- - - . -- . .. - ... .-" THE DAILY IOWAN A Daily Newspaper Published by the Students of the State University of Iowa. VOL. I. IOWA CITY, IOWA, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1902. , STATE MEET POSTPONED THE LAST PARTY TEAM DOING FINE WILL PROBABLY BE HELD ON The Senior Hop will No Doubt B. VOSS HOLDS FAYETTE TO TWO WEDNESDAY Better than Ever before HITS The senior hop committee is The Mud on the Track at Des Moines holding frequent meetin£,s these The Game Full of Snappy and Phe- Nearly a Foot Deep- Team Leans days in making their final prepa- nomical Work- Team Contlnuel for Home at Five O'Clock rations for the commencement to Improve- Score 7 to 0 {or (Special to The Daily Iowan.) party. Following the precedent Iowa DES MOINES, IOWA, May 24.- set by the Junior prom the com- The old principle that defeat mittee feel that they are obliged l'ke s cc s l' not 'th ut l'tS Vl'C It has been found to be impos- I u e WI 0 - sible to hold the state field meet to give something new and above todes is now being demonstrated this week on account of the con- the ordinary this year. Every again by our basebllll team. The effort is being made to do this defeats of the a t a e but prov dition of the track on which the p r - mud and water at noon today and the plans for decorations and ing to be the ource out of which stood almost a foot (jeep. The general arrangements certainly we are now drawmg our succes - speak for success in the attempt. es 1'he old ,nf eep I 't up tt'll you meet will probably be held Wed- . The plans for the decorat . ions are learn" sa l'ng to Tomm 'e has been nesday but there is a possibility y 1 in many ways unique. The com- the It'ne folIo "ed by Capt Story that it may take place Monday, or \" . maybe it will be postponed until mittee have a list of about forty and his men in their training this P ieces of music from which se- s n' gad from the st Ie of ball the latter part of next week, on p n 11 y lections are being made. d's 1 ed th d'a d yester Friday. I p ay on e I mon - It ,,yas thought for some time d . st F tt lie e the The various track teams will f ay agatn aye e co g y that the change in the date 0 certainly have learned. leave this afternoon anci tonight graduation, placing it before the for their colleges. The universi- hop would injure it but it is The game was perhaps the ty team with the crowd of root- thought now that this fact will prettiest seen on the field this ers will leave for Iowa City at only add to the party's succe s as season and the many brilliant five o'clock. all exerciscs being over and out plays of Story's men brought much applause from the grand The rain began last night at of the way it will leave everyone d fill d . h 1 F seven o'clock and came down like free and prepared to thoroughly stan e WIt peop e. rOm the first to the last the Iowa men pitchforks for more than an hour, enjoy last and in many ways were right in the game and the at the end of which time the the jolliest dance of the year. streets of Des moines were flood- victory was theirs almost from the start although the Fayette boys ed and presented a perfect sheet Inter-collegiate Tennis by no means played mean ball. of water. Practically all night Next Week loog' the rain continued, now and "Johnie" Voss at center lab then slackening up into a drizzle, The Bailey Brothers leave to- put up an excellent exhibition of only to break out again until it night for Chicago where they with pitching and held the college men seemed the very clouds had the others, Marsh and Hull, of down to but two safe hits through- burst. This morning the rain I the Iowa tenni team witi out the game. His control , speed, Icept at it, thOllgh not so hard as pete in the intercollegiate tennis curve:. and head work were excel- 1 '1 b I lent and were of such an order as ast night, uutl a out e even tournament which takes place o'clook, and it was a disappoint- next week. This is the first time would win easily the remaining ed lot of students that gathered Iowa has been represented in this games on Iowa's schedule. about the. corriders of the Kirk- intercollegiate tennis meet and DuJ:3ois at third accepted sev- wood hotel this forenoon. I the Bailey Brothers stand an ex- eral hard chances and handled This afternoon althought the cellent chance of coming 011t well veryone of them in a very pret- rain has ceased it was seen that I to tbe head. Nine schools will ty way indeed. "Cappie" Story the events could not be pull<.d be represented including Califor- at short made two of the mO'lt off either today or tomorrow on I nia. brilliant and pbenominal catches account of the very bad condi- Besides this meet the Iowa tbat have been made on the field tion of the track. The mud is I team on their trip will play a this year. After one of them d a very thick while in many places dual tournament with the Uni- person in the grand-stand aske the scorer what h .. marked on the stand pools of water. The track versity of Chicago. with the best of weather will not book when anyone caught a safe fi d" f hit. Every player was right on be in rst class con :tlOn or sev- , At the Phi Beta Kappa initia- his nerve in the fielding and only era) days although It may be so I tory ceremonies held last night in two error are charged to them that the meet can be held °!l l Room 3 12 of arts hall, there were during the game. Monday, Wednesday IS I taken into the fraternity several The double play from DuBois much mOle probabl.e date. alumni besides those from the The Drake contlllgent around. to Vande Steeg to Shearer waS th I t 1 fid t th t D k I graduatmg class. These are per- especially fast and pretty. In e 10 e are can en a ra e .. K '11 . tt t d th' . s illS who attaIDed PhI Beta ap- hitting Iowa also excelled and WI Win 11e mee an IS OPIn- d' b f h bl' h 1 . . h Id b th t f th I pa stan lllg e ore t e esta IS - although Cole pitched good bal Il)n IS eye mos 0 e j f th Al h f I h D M' 1 It . t I ment 0 epa 0 owa c ap- yet they succeeded in bunching es .omes .peop e. IS prac - ter. Those thns honored were five hits during the first part of cally ImpOSSIble to find a news- H S R' h d A th G b h · k I arry •. IC ar s, r ur . the game which coupled with paper man w 0 t 10 S owa can S . h G P S 'th R b ta win. Most every team however ', Hml it , Srace h . M m ! 'W'lol' er three bases on balls and four b l' I I '11 k 0 mes eas ore, ISS I lams, stolen bases netted them an earn- e leve t 1. t owa WI ta e sec- Miss Louise E Hughes ed game. Story found the ball ond at .least with .chance of I .. for two nice singles and somethlllg better. Gnnnell and I Ivy Lane picniced yesterday . A t d k Vande Steeg, Dubois and Rice hIt mes arc expec e to rna e a afternoon and evening at Butler's . f hard fight for third place al- ! 1 d' It 011t or one each. though lirinnel1 is talking strong- i an mg. The Fayette team play ly that AmeR will take second I Among the old Iowa track men I save for Adams at short and Sulh- and that the fight for third will · around the Iowa headquarters at van at third, who each had two be with the university. I Des Moines today was seen Joe rather bad errors chalked up Nothing- nell' in the way of prO- I Warner. against him. Young Oliver, the tests or surprises has developed. . ., fifteen year old hoy at second 'I'he raln and the putting off of . WI l klOS, left half on the foot- bag. hand led himself very much the meet has been a severe blow ball last fall, won a pretty like a ball player indeed. He in a financial way to the teams III the box for the Des showed himself to have that, and to thc association. It is Motnes ball team yesterday. probably most essential quality feared that meet when held I The senior Erodelphians will of a ball player- good headwork. next week not be as welJ at- give a special program at St. The second game in the "silver as It would have been Brendan'S Hall, Saturday even- bat" series will be played tomor. If It c(\ult.l have been pulled off in&, May 24, "Rebecca's Tri- row at Ames with the Agricultur. today. umph, admission 15 c. I al eollege. No. ISO The score : IOWA R 811 S8 po Dye,1f 0 0 3 Doe,cf 0 0 Dubois,3b 0 I 0 2 Rice , c I 3 Van de Steeg 2b 1 I [ Burn, rf 0 0 0 0 Vas, p 2 1 0 tory, ss 2 0 t Shearer, Jb 0 0 o 16 7 6 4 27 FAVltTTE R BI( B P Ayer Ib 0 0 0 ullivan 3b 0 0 0 13 2 Belknap coo 0 Lartain If 0 0 0 3 0 Cole p 0 0 2 Adams 0 0 Clark rf 0 0 0 om stock rf 0 0 0 Oliver 2b 0 0 3 r 24 022 Iowa 2 2 2 0 I 0 0 0 0-7 Fayette 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 A 0 0 0 0 .. 0 I 0 I 0 0 4 0 I 1 0 12 2 A £ 0 0 % I 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 11 6 Bases on balls-off Cole 4, off Vo s, 2. truck out- by Voss, 4 by Cole 3,' Double plays-Du- BOIS to Van de teeg to hearer, Adams to liver to Ayer . tolen ba eD, DuBois, Rice, Vos , ullivan, Adams . Time 1 :30. Umpire Yates . W L PC Iowa 5 11 .3 12 HAMPI KIP GAM W L PC Wisconsin 4 0 1.000 Minnesota 0 1.000 Illinr>is 6 3 .667 Purdue 2 .667 Chicago 6 S ·545 Michigan 2 2 .5 00 Northwestern 1 5 . 16 7 Iowa 0 3 .000 Indiana 0 6 .000 GrinneU on her SaU Team "It has never been explained what the hoodoo is that Iowa keeps for Grinnell, but certain it is that something of that nature exists. league game with Cor- neJl yet remains to be played. Thi will be an opportunity for the tudents to rally to the up- port of the team. Grinnell has for years desired a nine that could play consistent ball, but such an organization has not yet revealed itself. "-Scarlet and Black. Dr. H. M. Humphrey '95 H M, was unaminously elected presi- dent of the Iowa Homeopathic Medical at Waterloo last Humphrey is well worthy f the p( sition he has lJt:en chosen to fill. being one of Iowa's leading physkians. Dr. Alic Humphreys-Hatch, '95 H M, of Des was chosen first vice president and Dr. Wig- gins. of Osage, a former student at S. U. I., a' second vice presi- dent. Dr. E. R. Arne, of Rolfe, was again chosen secretary and Dean Roya} as treasurer. These gentlemen hiwc erved in the re- spective posit'ons for several years.

Transcript of THE DAILY · THE DAILY IOWAN A Daily...

Page 1: THE DAILY · THE DAILY IOWAN A Daily Newspaper Published by the Students of the State University of Iowa. VOL. I. IOWA CITY,

• - - - . -- . -~ .. - ... .-"

THE DAILY IOWAN A Daily Newspaper Published by the Students of the State University of Iowa.




The senior hop committee is The Mud on the Track at Des Moines holding frequent meetin£,s these The Game Full of Snappy and Phe-

Nearly a Foot Deep- Team Leans days in making their final prepa- nomical Work- Team Contlnuel for Home at Five O'Clock rations for the commencement to Improve- Score 7 to 0 {or

(Special to The Daily Iowan.) party. Following the precedent Iowa DES MOINES, IOWA, May 24.- set by the Junior prom the com- The old principle that defeat

mittee feel that they are obliged l'ke s cc s l' not 'th ut l'tS Vl'C It has been found to be impos- I u e WI 0 -sible to hold the state field meet to give something new and above todes is now being demonstrated this week on account of the con- the ordinary this year. Every again by our basebllll team. The

effort is being made to do this defeats of the a t a e but prov dition of the track on which the p r -mud and water at noon today and the plans for decorations and ing to be the ource out of which stood almost a foot (jeep. The general arrangements certainly we are now drawmg our succes -

speak for success in the attempt. es 1'he old ,nf eep I' t up tt'll you meet will probably be held Wed- . ~ The plans for the decorat.ions are learn" sa l'ng to Tomm 'e has been nesday but there is a possibility y 1 in many ways unique. The com- the It'ne folIo "ed by Capt Story that it may take place Monday, or \" .

maybe it will be postponed until mittee have a list of about forty and his men in their training this Pieces of music from which se- s n' gad from the st Ie of ball the latter part of next week, on p n 11 y lections are being made. d's 1 ed th d'a d yester Friday. I p ay on e I mon -

It ,,yas thought for some time d . st F tt lie e the The various track teams will f ay agatn aye e co g y that the change in the date 0 certainly have learned.

leave this afternoon anci tonight graduation, placing it before the for their colleges. The universi- hop would injure it but it is The game was perhaps the ty team with the crowd of root- thought now that this fact will prettiest seen on the field this ers will leave for Iowa City at only add to the party's succe s as season and the many brilliant five o'clock. all exerciscs being over and out plays of Story's men brought

much applause from the grand The rain began last night at of the way it will leave everyone d fill d . h 1 F

seven o'clock and came down like free and prepared to thoroughly stan e WIt peop e. rOm the first to the last the Iowa men

pitchforks for more than an hour, enjoy ~his last and in many ways were right in the game and the at the end of which time the the jolliest dance of the year. streets of Des moines were flood- victory was theirs almost from the

start although the Fayette boys ed and presented a perfect sheet Inter-collegiate Tennis by no means played mean ball. of water. Practically all night Next Week loog' the rain continued, now and "Johnie" Voss at center lab then slackening up into a drizzle, The Bailey Brothers leave to- put up an excellent exhibition of only to break out again until it night for Chicago where they with pitching and held the college men seemed the very clouds had the others, Marsh and Hull, of down to but two safe hits through­burst. This morning the rain I the Iowa tenni team witi com~ out the game. His control , speed, Icept at it, thOllgh not so hard as pete in the intercollegiate tennis curve:. and head work were excel-1 '1 b I lent and were of such an order as ast night, uutl a out e even tournament which takes place o'clook, and it was a disappoint- next week. This is the first time would win easily the remaining ed lot of students that gathered Iowa has been represented in this games on Iowa's schedule. about the. corriders of the Kirk- intercollegiate tennis meet and DuJ:3ois at third accepted sev­wood hotel this forenoon. I the Bailey Brothers stand an ex- eral hard chances and handled

This afternoon althought the cellent chance of coming 011t well veryone of them in a very pret­rain has ceased it was seen that I to tbe head. Nine schools will ty way indeed. "Cappie" Story the events could not be pull<.d be represented including Califor- at short made two of the mO'lt off either today or tomorrow on I nia. brilliant and pbenominal catches account of the very bad condi- Besides this meet the Iowa tbat have been made on the field tion of the track. The mud is I team on their trip will play a this year. After one of them da very thick while in many places dual tournament with the Uni- person in the grand-stand aske

the scorer what h .. marked on the stand pools of water. The track versity of Chicago. with the best of weather will not book when anyone caught a safe

fi d" f hit. Every player was right on be in rst class con :tlOn or sev- , At the Phi Beta Kappa initia- his nerve in the fielding and only era) days although It may be so I tory ceremonies held last night in two error are charged to them that the meet can be held °!l l Room 3 12 of arts hall, there were during the game. Monday, ~owever Wednesday IS I taken into the fraternity several The double play from DuBois much mOle probabl.e date. alumni besides those from the

The Drake contlllgent around. to Vande Steeg to Shearer waS th I t 1 fid t th t D k I graduatmg class. These are per- especially fast and pretty. In e 10 e are can en a ra e .. K

'11 . tt t d th' . s illS who attaIDed PhI Beta ap- hitting Iowa also excelled and WI Win 11e mee an IS OPIn- d' b f h bl' h 1 . . h Id b th t f th I pa stan lllg e ore t e esta IS - although Cole pitched good bal Il)n IS eye mos 0 e j f th Al h f I h D M' 1 It . t I ment 0 epa 0 owa c ap- yet they succeeded in bunching

es .omes .peop e. IS prac - ter. Those thns honored were five hits during the first part of cally ImpOSSIble to find a news- H S R' h d A th G

b h · k I arry •. IC ar s, r ur . the game which coupled with paper man w 0 t 10 S owa can S . h G P S 'th R b ta win. Most every team however ', Hmlit , Srace

h . Mm! 'W'lol' er three bases on balls and four

b l' I I '11 k 0 mes eas ore, ISS I lams, stolen bases netted them an earn-e leve t 1. t owa WI ta e sec- Miss Louise E Hughes ed game. Story found the ball

ond at .least with ~ .chance of I .. for two nice singles and Vos~. somethlllg better. Gnnnell and I Ivy Lane picniced yesterday . A t d k Vande Steeg, Dubois and Rice hIt mes arc expec e to rna e a afternoon and evening at Butler's . f hard fight for third place al- ! 1 d' It 011t or one each. though lirinnel1 is talking strong- i an mg. The Fayette team play wel~, ly that AmeR will take second I Among the old Iowa track men I save for Adams at short and Sulh­and that the fight for third will · around the Iowa headquarters at van at third, who each had two be with the university. I Des Moines today was seen Joe rather bad errors chalked up

Nothing- nell' in the way of prO- I Warner. against him. Young Oliver, the tests or surprises has developed. . ., fifteen year old hoy at second 'I'he raln and the putting off of . WIlklOS, left half on the foot- bag. hand led himself very much the meet has been a severe blow ball te~m last fall, won a pretty like a ball player indeed. He in a financial way to the teams ga~e III the box for the Des showed himself to have that, and to thc association. It is Motnes ball team yesterday. probably most essential quality feared that t~e meet when held I The senior Erodelphians will of a ball player- good headwork. next week \~11l not be as welJ at- give a special program at St. The second game in the "silver ~ : I~ded as It would have been Brendan'S Hall, Saturday even- bat" series will be played tomor. If It c(\ult.l have been pulled off in&, May 24, "Rebecca's Tri- row at Ames with the Agricultur. today. umph, admission 15c. I al eollege.


The score : IOWA

R 811 S8 po Dye,1f 0 0 3 Doe,cf 0 0 Dubois,3b 0 I 0 2

Rice, c I 3 Van de Steeg 2b 1 I [

Burn, rf 0 0 0 0 Vas, p 2 1 0

tory, ss 2 0 t

Shearer, Jb 0 0 o 16

7 6 4 27


Ayer Ib 0 0 0 ullivan 3b 0 0 0

13 2

Belknap coo 0 Lartain If 0 0 0

3 0

Cole p 0 0 2 Adams 0


Clark rf 0 0 0 om stock rf 0 0 0

Oliver 2b 0 0 3 r

24 022 Iowa 2 2 2 0 I 0 0 0 0-7 Fayette 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0

A 0 0

0 0 .. 0

I 0


0 0 4 0 I 1


12 2

A £ 0 0



0 3 0

2 0 0 0 0 2 0

11 6

Bases on balls-off Cole 4, off Vo s, 2. truck out- by Voss, 4 by Cole 3,' Double plays-Du­BOIS to Van de teeg to hearer, Adams to liver to Ayer. tolen ba eD, DuBois, Rice, Vos ,

ullivan, Adams. Time 1 :30. Umpire Yates.

W L PC Iowa 5 11 .312


W L PC Wisconsin 4 0 1.000 Minnesota 0 1.000 Illinr>is 6 3 .667 Purdue 2 .667 Chicago 6 S ·545 Michigan 2 2 .500 Northwestern 1 5 . 167 Iowa 0 3 .000 Indiana 0 6 .000

GrinneU on her SaU Team

"It has never been explained what the hoodoo is that Iowa keeps for Grinnell, but certain it is that something of that nature exists. "Tb~ league game with Cor­

neJl yet remains to be played. Thi will be an opportunity for the tudents to rally to the up­port of the team. Grinnell has for years desired a nine that could play consistent ball, but such an organization has not yet revealed itself. "-Scarlet and Black.

Dr. H. M. Humphrey '95 H M, was unaminously elected presi­dent of the Iowa Homeopathic Medical .~sociation, at Waterloo last Wed l. e~(!ay. l ~. Humphrey is well worthy f the p( sition he has lJt:en chosen to fill. being one of Iowa's leading physkians. Dr. Alic Humphreys-Hatch, '95 H M, of Des ~foines was chosen first vice president and Dr. Wig­gins. of Osage, a former student at S. U. I., a' second vice presi­dent. Dr. E. R. Arne, of Rolfe, was again chosen secretary and Dean Roya} as treasurer. These gentlemen hiwc erved in the re­spective posit'ons for several years.

Page 2: THE DAILY · THE DAILY IOWAN A Daily Newspaper Published by the Students of the State University of Iowa. VOL. I. IOWA CITY,

TH E D A I L Y lOW AN i thus make you happy and satis I FIRST YEAR. No. ISO


Thirty-fourth Year

THE S. U. 1. QUILL Eleventh Year

MANAGERS F. C. Drake H. E. Spangler F. C. McCutchen E. C. Hull

Terms of Subscription Per term '1.00

Per year, if paid before January I :1 . 00

Per year, if paid after January I • :1.50

Per month .40 Single Copy . .05

THE DAILY IOWAN will be sent to all old sub­scriben of The Vidette-Reporter and S. U. I. Quill until ordered stopped and arrearagel paid.

Copiea for sale and subscriptions taken at the Arcade Book Store.

tied with yourself. We know what a richly munifi­

cent offer this is, but we also know what an entertaining, use­ful, interesting ansi highly valua­ble publication THE DAILY IOWAN is to its readers who have the good old Iowa spirit and like to see the university prosper, and it would cause us severe pain to de­prive anyone of it.

This accounts for the boundless generosity of the above offer and we are certain that as a person of shrewdness and acumen you will grasp it quickly. We have al­ready figured just what we are going to do with your partIcular $2.50 when it gets here. '


The plan that has been sug­gested-that of selecting from the

Spring Suits w'

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Worthy Suits, the atisfactory kind-

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Address all coummunication. to


various Greek ball teams an all- ----------------------------

university frat team to play the varsity seems to be an excellent The UNIVERSITY ifCHIC1\.GO one. Such a team would put up ============================ no mean appearance against the Ed/It,./o.,h/_!



R . B. Hunt Mary A. Wilson H. M. Pratt M. Makepeace Morris Henry Walker.

D,/a,.,,,,,", W. P. McCulla, -

J. F. Kunz Ella B. Panon.

R. M. Anderson Frances M. Gardner

M. B. Call


- College of Law H. S. Fairall, Jr., - - College flf Medicine

E. N. Bywater, College of Homeopathic Medicine

R. H. Volland, - - College of Dentistry

E. H. Reedy, - - College of Dentistry

A . N. Brown, - - College of Pharmacy

Office with Miles & MOUlton, 1:13 E. Iowa Ave .

Enterea at the post-office at Iowa CIty, Iowa, as second class mail matter, Oct. II, 1901.

varsity, even though it is now playing an almost errodess game. Such a game would certainly draw a large crowd and from a financial standpoint it would do a good deal to bring up the deplet­ed reserves in the baseball treas­ury, inasmuch as the expenses for the game would be nothing. Another advantage of such a game, it would show up prospec­tive material for the varsity next year. The pan-hellenic games as they are played now cannot help but be a SOllrce of strength for the variity.

Latest shapes and styles in

The Scbool of Law will open Oct')ber I, '902. The college course may be fitted into the work of the Law School.

The School or Medicine w.iIl have a sum mer session beg-in-'.J ntng June T 8, J 902. The college

course may be fitted into the work of the Medical School.

IN EITHER SCHOOL, the la.t year ot the college work is taken in connection with the first year of the profes ional \fork.

IF THESE ANNOUNCEMENTS PLEASE YOU Send for a circular describing the Law COllrses or Medical

Cour es in

The University of Chicago, Chicago.

straw hats at Sueppel's. tf _~""'25U"""~iilRJ_ii!R!""""5l!RJ"""'!IU1!""""5I!SI!"""!5i!5i!!itiiIHJll"""'''''''''''''''

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yet placed themselves under the everlasting friendship of the busi­ness department by either calling or by sending a small package through the mail, the business management propound a mathe­matical problem in a letter of communication.

Straw Hats are here for your ... 1ftlU ....... anJi ..... ~ .... ~._""""""""IiiIAJ __ AIIiII_ .. ~hoosing-Coast & Son.

D.-R FRCENDS AND SUBSCRIBERS: ,; if you are fond of st~tistics it .-------------..,

may interest you to know that youI subscription to that very good publication, THE DAILY low AN, expired on a date that has been passed for some time. If yon are fond of figures a little mathematical {ixercise will show yOll just what you owe us for the hi.(h privilege of receiving THE DAILY low AN up to date.

Now there are times when we find a little loose change useful in


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our business and as in these days -------------­of prosperity you are probably rolling up wealth to an uncom­tortable degree, perhaps it wOllld please you to turn a little in our direction.

However we feel too good na­tured about it to get up au argu­ment. In fact, we will feel quite well satisfied if you send us a lit­tle lonesome, insignificant $2. SO.

When the $2.50 reaches us we will take a damp sponge and wipe all the arreages off the slat.e and make the account opposite your name look clean and neat, and

Special rates to Fraternity Managers and Stewards if boarding clubs.


Groceries II can be procured in the dty. Orden fill­ed promptly and delivered at once.

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LEE & HANVAT The old reliable Bookstore

Fine line of IIp-to-dat.e

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Leave Orders for Engraved Cards at tbt VLlnibttsttp 3Sook ~tOtt

And get them in A'ooel time for commencement. Don:t forget we are headpllarters for 0.11 th late books.

UnivtCllity Book Store, Cerny &: Louh.

Page 3: THE DAILY · THE DAILY IOWAN A Daily Newspaper Published by the Students of the State University of Iowa. VOL. I. IOWA CITY,

I '

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A 11 the late and best brandi on the market at

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L~..J Students

Who like good things to eat should go to the


"Dad" Moulton, who was doubtless the best trainer the var­sity has ever had was recently presented with a handsome loc­ket by the members of the track team at Leland Stanford, Jr., un­iversity.

The classmates of May Houser Copeland, ex-'02, Liberal Arts, will be interested to learn that she has taken her bachelor's de­gree at Boston Univer ity. Mr. and Mrs. Copeland sail for Europe immediately for a tour ot three months in Germany, Italy, Switz­erland, France and Great Britain.

Attention Readers Students and professors who

care for stylish turn·outs can have their wishes gratified by Galling on Foster, Thompson & Graham who have fitted out their stables with the finest lot of stan­hopes, traps, nlnabouts and eu­clids that are to be had upon the market. Don't ride behind "plugs" when the most stylish drivers are at your command. All persons desiring swen turnouts during commencement week should leave orders early.

Special Notices.

Go to Bloom & Mayer's for your up-to-date neckwear and negligee shirts.

We believe we sell the best $3.00 hat made- Coast & Son.

The Walk Over Shoes are now on sale at The Boston Shoe Store.

WANTED- during summer vaca­tion, house or rooms furnished for family. Give full description location and price.

H. E. BLACKMAR, Emmetsburg, Iowa.

The finest assortment of aU grades of cigars, from a penny each to Soc each at Wieneke's Arcade.

We are showing a large, fine line of spring novelties and are

1Cbt ~tatt UnillersiQ! of ]oma


The Graduate College

The ollege of Liberal Arts Including The ummer


The College of Law

The ollege of Medicine

The College of Homeopathic Medicine

Tho 'oUe e of Denti try

The C llege of Pharmacy

Th School f Politic 1 and , ial cience and of Com-

The Ho pital

The Nurse ' Training chools

Separate announcement will be ent gratuitou ly, po tage paid, upon application to

George E. Mac Lean, President First Semester begins September nnd; econd Semester, February loth

Iowa City Steam Laundry

Work called for and delivered.

Work done in one day if sent in before 9 a. m.

Family washing a specialty.

First-class work guaranteed.

Props., H. A. Rhoads, C. D. Whitenack, R. R. Buck A new, clean and up-to-date chop house.

'207 Washington Streer offering something especially fine L. __________________________ -.J


in gentlemen's silk ties. Sueppel's Clothing Store.

Our stock of Pipes is the best in the world, all prices-cheap. · ..... _ ................. · ......... _ ............. _ ...... 1 H J W' k ! . . lene e.

• Sole Agents for • A complete line of spring suits, ~ ~ spring overcoats, spring hats and , , spring shirts at Sueppei's. • Cameo _

! Seminola i ~ Haak's Monogram!

i Parsons & Schneider J l .................... __ .


- BROTHERS Incorporated -. .

OrrlclAL OUTrITTUI o( the wadin, Collegel, Schooll and Athletic Clubl of the COUll try. Spalding', offici~ l . athletic goodl are It.ndard of qu~lity and are recognized as such by all the leading organizations controllinK .pam, which invariably adopt Spalding'. Goods •• the beat .

The Spaldinr Official League Bue Ball; Official Intercollegiate FeN'! Ball; Official Gaelic and AlIOciation FOOl Balli Official Basket Ball; Official Indoor Bile Ball; Official Polo BallI; Official Athletic Imple­mentli Official Boxing Glovel.

• Inlilt upon Ketting Spalding's loadi and re(ult' to accept anythinll that i. offered. "lU1t al ,0041 al Sp~ldin&' .... H,,"d,,,,,,/. 1I1,,"r,.ud Cdt"t.,lI, .f A,ltl,,'t G .. il,

",,,11,11 (,." It tUl, .ddr'II,

A. G. SPAl.DING &: BROTHERS, New York Chtcaco Denver

We had comfort in mind when we bought our stock of summer shirts-soc to $z.oo-Coast & Son.

Special spring suit sale at Jos. Slavata's.

Our spring stock is complete and every department of our store is now filled with goods suit­able to the season.

Sueppel's Clothing Store.

A Bargain For sale cheap, one bran<;l new

Smith Premier typewriter. For particulars call at THE DAILY low AN office at once. tf


WHOL&SALE ICE Fr.m the crYltal ... te" of tbe low. RI .. r abo.e tbe Corn,lIIe dam. , I

Sta james


Hotel BEST ,:a.OO P!R DAY HOllSE

IN low A CIl'V


:-...................... ~ ........................ : i BENNISON, II5 Washington i • • • • • • • • • ! New Arrivals Datly i : In Fine Wash Fabrics, Fancy Ribbons, Fancy Neck- : • wear. Largest Stock of Foreign Hosiery and knit • •• • Underwear shown in the city. Fine anitary Muslin • Underwear. We cater for fine trade. : : . i You'll find here quality i : It's the standard upon which we base our prices. i i The Best always for the Least money. i • • • • • i BENNISON, II5 Washington i :.. ............................................... : ~UMMER TIME FABRICS are ready now for your choosing. We have a most elegant assort­ment of unfiinished Worsteds and Scotch Cheviots, which, when made with that touch of smart­ness which only the artistic tailor can give to your garments, will give you a greater amount of genuine satisfaction than can be possibly had elsewhere.

Josepb Siavata, Tailor

Page 4: THE DAILY · THE DAILY IOWAN A Daily Newspaper Published by the Students of the State University of Iowa. VOL. I. IOWA CITY,

Have you seen our display of

Fine Leather Goods in pocket books, purses, com­bination card and pocket books and bill books. Also our line of

Fine Stationery

in assorted tints that will please. I Our line of toilet prepara­

tions and brushes is complete. All are good value for the mon­ey.

Henry Louis Pharmacist.

Cor. Dubuque and Washington St.

Faculty Condemn Shirtwaists The faculty seem to have taken

a decided stand against shirt­waisted male students. Yester­day Pre ident Angell and Profes­sor Adams each requested the men of their classes to wear coats during the lectures. Dr. Lom­bard was highly offended by a few Sophomore medics appearing in sbirt sleeves a few days ago and refused to lecture until the coats were donned. The sopho­mores signed an agreement that they would appear in a body in shirt sleeves and will probably carry out that determination.­Michigan Daily News.

E mperor's Gift Stolen

A collection of photographs sent to Harvard University by the German emperor and present­ed in person by Prince Henry on the occasion of his recent visit to Harvard, is reported to have been stolen. The collection was a faithful reproduction of the class report of Germantc art, which th(:; emperor had prepared for present­ation to Harvard. The collection was removed from the Fogg Art Museum. Entrance \Va gained by breaking the skylight.

The Zetagathian have chosen Messrs Anderson, McCoy, Had­ley, Greene and Rinker to repre­sent them on the prcliminary dc­bates of next year.

Man hattan Sh irt . from. 1.5° to

IT'S HERE. If it is New and Good. Our Spring stock of Neckwear, Shirts. Hosiery

Etc., is complete. : Our Haberdashery Department makes new

friends every day and keeps on pleasing old ones. We've always something new and would be

pleased to serve you.

COAST & SON The Americam Clothiers.


Monday Afternoon and Eve, June 2d BY


Chicago Symphony Orchestra 50 INSTRUMENTALISTS- 6 OLOISTS

Reserved Scats at Wieneke's Arcade Book Store Tickets Good for both Concerts, 1.50 Single Admission, $1.00

Sale Begins May 26th.


If Morals are a i QUESTION OF DIET

$2.50 at Bloom and Mayer's. / ___________________________ _

Special suit sale for graduating classes at Jos. Slavata's.

We have everything in haber­dashery a man can require for the summer season Coast Son.

The new Swager hat at Bloom & Mayer.


Our 50C underwear is hetter I

As is urged by some who have made a study of the subject then it is evident that the grocery merchant occupies a position of no small re­sponsibility, for you depend more

~ or less upon the judgment and COll-

I science of your grocer for the se­lection of the tood which you consume.

than most stores sell for that ~~~~~ price - Coast & Son. .~

Barth, the Grocer

I takes particular pride in selecting for his trade the cleanest and most wholesome foods to be fOllnd any­where upon the market.

~~,:~:::~:~~:J For the latest Style and Best


lBrt£S£S anb i&ttrsilt££S£S ~ttit£s

[f you buy your summer suit here, it will be all right Coast & Son.

When you are an,' ling for

Picnics Canoeing Parties Etc., remem bel' that Rum mel­hart Bros, have everything ne­cessary for lunches. New line of wafer s, Crackers, cheese, veal and chicken loaf and all potted goods. I Call at my establ ish-

ment 011 1 19' ~ South Telephone. 104.

Dubuque St. Up . tairs. 1 130 SO T H DUB Q E ST. I

A. HUSA. Fashionahle Tai lor . , ____________ :-- 1 _______________________ 1


(S li mmer School) CH ICAGO. Regular graduating sc holll of Medicine' anu

Pharmacy Co-Educati"nal. Hrll1"" H. Br .. " n, 1\1. D. , l'resid"nt.

Srs!ion contin urs throughout the entirt yenr ill Medildl School. Cou," 4 yem and 6 mUlIth, cdch . Academic ytar, 4 ttrms, ].,nu"y, April, July and Octoher. May ClIter l>eginnin~ "I' nny term . Attendance upon t\\U termi <ntitles student to redit 'or 1 year'. Jttrn.lln't. Eumin .tlons .t dose of fach tfrm. Ph.trmncy tourt·, 1. ye."., 6 months rleh , Tenus ,rrnnged as above. Stssion. April to Oltoher. I\ighth annual essitln. JdnUJ~',

19°1. · N ,'w Cullcge Building •.

AdJrelgS<,,·y . WII.I.ARDC. ~" l" lR D. \I.n . (''''' r~e . I R . , K4 \V,,,lli ,, /! ,," /I/-If .

o· Startsman T he Up-T o-Date

Jeweler Fin e line of Watches and

Repairing- done \V aslli ngton Street.

"A ll work ~Dd no play makes Juck 8 dull hoy." '!'b~ collc,Lle bonrl of« pieces and till' various closscs altt.rlllli.f> in I(ivinll' monthly onterlninrncnts including musi· cal. IIt<1 rAry "nli '""IAI feRtl1l'f'P.

The Cabaret 1.'111': CAFE OF


Students! Sororities! Fratel'l1 ities!

....... , ... , .. _ 'or soir~es and in­.w..;~".,.; ormal blow-outs

go to the Caharet. Pri VAte dining rooms. Open after theatres. Up­on reql1est wi ll keep open fo r ria nce parties. Come and get csrimales.

Chicago CoUese of Dental Surgery

(Deelll DeptrI .. 11 01 Like Fenli UII"",I1.)

T wenty-first A nnual Coarlttl or in traction will beiliu Oct. 1st, 1902. ID ord"r 1.0 complc'to tb· COUI'Sll of instructioo ,n throe Y Rn< it is noccssory to ontoI' tbe coming so Rion-IlJO'L"l1Q:l-R8 a rour l ear course will be rt'Quirrcl th~rearter. For illu.trated catalOfluo oddro 8

DR. TRUMAN W. BROPHY, DellI, Wood & Harriloa Su., ChIcqo.