THE DAILY BULLETIN Beaver Saloon BETTER Hours iraee Go · 2015. 5. 30. · F. HORN, Practical...

'! - - "vHWiBWV ?: :$-?jr"- . j" ' !. ' 'WB9Kr '. - -- "r-s iVK ' M'? . fc ". I s B8Y' ' Sit BLJlBP I .. J vf' Jl MM ".if ,. CfOA, b il:m sjf ? i.-va- i ra$?i;Vv ,y vl 'WjSSE. v,. E!n-j- . H 4r. l - i. ?.: nBtiiiijai j.i 'ii11 .if ii j .! il jjLuajjLmi.imjjjMUUiM.iiJi i inn'.l.i iwjlajuu.i.iwi.11 bj i ujji i.j !! immiimiiiLi uivw wi mjhjhj hiij'ijiii 'ji'u.j'i' jjijjii i'iw't't"mui'jtM-gijmB-j uliwhjui .jijtLl wuiii wh j- - twi. hiil ." tg.-,- ' 'rvS".i Vol. Xrir. No. 1899. HONOLULU, H. I., SATURDAY EVEiNTKG, MARCH 24, 1888. CO OENTO BUDQORIPTION. PER MONTH. fo ' ft- W- - K-V- , Kfc' ' . &'." . &: tr! 3S . fr !" '. V.9 .SCiS1; Vi .0 sir.:. k; .. . fflfi ft' 1$.'' .. ?. kpt'- - !f Bfrt' iiT 1 K..: ' j - 'it i RA " i M yi I'- - BJ-- s? 31 7- - - tv V'. m( Sfi eW w-- te" :- - SST- - ,: to Cm L K, iV' ! THE DAILY BULLETIN In printed anil pabllahcd at'thc olTlco, Quoen atroot, lluiiolulu, II. I., every afternoon (Siimlays excepted). Subscription, 60 cents per Month. Adilrow nil Communications Daili BuMjETIN. AdvorlUemon'.s, tc uii3uro Ineortion, should be iinudoil In before ono o'clock r. m. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprlotor JAS 0. CLEVI0H .....Manaaor Bulletin Steam .Printing Office. Newspaper, Hook uud Job Printing of all kinds done on the moat favornblo terms. Hell Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 2C0 Daily Bum Seiw Fu.bli3b.ed. twico a Month, Ah interesting imil comprehensivo publication, and contains from 40 to CO columns of rending matter on lecal top- ics, and a complete resnmo of Honolulu and Nuwd. It is the best paper DublUbL'iI in the Kingdom to send to frlcnda abroad. Subse ip luii (mailed) Si.COaycar. ComruiBsiou fil"ei:uiiants. TT & Co., General Commission Agents. ' 070 ly Honolulu G, W. MA07ARLANE & Co. MPOllTEHa AN D COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Queen street, Honolulu. H. I. 1018 SI COMPANY, CBBE5WEK UKH1IKAL MltllOANTILB AUD Couuibsion Agekts. WBT 0!f okfioeks: P. O. Jonbs, Jr... .President & Manager J. O. Cakteii Treasurer & Secretary dikeci'Oiis: Hon. C. R. Bishoin S. C. Allbs, 11. V, ATEU1IODSE. a;ia ly T. VVATUJUHOUSB, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merckandibu, iduen t., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Castle -- J. U. Atherton-- G. V. Castle & OOOKB, GASTLE Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Healers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King St., Honolulu. 1 Olaua b,.reiviMn. Wm. G. Irwlq. iicWiN 6b COMPANY, WG. Sug'.ir b'actora and Commission Agents, HouuiuliK 1 Si CO., W1LDUB Dealurs in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sil'. and Building Materials of every ktud, cor. Port and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 QttlNilAUM St CO., MS. Importers of General Mer chandise ainl Commission Merchants, Honolulu, mid Hit Culifomiii street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. It, Ijwors, F. J. Lowrey, O. M. Cooko. & OOOKE, (sueci'saors to Lewers & Dickson,) Importers aad Dealers in Lumbr and all kinds ot LSuildhi Materials, Port street, Honolulu 1 He Oo., Wholesale Grocera & Wino Merchants 280 Beiwer Blouk, Honolulu. Notice of Removal! THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Has removed to one of tho New Stores in the TJioium I! lock, ling (Street, Three doois fiom Cattle & Cookes', Where he is prepared to manufacture all '.limlsif Jewelry. 00 A. M. HEWETT, Stationer & Newsdealer, Merchant Street, - Honolulu, H. I Slutual Tel. 871. UollTel.30. Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Specialty. Or Jor taken fur Newspapers, Pcriodl. caU, Broke, Mtblr, etc., from any part of the world, having made all arrange. mouU thoiofor whilst in Suu Praucisco. ICcd ICubbcr BUuuijh to Order. 71 TF YOU FIND ANYTHING, X advertise it in tho Daily Bulletin ProfossloiialB. M. THOMPSON, A.ttoviioy-ut-I.iv- v. OfUco In Oampbcll'a HlocU, Cor. Fort & Merchant SU., Honolulu, U. I. PRACTICES IN THE COURTS. BSEF" When desired, will give the law In a written opinion, ns to the probablo re- sult of tho contention upon the facts stated. l&SSlr JM. MON3ARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate in nny part of the Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans ncgotta ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant at. (Gnzctto Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 100 BROWN, Attorncr and Counsellor at Law Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac kuowledgments of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. Merchant street, Houo-'ul- u. 1 J Alfred Maqoon, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly JOHN A. HAS3INGER, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior Office, Uonoluln. VETERINARY. A RITCHIE ROWAT, xSl Veterinary Sui'gcoii. Office and Residence: 1G0 King street Mutual Telephone S5-I- . Orders left at Hotel Stables will bo received and promptly attended to. 43 3in T H. SOPER, M.D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. S. W. Comer Sixth and Market streets, opposite Hawaii Nei Millinery Estab- lishment, San Francisco. 23 MALCOLM BP.0WN, NOTARY PUBLIC For the Island of Oahu. Ofllce, ; : Gov't Building, Honolulu. 30tf 11. M. BENSON. O. W. SMITH. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 118 & ltG Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Boerioko & Sccchlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Ricksecker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2y HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fo't Street, William's Block, ITono-21- 0 Honolulu, H. I. WEOTER & CO. ainiiufnctux'Ins .ToivellcrH, no. oa xokt eix,it.:ii::Ei Constantly on hand a large asaortmon of ovcry description of Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly J. A. DOWER, Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder. Havlug Improved facilities, is prepared to fill orders at short notice. 1854 If CARRIAGE CO. Carriages at all hours, day and night. Saddle Horses, Huggies, Wagonettes and Vllluge Carts with stylish and gentlo horses to let. FOR SALE. A few Horses, guaranteed. Second hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies, Carts and Harness. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ring up Telephone 32, or apply m M117ES & IIAYIiKY. 1574 ly Steam Works, Sunnv South Toll', Bell 172,!Muttml2l5 Depot. Merchant Street Tele, Bell 172, Mutual U00. Tahiti Lemon Ms. The undersigned having purchased the business of the Tahiti Lemnuado Works, the depot has been removed to No. 23 Merchant Street. All orders for Aerated Waters manu at the above establishment will receive prompt attention. J. E, BROWN & Co. P. O. Box 409. 1820 NOTICE. MR, John Magoou is authorized to collect for our aerount, and sign rtcolptB J. 15, BROWN Jan, 10, 1883. 1635 TF YOU LOSE ANYTHING, X advertise it in tho Daily Bullktin. "i&wiwmmmm: " .. Beaver L Saloon Tho Best Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at 11 Hours Tho luost Brand oi Cigars & 1 obacco always on hand. H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor. PIONEER STBAI GANDT PACTORT AND UA.IC33I1Y. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- 12- Telephone 74 WM. McOANMIiESS, No. 6 Queen street, Fish Market, Dealer in choicest Beer. Veal. Slutton, X'lnlt, Ac, Ar Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Llvo stock furnished to vessels at Bhoi't notice, and Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 840 ly TXI33 .(..V, Pfletropolitan .Jpjj! Meat Company 8D King Street, 6. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholcsalo & Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 ly D. MCKENZIE & CD. Commission jllllt Merchants SHIP CHANDLERY, Naval Stores fc Groceries BrlckH, Xiime & Cement. Families and Ships supplied, on most reasonable terms. SSr ISLAND ORDERS SOLICITED. Mutual Tele, 232. P. O. Box, 479. No. 20 Fort St., op. O. S. 8. Co'a Wharf. 1800 tf PoM mps Stock" Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old. Heifer Calves from 10 to 13 months old. APPLY TO J. I. D0WSETT. Honolulu, Juno 24, 1887. 70 TPXZAJISCIS. Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 36 Rue de "Ounk'erque, - - - Paris. Executes Indents for every description of French, Belgian, Swis, Gorman, and English Goods, at tho best Manufacturers' Lowest Pricoi. Commission, lf per cent. All Trade and Cash Discounts allowed to Clients. Original Invoices forwarded when requested. Remittances, through a Loudon or Paris Banker, payablo on delivery of Shipping documents; or, direct to the manager. Tho Agency Represents, Buys, nnd SclU, fnr Home nod Colonial Firms. l'iece Goods, 'Cashmeres, Cambrics, Silks. Vol vctb, Lawns, Chintzes, Muslim, Carpets, Cloths, Millinery, Laces, Gloves, Fringes, Parasols, Habordashory, Gold nnd Stiver Lace, Flannels, Feathers, Pearls, Boots and Shoes, GIusb, nnd China.waro, Clocks, Watches, Jcttcllry, Fancy Goods, Electro-plate- , Musical Instruments, Finn, Ecclesiastical and Optical Goods, Mirrors, Toys. Perfumery, Wines, &o , Oilman's Stores, Books, Artistic Furniture, Stationery, Chromes, Machinery. Ac, c. ISO ly S Tahiti Lemonade Works. who have on hand any of our Bottles or Onsen, would greatly obligo by sending word to tho Depot. 28 Merchant streot, and they will at onco bo called for. Our Bottlos aro all crystal valvo, and tho words 'TAHITI LEMONADE WOHKfi" blown thereon. Hell Telephone 17. MulunlTeleplionoSCO. 415 tf J. I) HROWN & CO. TF YOU WANT A SERVANT, X advertise in tho Daily Bulletin, BARGAIN in EMBROIDERIES. imbroideries, Embroideries, . AT THE POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE, 104 Fort Street, Honolulu. Eti. S. SACHS, - - - Proprietor. Hamburg: and Swiss Edgings ! Hamburg and. Swiss Iiisevtiiig-- s ! I Children's Embroidery Flounces ! Ladies' Embroidery Flounces ! In Skirt and Holoku Lengths. Ladies' Box Suits, Ladies' Box Suits, DIRECT IMPORTATION FROM EUROPE, Thereby saving United Stated Duty. Tho Entiru Lot will be ofl'ored at Astonishing Prices, Astonishing Prices, Astonishing Prices, A. MORGAN, Blacksmith "Work, silfe Carriage Building, Painting and vffc)' g Trimming. 79 & 81 King Street, - - - - Oil Rose Premises. Entrances iVom BCiner Meroliaut fcstw. o Every description of work in the above lines performed in a first-clas- s manner. Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty. ggrBcH Telephone, 107- -a (mrh S"Bcll Telephone, lG7-- a AY AND -- GRAIN GRAIN. Largest Stocks, Choicest Telephones 175. Corner JOHN ITT, 1. 8 duality, Lowest 'rices. n7 Edinburgh & Queen Streets. Mama Street Fort Street. Granite, iron and Tin Ware ! Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns, WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE, House Keeping Coods, PLUMBING, TUT, COPPER AND 993 SHEET IRON WORK. GEO, ENGELHARDT, (Formerly with Samuol Nott). Imioitoi- - toit'l Dealer In STOVES, CHANDEMERSV LABBPS, OROOKERY, GLASSWARE, HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE, AGATE IRON AND TINWARE Agent Hall's Safe and Lock Company. Beaver Block, tar Store formerly occupied by 8. NOTT, opposite Bpruokcls & Co.'g Bank, -- a 100 RAEE CHANCE FOB, INYESTMENT BETTER THAN A GOVERNMENT BOND rca n .. n m n OVI2K OFFER!?!) B ft' ie fcmwtmn i EaigBiyiyiQj keHuj ASSETS THE STATES. npiIE protection of Life Insurance combined with the Investment Principles of n Savings Bunk. Exsmpleof a r Endowment Policy 10,000 taken out at the age or as years: Annual Total Premium. Premium. Tald In 20 yrs. a OF UNITED JL for 487 $0,740 $18,110 $43,800 Estimates for different amounts and different aces cheerfully niven your family from future want or provide luuisputauic, won- - orieitauie, ccc., txc For full particulars, apply to Alexander 1010 ly LUCAS, Wyp. Contractor -- mM? and Bullder,g Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, ICspla-nad- e, Honolulu. Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work llnlsh. Turning-- , Scroll and Band sawing, ah Kinus oi yawing aim lean- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other solicited Contractor and liuihler. S'orcs and ofUucs fitted up, Estimates given on all kinds of brick nnd wooden buildings, Plans and Specifications Jgr Ofllce, 110 Bcrctnnia St.; Mutual Telephone, !I52; Postofllco Box. 100. 822 ly PLANING Mill. Alulcca, near neen St. Tcleiiliouo as. Office 42 Morchant St, Honolulu- - Collector & Real Estate Agent. 18 ly Prjfl Honolulu iron "Works, tSsJSaiStoain engines, sugar mills, boil-ers- , coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 tKiorse Clipping! NEATLY DONE nnd with despatch HAWAIIAN HOTEL STA- BLES. Uand Clippers. 82tf GI-3R- . GETZ, Importer uud Dealer iu UcntM', Ladle', &. hlltlrcii'a Boots, Shoes and Slippers, The Choicest Brands of Cigars & Tobacco AlwayH ou Hand. C5TOrders from tho other Islands solicited. 70 tf J. HOPP & CO. 74 King Struct. Manufacturers and Importers of all kinds of Furniture & Upholstery Goods FINE BEDDING A SPECIALTY. All kinds of Jobbing promptly attended to. CHAIRS TO RENT For Balls or Paitles in small or large 801 quantities. ly. -- rosw- Mercbant Tailoring Establislim't The undersigned having opened a first-clas- s Merchant Tailoring Estab- lishment at the Cor. King and Bethel Streets, (Damon Building) under tho firm nnmo of F.Habermacher&Co. Begs leavo to eollclt the patronage of Ids friends nnd public generally. CO Om F. IIABEEMACHER. rpHE ONLY LIVE PAPER in JL Honolulu "The Dally Bulletin," 00 cents per month. BY THE iraee Go 980,000,000. Ca.h Fund Equivalent Paid Then duo. Up Policy for Life. u" Annuity for Life $1,310 Protect for your own old age. Policies Free, J. Cartwright, Goncral Agent, Hawaiian Islands. FIRE, LIFE, AHD , MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Assets, $5,055,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire and Marino Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,080 New York Life Insurance Co. Assets, $75,000,000 C.O.BEEGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1C53 ly CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire &. Marino Insur'oo Agents. AOr.KTS FOR Tlio Sow Kueland MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. Tho iEtna Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. Tho Union i'lro nud Marine Insurance Co. of Ban Francisco, Cala. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance Comp'y ESTABLISHED 1845, Capital 9,000,000 rtclchsraarkt. undersigned, hnving been af. pointed agent of the nboro Company for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prcpnred to accept risks, against Fire, on Building, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on tho most. Favorable Terms Louci Promptly Adjusted and Payable In Honolulu. H. RIEMENSCHNEIDER, 670 ly at Wilder & Co's. Husface & Robertson, A LL orders for Cartage .promptly at. JrX. tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods In transit to tho other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Ofllce, adjolninjr E. P. Adams & Co.'s auction room. 983 ly Mutual Telephone No! 19. Tho Inter-Islan- d Steam Navigation Co., Limited, Keep constantly on hand for ale Steam Family and Blnckimith Coal and a genera! assortment of 415. Bar Iron. TAHITI LEMONADE WORKS. HIGH CLASS AEBATED WATEBS. Lemon Soda and Gucer Ale of all In. feilor quality, In email bottles, as re. Uiled by Chinamen at Flvo cents a hot. tie, an noi unit will not be niado at this establishment, " ' 1750 4' . . j!- t ,. j. . y? ' zM'ti &-- :f:r '" i&B ja Y--

Transcript of THE DAILY BULLETIN Beaver Saloon BETTER Hours iraee Go · 2015. 5. 30. · F. HORN, Practical...

Page 1: THE DAILY BULLETIN Beaver Saloon BETTER Hours iraee Go · 2015. 5. 30. · F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St.--12-Telephone 74 WM. McOANMIiESS, No.

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In printed anil pabllahcd at'thc olTlco,

Quoen atroot, lluiiolulu, II. I., everyafternoon (Siimlays excepted).

Subscription, 60 cents per Month.

Adilrow nil Communications DailiBuMjETIN.

AdvorlUemon'.s, tc uii3uro Ineortion,should be iinudoil In before ono o'clockr. m.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprlotor

JAS 0. CLEVI0H .....Manaaor

Bulletin Steam .Printing Office.

Newspaper, Hook uud Job Printing ofall kinds done on the moat favornbloterms.Hell Telephone No. 250Mutual Telephone No. 2C0

Daily Bum SeiwFu.bli3b.ed. twico a Month,

Ah interesting imil comprehensivopublication, and contains from 40 to CO

columns of rending matter on lecal top-

ics, and a complete resnmo of Honoluluand Nuwd. It is the best paperDublUbL'iI in the Kingdom to send tofrlcnda abroad.

Subse ip luii (mailed) Si.COaycar.

ComruiBsiou fil"ei:uiiants.

TT & Co.,General Commission Agents.

' 070 ly Honolulu

G, W. MA07ARLANE & Co.


Queen street, Honolulu. H. I.1018



Couuibsion Agekts.

WBT 0!f okfioeks:P. O. Jonbs, Jr... .President & ManagerJ. O. Cakteii Treasurer & Secretary

dikeci'Oiis:Hon. C. R. Bishoin S. C. Allbs,

11. V, ATEU1IODSE.a;ia ly

T. VVATUJUHOUSB,JOHN Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerckandibu, iduen t., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Castle --J. U. Atherton-- G. V. Castle& OOOKB,GASTLE Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Healers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King St.,Honolulu. 1

Olaua b,.reiviMn. Wm. G. Irwlq.iicWiN 6b COMPANY,WG.Sug'.ir b'actora and Commission

Agents, HouuiuliK 1

Si CO.,W1LDUB Dealurs in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sil'. and Building Materialsof every ktud, cor. Port and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

QttlNilAUM St CO.,MS. Importers of General Merchandise ainl Commission Merchants,Honolulu, mid

Hit Culifomiii street,1 San Francisco, Cal.

It, Ijwors, F. J. Lowrey, O. M. Cooko.& OOOKE,

(sueci'saors to Lewers & Dickson,)Importers aad Dealers in Lumbr and allkinds ot LSuildhi Materials, Port street,Honolulu 1

He Oo.,Wholesale Grocera & Wino Merchants280 Beiwer Blouk, Honolulu.

Notice of Removal!

THOMAS LINDSAY,Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Has removed to one of tho NewStores in the

TJioium I! lock, ling (Street,Three doois fiom Cattle & Cookes',

Where he is prepared to manufactureall '.limlsif Jewelry. 00

A. M. HEWETT,Stationer & Newsdealer,

Merchant Street, - Honolulu, H. ISlutual Tel. 871. UollTel.30.

Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Specialty.

Or Jor taken fur Newspapers, Pcriodl.caU, Broke, Mtblr, etc., from any partof the world, having made all arrange.mouU thoiofor whilst in Suu Praucisco.

ICcd ICubbcr BUuuijh to Order.71

TF YOU FIND ANYTHING,X advertise it in tho Daily Bulletin


M. THOMPSON,A.ttoviioy-ut-I.iv- v.

OfUco In Oampbcll'a HlocU, Cor. Fort &Merchant SU., Honolulu, U. I.


BSEF" When desired, will give the law Ina written opinion, ns to the probablo re-

sult of tho contention upon the factsstated. l&SSlr


and Notary Public. Real Estate in nnypart of the Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans ncgottated, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant at. (Gnzctto Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 100

BROWN,Attorncr and Counsellor at Law

Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ackuowledgments of Instruments for theIsland of Oahu. Merchant street, Houo-'ul- u.


J Alfred Maqoon,ATTORNEY AT LAW.

173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly

JOHN A. HAS3INGER,Agent to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor. Interior Office,Uonoluln.


xSl Veterinary Sui'gcoii.Office and Residence: 1G0 King street

Mutual Telephone S5-I- . Orders left atHotel Stables will bo received andpromptly attended to. 43 3in


Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S. W. Comer Sixth and Market streets,opposite Hawaii Nei Millinery Estab-lishment, San Francisco. 23


NOTARY PUBLICFor the Island of Oahu.

Ofllce, ; : Gov't Building, Honolulu.30tf



Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,118 & ltG Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Boerioko & Sccchlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Ricksecker's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, i2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fo't Street, William's Block, ITono-21- 0

Honolulu, H. I.

WEOTER & CO.ainiiufnctux'Ins .ToivellcrH,

no. oa xokt eix,it.:ii::EiConstantly on hand a large asaortmon

of ovcry description of Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

958 ly


Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder.

Havlug Improved facilities, is preparedto fill orders at short notice.

1854 If

CARRIAGE CO.Carriages at all hours, day and night.

Saddle Horses, Huggies, Wagonettes andVllluge Carts with stylish and gentlohorses to let.

FOR SALE.A few Horses, guaranteed. Second

hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies,Carts and Harness.

PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.Ring up Telephone 32, or apply m

M117ES & IIAYIiKY.1574 ly

Steam Works, Sunnv SouthToll', Bell 172,!Muttml2l5

Depot. Merchant StreetTele, Bell 172, Mutual U00.

Tahiti Lemon Ms.The undersigned having purchased

the business of the Tahiti LemnuadoWorks, the depot has been removed toNo. 23 Merchant Street.

All orders for Aerated Waters at the above establishment willreceive prompt attention.

J. E, BROWN & Co.P. O. Box 409. 1820


MR, John Magoou is authorized tocollect for our aerount, and sign

rtcolptB J. 15, BROWNJan, 10, 1883. 1635

TF YOU LOSE ANYTHING,X advertise it in tho Daily Bullktin.

"i&wiwmmmm: "


Beaver L Saloon

Tho Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at 11 Hours

Tho luost Brand oi

Cigars & 1 obaccoalways on hand.

H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.


AND UA.IC33I1Y.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Baker.71 Hotel St. --

12- Telephone 74

WM. McOANMIiESS,No. 6 Queen street, Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestBeer. Veal. Slutton, X'lnlt, Ac, Ar

Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Llvo stock furnished tovessels at Bhoi't notice, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order. 840 ly

TXI33 .(..V,

Pfletropolitan .Jpjj!

Meat Company8D King Street,

6. J. WALLER, - - Manager.

Wholcsalo & Retail Butchers




Commission jllllt Merchants


Naval Stores fc GroceriesBrlckH, Xiime & Cement.

Families and Ships supplied, on mostreasonable terms.

SSr ISLAND ORDERS SOLICITED.Mutual Tele, 232. P. O. Box, 479.

No. 20 Fort St., op. O. S. 8. Co'a Wharf.1800 tf

PoM mps Stock"

Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old.

Heifer Calves from 10 to 13 months old.


J. I. D0WSETT.Honolulu, Juno 24, 1887. 70


Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.36 Rue de "Ounk'erque, - - - Paris.

Executes Indents for every descriptionof French, Belgian,Swis, Gorman, and English Goods, attho best Manufacturers' Lowest Pricoi.

Commission, lf per cent.All Trade and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a Loudon orParis Banker, payablo on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to themanager.

Tho Agency Represents, Buys, nndSclU, fnr Home nod Colonial Firms.

l'iece Goods, 'Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks. Vol vctb, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslim, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Habordashory,Gold nnd Stiver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, GIusb, nndChina.waro, Clocks, Watches,Jcttcllry, Fancy Goods,Electro-plate- , Musical Instruments,Finn, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys.Perfumery, Wines, &o ,Oilman's Stores, Books, ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,Chromes, Machinery. Ac, c.

ISO ly S

Tahiti Lemonade Works.

who have on hand anyof our Bottles or Onsen, would

greatly obligo by sending word to thoDepot. 28 Merchant streot, and they willat onco bo called for.

Our Bottlos aro all crystal valvo, andtho words 'TAHITI LEMONADEWOHKfi" blown thereon.

Hell Telephone 17.MulunlTeleplionoSCO.

415 tf J. I) HROWN & CO.

TF YOU WANT A SERVANT,X advertise in tho Daily Bulletin,


imbroideries, Embroideries,. AT THE

POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE,104 Fort Street, Honolulu.

Eti. S. SACHS, - - - Proprietor.

Hamburg: and Swiss Edgings !

Hamburg and. Swiss Iiisevtiiig-- s !


Children's Embroidery Flounces !

Ladies' Embroidery Flounces !

In Skirt and Holoku Lengths.

Ladies' Box Suits, Ladies' Box Suits,DIRECT IMPORTATION FROM EUROPE,

Thereby saving United Stated Duty. Tho Entiru Lot will be ofl'ored at

Astonishing Prices,Astonishing Prices,

Astonishing Prices,

A. MORGAN,Blacksmith "Work, silfe Carriage Building,

Painting and vffc)' g Trimming.

79 & 81 King Street, - - - - Oil Rose Premises.

Entrances iVom BCiner Meroliaut fcstw.o

Every description of work in the above lines performed in a first-clas- s manner.

Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty.ggrBcH Telephone, 107- -a (mrh S"Bcll Telephone, lG7--a


GRAIN.Largest Stocks,


Telephones 175. Corner

JOHN ITT, 1. 8

duality,Lowest 'rices.

n7Edinburgh & Queen Streets.

Mama Street

Fort Street.

Granite, iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,


GEO, ENGELHARDT,(Formerly with Samuol Nott).

Imioitoi-- toit'l Dealer InSTOVES, CHANDEMERSV LABBPS,


Agent Hall's Safe and Lock Company.Beaver Block,

tar Store formerly occupied by 8. NOTT, opposite Bpruokcls & Co.'g Bank, -- a100


rca n .. n m n



B ft'

iefcmwtmn iEaigBiyiyiQj keHuj


npiIE protection of Life Insurance combined with the Investment Principles ofn Savings Bunk. Exsmpleof a r Endowment Policy 10,000 taken

out at the age or as years:Annual Total Premium.Premium. Tald In 20 yrs.



JL for

487 $0,740 $18,110 $43,800Estimates for different amounts and different aces cheerfully niven

your family from future want or provideluuisputauic, won- - orieitauie, ccc., txc

For full particulars, apply to

Alexander1010 ly

LUCAS, Wyp.Contractor -- mM?

and Bullder,gHonolulu Steam Planing Mills, ICspla-nad- e,

Honolulu.Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work llnlsh. Turning-- , Scroll and Bandsawing, ah Kinus oi yawing aim lean-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other


Contractor and liuihler.S'orcs and ofUucs fitted up, Estimatesgiven on all kinds of brick nnd woodenbuildings, Plans and Specifications

Jgr Ofllce, 110 Bcrctnnia St.;Mutual Telephone, !I52; Postofllco Box.100. 822 ly

PLANING Mill.Alulcca, near neen St.

Tcleiiliouo as.

Office 42 Morchant St, Honolulu- -

Collector & Real Estate Agent.18 ly

Prjfl Honolulu iron "Works,tSsJSaiStoain engines, sugar mills, boil-ers- ,

coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

tKiorse Clipping!NEATLY DONE nnd with despatch

HAWAIIAN HOTEL STA-BLES. Uand Clippers. 82tf

GI-3R- . GETZ,Importer uud Dealer iu

UcntM', Ladle', &. hlltlrcii'a

Boots, Shoes and Slippers,

The Choicest Brands of

Cigars & TobaccoAlwayH ou Hand.

C5TOrders from tho other Islandssolicited. 70 tf

J. HOPP & CO.74 King Struct.

Manufacturers and Importers of allkinds of

Furniture & Upholstery Goods

FINE BEDDING A SPECIALTY.All kinds of Jobbing promptly attended to.

CHAIRS TO RENTFor Balls or Paitles in small or large

801 quantities. ly.

--rosw-Mercbant Tailoring Establislim't

The undersigned having opened a first-clas- s

Merchant Tailoring Estab-lishment at the

Cor. King and Bethel Streets,(Damon Building) under tho firm

nnmo of

F.Habermacher&Co.Begs leavo to eollclt the patronage of

Ids friends nnd public generally.


rpHE ONLY LIVE PAPER inJL Honolulu "The Dally Bulletin,"

00 cents per month.


iraee Go


Ca.h Fund Equivalent PaidThen duo. Up Policy for Life. u" Annuity

for Life$1,310Protect

for your own old age. Policies Free,

J. Cartwright,Goncral Agent, Hawaiian Islands.



MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

Assets, $5,055,000

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and Marine)Assets, $450,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation(Fire and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Fire and Marino Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,080

New York Life Insurance Co.

Assets, $75,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1C53 ly

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Fire &. Marino Insur'oo Agents.



of Boston.

Tho iEtna Fire Insurance Co.of Hartford, Conn.

Tho Union i'lro nud

Marine Insurance Co.of Ban Francisco, Cala.

101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'y


Capital 9,000,000 rtclchsraarkt.undersigned, hnving been af.pointed agent of the nboro Company

for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prcpnred toaccept risks, against Fire, on Building,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., on tho most. Favorable TermsLouci Promptly Adjusted and Payable In


670 ly at Wilder & Co's.

Husface & Robertson,

A LL orders for Cartage .promptly at.JrX. tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods In transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Ofllce, adjolninjr E. P. Adams & Co.'sauction room.983 ly Mutual Telephone No! 19.

Tho Inter-Islan- d SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on hand for ale

Steam Family and Blnckimith Coaland a genera! assortment of


HIGH CLASS AEBATED WATEBS.Lemon Soda and Gucer Ale of all In.

feilor quality, In email bottles, as re.Uiled by Chinamen at Flvo cents a hot.tie, an noi unit will not be niado at thisestablishment, " ' 1750

4'. . j!-t ,. j. . y? '

zM'ti &-- :f:r




Page 2: THE DAILY BULLETIN Beaver Saloon BETTER Hours iraee Go · 2015. 5. 30. · F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St.--12-Telephone 74 WM. McOANMIiESS, No.







TEMPERS.Sealed lenders will bo recoivod at

the Interior Ofllce until WEDNES-DAY, March 28, 18S8, for mattingoffices in the Government Building.

The matting is to be of the bestquality (white) nnd weighing notless than 100 lbs. to the roll, and tobe laid in a good nnd workmanlikemanner.

All bidB must be at so much perroll laid. Pnrticulius can bo obtainednt the Interior Ofllce.

Tho MiniBtor of the Interior docsnot bind himself to accopt tho lowestor any bid.

LOMtlN A. THimSTON,Minister of tho Interior.

Interior Office, March 23, 1888.


Finnnce Department.

Honolulu, II. I., Feb. 10, 1888.

Notice is hereby given to all em-

ployees of the Hawaiian Govern-ment, and to other poisons to whommoneys may be duo at the HawaiianTreasury on or before March .",1888, to present voucheis for settle-

ment on or befoio that date; and allpersons having moneys on accountof tho Government are lequestedtomake their returns promptly, inorder that there may bo no delay inclosing tho accounts for tho fiscalperiod ending March 31, 1888.

"W. L. GREEN.68 tf Minister of Finance.

BISHOP & Co., BANKERSHonolulu, Hawaiian Inlands

Draw Exchange on thoJSa-ul- c fl Oiilii.Vjiru.iH., &. 2B

And their agents inNEW YORK, BOSTON, HONG KONQ.

Messrs. N. I. Rothschild fc Son, LondonTho Commercial Jiank Co., of Sydney,

London,The Commercial Bank Co.. of Sydney,

Sydney,Tho Bank of Now Zealand : Auckland,

Christchurch, and Wellington,Tho Bank of British Columhia, Vic-

toria, B. C, and Portland, Or.and

Transact a General Banking Business6fi!) 1y

fatTu TttHiffinPledged to neither Sect tior Party,Unt established for the benefit of all.



Every intelligent person knowshow facts get distorted and truthknocked out of joint in passing frommouth to mouth. The general ten-

dency is not towards purification,but in the direction of perversion.A small irregularity gets exaggerat-ed into an enormity. A dislocatedlinger soon becomes a fracturedarm, and a broken neck emergesfrom a brui&ed foot. Honolulu isnot very different from most othersmall communities in this respect.A mole-hi- ll of sin does not take longin developing into a mountain ofiniquity in this genial climate.Very small matters and simple littleoccurrences rapidly magnify as theypass around by word of mouth.

Newspapers are the best knowncheek to this tendency to exaggera-tion. The record having appearedin the paper and thus circulatedamong the people, is generallytnken as the correct version or ascoming near to it, and when a per-son begins to "double up" he willusually come in contact with some-one ready to tell him that ho isahead of the printed record. It isadmitted that as a newspaper is notinfallible, its account may not bestrictly accurate, and with the great-est of care and pains in trying toget at the truth it may admit ele-

ments of exaggeration ; still it is astrong check to further exaggeration.Then there are certain matters inwhich the paper cannot easily gowrong, but which if left to viva vocecirculation are bound to get dis-

torted and perverted, such asspeeches, court proceedings, etc.Tho newspaper repoit is the bestpreventive and corrective of perver-sion nnd exaggeration in such mat-

ters."Within tho past six or eight days,

two cases of conspiracy havo beenheard beforo the Chief Justice asCommitting Magistrate, and the ac-

cused persons committed for trial.Tho newspapers, as desired by thoCourt, refrained from publishingthe evidence. The consequence is,

Hint the town is full of false unci ex-

aggerated statements respecting tho

testimony of tho witnesses examin-

ed. A thousand and one things aicsaid to havo been said, which intelli-

gent gentlemen, who were presentthe whole time, assert were ncvor

said; and many other things thatwere said, have been so twisted nnd

distorted in going tho louuds, thatthey now bear but slight resem-

blance to the original. If tho news-

papers hnd been allowed free scope,they would have placed before thepublic an accurate outline of theproceedings, and the communitywould have known the truth.


We arc nt one with the "Gazette"in the opinion that "law to be re-

pealed in this country is every paitof the code which authorizes the ar-

rest of peraons for any grade ofoffence that may be chnigcd againstthem.'! According to our laws aman may be arrested for almost anytrivial offence that he may commit ;

and not only may be, but actually

i. A man may very innocentlycommit borne slight infraction ofsome not very impoitant statute,without knowing that he is contra-

vening the law ; but ho is pouncedupon by an officer, and forced off tothe Station House under the author-ity of a warrant of arrest, as thoughhe had been guilty of the most hei-

nous crime in the decalogue. Theofficer is not to blame. He simplydoes his duty. The fault is in thelaw : aud tho fault is bo crcat thatihe people for whom the law is

made bhould insist upon its removal. As the "uazetto" says,"the civilised practice elsewhere attho present day, is to summon alleg-

ed offenders to appear before thomagistrate, under certain penaltiesfor default, where not very heinousoffences are charged in the informa-tion." And if the Hawaiian King-

dom wishes to deserve and maintainthe reputation of being a civilisedstate it must fall in line with civil-

ised practice in this legard. Thisis a matter for the Legislature todeal with.


Last night the streets of this citywere lighted for the first time withthe electric light. We do not thinkthat it is too much to say that thismarks one more step in the progressand prosperity of Honolulu. Itmust be always judicious and rightto keep with the times where prac-

ticable, though when we take intoconsideration the many discoveriesof these modern times it may be amatter of almost impossibility, es-

pecially in such a small communityas ours. Still in the case of electriclighting when we have such a lmppyblending of great utility at an almostminimum expenditure we cannot butthink that the action of the Govern-ment in vigoiously pushing to a suc-

cessful issue such an enterprise asthis is woithy of all credit. AVc

venture to hope that the presentstreet service will only be consider-ed by them as the forerunner of amuch mote extended system. Leav-

ing out of consideration the superi-

ority of the lights, this is par excel-

lence the place for it. Coal is dearand therefore gas lighting is out ofthe question; whereas, owing to thesplendid water supply and the easewith which it can be used to furnishelectric power the cost of electriclighting here will be very small,much smaller than in many countrieswhere coal is cheap and gas abund-

ant, and where even under thesemore disadvantageous circumstancesall other lighting powers have hadto give way to the electric light. Asthe power seems abundant tho costof limning an extended systemwould bo little if any greater thanthat of the present system. Wetherefore hopo that no spirit of falseeconomy will be allowed by thoLegislature to confine to its presentrather nanow limits the benelits ofthe system last night so successfullybrought to n consummation.

"LEf US WW.As our readers will havo observed,

we have recently adopted n new tophend "Events this evening" un-

der which aie announced events of

a public or semi-publ- ic nature, asfar as we aro informed. This is

done pro bono publico, and if thepublic, or those of the public iu aposition to do so, will kindly co-

operate by giving us timely. intima-

tion of events to occur, the publicwill bo benefited by getting everyevening a reliable aud useful guidein such matters. We respectfullyask the secretaries of lodges andassociations, and thoso who have thegetting up of meetings, etc,, to


furnish Information of the lime andplace of meeting, etc., for publica-tion. It will cost them nothing, audthey will confer a favor on us nndoblige all who aro interested.


Emion Bulletix : It is not myobject to point out what is tho causeof the "sudden and threatening"departuro of Portuguese laborersfrom these Islands, nor to suggestits prevention. I leave-- that toothers who are more independentlysituated.

My object is, and has been, tobecome acquainted with tho naino ofthe person who ,1s claimed by the"Gazette" as authority for the in-

formation that the Portuguese comehere with rcet7iV? intention ofgoing to the Coast as soon as thej'have scived one labor contract forthe purpose of proving that his in-

formation is entirely void of truthnnd as ridiculous as it is damaging.

However, I am convinced thatsuch authority never existed, or clsowould have come to the rescue ofthe "Gazette," which it seems tome should either substantiate its as-

sertion or withdraw it.All our Poituguesc, Mr. Editor,

have come here for the purpose andwith the hope of bettering their con-ditions, and with the good intentionof staying here, saying that wher-ever they found they could improvetheir circumstances llieie would betheir home. Many did not comefor their own sakes, not expectingto make any foi tunc, but came forthe sake of their children, whichthey supposed (aud supposed well),would bland for better chances inthis land than in the land of theirbirth. This, no doubt, means per-manent settlement. If any entertained the idea of some day or otherleaving these islands, certainly theidea was to go back home, either fora visit or for good, but, Mr. Editor,in order to accomplish this, they un-

doubtedly calculated to be heremany years, and therefore no blamecan be attached to them.

My intercourse with Portugueselaboiers in my ten years' residencoon these islands has been great. Idid almost all the work myself inconnection with the first lot of Por-tuguese inimigiants under Dr. Ilille-brand- 's

direction, and came outalong with them, consequently Ihave reason to know their senti-ments with regard to st.aying hereor otherwise.

Knowing my limited ability towrite English, I will not proceedfurther, not to tire your readers nortake up your valuable space, whichis no doubt required for more inte-resting leading. And to substan-tiate what I have said I take theliberty of referring to our worthyCommissioner and Consul, to Messrs.E. Hutchinson, M. A. Gonsalves,or any other intelligent Portuguese.

Beforo closing, Air. Editor,' Iwould add that no better proof ofthe intention of the Portuguese tostay here is needed than the lecol-lcciio- n

of their great help in carry-ing the leform movement through.Had they not intended to stay inthe country nor taken any interestin it, they would not have donewhat lliey did.

This craze for going to the Coastdates only a few months back. Letsomebody take care of the rest ofthorn.

Thanking you, Air. Editor, for al3lowing me this space, I am

Yours respectful!',P. A. Dias


TO exehnngc n No. I Piano for aIloii-- nnd Phaeton, or foi a Horse

and Brake. Inquiie at this otllcc.wtr


Co , will he held at the oilleo of W. O.Smith, Fort fticel, on THUKrDAY,Vuieli i'J, 1883 at 2 o'clock v. M. Afull attendance of the MocMioldcis Isdo-ho- A. L. SMITH,!)8 Id Secictary W. 1). & S. Co.

NOTICETjnO tbe subscribers of the MutualJL Telephone Company: Innidertoseetiro Oio veiy best of service tho tin.derMgntd requests tbat any complaints inrogiinl lo tho iiinUeutiou of the operators,or Double on tho lines or iiibtruuicijls,will bu reported at onco lo J. V Pratt,Suneiiutcudcut. oi to

C. O. IIERGEK,!) I lw Secretary.

ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE.WO, corner nunuluauml King

street).. IiiinIiik this ibi iiindo annybigniuunt to niu tl all hit. propnity midiisioif, for I bo benetit if his cro 'i ors,all peisons liming claims against himaro lupUiatuU to picccnt the enmo to inuul onto, nnd all peisons Indebted rowing any moiuy to bald "See Wo, andiiny persons having poHOtsion or controlof nny propony belonging to him willplenfo muko immediate payment or(telivciy of same to mo at tho olllcn ofM. PhlllliH & Co.

M. GBKEN,A.flgneo of Yeo Wo,

Honolulu, March SO, 1888.


T1IK s'ock in tiailo, stoio fixtures nndnow contained in tho stem

fonnuily occupied by Yeo Wo, cornerMaunnltca mid King filreels, togetherwith liorFO mid wngoi., building nnd in.t crest In lout-- nt Puluuin, nnd all debtsduo nnd owing upon book ticcou'ii totho nil i Yeo w o, arc ollVie 1 foi en c asa win lo, unit 111118I bo' mc befoio TU15SDAY, Jlurcji U7i!i. l'di-Ue-s iltBlilnjj topurchaser can obtain full informa ionut ollicoof l'hlllli.s& Co.

W. OHBEN.AsMguco of Yeo Wo.

Honolulu, March 81, 16S8. 00 lw


Attorhcy mid Oonnticllor nt Lniv.

No. 15 Knnhumanu street, adjoiningofllco formerly occupied by Hon. H. B.Dole 01 lw


Kinnu street No.ON 80; pallor, 3 bid.toomp, teiviint's room,stable nnd carriage

house. Lot 100x170 feci; garden.Apply to

ro tf j. v. imowN & co.


Piikol and ICec.BETWKBX Mrcctt, lot runstluoiigh to Kinnu strict, 100

fort frontage. Qcol pastumge. Cottigccontains C rooms carriage house nndttaulcs for 3 or 4 hoisc. llcnt $J0 permoult1. Apply to

J. IS. BHOWN &, CO.,4 tf 28 Merchant street.


rpiIREE COTTAGESJL l'aluma.Apply to

W.w. McOANDLKS,03 tf nt tlic Fish Murkrt.


TTUVE minutes' walk fiomJP the Po.'t Office. Suit- -

ISgKfca able lor a bachelor.Apply to

89 tf J. M. MON3A11HAT.


m a A COTTAGE on Liliha&ttft xi. sticct, between KlimEaHaSaa and School streets. Bent 812per month. Apply to

M. S. GIUNBAUM & CO.,80 tf Queen sti cot.


AUSTIN Whiting and Ch.ulesW Croighton, attorneys and counoellors at law, havo by mutual an ango-men- t

thisduj dissolved their businesslclatioiH.

Honolulu, March 17, 1883. 01 lw


The undcrsigncii has just received directfrom tlie Royal Uhler Works,

Bdfitst, a specially lineassortment of

Marcus Ward's Letter Papers,Suitable for Inter Island nnd Foreign


Also, Menu, Name & Ball Programmes

Iu Great Variety.

98J A. BI. IIEWETT. flw


rah 87

CHAS. J. FISHEL,Cop. Fort nnd Hotol Sts.


AVc Will Hell225 doz"ii Ladles Linen Capo Ollnrs at

10 cents each tHamburg Edging from fie. up320 perfect-fittin- Misses' Conots nt Sfio

210 doz Gent's Cotton Undershirts nt 23c181 dozen Misses' and Children's SUIt.

clocked Ilo'c, full llni'h, 2fic.205 dozen Men's Silk-elock- Ho.-e-, full

finish $2.50 per do.100 doz Men' Ribbed Ho-- , full lluhti,

nt S'i.CO per doz.611 doz Gent's Cl. Shine, collars and

cutis, at 50cjcjch.C4 dozen Boy's Straw Half, GOo. each,

worth $1 00

70 doz Children's School Huts at 60c,worth double.


We meau to keep trade lively.

Ylsit our establishment, ask cur piicc,and you will tliink so too.

LiKlioK' Jcrscj's,"AVhite Goods,

Drens GoodsHave been selling cheap, but the present

stock will go for a mere song.

This great cut is


Chas, Fishel,Corner Tort nnd Hotel Sts.

87 lm

All kinds of Brackets, at

G. WEST& CO.'S.A large assortment of Bird Cages, at

G. WEST & CO.'S.Crockery, Glassware and Jelly Glasses, at

G--. WEST& CO.'S.Oil Paintings, Engravings, Allotypes and !N"ewChromos, at

G. WESTJ CO.'S.Brackets, Easels, Mirrors and Frames, at



Bags, Dressing Cases, Albums andScrap Books, at

G. WEST'Js CO.'S.Bedroom Furniture, Book Cases, Desks, Meat Safes and

Chairs, at

C. WESTo& CO.'S.Baby Carriages, Doll Carriages, B0y's Carts and Small

Wheel Barrows, at. west & CO.'S.


Combs, Brushes, Fans and Dolls, at

a. WEST& CO.'S.

Pianos, Organs, Guitars, Accordeons, Drums, Flutes,Yiolins, Banjos, &c., &c, at


Guitar, Yiolin, Banjo, Zither and Piano Strings, at


Picture Frames, Cornices and Mattrasses made to order, atG. WEST & CO.'S.

Pianos and all kinds of Musical Instruments Tuned andRepaired, at

G, WEST & CO.'S,o.

Canary Birds, warranted Sjngers, at

ii & OO.'S, 105 Fort Street,ly

The New and Elegant Fitted Store of M. MNERNY, corner

of Fort and Merchant Streets,


JUS HI JD W 1hWySiWhoro will bo found an Elegant Display of Goods of such

gradoB, as this corner Iiob been always notod for.

Entire Now Lines of Goods selected by Mr. E. A. Mc- -Inorny now East. Among niy very General

Stock will be found


I arlioc' RNirrnrlu v l Wi? misoca

Frond M Mm

Ladies' Misses' & Childrens'(C (


S. Ihilrlvonevi iiivi

ts Slippers

Peb. St. Goat But. Boots,Button Boots,


Merinousual Fine of

" " " Shoes & vari. styles,Ladies' Silk Hose,

Ladies' Silk and Merino Under vests,Ladies' Misses' & Childrens'' Lisle and Balbrigan Hose,


Men's Silk Undershirts & Drawers,(


Perforated bilk Undershirts,Lisle Thread & Balbriggan Undershirts,Saxony Lambs Wool andWhite and Bed Shaker FlannelDrawers,

(C Anglo-Indi- a Gauze &Boy's Undershirts. My

u viiia




Undershirts Drawers,Undershirts

's and Boy's Fine Shoes & SlippersMen's Elegant Neck Wear, "Very Choice Line of Sus-

penders, Jouvins White and Colored Kid Gloves,Gent's Fine Biding and Driving Gloves,

Buck Gauntlets.

Every Style & Skill ii lea's Hats k Boy's Straw Eats

Umbrellas, Walking Canes in Solid HeadsGold and Silver.

I have the most Complete Assortment in Elegant Fashion-able Styles from the best houses in the United States.

Yery Elegant Tweed and Cass Suits,Cheviott Suits

Black Dress Suits,Black Frock Suits.

All My Clothing is Warranted Shrunk, Well-Cu- t, CarefullyMade and Will Give Very General Satisfaction.

Bazors and Pocket Knives, i. .Razor Straps and Brushes, . '' '

Tooth, Nail and Hair Brushes,Flesh Brushes, Back Scratchers,

Hand Mirrors, (heavy plate) ,

Cloice Perfumes nl Oilier Toilet Articles.

Ladies' and Gents' Solid Sole Leather Trunks,Gents' Solid Sole Leather Yalises,

Gents' Fine Leather Traveling Bags & Satchels,Shawl and Trunk Straps,

Traveling Rugs, (very line), which every traveler ought topossess.

Tie Usual Fine Steel of Ladies: Geit's & Boy's


1 SHwKaiSfHiSfet

w S4

Ladies' & Gents' Gold and Silver Chains, Solid Gold andSilver Jewelry, Dimonds and the famous G0RHAM

STERLING SILVERWARE, warranted 925 Fine.H2TN. B. No Plated Goods Bold in thii EstablithmtiiV

Thanking the public generally for the very liberalpatronage bestowed on this house during the last 25 years,and soliciting a continuance of the same at the New Pre-mises. The Clerks will be found ready and willing tp cour-teously attend to all ladies and gentlemen visiting thisestablishment.

Honolulu, March 9, 1888. 86 lm


ifM .skilliiaag, ''vMkmi&$jkj2; M w6Miil$S&&LJk2Lkatl:i


Page 3: THE DAILY BULLETIN Beaver Saloon BETTER Hours iraee Go · 2015. 5. 30. · F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St.--12-Telephone 74 WM. McOANMIiESS, No.



yA-V- .

J JJ,s&eA,.sl

VPfti'me-- '




Rr,r. ?,- - - " '.A, k'&st Mure

Ladies' Kid Gloves

For 81.00. At

The Arcado-EG- AN & CO.

TUBattg jjjj til Tiffin


AnniVAl3.Mar 24-S- tmr

Iwnlanl fioin tlamakunStmr tfufpiise from HawaiiStuir MokoIII fioui MolokaiStmr Lehua fioui lliiiiuiUuaStinr Kaala fioin Walanae and WataluaSclir Wallcle from KuanSehr Mol AVahlnefrom Ilnniakua


Schr Waleliu for Kmiu


Stmr Surpilae for Laupahoehoo andway polls

Schr Wallele for KuanBk Sonoma for ban I'laucibcoBk Catbaricn for San FiauclscoStmr Lcltua for llamakuabtmr J as Makee for Kapan at 5 p inSchr Kaulilua lor Kleelc and llanapepc

at 3 p inBtmr Kaal.i for Walannc and Watalua

PASStHCERS.From llamakna,pcr stmr Lchua, Mar

21 MrandMtsPalko.


Stmr Surprise 5,4154 bass sugar ( 08tons.)

Schr Wailelo l,urll bugs sugar.Stmr Mokulil (10 li.igs Migar, 15 hd cat-

tle, !t2 sheep ami 23 bbis niolases.Stmr Lelnia 2,500 bags sugar.

3;ll?Sflfi NOTES.The brig Luiliuo sailed fioin Hilo

last Satin day with a loud of sugar forSan Francisco.


Fini: weather about Molokai.

Tin: U. S. S. Ad.uns took in 81tons of coal to-da-

Tin: two whalers Hunter and Westgot away for the Aiotic last evening. ami Waianao liavo haddisagreeable rainy weather this week

A lii.Ann of the steamer Mokolii'epiopoller was bioken tho last tripof the steamer.

The weather which had been prettyboisterous at Haniakua the first partof this week, is now fair.

Theiie will be a Special Children'sService in tho Y. M. C. A hall, onSunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Itcv.E. G. Beckwith will address . tho chil-dren. All members of tho SciipturoUnion aro invited to attend.

Hackmen aro notified by tho Min-ister of Intoiior that stand No. A,

mauka of Hotel street, from eastcorner of Nuuanu stieot, has been

7 transience! to tho makai side of Ho-

tel street, from tho east corner ofNuuanu sheet.

The band concert diew a laigoaudiciico to Thomas Square lastnight. Tho atmosphere and themusic were exlicnicly enjoyable; buttho hoodlum element figuied in thegrounds to tho annoyance of decentpeople.

The Irish Linen Paper advestisedby A. M. Hcwett is manufactured bythe well-know- n firm Marcus Ward& Co. Limited, of Belfast, Iieland,tho firm which fust inado and inau-gurated Christmas cards.

.A piece of pipe that was broken

on" by a falling stono from a bluff atMolokai recently has been bi oughtto Honolulu, and will be exhibitedas a curiosity and to illustrate thoforce of a .10 pound stono fallingsoveral hundred feet.

. .

Comi'AKV I) of tho Honolulu Riflesmarched out to tho H. B. A. targetrange, King street, this afternoonand held target practice. Tho tenbest shots of this company will bopicked out by their Captain, C. W.Ashfoid, to compote agaiiibt tenfrom Compiny B next Saturday.



Irritated throatB and annoyingcoughs aro quickly relieved by thogenuino Butter Scotch," only to bofound at the Pioneer Steam CandyFactory of F. Horn. Plenly of testi-monials. 98


It happened on this wise. Tho bride,Miss day,

Was led in by Sol, who gavo her way.

Sir Night was tho gloom, tho bestman, Mars,

Tho usheifl all of tho family Stars.Old Twilight, tho parton, joined them

in one(Crickets and katydids laughed at

tho fun).

Tho bride hid her faoe on the brcaBtof her lover,

And I turned awuy for the weddingwas over.

The Altruist.

A pious oitizen of a Western city,who contributed a stained-glas- s win-

dow to the church, Is said to liavofallen from grace when he read inthe local pnpeis that "our fellow-townsma- n,

Setli Scliemcrliorn, hasplaced a utaiiied-glas- s widow in St.Joseph's Chin eh." fBoston Com-

mercial Bulletin.... fr-- - ii

It is the men who write poetrywhen they don't have to that thepubllo can never forgive. DetroitFree Press.

"- - "i 1"

If J ou vnfit n

Fine Hat or Necktie,

Go (o

Tho Arcade-EG- AN & CO.


The Royal Hawaiian Band willpiny at Emma Sqtmro this afternooncommencing at 4:30 o'clock. Fol-

lowing is tho programme :

Hat cli The Pi luce .amara0 ci tine Slavonian TitoSelection -- Marco VI"eontl PetrellaGavotte Sweetheart HumidFinale Kosamunde. SchubertWaltz The Flowers Gang'l


Tho Hawaiian Mhsion Children'sSociety wilt meet at the residenccofJudge McCully.

Uluo Ribbon entertainment at thoY. M. C. A. Hall, at 7:30 o'clock.


The usual Saturday evening enter-tainment will be given in the Y. M.C. A. Hall ut 7:30 o'clock thisevening. Tho public aro cordi-ally invited. Following is tho pro-gramme:l'lauo Solo..-- . Mr. J. F. BlownHeading MUs May DillinghamSong Miss Anna AustinReading M r. .1 . F. Hi o wnSong Mrs. .1. F. BrownAdihess l C. Jones

The public are cordially invited,especially young men and strangers.



iioia' wcr.ic kastuu s si:nvici:s.

Next Sunday is Palm Sunday, the1st clay of the Holy week, the dayon which the church makes comme-moration of the triumphant entry ofour Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusa-lem a few days before his death,the people accompanying Him withpalm branches, hence the name oftho day, palm Sunday, and acclaim-ing Him with these words: " IIo-san- na

to the Son of David ; blessedbo lie who comes in the name of theLord!"

10 si. in. Blessing and distribu-tion of brandies. High mass withthe reading of Jesus Christ's passion.

March 2!)th. Maundy Thursday,also called Holy Thursday, is theday of the institution of the blessedsacrament of the Holy Eucharist.

7 n. ui. High Pontifical Mass,in which his loidslup, assisted byclergy, will solemnly consecrate theliolv oils for the administration of 1

sacraments for the whole year.3 p. in. "Washing of the feet of

12 poor men in icmembrancc of thewashing by our Lord of the feet ofHis apostles.

March 30th. Good Friday, alsocalled Holy Friday, the day ourSaviour was crucified.

10 a. m. service, withthe singing of the passion.

3p. m. Stations of tho cross.8 p. m. Passion Sermon in

English.March 31st. Holy Saturday, the

day our Saviour's body was in thesepulchre.

7 a. m. Blessing of the baptismalfont and other ceremonies, followedby high mass, at which ll'e bells ofthe church, which had ceased toring at Holy Thursday's mass, shallbe heaid again.

Easter Sunday, April 1st, is theday when the church coiumcinoiatcsthe resurrection of our Lord.

10 a. m. High Pontifical Mass,tho singing performed bj' St.

Louis choir, followed by baptismof. infants and adults.

3 p. m. Confirmation, rosary,benediction.

"3 SUNDAY SERVICES.Y. M. C. A. Gospel Praise Service

at G:30 i. at. Come and bilug a ftiend.

Kawaiaiiao Ciiuiich. Bev. II. II.Pnikcr, pastor. Sunday school at 10A. m. Pleaching at 11 a. m.

Kaumakai'im Ciiuiioii. Rev. .1.

Walaniau, pastor. Sunday school at0 A. si. Pleaching at 10 "M A. m. and7 :30 r. si.

Queen Emma Ham.. Gospel andsong set vice for llawnilans whoEnglish at at II x. Si. Good tinging.Shoi t talks. Evciy body w elcoine.

Javanese Seiivioe : Gospel andSong Sei vices at 11 a.m.; Iliblo Class7:30 r. si., in the Japanese Y. M O. A.Room, Queen Eiiuna Hull, corner fBeietauU and Nuuanu streets.

Centkai. Union Ciiuncii. Rev. E.G. Beckwith, D. )., pastor, Sundayschool and Bible elans at 0: 15 a. M.

Seivices at 11 A. M. and 7:ao 1'. SI.

Chinese Ciiuiich. FoitMieet, nearcorner Herctanla. Mr. Kong Shul Kaevangelist. Chlneso Sunday school,OtfOA. si. Chinese and English Sun-day School, 2:ao si. Preaching 11

A. si. and 7i!i0 si. Bible class InChlnebo Y. M. O. A. Hall, 0:M i m.

Roman Catholic Oatheiihal.0 and 7 A. st low mass; 10 a. si., highmass, with bennon either in Hawaiian,PottugtiehO or English, alternating

to the Unco dlfteicntuatlomilities of the chinch; 2 l'. St., io-sa- ry

and catechism; 4 :'i0 v. si., Instruc-tion and benediction of the BlessedSacrament.

St. Anduew's Catheduai.. Thoservices at St. Amhew's Cathedral to-

morrow will bo; Holy Communion,0:30 a. si. Morning prayer with km-in-

at 'JjHO. Hawaiian eenbong at3:lKi'. m, Evensong with senium atOv. si. Seats mo unappropriated.

Second Congiugatlon. Rev. Goo.Wallace, pabtor. Morning prayer,wth sermon at 11;10 a. m eveningprayer with bPimou' at 7sM i1. st,Sunday school incuts at 10 A. si. Seatsfi co at all services.

TF YOU WANT A SITUATIONX adycrtiio in tho Daily Bulletin,


0 50

Tho Arcado-EG- AN & CO.I'or your

Full Dress White Vests,

Electric Lighting of Honolulu,


A Brilliant Display.

Punctually at 7 v. si. yesterdaythe Princess Liliuokalani and Prin-cess Kaiulani, attended by His Excellency the Hon. L. A. Thurston,Minister of Interior, arrived at theElectric Light Station in Hie Valleyand was there received by theSuperintendent Mr. Faulkner andMr. Eassic. Neither of these gentle-men were in fcourt dress (royaltynot being expected), but wore un-

pretentious undress uniform of apractical rather than an ornamentalcharacter. Mr. Eassic wore, how-

ever a rather remarkable peakedcap, emblematic of authority andconvoying a pleasing impression ofa crow at rest on a bam. In addi-tion to tho above, amongst others,Mr. Superintendent Wilson and Mr.White, of the Water Works Depart-ment, were present, also Col. Boyd,tho heio of Ocean Island, Mr. Smi-

thies, of the Interior Depaitmcnt,Mr. Pratt, Superintendent of the

Mutual Telephone Co., who camevoluntarily, being evidently afraid ofinduction and last but not least,Mr. Smith, an expert electrician andrepresentative of the Thomson-Housto- n

Company of America. Itmay be stated here tuat itwas a subject of comment amonga certain few that Mr. White doesnot now use tobacco in the plug atthe Valley Station, but appeals tofind more smoking power in cigars.A fow minutes after 7, II. R. II.was accommodate with a chair forher feet and under the guidance ofMr. Superintendent Faulkner in fullworking costume connected the cir-

cuits mid had the honor of illumin-ing the streets of Honolulu fortlio Hist time with the new light.Mr. Faulkner immediately hurriedaway to the town to see thelamps some of which were notburning, but after the lapse ofhalf an hour or so, he had the satis-faction of seeing that all with theexception of 3 or 4 wore glowingbrightly and steadily ; and it is con-

fidently expected that ht allkthc lights will burn from the jump.

a short run by the large and smalldynamos respectively. The lengthof the Ioiik circuit is 15 miles andthat of the short G miles and overboth of these Mr. Faulkner wentyesterday. He started woik at 0yestciday morning and ended ..hislabors at 11 :15 last night. Duringthat time he climbed lo' poles andhe now rejoices in a pair of beauti-ful black ancles, they having beenwell bruised by the climbing spurs.He also enjoyed a ahock while up oneof the poles, and barely saved himselffloin falling. It is the heaviest liehas ever experienced and lie saj'she doesn't hanker after another.Theic are still some little mattersto be attended to which will makethe light more perfect and these arebeing looked to to-da- but it willpiobably be a day or two before thepiessure of water can be fixed so asto render the lights quite what theSuperintendent intends them to be.The light in the upper part of thedynamo building burned beautifullyand some beautifully framed silk-onett- es

might have been seen on theground outside of young couplesstanding at the open windows. HisExccllcncj' and the distinguishedcompany, including II. R. II. andthe gallant Colonel and Mr. Smithiesleft about 9 i si. but before leavingHis Ex. again expressed to Mr.Eassiehis great gratification at the successof the work for by this time scepti-cal gentlemen who had had theireyes on certain lamps near their re-

sidences which they didn't believewould bum had telephoned to saythat the lamps were burning well.Mr. Smith had left some time pre-viously with Mr. Faulkner, beinganxious to sec the lights a successand to cheer and console the worthySuperintendent in his anxious pil-

grimage round the lights rub hisbi ulsed ankles and aid him with hisadvice and experience.

Before closing this brief accountof the event nt the station wo feelbound to offer one or two remarkson what can bo only regarded as astrango anomaly, that at this lateperiod in the history of science andamongst persons of high intelli-gence and practical experience andscientific attainments there shouldhave been one who could dive intothe dim recesses of superstitiousulooin and having found what hewanted lcmarkcd that the wheelwould have no luck unless it weiechristened. Theic was such a ononud he no Scotchman, and he hadbrought his tools with him in thosliapu of a bottle of "potheen," butthe strangeness of the anouiuly wasnothing to the strangeness of thoalacrity with which tho assembledfew agreed with that person and thostrange appreciation they showed forthe "potheen." Sulllce it to saythat the wheel was christened midits health driink with heartily ex-

pressed wishes for its succoea. Thltook place on the ground floor thedistinguished company was above.The intercut shown by Ills Ex. Mr.Thurston in the success of this un-

dertaking is very greatly to bis

. r-.- .... Iflt tlio Floe Ilno

Dress Goods,

AtTho Arcade-EG- AN & CO.

IilltCHt HtJ'tCH.

credit and should bo appreciated bythe public. Ho has mado repeatedvisits to the station to note thepro-gros- s

of the work at all hours ftomin the morning till 6 in tde even-

ing, and tho kindly words of encour-agement and praise spoken by himhave nided the gentlemen who haveworked so hard to no iuconsiderableextent.


Dr. Arthur Debatisset of Chicago,President of the TranscontinentalAerial Navigation Company, is inthe city placing a contract for steelto be used in the mammoth aii -- shipswhich liu proposes to build. Eachof these ships will bo G51 feet longand I'M feet in diameter. Theywill be cone-shape- d and made ofsteel. The vessels will cost $150,-00- 0,

and it is his intention to buildseveral ol them. Dr. Debaiissct isthe inventor of the aeroplane, as hocalls it. He says it is no longer anexperiment, but a success, and thatduring the present year he will starton a voyage of discovery to theNorth Pole and Arctic regions.

"All balloons constructed hereto-fore," said he, "have been of silkor some fabric used as a substitutetherefor, and inflated with hydrogengas or common illuminating gas.Instead of gas I shall simply usenothing but a vacuum, which islighter even than pure hydrogen.If hydrogen is only one-four- th theweight of air, and coal gas only one-hal- f,

why use either when by pump-ing out the air a vacuum will beproduced? Then there will beno weight lo carry except the ves-

sel and its attachments. It is theatmospheric pressure which I haveto contend with principally in usingthis vacuum. I shall build my air-

ship of steel plates so thin ns towcigli less in tho aggregate than theair displaced, and yet strong enoughto withstand the pressuie from with-out."

The inventor says further that heexpects to develop a speed of 120miles per hour. The Americans,witli airships of this kind, he thinks,could keep the united Heets of theworld away from the coast. Theaerial ships need only bo loadedwitli dynamito shells, whicli couldbe dropped on the enemies' vessels.

Pittsburg Coir. N. Y. Sun.


It is well known that the semi'tors and congressmen write theirown biographies that appear in thoCongressional Directory. This factmakes them all the more interest-ing. The statesmen are allowed ina general way to say what theyplease, but there are instances wherethe compiler of tho directory has todo some pretty thorough pruning.

One Arkansas congressman wrotein answer to the usual request whatwould have filled a dozen pages ofthe director'. He gave the full his-

tory of his and wife's families, thecharacteristics of his children, thenames of the husbands and wivesand children of those married, andintioduccd several illustrated sketch-es or incidents in bear and bee andcoon hunting. He introduced apoem on spring written by his hec-on- d

eldest son, gave the names oftwo young fellows, rivals for thehand of one of his daughters named"Pink," and described the distressshe was suffering over the questionof whicli she should choose. Thecompiler cut the "biography" downto eight lines.

A Kentucky congressman in hisbiography described a stock farmowned by him, named the horses,and gave their pedigree, records andprices. Another Kentuckian men-

tioned, among events of his eventfullife, the number of fights he hadbeen in, and gavo descriptions oftwo, in each of whicli he had killeda man, and gave the names of themen he had slaughtered.

One Ohio manj gave the numberof sheep he owned, the fluctuationsin the prices of wool in an elaboratetable, and introduced a strong protest agaiust a reduction of tho dutyon wool, all of which was sacrificed.

A congressman from Iowa sent in1i!b biography in verse, ami very badverse, too. Another fioin the samestale stated that he was living separ-ate from his wife, and in a detailedstatement laid all the blame uponher, and appealed to his brothercongressmen to overlook the matter,and to the speaker not to allow him-self to be influenced by it in assign-ing him to committees. fLcwistonJournal.


Mayor Hewitt complains that heis getting old, yet ho manages to doa great deal of work. Indeed it isto be doubted if he ever did moreor belter woik in the samo periodthan he has doife tilnco ho has beenMayor of New York. As a mem-ber of the Hoiibo of Representatives,though decidedly n working mem-ber, his energies were not so mar-vellously conspicuous as they liavobeen during tlio last two years.

It is folly for a man to regret,that ho is not "twenty yearsyounger," as Mr. Hewitt says hedoes. In the first place the r'egrotamounts to nothing, cllhor towardtho attainment of his desire , or asa warning to others. Everybodylives his life as ho seems destined toHvo it. Sonio have couipletcii tho

"W Jtifei :vt.


A vl.... Iilnb of

Ladies' & Misses' Shoes,


Tho Arcado-EG- AN & CO.

greatest work of their life beforethey reach their fortieth birthday,while others seem not to ripen inintellect and in energy until thoybogin to decay physically. But theformer case is the rule. "Thu his-

tory of genius i3 the history ofyouth," says Disraeli, and it Is

usually true. The grand thingsthat a man is able to do are usuallyachieved before he is CO, and afterthat time except in the line of pro-fessions he is usually a potterer.But there are instances enough ofthe contrary fact to make men stillstrive to do their best even untildeath calls them, for who everknowB himself, his actual powersand capabilities? A change of cir"cumstanccs may change everythingconnected with him. If Mr. JayGould weie to lose his foitune sud-

denly il is to be doubted whetherho couhl ever reach a million again,though he is still quite far ftom old.Mr. Tilden made his largo fortuneafter he was o0 years old. Hisfirst fortune was wrecked about18G0. Ex-Senat-or Henry A. Fosterbays that in the fifteen years afterlie left the Supreme Court bench at70 he made more money at his pro-fession than in any other like periodof liia life. That is a good recordfrom 70 to 8.r. But how many outof a million can show such a record?Nevertheless, it seems to be a uileof nature that if n man gets up to70 years in pretty good shape ho islikely to have ten or fifteen years oflife in whicli he can do much forhimself and his fellow-me- n. TroyPress.

. ...


CHARLIE! Theic'a no uso talking,C.mily Factory makes

delicious Chocolate Creams I 08 lw

TOB PRINTING ol all kimlB exc- -

M ciiipil Hh tlie Daily But.i.Knx Olllot"

SAY, JENNY I When sogoiiovriitown we'll call at tho Elite anil get

an exquisite Ice Cream Drink I !18 tw

TAHITI LEMONADE STEAMi-- WORKS. Capacity 1,000 liozen

per day. Now .Machinery, New BottlesIn addition to our patent Crystal ValveBottles, we are now prepared lo supplyWar Ships and Voxels having forotliu'rcountries, with Soda Water, tt2., put upin fork Bottler without extin charge forbottle". J. E. Blown & Co , Depot CS

Merchant stn et. 01 1 w

THE DAILY BULLETIN-T- he1 mnsi popular pnrcr nuhliihed.

nHAS. J. FISHEL has iccehedJ ex Australia the latest style of

Kullcs uuliimmcd hats, also a line Hueof children's leghorn hats In diffeientshapes. Call and tec them. b7 lw

T ET SOME Genuine OhlfaihionedVJT liutterscotch Candy, at the newCandy Factory! "Yum! Yum!"


THE ONLY PAPER mid by allX ctahbes "Tho Dully Bulletin." 60

cents per mouth


rpHEDAILY BULLETIN is a lheX evening papei Cueenl-pe- r moiitli.


lc.iuis leilucrd to !10 centsper whole pound, ut the Pioneer SteamCandy Factory and L'aeiy, Hotel, be-tween Nttuamt and Fori Mi eels. 71

THE BEST PAPER to Mib.rrlhJL lor I the "Daily Bulletin." 03cents per month.


colato anil Cocoanut Caramels re-

duced to 30 cents per whole pound, atthe Pioneer Steam Candy Factory andBakeiy, Hotel, between Nuuanu andFort streets. 71

rPHE OLDEST DAILY hi theX Kingdom "Iho Daily Bulletin."

CO cents per month.

I?INEST BRANDS OF CALI-J- Lforma Pent, Matleiia and Malaga,

for sale in keg and cases byQONSALVKs & CO.,

flt Queen street.


1 PER In Kingdom "TehDally Itullelin." 0 cents per mouth

PURE, FRESH, HOME-MAD- EVanilla Chocolate Ci eams(de-llclous- )

i educed to 110 cents per wholepound, at tho Piom:i:u Stkam CandyFiOTOiiv And Hakiiiiv, llorr.i,,

Nuuanu and Foist stuhuts.71

CLEAN RAGS ann second handwill bo gratefully receiv-

ed for the uso of the inmutci of theBrunch Hospital for Lepers at Kuknako,or at Iho Leper Hittlraent on Molokai,if left with J. T. Waterhousc, jr., at theQuern Sirepl S'oro, tifcf tf

MISS. 1 T1IIELE,On Berctania sticet near 1'likoi,

(Formerly MoGulro'a Houec,)

Kindergarten & Elementary,Dally & Boarding School.

Albo, French and German taught, ur.dMusJc Lemons given.

A tiife convpynncu will call for and re-

turn children living at a distance.72 Mulual Telephone No. nOl. am


THE undersigned having been ap.Atriguce of the Kstate

of It, W. LuIiip, liaukrupt, requestsall persons who have claims against thuestate of said It, V. I.alnc, secured orothurwlso, to present tho same dulysworn to, and nil persons Indebted tosaid Eitato uru I equated to make imme.diato piyuieut to

A. J. OAUrWHlUtlT.Aesimice of the ljsiatu of It. V.

Lalue, bankrupt.Honolulu March 19th, 1668t 04 tf.w;

KE3 rata ra pari Ki

63 & 65 FORT STREET.





: A,S4

111 Liuon ml Eirolfl Swisses,

-- Black MM 81 at Law Prices.


& 65Irwin & Co.




KBWG-- 0-






Fort street.Opposite

Eilirfli(leiiBS anH




Torciioi Laces

Dupee Hams & Bacon, Kits Salmon Bellies, Kits Mackerel, KegsBeef, Kegs Poik, Smoked Halibut, Extra Select Oysters, Salmon,Cranberry Sauce, Boston Brown Bread, Table Fruits, Gerraca,

MuckiiiN & Franca American Feed Co.'h Atwort'd $oupr,Uidgcs Food, Imperial Granuni, Rolled Oats, Breakfast Food,Gem, Graham Wafers, Oaten Wafers, Snow Flake & CreamCi ackers, Ginger Wafers, Chocolate Wafers, Pretzels, Prunes,Dates, Nuts, Apples, French Peas. Pop Com, Garden Seeds,Wheat, Flour, Butter, Honey, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assor't of Staplo & Fancy Groceries, at Prices to Suit the Timos.

fiS5 Leave your orders, or ring up 111), -- a

Notice to the Public of the;

H 19 M f RB

:- -

Ladies or gentlemen who contemplate giving orders for the above article are respecttuiiy requested to call at the Honolulu Pioneer Steam Can-dy Factory and Bakery, established 18(5:3, before going to any other house,as my establishment is POSITIVELY tho oniv establishnipiit in Honolulu



Honolulti, II. I.97

boast- -llnnously

forfeithv nnnlvcio fi,,.i.

notwithstanding all the lidiculous, empty and pompons newspaper blow-ing and puffing, where a cake can be piocured to give the greatest satis-faction to the most refined tastes, and to be an ornament of exquisitewoikmanship on your table which will not crumble in pieces when cut,but be a to the line nrt of the Confectioner, lias not only fortwenty-liv- e years but still bids competition defiance to this day. All at-tempts in any other establishment are inferior to mine and not worth theprice you pay. It is an indisputable fact that all over the world aworkman's productions are always cheaper than a halfmade one's are.Having had over half a century's practical experience the undersigned isenabled to ornament Cakes in all and tho highest styles of ait.

3B JEiOIfclV,The only Practical Confectioner in all branches ; Proprietor

Honolulu Steam Candy Factory and Bakery. bc--tweun Fort and Nuuanu


Mado of the celebrated CREAM of the Woodlawn Dairy,sold at the great reduced prico of

S2.00! S2.00! S2.00! S2.00! S2.00!PER GALLON-HON- EST MEASURE


DErJ?J35 iJiSu: JEJO 1863.SsfAs some evil disposed persona who are openly

iii uj me intention oi ruining-- my business and viluJKiuyuur my UUU-Uf- c aim lUJU (JUKI AM TJ?1U0 to any person who will



credit which



ICE CREAM is not strictly pure although sold cheaperthan nnywhci'o else.

j !?T. .?4?S? '. .? . ?$. '. REPRESENTATIONS -- 5 j

1, HORN,Practical Courcctioner, Pastry Cook & Ornamenter

Both Telephuuos ro, 7i. UoteljSt. bet. Nuuanu & Fort St702m


Page 4: THE DAILY BULLETIN Beaver Saloon BETTER Hours iraee Go · 2015. 5. 30. · F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St.--12-Telephone 74 WM. McOANMIiESS, No.




jst "37 m v


Just Received at EloSlister & GoA largo assortment of

PERFUMES! PERFUMESComprising the well-know- n brands of





Sale nvfc IfccassonraTble PricegrWHOLESALE AMD RETABL.


Gleiievjil jVk-"0-- i

Accountants and Colloolors, Real Estate, Firo & Lii'o InsuranceAgents, Custom-Hous- o, Loan and Exchango Brokors.

Departments of Business.Books and Accounts accurately kept and piopcrly adjusted.Collotl0!i3 I11 receive special attention and returns promptly made.Convoyancing a Specialty, lUcords searched and correct Abstract of Title

furnished.Local Documents and Papers of every dtcriptlon carofully drawn and hand.

komely digressed.Copying nnd Translating in all languages in general uie is this Kingdom.Real Estate nought and sold. raid and 1'iopcrty s ifely insured.Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land lci-e- d and rented, and rents collected.Tiro and Life Insurance ellccted in first cli's Insurauce Companies.Custom-Hous- e Business transacted w idi ai curacy and dispatch.

Loans negotiated at lavcrablo rates.

Advertisements and Subscriptions elicited for Publishers.Any Article purchased or sold on most fnxomble terms.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.

tT AH Business entrusted to our care will rcccuc prompt and faithful attention atmoderate chargos.

Having had an cxtonsne businiss e.peiicnco foi oci tuenty-fh- e jcar- - inXcw York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of aniutricale and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, nud respectfullysoliclf a trial.

Bell Telephone No. 274. XXirwaiiiiii ISutsiucsN tVyrene-.ian ly

Telephone Uotli Companies 240.


FRESH GOODS from California on 1013, by each steamer of the O. S. S. Co.' A COMTLLTE IJNE 01" '




A Very Choice Lot of N. Z. " Taranaki Butter,"(IN KEGS.)

All of which we olTcr to the Public, at ItUASONABLE PRICES.Fresh New Zealand Butter, ON IGE, In 1 Pound Pats !

By each arrival Horn New Zealand SOMETHING FINE.


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods received by every Packet from the Eastern State3 and EuropeFresh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders fnitlitullv attended toand Goods delivered to any part ot the city of charge. Island eiders soli-cite-

Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office 145. Telephone No. 93. 1G8 ly







1751 ly


in Honolulu lor tenyears, woiKlng for foreigners, auu naecommuted no oiienso in tins country.I know of a gambling house, which isconstantly tilled with Chinese gamblers,soino of whom have lived there for threeyeurs, witli no other woik than gamb-ling at all times. 1 know this gamblinghouse, which they are constantlygoing, and I have much mouey init myself. This is why I wish thisgambling houso stopped. 1 was sum-mouc- d

to appear bofoio iheCouit, andthese gambler:. Here arretted foi theoffenso of gambling. 1 was the witnessbefore the Court. Therefore they aicangry with me for my testimony in dietrial, and with to Mil me. Fortldsreason, I publish these fuels beforu thepeople. (Signed) AH YOUNG.

Honolulu, March 10, 1688. 8(! 4t

J. G. MAROHANT,(Successor to T. G. Thrum)

Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo-k


Friend Building, Uuhel Mteet,(12 lulu.

Ilono-t- f


persons who want to com muniALL with the Poituguese, citherfor business, or for procuring workmen,bcrvants or any other helps, will ihul itihoniost proiltnblo way to advertise inthe Luso Jawaiiano, tho new organ oftho Portuguese colony, which is pub-

lished on Merchant street, Gazette, (Post-OIUc- o Letter Box E,), andonly charges rensouablo rates for advertlsemcntB

TF YOU WANT A SITUATIONJL udvcrtieo In tho Daimt Bollkiim.


1 11 FORT.F. O. Box 237.



liave livul






SPECTIOi INVITEDNotice of Election,

AT the adjourned annual meeting ofthe Hawaiian Hell Telephone

Company held March 5, 1838, the foblowing officers were elected for tho en.suing year:




J. F. Brown Secretary,J. Cassidy Gmcrnl-Superd'- t,

L Valentine Audltni.Directors J. Campbell, J. F. Dtawn

nnd W. O. Smith.J. F. BROWN,

8S 2w Secretary II. 11. Tel. Co.

For Sale! To Let 1 For Lease!

FOE SALE 1 Lot of Land. nfixlOS ft.Healthy Location. Good view, $960.

1 Lot of Land, 11)5x108 ft. Healthy Lo-cation, etc., $850.

TO LET 1 Dwelling House, 4 roomsif 15 per month.

1 Houso with Store, $40 per month.Rooms, en suito or single, from $2 to $G

per week.FOR LEASE 4 Lots, each C0x70 feet,

lor building. Good Location; waterlaid on; teims easy nnd the right par.ties asbUted in building,


PRANK GODFREY,C'opj'lwt una General ItiiMliieuu Agent

No. 81 King Street.

P 0. Box 315, liurgr Express Oaice.01



The "North China Hcrnld" ofNovember says thnt personswho doubt tho bnrbntity of somo oftho Chinese punishments "hnvo onlytownlk into tho city of Shanghaithis morning, n few minutes' task,and thoy will Ond ono of the mostrevolting of thoso punishments infull operation, nnd its Infliction ap-plauded by all thd Chinese whoknow of it." Tho criminal, onoKoli, is a hardened rtilllan who litispassed the greater pat t of the pastton years In jail. The spcclUc offensefor which he has been punished washis habit of blackmailing the

who were put in jnil withhim. lie was suspended in a cageabout live feet high, with his headthrough tho top in a wooden collar,so that he could not reach it with hishands. His feet, which wereloaded with chains, wcic so farfrom the bottom that he could onlyjust touch it when standing on tip-toe. Ileto hu was condemned tostand, without food or water, justinside the outer gale of the Magis-trate's yatiiom, the of bun-(bed- s,

until death put an cud to hissufferings. Tito writer suggests thata photograph of the cage and itsoceupaut would be a telling frontis-piece to the Marquis Tseng's recentarticle on the 4 'Aw akentng of China. "The exhibition is supposed to act asa detencnt; practically Koh is apopular heio. The wiiter found himlaughing and joking with the mob,and bandying coarse jests with themand the guards. Some one had.given him a stone to stand on. andhe had got from some other charit-able person some rice and water, anda pipe. "It may be that tho sightis such an amusing one, and the vic-tim is such a witty fellow, to judgeby the laughter with which his salliesare received, that theare anxious to prolong tho spectacleas much as possible." The peoplearc said to be full of admiration forthe Magistrate's linn and intelligentadministration of justice, but theShanghai w riter views the matter ina diffeieut light: "Here is a nationclaiming to take its place with theleaders of civilization, introducingrailways and telegraphs, sending itsMinisters to foreign courts, and ask-ing to be treated as a sister by thegreat Powers of the world ; and inone of its foremost cities, adminis-tered by an English-speakin- g ollleial,and within a few yards of foreignsettlements provided with all the re-

sources of modern civilization, acriminal is being slowly done todeath with circumstances of crueltythat would not be tolerated in thetreatment of a dangerous wild beastin a really enlightened country."


Arrive at Honolulu Irom San Francisco.

Australia April .'1

Mariposa, Apiil 12Austiali.i May 1Zealandia May 10Australia May 29Alameda Juno 7Austialia June 20Mniipoba July 5Australia July 21Zealaudia August 2Austialia August 21Alameda August 30Austialia September 18Muiipofr.i September 27Australia October 10Zealandia October 25Australia November 13Alameda November 22Austialia December 11

Lcavo Honolulu lor San Francisco.

Zealandia April 8Australia Apiil 10Alameda May 0Australia MayMaiiposa JunoAustralia JunoZealaudia JulyAustialia JulyAlameda July 29Australia July 31Mnripoba August 2G

Australia August 28Zealandia September 23Australia September 25Alameda October 21Australia .October 23Mariposa November 18Australia November 20Zealandia December 10Australia December 18Alameda . . , .(1889) Junuary 13

Honolulu LibraryAND

Reading Room Association.

Cor. Hotel & Alttkctv MticHH.Open eveiy Day und Eveuiug.

Tho Libiary consists at the presenttime of over Fhe Thousand Volumes.

Tho Heading Room is supplied Withabout fifty of tha leading newspapersand nciiodicdls,

A Parlor Is provided for conveisatlonud games,Tetins of membership, fifty cents u

jionth, pnynule quarteily in advance,No fotmality requited iu joining exceptsigning tho roll.

Strangers from foreign countries andvisitors fi om tho other islands aio wel-come to the rooms nt all times as guests.

This Association having no leguhirmeans of suppsit except tho dues ofmembers, it is expected that lesidcutsof Honolulu who desiio to avail them-selves of its pilvlleges, and all who feelan intciest in maintaining an Institutionof this kind, will put down their namesand become leguhir coiitiibutors.

A. J. OARTWKIOHT, Pros,,M. M. SCOTT,11. A, PAltMKLEE, Secretary,A. L. SMITH, Tieasmer,C. T. RODQERS, M.D.,

Chairman Hall und Library Conimlttoo.

Milte 11m o



Made in Amcilca.

Meals Superior to all Others,

GONSALVES & CO.,Solo Acctitn of tlio Hawaiian



4,000 Asparagus Roots !

Two years old and strong. Headyfor planting.

iKS $5.00 a Hundred S8APPLY TO



BUTTER SCOTCHIs only made nud sold nt the

I'loxr.r.itSteam Candy Factory, Bakery

& Ice Cream Parlors,


91 lw


For Plantations, Gardens, Lawns,Etc., Etc.

for Sole by HAXSOX JL H3IYTII.

WE are now prepared to receive allordcis for the above Fertilizer of

a supirior quality, thoroughly curedand warranted one of the best articlesof the kind In tho market. Orders mayue it-i- t wun


P. HANSON, SCO Queen street,M. SMYTH, Haw. Hotel Stable.

iiS lm

Rubbish ! Rubbish ! Rubbish !

rxUlE undersigned who lins hecn au-J- L

thorized by the Hoard of Health asa Gaibjgcs Collector, givis notice to thepublic oi Honolulu, that he is ready tolvmovc the Rubbish from stores andprivate at the unprcec-dentedl- y

tmall charge of CO cents permouth and to remove the same fromlestaurants for $1.00 per month. Horselitter is classed as Bubbish. Tiec tilui-ming- s

will be charged fur extra. DeadDogs, Cats anil any small animals v illbeiemoved free of chaige. A leason-nbl- e

charge will be made for theof dead Horses and Cattle.

The undersigned can ho communicated with by Uirice Telephone 310, andPiivalo Telephone 220, Mutual Tel. Co.

N. B. My carts work on Saturdays.

L. L. LnriERRE.02 lw

Rubbish! Rubbish! Rubbish!

THE undersigned having been in thefor the pnbt 15 months,

and now being appointed by the Boardof Health as Kubbish Col'ector. Ihcicby wish to thank the public lorthere Hbiral patronage, hoping a con-tinuance of the same with a more ex-tended list of cuitomera. I shall, asheretofore have my rubbish carts go oneach stiect where lequired three timeseach week, except in very ininy weather,then two times each week. After thismonth each cart will carry a bell toannounce its appearance- on the street,that no ono will have an excuse for notsetting out their dirt.

BtaPriccs af heretofore; OrdinaryHouse Bubbish and Yard Sweeping,50 cents, 75 cents and $1.00 per month,if put in containers.

The above prices arranged accordingto the amount of lubbish tnkeu away.

Tito Ti Huntings and Hor.e Litterw ill be charged extra.

Horfo. Bullocks, Hogs and Dogs willbe burled nt reasonable rates.

N. E. BURGESS.P. S. Anyone knowing of one who

is required to have their rubbish le.moved, who la not able to pay the tax,if tho paity or parties will let mo knowI will do their carting free of isharge.00 lm N. F. B.


88 KING 8TKEET.HAS been opened over the restaurant

by ono of tho best practicalbarbers in the city. Gentlemen wish-ing a nice cnny Shave, or a fashionableHair Cut t ill find it to their advantageto givo me n trial. 7fi lm


3 WHALE loATSi 1 Decked"iVhalo iloat. 30 feet long. 3 feet

deep; 8 feet wide; 2 22 feet Surf Boats:1 18 feet Surf Boat; 3 Decked Plunger,10 feet long, 0 feet 0 inches wide, 2 feet0 inches deep, with mast and ballaallcomplete; 1 22 feet Sniling Scow, withmast nnd sails all complete. Applv to.

E. R. RYAN.Boat Builder nnd General Jobber. 51 tf


MESSRS J. E. BROWN & CO.XTl. Are authorised to collect for theBuj.lj.tin.

Honolulu Juno 8th, lf?S7,

THE .PEOPLES' PAPER-T- heBulletin per month,


tftJelZi,,' '



00 cts

Great Bargains !

Tho business of tho lato

GEO. EWGrELHARDTWill be conducted by tho undersigned

eiocutora of tho Mill of thedeceased, until tho

stock,-- consistino or--

nardwnro,G lnnsware,


Ifltclien UiouhUh,Stoves,

Outllei-y- ,Xuiip;cN,


Disrosci) OF- -

Everytking will be sold at' Cost


Thus affording housekeepers andothers a rare opportunity of re-

plenishing or renewing these neces-sary household articles nt small ex-pense. They will also sel at publicauction sometime next e.k daleto be announced in a futuie isaueat the lato reidenco of the deceasedon Queen street, near tho corner ofAlakei, the entire contents of the

Fernery and Conservatory !

CSp-Th- is a gnrdener in dally at-

tendance nud public inspection is cor-dially invited.


Executors of tho Will.72 tf













-- IS


od ldI CD






(115I -






Nos. 33, 45, 62, 63, 67, 73 & 97.

K. G. Bchumau, - - 1'roprlctor.Jg? Stand Comer Merchant and Fort

Streets.XGT Tcloplioiiea, 335. "G

mch 0 8Cly


WE beg to intimate that Mr. "W. L.Green who has hitheito, with

Mr. G. W. Macfarlanc, conducted ouragency here, retires from the same ason 1st January, 1888.

Mr. G. W. Macfarlane, assisted byMr. Robcit Catton, will continue torepresent our firm here.

MIK1UJSES, "VAT.-O- N & CO.Honolulu, 23rd February, 1888.

73 tf



The Watkiki residence of Mr. Fred HHajseldcn situated at Kaplolani Parkbetween the residences of Hon. MY. G.Irwin, nnd Mr. Frank Brown, Is offeredfor lent, lease, or sale. For termB applyto the undersigned.02 tf FRED II, IIAYSELDEN.

TO iff ? ?KftJ6 LET,

Tho premises nt Knlihi Valley adjoin-ing the residence of Mrj. Markliam andknown as tire Guerrero Homestead. Theyconsist of three distinct lots, viz:

1 House lot unon which stands a substantial two-stor- y house and outrhouses.Arca,about 1 3-- 4 acres.

2 House lot ol about 3-- 4 ol an acre.3 Houso lot and taro land. Area about

2 acres.

For further paillculars apply to

J. M. MONSARKAT,'74 Merchant Street, Itf

Richard Cayford,VETERINARY


fSliooing" Forge,Fort St.. Noxt I.nrnH' 3I1U.

Shooing, irom $1.50.

Horsoo and Oattlo Treated forall Diseases.

BchIiIciicc: :tl Alnkca Street,X. O. BOX 408.

Bell Telephone jac8;i858i

iiislniliiiii Mail Service.

FOK SAN FKAKCISCO,Tho now and fluo Al steel steamship

" Zealandia,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, rrlll

bo due nt Honolulu from Sydneynnd Auckland on nr about

And willmails auddale.


April 8, 1888.leave for tho above port withpnvipngers on or nbout that

For ficlgbt or pass-age- , havingA1CCOMMODATIONB, apply

WE G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.

For Sydney

Tho new and fine





steel steamship

ianposa, ?

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, willbe duo at Honolulu from San

Francisco on or about

April 12, 1888,And will havu prompt difpatcb. withmalls and passengers for tho above ports.

For freight or passage, having SU-


Bell Tel. 318. JUutual Tel.P.O. Box 41 5.



Offlco - . 38 Merchant St., Honolulu



Conveyancing a Specialty Records earchcd and abstracts of title furnishod onshort notice.

Copying, Translating, and engrossing in filllanguages in general use in tho King-dom.

Custom House brokerage Firo and LifeInsuiance receive piompt attention.





Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

REAL ESTATE,bought, sold and rented.

Several valuable properties in andaround ihe city now for salo on easytermB.

Convenient Cottages in desirable healthylocations in and uear the city to let orlcaso at reasonable rates.

Employment Wanted by several men andboys, who will make themselves use-

ful in performing tho various officesand chores required by private faml-lie-

Full particulars given on applicationat the agency.

Ordors from the other Islands prompt-l- y

attended to.

Bell Tel. 172.P. O,

Mutual Tel.Box 409.


J. E. BROWN & CO.,Firo Proof Stono Building,

42 Merchant Street.

Gcneral Commission Merchants

General Agency for JIaw'n islandortne

Burlington and Chicago Railway

AcrosM America.Connecting at Boston with tho Azores

and Madeira.

Through tiekcts granted from Honoluluto all points East.

Accountant Department.Merphandiso stored and sold on com-

mission. Consignments solicited.Shipping and Custom Houso Business

attended to.Books and Accounts kept and audited,Legal Documents prepared.Avnrairi'i ndlusted.Properties leased, rented and sold.Legal documents drawn.

To Let No 80 Kinau street-- , parlor, 3bedrooms, kitchen, servant's room,stable, carriage house, garden, etc,Rent very moderate,

Cottage at Walklkl, opposite SunnySouth; largo yard, stable, eto. Possession on 1st April.

New York Line.V3TJv

A1 A vessel will bo despatchedthis Line for Honolulu, to lravo

ew lork in all May.

For further Information apply toW. H. GROSSMAN & BRO.,

77 & 70 Broad Streo',New York.


CASTLE & C00KE,"7 8m Honolulu.



At J. J.05 tf

iews !


By tho B. S. "Australia" 8lh February,--AND NOW SALE- -

California Oranges---prim- o samplo, BarrelsSaurkraut. Kegs Saurkraut, Crates While

Heart Cabbage, Celery on Ice,Crates Cauliflower,


A largo consignment ofPotatoes, Figs, Canned Fruits, Jellies,Jams, Prunes, Eaisins, Chestnut. Wal.nuts, Hardnuts, Almondnntt, C.mnedTomatoes. Etc., Etc., Etc, Etc, EtcES'LOW PRICE TO SUIT THE TIMES--a

CALIFORNIA FRUIT MARKET,60 King street, Honolulu, tf



ALL kinds of diajage attended topromptness. "Whito and

Blnck Sand delivered in quantities tosuit. Also, Black Hock and Coral Rock.

Onice: With J. F. Colhurn, Kingstreet, near Maunakca. 72 8m


Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


"Wsbcs to notify the public that bohas removed to larger quarters,

No. 13 Kaahumanu Street,tar up status, -- a

81 3m

Tahiti Lemonade Steam Works,


Honolulu Depot, - - - 2S Merchant St.

Manufacturers of HighWaters, put



Plain Soda,Glucer

KaspTberryndo,Ale. -

Tahiti Lemonade,Cream



up in

J. E. BROWN &Proprietors.





description of






iBlnnd orders promptly to.08 Cm


Yosemite Skating

8CS RINK-g- lSkating! Skating! Skating!

Corner Queen &

Will be open every evening from 7 o0:80 v. u.

MTJSIO; Tuesdaysoven(qg for the Publio



AeratedPatent Crystal









Richard Streets,

and Saturdaysin General,

XUOMLA-- 12. W.AIJU1C01 Proprietor. lyr

ts- vSfl

) f

.' .v



- V

.k i;

T . p




msi ,y ff


