The current political crisis and the growing movement calling for Truth and Justice are of great...

The current political crisis and the growing movement calling for Truth and Justice are of great concern to us migrant Filipinos.

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Page 1: The current political crisis and the growing movement calling for Truth and Justice are of great concern to us migrant Filipinos.

The current political crisis and the growing movement calling for

Truth and Justice are of great concern to us migrant Filipinos.

Page 2: The current political crisis and the growing movement calling for Truth and Justice are of great concern to us migrant Filipinos.



The people's economic situation under GMA is at its


Page 3: The current political crisis and the growing movement calling for Truth and Justice are of great concern to us migrant Filipinos.

Historic joblessness and family income worst due mainly to poor quality of jobs created.

Latest survey (January 2008) – 71 % of Filipinos are poor.

Page 4: The current political crisis and the growing movement calling for Truth and Justice are of great concern to us migrant Filipinos.

Landlessness remains the major problem of farmers.

Page 5: The current political crisis and the growing movement calling for Truth and Justice are of great concern to us migrant Filipinos.

Diaspora of Filipinos, a result of the government‘s policy of exporting and commodifying labor. Along with it is the extortion and criminal neglect of migrants and their families.

Page 6: The current political crisis and the growing movement calling for Truth and Justice are of great concern to us migrant Filipinos.

Great blunders of the GMA Administration: continuous subservience to IMF-World Bank policies; and failure to adopt and develop genuine economic independence through national industrialization and genuine agrarian reform.

Corruption and bribery is at its height. The Philipines is on top of the list of most corrupt economies in Asia. Unresolved anomalies under Mrs. Arroyo continue to unfold.

Page 7: The current political crisis and the growing movement calling for Truth and Justice are of great concern to us migrant Filipinos.

Last March 2007, the Permanent People‘s Tribunal found both President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and US President George W. Bush Jr. responsible for gross and systematic violation of human rights, economic plunder and transgression of the Filipino people‘s sovereignty.

Legitimacy of the Presidency of GMA is still seriously under question because of the “Hello Garci“ scandal. Local and international critics say she is an illegitimate President.

Page 8: The current political crisis and the growing movement calling for Truth and Justice are of great concern to us migrant Filipinos.
Page 9: The current political crisis and the growing movement calling for Truth and Justice are of great concern to us migrant Filipinos.

A new brand of People Power – a strong political storm as shown with more than 75,000-strong Filipinos against GMA last 29 February 2008.

Evangelical Churches say in their guidelines: the NBN-ZTE affair is now a household concern for every Filipino.

The National Democratic Front firmly believes GMA Regime remains biggest obstacle to peace.

The Communist Party of the Philippines claims revolutionary armed forces continue to grow ever stronger and will win more and more victories up to the end against the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

Page 10: The current political crisis and the growing movement calling for Truth and Justice are of great concern to us migrant Filipinos.

Hence, GMA is clearly unfit to remain President.

This kind and magnitude of blatant and repeated disregard for the human rights and economic interests of the Filipino people must not be tolerated.

Migrant Filipinos around the world to join hands and put an end to the ills plaguing our country.

High time that we demand truth, accountability, good governance, justice and morality from our country‘s leaders.

GMA and her cohorts must be made answerable to these.

The involvement of each and everyone will make a critical difference.

Page 11: The current political crisis and the growing movement calling for Truth and Justice are of great concern to us migrant Filipinos.

Initially, we can engage in the following: An individual sincere prayer for the revelation of truth and justice is a good starting point. Jesus said: “Whatever is hidden away will be put to the open, and whateve is covered up will be found and brought to light.“ (Mark 4:22 & Luke 8:17); “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.“ (John 8:32)

Group and community prayer would even be better – “For when two or three are gathered in my name there I am among them.“ (Matt. 18:20)

Page 12: The current political crisis and the growing movement calling for Truth and Justice are of great concern to us migrant Filipinos.

Initially, we can engage in the following: Group discussions enable us to have a deeper appreciation of our destiny as migrant Filipinos. It will also further enhance our patriotic sentiments. We can‘t turn away from the sufferings of our homeland no matter what passport we currently hold.

Brainstorming and sharing of ideas are effective ways in coming up with necessary and appropriate action.