THE COLUMNS - Clover Orange started out in our children’s...

“WILL YOU DANCE?” Pg 02 NEXT_GEN MINISTRY launches Pg 04 “SEASONS OF CHANGE” Pg 07 August, 2015 | Issue 15| Vol 8 THE COLUMNS

Transcript of THE COLUMNS - Clover Orange started out in our children’s...

Page 1: THE COLUMNS - Clover Orange started out in our children’s ministry, but has now spanned all the way through senior high. Mike Moyers and his


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August, 2015 | Issue 15| Vol 8


Page 2: THE COLUMNS - Clover Orange started out in our children’s ministry, but has now spanned all the way through senior high. Mike Moyers and his

WILL YOU DANCE?I remember the first dance I went to was a church camp dance when I was a teen. I remember how much nerve it took at first to ask a girl to dance. My palms were sweating, my heart was leaping out of my chest, my voice cracked… and in spite of my shortcomings she said “yes” and we danced. As I now reflect on that memory, I was totally unaware that young girl was probably as nervous as I was.

While Jill and I were dating in college, we took a ballroom dancing class. I remember being totally enamored by the company, but a bit incompetent as a dancing partner. I found it difficult to remember the steps, think about the next steps, translate those next steps to my partner through leading her… Most of the time that semester we stepped on toes, bumped foreheads, and laughed our way through the class. Yet there were a few days, after a lot of practice that we finally clicked and danced in rhythm and style.

While I enjoyed the class and memories with Jill, as she knows by how infrequently I ask her to go dancing – I am not much of a dancer. Yet after 16 years of marriage we have found some wonderful times of dancing. Sure we fall down, step on each others’ feet, laugh, and sometimes even get mad, but we love the dance together.

Now I want to ask you to dance. A part of me is nervous, and I understand that you probably are also. You have had some wonderful dance partners in the past with Geoff, Bill (Koch), Jim (Davis), Charles, and others before them. But I am also excited about learning to dance together and to be your newest partner in ministry. First UMC is a beautiful church, and we will have plenty of time to learn how to lead and how to follow. As we learn together I am excited to see the dance that God will lead us through.

~Mike Wondel, Lead Pastor

A word fromPASTOR MIKE

I danced in the morning when the world was begun,And I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun,And I came down from heaven and I danced on the earth,At Bethlehem I had my birth.

Dance, then, wherever you may be;I am the Lord of the Dance, said he.And I’ll lead you all wherever you may be,And I’ll lead you all in the dance, said he.

The United Methodist Men (UMM) met with the Christian Church men’s group for breakfast and fellowship on Saturday, June 13th. The Christian Church men’s group is reforming and asked the UMM to join them and discuss the success of the First UMC’s programs. The UMM President Rick Sherman related to the group that the UMM is a small core group but all FUMC men are technically members and considered part of the group.

The discussion centered on insuring the focus of the men’s ministry should be outside the walls of the Church. If the group only works to satisfy the internal needs of the group then it will fail to grow which may affect the mission of the group. The UMM is focused on supporting the church’s mission program, whether it is providing money and workers to events such as Feed My Starving Children, giving funds for mission teams to be used as scholarships or support funds, providing support to individuals in need of help or sending Early

Response or Volunteer In Mission teams to areas experiencing a natural disaster.One of the great achievements for FUMC is be the catalyst for forty churches coming together to provide funds and servants to make the Feed My Starving Children a great success. The UMM would like to feed

off this success by encouraging men of the churches to pick up their historical role of leadership in the Christian community by providing an outreach service to the local community in areas of hands-on programs to the underserved. The goal is to encourage young men to embrace their responsibilities to

their families and the community. Many of the men in the churches have the expertise and desire to be a part of these types of programs.

Any men of FUMC who would like more information or are interested in becoming involved in these types of program can call Rick Sherman at 472-9654.


SCHOOLFEST (formerly Hopefest) 2015 was a huge success!!! Over 20 area churches and several businesses either served or donated supplies. Approximately 312 families arrived for this event at the YMCA, Saturday Aug. 1. School supplies were given to 734 children ages K -college. We were able to provide 58 hair-cuts to the students along with an additional 53

coupons to a local salon for those who couldn’t wait in line. One of our local DPS officers helped with the haircuts as well!! A total of 75 vision screenings

were provided. Local school administra-tors cooked and served food for the event. After the event, addi-tional supplies and 100 filled backpacks were provided to area schools. We are blessed to have such a widevariety of churches and volunteers support this event. Please continue to pray for all of our area students and teachers for the upcoming 2015-2016 school year.


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NEXT_GENMINISTRYHello! Robin McIntyre, here. I served as the children’s director here for nearly 4 years, but have recently accepted the new role of next generation leader. Robin Meadows is now our children’s director, and our youth is being led by Mike Moyers. Together, we make up the next generation team here at First UMC. This past month has been a time of prayer, planning, and working together to make the most impact in our church and in our community.

Our children’s ministry is a vibrant part of our church! This summer we have been learning about how God’s way is best, and how to stand up for what is right, even when others don’t. We are into our second year of using our new Think Orange strategy—joining family & church, coupled with a small group approach to grow the faith of our next generation. Think Orange started out in our children’s ministry, but has now spanned all the way through senior high.

Mike Moyers and his team of exceptional small group leaders have launched the new program for students 7th-12th grade. This small group atmosphere allows

students to connect with other students through studying scripture and conversation. Through this small group experience, our students also get to build relationships with their leaders that will play a major role in their faith journey. We are grateful for those that have accepted the call to serve our next generation. Our next generation

team is looking forward to working together to create a cohesive discipleship path for each child that enters our doors.

We will be having a free family event that you won’t want to miss out on. It will take place September 11th and will feature Outcast BMX. Keep a lookout for more

information. You can keep connected to what is going on through our facebook page or the church website.

“...creating a cohesive discipleship path for each child that enters our doors.”

STUDENTMINISTRYOn July 19, First UMC kicked off a new chapter of student ministry! 47 adults and students in grades 7 - 12 came together in the First UMC Fellowship Hall to meet with their small group leaders and get acquainted. Five couples are leading the student groups: Phillip and Tate Warren, Jacob and Megan Priday, Vest and Andrea Baker, Cooper and Meredyth McKelvey, and Jon and Jill Hopson. Mike Moyers is leading as First UMC Youth Pastor.

The first meeting began with a missions project for Schoolfest 2015. Students organized books and supplies which will be given to area kids on August 1st at the

Sikeston YMCA. Serving others, locally as well as globally, will be a primary focus of First UMC youth.

Thanks to Angela Sharp, Rita Kelley, and Rick Sherman for accompanying students to the Youth 2015 Conference last month. Students had a great time of spiritual renewal.

Small groups will meet weekly to study and then rally once a month. If you know of a student who would like to be involved, call Mike Moyers at 931-1268.

Check. Check. 1 - 2, 1 - 2...

About four times a year we are planning to have an “Open Mic Night.” These will be a times of talking about a specific topic in the church (i.e. finances or staffing), and will give everyone an opportunity to write questions they have about First UMC.

Our first “Open Mic Night” is with Pastor Mike Wondel (notice the pun) 6:00 pm, August 12, in the Fellowship Hall. This will be a chance to ask questions for Pastor Mike (and our other pastors may chime in, also). So we hope you will join us, and bring your questions with you!



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Page 4: THE COLUMNS - Clover Orange started out in our children’s ministry, but has now spanned all the way through senior high. Mike Moyers and his

Membership Care MINISTRIESIn Matthew 25:36, Jesus says, “…I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Here at First Church, we value ministry to the sick, the elderly, and those who are shut-in. If you have a passion for this kind of ministry, we’re hiring a part time Membership Care director who will manage a team of volunteers willing to be a friend to those in need of a visit.

In the meantime, while we find the person hearing God’s call for this role, please refer any hospital visits or other membership care needs to Pastor Jennifer or Pastor Mike.

Seasons of CHANGE...20th Century Bob Dylan,

“There is nothing so stable as change.”

The membership carephone number is:


Pastor Jennifer’s cell phone is: 336-269-3500

Pastor Mike’s cell phone is:573-703-6914

Brad Aycock has served as Executive Pastor at First UMC since 2010. Brad’s passion and enthusiasm has become a catalyst for helping First UMC reach outside the walls. Brad and his family are moving to

Ohio, where he has accepted the position of Director of New Church Development for the West Ohio Conference. We wish Brad well in his new role, and he was honored at a reception Sunday, August 2nd at 10:00am in the Fellowship Hall.

Chris Nall is the new Director of Traditions Music. Chris has over 25 years of worship leadership experience, is a nationally recognized musician, and we are excited to have his ministry gifts as a part of our worship! Chris began the last Sunday in June.

She’s back! Paullester Walker is back on staff only now as the Church Administrator and as such will oversee all finances, facilities, communications and other church administrative issues.She brings with her a heart for prayer, passion for the

mission of the church and wisdom to help us be excellent stewards. We are excited to have her joyful spirit, and leadership gifts as a part of our Executive Staff. July 20th was Paullester’s second first day of work at First UMC.

Terry Sapp has served as the Choir Director at First UMC for 18 years! Her wonderful musical gifts, and heart for the church have been a wonderful blessing. Although Terry will not be the Choir Director, she is still planning to still be involved at First

UMC and has appreciated all the support, love and care the church has shown her. We will honor Terry with a reception on Sunday, August 30th at 10:00am in the Fellowship Hall.

We are in a season of change at First UMC.

We have/are saying goodbye to several of our wonderful staff as they enter new seasons of ministry, and pray that God will work through them in remarkable ways. And we are also excited about welcoming some staff into

new ministry roles. Here are a few of our most recent changes:

5th Century BC Ecclesiastes 3:1,“There is a time for everything, and a seasonfor every activity under the heavens.”

5th Century Greek Philosopher Heraclitus,“There is nothing permanent except change.”

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First United Methodist Church1307 N Main St

Sikeston, MO 63801

Phone +573.471.3283

[email protected]

August 2015 | Issue 15| Vol 8