The Council's NYC Membership

2012-2013 NYC Membership Providing comprehensive services that foster professional growth and provide advocacy support for superintendents in New York State.


The Council's 2012 NYC Membership Brochure

Transcript of The Council's NYC Membership

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2012-2013NYC MembershipProviding comprehensive services that foster professional growth and provide advocacy support for superintendents in New York State.

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Dear Colleagues,

During this past year, members of The CounCil Executive Committee and I have made it a priority to engage in discussions with the leadership at the New York City Department of Education to determine how we can support your needs and enhance the services that are available it you.

The CounCil provides many services to support the professionalism and enrichment of our members in order for them to maintain and expand the valuable leadership and dedication that they represent to the education of the children of our great state. The following is a brief explanation of services associated with being a Council Member.

Offering the highest quality professional development programs designed specifically for New York City members through the Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc. (LEAF);

Advocating on your behalf with all levels of government;

Networking opportunities with your peers at annual events and through advanced web-based technologies; and

Providing timely and relevant communications and publications important to school leaders.

I strongly encourage you to consider joining The CounCil and to become involved in our various professional development efforts and to take advantage our advocacy services. We would like to support our New York City colleagues and the children you serve.

Do not stand alone when we can stand together!

Robert J. Reidy, Jr., Ph.D. Executive Director

Welcome Colleagues!

The New York State Council of School Superintendents is a professional and advocacy

organization with over a century of service to school superintendents in New York State. The Council

provides its more than 800 members with numerous professional development opportunities,

publications and personal services, while advocating for public education and the superintendency.

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The Council

Our VisionTo be the pre-eminent professional organization in New York State influencing the development of educational policy and asserting the leadership role of the superintendent.

The Council’s MissionThe purpose of The CounCil shall be to provide leadership and membership services through a professional organization of school superintendents:

• topromotetheinterestofeducationandchildreninNewYorkState;

• toinfluencelocal,state,andnationalpolicyaffectingeducation;

• toenhancethesuperintendencyasaprofession;

• toupholdtheintegrityoftheoffice;

• tofostersupportandcollegialityamongitsmembers;and

• toprovideleadershipandmembershipservicesthroughaprofessionalorganizationofschoolsuperintendents.

Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc. (LEAF, Inc.) MissionThe mission of LEAF, Inc. is to be the premier organization offering comprehensive professional development to ensure the success of educational leaders and the students they serve through opportunities that are excellent in quality, pertinent in focus, and readily accessible to all.

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Explore the Benefits of Membership EnhancingYourProfessionalLifeEarly Career

Aspiring Superintendents Program Annual Leadership Summit for Cabinet MembersFuture Superintendents AcademyInstitute for First Year Superintendents

Leadership Theory and PracticeSummer Institute at HarvardFrames of LeadershipDeveloping High Performing SchoolsProfessional Development Leadership Credential

Team-Based ProgramsLeadership for Student Achievement LEAF/ASCD Joint Spring ConferenceCustomized Professional Development

Networking/EducationFall Leadership SummitWinter Institute and Lobby Day

ImprovingtheRegulatoryEnvironmentLobby Legislature on state budget and education lawAdvocate for Federal stimulus funds and IDEA reformTestify at legislative hearings and make presentations to RegentsProvide updates on government actions affecting schools

eCommunicationsEdVantage Blog The CounCil’s Listserv Leadership in Education Action NetworkWebsite - www.nyscoss.orgCabinet Resource BankSocial Networking: Facebook and Twitter

PublicationsThe Councilgram NewsletterLEAF, Inc. Professional Development CatalogSnapshot of the SuperintendencyAnnual Letter

Honors&ScholarshipsThe Raymond R. Delaney Memorial ScholarshipThe Dr. Mary Barter Scholarship for Women and MinoritiesThe Future Superintendents Academy Scholarship









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Professional Development Services The Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc. (LEAF) is the professional development arm of the New York State Council of School Superintendents (The CounCil) and was established in 2006 as a 501(c) 3 organization. LEAF provides high quality professional learning to support superintendent development and the development of school district leadership team members. In partnership with The

CounCil, LEAF’s programs are research-based, aligned to the needs of the field, responsive to changing expectations for school leaders, and cost effective.

Following is a brief description of some of our professional development offerings for the 2012-2013 calendar year. Some of our program offerings have yet to be determined and developed. For a complete description of our goals and/or our professional development offerings, please look for our Professional Development Catalog or visit The CounCil’s website at For questions, call Kelly Masline, Director of LEAF, Inc. at 518/694-4880 or e-mail her at [email protected].

EArLy CArEEr Aspiring Superintendents Programs

AspiringSuperintendentsWorkshop – This one-day workshop is perfect for NYC superintendents interested in exploring a career as a superintendent in a district outside of New York City. Topics covered include: the superintendency as a career; the financial leadership role; governance, professional and personal challenges associated with the job; and the resume, credentials and interview process.

AnnualSummitforCabinetMembers – As part of LEAF, Inc.’s commitment to provide Cabinet-level administrators with high-quality professional development opportunities, we have instituted a Leadership Conference designed specifically to bring together Deputy and Assistant Superintendents from across New York State. The conference features a national speaker.

FutureSuperintendentsAcademy – The Academy is a highly intensive, year-long program that begins in July 2012 and concludes in May 2013 and requires a commitment to attend a summer institute and eight weekend sessions throughout the year. The program includes critical topics relevant to the superintendency such as communications; change, systems and planning; financial leadership; human resources; instructional leadership; and the search and interview process.

New Superintendents Institute InstituteforFirstYearSuperintendents – New York City Superintendents who have accepted a position as a superintendent in another part of the state should make this program a priority. The Institute includes five sessions throughout the year. Each session covers different topics and includes time for small group discussions with experienced superintendents.

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LEADErShIP ThEOry AND PrACTICE SummerInstituteatHarvard – The Summer Institute provides an opportunity for a small group

to exchange ideas in a collegial atmosphere with Harvard University faculty and highly respected education researchers. The program is offered on the Harvard University campus for 30 school superintendents, deputy and assistant superintendents.

FramesofLeadership – The program is based on leadership theory and practice and examines the issues faced by school leaders and incorporates the knowledge, skills and experiences of both faculty and program participants. The curriculum is based on Bohlman and Deal’s four frames of leadership: political, symbolic, structural, and human resource leadership. The program is one-day and offered upon request.

DevelopingHighPerformingSchools:CharacteristicsandModels – This one-day offering discusses common characteristics of high performing schools and school districts and the roles building and district leaders can play in moving any district to higher performance by adults and students. The development and use of Professional Learning Communities (PLC) will be highlighted, including analysis of a district’s practices that has moved to PLC-based staff and program development. The program is offered upon request.

ProfessionalDevelopmentLeadershipCredential – The process leading to the leadership credential is designed to provide superintendents with a means of assessing the scope and effectiveness of their leadership efforts based upon the 2008 ISLLC Leadership Standards. The process relies on self-reflection, data and research analysis, and an aggressive professional development agenda focused on leadership to support student achievement.

TEAM-BASED PrOgrAMS LeadershipforStudentAchievement(LSA) – LSA is specifically developed for district teams interested

in working together on improving student achievement. The series consists of three sessions throughout the year led by renowned education experts on topics pertinent to all school districts. Teams have a unique opportunity for open discussions, reflection, and gaining understanding from experts and other school districts.

LEAF/ASCDJointSpringConference – Each spring LEAF and the NYS Association for Curriculum Development (NYASCD) host a joint conference. The program is specifically developed for district teams interested in working together on improving student achievement. National experts are brought in to offer presentations and to guide the discussions.

CustomizedProfessionalDevelopment – Workshops/Institutes specific to the needs of NYC members will be offered.

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The CounCil supports its members by providing exceptional opportunities to expand and enrich their expertise and knowledge in the area of educational administration through statewide conferences.

The FallLeadershipSummit and the WinterInstitute offer keynote addresses by national experts in the fields of leadership, education and related areas; opportunities for members to share best practices with colleagues through smaller educational sessions; an interactive discussion with the Commissioner of Education about New York State issues and initiatives; and networking for support and collegiality among members through social interaction, group discussions, meetings and workshops. Each event focuses on a theme over several days.

The Fall Summit is typically held in late September or early October and includes an Annual Banquet where retired superintendents are honored. The Winter Institute is scheduled for March 2013 and is connected to our Lobby Day. The Conference Redesign Committee (composed of superintendents and Strategic Partners) scheduled the Winter Institute in March to incorporate more time between Fall and Winter events; combine two key events for less expense and travel time; ensure the Institute takes place after release of the Governor’s proposed budget; and to encourage greater superintendent involvement in advocacy, which previously was a primary focus of the Winter Institute.

Improving the regulatory Environment/Advocacy

The CounCil exists for one purpose – to help its members succeed. Policies adopted in Albany or Washington can shift the odds either for or against the success of our members and the schools they help lead. Advocacy – for members, with members and by members – is one cornerstone in building toward success. In past roles, staff members helped negotiate School Aid and other legislation for the Assembly, Senate and Governor and retain extensive contracts with policy makers. Now that expertise is employed in advocating on behalf of schools, and to

support school leaders in their own advocacy on behalf of the communities they serve.

That expertise is never more valuable to school leaders than when the economy falters and governments’ capacity to deliver funding diminishes.

The CounCil’s advocacy staff constantly strive to give members the most accurate and timely information possible on developments affecting school funding and policy, both at the state and federal level, to help influence decisions before they are settled by policymakers and to interpret them once they are enacted into law.

This year, The CounCil expanded its use of technology in advocacy. We are now employing Twitter and Facebook to push out timely news to members and policymakers, and we have launched our LeadershipinEducationActionNetwork, enabling members and allies to easily contact legislators on key education issues. Check out our website,, to connect to these tools.

The CounCil’s advocacy staff also helps members resolve issues with state agencies, and to avoid actions that can lead to problems with regulatory authorities.

Ultimately, ensuring our members’ views are thoroughly considered in policy debates is crucial – not only to promoting their personal success, but the success of the policies themselves, for all the schoolchildren and taxpayers we have the privilege to serve.


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E-CommunicationsEdVantageBlog: The CounCil’s blog is used to express opinions, comment on events and keep members informed as it relates to actions at the State and Federal level. It also provides an interactive opportu-nity for our members and readers to post comments.

TheCouncil’sListserv: Our electronic newsflash provides breaking education news and insights into Albany politics delivered to our members via e-mail. It also reminds members about upcoming profes-sional development programs and events.

LeadershipinEducationActionNetwork: The CounCil’s new legislative action center – join educators, parents and students from across the state in advo-cating for the educational success and future of New York’s schoolchildren. You can make a big difference in just a few minutes – that’s all it takes to learn about the issues and contact your legislators to see where they stand on important educational issues.

Check on key legislation tracked by The CounCil.Send a letter to legislators regarding important

education issues such as tax cap, state aid, school funding and mandate relief.

Join our mailing list and we’ll send you important updates when your involvement can make a big difference. We will never disclose your information to any third party.

Access the Leadership in Education Action Network on

Website: The CounCil maintains a website for the use of our members – It contains up-to-date information on our advocacy and legal services including white papers, press releases and From the Bench publications. It also includes a listing of upcoming profession development pro-grams, our current list of Strategic Partners with web links, access to our Cabinet Resource Bank, vacancy listings and the latest educational headlines.

SocialNetworking: Stay updated with the latest Council updates via Facebook and Twitter. Follow us on Twitter at!/NYSchoolSupts and “Like” us on Facebook at


CabinetResourceBank(CRB): This tool will be available for use by The CounCil’s active Cabinet Members. The CRB is an electronic resource bank and involves Cabinet Members with a desire to respond to requests for information and to share advice and experiences with colleagues on the important issues faced by Cabinet level administrators.

PublicationsTheCouncilgram: Our monthly newsletter is a key resource of information to our members. The Councilgram includes news and analysis including legal issues relevant to school leaders, information on Council and partner organization events, annual events, current vacancies, retiree and new superintendent announcements.

LEAF,Inc.ProfessionalDevelopmentCatalog:The Professional Development Catalog is a yearly publication that provides detailed information on each of the Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation’s professional development opportuni-ties. All professional development programs are designed to advance the mission of LEAF, Inc. and to be standards-based, data-driven, job-embedded and aligned.

Snapshot:Published every three years, the Snapshot of the Superintendency summarizes the latest data on personal, contractual, retirement, and educational issues related to the superintendency. Access previous versions of the Snapshot at

AnnualLetter: A yearly publication designed to predict the road ahead and to show how The CounCil’s goals, initiatives and programs support superinten-dents. It is published at the end of our fiscal year in June and mailed to members and Strategic Partners.

All publications can be accessed via our website at


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ScholarshipsTo encourage interested candidates, The CounCil currently offers three scholarship opportunities for aspiring superintendents. TheRaymondR.DelaneyScholarship, sponsored by the Utica National Insurance Group, is awarded at the Fall Leadership Summit to one individual in the amount of $2,000. The scholarship is awarded to a nominated individual enrolled in a graduate study program through which a School District Administrator Certificate or a Doctoral Degree may be earned.

TheDr.MaryBarterScholarshipforWomenandMinorities is awarded annually at The CounCil’s Winter Institute. Its purpose is to promote and inspire women and/or minorities interested in the field of leadership. The scholarship is awarded in the amount of $2,000 to a nominated woman and/or minority enrolled in a graduate study program through which the School District Administrator Certificate or Doctoral Degree may be awarded.

TheFutureSuperintendentsAcademyscholarship is a needs-based scholarship awarded annually to an individual who has been accepted as a fellow into the Future Superintendents Academy program. Applicants must have met all requirements for participation in the Future Superintendents Academy and be accepted into the program. One scholarship is awarded annually to cover the cost of tuition for the program.

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how To Become A Member Any New York City Superintendent may become a member of The CounCil.

To become a member of The CounCil, fill out a Dues Schedule and Profile Report and return them with payment or purchase order to:

The New York State Council of School Superintendents 7 Elk Street, Third Floor

Albany, NY 12207 Ph. 518/449-1063

2012 NyC Member Dues:Membership $770

For additional information on becoming a Council Member please contact Karen Dooley, Membership Services Coordinator at 518/449-1063 or email [email protected].

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Our Strategic Partnership Program provides opportunities for outside organizations and companies to develop strategic and sustainable alliances and connections with K-12 educational leaders and school districts across New York State.

It also represents approximately 20% of The CounCil’s overall operating revenue. Our partners are an essential part of the revenue stream which makes The CounCil’s professional development and advocacy for our mem-bers possible. Strategic Partner dollars are used to fund these services that otherwise would not be available to our members.

It’s always important to thank our partners and realize how valuable their partnership is to The CounCil and our members. To access a listing our Strategic Partners, please visit our website at and click on the Strategic Partners link located on the left hand sidebar.

Strategic Partnership Program

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The CounCil and LEAF, Inc.

7 Elk Street, Albany, NY 12207 Phone: 518/449-1063

Fax: 518/426-2229

The New York State Council of School Superintendents is a professional and advocacy organization with over a century of service to school superintendents in New York State. The CounCil provides its more than 800 members with numerous professional development opportunities, publications

and personal services, while advocating for public education and the superintendency.

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