The Civil Rights Movement Introduction

“Its long, continuous movement, flowing like a river, sometimes powerful, tumultuous and rolling with life, at other times meandering and turgid, covered with ice and snow of seemingly endless winters…we are indeed the river, and at the same time that river is more than us-generations more, millions more. Through such an opening we may sense that the river of black struggle is people, but it is also the hope, the movement, the transformative power that humans create and that create them, us, and make them, us new persons. So we black people are the river; the river is us.” -Vincent Harding

Transcript of The Civil Rights Movement Introduction

Page 1: The Civil Rights Movement Introduction

“Its long, continuous movement, flowing like a river, sometimes powerful, tumultuous and rolling with life, at other times meandering and turgid, covered with ice and snow of seemingly endless winters…we are indeed the river, and at the same time that river is more than us-generations more, millions more. Through such an opening we may sense that the river of black struggle is people, but it is also the hope, the movement, the transformative power that humans create and that create them, us, and make them, us new persons. So we black people are the river; the river is us.” -Vincent Harding

Page 2: The Civil Rights Movement Introduction

Booker T. Washington


Frederick Douglass

“abolitionist and emancipator”

W.E.B. Du Bois“agitator”“Talented


Ida B. Wells“Women's rights”

“Anti-lynching”“Winchester Philosophy”

Page 3: The Civil Rights Movement Introduction

Civil Rights Movement (Music and Video)\11 Strange Fruit (1939 Single Versio.m4a