The days of elijah (part 2)

The Days of Elijah

Transcript of The days of elijah (part 2)

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The Days of Elijah

Page 2: The days of elijah (part 2)

Introduction• Two of the greatest PROMISES in GOD’S Holy

WORD concern His PROVISION and PROTECTION. God PROTECTS and PROVIDES for His people. But there is a condition: we must TRUST and OBEY GOD’S WORD. If we SEEK the LORD and BELIEVE and OBEY His WORD, He will SUPPLY our every NEED. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33). “But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ JESUS” (Philippians 4:19). If we SEEK the LORD and His righteousness first, He PROMISES to provide our NEEDS- food, clothing, and shelter.

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Introduction• He also PROMISES to PROTECT us through all

the TRIALS and DIFFICULTIES of LIFE, through all the hardships and misfortunes, the temptations and seductions. Note that His PROTECTION is not from the hardships or trials but through them. As His children, we have an assurance, GOD- our Father- will be WITH US every step of the way (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23). He will hold our hands, hold us up, and carry us through every circumstance; as well as, He will supply our every need. This is the CLEAR PROMISE of GOD’S Holy WORD. “And God is able to make all grace (charis- supplies, provision) abound toward you; that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8).

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The Miracle of Flour and Oil• In the DAYS of ELIJAH, he had to LEARN and

DISCOVER the PROVISION and protection of the LORD God. The PROPHET had to GROW in FAITH and the KNOWLEDGE of the LORD and His Kingdom. We must learn that the LORD is our “DAILY BREAD” (Matthew 6:11; Luke 11:3; Exodus 16). This LESSON ELIJAH learned, he was FED by: (1) The RAVENS (30-fold) (1 Kings 17:6); (2) The WOMAN (60-fold) (1 Kings 17:9); and (3) The ANGEL (100-fold) (1 Kings 19:5-6). When we get COMFORTABLE with our own PRIVATE BROOK (revelation of the SPIRIT and WORD in a time of DROUGHT), it will DRY UP.

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The Miracle of Flour and Oil• God’s PROVISION was not only SUPPLIED in

the WILDERNESS but also in the CITY through the WIDOW (1 Kings 17:7-16). Eventually the BROOK DRIED UP, and the LORD instructed ELIJAH to go and stay in the CITY of ZAREPHATH (refinery, a place for smelting metals). This was a Phoenician coastal city situated between the cities of TYRE and SIDON, just NINE MILES south of JEZEBEL’S home turf. It was an INCONVENIENCE to move from the EAST to the NORTH, from one end of the land to another. There he would MEET a WIDOW whom the LORD had already instructed to SUPPLY FOOD for him (vv. 8-9).

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The Miracle of Flour and Oil• Immediately, ELIJAH OBEYED the LORD and made

the trip (1 Kings 17:10). When he entered the CITY GATE, he saw a WIDOW GATHERING STICKS. ELIJAH decided to TEST the WOMAN to see if she was the WIDOW APPOINTED by GOD. He asked her for a DRINK of WATER and, as she was going to get the water, he called out and asked her to please bring him a PIECE of BREAD as well (vv. 10-11). Turning back toward ELIJAH, the WIDOW responded by sharing her desperate situation: she was POVERTY-STRICKEN, having NO FOOD, whatsoever, only a LITTLE FLOUR and OIL. In fact, she had been GATHERING the STICKS to COOK her LAST meager MEAL, expecting to STARVE to DEATH along with HER SON after they had EATEN this final meal.

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The Miracle of Flour and Oil• Hearing the desperate PLIGHT of the WIDOW,

ELIJAH challenged her to TRUST the LORD for His PROVISION (1 Kings 17:13-14). He told her to GO HOME and BAKE the BREAD, but to GIVE him the FIRST part. She could THEN MAKE BREAD for herself and her son, for the LORD would REPLENISH the FLOUR and OIL miraculously. He would PROVIDE for ALL THREE of them until the DAY that it RAINED (v. 14). Note this was a PROMISE based on the authority of GOD’S WORD, for ELIJAH declared that this is what the LORD Himself had PROMISED. This became a TEST of FAITH for the WIDOW. This also became a TEST of AUTHENTICITY of the PROPHET- Elijah.

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The Miracle of Flour and Oil• The WIDOW believed and OBEYED the

PROPHET of GOD, doing exactly what ELIJAH had instructed her to do (v. 15). Note BELIEVING and OBEYING the PROPHET is EQUATED to BELIEVING and OBEYING the LORD and His WORD (2 Chronicles 20:20). And the result was astounding: the LORD miraculously PROVIDED FOOD every day for the woman and her family and, of course, for ELIJAH the prophet (1 Kings 17:16). The FLOUR and OIL never ran dry, just as the LORD had PROMISED through His faithful prophet (v. 16).

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The Miracle of the Resurrection• Sometime later, the exact time is not given,

TRAGEDY befell the HOSTESS of ELIJAH (1 Kings 17:17-24). The WOMAN who OWNED the HOUSE was the WIDOW. Her SON became SICK and eventually DIED (vv. 17-18,20,22-23). It seems the WIDOW had a GUILTY CONSCIENCE, immediately concluding that GOD was PUNISHING her for her SIN by KILLING her SON (v. 18). What sin she was referring to is not stated. Once again, this became a TEST of the woman’s FAITH. And once again, it was a TEST of AUTHENTICITY for the PROPHET- Elijah.

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The Miracle of the Resurrection• Sensing guilt, the WIDOW accused ELIJAH

of causing the DEATH of her SON. She felt that she was being JUDGED because of some SIN in her LIFE and that the PRESENCE of the PROPHET had EXPOSED her SIN. In response to the widow’s accusations, ELIJAH simply TOOK her SON in his ARMS and CARRIED him UP to his own room, laying him on the bed (1 Kings 17:19). Many HOMES in PALESTINE at that time had GUEST ROOMS built on their ROOFS. It was referred to as an UPPER ROOM, guest room.

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The Miracle of the Resurrection• ELIJAH stayed in the UPPER ROOM. Glory! Note ELIJAH’S first recorded PRAYER in the UPPER ROOM (v. 20) simply expressed his COMPASSION and CONCERN for the WIDOWED WOMAN who, in addition to the TRIALS of FAMINE, now also had to bear the TRAGEDY of her SON’S DEATH. Implicit in the PRAYER was the DESIRE that GOD RELIEVE her of this added BURDEN.

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The Miracle of the Resurrection• After crying out and expressing his puzzlement,

ELIJAH stretched himself over the boy THREE times. He cried out in PRAYER each time, asking GOD to let the BOY’S LIFE RETURN to him again (1 Kings 17:21). Note PERSISTENCE in PRAYER is FUNDAMENTAL to obtaining one’s petitions (Matthew 7:7-8; Luke 11:1-13; 18:1-8). Immediately, ELIJAH witnessed the astounding POWER of the LORD (1 Kings 17:22). The LORD God miraculously RESTORED the BOY’S LIFE (v. 22). This is the FIRST RECORDED instance in Scripture of a RESURRECTION to LIFE. Picking up the child, because he was weak, ELIJAH carried him to his MOTHER with the wonderful, amazing news: “Your son lives” (v. 23).

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The Miracle of the Resurrection• Taking the child into her arms, no doubt weeping,

the WIDOW made a CONFESSION of FAITH declaring THREE proven TRUTHS: (1) the LORD God is the AUTHOR of LIFE, (2) ELIJAH was truly a MAN of GOD, and (3) The WORD of the LORD is TRUE. This miracle solidified the AUTHENTICITY of the PROPHET- Elijah. He was CONFIRMED as a MAN of GOD (v. 24). It was also CONFIRMED that the TRUE WORD of the LORD was “IN” his MOUTH (v. 24). Note THREE TIMES the WORD of the LORD was TESTED in his MOUTH: (1) TESTED to CREATE FAMINE- no rain; (2) TESTED to RESIDUAL SURPLUS- flour and oil; and (3) TESTED to RESTORE LIFE- raising the widow’s son.

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The Miracle of the Resurrection• There are eight recorded resurrections throughout Scripture:

1. The resurrection of the son of the widow who lived in Zarephath (1 Kings 17:22).

2. The resurrection of the son of the Shunammite woman (2 Kings 4:35).

3. The resurrection of the dead man who touched Elisha’s bones (2 Kings 13:21).

4. The resurrection of the daughter of Jairus (Matthew 9:25; Mark 5:42).

5. The resurrection of the son of the widow of Nain (Luke 7:15).

6. The resurrection of Lazarus (John 11:44).7. The resurrection of believers at the time of the LORD’S

crucifixion (Matthew 27:52).8. The resurrection of the widow named Dorcas (Acts


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The Revelation of the Flour and Oil• As the MIRACLES of JESUS are FILLED with

KINGDOM PRINCIPLES and REVELATION, so are the MIRACLES of ELIJAH. As a matter of fact, the MIRACLES of ELIJAH reveal GOD’S PROVISION, PROTECTION, and POWER unto the NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH. For instance, the MIRACLE of the RESIDUAL SURPLUS of the WIDOW’S FLOUR and OIL demonstrates GOD’S RESTORATION and PROVISION. The “FLOUR” represents the WORD of the LORD in SEED FORM. The “OIL” denotes the PRESSED SPIRIT of the LORD. The word “WIDOW” (’almana) means “DEFICIENCY, a woman with a deceased husband; metaphorically, a CITY STRIPPED of its INHABITANTS and RICHES”.

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The Revelation of the Flour and Oil• Symbolically, the CHURCH is seen as a WOMAN and the BRIDE-CITY. The term “WIDOW” describes how the WORLD has VIEWED the CHURCH- without Husband JESUS, barely surviving (Isaiah 54:5-10). “She said, ‘As surely as your GOD lives, I don’t have so much as a biscuit…’” (1 Kings 17:12, The Message). It also shows the PRESENT CONDITION of the CHURCH without HUSBAND and FATHER ministry (seed-carriers).

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The Revelation of the Flour and Oil• In the LAST DAYS, the LORD declared, “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes. And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction” (Malachi 4:5-6). This means LORD will HEAL the PRESENT CONDITION of the CHURCH restoring the SEED-CARRIER MINISTRY of the husband-father.

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The Revelation of the Flour and Oil• The LORD God sent ELIJAH to ZAREPHATH,

the place of REFINING and SMELTING, BEFORE he met Ahab again. The PROPHET needed to TESTED and PERFECTED before he could call FIRE down from HEAVEN. So ELIJAH was SENT (apostolic ministry) to ZAREPHATH to OPERATE the WORD that he ATE at the Brook Cherish. He had been CHANGED that he might bring CHANGE to someone else whose WORD and SPIRIT were scarce. The LORD God is commissioning an ELIJAH MINISTRY to the CHURCH to bring the RESTORATION of FINANCES and the HOME LIFE.

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The Revelation of the Flour and Oil• To the world, the WOMAN (the CHURCH) and her SON (the KINGDOM realm) are but TWO STICKS (the balance of BOTH Brideship and Sonship) (1 Kings 17:10,12; Ezekiel 37:15-28). Note the prophet’s INSTRUCTION was: “Do what you can’t do!”, “Give what you can’t give!” Remember ALL she had was a SEED. But in the FULLY FERTILE, EVER-INCREASING KINGDOM of GOD, you do NOT need a LOAF when you have a SEED (Matthew 15:27; Mark 7:28). SOW the SEED!

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The Revelation of the Flour and Oil• “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for

whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7). Based upon the PROMISED WORD of the LORD, the WIDOW SOWED the FLOUR and the OIL into the FULLY FERTILE, EVER-INCREASING KINGDOM of GOD. The FLOUR and the OIL were to REMAIN “Until the DAY” of the LORD’S RAIN (Hosea 6:1-3; Joel 2:23; Zechariah 10:1). This points to the THIRD of the CHURCH of JESUS Christ and the SEVENTH DAY of the LORD (they are the same day) (Joel 2:23; James 5:7).

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The Revelation of the Flour and Oil• The “SAYING of ELIJAH” in verse 14 is the

“WORD of the LORD” in verses 15 and 16. The WOMAN (the CHURCH) will receive the “PROPHET’S REWARD” (Matthew 10:41-42)- what the prophet SAYS! This is the FIRST recorded MIRACLE of a SUPERNATURAL and inexplicable MULTIPLICATION of FOOD (1 Kings 17:15-16). Compare the MIRACLES of JESUS regarding the multiplying of the LOAVES and FISHES (Matthew 14:15-21; 15:32-38), and the continual supply of the WINE at the wedding in Cana of Galilee (John 2:1-11).

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The Revelation of the Resurrected Son• The LORD God has the POWER to RAISE the

DEAD just as He has the POWER to CREATE LIFE and the process or law by which every child is born into the world. Whatever processes are involved in the formation of a child from inception to birth- the laws that create life- have been established by God Himself. The RAISING of the WIDOW’S SON is the FIRST RECORDED MIRACLE of a RESURRECTION in the Scriptures. Even more interesting, it occurred during the DAYS of ELIJAH. This SEED took ROOT in the PHYSICAL DAYS of ELIJAH and bears FRUIT in the SPIRITUAL DAYS of ELIJAH.

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The Revelation of the Resurrected Son• Verses 17-18 picture what has happened to the

BIBLICAL TRUTHS concerning our SONSHIP and MATURITY “IN CHRIST”, but the DAYS of ELIJAH will REVIVE it! This vital reality was pushed to the side because of tradition, but the LORD God has begun to RESTORE this UNDERSTANDING to His people (Joel 2:25). Verse 18 reveals the typical OLD ORDER (classical Pentecostal) reaction to adversity and contrary winds (SIN-consciousness). She had apparently committed some secret sin- it is mostly in times of adversity that we quickly consider our moral state.

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The Revelation of the Resurrected Son• The prophetic ELIJAH MINISTRY will STRETCH the WOMAN (the CHURCH) to BELIEVE GOD for ALL that He has promised. Note the PROGRESSION of the TESTING of the WIDOW and ELIJAH. Note HER TEST was also HIS TEST.o“FETCH me” the water in the vessel (v. 10).o“BRING me” the morsel of bread (v. 11).o“MAKE me” a little cake first (v. 13).o“GIVE me” your dead son (v. 19).

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The Revelation of the Resurrected Son• The UPPER ROOM was a “LOFT” (something

elevated, roof-room, roof chamber). It signifies an ASCENDED DWELLING PLACE. If he DWELT (lived) in an ASCENDED PLACE, this means he obtained an ASCENDED LIFE (Philippians 3:12-14). Note he carried his PROBLEM to the ASCENDED PLACE. He carried DEATH up to the ASCENDED PLACE. Many times we seek to keep problems and death from our secret place. But ELIJAH, along with Psalm 91, reveals that ASCENDED PLACE is the PERFECT PLACE for RESURRECTION and TRANSFORMATION.

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The Revelation of the Resurrected Son• Carry your BURDEN to the ASCENDED PLACE to experience the POWER and PRESENCE of the LORD God. Note ELIJAH PRAYED and STRETCHED HIMSELF (to measure by stretching a line; extend oneself full-length) THREE times in the ASCENDED PLACE. This THIRD STRETCHING, the THREE-FOLD MEASURE of ELIJAH’S TOUCH or INFLUENCE, the “MEASURE of the stature of the FULLNESS of Christ”, brought RESURRECTION LIFE to the SON!

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Conclusion• In these LAST DAYS, the TRUE CHURCH will be

TESTED and RESTORED. Its apparent current STATE WIDOWHOOD is due to its DETACHMENT from her HUSBAND-JESUS. Nevertheless, the LORD promised that He would RETURN and TAKE AWAY her WIDOWHOOD (Isaiah 54:5-10). As a matter of fact, He promised never again to PUT HER AWAY. He gave an UNCONDITIONAL PROMISE, like He gave in the DAYS of NOAH. The LORD has PRESERVED the OIL and the WINE as He promised in Revelation 6:6; He is also RESTORING the GRAIN, WINE, and OIL (Joel 2:21-27). The LORD is SENDING the APPOINTED RAINS. You shall EAT in PLENTY and BE SATISFIED. The LORD is EVER-PRESENT GOD. Let all the people PRAISE HIM!

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The Days of Elijah