The Cold War

1945-1990 Reshaped the world order of the twentieth century and created a rivalry between the U.S. and the Soviet union and their allies that lasted for 40 years The Cold War


The Cold War. 1945-1990 Reshaped the world order of the twentieth century and created a rivalry between the U.S. and the Soviet union and their allies that lasted for 40 years. Edtechteacher Best of History Websites. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Cold War

1945-1990Reshaped the world order of the twentieth century and created a rivalry between the U.S. and the Soviet union and their allies that

lasted for 40 years

The Cold War

EdtechteacherBest of History Websites

What do I need to know and understand about the Cold War? (State Objective


1. What are the origins of the Cold War? Why and when did it begin?

2. Which countries were allies of the U.S.? 3. Which countries were allies of the Soviet

Union? (Russia) 4. Compare the U.S. to the Soviet Union. How

were they different in ideology? What type of governments and economic systems did each have? What type of individual rights?

5. What role did technology play in the Cold War?

United States United States Soviet Union Soviet Union

CapitalistDemocracy Individual Freedom

and rights Help Germany

recover Freedom the press

and speech Promote democracy

around the world

CommunistDictatorshipLimited human

rights Make Germany pay Censorship and

intimidation Spread communism

around the world

What were the major differences between the U.S. and the Soviet Union in 1945?

Problems between the U.S. and the Soviet Union began before WWII was over:

1. U.S. and Soviet Union had very different ideas about what the postwar world organization

2. The U.S., Great Britain and Soviet Union disagreed over how to deal with Germany and Poland

3. Soviet Communism and American democratic capitalism were two entirely different belief systems

4. U.S. and Britain had opposed the Russian Revolution of 1917

5. Stalin blamed Britain and U.S. for Soviet losses in WWII when they refused to open a second front.

6. U.S. and Britain had not forgotten that Stalin signed non aggression pact with Germany and only joined the Allies when Germany launched an attack on the Soviet Union.

The “Big Three”: Churchill, FDR, and Stalin at Yalta, 1945

What decisions were made at the Yalta Conference?

Near the end of WWII, the U.S., Great Britain, and the Soviet Union agreed on plans for new international organizations to settle disputes in the future:

1.The United Nations 2.National Security CouncilFifty nations met in San Francisco in 1945 to sign

the United Nations Charter to ensure world peace.

But there were still many problems that were harder to solve. They decided to divide Germany and Berlin into 4 zones after the war.

Franklin Roosevelt died, Harry Truman became president (1945)

April 12, 1945 FDR dies in Warm Springs, Georgia

Harry Truman takes office.

Truman and many others believed Stalin and the Soviets were untrustworthy and politically aggressive

“The Buck Stops Here”

What was the Potsdam Conference?

In the summer of 1945, President Harry Truman met with Soviet and British to decide how to deal with war ravaged Europe and Germany.

Truman reminded Stalin of his promise to allow democratic elections in Eastern European countries.

Stalin did not keep this promise and more countries fell under Communist control.

The first atomic bomb was dropped on Japan as Truman was on his way back to the states from Potsdam.

Video: US Soviet History and Potsdam Conference (10:00)

Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili

The Problem with Germany….

Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” Speech

What was the “Iron Curtain”?

In 1946 Stalin made a speech and said that war between Communist and capitalist nations was inevitable.

A month later, Winston Churchill made a speech and warned that “an iron curtain” divided Europe. He was referring to the divide between free and Communist nations.

SATP Practice Question

Who was George Kennan? What was the long telegram? 1946

In a “long telegram,” American diplomat George Kennan suggested that the U.S. should “contain” Soviet Communist expansion—keep it from spreading to other parts of the world.

David Shi on Kennan, Containment, and the Cold War

What was the Truman Doctrine? (1947)

Based on George Kennan’s idea of containment of communism.

Truman offered $400 million in aid to Greece and Turkey for armed forces

Declared the U.S. had a responsibility to “Support free peoples who are resisting subjugation…”

*** This policy of aid and containment formed the basis of American foreign policy for 40 years.

What was the Marshall Plan? (1947)

June 1947, Secretary of State, George C. Marshall, announced a plan to send economic aid to devastated Western Europe.

U.S. sent $12 billion in three years to Europe. Russia refused aid, but the rest of Europe experienced remarkable economic recovery.

Marshall Plan

A young boy in Austria is the embraces a new pair of shoes provided by the Marshall Plan.

Why Did the U.S. send billions of dollars to rebuild Europe after WWII? (Marshall Plan)

1. There was real concern for the suffering of Europeans after the war

2. To build up the European economy and avoid the economic depression that came after WWII

3. To build a market for U.S. goods—TRADE

4. MOST IMPORTANTLY—to keep the weak European nations from falling under Communist control.

What were the signs that the U.S. was determined to stop the spread of communism?


1. U.S. maintained wartime military power2. Draft registration was kept in place 3. Doubled up efforts to build a hydrogen

bomb (nuclear weapons program)4. ****National Security Act of 1947….. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Reorganized the military Gave the President more power to


Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan (4:00)

WWII Ends and Cold War Begins (4:30)

From World War to Cold War (10:00)

Berlin Airlift, 1949

Germany and Berlin Divided 4 Ways after WWII

What was the Berlin Crisis and Berlin Airlift? (1948-1949)

Problem: In 1948 the Soviets tried to take control of all of Berlin. Stalin closed all highway and rail routes into West Berlin. The U.S., France, and Great Britain could not get supplies to their part of the city and over 2,000,000 people were going to run out of food.

Solution: Instead of armed conflict, the Americans and the British flew tons supplies into the city for almost a year. This act was known as the Berlin Airlift. The Soviets backed down.

Lt. Gail Halvorsen, the “Candy Bomber ”

SATP Practice Question

Berlin Airlift 60 years later

Berlin Airlift (5:00)

Why was 1949 a critical year in U.S. and world history?

NATO—North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed

Soviets tested their first atomic bomb

China fell to the Communists

National Security Council Report –NSC-68 expanded the policy of containment---later leads to U.S. military action in Korea and Vietnam

What is NATO?What is NATO?

NATO—North Atlantic Treaty Organization In 1949, 12Western nations formed NATO to combat

Communist aggression.

**This was the FIRST time the U.S. had entered into a military alliance with other nations during peacetime.

An attack on one was considered an attack on all. It is an organization of collective defense.

Soviet Union countered with Warsaw Pact (1955) A military alliance of communist nations and their


NATO is active and still growing today.

SATP Practice Question

SATP Practice Question

Why was NSC-68 so important? Why was NSC-68 so important? (1949) (1949)

National Security Council Report-68 1. Truman and advisors expanded the Truman Doctrine and U.S. foreign policy to fight the spread of Communism around the globe (not just in areas of value to the U.S.) This will lead U.S. fighting in Korea and Vietnam. 2. Enlarged the U.S. military 3. Military spending 4 times higher than before

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Alliance

Cold War Quiz

1. Which 2 nations entered into a military, economic and ideological competition after WWII?

2. What approach did George Kennan and President Harry Truman believe was best to deal with communism?

3. Why did the US spend billions to help rebuild Europe (including Germany) after WWII?

4. What action did the US take when the Soviet Union cut off supply roads to Berlin?

5. Why did the US and other democracies join the NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION? (NATO)

Section 2:The Cold War

Heats Up

Ch 18: The Cold War

The China Problem: How did China Fall Under Communist Control? (1949)

After WWII a civil war broke out in China.

The Communists under Mao Zedong took over.

They established the People’s Republic of China.

Americans were shocked when China fell to the Communists. They became more determined to stop the spread of Communism around the globe.

Cold War Map 1949 Cold War Map 1949 (There had been NO Communist countries in 1917)

Why did the U.S. go to War in Korea? (1950)

Communist North Korea invaded democratic

South Korea. The U.S., with the support of the United

Nations, sent troops to keep South Korea from falling to the Communists.

General Douglas MacArthur led U.S. troops in Korea.

Harry Truman was President and he wanted to contain Communism—keep it from spreading.

Korean War 1950- 1953


Cold War conflict to

save South Korea from


Marine dead in the Chosin Reservoir area. The Marines carried them all home. The Chinese stripped clothing from some of the bodies.

The U.S. Fights in Korea (map 613)

U.S. troops pushed back the North Koreans.Chinese became alarmed when U.S. troops

moved through North Korea toward China. The Chinese sent troops to help the North

Koreans push the Americans back south.****The war between North and South Korea

had turned into a war between the Chinese communists and the U.S.

Why did President Truman Fire General Douglas MacArthur?


General MacArthur wanted U.S. troops to attack China and drop atomic bombs on China.

President Harry Truman did not want to go to war with China (and the Soviet Union).

General MacArthur sent letters to officials in Washington and to newspapers criticizing Truman.

Truman fired MacArthur, a WWII hero.

General Douglas MacArthur

During the Korean War, President Harry Truman relieved MacArthur from his command. He came home to a hero’s welcome.

MacArthur had defied direct orders, broken a gag order, and upset negotiations for peace.

He asked for 26 atomic bombs to drop in North Korea and China.

How did the Korean War End? (1953)

Right where it began-at the 38th parallel. The border was just where it was before the fighting started.

Communism had been contained in Korea

No nuclear weapons had been used

Korea remained a divided country and still is today.

What Impact Did the Korean War Have on Americans at Home?

54,ooo Americans were killed and the war cost $67 billion.

Americans became even more fearful of communist aggression

Americans began to search for communists in the U.S. This led to the second Red Scare—fear of communism at home.

Americans voted for a Republican for president in 1952.

Ch 18: The Cold War Ch 18: The Cold War

Section 3: The Cold War at Home

How did Americans React to the Fear of Communist Infiltration in the U.S.?

1.Americans were afraid communism would spread around the world and to the U.S. –led to the second ”Red Scare” –fear of communism in the U.S.

2.Loyalty Review Board investigated Communists in the U.S. government

3. HUAC investigated Communists in the movie industry

4. Spies were brought to trial: Alger Hiss and Rosenbergs

5. Senator Joseph McCarthy charged the government was filled with Communists---”McCarthyism”

6. Americans spied on their neighbors


Book on explaining how Communism works.

Senator Joseph McCarthy charged the U.S. government was filled with


Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs

Diagram of a nuclear weapon type device the Rosenbergs were accused of passing

to the Soviets

SATP Practice Question

Section 4: Two nations live on

the Edge

Ch: 18 The Cold War

What was the Policy of “Brinkmanship?” (1950s)

Under President Eisenhower the U.S. adopted a policy of nuclear readiness: the U.S. would be prepared to use its atomic weapons against any aggressor. The U.S. was willing to go to the edge—or brink—of war.


1. Name the very large nation that fell under communist control in 1949.

2. Why did the US go to war in Korea in 1950?3. The Korean War was considered a US victory. Did we

accomplish our goal of containing communism? Y/N4. What do these things have in common? House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) Loyalty Review Board McCarthyism5. President Eisenhower’s policy of nuclear readiness

was called__________________

What was the arms race?

After WWII the Soviet Union and the United States built and stockpiled nuclear weapons .

The U.S. was in a military competition with the Soviet Union all over the world.

Both countries developed more powerful nuclear weapons that could be launched from longer distances

ICBMs-Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles --can travel 3,000-5,000 miles

The Nuclear Age: Fear and HopeThe Nuclear Age: Fear and Hope


The Soviet R-36 (SS-18 Satan) is the largest ICBM in history, with a Throw weight of 8,800 kg, twice that of Peacekeeper

Why did hostilities between the U.S. and the Soviet Union increase in the


1. The U.S. used the CIA to spy on the Soviets and suspected communists nations

2. The U.S. secretly (covert operations) opposed communist governments and leaders

Iran Guatemala Egypt Soviets supported the spread communism

around the world

What was the Eisenhower Doctrine?

In 1956, Egypt seized control of the Suez Canal which was owned by France and Great Britain.

Britain, France, and Israel sent troops to take back the Suez Canal.

The Soviets threatened to bomb Britain and France.

The U.S. threatened to retaliate.Under President Eisenhower, the U.S. declared

it would defend the Middle East against Communist attack.

The Cold War takes to the Skies

1. Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles could be launched from long distances

2. The Cold War turned into a space race Soviets launched the first satellite in

1957- Sputik I Soviets send the first man into space 3. U.S. uses U-2 spy planes to spy on the

Soviet Union

What was the U-2 Spy Plane Incident and why was it so

important? (1960)

In 1960, Frances Gary Powers was shot down in a U-2 spy plane over the Soviet Union.

The U-2 incident happened right before President Eisenhower and Soviet leader Khrushchev were to meet at a summit.

The U-2 incident embarrassed the U.S. and led to increased tensions between the two countries.

Frances Gary Powers

How did the US and the Soviet Union use technology to wage the Cold War?


Radio Free Europe broadcast information across borders into communist countries

Both developed more powerful nuclear warheads

Both embarked on a space program and launched the first satellites into space

Both developed ICBMs=Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles=long range missiles

U-2 Spy Planes and aerial photography Both used computers to decode messages Nuclear submarines were developed

How did the U.S. and the Soviet Union use Technology to Wage the Cold War?

Radio Free Europe –broadcasting signals into communist controlled countries

Satellites –SputnikSpace Race ComputersSpy planes Nuclear weapons ICBMsStar Wars (1980s) Strategic Defense System


The Big Picture: COLD WAR --SUMMARY

**** The potential for a nuclear war with the Soviet Union influenced every aspect of American foreign policy for 45 years –from WWII-1990….and beyond

MAD=Mutually assured destruction

Cold War—nuclear arms race

Korean War Cuban Missile Crisis Vietnam War Afghanistan***Concern today: The spread of nuclear

weapons to North Korea and Iran….

North Korea