The Conferral Ceremony of Academic Laurels And Palms 2013



for AU Senior Administrator and Lecturers

Transcript of The Conferral Ceremony of Academic Laurels And Palms 2013

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“Those who havesacrificed their lives

and time by heir creative loyalty

and positivecontributions to theinstitution must be

recognized, promotedand rewarded.”

Rev.Bro.Martin Prathip KomolmasPresident Emeritus

“Those who havesacrificed their lives

and time by their creative loyalty

and positivecontributions to theinstitution must be

recognized, promotedand rewarded.”

Rev. Bro. Prathip Martin KomolmasPresident Emeritus of Assumption University

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Today, Assumption University takes great pleasure in honoring our Senior Lecturers who have rendered services for over 25 years, through “Academic Laurels and Palms.”

There are two expressions mentioning from the name of the award “Academic Laurels and Palms.”

Laurel: “The Laurel” is a Mediterranean tree (Laurus Nobilis) having aromatic, simple leaves, and small blackish berries. A wreath of laurel was conferred as a mark of honor in ancient times upon poets, heroes, and victors in athletic contests. It is, therefore, used to signify or symbolize the honor and glory that is won for great achievements.

Palm: The Order of Academic Palms (Ordre des Palmes Aca-démiques) is an Order of Chivalry of France for academics and cultural and educational figures. It is one of the world’s oldest civil orders. Created by Napoleon in 1808, the award is traditionally given to French educators who have made a major contribution to French national education and those outside France who have made a significant contribution to the expansion of French culture.

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In ancient Greece, wreaths were awarded to victors, both in athletic competitions, including the Olympics, and were made of wild olive-tree known as “Kotinos.” In Rome, they were symbols of martial victory, crowning a successful commander during his triumph. Their origin can be traced to Greek Mythology. Their history and evolution continued during the times of the Greek and Roman Empires, and finally to their place in the modern day. “Academic Laurels and Palms,” at AU is an award conferred by the University sig-nifying the honor and glory won for great achievement. This of award of achieve-ment is in the form of a decoration, a medal specially designed for the occasion.

The same philosophical underpinnings as used for the AU Awards for Excellence have been applied, that is, “Those who have sacrificed their lives and time by their creative loy-alty and positive contributions to the instruction of students must be recognized, promoted and rewarded” (Faculty and Staff Development Policies, July 22, 1993).

Three of the greatest gifts for a person are Life, Love, and Time. These are non-material gifts that anyone can give.

The twelve heroes of the day, because of their love for As-sumption University, have spent their lives and time educat-ing students. They have shared generously with those who came into contact with them.

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Dear Recipients of the Assump-tion University Academic Palms and Laurels:

Today is indeed one of the most beautiful and meaningful days in the history of Assumption Univer-sity. It is the day on which we rec-ognize and honor each of you for the insurmountable contributions

you have made to the university through your work and tireless ef-forts of service to help us achieve our present stature in the world of tertiary education in the King-dom of Thailand and in the world at large.

I am indeed gratified that the uni-versity has decorated you with the distinctive mark of recogni-tion which in my estimate ranks even higher than comparable awards made elsewhere each year. My enduring hope is that the Academic Palms and Laurels you receive will entrench in you deep satisfaction and relishing hope that your efforts of teach-ing and academic service do not remain obscure, but stand out in the lights of the other glories that the world is blessed with.

My sincere thanks and prayers for your well being will remain as-suredly for each of you.

Rev. bro. Prathip Martin KomolmasPresident Emeritus of Assumption University

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Congratulations for the achieve-

ments you have made in the

many years you have served at

Assumption University, either as

administrator or lecturer. The uni-

versity remains indebted to the

contributions made by you as we

endeavor to reach more mile-

stones of achievements.

I sincerely hope that the Aca-

demic Laurels and Palms you

receive will help to augment the

many selfless efforts you all have

put in for the students primarily

and for each other in general.

The good that we do in this life,

is best rewarded, it is said in the

next life. Today, as we recognize,

thank and decorate each of

you, please believe that we do

so in the inalienable conviction

that you all have served to make

our university and its community

unique, day by day.

I thank each and every one of you individually and encourage you to wear your decorations with pride, and to remember that you contributed to Assumption University for the future which will unfold, braver and better through your contributions.

May God bless you all.

Rev. bro. bancha Saenghiran, f.s.g., Ph.D. the Rector Magnificus of Assumption University

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In the winter of 1939, responding to a call from

God, the nine-year old Claude Petiteau wrote

down his commitment to join the Montfortian

Brothers of St. Gabriel and to travel overseas to

teach in any of their schools. In 1953 with some

experience as a teacher, he moved to London

where he taught for three years.

Rev. Brother Simeon, at the request of his supe-

riors, arrived in Thailand on January 3, 1957 to

begin his mission as a teacher in various primary

and secondary schools of the Gabrielite Broth-

ers. He also founded a few institutions at sec-

ondary level. Intermittently Rev. Brother Simeon

was educated in the Philippines (1969-1972 and

1987-1989) and in the USA at Santa Clara Uni-

versity, California (1976-1977) respectively. Even

while he attended degree programs as a stu-

dent, Rev. Brother Simeon lectured in Finance

courses in the Philippines and at California.

Rev. Brother Simeon’s first assignment to the

newly established Assumption Business Ad-

ministration College was in 1972, where he ar-

rived to teach Accounting and Marketing. In

the subsequent years of his teaching at ABAC,

Rev. Brother Simeon taught courses in General

Management. In 1978 following his return from

the USA, Rev. Brother Simeon was appointed as

the first-ever Chairperson of the newly created

Department of Finance and Banking. Between

the years 1979 and 1987, Rev. Brother Simeon

served as Vice President for Academic Affairs

at ABAC, concurrently teaching courses with

Finance specialization ranging from Corporate

Finance to Financial Management. In 1994 Rev.


The Great Professor of the Order of St. Gabriel at Assumption University of Thailand

Brother Simeon was appointed to his positions

as Vice President for Financial Affairs and Sen-

ior Lecturer in the Department of Finance and

Banking. He lectures in the Department of Fi-

nance and Banking presently as Senior Lecturer.

Rev. Brother Simeon is a consummate and ded-

icated teacher. Through the many years of his

encountering the youth of the world and here

in Thailand, he has exuded self-discipline in pre-

paring his lectures, his innovative assignments,

projects and training for the students.

More significant however, is the fact that Rev.

Brother Simeon has kept faithful to his religious

vows by balancing his teaching and administra-

tive careers with two golden religious practices.

The first of these is prayer. Rev. Brother Simeon

spends at least two hours every day in prayer

and in contemplation. The second practice is

to wear the Crucifix of Christ on the lapel of his

shirt or coat. “I point out to my students, that the

cross symbolizes my belief in someone, some-

one who never fails me. I therefore love the one,

Jesus who never fails me.”The internalization of

Christ-centered values, and the externalization

of religious credo, to Rev. Brother Simeon, is rep-

resentative of the personal background and

education that he has received. Furthermore,

“it also means asking, what shall we do with our

lives? Our actions in life will be guaranteed of

success, for success is not a destiny, it is a way of

living. It also means being fulfilled in what I have

done. Looking back, my life has a meaning.”


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I therefore lovethe one,

Jesus who neverfails me.


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“If you wantsomething done right

you have to do ityourself”

From her point of view, Asst. Prof. Amornlugsana

Thanasinsupaya believes both her intelligence

and diligence could surely drive her on the right

road toward the goal. She is a very honest and

kind-hearted teacher who is willing to take up

responsibilities. The determination in carrying out

the work and her hard-working attitudes also

gave a deep impression to both her colleagues

and students. She graduated in B.Ed. (Math-

ematics) from Chulalongkorn University in 1973.

Later on she completed her M.S. (Applied Statis-

tics) in 1991 from the National Institute of Devel-

opment Administration (NIDA). She is a full-time

lecturer in the Department of Mathematics at

Assumption University since July 2, 1973. She has

served as a teacher for more than 40 years and

has taught several subjects in the field of Statis-

tics and Mathematics for the undergraduate stu-

dents such as Business Statistics I & II, Calculus I &

II and that of Quantitative Analysis for the gradu-

ate students.

Besides her work as a teacher, she had also writ-

ten Business Statistics I as a text book in English.

This book was mainly emphasized on definitions,

examples and challenging exercises being in-

cluded so that it was suitable for the students

who need to practice and acquire more experi-

ences in statistical analysis of data. Her outstand-

ing book was approved by the Ministry of Univer-

sity Affairs (MUA) in 1989, so she was appointed

the academic title to be “Assistant Professor in

Statistics”. Moreover, she really appreciated to

receive the “St. John Baptist De La Salle Award

For Commendable Service in year 2009”as well.

Her favorite quotation is “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself”. This quo-tation means “Don’t trust other people to do important things for you. You have to do things yourself to control the quality of the results.”


MARTIN DE TOURS SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS - MATHEMATICSSenior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Martin de Tours School of Management and Economics


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Dr. Chavalit Meennuch joined ABAC on June 9,

1975 and over the past 38 years has served with

deep loyalty and staunch belief in this institution

as he worked in the Top Management team to

build what began as Assumption Business Ad-

ministration College (1969) to Assumption Uni-

versity (1990) to its present scope, as Thailand’s

leading Private University and prestigious Inter-

national provider of tertiary level education.

The University’s ascendency in reputation and

status has paralleled Chavalit Meennuch’s evo-

lution as academic and administrator leader in

Thailand. His tertiary level education began at

Ramkhamhaeng University from where he ob-

tained a bachelor degree in Thai Laws. Subse-

quently, receiving Assumption University’s Fac-

ulty Development Scholarships, he achieved a

master degree from Pittsburg State University,

Kansas in 1987 and a doctor of philosophy de-

gree in Public Administration in 1991. His later

academic training consists of post doctoral

studies and executive training at the Universities

of Oxford and Warwick respectively.

From having initially carried the portfolios of

University Personnel manager, Registrar, Direc-

tor of Administrative services, Chavalit Meen-

nuch was promoted as University Vice Presi-

dent for Administrative Affairs in 1992 and has

since then sustained his services to the Univer-

sity as its Council Secretary and institutional

representative to the Royal Thai Commission on

Higher Education’s academic and administra-

tive committees. Additionally he has been ap-

pointed as University Council member in several

of Thai state and Private Universities. Dr. Chav-

alit Meennuch has distinguished himself as a


Vice Rector for Administrative Affairs

unique Academic and Administrator serving in

a wide range of Assumption University commit-

tees overseeing administrative and academic

processes while at the same time, maintaining

his love of teaching within Assumption University

and in state and private Universities in the fields

of management, public administration and

government studies. He was in 2007 drafted into

national service as senator, a role he played till

2011. His other memorable contributions have

included conference Keynote addresses and

speaker roles in both public and private insti-

tutions for which he has been awarded Royal

decorations, prizes and tokens of appreciation,

encapsulating a life of academic services and

contributions and moving the scope of Thai-

land’s education towards competitive interna-

tional standards. His publications in both Thai

and international academic journals and news-

papers cover topics of loyalty to the Thai Roy-

alty while also addressing the need for change

in Thai administrative civic codes and govern-


Known for his gusty passion for value added ac-

tivities in institutional building, Dr. Chavalit has

served two Assumption University Presidents in

building this institution into its present form and

shape while recognizing that he and his fam-

ily, including his only son who currently teaches

in the Martin Del Rosario School of Architecture

at Assumption University, have received great

benefits and inspiration from this abode of abid-

ing knowledge. While institutional and Gabriel-

ite education will look at Chavalit Meennuch as

one who embodies the white of Buddhistic de-

votion, the blue of true love for the Monarchy

and the red, as deep patriotic love for Thailand.


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เธอจงระวัง ความคิดของเธอ...เพราะความคิดของเธอจะกลายเป็น






คำาสอน “หลวงพ่อชา สุภัทโท”


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Mr. Pansiri Chantokul was born in Ayutthaya,

married to Mrs. Sunee Chantokul (the former

ABAC English Instructor during 1977-1985) and

has a daughter (Mrs. Donyawan Yotviriyapanit

who is an ABAC Instructor in the Department of

Marketing). When he was young, he liked play-

ing sports. Then after finishing high school he

decided to study at Srinakarinwirote University

and got the Bachelor of Education majoring in

Physical Education in 1975. His Master of Educa-

tion majoring in Physical Education is from Chu-

lalongkorn University in 1981. Moreover, he also

earned certificates concerning sports coach

and referee, from the National Sports Associa-

tion, and International Tennis Referee Certifi-

cate from the International Tennis Federation

held in Kualalumpur, Malaysia in 1993.

After obtaining a Bachelor Degree in March,

1975, he started working at ABAC on June

9, 1975 as a Physical Education Instruc-

tor, and he also handled some other jobs

as sports coach, student affairs advisor and

R.O.T.C.superintendent since he finished the

fifth year of the R.O.T.C.course, and got the

ranking of acting sub lieutenant. The P.E. sub-

ject was first offered for B.B.A. program students

in 1976, he was the only P.E. Instructor until 1978.

Since then there were more P.E. Instructors, he

was assigned to be course coordinator. While

Dr. Witchnee Kuptawathin was the Chairperson

of the General Studies Department, he was ap-

pointed the Deputy Chairperson in 1997-1998.

The Football Association and Lawn Tennis As-

sociation of Thailand invited him to be referee

several years and ABAC and his superiors al-

lowed him to do so as social contribution. Some


ARTS - GENERAL EDUCATIONSenior Lecturer, Department of General Education,

Faculty of Arts

important tournaments that he officiated at in-

cluded the Davis Cup group I and II, the Feder-

ation Cup group I and II of Asia Oceania Zone,

the thirteenth SEA Games and the thirteenth

Asian Games and he quit for referee duty in

2001. For more than 37 years of dedicated and

distinguished service to the Assumption Univer-

sity, he received four Royal Orders and Decora-

tions; they were the fifth class of The Crown of

Thailand, the fifth class of the White Elephant,

the fifth class of Direkgunabhorn and the fourth

class of Direkgunabhorn. He also received three

more Assumption University’s Awards; they were

Assumption University’s Golden Ring, Assump-

tion University’s Golden Pin and St. Montfort’s

Award. His impression of working at ABAC is

that he has seen the development of Assump-

tion Business Administration College (ABAC) to

Assumption University (AU), a very well known

university in Thailand and overseas.

“Be Happy with Your Work”is his favorite sen-tence that encourages him to work at Assump-tion University for many years because if we are happy with our work we will do it with fun and happiness. There was his name on the list of the instructors who would retire after the end of the first semester, academic year 2012. During the last summer session, he received a phone from Dr.Krisana Kitcharoen, the Assistant President who asked, “Are you happy with teaching at ABAC?” he said, “Yes, I am very happy with my teaching.”Then he got the chance to be Senior Lecturer and course coordinator up till now.

“Be Happy With Your Work”


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After graduating from the Faculty of Political

Science, Thammasat University with a Bachelor

Degree in International Relations, Dr. Witch-

nee pursued further education and earned a

Master’s degree in Political Science from Chu-

lalongkorn University, and a Doctoral degree

from Adamson University in Philosophy of Edu-

cation. Moreover, she also earned a certificate

of completion on Advanced Studies in Educa-

tional Science as Specialization on Educational

Management from the Faculty of Psychology

and Educational Science, Katholike Universitei,

Leuven, Belgium.

Before joining ABAC (AU) in 1974, Dr. Witchnee

was invited to deliver lectures to classes as a

guest lecturer on French in several schools in

Bangkok. In addition, she also delivered lec-

tures as a part-time lecturer at ABAC (AU). Due

to long distance travel and inconvenience,

spending her limited time delivering lecturers at

and commuting to ABAC (AU) was not so easy.

Impressed by ABAC (AU)’ s administrators, col-

leagues and students, she eventually decided


OFFICE OF THAI ART AND CULTURESenior Lecturer, Office of Thai Art and Culture

to be a full time lecturer almost four decades

ago. At that time, she was assigned as lecturer

in Business, Society and Government course. In

1991 – 2003 she was appointed as Chairperson

of General Studies Department and later on,

from 2003 - 2012 as “Director for the Office of

Thai Arts and Culture”. Together with the joint

cooperation of Thai Tourism Authority of Thai-

land, she was the Director for the Tour Guide

Training Programme and also collaborated

with the well-known Organizations, “Ruamjit

Nomklao Foundation for Youth “under royal

patronage. Besides that she also spent her time

writing textbooks, books and poetry. Many peo-

ple came to her asking for advices and sugges-

tions in Thai cultural experiences and Thai lan-


Every time she was assigned any work which was not in her particular field of expertise and specific skills, Brother Martin would encourage her with an encouraging statement as “All right, I believe you can do it.” This was an inspira-tional knocking on her heart!

“All right,I believe

you can do it”


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Dr. Samusa Nakasingh, after her B.A. from

Chulalongkorn University, then spent 14 years

in studying, working, and traveling in the U.S.

and returned home with a Ph.D in Higher Ed.

Admin., from the University of Missouri, USA. in

1979. Since then, she’s been working at ABAC

from 1979 until present. Starting out with teach-

ing, became the Director of the General Stud-

ies (1980-1992); Post Religious Studies at the

Phillipines; a Lecturer at the Grad School of

Religious Studies and Tourism, setting up the In-

ternational Center ( 1994-1997), directing the

Center until retirement year (1998-2003) and

has been an Advisor at the Center until present.

This is the reason why “Dr. Sam”, as most stu-

dents call her, said that she is so grateful to the

Brothers and Administrators at ABAC who have

given her the opportunity to be of service to

others and thank God especially for the great

gift of His Love that she could share. And, this is

why she has been working in ABAC all of her life

in Thailand.

“I’ve been very blessed in being able to do

what I love at ABAC, i.e. welcoming guests or

newly arrived international students at the air-

port, helping them to settle in as they become

adjusted to the Land of Smiles. To be able to

share all that Assumption University has to of-

fer and to share the rich culture of Thailand has



Senior Lecturer, Center for International Student

“Working hardconquers

all things”

been a privilege that I cherish. So often interna-

tional students will return with their wives and

children to visit what was once their “second

home”and introduce me to their families. What

joyful events these reunions have become! So,

by now I am not only an “Auntie” of those for-

mer students also their “Great Granny!”. She is

grateful to the Brothers and Administrators at

ABAC who have given her the opportunity to be

of service to others and thank God especially for

the great gift of His Love that she could share.

And, this is why she has been working in ABAC all

of my life in Thailand.”

“Certainly, growing up I believed in the notion “Honesty is the Best Policy.”And still, years later, I believe in it today. While working, I have been preaching the Brothers of St. Gabriel’s motto: “LABOR OMNIA VINCIT”: WORKING HARD CON-QUERS ALL THINGS, which is also ABAC’s motto to all the International Freshmen. This is what I love and have been practicing in what I have been preaching. Therefore, I will have to gratefully put all the effort, with heart and soul, into whatever I do, and for the place, the nation or person(s) we do love. And towards the evening of my life, I also apply in my daily living style: “Buddha’s Natural Law of Impermanence”, so I’ll become stronger to accept others and things as they are in order to attain a peaceful world.”


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Between class periods at Assumption University,

students and teachers rushing from one class

to another is not an unusual sight. Among them

is an elegant-looking lady who has been do-

ing this for more than 33 years, Ajarn Suwanna

Benjadol who describes her life as “simple and


Her educational background started at Rajinee

School, where she spent the next 15 years as a

straight-A student. Realizing that she was des-

tined to be an educator, Ajarn Suwanna had

her tertiary education at Faculty of Education,

Chulalongkorn University in 1969. “I chose Fac-

ulty of Education because I wanted to become

a teacher. That’s all, ”she said. After graduat-

ing, she started her sojourn to Houston, Texas,

USA. In the fall of 1974, she was enrolled in Uni-

versity of Houston in Master of Education in Cur-

riculum and Instruction Program. She received

her Master’s Degree in the spring of 1976. Hou-

ston is also the place where she found her other

half, Khun Fong Benjadol. The young lovers got

married and spent another 3 years running their

business there. The city became their second

home. “The fact that my first born was named

‘Oiler’ after the city’s Football team (Houston

MRS. SUWANNA bENjADoLINSTITUTE FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATIONSenior Lecturer, Institute for English Language Education

Oilers) shows how much I am bonded to the

city, ”she talked about her son who, like his

younger brother “Oat”, graduated from As-

sumption University.

While everything seemed to be settled, destiny

found the person it belonged to. Ajarn Suwanna

had to fulfill her duty of a grateful daughter to

her mother. The Banjadol family returned to Thai-

land, and Ajarn Suwanna started her destined

career as a fulltime lecturer at the Department

of English, Assumption Business Administration

College in June 1980. Since then, Ajarn Suwan-

na has been a part of AU family in educating

classes of aspiring students and solidifying AU’s

reputation in the Thai academic arena. Her

devotion to AU was greatly recognized. Thirty-

three years have passed. Ajarn Suwanna is still

the young and energetic lecturer for the now

Institute for English Language Education (IELE)

at Assumption University. She is still doing what

she has been doing- educating the young. “I

am blessed to have found what I’m meant for.

Life doesn’t have to be complicated. Be true

to yourself and never stop loving what you do,

and you’ll be happy,” is her motto.

“Be true to yourself and never stop loving whatyou do and you’ll

be happy.”


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Having joined Assumption University on August

15, 1981, Mr. Kamol Kitsawad has put in 32 years

as University Registrar, member of the Assump-

tion University top management team, commit-

tee member on several university core and sup-

portive activities, and as entrepreneur in special

business units for the institution. From his prior

experience as teacher and Administrator with

St. Gabriel’s College and the Catholic Teach-

ers Association of Thailand, combined with his

academic specializations at Undergraduate,

Master, Doctoral degree levels in Education,

Certificate in Educational Administration from

the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium and

Strategic Financial Management in Universities,

UNESCO respectively. Mr. Kamol Kitsawad has

been recognized in the past, with an Award

for Outstanding Academic Support by the As-

sociation of Private Higher Education Institu-

tions in Thailand (APHEIT) in 1995, the St. Bernard

Award for Special Merit, 1999, and St. Montfort’s

Award, 2009, by Assumption University. Mr. Kit-

sawad has also received Four Royal Orders and

Decorations for academicians in Thailand.


The University Registrar / Director, Office of the University Registrar

“Challenges in life are bestmanaged through humility,

confidence, entrepreneurship and optimism”

Mr. Kamol Kitsawad has proved consistently to

be a caring and careful administrator of the

University’s registration services and other func-

tions as assigned by the university. In his tenure

as Registrar, he has seen student enrollments

grow from 4,000 in 1981 to over 20,000 at the

present time. Correlated with the expansion in

student numbers has been the growth of the

Office of the Registrar to about 50 full time staff

currently. Based on Mr. Kitsawad’s and his staff’s

aggressive marketing overseas, the Assumption

University International student representation

has swollen to over 3,000 in 2013 and the uni-

versity has been awarded the Thai Prime Min-

ister’s Award for the Highest Revenue realized

through the exporting of Educational Services,

in 2002 and 2009 respectively. Throughout his

service years at Assumption University, Mr. Ka-

mol Kitsawad has added value to the lives of

his colleagues, students and other stakeholders

with filial dedication and sense of purpose.

Mr. Kamol Kitsawad’s personal motto is: Chal-

lenges in life are best managed through humili-

ty, confidence, entrepreneurship and optimism.


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Dr. Laura M. Brahmakasikara is a native of the

Philippines but living in Thailand because she is

married to a Thai. Her husband, already retired,

used to work with the Airports Authority of Thai-

land. They have two children, both grown-ups.

Her daughter, the eldest, is working at the Min-

istry of Foreign Affairs as a lawyer and her son

is working at Rightman Company as an interior

decorator and designer.

She first came to Thailand in November 1979

and only after a week was given a job at Ma-

hidol University as a Research Assistant. She

subsequently moved to Assumption University in

June 1981 where she started her teaching pro-

fession as an English teacher.

She received her Bachelor’s degree from the

University of the Philippines, her Master’s degree

from Chulalongkorn University and her doctoral

degree from Assumption University.

In 1997, a year after the completion of her Mas-

ter’s degree, she was given a position in the

Department of English as the Chairperson. Prior

to this, she was an Assistant Chairperson in the

same department. She held the Chairperson-

ship for eight years. It was during this span of

years while serving Assumption University as the

Chairperson of the English Department she was

given the St. Bernard’s Award (3rd class) on De-

cember 24, 2001 for her performance beyond

the normal calls of duty. In 2004, she was given


ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - OFFICE OF THE V.P. FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRSSenior Lecturer, Office of the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs

scholarship by Assumption University to pursue

her doctorate in educational leadership. Al-

though she is not very active in teaching at pre-

sent and only teaching part-time at the Gradu-

ate School of e-learning, she still yearns to be

a full-time teacher. Presently, although not fully

engaged in teaching, she has the privilege of

being a part of the Office of the Vice President

for Academic Affairs.

She believes teaching is an incredibly honor-

able profession and she is glad to be a part of it.

“In judging our progress as individuals, we tend

to concentrate on external factors such as

one’s social position, influence and popularity,

wealth and standard of education – but internal

factors may be even more crucial in assessing

one’s development as a human being: hones-

ty, sincerity, simplicity, humility, purity, generos-

ity, absence of vanity, readiness to serve your

fellow men – qualities within the reach of every

soul – are the foundation on one’s spiritual life.

Never forget that a saint is a sinner that keeps

trying – Nelson Mandela”.

“In short, let’s reflect on what God said to Samuel in 1 Samuel 16:7: But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for the Lord sees not as man sees; man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”


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“Do not look on his appearanceor the height of his staturebecause I have rejected him

for the Lord sees not as man sees man looks on the outward

appearance, but the Lord lookson the heart.”


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Mrs. Enriqueta D. Bovornpanomsak hails from

the Philippines. She joined Assumption Busi-

ness Administration College (ABAC) in 1981, a

few months after arriving in Thailand to join her

would-be husband. She holds a Bachelor of

Arts degree major in Mathematics (Cum laude)

and a Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics

degree both from Manuel L. Quezon University

in Manila. She also has some years of college

teaching experiences from the same university

and high school teaching of Mathematics at

several schools, particularly at the University of

the Philippines Integrated School, before com-

ing to Thailand. Mrs. Enriqueta is married to Mr.

Prasit Bouornpanomsak, a retired engineer.

They are blessed with a son, an only child.

To her, teaching Mathematics is a real joy. But

aside from teaching, she also enjoyed making

herself busy helping others. An achievement

she really enjoyed is the founding of the “In-

ternational Fund For Charities Organization”,

an organization she initiated and served as

president. This organization comprised mostly

of foreign ABAC lecturers and staff. For several

years, (this organization) was able to raise funds

through charity fairs held at Huamark campus.

From these funds they donated school needs

as well as personal effects to many poor school

children in some rural areas in Thailand. From the

border of Thailand and Myanmar at Rachaburi

and Kanchanaburi, to the eastern province of

Chachaengsao, the organization (in ABAC’s

name) gave donations to seven rural schools.

Donations were also given to the children at a

refugee camp in Mae Hong Son and to some

poor children in a small Christian church in Sa-

kon Nakhon.


MARTIN DE TOURS SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS - MATHEMATICSSenior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Martin de Tours School of Management and Economics

But the most significant achievement she con-

siders while in ABAC is not academic, rather it is

spiritual. A few years after she started teaching

in this university, with the guidance of some col-

leagues, she became a born-again Christian.

To her, it is the best thing that ever happened

in her life, and she feels it as ironic that it hap-

pened in a Buddhist – dominated country.

“Sometimes when we encounter injustice or un-

fairness, nonsensible reasoning, distorted facts,

or being misunderstood, we tend to defend

others or ourselves. But nobody would listen to

us because we don’t have the influence or the

power to which people look up to. While we

become victims others consider us as villains”.

“People judge us as bad, wrongdoers, or dumb. But God sees the truth but waits. In due time, in God’s time, the truth is exposed or revealed that we are avenged for what others did to us. Although sometimes the truth comes out a bit too late, at least people would know who we really are. Sweet revenge? Could be. But what is important is we have shown to those people and to the world the real us who cares for jus-tice and truth, and that justice and truth always prevail and prove our worth”.

“God sees the truth

but waits”


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It is with great pride that Dr. Cherdpong Sibunruang looks upon his 28

years of academic career in Assumption University. Over these years

he has assumed various responsibilities such as Chairperson, Associate

Dean and Dean of the Martin De Tours School of Management and

Economics and it has been a very fulfilling experience. He has always

had a passion for academia and he is indeed thankful to Assumption

University for giving him such an opportunity.

Dr. Cherdpong Sibunruang’s educational background has been varied.

After completing his bachelor degree in Economics from Thammasat

University, he pursued his MSc. in Economics and MBA (Finance focus)

in the United States. He earned his Doctorate of Management (DM),

specialization in Education Management from De La Salle University,

Manila. He has also attended several Certified Executive Development

Programs conducted by University of Houston, Stanford University and

Ministry of University Affairs (Thailand). These experiences have been

invaluable in helping him successfully manage the biggest School to-

wards achieving the mission of developing highly qualified, ethical and

socially conscious business graduates/leaders. He is also very fortunate

that he has a very dedicated team to work with and together they have

been able to continuously introduce innovations and improvements in

the curriculum and teaching and learning areas.

One of his favorite quotes is by Albert Einstein “Imagination is more im-

portant than knowledge”. He truly believes that the purpose of educa-

tion is not only to impart knowledge but to provide opportunities and

a conducive environment for students to develop their imagination.

Thereby the students not only acquire the right skill set but also a quest

for lifelong learning. An organization’s greatest resource is its people. He

therefore strongly supports essential investment in faculty development,

in order to achieve the desired education outcomes and improve the

School’s research profile. Under his deanship, he aspires to further ad-

vance the standard and reputation of the School and he is confident

that with the cooperation of each and every member of the School

they would be able to achieve their goals.


MARTIN DE TOURS SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICSDean, Martin de Tours School of Management and Economics

“Imaginationis more

important than knowledge”


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“Imaginationis more

important than knowledge”


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These institutions - Sacred Heart Novitiate and

La Salle Scholasticate in India, St. Louis Universi-

ty, University of the Philippines in the Philippines;

Portland State University, Oregon State Univer-

sity and University of Oregon in U.S.A., gave

me knowledge, skills and enriched life experi-

ences. They inculcated, taught and trained me

to lead my life and to be whatever I am now.

I am thankful and grateful to these worthy and

memorable institutions.

These institutions – Assumption College Thon-

buri, Assumption College, Assumption College

Ubonrajathani and Assumption University gave

me opportunities to work, to learn, to find and

follow embedded life interest, to create value

and satisfy life fulfillment, among others. What-

ever I am, whatever I own, whatever I will be

and will own, I am immensely indebted to these

beneficent and wonderful institutions. Hence-

forth, it’s time to thank, to repay with greater ef-

forts, devotion and dedication throughout the

remaining life.

“You are welcome to ABAC!”a touching and

much treasured message kept alive in me. The

President Emeritus, Rev. Bro. Martin Komolmas

accepted me to be one member in AU with

his own handwriting. “Go and study more to

become specialized”, a big support, living en-

couragement and powerful inspiration for my

pursuit of higher education from the President

Emeritus and the current Rector, Rev. Bro. Ban-

cha Saenghiran. In retrospect on my few years

of early teaching, it was text teaching, rote

learning – focusing on knowledge, principles

and memory. Luckily and happily, it is now re-

placed by a newer life approach which is “stu-

dents’ learning is better than teachers’ teach-

ing”. Make students exert greater efforts to

learn. Thus, “to teach is to learn; and to learn is

to teach.”Subject matters are just materials and

tools to train, form and shape students to be dy-

DR. thoNGDEE KIjbooNChooGRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS - M.B.A. (Business Administration)

Senior Lecturer, M.B.A. Program, Graduate School of Business

namics, analytical and creative individuals. Stu-

dents are supposed to come up with eclectic

models from what they have learned. Thanks

to flexibility and academic freedom in the GSB,

supportive as well as its favorable manage-

ment style, one is allowed to follow his own best

way of teaching. Teaching, then, becomes

meaningful and challenging; it turns persons to

be independent, dare to be, problem solvers,

innovative and creative minds. Time flies but

ABACness – love, care and generosity never

fades; it still remains and also magnifies. The

Academic Laurels and Palms Reward turns the

evening of my working life to the morning of my

working life. Thanks!

“When you experience abundance, remember the days of famine; when you enjoy riches, think of poverty and misery.”This guiding principle is tantamount to an automatic wealth stabilizer. It is a powerful mechanism to make one forever prosperous. Through frugality, reasonable and moderate spending as well as careful invest-ments, ones’ wealth will certainly grow and multiply. Thus, they will become even a million-aire in their own ways”.

“When youexperience

abundance, rememberthe days of famine

when you enjoyriches, think

of poverty andmisery.”


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Mr. Mohammad Alshammary received his MBA

(Management) from the Marshall University,

West Virginia, USA july-1979 and ws admitted in

the PhD program Duke University, North Caro-


In his early days of work between 1964-1975 Mr.

Mohammad Alshammary got promoted as As-

sistant Accounting Auditor, and then Auditor in

the Electricity Organization in Baghdad, Iraq,

which is in charge of generating, transmitting,

and distributing electricity in the whole country.

From 1983 until 1984, he was the administrative

manager for Alsaleh Heavy Equipment Com-

pany in Kuwait. Then, from 1986 till now he has

been serving ABAC as lecturer for the under-

graduate level in the Accounting Department.

In addition, he taught at the graduate level

from 1996 – 1998.

Since he joined ABAC in 1986 till now, he has

had many reasons to be in Thailand for almost

26 years, but definitely not because of the sal-

ary neither the position. It was the easy, friendly,

smily receiption you see where ever you go in

ABAC, the democratic way the brothers run this

institution; free to say and suggest, and also to

object if the things is wrong, without fear or pre-



MARTIN DE TOURS SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS - ACCOUNTINGSenior Lecturer, Department of Accounting, Martin de Tours School of Management and Economics

“If you have the power to oppresshumans remember the power

of God over you”

On top of that is the friendly relations he had

with Brother Martin, and all heads of account-

ing department. Since he had joined ABAC he

has never heard the words “cannot” or “impos-

sible to-do” from Brother Martin big heart, his

capacity to listen, understand, and solve prob-

lems has been crucial for him to stay all these

years in Thailand. He impressed Mr. Mohammad

Alshammary the most with this short story.

“The Iraqi ambassador called to let me know

that he will be in ABAC to seek scholarship for

his son who just finished his engineering degree

in Baghdad (Iraq then was under embargo by

United Nations). The next day the surprise came

from Brother Martin that not only the ambas-

sador son was granted full scholarship, but all

the Embassy’s officers’ sons as well. Since then I

knew Brother Martin’s mission goes beyond run-

ning this institution but also to deliver the idea

that we are all humans without any considera-

tion to the religion or faith, and education is one

of many means to improve relations among dif-

ferent nations”.

Finally for the People who had power remem-ber this “If you have the power to oppress hu-mans remember the power of God over you”.


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Mrs. Him Yock Sawadsaringkarn graduated with a mas-

ter degree in Applied Languages from Toulouse-le-Mi-

rail, France. In 1986, she joined ABAC as a lecturer in

the English Department, Faculty of Humanities, working

under Ajarn Dr. Sompit Porsutyaruk and Ajarn Tuang Tu-

angthon. Both of them have had a great influence on

her career, inspiring her to follow them in their work eth-

ics of hard word, devotion, and dedication to the task

at hand. As such she has always striven to maintain

high standards of professionalism, with the well-being

and development of her students in mind.

She has experienced many beautiful moments

throughout her two decades of teaching at ABAC,

not least among them are when she sees her students

beam with pride on their graduation day, or when dis-

cussions and conversations in or outside classes are op-

portunities to show mutual care and respect for one

another, like during the flood in 2011, when one student

enquired about her well-being and offered to give her

assistance if necessary. These are memories she will al-

ways cherish.

She sincerely thanks the university for these great mo-ments.


INSTITUTE FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATIONSenior Lecturer, Institute for English Language Education


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“I experiencedmany beautiful moments

throughout my twodecades of teaching

at ABAC”


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Mrs. Malinee Chanvipas was born in Bangkok on 16 June 1941. Even

though she is 72 years old now, she always feels that she is 27 because

every day she is surrounded by students, and they infect her with their

youth and vitality. In 1956 she finished her Thai high school. Then she went

to Taiwan to continue her study and got a bachelor degree from Taiwan

Normal University. After she finished her study in Taiwan, she came back to

Thailand to take on a teaching job and ever since teaching has become

her profession.

Due to her character and disposition, she knows apart from being a teach-

er, other kind of jobs would not be suitable for her, especially the world of

business which is full of traps, since she was very calm, direct and honest,

and certainly not a calculating person. To her, only an environment like

school is where we would not have to swindle. The only focus for her, like

other teachers is to educate the young ones by sharing their knowledge

and life experiences with them, like how a gardener takes care of a gar-

den. Guidance, life and caring are to be given to the students who are

the very hope of our future.

She loves teaching. Spending time with students is one of her favorites,

especially with ABAC students. The students at ABAC, from what she has

observed, share a common quality of being hardworking and attentive

to their studies. For example, whenever she returns the result of their exam

papers, they always check over and over to look at the mistakes they

have made and come back to her right away with questions they have

which to her is the spirit of not being afraid of making mistakes, as well as

the willingness to learn from their mistakes, a very valuable trait asset one

should possess in order to become a well-rounded person.

During all these years in the field of education, she has come across many

meaningful quotations. However, among which what has impressed her

the most is the Chinese sign hung at the main entrance of Taiwan Normal

University. The sign says “LiangshiXingguo”, which means that the prosper-

ity of a nation relies on a true teacher. And it is this sign she has adopted

as her motto. She believes that if we see ourselves as true and authentic

teachers or educators, we should all undertake the responsibility behind

the message of this Chinese sign “LiangshiXingguo”.


FACULTY OF ARTS - B.A. (BUSINESS CHINESE)Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Chinese


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“Prosperity of a nation relies

on a true teacher”


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Mr. Win Hlaing is married and has one child. He pursued his Bachelor in Engineer-

ing (Civil) and later on received a postgraduate professional certificate in Hydrol-

ogy and Hydraulics Engineering. He has been an civil engineer with experiences

in Hydrology, Concrete (Laboratory and filed testing) and Dam construction, su-

pervision and quality control.

From 1962 to 1964, Mr. Win Hlaing studied in Intermediate Science Part A and B

at Rangoon University. The following four years he studied in Civil Engineering at

Rangoon Institute of Technology and received the Bachelor of Civil Engineering

in 1968. In 1973 he completed his postgraduate studies in Hydrology and Hydrau-

lics engineering at Delft University, Netherlands under UNDP fellowship program.

In 1968, Mr. Win Hlaing worked for the Joint Irrigation Department in Burma. After

that, from 1968 till 1986, he served as Assistant Engineer (Civil) for the Irrigation Plan-

ning and Design Division. He was also an engineer counterpart to UN consultants

for various feasibility studies for multipurpose dam projects, a counterpart engineer

to Sanyu Consulting engineers, Nippon Koei Consulting engineers, Japan, Zelko-

prom Export, consulting engineer in the Former Soviet Union, and Senior engineer

to Lahmeyer International Consulting Engineers ( West Germany ) in construction,

supervision and quality control for KINDA Dam multipurpose project financed by

the World Bank.

In 1987 he joined Assumption University as an instructor in the General Education

Department, Faculty of Arts and served this university until 2012. He also worked as

Senior Lecturer and Deputy Chairperson during the twenty-five and a-half years

time. During that period, he taught English, Mathematics, Environmental Science

and Engineering Graphic Drawing subjects in both Huamark and Suvanabhumi

campuses. In addition, he contributed in training teachers at St. Grabriel High

School in development of teaching Science subjects in English programs. Besides

that, he also taught special classes for students in Environmental Science and

worked as an academic committee member in the General Education Depart-

ment for Exams, grades and quality control. In December 2007, he received an

award from the Royal Princess for serving Assumption University for 20 years.

To his mind, the performance of a manager is measured by how well he can organize a large number of people and how effectively he can get the highest performance from each of the individuals and blend them into a co-ordinated performances.


Senior Lecturer, Deptartment of General Education


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“We’re NOT primarily put on this earth to see

through one another, but to see one

another through”


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“It’s a person’sinner core

that counts”


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MS. KhIN MAE KyAWINSTITUTE FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATIONSenior Lecturer, Institute for English Language Education

Ms. Khin Mae Kyaw’s life as an academician began at Rangoon Arts &

Science University. Later on she was transferred to Mandalay Arts & Sci-

ence University, and then to Rangoon Institute of Technology and Ran-

goon Institute of Medicine. However in 1987, as she was contemplat-

ing on expanding her teaching experience outside of Burma, her best

friend, who at that time was working at ABAC suggested working at this

well-known college. January 15th of 2013 marked the 25th year of her

teaching life at Assumption University. She uses the word “Life” instead of

“Service” because her life revolves around her students. She makes them

realize that there are times when the failures, guilts and sorrows lead us

to despair. However, we need not give in. We can rise, walk again and

“Choose Life”, as she believes that the past is our background for today

and today is our foundation for the future.

She has chosen this profession because she believes that teachers play

an important role in moulding the lives of the youths who one day, in turn,

will be shaping and developing their nation(s) to stand proud in this com-

petitive but sharing Society of Our Global Village. Thousands of her stu-

dents are already out there, and many of them have become successful

citizens in their own countries and elsewhere regardless of whatever pro-

fession or career they may have chosen. She agrees with a famous enter-

tainer who once said, ”Success has nothing to do with what you gain in

life or accomplish for yourself. It’s what you do for others”.

Her precious, most beautiful and memorable moments at ABAC are when

she sees the happy, proud smiling faces of her students on their Gradu-

ation Day, especially when they come and say, “Thank you, Archarn”.

She feels rewarded and contented knowing that her dedication to her

profession has come to fruition. Her most treasured moment has been the

occasion when she received an award from Her Royal Highness Princess

Soamsavali. Moreover, her greatest reward of all is being appreciated by

the IELE which has given her opportunities to improve herself.

“Without Assumption University there will be no IELE, and without the IELE and my students I will not be where I am today”.


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T’ is not morals alone that demand success,we shall do more, achieve greatness

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