The Deserted House by Alfred Lord Tennyson

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Transcript of The Deserted House by Alfred Lord Tennyson

POETRY ANALYSISFinal AssignmentTHE DESERTED HOUSE by Alfred lord Tennyson (1809-1892)



Life and Thought have gone awaySide by side,Leaving door and windows wide.Careless tenants they!All within is dark as night:In the windows is no light;And no murmur at the door,So frequent on its hinge before.Close the door; the shutters close;Or through the windows we shall seeThe nakedness and vacancyOf the dark deserted house.Come away: no more of mirthIs here or merry-making sound.The house was built of the earth,And shall fall again to ground.Come away: for Life and ThoughtHere no longer dwell;

But in a city glorious - A great and distant city -have boughtA mansion incorruptible.Would they could have stayed with us!

Poem The deserted house was poem made by Lord Alfred Tennyson. This poem told about some situation where everything in that place was gloomy, loneliness, empty, blank, and there no place to life. It used literal sense, because there was some place like the writer draw. The place where there was nothing although a noisy thing or a light which can perforate.The first stanza explain some situation where no signal from human life. That entire situation was gone leave everything away. That leaved the write feeling slowly and constantly. Make everything making blood run cold. Leave everything behind in the bad condition without any protection. It gave metaphor like the situation of feeling brittle, likely to a snap.That sad feeling in the poem looks like the dark come in the night. Situation became more dreadful like dark in the night. The leaving feel there was no any helping. Like the situation is alone. There was nothing one of care till the noisy or voice that making sure that him life in the world. The condition was very bad. All the way was close. That was without of any protection. The writer asked about stirrup in his life. Asked the happy memory which gone away without any doubt. When we look closely, it was evident loneliness without any happy sound. There was no anyone who made happy a sound. Everything was not built strong. And it will fell break without any residue. And then draw the other and we saw that they was not stayed together.Alfred lord Tennyson. He was born Aug. 6, 1809, Somersby, Lincolnshire, Eng and died Oct. 6, 1892, Aldworth, Surrey. He was English poet, the leading poet of the Victorian age. While attending Cambridge University, Tennyson developed a deep friendship with Arthur Hallam. His reputation as a poet increased at Cambridge, and he published Poems, Chiefly Lyrical (1830), "The Lotos-Eaters" and "The Lady of Shalott," was published in 1832 (dated 1833). Tennyson's closest friend was Arthur Hallam, a wonderfully gifted young man whose early tragic death in 1833 would inspire In Memoriam .In Memoriam was dedicated to Hallam. And the deserted house here represents Hallan death body. The great year of Tennyson's life is 1850: on June 1 he published In Memoriam, the long elegy inspired by the death of Hallam; less than 2 weeks later he married Emily Sellwood, with whom he had fallen in love 14 years before; and in November he was appointed poet laureate to succeed William Wordsworth. Tennyson's years of uncertainty and financial insecurity were over; he became the greatly esteemed poetic spokesman of his age.In Memoriam is in form a series of 129 lyrics of varying length, all composed in the same stanzaic form. The lyrics may be read individually, rather like the entries in a journal, but the poem has an overall organization. It begins with the death of Hallam, who was engaged to Tennyson's sister, and it ends with the marriage of another sister. Tennyson described it as a "kind of Divina Commedia, ending with happiness." The poem covers a period of roughly 3 years, punctuated by three celebrations of Christmas. The movement of the poem, though it is as irregular as a fever chart, is from grief through resignation to joy. The poem combines private feeling with a perplexity over the future of Christianity which was shared by many of Tennyson's contemporaries.The first four stanzas of the poem described the emptiness of a house. From the word in that poem, in the first until fourth stanza we knew that it told about condition of the house, because it explained about the part of the house. These words were door, windows, murmur, house, and the dark house. In the poem the author explained about the condition of the house which were in the appalled condition. There was not any protection. And impossible to us to stay here, everything in here is emptiness. It was impossible that everything is dark. There was no any light here. Even in the ruin we would see some light or shown evidence of light. But in the second stanza were really nothing here. Everything was empty. Everything clearly defined like empty. We really could not imagine something happened here. It was also not possible this was existing on the Earth.Here no more means that ever a mirth which was no existing anymore. It was consulate the house after leaved from the owner. Fragility on the house observably by prepared with when the house was exist. The condition of the house was gloomy and nothing. Fragility of the house seen like the house would collapse. At the last stanza of the poem concludes by revealing that an empty house is a metaphor for a dead body after the soul has left. The souls left with the great distance. Make it was an untouchable and achieved anymore. The body not lived by his souls like the other people. And questioned can they it stayed with us. us here represent human. The human was life and out of reach by the body, the body could not touch human.This poem use rhyme (abba). The most common use of iambs in poetry is in trimester. If you read the poem aloud, you should be able to hear four distinct beats per line. It will sound roughly like this: DUM da DUM da DUM da DUM da. We can look at the first line as an example. Stressed syllables are in bold and italic. Live and | thought have | gone awayThe poem is use repeating come away. Its used to describe something existing which now disappeared. It was means that it ever existing. It was left the body and house blank. The writer used diction like word door, windows, murmur, and shutter as a part of the house. It was told like it had no left here, everything was broke. It is nearly impossible to overemphasize the extent to which In Memoriam shaped the Victorians understanding of themselves, and how subsequent generations have understood them. the poem captured the mood of the era, alternating between faith in science and faith in religion, and reflecting the hopes, doubts, and beliefs of the Victorians. Tennyson later commented, acknowledging that his purpose was broader than recording his own experience of loss, I is not always the author speaking of himself, but the voice of the human race speaking thro him.1 Many Victorians had begun to privately question the tenets of Christianity. Developments in geology and natural history made it possible to envision a world whose surface and inhabitants were the product of natural forces operating over eons, as opposed to the result of the biblical Creation over six days. Their own lives were marked by the forces of the Industrial Revolution and the rise of capitalism. This paradigm shift caused a crisis of faith among many Victoriansor perhaps their lapsing faith enabled the eventual acceptance of scientific theories. IM(the deserted house)records the anguish associated with this crisis, along with its resolution into a more or less conventional Christianity. The poem describes not only the passing of Arthur Hallam, but the passing of a time when the sea of faith was strong, to use the words of Matthew Arnold, Tennysons contemporary. IM(the deserted house)provided comfort for many Victorians in mourning (Queen Victoria, a widow after the death of her husband Albert in 1861, remarked to Tennyson that next to her Bible, IM(the deserted house)as her comfort), and offered a new kind of spirituality in an age of doubt. At its heart, IM(the deserted house)remains centered on the figure of Arthur Hallam.Nor is the fact that IM(the deserted house) is a poem about mourning irrelevant to its representative status. For the Victorians, mourning was a highly regulated ritual among middle- and upperclass families, necessitating the wearing of specific clothes, staying at home and refraining from certain social calls and events, and oftentimes maintaining a sentimental keepsake of the deceased, such as a lock of hair. Any failure to conform to these rigid social codes might attract comment. On the other hand, grief that was expressed openly or ostentatiously, that went beyond what was proper, was liable to be held insincere. The death of a close relative or spouse thus constituted a personal and a public trial, as well as affording one the opportunity to show ones good breeding in the affective realm. The Victorian obsession with mourning in some case marked a turn inward from political to personal concerns, even a willful ignorance of political problems. The 1840s were a turbulent decade politically: intellectuals debated the Condition of England in the new industrial age; the Chartist movement demanded electoral and social change, sometimes violently; a terrible famine struck Ireland; across the Continent, rebellions overturned monarchies and governments.