The Complete Guide On How To Clean A Drain


Transcript of The Complete Guide On How To Clean A Drain

We all have heard the saying, “Prevention is better

than cure.” We couldn’t disagree. The same principle

also applies to plumbing.

To prevent your drains from getting blocked up

by nasty clogs, you should clean it regularly and properly. Get all our

tips on how to clean a drain!

Boil water in a kettle and pour it down the

drain every night, before going to bed.

This way, all the sticky and greasy particles will be washed away.

Always have baking soda in your cupboard.

Pour a cup of this baking ingredient into the sink hole. Follow it up by a cup of vinegar. Let the two ingredients form a

chemical reaction to clean the pipes.

If you want to give your drains a refreshing scent, use lemon juice

instead of vinegar. Just a little note though.

There’s no need to use fresh lemons. You can do with lemon juice


Another way to freshen up your drain is simply using a mild,

scented dish detergent. Pour a cup of the detergent into the drain then follow

with boiling hot water.

When you have extra Alka Seltzer tabs at home, you can also utilize them to clear your drainpipes.

Drop three or four of them into the drain and follow it up with vinegar. They will create the same

fizzing effect.

Here’s another natural drain unclogger for you! Combine salt, borax and baking soda. The ratio should be 1:1:2. Pour

the mixture into the sink hole and then pour a cup of vinegar. Voila!

Fizzle fizzle!

Enzymatic drain cleaners are also effective in clearing waste particles from drainpipes. Just one

quick note though. They’re not easily

available in the market.

Now some homeowners want to use chemical

cleaners. However, we don’t recommend them.

They may be strong to get rid of tough dirt and waste but they may also damage your pipes in the long run.