The Duck, the Whale, and the Rabbit

The Duck, The Whale, and The Rabbit Three life lessons all put into one adventure! By: Aubrey and Katie


An awesome story by Katie and Aubrey

Transcript of The Duck, the Whale, and the Rabbit

Page 1: The Duck, the Whale, and the Rabbit

The Duck, The Whale, and The Rabbit

Three life lessons all put into one adventure!

By: Aubrey and Katie

Page 2: The Duck, the Whale, and the Rabbit

The Duck

Part lIllustrated by Aubrey

Page 3: The Duck, the Whale, and the Rabbit

There once was a duck named Duck. He enjoyed playing on his iPad. He liked to talk to his friends, Whale and Rabbit, on it too.

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Duck was playing on his iPad, when Crocodile came up from the water, and swallowed his iPad!!! Duck became very sad.

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Duck was sad because he wouldn't be able to talk to Whale and Rabbit anymore.

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So he went to play with them in person.

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After Duck played with his friends, Whale and Rabbit for a while, he realized that he had more fun playing with them in person than just talking to them on his iPad.

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To be continued...

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The Whale

Part 1Illustrated by Katie

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Whale is happy because Duck came over to play with him and Rabbit. Duck told him that although technology can be fun sometimes nothing beats being with your friends.

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The next day he went with Rabbit over to Duck's pond. Everything was fine until Rabbit wanted to go swimming and Duck wanted to draw.

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Duck and Rabbit fought for a long time. Finally they decided that Whale should pick what they should do.

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Whale didn't know what to do. If he picked swimming he thought Duck will be mad, and if he picked drawing he thought that Rabbit would get mad, so he made up a compromise.

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Whale decided that everyone would do what they wanted to do, and that he would draw under water since he likes swimming under water.

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To be continued...