of the course etc.

testingA means of assessment that usually involves learners writingor choosing answers on paper or on a computer so that theseanswers can later be checked; it can also involve oral taskswith the tester listening and perhaps participating

validityThe quality of a means of assessment that makes it suitablefor the learners being assessed, given their previous learning,age, language proficiency etc., and also makes the assessmentfair. Valid tests measure what they claim to be measuring.

web searchA search for information, ideas, pictures and other materialson the internet

weighting (in tests)Assigning different levels of importance to different parts ofthe test to ensure that the result also reflects different levels ofimportance

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Examples of how to use the Eaquals TD Framework

Examples of how to use the Eaquals TD Framework

As a source of criteria for assessment of teachers and for self-assessment

Quality assurance and quality development in any kind of teaching hinge on effective and valid assessment ofteaching, whether this is done by teachers themselves, their peers, their managers or by their students or preferablyall of these. Most such assessment is based on observation of various kinds, sometimes using pre-specified criteria or‘indicators’, or with a specific focus or set of questions in mind, but which is more often generic. Both approaches arevalid.

The assessment of teaching by managers or co-ordinators can serve different purposes on the same or on differentoccasions:

• Quality assurance related to the institution’s level of effectiveness as demonstrated by its team of teachersand the progress learners make

• Assessment of the performance and capabilities of individual teachers in order to decide how they can bestbe deployed and supported in their further professional and career development, sometimes referred to as‘performance management’. This will include in given cases deciding whether they are ready to be mentorsand trainers of less experienced colleagues, to take on more demanding teaching tasks, and so on.

• As part of a professional development programme where the focus is on the further development ofcompetences, comprising workshop sessions combined with observation.

Observation of teaching by colleagues/peers can also serve either or both of two main purposes:

• To learn from the colleague observed and thereby further develop one’s teaching competences, or todevelop new competences

• To assist the colleague with their own development by providing feedback and advice on their teachingperformance.

In all such observation situations, assessment is involved. The Eaquals TD Framework offers clear criteria for this,whether the assessment is narrowly or widely focused.

Self-observation is less often discussed. This is where teachers take the opportunity to review and reflect on video oraudio recordings of their own teaching made informally by themselves or with the assistance of a colleague. Whereteachers are able and willing to do this, the Eaquals TD Framework may also provide focus points for the review andreflection process.

Self-assessment by teachers can of course be done without self-observation, using a simple reflective process, forwhich the Eaquals TD Framework provides a useful tool. To use it this way, teachers would simply mark thedescriptors in the Eaquals TD Framework which they consider currently apply to them. This is especially to beencouraged as part of the performance management process mentioned above so that in one-to-one meetings withthe teacher’s manager or co-ordinator the self-assessment can be compared with the assessments made by themanager/co-ordinator and future professional and career development can be discussed.


At school A it has been decided to intensify the lesson observation programme by making more time available to co-ordinators and teachers to carry out focused observation and peer observation for a fixed period in order to be able todecide with teachers where to focus in-service development.

Following a week of ‘buzz’ observations in which co-ordinators of adult and young learner groups have observedevery class for 20 minutes unannounced, and have compared notes on the overall strengths and gaps in competencethat they have identified, they have designed observation sheets for longer developmental observations. The headingsfocus on two main areas: planning, especially ‘lesson – tasks and activities’ (subsection 4), and teaching, especially‘monitoring learning’ (subsection ). Time will also be made available for teachers to observe each other in pairs, usingthe same sheet.

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Examples of how to use the Eaquals TD Framework

For designing professional development or training

Within the language teaching world, various kinds of training and professional development take place:

• Institution-based in-service training and professional development programmes are generally designed fora team working in a given institution, ideally in consultation with team members and taking into accounttheir individual development needs and wishes, some of which may be identified through the kinds ofobservation discussed above.

• Open-enrolment in-service training offered publicly may lead to an approved qualification, in which case aspecific curriculum will be drawn up and validated by the approving body. Gaining the qualification willrequire meeting specified assessment criteria. Alternatively, it may take the form of refresher courses, forexample run in a country where the target language is spoken during school holidays, such as those forwhich participants can seek EU funding. While there will be a course outline for such courses, the details ofthe programme are often finalised on arrival and depend on who the participants are, and generally noformal assessment is built in.

• Self-motivated and individual professional development in which teachers themselves individually andcollectively pursue a programme and are supported in this by their employer is very much to beencouraged, and can involve a wide range of experiences including teacher reflection, self-assessment andself-observation activities, team teaching and classroom-based research involving peers and learners, aswell as participation in workshops within or outside the institution, conferences, on-line seminars andforums with ‘distant’ teaching colleagues in different contexts, and so on.

In all these cases, the Eaquals TD Framework offers points of departure organised across the three phases ofdevelopment, and in some cases, particularly in the design of in-house or open-enrolment courses, provides suggestedaims and objectives. Language teaching institutions generally specify clearly what levels of language courses areavailable, in terms of (for example) the Common European Framework of Reference levels. However, a majority oforganisations providing refresher courses for teachers do not specify a pre-requisite level of experience or development.It is thus quite difficult for participants and their sponsors to know in advance what content will be covered, or at whatlevel. The headings in the Framework suggest specific objectives for different kinds of courses at three differentdevelopment phases, while the descriptors provide a basis for assessing whether or not these have been attained.


Institution B has received a report from an accreditation body which has recently inspected it. The teaching met therequired standard, the report contained recommendations about areas of learner assessment and about the languageproficiency and awareness of teachers, as well as about increasing teachers’ motivation and commitment. Thedirector has now asked a working group that includes two teachers to refer to the Eaquals TD Framework, especiallythe sections on ‘assessment of learning’, ‘the teacher as professional’ and ‘language, communication and culture’, inorder to plan a series of professional development activities that will address these recommendations.


Institution C runs numerous teacher refresher courses in the UK for teachers of English coming from across Europeon EU grants, and from countries beyond. The courses are well advertised but the descriptions of content andstructure are largely derived from previous courses, with much freedom being given to trainers to adapt the loosedescriptions when participants arrive. In response to feedback from some participants and sponsors, the Head ofTeacher Training has been asked to use the Eaquals TD Framework as a point of reference to organise the coursesover three levels aimed respectively at less and more experienced teachers, and to relate the content to the EaqualsTD Framework areas, drawing on the subsections as appropriate, but also creating new descriptors along similarlines to cover ‘teaching business English’ and ‘Using ICT in language teaching’, which are two of the most popularcourses. Once this is done and the new programmes are running, she plans to ask Eaquals to accredit the courses.

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Expanding the Eaquals TD Framework

Expanding the Eaquals TD Framework

A key feature of the Eaquals TD Framework is that it is intended to be ‘open-ended’: Eaquals’ aim is to encourageshared further development of the tool. The current areas and descriptors are at a relatively high level of generality,with only five or six sub-sections in each main section, and the descriptors are of competences required in languageteaching in general. However, many teaching situations will require additional more detailed descriptors.

At least two areas of further development suggest themselves:

1. For specific types of language teaching: the demands on and competence requirements of language teachersvary considerably depending on the context in which they are teaching. For example, teaching languages tovery young learners requires competences and background knowledge that are quite different from thoseneeded to teach company employees in their workplace. Similarly, teaching teenagers in CLIL classes intheir own country makes radically different demands from teaching a multinational group of teenagers onan intensive holiday course in a country where the language is spoken. It is suggested that for such differentsituations, the descriptors provided would need to be added to, and new subsections would need creating.The following differences are examples:a. Course purposes: general vs. specific (e.g. for work, for study, for tourism etc.)

b. Course orientation: whole range vs. primarily oral communication, primarily written communication etc.

c. Course level: e.g. beginner vs. intermediate; remedial vs. advanced

d. Group-size: large group (25-50), medium group (10-25), small group (3-10), or one to one;

e. Context: e.g. school-based or in-company

f. Resources: well resourced (interactive whiteboards, classroom internet access etc.), standard resources, or minimal resources

g. Student background and motivation.

2. Specific sub skills: in the section ‘teaching and supporting learning’, teaching skills such as ‘teachingpronunciation’ could be further sub-divided (for example, ‘using phonetic symbols to teach sounds’,‘teaching word stress’, ‘teaching sentence stress’, ‘teaching intonation’, ‘using jazz chants and other forms ofrepetitive practice’ etc.). The same is true of many other technical areas: using texts in class; designinglistening comprehension activities; handling errors; and so on. This also applies to the sub-sections in theother main areas, especially in ‘planning…’, ‘assessing…’ and ‘language, communication and culture’.

It is suggested that a good way of beginning CPD or training in such specific areas and institutional level is to run agroup activity to try to draw up the descriptors that participants and those co-ordinating the training/developmentconsider to be important at the relevant development level, or at all three levels. Brainstorming sessions led by moreexperienced colleagues can be supplemented by reference to journal articles on practical teaching skills andbackground rationale, teachers’ handbooks and language teaching websites etc., which can also be used in puttingtogether systematic sets of descriptors. It is important that both specific relevant teaching skills and the relevant areasof knowledge and understanding required are addressed. For example, in the case of descriptors for teaching skillsrelating to teaching stress and pronunciation, background knowledge is needed on how these aspects of spokenlanguage work in ‘natural communication’ as well as descriptors of the main teaching skills and techniques that canbe used. This encourages those working on descriptors to identify and consult both relevant sources of ideas andrelevant background reading.

Eaquals hopes that schools, teacher trainers and co-ordinators will be willing to share the sets of descriptors that theycreate for special kinds of teaching or specialist areas of teaching by sending them to [email protected] be added tothe Eaquals TD Framework so that they can be used and adapted by others.

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Expanding the Eaquals TD Framework

Next steps in development

An important step will be to continue improving the existing Framework by asking teacher trainers,directors of studies and teachers themselves within Eaquals to verify its content, in particular the waydescriptors are divided and written, and the three development levels proposed in each area.

The Eaquals TD Framework is available in electronic form via the Eaquals website to enable the languageteaching community to add sections to it, as described above.

Eaquals may also run workshops at future meetings to create further descriptors of interest and relevanceto members. These could also be added to the Eaquals TD Framework so that in time the resource wouldbecome more comprehensive and flexible.

Eaquals is open to suggestions relating to the wider use and further development of the Eaquals TD Framework, andwelcomes feedback, which can be sent to [email protected].

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Further information

Further information

Background and aims

The Eaquals TD Framework is the result of an Eaquals Special Interest Project. The purpose was to develop a detailedinventory of teacher competences based on the Eaquals Profiling Grid for Language Teachers, which, following themodel of the CEFRL Global Scale, summarised in two or three pages the qualifications, experience and main languageand teaching skills expected of language teachers over six phases of development. The aim of the Eaquals Grid wasprimarily to enable managers and inspectors within Eaquals to gain an overview of the qualifications and skills ofteachers in institutional teams, and to facilitate comparison between teachers with radically different backgroundsirrespective of the language being taught. Over the life of the project the Eaquals TD Framework evolved into aseparate but related resource with wider aims. Its purpose is to support the professional development of practisinglanguage teachers as well as the work of trainers and mentors who work with language teachers.


1. During a project co-funded by the EU Commission, the Eaquals Profiling Grid was developed and expandedinto the European Profiling Grid (EPG). The EPG was published in late 2013.

2. Unlike EPG the Eaquals TD Framework does not include analysis of qualifications, training and experience.However, it focuses in much greater depth and detail on the main language teaching competences,organised across three ‘phases of development’, rather than the six in the EPG.

3. Sample descriptors helped to confirm the definition of ‘competence’ as an amalgam of three maincomponents:a. Knowledge, understanding and awareness (savoir)

b. Practical or technical skills and abilities (savoir faire)

c. Attitudes and values (savoir être)

In a sense, the separation of these ‘components’ of competence is artificial since all the elements combine inan inseparable way when teachers are working. Indeed, the very idea of separating competences from oneanother is controversial as the essence of good teaching is integrating competences effectively in on-goingsequences appropriate for specific teaching and learning contexts. The intention of the descriptions offeredin the Eaquals TD Framework is to assist teachers themselves, their managers and those helping them withtraining and development to select skills and background knowledge to be focused on in continuingprofessional development that relate to the perceived needs and interests of teachers and their institutions.

4. A third important decision related to the areas of language teaching to be covered. Five main areas weredecided on:a. Planning teaching and learning

b. Teaching and supporting learning

c. Assessing learning

d. Communication, language and culture

e. The teacher as a professional.

5. In preparing the Eaquals TD Framework, the project group referred to a number of other sources apartfrom the Eaquals Profiling Grid and the EPG for inspiration and cross-checking.

Specifically related to language teacher training:

European Profile for Language Teacher Education

The European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages, EPOSTL

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Further information

Competency frameworks for teachers of any subject:

New Overarching Professional Standards for Teachers, Tutors and Trainers in the Lifelong Learning Sector (UK)

Professional Standards for Teachers (UK)

A Competency Framework for Teachers (Australia)

Professional Standards for Teachers - English as a New Language (USA)

6. An important step was the preparation of a list of key words and phrases to be included in the descriptors –the so-called ‘language thread’. This work generated three lists of 17 verbs/verb phrases to distinguish thedescriptors at the three development phases, for example:

Phase 1: ‘selecting and using’ (e.g. teaching materials)

Phase 2: ‘adapting’

Phase 3: ‘designing’.

This enabled the group to better conceptualise and describe the gradations of similar competences acrossthe three phases of development.

7. Real progress was made in two two-day meetings hosted by Sabanci University (in 2010 and 2011),involving seven of the project participants. A comprehensive sample for ‘planning’ provided by one projectparticipant was analysed and redrafted during the first such meeting. On the basis of this experience, asubgroup drafted descriptors for the four other main areas and compared them. Consultation with a widergroup led to revisions and a second draft.

8. The resulting version was then subjected to corpus analysis in order to identify inconsistencies interminology and the extent to which the ‘language thread’ had successfully influenced the drafting ofdescriptors.

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References and further reading

References and further reading

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) (2011)Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

EPG Project (2011-2013) (co-funded by the European Union through the Leonardo da Vinci ‘Transfer of Innovation’ programme)

Kelly M, M. Grenfell, R. Allan, C. Kriza and W McEvoy. (2004) European Profile for Language Teacher Education – A Frame of Reference final report

Lifelong Learning UK (2007) New Overarching Professional Standards for Teachers, Tutors and Trainers in the Lifelong Learning Sector

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards USA (2010)World Languages Standards

Newby, D., Allan, R., Fenner, A., Jones, B., Komorowska, H. and Soghikyan, K. (2006)The European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages, EPOSTL

North, Brian (2009)A profiling grid for language teachers - presentation to the International Meeting on Training, Quality and Certification in Foreign Language Teaching, Siena 2009

North B., G. Mateva and R. Rossner (2009-2011) A Profiling Grid for Language Teachers ( Eaquals)

Rossner, R (2009)‘Developing common criteria for comparison and assessment in language teacher education’ in Cambridge Research Notes, no. 38.

Training & Development Agency for Schools UK (2007) Professional Standards for Teachers

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