The Critical Evaluation The Critical Evaluation Study Guide & all else.. Click: Contextual Studies...


Transcript of The Critical Evaluation The Critical Evaluation Study Guide & all else.. Click: Contextual Studies...

The Critical Evaluation

The Critical Evaluation Study Guide & all else..

Click: Contextual Studies Support


Submission Date

2.00pm, Monday 8 January 2007

Two copies required

Marking & Assessment

• Marked at the end of Semester 2

• Contributes 20% of your final mark (Studio 80%)

• Marked independently twice

• Moderated by an External Examiner

• Assessment Criteria to be discussed at tutorial sessions


• Lesley Scott

• Andrea Peach

• Allan Harkness

• Judith Findlay

• Carole Gray

• Craig Ellis

• A N Other

Tutorial arrangements

• From next week, every fortnight

• Weeks 3,5,7,9,11 (9 Oct - mid December)

• You submit after Christmas

• Which tutor, where and when?

• See the Contextual and Critical Studies Noticeboard (photocopier nr. the shop) This Friday at the latest

• 1st tutorials begin at 9.30 next Monday

Tutorial Format

• Study groups

• One to one tutorial session: 23 Oct, wk 5

• Draft : 20 Nov, wk 7

• See Handout (and Guide) for outline of each session

What do we expect this session?

• Attendance and participation at the tutorial sessions. These are task based and aimed at keeping you to the timetable and on track.

• That you come to the sessions prepared: the availability of one to one appointments outside of tutorial schedule is very limited

• Good time management and planning– 2 days are allocated to CCS this semester– Monday and Friday

• Any problems – keep us informed

What are the tasks for each tutorial?

• 23 Oct. Wk 5. One to one discussion to finalise and agree your final research question

• 6 Nov. Wk 7. Preparation of a full literature

search, using Vancouver, and outline of intended draft structure

• 20 Nov. Wk 9. Draft for discussion, outlining the

contents of each section. Conclusions to date, etc…..

• 4 Dec. Wk 11. No task. Final review of progress

Your first tutorial

Bring a fully updated draft of the Critical Evaluation Proforma

• The first tutorial aims to:

• Review your current research question

• Discuss and review texts identified to date and prepare you to undertake a full literature search

• Introduce the Stage 4 Assessment Criteria

Critical Evaluation Proforma

• Outline your area of proposed study• TRY to express your interests as a question that

will set the parameters of your study?• Think of possible chapter headings (or other

potential framework)• Reflect on and describe the relationship between

your research question and studio• List 6-10 sources identified so far USING

Vancouver (see CCS website)

Reminder - tutorials

• Do attend and come prepared

• Check tasks beforehand

• Additional support only where there is good reason:

• Keep in touch and keep us informed

More reminders

• Your tutor groups will be posted on the CCS noticeboard by this Friday, at the latest (photocopier, nr. the shop)

• You need to bring a fully updated draft of the Critical Evaluation Proforma to the first session

• Your first tutorial may be as early as Monday morning next week. Check the CCS Noticeboard.

How to keep in touch

• CCS Noticeboard

• Establish Email contact with your tutor

• Last resort – [email protected]

Other points

Compiling your Evaluation

For further advice on physical layout, referencing, using questionnaires, contacting

people, etc

Appendix: Critical Evaluation Study Guide


• Can often be inadvertent• Students should be aware by STAGE 4• Most cases involve the incorporation of

numerous and direct quotations from published work, without full referencing

• Internet plagiarism is not difficult to detect• Tutors are familiar with many texts• The consequences are extremely serious• See information at the end of the GUIDE


Dyslexia screening and tutor support.

General study support

Appointments:Call Ruth Steele

Tel: 263089

On ‘Extensions’

• We have already extended the submission date and do not expect requests without substantial AND SUBSTANTIATED reason, such as medical or serious personal/family circumstances. We will need sound evidence to support any request for an extension – e.g. medical certificate – and would expect to be informed well in advance in most cases.

New Procedure

• Coursework Extension Request Form

• Available from Alison Young, Academic Administrator, School Office, Gray’s foyer

• Complete and submit to your CCS tutor well in advance of hand-in date

Outline proposed research topic

See CCS noticeboard by Friday lunchtime

Good luck and don’t worry