The Dark Pixie Scope E-mag · 2016 extra scopes extra numerology & tarot mini love & career 2016...


Transcript of The Dark Pixie Scope E-mag · 2016 extra scopes extra numerology & tarot mini love & career 2016...




Contents:Num erologyTarotAstrology M anifestat ion

Photo credi ts:

Cover page: Road to H onfleur beach by Chr ist ian Bor t les via Fl ick r

https:/ /www.fl ick /photos/bor tescr ist ian/10542700723/

Page 3: W ho is num ber one? by Dar ron Fick via Fl ick r

https:/ /www.fl ick /photos/ thunderpants/3190287208/

Page 4: The Road by Daniel W einand via Fl ick r https:/ /www.fl ick /photos/weinand/5313296821/

Page 5: Cher r y Blossom s begin to bloom by rok1966 via Fl ick r

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Page 6: Bal loons by Derek Key via Fl ick r https:/ /www.fl ick /photos/derekskey/8599676459/

Page 7: New Beginn ing by Nishanth Jois via Fl ick r

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Page 8: Bal loon M ob by a4gpa via Fl ick r https:/ /www.fl ick /photos/a4gpa/279059564/

Page 9: Bonne et heureuse année ! H appy New Year ! by anne arnould via Fl ick r

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Page 10: W inter r oad in M i l lstone by joiseyshowaa via Fl ick r

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Page 11: M ountains fr om Sky - Alps - Swiss and I taly - Alpi Svizzera e I tal ia by Dino Ol ivier i via Fl ick r https:/ /www.fl ick /photos/dino_ol ivier i / 357366514/

Page 12: The journey is the goal by Alexanderson via Fl ick r

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Page 13: Tarot of the Forest: Dionysus by Ar iel Gr im m via Fl ick r

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Page 20: Free sunset f lam ingo pink color fu l clouds texture for layers by D Sharon Prui t t of Pink Sherbet Photography via Fl ick r https:/ /www.fl ick /photos/pinksherbet/ 3080007410/

Page 21: Lanterns in St Annes Square, M anchester, for the Chinese New Year by Gidzey via Fl ick r

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Pages 22: 199 - H ope dangles on a str ing by M eg W il ls via Fl ick r

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Page 25: through the br idge by Tuncay Coskun via Fl ick r https:/ /www.fl ick /photos/ tuncaycoskun/15517518602/

Pages 26: Apr i l 01, 2013 at 1:21PM by Arya Ziai via Fl ick r https:/ /www.fl ick /photos/ar yaziai / 8610440465/

Page 29: Colours by Br ian via Fl ick r https:/ /www.fl ick /photos/ l incoln ian/2166739230/

Page 30: Roads in Thai land by Anton W hoa via Fl ick r https:/ /www.fl ick /photos/ skdn/8154731998/


*Remember that al l general horoscopes are for

entertainment purposes only. Have fun!



Find your Personal Year Number for 2015 and read your mini love and career numerology scopes!

Don' t know your Personal Year Number? There are two methods you can try:

Method 1: Using Sun Number (most common)

Universal Year Number + Day & Month of birth and reduce to a single digit

Example: Born July 15th, year is 2016

7 (July) + 1 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 22

2 + 2 = 4 Personal Year

Method 2: Using Life Path Number

Universal Year Number + Day, Month & Year of birth and reduce to a single digit

Example: Born July 15th 1979, year is 2016

7 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 48

4 + 8 = 12

1 + 2 = 3 Personal Year

You can try them both out and see which resonates w ith you!



This year, take charge in love instead of waiting for things to happen for you. You can make things happen on your own. Your best love months can be January, May, and October, and you?re most open to having a partner and giving them the love they want from you. If single, throw your energy into finding someone during those months, and if in a relationship, you can work on improving the connection you have together, or take things to the next level.


This is the start of a new 9-year cycle for you, so start anew with your professional life as well. What have you wanted to do that you haven?t had the guts to actually take the first step with? You can have all of the energy and courage you need to do that this year, especially in July. What you start this year can be the beginning of a new journey in your professional life, one that?s long and rewarding over the next nine years of life.



A 2 Personal Year gives a ton of focus on your relationships, and you want to have a partner in your life that will treat you well and give you the support that you need. You feel this more strongly in the month of September, and can connect best with others in April. You can enjoy the time you spend with others one-on-one, and having a partner makes you feel better. If single, you can focus more on changing that, and if in a relationship, you can be more committed.


You can bring some balance into your professional life, make compromises, and get other people to meet in the middle. You can benefit from having a partner with you to help you get further with your goals, so entertain the idea of working with another whenever you have the chance. You can be most ambitious in the month of June, and feel that you can get rewarded for your work then. Financial rewards can be seen in April.




Your sociable personality this year helps you to meet lots of new people, so if single, you can have lots of options, but they can be fleeting. March and August can bring the best chances for you to make things more serious, and you can find the commitment that you seek, but it needs to remain fun, not too serious. If in a relationship, have more fun with your partner this year. It could be a good idea to plan for a vacation for just the two of you in July or August.


The connections that you make in 2016 can help you with the goals that you?ve set for yourself. You may find it difficult to focus at times, but your positive attitude keeps you on the right path, and the people around you give you opportunities. May can be the best month professionally. Make the most of the networking that you do this year, and you can set yourself up well moving forward. You can come up with lots of ideas this year as well, so keep track of them.




You?re willing to put in the hard work with your relationships this year, and do what must be done. It may not feel like you make a lot of progress at times, but you do feel that it?s important nonetheless. The months of February, July, and November can be best for your relationships, and you connect more with your loved ones, but also feel that you have to put in more work. If single, you may focus more on yourself than on finding someone new.

CareerThis year is more about getting work done that will pay off down the road rather than seeing the payoff this year. We all have times where we have to work hard for the future, and this is one of those times. April can bring a glimpse of rewards for your hard and smart work, and financial rewards can be hinted at in February and come to fruition in November. Slow and steady wins the race, and you?re in this for the long haul.




In a year of change, this is a great time to make changes in your relationships. Shake things up and make it exciting again, if in a relationship. You can focus on your relationships most in January, June, and October. If single, you can meet lots of new people, but they need to keep it interesting, or you?ll walk away without thinking twice. Your taste can be fickle, but if you encounter someone really fascinating and fun, you?ll stick around.

CareerYou can create changes in your professional life that you want to make, and take risks on things that you normally shy away from. You want to shake up your life this year, and your career is no exception. Rewards can come in the form of attention, and March and December can be the best months. You can meet the right people, find yourself in the spotlight, and make the most of your creative energy, which is high this year.




Your relationships can be front and center this year, and you focus on giving your loved ones whatever they need. You?re willing to make sacrifices for them and for your relationships. If in a relationship, you improve the connection with your partner, especially in June, but if it?s not going to work, it can become apparent in September. If single, you want to have a relationship that lasts and has an emotional connection, and can meet someone midyear.

CareerThis can be a year of great rewards for the hard and smart work that you?ve put in, especially the months of February and November. February can give a glimpse of things to come, with bigger rewards coming in November. May can be a month where you have to work extra hard in order to get the rewards you want, but you?re willing to do it. You can take on more responsibilities with your goals, and it pays off in the end.




You can spend a lot of time this year thinking about your relationships, what?s working and what isn?t, but may not take too much action. You?re more concerned with your relationship with yourself and with the Divine than with others this year, so your relationships can be put on the back burner. April and August can be the months where your focus turns towards your relationships, can you can try to connect at a soul level.

CareerYou can make long-term plans for the goals that you have this year, but taking action may be some time away. You?re better at gathering data and information, doing your homework, and preparing yourself for the future. January and October can be times where you see some of your plans put into action, and things can pay off more in October than in January, but you want to make sure you?re focused on goals that fulfill in more than material and financial ways.




You can focus on the physical aspects of love this year, and want more of a physical connection, or tokens of love and bigger displays of affection. If in a relationship, you can strengthen the physical side of the relationship, especially in March and December. If single, you can meet someone through your work, and you?re impressed by work ethic and ambition. July can be the best month for you to connect with someone.

CareerAn 8 year is great for accomplishing things, and focusing on your goals. You work harder, you have complete focus, and you feel even more ambitious. February can kick of the year with the beginning of something big, March can bring benefits from a partner, April brings harder work, and May can bring a sudden change in your direction, but also having the spotlight find you. July can be the most rewarding, and you end the year feeling comfortable and on the right track.




You can evaluate which relationships need to be worked on which need to go this year, and it can be an emotional experience. You?re more vulnerable and emotional with your loved ones, but you do what needs to be done. If in a relationship, this can be a make-or-break year. You?re going to keep going stronger, or you?re going to part ways. This can be evident early on in February, and come to completion by November. If single, you want someone who can understand you.

CareerYou?re less focused on your professional life this year, wanting to clear your life out, focus on what?s really important, and find something that fulfills you outside of yourself. You can do the same with your work, and try to eliminate goals that your heart isn?t dedicated to, and do work that will bring more fulfillment. June can be the month you?re most focused on your finances, and August can be the month you?re most focused on your goals.




Possibi l i t ies: There are possibi l i t ies everywhere, and al l you have to do is be open to them . You feel com for table with who you are and where you?re going, and th is ease in your own sk in br ings new people and oppor tun i t ies for new relat ionships to you. Open up to those oppor tun i t ies, single or attached, and and you can f ind great joy in love.

Car eer

Adventure: I f you can be open, tr ust ing, and look at the wor ld in awe and wonder, you can f ind plenty of oppor tun i t ies for great adventures that lead you to f ind the success that you want. You can achieve the goals and dream s you have, and you can f ind other oppor tun i t ies that you never would?ve im agined were possible and lead to even bigger, better th ings.


Courage: W hen you have courage, you can shine out an inner l ight that draws al l of the wor ld?s joy to you. W hen you take a chance on yoursel f, the wor ld can take a chance on you. I f single, don?t be afraid of putt ing yoursel f out there and going for what you want. I f at tached, don?t be afraid of ask ing for what you want and showing exact ly how you feel .

Car eer

Total i ty: Be com plete in your r esponse to what happens in your l i fe. W hen you approach som ething com pletely, and you give i t your com plete attent ion in the m om ent, you can f ind al l of the subt le nuances that you m ight otherwise m iss. This helps you to m ake th ings happen professional ly, and when you approach your goals th is way, you can accom pl ish m ore.



Com plet ion: Take t im e to let som e th ings end in your l i fe. By doing so, you clear out your l i fe and m ake room for new, better love relat ionships. You can im prove exist ing ones by clear ing out your hear t of darkness, and you can open yoursel f up to new connect ions. W hen you let th ings end and let them go, and you m ake plenty of r oom for new wonders.

Car eer

The Creator : You can take everyth ing that you?ve com e to learn and use i t to your advantage now. You take the knowledge you now have and the sk i l ls you?ve developed and can pursue your goals with a m uch better chance of success. Al low your wisdom to help you, and fr eely express yoursel f, no m atter what you want to accom pl ish in l i fe.


Going W ith the Flow: You can be tem pted to f ight against the cur rents in your love l i fe in 2016, but let i t go. Instead of f ight ing, go with the f low and see where i t takes you. You don?t have to be in com plete control al l of the t im e. H ave fai th that i f you tr ust everyth ing wi l l be al r ight and you?l l have the love in your l i fe that you want, i t wi l l happen.

Car eer

New Vision: You have a greater understanding of how al l of the pieces f i t together now, and you can use th is awareness to achieve what you set out to do. You know that when you in tegrate your focus with your dr ive, you can achieve anyth ing you set your m ind to. Feel as one with in yoursel f as wel l , and you can be an unstoppable for ce.



The Outsider : Old feel ings of insecur i ty and not being enough can get in the way of you having the k ind of love that you want in your l i fe, so work on el im inat ing those feel ings th is year. You?re not a chi ld anym ore, and the insecur i ty you car r y with you is no longer val id. W hen you let i t go and f ind value in yoursel f, others begin to value you as wel l .

Car eer

Guil t : You m ay dem and m ore fr om yoursel f than you can real ist ical ly achieve, and becom e hard yoursel f for not achieving i t . W hen you f ind yoursel f doing that, r em ind yoursel f that even when you fai l , you have the chance to learn and grow, and you can em bark on a new journey that can be bigger and better than you ever im agined. Don?t hold yoursel f back .



Success: You can enjoy the relat ionships that you have for what they are in the m om ent, and th is al lows you to im prove the relat ionships you have with loved ones. You take pleasure in their com pany, and appreciate the l i t t le th ings. This also opens you up to new love, and you have a greater appreciat ion for i t now than you would have before.

Car eer

Com par ison: You can com pare yoursel f to others a l i t t le too m uch th is year, and need to avoid tr ying to be som eone else. You?l l be happiest when you?re yoursel f, and you should on ly com pete with yoursel f. Better yoursel f, don?t tr y to win over others. Look with in and m ake sure that you?re pursuing what m akes you happiest, not what other people are doing.



Project ions: I t?s easy to project your own ideas of what a person or r elat ionship should be on to others, and see what you want to see. But you won?t have com pletely fu l f i l l ing relat ionships i f you do that, so m ake sure you?re seeing people for who they are, and the relat ionships in your l i fe as they are. Real i ty m ay be di fferent, but better than you th ink .

Car eer

Change: Changes com e constant ly, one of the few constants in l i fe, and you can exper ience change when i t com es to your goals in 2016. But you have two choices, you can f ight i t and get wrapped up in the wi ldness, or you can go with i t and m ake changes that wi l l benefi t you. Tr y to choose the latter, and you can create som ething great.



M atur i ty: Al l of the hard work you?ve put in to have better r elat ionships, better understanding of what you want and need, and a better connect ion with yoursel f pays off. Your r elat ionships im prove, and you?re open to the love that com es your way. I f you haven?t been work ing hard, you can begin to th is year, and change the way your r elat ionships are going forward.

Car eer

In tensi ty: You know exact ly what you want and how to get i t , and you can m ove with great in tensi ty of focus th is year. This helps you get fur ther faster, and you can f ind new oppor tun i t ies for yoursel f along the way. Nothing deter s your focus on your goals. You know what you have to do, you know what i t takes, and you?re wi l l ing to do i t no m atter what.



Ordinar iness: Let th ings happen, let th ings be as they are. You m ay have these big ideas of what you?d l ike your love relat ionships to be l ike, but they?re grand ideas and noth ing m ore. You can f ind your greatest happiness when you appreciate what you have, and revel in the idea of love that?s norm al , m undane, and sim ple. This is the love that lasts.

Car eer

Awareness: You can have an innate understanding of what you want and what needs to be done, and i t r equires no effor t on your par t to f igure that out. Oppor tun i t ies can com e to you for you to achieve what you want, and you inst inct ively know which oppor tun i t ies wi l l be best. You?re opening up to the energy around you, and gain ing a si lent understanding.



Exhaust ion: Your r elat ionships m ay have becom e bor ing, stale, and blah, and you?ve bui l t up rout ines and structures the protect your hear t. But you won?t have the love you want un less you take a chance and let loose. The love you al r eady have becom es m ore exci t ing, and the new love that com es in to your l i fe can set you on f i r e.

Car eer

Rebir th: H ow you?ve been is not how th ings wi l l always be, and changes com e. You?re in a per iod of evolut ion with your goals, and the m ore you evolve, the m ore oppor tun i t ies you f ind for you to achieve success. You evolve with greater understanding and knowledge, and a m atur i ty that helps you as you m ove forward toward your dream s.



Par t icipat ion: Being with others is good for your soul th is year, so spend m ore t im e with your loved ones. I f in a r elat ionship, be with your par tner and be there for them m ore. I f single, the m ore t im e you spend with fr iends, fam i ly, and the people in your l i fe, the m ore oppor tun i t ies you seem to f ind to m eet som eone new who wi l l help you feel m ore grounded.

Car eer

Consciousness: You have a clear understanding of what i t is that you want, how to get i t , and what i t wi l l m ean for you. Use th is clar i ty to help you achieve the goals that you?ve set for yoursel f. Be clear about what you want, understand what i t wi l l take to do i t , and know that i t wi l l m ake your l i fe better going forward.



Break through: You can have a break through th is year about what i t is that?s keeping you fr om having the k ind of r elat ionships that you want, and th is can be scary, but exci t ing. Knowing what?s holding you back al lows you to work on i t , and you enr ich your exist ing relat ionships, and star t new ones that are m ore fu l f i l l ing than you thought possible.

Car eer

Understanding: You can com e to understand that the th ings you thought were holding you back fr om pursuing your goals were real ly al l in your own head, blocks of your own m ak ing, and once you understand that, you see how fr ee you are to pursue them . You can get out of your own way, and f ind the success that you?ve dream ed of.


Jupit er is in Virgo unt i l September, br inging good energy for work, healt h, and daily l i fe, and we t ry t o be more organized, and benef it when we do. Jupit er enters Libra in September, and our relat ionships get a boost . Saturn spends t he ent ire year in Sagit t ar ius, and we t ry t o balance l imit at ion, caut ion, and rest r ict ion wit h expansion, r isk, and opt imism. Mars ret rogrades in 2016, mid-Apr i l t hrough June, and t empers can be short , we're a l i t t le t oo defensive, and our energy and dr ive are t oo high or t oo low. Pat ience is required in a big way! Mars is in Scorpio and Sagit t ar ius t hrough September, so t ransformat ions and other people's money (Scorpio) and higher educat ion, t ravel, and expansion (Sagit t ar ius) get a lot of focus in 2016.




- Dr. Seuss



The March 23rd lunar eclipse in your relationship sector is good for focusing on manifesting letting go of a relationship that you need to walk away from, but have lacked the strength or courage to. To manifest a new relationship, try the September 30th new moon. For new love, use the August 2nd new moon. To bring a love relationship to the next level or find a love soul mate, use the January 23rd full moon.


You can work on manifesting a soulful love with the full moon February 22nd, though if you want a fun love, try the September 1st solar eclipse in your love sector. That eclipse is good for manifesting reigniting the flames as well. The April 22nd full moon can be good for focusing your manifesting on letting go of relationship issues, while the new moon October 30th can be good for manifesting new relationships.





Manifesting can focus on your relationships with the new moons January 9th and December 29th, though with Mercury retrograde at the same time for both, you may want to focus on reconnecting with people. The full moon July 19th can be good for manifesting letting go of someone. The full moon April 22nd is good for manifesting deep love, while the new moon October 30th can be good for new love that?s exciting.


Manifesting a strong love connection can be focused on with the March 23rd lunar eclipse, as well as moving on from old love or old flames. Starting new love can be manifested with the September 30th new moon. You can manifest taking a relationship to the next level or walking away from someone with the June 20th full moon, and manifest a new relationship with the November 29th new moon.



The new moon on November 29th can be good for manifesting new love, if single, or more romance, if in a relationship. You can manifest a new relationship with the new moon February 8th, and manifest better commitment or having a better relationship, if attached. The full moon August 18th can be the time to manifest the end of a relationship, one being brought the the next level, or clarity on which way to proceed.


You can manifest a new relationship with the solar eclipse on March 8th, and it?s something that can last if you want it to. If in a relationship, you can focus on making the ties between you stronger. The lunar eclipse September 16th is good for manifesting the culmination of your relationship so you can determine if this will keep going and become stronger, or if you should walk away soon.



Love: You can manifest new love with the new moon February 8th, if single, or more romance, if in a relationship. The full moon August 18th can be great for manifesting love that?s deep and has a soul connection, or the end of a love relationship. The full moon October 16th can be good for manifesting the end of any relationship, and the new moon April 7th is good for manifesting the beginning of a fruitful relationship.


The solar eclipse March 8th can be great for manifesting new love, if single, or making things fun and romantic again, if in a relationship. The lunar eclipse September 16th is great for manifesting a love relationship reaching it?s full potential, and you can figure out if it?s going to last or if you should cut ties. The new moon May 6th is good for manifesting strong commitment and a new relationship.

Sagit t ar ius

Manifesting anything to do with love can be great with the new moon April 7th. You can manifest new love, new romance, sparks, and excitement. Manifesting anything to do with relationships and commitment can be great with the new moon June 4th. You can manifest a new relationship, new commitment, a stronger tie to your partner, or being more open to committing to someone new.


The new moon May 6th is good for manifesting new love, renewed love, new romance, or renewed sparks. You can manifest a love relationship going to the next level with the full moon November 14th, and manifest a new relationship with the new moon July 4th. You can manifest being more comfortable with commitment, being more thoughtful with your partner, or having an equal partner.

Aquar ius

The full moon December 13th can be good for manifesting the end of a love relationship, meeting someone new you have a karmic tie to, or taking a love relationship to the next level. You can manifest a new relationship or commitment with the August 2nd new moon, and can manifest the end of a relationship with the full moon on January 23rd, or the end of relationship issues.


Manifesting a new relationship can be great with the solar eclipse on September 1st, if single, and if in a relationship, you can manifest stronger commitment and a stronger relationship. The new moon July 4th can be good for manifesting new love, if single, or a rekindled spark, if in a relationship. The full moon February 22nd can be good for manifesting the end of a relationship.



- Herman Melville



The January and December new moons can be great for manifesting new goals, but with Mercury retrograde for each, it may be best for things you want a second chance with. The July 19th full moon is good for manifesting the culmination of your hard work. For finances, the new moon May 6th is good for manifesting new financial opportunities, and the full moon November 14th is good for manifesting the realization of financial goals.


The February 18th new moon can be a good time to work on manifesting a new direction or a new goal for you to work on. The August 18th full moon is good for manifesting the realization of that goal. You can focus your manifesting on your work life and new projects with the new moon September 30th, and the lunar eclipse March 23rd can pack some big energy for manifesting the work life that you?ve always wanted and worked hard to have.



The November 29th new moon can be great for manifesting a better work environment, better relationships with your co-workers, a new work project, or a better job. You can focus on manifesting better financial opportunities with the August 2nd new moon, and manifest career opportunities with the April 7th new moon. The October 16th full moon can be great for manifesting the culmination of hard work you?ve put in.


The March 8th solar eclipse can be excellent for manifesting new career goals that you can throw yourself into in 2016, and you can manifest their culmination with the September 16th lunar eclipse. There?s a lot of energy with those two, so make the most of them. You can focus on manifesting better finances and financial opportunities with the new moon on July 4th, and use the energy to your advantage.



The new moon on May 6th is excellent for focusing on manifesting new career goals and making progress with the ones you have. You can also manifest making a good impression or getting noticed by the right person. You can manifest the end of financial issues with the February 22nd full moon, and manifest better financial opportunities with the solar eclipse September 22nd that sets you up going forward.


The new moon on February 8th is good for manifesting a new job, new work opportunities, or better work relationships, while the full moon August 18th is good for manifesting finishing a work project or leaving a job. The new moon lunar eclipse March 23rd is great for manifesting the resolution of financial issues, and the realization of financial goals that you?ve been working hard at.



You can manifest new work goals or projects, a new job or work environment, or a better relationship with your co-workers with the solar eclipse on March 8th, and it?s something that can last. The new moon October 30th can be great for manifesting financial opportunities and ventures, and the full moon April 22nd can be good for manifesting the end of financial problems or realization of financial goals.


The new moon November 29th can be used to focus on manifesting new financial opportunities as the year winds down. You can use the new moon August 2nd to work on manifesting new goals, new opportunities, and a new direction. The full moon January 23rd can be good for manifesting the culmination of a goal, and you can manifest getting attention and praise for your work.

Sagit t ar ius

Manifesting that has to do with your work can be good with the May 6th new moon, and you can manifest new goals, renewed ambition and drive, and opportunities for success. The new moons January 9th and December 29th can be good for manifestation that?s for your finances, but with Mercury retrograde, you might want to focus on financial opportunities you had in the past again.


The new moon on February 8th can be good for manifesting financial opportunities, and creating a new financial venture. The full moon on August 28th can be good for manifesting the end of financial issues, resolving financial problems, or realizing a financial goal. The lunar eclipse March 23rd is excellent for manifesting the realization of career goals, and reaching a new height with your work.

Aquar ius

You can manifest a new financial opportunity, better finances, or new financial ventures with at the solar eclipse March 8th, and you can manifest the realization of financial goals and plans with the lunar eclipse September 16th. The financial energy is strong with these two eclipses, so make the most of it. You can manifest work opportunities with the new moon July 4th.


You can manifest the end of work projects, problems, or disputes with the full moon January 23rd, and manifest new work opportunities with the new moon August 2nd. The full moon on May 21st can be a high point for you, and you can manifest the realization of a long-time goal. New goals can be manifested with the new moon on December 13th that you?re excited about.


No m at ter w hat the year ,

r em em ber -


-- M ar y Shel l ey