The Crowborough Runner Sept 2013

The Crowborough Runner September 2013 The Autumnal Issue Perfect Weather Autumn is here, perfect running weather in our beautiful part of the world. I hope you are all getting out there frequently. The Crowborough Runners AGM is this Monday 23 rd September, please try and come along if at all possible, an important time for us all to get together celebrate the past year and plan the next. The Crowborough 10k is on Sunday 1 st December. We need everybody’s help please, the event that keeps our club afloat each year. Reach me at [email protected]. Let us all know what you’ve been up to Tony Next Issue: early Nov (start of every odd month) Sunday run from Callaghan Castle


Autumn 2013

Transcript of The Crowborough Runner Sept 2013

Page 1: The Crowborough Runner Sept 2013

The Crowborough Runner September 2013

The Autumnal Issue

Perfect Weather

Autumn is here, perfect running weather in our beautiful part of the world. I hope you

are all getting out there frequently.

The Crowborough Runners AGM is this Monday 23rd September, please try and

come along if at all possible, an important time for us all to get together celebrate the

past year and plan the next.

The Crowborough 10k is on Sunday 1st December. We need everybody’s help

please, the event that keeps our club afloat each year.

Reach me at [email protected]. Let us all know what you’ve been up to


Next Issue: early Nov (start of every odd month)

Sunday run from Callaghan Castle

Page 2: The Crowborough Runner Sept 2013

COMING VERY SOON …. 23rd September The Crowborough Runners AGM 7:30pm WI Hall.

5th October: Nick Andersen Training session

13th October: 1st Cross Country of the Season – Whitbread Hollow

1st December: Crowborough 10k. The Big one


(Belated article due to editorial incompetence in omitting from last issue)

South Downs Way Relay (SDWR) Men’s Team Awards 2013

My lords, ladies and gentlemen, runners, would-be runners, has-been runners and supporters, I am delighted to present to you the awards that sum up that inspiring, awe-inspiring, emotional, panoramic, bonding, knackering, exhausting annual extravaganza called the Men’s Team Experience of the SDWR with its highs & lows, ups & downs, and slower & slower running.

Best Bunny Award – Dave Hynes. Honourable mention – Tony late at night after rum & coke

Best Innovation – rum & coke bar in the minibus on the way back

Best Performance of the Day – the weather (lots of lovely sunshine but not too hot). Honourable mention – Mrs Hynes for not answering Dave’s mobile phone, which he had left at home, when we rang it at 5am to find out why he was not at our meeting place.

Worst Performance of the Day – Eastbourne Borough Council for not unlocking the loos at the start. Dishonourable Mention – Sustainability Centre for also having closed loos (it is a poor excuse that they were closed by the time we arrived).

Best Surprise of the Day – both ladies and men’s teams finishing in time to attend the prizegiving. Honourable mention – lots of teams finishing after we did.

Most underused item – minibus handbrake

Best Food – sushi provided by the ladies’ team. Honourable mention – packets of crisps (great for replacing salt)

Worst Food – whatever Kevin ate before his third leg

“Stepping into the Gap Award” - Dominique for taking over marshalling at Bo Peep when Sharon was unwell

IT Review of the Day – Scott on the SnapChat app : “This is ****”, said as he received yet another idiotic photo of startled faces as Tony used the flash on his phone to take photos on the way home.

Closest Run Thing – whether Mary was more pleased that the ladies team finished or that she ran faster than Roger on leg 14.

Worst Excuse – “I would have run well if it were not for the hills” as used by nearly everyone after their legs. Might be a reasonable excuse on a run you do not know, but on the SDW???

Colour Blindness of the Day – ladies team’ interpretation of “running in club colours”

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Best resolution – Kevin deciding not to run the next day

Keep it Simple Award – Dave (“what is the point of a recce”) Hynes for “I just look at the signposts”

Giving Us Hope Award – Kevin, Tony, Ian, Scott and Dave for catching up with the ladies team on their runs after Roger had let the gap widen

Special Thanks – Maggi for marshalling at Bo Peep with Dominique, Ron for driving and Ian for navigating (I saw some new villages this year) And lastly

Reflection on the Day – “Two out of three ain’t bad” as Meatloaf said. Most of the men’s team were disappointed by one of their three runs (usually the last) but we finished, really enjoyed it (apart from the bad bits!) and did a faster time than the ladies team. So the old(er) members of the team can take comfort from the fact that we can still run even

if, as one person remarked, “The trouble with being our age is that women no longer fancy us” – but maybe that was just the rum and coke speaking.

Bexhill 5K 31st July I notice Kevin is known as Mr Kevin Buttey!!! (Position 89) I think Kevin "Burger" would've been more appropriate!!

Men: Alan Stewart 19.42 Kevin Buttey, 20.17 James (shouldn't have run Wimbledon) Welbury 23.34

Ladies: Maggi Bradgate 26.48. Sharon Wheeler, 27.47 Annie "The Tri Champ" Sidgwick, 29.36 Brenda Styles, 30.10 Bernadett O'Connor, 30. 11 Dominique Welbury, 34.00

The fish n chips after the run sitting on a bench overlooking the beach was great!

ATB James

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26th June Deerstalker Pub Run

Deerstalker Pub Run June 26th

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The inaugural Wimbledon Half Marathon, July 28th , 2013.

Well, John said why not try something new and different? I said OK, “what’s the

course like?”. He replied “it’s a bit underground, overground........”. In fact, it was two long laps of the Wimbledon common and measured 13.31 miles. All off road

on woodland and grassy trails with 427 feet of climbing (a hill to do twice). Lovely course, though, but a few rough parts and a number of 90 and 180 degree turns so not a fast one. I noticed quite alot of litter around the field we ran around at

the start before heading off into the woods on this rather hot and humid day. An absence of Wombles was noted. James 1.51. John 1.56 - definitely a Category

“C” training run.

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New Forest 10 – 14th July

“one of the hottest days of the year. We all thoroughly enjoyed the race, and in particular the camaraderie from fellow runners. The best part of the race was being hosed down at the end with cold water from head to toe!!” Louise

396 Louise Ellis 1:36:35

497 Maggi Bradgate 1:42:55 585 Jane Clements 1:47:47 658 Sarah Hilliard 1:54:55

Will Page Newick 10K (SGP) - 25th Aug

Write up

0:43:26 BATTELL, Kevin Crowborough

Runners Vet Men 696 56

0:48:58 TIGHE, John Crowborough

Runners Vet Men 574 121

0:53:15 CUTBILL, Ron Crowborough

Runners Vet Men 610 156

0:59:38 WHEELER, Sharon Crowborough

Runners Vet Ladies 695 196

The Eridge 10 (miles) - 8th September 2013

“one of the most enjoyable races I have ever done, with the perfect prize at the end - a well-deserved pint of beer.” Louise

148 Tony H 1:34:57 151 Ian G 1:35:23

225 Marije F 1:43:45 231 Louise E 1:44:29

8th Sept Hellingly 10K (SGP) 170 STEVE HICKEY 50:53:00 V2 224 SWATI PATEL 55:46:00 V2

253 MAGGI BRADGATE 59:23:00 V6

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Somme Poppy Races, Albert, Sept 8th

Just over a hundred years ago, on July 1st 1916, the battle of the Somme commenced with over 60,000 allied soldiers being either killed or wounded on the first day alone. So it was with some emotion and trepidation that several hundred

lucky modern-day runners took on the Poppy “Somme” races from 5K to a full marathon on a very warm and beautiful sunny September day from Albert in northern France. I ran the half marathon along with Tanya and Dominique and

Tanya’s husband Ray took on the 10K which took in a few laps of the once devastated town.

The half wound its way round the town and past the impressive brick built, spectacular gold tower bedecked basilica with an interesting WW1 museum in the deep tunnels under the church. After a mile and a half we went up a big hill and

“over the top” past the line where the battle commenced all those years ago but then going down and past the first spotless and well-kept war cemetery we saw of the Dorset regiment which had as many gravestones as runners.

We wound our way along lanes across harvested fields, edged with wavering bright red poppies in the warmth and through villages like La Boiselie with its

huge crater then Pozieres noting the sign on the D929 showing where the allies had advanced to by September 1914 only a few miles from Albert. We wound our way past the large Australian war memorial then down and up a steep hill to the

huge Thiepval monument with over 70,000 soldiers names recorded on it. (By November 2014, the allies had only advanced 10 miles up the road towards

Bapaume at great cost to lives – 3 miles less than our half marathon).

We then had a nice downhill stretch for a mile and a half back to Albert on the roller coaster of an undulating course thinking how lucky we were to have

survived our trot in the Somme compared to all those young lads back in the great War. Back into Albert and around a small nature park and lake to the finish.

Great atmosphere, lovely enamelled medal with a bright red poppy and a free bag and some food all for €14 euros.

Half Marathon Tanya Edmondson – 1.55.13 – First Female V 3. Tanya won €40 and was awarded a very large trophy!

James 1.47.55. 10K

Dominique –71.03 Ray (From sister Club Uckfield) 67.03, First V4

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Hove Prom 10K (SGP) (The “windy” one) - 15th Sept

Posn Time



105 48 26

John Tighe M VM40

106 48 28

Mary Nightingale F VW50

118 49 29

James Welbury M VM50

147 54 53

Swati Patel F VW40

162 57 50

Maggi Bradgate F VW50

182 62 40 105 Brenda Styles F VW60

Bristol Half - 15th Sept

Kevin 1.29.25 Sharon 2.08:32

Firle Half Marathon - 15th Sept

Katerina Clarke: 2:15:20

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2012-21013 Club Champions It was good to see 20 runners completing the championship, compared to 16 last year. 10 ladies and 10 men ran races in the each of the 10K, 10 mile and half marathon distances during the club year which ended on 31st August.

Well done to Audrey who won the ladies championship for a second successive year by a comfortable margin. Once again there was unfortunately no senior lady competing while in the LV35 category the fact that Audrey won the overall prize meant that runner-up Louise takes this award.

Fran has been running strongly for years but rarely completes the full set of distances. But she managed to do this in 2012-13 and is rewarded by winning the LV45 category. Meanwhile in the LV55 there was a hard fought contest between Brenda and Maggi with Brenda just coming out ahead.

In the men’s category I managed to hang on to the overall lead I established last autumn before I was injured. This was despite the usual late challenge by Kevin, who won the MV40 category (note: your age at the 1st September determines your category for the year). Dan won the senior men’s category for the 3rd consecutive year – will anyone stop him winning in his last 2 years in the category to make it 5 in a row?

In the MV50 category the winner was James while Peter scooped the award in the new MV60 category.

The 2013-14 championship is already underway, with runners setting markers with times in the Hellingly and Hove 10K and the Bristol Half Marathon. As I found out last year, it is good to get some times early on if you can – but you do have a whole 12 months ahead to do a 10K, 10M and half-marathon.

Remember to let me know your result if you run a non-SGP race since otherwise I may miss it.











Nioucel Audrey FV35 00:44:54 01:14:33 01:45:00 03:44:27 1 1

Louise Ellis FV35 00:51:49 01:35:59 02:06:04 04:33:52 2 4

Clements Jane FV35 01:00:44 01:47:47 02:42:28 05:30:59 3 9

Nelson Fran FV45 00:49:19 01:47:49 01:44:36 04:21:44 1 2

Hilliard Sarah FV45 00:54:26 01:30:53 01:58:48 04:24:07 2 3

Wheeler Sharon FV45 00:57:40 01:36:39 02:03:27 04:37:46 3 5

Field Marije FV45 00:48:38 01:38:26 02:12:36 04:39:40 4 6

Styles Brenda FV55 00:56:40 01:40:09 02:07:58 04:44:47 1 7

Bradgate Maggie FV55 00:55:54 01:38:56 02:10:25 04:45:15 2 8

Welbury Dominique FV55 01:09:44 02:02:28 02:43:19 05:55:31 3 10

Aubrey Dan MS 00:45:46 01:15:41 01:38:40 03:40:07 1 4

Battell Kevin MV40 00:40:58 01:06:58 01:36:34 03:24:30 1 2

Callaghan Gary MV40 00:42:25 01:12:15 01:32:08 03:26:48 2 3

Piper Ian MV40 00:45:27 01:18:22 01:38:51 03:42:40 3 5

Tighe John MV40 00:46:39 01:16:12 01:41:39 03:44:30 4 6

Hickey Steve MV40 00:52:36 01:34:26 01:58:01 04:25:03 5 9

Stone Roger MV50 00:39:41 01:12:16 01:29:30 03:21:27 1 1

Welbury James MV50 00:47:18 01:17:52 01:47:12 03:52:22 2 7

Cutbill Ron MV50 00:53:15 01:27:48 02:12:39 04:33:42 3 10

Maddison Peter MV60 00:49:27 01:19:20 01:50:15 03:59:02 1 8

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The Club (Mile) Handicap 2012-2013

The handicap mile was run 8 times on a Tuesday and Wednesday evening in each of May, June, July and August. The idea was not only to allow runners to compete for the handicap, but also to check their speed and fitness month by month.

Of the 29 runners who took part, 13 took advantage of running two or more times, so maybe the initiative was worthwhile. But please let me know your ideas for how to run the handicap in future years. I will be asking for feedback at the AGM.

Louise ran the handicap every month and kept improving her time each run – a tremendous effort. She had built up a significant lead by the time of the last race only for Swati also to make a significant improvement and tie with her. So Louise and Swati share the ladies handicap for this year.

In the men’s race Ashley beat his handicap in May and then improved his time by another 25 seconds in July to win comfortably despite a great effort and time by Tony in

August which closed the gap.

Well done to everyone who worked hard round the four laps and especially to Sharon who improved her time twice – and you could see the effort and determination she was putting in to achieve this.


(see detailed results on next page)

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The Club (Mile) Handicap


Est. handicap

time 2013

Time vs. handicap

(higher better)

Actual time


Actual time


Actual time


Actual time


Actual time


Actual time


Actual time

28/08/13 Attempts Notes

Ellis Louise 00:07:45 38 00:07:42 00:07:15 00:07:08 00:07:07 4 Improved each time

Patel Swati 00:08:10 38 00:07:54 00:07:32 2 Improved 22 seconds over 3 months

Wheeler Sharon 00:08:20 16 00:08:34 00:08:12 00:08:04 3 Improved each time

Clements Jane 00:08:45 15 00:08:30 1 Nioucel Audrey 00:06:30 13 00:06:17 1 Kirkin Chloe 00:08:30 13 00:08:17 00:08:23 2 Clarke Katerina 00:07:55 11 00:07:44 1 Field Marije 00:07:25 7 00:07:18 1 Tolmachova Ana 00:06:15 4 00:06:11 00:06:12 00:06:27 3 Hilliard Sarah 00:08:15 3 00:08:12 1 Bradgate Maggi 00:08:15 -5 00:08:20 1 Purnell Pippa 00:06:30 -6 00:06:36 1 Nightingale Mary 00:07:00 -7 00:07:15 00:07:07 2 Sidgwick Annie 00:08:30 -19 00:08:49 1 Harker Julie 00:08:10 -38 00:08:48 1 Styles Brenda 00:08:50 -45 00:09:35 1 Box Ashley 00:07:05 35 00:06:55 00:06:30 2 Ashley "I'm not really recovered" Box kept on improving

Hufflett Tony 00:06:35 21 00:06:25 00:06:14 2 Chinn Rod 00:06:20 7 00:06:13 1 Cutbill Ron 00:07:00 7 00:07:03 00:06:53 2 Ron broke the 7 minute barrier

Welbury James 00:06:55 5 00:06:58 00:06:50 00:06:52 3 Edney Alan 00:06:57 0 00:06:57 1 Stewart Alan 00:05:40 -1 00:05:41 00:06:02 2 Callaghan Gary 00:06:00 -6 00:06:12 00:06:06 2 Battell Kevin 00:05:50 -7 00:05:57 1 Tapsell Bryan 00:06:10 -10 00:07:25 00:07:25 00:06:20 3 Bryan and Dave Stewart were the last lap sprint specialists

Hickey Steve 00:07:00 -11 00:07:11 1 Stewart Dave 00:05:40 -15 00:05:55 1 Bryan and Dave Stewart were the last lap sprint specialists

Taylor Russell 00:07:50 -48 00:08:38 1 Competitors 5 16 6 6 2 8 5 48

Page 15: The Crowborough Runner Sept 2013

Junior Athletics 2013

The summer season 2013 of Junior Athletics has come to an end. We enjoyed a very good summer with some amazing enthusiasm and very keen young

athletes. In order to keep update with the demands of the young athletes and adapt with changes we have sent all our junior members a questionnaire to complete. We asked them to share their views with us to help us further develop

the club.

It has been decided that the Aviva Awards will from next season run during the

whole of the summer athletics season, giving an opportunity to every young athlete to complete at least one full activity. In the past the Aviva Awards run at the end of the season, the last 3 weeks of August. Consequently fair amount of

children missed out on the awards due to the summer holidays.

Our Junior head coach, Dave Hynes, wants to share his huge enthusiasm for

running with our young athletes. He started last week the:

NEW Junior Track and Cross-country running Club

(a) What is the aim of this new club? The main focus will be on improving

fitness levels, stamina and achieve a good running technique. The sessions will include, time trials, drills, running form and long distance (suitable for the age group) cross country running. Depending, on the athletes and how

the club progresses, we are wishing to develop a team who may next year visit and compete with other clubs.

(b) Who is this new club suitable for? If you are 11+ years old (on 1st September 11 years old) and enjoy running, then this the club for you.

(c) When and where do we train? Saturday mornings. The sessions will

running during term time only (unless demand is high to run it all through the year). The meeting point is at the Goldsmiths Leisure Centre sports

track, at 9h45.

(d) How long will the sessions last? 1 hour. We will finish at 10h45

Finally, a BIG THANK YOU to all Crowborough Runners for their support and

patience in sharing on Tuesday evenings the track with us. A big thank you to the coaches who stepped in to cover for absent coaches and 'thank you' to Sid for putting up with us.

Junior Coaches & Katerina

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Autumn Training Sat 5th October 10am Goldsmiths Autumn training event with Nick Anderson & Phoebe Sat 5th October 10.a.m. start at Goldsmiths on the track. There will be an emphasis on both physical and

mental strength training. A minimal £5 charge BOOK NOW. Also stretching and core work a bit like last time followed by Q &A when Nick will discuss how to

strengthen the mind for the past part of your races!! Contact James (Welbury)

Crowborough Junior Track Club – Lend a Hand

As you will have seen above Dave Hynes is planning to run a track club for 11-16 year old graduating from Crowborough Juniors into track work

It is hoped that as the club develops athletes will be able to compete individually at Open meetings and also compete against other clubs as a team.

Saturday mornings starting 9:45am -10:45am in a week or two’s time.

This will be an exciting extensive of Crowborough Runners into Junior athletics, great to provide a year-round option for the Juniors and also let them transition

into adult running.

It would be great if adult members can lend a hand – if everyone could give an hour just once or twice a year this would be all that was needed

I know that Dave would really appreciate your support

[email protected] / 07956 321414

Strengthen ze knees

NHS choices knee exercises Recommended by Audrey. well/c25k/Pages/knee-exercises.aspx

Page 17: The Crowborough Runner Sept 2013

The Christmas Party

Hi Everyone

It's that time again.........our Christmas Party will be at Barnsgate Manor on Saturday 14th December.

It goes without saying that it will be the highlight of the Crowborough Runners social calendar! As usual, the club will subsidise members £10 and one guest

per member £5. Therefore the price to pay is £25 per member and £30 per guest for a 3 course meal, entertainment and disco afterwards. Drinks and wine for dinner are available for purchase at the bar on the night.

Please let me know by email how many places you need. I require a £10 deposit per person by end of September to guarantee the reservation. Please drop

off/post cheque to 22 Osborne Road, Crowborough, TN6 2HN or better still you can hand it over at the AGM next Monday (23rd September)! Menu attached for

your information but I don't need to know your selections until payment of the final balance.



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Dave puts in extra

training in his own gym!


Page 19: The Crowborough Runner Sept 2013

CLUB NOTICES From Andy Parkin, Club Secretary

Recent information received by Club

1. Luton Half Marathon 27th October

Dear all, I am writing to make you aware of an up and coming half marathon we are hosting in Luton. This is being held on Sunday 27th October 2013. It will

begin at 10am at Venue 360 on Gypsy Lane. It is a closed road traffic free race and will also take in the picturesque Luton Hoo Estate. The race will end in the City Centre. For more information or to book visit

For those wishing to travel and stay the night before we have excellent hotel rates on offer. We are fully accessible by road only a few minutes from the M1 and M25

and we also have 3 train stations servicing Luton. I would be happy to send you more information or provide you with any detail you may need. I do hope you and your club can take part.

Sinead McNamara

Business Manager Environment & Regeneration

Luton Borough Council Tel no: 01582 546265 email:[email protected]

2. For those interested in technical innovations!!

The World's first alternative to the safety pin

the EventClip pinless brandable

bib number fastener

No More Holes

Stops Numbers from Flapping

Easy to Attach - Simply Press to Fasten

Very Light Weight - Less than 1 Gram

Designed NOT to Rub - Less than 2mm Thick

Re-Usable - Made of Tough Nylon

Developed with Athletes & Children

3. 30th Birthday Hastings Half Marathon - Run It Again!

Help us to make it to £5 million raised for Needy Causes!

The Lions Club of Hastings want to see ALL past participants from the first

twenty-nine Hastings Half Marathons "Run It Again" in 2014 to celebrate the

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race's 30th Birthday. We are especially interested in any that ran in the first one

in 1985! In this time the race has raised over £4 million for Needy Causes.

Help us to make it to £5 million!

Enter now!

We look forward to seeing you again!

Best wishes.

Eric Hardwick M.B.E

Race Director

4. Places for Brighton Marathon

My name is Bay and I am an Events Fundraiser at Samaritans. We are looking for

runners who either already have a place – or are looking for a guaranteed place in

the Brighton Marathon – to support Samaritans by raising sponsorship.

Samaritans receive almost no government funding so it really is your fundraising

and support that allow us to answer the 5,000,000 calls we get every year. I have

attached some information about how runners can support us and would be

incredibly grateful if you could circulate this around your club, to see if you are

able to generate any interest. (If anyone is interested in helping the Samaritans

then I’ll forward you the information that Bay sent me ),

Bay Rees

Events Fundraiser

Samaritans, The Upper Mill, Kingston Road, Ewell, Surrey, KT17 2AF

Telephone: 020 8394 8256 | Switchboard: 020 8394 8300 | E-mail:

[email protected] | Web:

Facebook: | Twitter:

5. Beachy Head Marathon - Volunteers Can you volunteer some time on Saturday 26th October?

2013 brings with it the 33rd year of the BHM. Over 1750 runners’ walkers and joggers will take part in the senior event.

If you have a few hours to spare on the day and would like to volunteer to help steward sections of the course or the start/finish area we would be very pleased to hear from you.

The Beachy Head Marathon starts and finishes on Upper Dukes Drive by St Bede’s School in Eastbourne and follows a 26 mile course over some the

most photogenic down-land in the new South Downs National Park. The course meanders through the villages of Jevington, Alfriston, Litlington, Friston Forest, the Cuckmere Valley, across the Seven Sisters to Birling

Gap and Beachy Head where it ends. We require stewards for a wide variety of roles between 7am until 7pm on 26th October. If you would like to get involved and be part of this great

event please contact us. Those who have helped in previous events said that the experience of volunteering was enjoyable, uplifting and gave them

a great sense community involvement. If you do volunteer we have 2 main rules:

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1 You have to be able to attend the briefing session at 6pm on Tues

October 15th at the Tennis Centre in College Road, Eastbourne. 2 You have to guarantee to turn up for your stewarding role whatever the

weather. For more information about the roles available please contact Julie Paul – Events Co –Coordinator tel: 01323 415442 or email

[email protected]

Andy Parkin

Club Secretary

Tel 01892 654719

[email protected]

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Water Rota and Sunday Runs

All members are asked to take their turn doing the water duty on Sunday club runs.

Turns only come round about every 12-18 months

The reason that we ask people to do this is:

• It helps beginners to build up their long runs –they can get in the water car

for the last part of the run until they are capable of the full distance

• It encourages a social run with everyone regrouping every couple of miles

• It is very helpful for runners especially for those in marathon training as well

as during any hot weather

Doing your turn on the water rota duty is a requirement for being entered in the draw

for club places in the London Marathon.

Those on the list are responsible for arranging a swap or someone to stand in for them

if they cannot make it themselves.

If for some reason you cannot or do not want to take part in the rota, please let us know

– even better, come to the AGM and let us know if you have suggestions for improving

the system.

Date Day Run Water Duty 22-Sep-13 Sunday Club Run Marije Field

29-Sep-13 Sunday Barns Green 1/2M ----

06-Oct-13 Sunday Lewes Downland 10 ----

13-Oct-13 Sunday ESSCCL Whitbread Hollow ----

20-Oct-13 Sunday Club Run Jeff Collier

27-Oct-13 Sunday Club Run Scott Linden

03-Nov-13 Sunday Club Run Jane Clements

10-Nov-13 Sunday ESSCCL Firle Beacon ----

17-Nov-13 Sunday Brighton 10K ----

24-Nov-13 Sunday Club Run Natalie Welch

01-Dec-13 Sunday Crowborough 10K ----

08-Dec-13 Sunday Club Run Pippa Purnell

15-Dec-13 Sunday Club Run Elaine Taylor

22-Dec-13 Sunday ESSCCL Framfield ----

24-Dec-13 Tuesday Christmas Eve TBA

29-Dec-13 Sunday Club Run Dominique Welbury

01-Jan-14 Wednesday New Year's Day TBA

05-Jan-14 Sunday Club Run Sharon Wheeler

Roger Stone & Bryan Tapsell

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What we do together

Our weekly events, “rain or shine” ...

Sunday Club runs: 08:30 a.m. Goldsmiths Leisure Centre

Beginner Mondays: Every Monday 18:30 p.m. – 19:15 pm

(Goldsmiths track)

Tuesday Night Training: Every Tuesday 18:30 p.m.

(interval /speed training at 18:30 Goldsmiths track)

Wednesday night club run: Leaving from Goldsmiths Leisure Centre

19:15 easy pace

19:30 the chasing group

Race Series

SGP (Sussex Grand Prix) - contact Roger Stone.

Links to clubs entry forms on SGP website Most

races can be entered via (small charge applies).

East Sussex Cross Country - contact Bryan Tapsell

website at

Crowborough Runners Committee 2012/2013 Secretary Andy Parkin

XC Manager Bryan Tapsell

Development Officer James Welbury

Chairman John Tighe

Child Protection & Welfare Manager Julie Harker

10K Director Kevin Battell

Road Race Manager Roger Stone

Membership Secretary Ron Cutbill

Treasurer Sarah Hilliard

Club Captain Sharon Wheeler

Newsletter Editor Tony Hufflett

Social Secretary Ian Gowing

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Ian’s Joke Book

Carry On Up The Twitten

Overheard on recent runs:

The harder you suck the colder it gets Does anyone want any of my goo

Would you like me to hold your sack for you You have to practice to pee between your Legs

(a SDWR classic)

Ooohh matron!

Joke 1:

A woman walked into the kitchen to find her husband stalking around with a fly swatter.

"What are you doing?" She asked "Hunting flies" he responded

"Oh! Kill any?" She asked "Yep, 3 males and 2 females" he replied Intrigued she asked, "how can you tell them apart?"

He responded, "easy - there were 3 on the beer can and two on the phone" Joke 2:

Blonde wife tired of her husband's blonde women jokes decides to impress him

by decorating the living room whilst he is out one summer's day. Husband returns to distinctive smell of paint but alarmed to find his wife

collapsed on the living room floor lying in a pool of sweat wearing her leather jacket under her heavy parka. He goes over and asks her if she is okay.

She replies yes. He asks what she is doing and she tells him she wanted to prove that not all blonde women are dumb by decorating the living room.

He then asks her why she is wearing both her leather jacket and heavy parka on

such a hot day. She replies that the directions on the paint can said.........for best results put on two coat!

Page 25: The Crowborough Runner Sept 2013

How can I help out Crowborough Runners?

In case you were wondering:

Organise a Sunday Club run

Help the Juniors on a summer Tuesday night

Help the New Junior Track Club on a Saturday morning 9:45am

Drive the support car on a Sunday

Help out at the 10k

Help out at our Cross Country (we have a year off this season)

Host a Sunday run from your house

Write an article for the Newsletter

Volunteer for a post at the AGM

Recruit a new member

Run a Cross Country race as a Crowborough Runner

Run an SGP race as a Crowborough Runner

P.S. when you’ve completed all of the above, please come and see me for additional homework!

Page 26: The Crowborough Runner Sept 2013

SUSSEX COUNTY ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION President: Graham Ashdown Manor Cottage Five Oaks Road Slinfold Nr. Horsham

West Sussex RH13 0RG Tel: 01403 791251 3 September 2013

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Preliminary Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Sussex County Athletic Association will be held at the Patcham War Memorial Hall, Patcham on Friday 18th October 2013 commencing at 7.30 pm. Notice of any Resolutions and / or any Nominations for Officers of the Association or for Members of the Executive Committee must be submitted to the Administrator in writing by Friday 20th September 2013. Below is a list of positions for which nominations are invited (current Officers are shown in brackets). Treasurer (Martin & Diane Etchells)

Secretaries of the Executive Panels

Track & Field Vacant

Cross-Country (Philip Baker)

Road Running (Bob Page) Further positions

Race Walking Secretary Ron Penfold )

Officials Secretary Vacant

Cross–Country Champs. Secretary (Keith Donno)

Team Managers Track Under 13 Boys and Girls (Terry & Michelle Notman)

Under 15 Boys and Girls (Sarah Hewitt) Under 17 Men and Women Vacant Under 20 Men & Women Paul Cunningham Senior Men & Women Vacant

Cross-Country Women U20 & Senior (Vicki Clark) Women U13, U15 & U17 (Chris Marsden)

Men (David Leach ) Sportshall Boys and Girls (Kim Milnthorpe) Executive Committee 12 elected members Dawn Piechoczek Administrator