The City of Tampa Mayor Election - TPOA › Feb2019.pdfthe TPOA to make arrange-ments and avoid...

February-March 2019 An Opportunity To Better Know The Candidates A Chance To Let Them Know YOU! It is a crowded field, seven candidates have qualified to be on the ballot, one may be a write-in. Some candidates are very familiar with New Tampa, some may need the help of a map to find New Tampa. It will be up to New Tampa voters (there are more than 17,000 registered) to choose a candidate that best will serve and not forget New Tampa needs such as recreation, roads, sidewalks and code enforcement to name a few. There is a candidate forum scheduled for here in New Tampa. If possible please attend. See below. Mayoral Election Shines A Light On Our Area - Often Ignored The upcoming elections are focusing a light on Tampa Palms and New Tampa. The area once described as out at the end of the road to nowherehas been for the last two decades a vibrant contributor to the great City of Tampa in a number of ways: Commercially - Major employers Recreation - Rec Center serving New Tampa AND citizens from other parts of Tampa Socially - New Cultural Center (in progress) Source of Revenue - Contributes more than 13% of the total City of Tampa Property Taxes Did You Know New Tampa pays more property tax than the cities of Temple Terrace and Plant City COMBINED? New Tampa pays a higher percentage of market value that any jurisdiction in Hillsborough County? There are 37,000 + residents in New Tampa (combined owner occupied and apartment homes). The City of Tampa Mayor Election The Choice Is Important To Tampa Palms Percent of Mkt Value Paid For Taxes Hills County-non city 66% City of Tampa 65% Temple Terrace 69% City of Plant City 63% New Tampa 77% ($000)

Transcript of The City of Tampa Mayor Election - TPOA › Feb2019.pdfthe TPOA to make arrange-ments and avoid...

  • February-March 2019

    An Opportunity To Better Know The Candidates A Chance To Let Them Know YOU!

    It is a crowded field, seven candidates have qualified to be on the ballot, one may be a write-in. Some candidates are very familiar with New Tampa, some may need the help of a map to find New Tampa. It will be up to New Tampa voters (there are more than 17,000 registered) to choose a candidate that best will serve and not forget New Tampa needs such as recreation, roads, sidewalks and code enforcement to name a few. There is a candidate forum scheduled for here in New Tampa. If possible please attend. See below.

    Mayoral Election Shines A Light On Our Area - Often Ignored

    The upcoming elections are focusing a light on Tampa Palms and New Tampa. The area once described as “out at the end of the road to nowhere” has been for the last two decades a vibrant contributor to the great City of Tampa in a number of ways:

    • Commercially - Major employers

    • Recreation - Rec Center serving New Tampa AND citizens from other parts of Tampa

    • Socially - New Cultural Center (in progress)

    • Source of Revenue - Contributes more than 13% of the total City of Tampa Property Taxes

    Did You Know

    √ New Tampa pays more property tax than the cities of Temple Terrace and Plant City COMBINED?

    √ New Tampa pays a higher percentage of market value that any jurisdiction in Hillsborough County?

    √ There are 37,000 + residents in New Tampa (combined owner occupied and apartment homes).

    The City of Tampa Mayor Election The Choice Is Important To Tampa Palms

    Percent of Mkt Value Paid For Taxes

    Hills County-non city 66%

    City of Tampa 65%

    Temple Terrace 69%

    City of Plant City 63%

    New Tampa 77%


  • Tampa Palms Report Card

    Community collections continue to improve.

    Overwhelmingly Tampa Palms owners pay their assessments on time, (which are only a modest $280 per year for resi-dential units) . The commercial units pay on time as well. Of the 3,407 residential units (including the apartments) there are only 191 delinquent owners and of the 27 commercial entities there are no delinquent owners. Still it is always unfortunate when late paying owners have to be referred to the attorney for collection of the annual dues - which are less than $300 a year. It is a waste of money as the de-linquent owners wind up paying substantial legal fees. Even without attorney charges, late fees add up: of the total outstanding as of Dec 31, 2018, 24% were late fees. Any owner with unpaid assessments should contact the TPOA to make arrange-ments and avoid legal ac-tion.

    PAGE 2


    Thanks to the Women’s Club you can sell your “former treasures” in safety at Compton Park.

    Police remind everyone that community yard sales are safer than home yard sales

    Less work than a home yard sale √ Women's Club does the advertising √ Space provided for $15.00 √ Bring your own table or rent one for $15

    For more information about the Community Yard Sale, please call Compton at 977-3337 or contact the TPWC at 615-9600.

    The Tampa Palms Professional Staff

    Total Outstanding $82,055.50

    Assessments $62,061.98

    Fines & Fees $19,993.52

  • Celebrate the 2019 Fashion Season

    As The Latest Styles and Fashions

    Grace The Runway At

    The Tampa Palms Country Club

    Each year the event of the Spring is the Tampa

    Palms Women’s Club Fashion Show.

    This year marks the 27th time the TPWC has sponsored

    the Tampa Palms Spring Fashion Show.

    Mark Your Calendars

    On April 11th it will be fashion, luncheon, a host of raffle

    surprises and plenty of fun…. all for an excellent cause,

    the OASIS Network.

    PAGE 3

    Tampa Palms Women’s Club

    Celebrates 32 Years in 2019

    After a “shimmering” holiday gala, the Tampa Palms

    Women’s Club began the celebration of their 32nd

    year with the induction of the 2019 Board at the Jan

    15th Installation Luncheon.

    Executive Board

    President: Pat Horvath

    Vice-President: Purinma Kumar

    Secretary: Debbie Libertiny

    Treasurer: Sharon Padley

    Membership: Hoa Daniel & Hallie Rice

    Charities: Marion Brookover

    Activities: Beth Hatfield

    Senior Advisor: Charlotte Hogue

    Standing Committee Chairpersons:

    Newsletter: Suzanne Levine

    Hospitality: Pam Fahey

    Public Relations: Mary Field

    Sunshine: Edie Dutz

    Scholarship: Ivonne Blank

    Its Off To the Races February 20th

    The February activity is a trip to Oldsmar to Tampa Bay

    Downs for a day of racing, a spot of wagering, lunch and a

    lot of fun. The $23 per person tickets include admission,

    racing program, lunch and indoor reserved seating. Spouses

    and friends are invited.

    - Reservation and payment due by Feb 7th

    - For questions please contact Beth Hatfield at

    [email protected]

    Race Day Plans

    • Meet at Compton Park at 10:15 AM to pick up tickets,

    get maps, join the carpool. Buffet 11:30

    • Non carpool - go to Tampa Bay Downs at: 11225 Race

    Track Road, Tampa

  • Door to door soliciting has long posed a problem for home owners and the police alike. The main concern of many residents is that the solicitors may have more on their mind than selling, such as staking out possible tar-gets for theft and worse.

    What Can The Police Do?

    The challenge for Tampa Palms and the police is that all of the roads in the non-gated villages are public rights-of-way and it is not possible for the police to “ban” unwant-ed solicitors from public areas such as sidewalks.

    What Can Owners Do? Tampa Palms owners who do not want solicitors at their doors may post no soliciting signs in their front yards or by the front door. (Get RMC approval.) The police recommend doing this and they can and will enforce these signs on owners’ private property.

    More Tampa Police Advice

    The police report that if you’re home during the day and hear a knock at the door, your first instinct might be to ignore what is the probable solicitor, but that’s not al-ways the best idea.

    When an uninvited guest knocks at your door, this is the recommended action

    • Don’t ignore the knock, a burglar may be just testing to see if someone is home and try to enter if all is quiet.

    • Never open your door to a stranger! Communicate with him/her through a two-way audio doorbell or device, or just simply speak through a closed door.

    • Answer loudly that you are busy and to leave, in a firm voice.

    • If they continue to knock and make excuses, loudly inform them through the door that you are calling the police.

    • Be wary of security sales representatives or anyone who suddenly shows up at your door claiming they need to repair, upgrade or service equipment inside your home.

    Call Tampa Police Non-Emergency at 813-231-6130 to

    report any aggressive solicitor at your door.

    Standards Make

    The Difference

    Community standards are vital to the health and value of Tampa Palms. Those who do not properly maintain their property place at risk:

    • The value of their own property

    • The value of their neighbors property

    • And also the reputation of the community.

    Declining neighborhood property care is not only unpleas-ant, it also negatively affects the property values of all owners, not just the property with a violation. Home buyer research indicates that an overwhelming pro-portion of home shoppers (62%) base their final buying decisions equally on the house and the neighborhood.

    In the last few years the number of violations has increased: Owners don’t notice the problems New owners may be unaware of what is required

    That said, an overwhelming majority of owners who are cited correct the problem after receiving nothing more than a single notification.

    How Are Violations Determined? If you receive notification that something needs attention in order to meet Tampa Palms standards, don’t assume a neighbor has “reported your home” or that a Board has singled your home out for some reason and become angry and defensive. The property managers independently re-view properties in the villages on a rotating basis and their criteria is solely based on if what they observe meets the standards of the governing documents. If someone were to report a property as needing attention (and this seldom happens) the property managers would not cite the owner until:

    They inspected the property themselves and Have confirmed that a violation exists

    It is the policy of the TPOA that:

    • Board members do not tell the property managers on which properties or villages to focus

    • Covenants and Fining Committee members do not di-rect the activities of the property managers.

    Solicitors Allowed In Tampa Palms?

  • PAGE 5

    County Commissioner Updates

    Pillars Construction Commences The widening of BB Downs took away much of the grandeur of the main entries, especially for Area 1 where the widening of the roadway leading to and from BB Downs required the removal of 30 plus majestic oaks. While landscape cannot return the lost look of the entries, Hardeman Kempton designed pillars and fencing to line the entry and exit of Area 1 and smaller pillars and fencing for in front of the pond corner and SunTrust corner for Area 2. (See designs which have appeared in previous newsletters below.) Permitting, property delineation, dead tree removals and conflicts with utility easements that had to be researched and managed delayed the construction, Finally everything is a go for three of the locations (SunTrust is still an issue with utility easements.) Area 1 and the pond should be finished in the coming weeks.

    Area 1 Entrance & Exit

    Area 2 Pond Front Hardeman Kempton Designs

    Main Entry Embellishments

    Commissioner Hagan Returns

    In the November 2018 election County Commissioner Ken Hagan returned to his New Tampa roots in our District 2. Arguably one of the most knowledgeable folks about New Tampa outside of Councilman Viera, Commissioner Hagan has his staff routinely update Tampa Palms on matters of concern to our citizens.

    More Construction on I-75 (Toll Lanes) - Maybe FDOT has a study underway at this time to assess the value of toll and/or express lanes from Moccasin Wallow Road in Manatee County to Bruce B. Downs. The Commissioner’s staff advises that FDOT will begin the process of holding public meetings and taking comments this Fall - 2019. The study is projected to be completed around March of 2020. This is NOT a County project but the Commissioner's staff is assisting in keeping Tampa Palms informed.

    Long Promised Hunters Lake Project The County and Hunter’s Lake LLC finally closed on the property December 27, 2018. As part of the agreement, the developer will create various civic amenities including: shared walkways, parking, a dog park, and initial preparation of the intended site of the New Tampa Cultural Arts Center. Stores (including most likely a coveted Sprouts) along with 241 apartments homes are scheduled for completion in late 2019 to early 2020. At this point there is no confirmed timeline for the public features, however, work is anticipated to start this Spring and be completed by July 2020. Stay tuned….

  • The focus on maintaining, improving and growing the tree canopy in Tampa originates with the numerous and measurable benefits that a robust urban tree canopy brings to an area. The tree study data collection is all-inclusive utilizing state of the art aerial mapping and “boots on the ground” data collection, verifica-tion and mapping. The benefits to the tree canopy are realized in four gen-eral areas:

    • Increased home sales prices*, calculated as an aver-age to impact sales pricing by a +1% for the City of Tampa… most likely MUCH MORE for Tampa Palms.

    • Energy conservation*, most notably shading effects on reduced air conditioning needs.

    • Pollution removal*, cleaner air and reduced effects of auto emissions and substantial carbon sequestering.

    • Stormwater runoff reduction*, reduced flooding and flooding damage.

    *The data behind these results is well explained within the 2016 Forest report, along with the criteria the City has established for evaluating the Tampa urban forest. The TPOA has conveniently made the full report availa-ble online at:

    A Fact of Enormous Pride: Tampa Palms Is

    Over the years, multiple City of Tampa administrations have taken measures to protect the urban forest within the City. In 2006 a comprehensive inventory of the tree canopy inside the city was ordered. The inventory took the bet-ter part of a year and analysis of the data almost another year. The inventory and analysis were per-formed by a collaborative team from USF and the University of Florida, following the established USDA Forest Service field protocols.

    The inventory has been repeated every five years, in 2011 and 2016, with results reported in the year following the data collection.

    Late last year the 2016-17 study results were released with some interesting results:

    • New Tampa as an area has the greatest % of tree canopy coverage in the City.

    • Only New Tampa and the University Area increased in % of tree canopy - this despite new construction in both areas. (see chart below)

    • Tampa Palms alone has the highest % of tree cano-py of any City neighborhood with 73% (Tampa Palms North was second with 71% - the average of all 104 City neighborhoods is only 36.5%)

    Center Piece of Tampa’s Urban Forest

  • PAGE 7

    An Environmental Jewel In the City of Tampa

    Tampa Palms truly has some amazing examples of wildlife, some endearing, some not so much. There are a number of endangered or protected species that call Tampa Palms home. There is a booklet produced with the help of FWC and the U of Fla on the TPOA website.

    To see some of the lesser known wildlife that calls Tampa Palms home, you can go online to:

    A Word About Coyotes The chirping bark of coyotes has been heard in Tampa Palms; mostly from the lands near the Country Club and river. During periods when the conservation areas flood, the coyotes venture further into dry areas near villages.

    According the FWC ranger assigned to the area, coyotes are about the size of a small German Shepherd, they eat mostly rodents BUT small dogs and cats allowed to roan are in danger.

    There is one cayote that lives on the power corridor near TP North but ventures into Tampa Palms on occasion. This animal seems to have lost a leg (healed) and doesn’t travel with a pack.

    Like the pigs shown below right and the bob cat with her two kittens below left, the ranger warns that no wild animal should be approached or fed.

    Some contributors to social media sites in and around Tampa Palms have expressed alarm that “continued construction” is taking away wildlife habitat in Tampa Palms- fortunately it is not. (TP North is likewise closed, only additional building in this area is the remaining entitlements in TPOST 3) The DRI for Tampa Palms is CLOSED. √ The last approved creation of a village in

    Area 1 was in 1994 (Estates at River Park)

    √ The last village created in Area 2 was in in 2004 (Palma Vista Townhomes)

    Tampa Palms is unique in that there are considerable conservation, wetlands and protected ELAPP lands within the boundaries. Total Acres in Tampa Palms1 3, 341 Impervious Acres (homes / driveways/ pools/ roads) 368 Grass & Shrub Acres (lawns recreation spaces and landscape ) 401 Water Acres (ponds) 134

    Acres untouched by development 2,438 1Acres confirmed and mapped by the City of

    Tampa in their tree report.

    Equally unique is the fact that wildlife in Tampa Palms is protected in several ways:

    • City of Tampa that confirmed that neither the Tampa Palms Master Plan nor the Development of Regional Impact provide for hunting and trapping of animals as a permitted use.

    • The TPOA recently strengthened the Governing Documents to further protect wildlife.

    Amazing Wildlife: A Tampa Palms Specialty



  • More Applause For the Freedom High Cheer Program

    The 2018-2019 Freedom High School Cheering Program has had many accomplishments this year. Coach Molly Chang worked with the girls all summer long to be prepared for competition season. Additionally Linda Martinez, the former coach of FHS, returned after a two year retirement and the results are outstanding. The squad competed at four mini-regional competitions:

    • Won 1st place twice and

    • Won 2nd place twice. They also placed 2nd at State Regionals which allowed them to surpass the preliminaries and head straight to finals for States. There are two more competitions and there is ever confi-dence that the team will shine with great routines at both the Western Conference and States. In the words of Coach Short in a recent tweet….

    Pictured left to right: Nicole Bogdanoff, Julia DeMik, Haylie Selheimer, Sierra Skeslock (behind Haylie), Me-gan Dunbar, Ryleigh Gray(behind Megan), Karli Del Giudice, Ava Hanzelka, Yesenia Lainez, Leah Abel, Bethany Booth, McKenzie Snow, Reagan Bray, Emily Spedale, Erika Hanzelka and Mackenzie Maddox.

    What’s Happening @ Freedom High School

    A Gifted Vision Wins Reflections 1st Prize

    The entire Freedom High School

    family is pleased to congratulate

    the very accomplished Jacqueline


    Jacqueline’s work wowed the

    judges so much that she took

    away the 1st Place Prize Freedom

    HS Level of the National PTA

    Reflections Art Competition

    (Visual Arts category).

    Her artwork, which was titled "Heroes Around Me", was

    created to depict the diverse and extensive corps of individ-

    uals from military servicemen, to physicians and nurses,

    firefighters, the police, the teachers, and of course parents

    who help to support, protect and love you. In essence, all of

    her [and our] “everyday heroes."

    Featured in the photo above (from left to right are): RoseMarie Dowe-Kelley, Reflections Chair Jacqueline Garcia, Reflections winner Jeannine Armington PTA President


    The National PTA Reflections Program is an acclaimed

    student recognition program for the cultural arts; one dedi-

    cated to giving students confidence in their abilities to ex-

    plore ideas and learn through the arts!

    Each year, hundreds of thousands of students in Pre-K through Grade 12 create and submit original works of art in one or all of the available arts categories.

  • PAGE 9

    Poisonous Snake Alert

    What’s Happening In Tampa Palms

    Tampa Palms owners are busy and sometimes it is not possible to attend TPOA or CDD meetings. The community uses several strategies to bridge that gap.

    • This newsletter is mailed to every owner in Tampa Palms by US Mail

    • If requested, the newsletter will be sent to any owner via email in PDF format.

    • The newsletter is made available online at the Tampa Palms web site,

    If you would like to have the TPOA newsletter emailed to you every month, please send your email address to Bonnie French at [email protected] to be included. The Tampa Palms web site,, has up to date information for the TPOA and the CDD, including financial information, meetings presentations and recording files with background information on what is happening in Tampa Palms.

    Social media sites are both a boom to information sharing in communities such as Tampa Palms and a potential problem.

    • “The word” can be quickly disseminated about problems or situations such as the wildfire across I-75 last summer or accidents and road closings.

    • Upcoming meetings or community activities can be shared.

    • Unfortunately unvetted and inaccurate information can also be shared causing unneeded alarm. This recently happened on a closed Facebook site and on Nextdoor. Always check out info received online.

    There is a single “open” Facebook site privately maintained by a resident for Tampa Palms. It carries announcements and posts answers to questions of general interest. It avoids political, or controversial matters.

    There are 6-7 “closed” Facebook groups in Tampa Palms where the administrators maintain order.

    Information For Tampa Palms Citizens

    It’s That Time of Year Tampa Fire Rescue warns that at this time of year with chilly temperatures there is a greater chance of “running into” a snake sunning in places where they are not usually seen. Many are not poisonous but in Tampa Palms/ Florida in general, quite a few are dangerous. If you are surprised and bitten, SEEK HELP IMMEDIATELY

    For more information and to view pictures of the most common

    local snakes go to

    The ponds are designed to receive storm water from the streets for treatment. Anything thrown in the streets will ultimately make its way to the ponds. It is for that reason that it is vital not to throw trash, oils, fertilizers or any foreign substance into the streets or into the storm drains….. it all goes to the ponds. Some people, including some tradesmen working in Tampa Palms, may not be aware of how the stormwater system works. They think the water goes to the sewers; it does not. Please take a minute to make certain workers on your property do not place yard waste or chemicals, into the drains and call the CDD if you see trash in a pond.


    Immobilize area of bite

    (foot/leg/arm) if possible

    Keep bite lower than heart

    Remove any tight clothing

    or jewelry and wash area

    Be prepared for shock.


    Don’t place ice on wound

    Don’t use a tourniquet

    Don’t cut the bite area,

    that is for Tarzan in old


    Help Keep Our Ponds Clean

    A Word About Social Media

  • PAGE 10

    Community Director: Jo Ann Conrad

    Senior Property Manager: Bonnie French

    Property Manager: Brian Koerber

    16101 Compton Drive M-F 9 AM - 5 PM Phone: 977-3337 Fax: 978-8067 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site:

    Board of Directors Bill Edwards, President 977-3337 Warren Dixon, VP 977-3337 Jane Condrey, Secretary 977-3337 Jake Schoolfield, Treasurer 977-3337 Sally Fuson, Director 977-3337

    CDD 16311 TP Blvd. West Maggie Wilson, Consultant Phone: 977-3933 Fax: 977-6571 E-Mail: [email protected] CDD Board of Supervisors Gene Field (Chair) 977-1162 Jake Schoolfield 977-3933 Jim Soley (Vice Chair) 220-3200 Jessica Vaughn 977-3933 A. Michael Gibson 977-3933 One Source (Landscaping ) Joe Laird, Project Manager 267-1756 Tampa Palms Parks Compton Park 972-0897 Hampton Park 972-5699 River Park 971-6241 Police & Fire 911 Non-Emergency Police 231-6130 Non-Emergency Fire 223-4211 Local Schools Tampa Palms Elementary 975-7390 Lawton Chiles Elementary 558-5422 Liberty Middle School 558-1180 Freedom High School 558-1185 Miscellaneous Street Repairs 274-3101 TECO 223-0800 Progressive Waste Solutions 248-2820 Water Department 274-8121 New Tampa Rec Center 975-2794 Councilman Viera 274-7073 Commissioner Hagan 272-5452

    A Member Event For the Whole Family

    & Their Friends To Enjoy

    February 23, 2019

    3 PM to 6 PM

    Complimentary Hors D’oeuvres *

    * Beverage Specials * Cash Bar * Music

    Drop into the Club and bring your non-member friends with you for a look-see. The Taste of Tampa Palms will be a fun afternoon with Club staff, committees and department staffs providing an opportunity to learn about upcoming events, weekly features, and the many engagements within the Club.

    Don’t Forget To Check Out the

    New Athletic Center

  • FEB - M AR 2019

    February, 2019 Calendar

    Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs. Fri Sat

    1 5 Private Event (2)

    2 10 Provate Event (2) 5 Private Event (2)

    Friday, February 8, Fair Day - No School February 14, Valentines Day Monday, February 18 Presidents’ Day - No School

    3 9 Private Event 9:30 Private Event 2 Private Event 4 Girl Scouts

    4 9 Private Event 4 Private Event 6 Private Event 6:30 Westover HOA

    5 10 Private Event 6 Chess Club 6 Girl Scouts

    6 9 Private Event 10 Private Event (2) 6 Fly Fishing

    7 10-2 TPWC Meeting 3 Private Event 6 Private Event

    8 Fair Day 5 Private Event (2)

    9 10 Private Event 10 Private event

    10 9 Private Event 9:30 Private Event 2 Private Event 3 Boy Scouts

    11 9 Private Event 10 Private Event 4 Private Event 6 Cub Scouts

    12 10 Private Event (2)

    6 Chess Club 6 Girl Scouts

    13 10 Private Event (2) 6 CDD meeting

    14 Valentine’s Day 10 TPWC Bridge 3 Private Event (2) 6 Private Event

    15 5 Private Event (2)

    16 10 Private Event (2) 5 Private Event 5 Private Event

    17 9 Private Event 9:30 Private Event 3 Private Event 4 Girl Scouts

    18 9 Private Event 5 TPOA Covenants 6 Private Event 6 Cub Scouts

    19 10 Private Event (2) 1 TPWC Board 5 TPOA Board Mtg 6 Chess Club

    20 9 Private Event 10 Sanctuary Board 10 Private Event 12 Private Event 4 Private Event

    21 3 Private Event 6 Private Event

    22 9 Private Event 5 Private Event (2)

    23 10 Private Event (2) 5 Private Event 5 Private Event

    24 9 Private Event 9:30 Private Event 2 Pinewood Derby 3 Boy Scouts

    25 9 Private Event 6 Private Event 6 Cub Scouts

    26 10 Private Event (2)

    6 Chess Club 6 Girl Scouts

    27 10 Private Event 5 Private Event


    10TPWC Bridge 3 Private Event 6 Private Event

    MARCH, 2019 1 10 Private Event 5 Private Event 5 Private Event

    2 9-1 Community Yard Sale 5 Private Event (2)

    March 5th - Election Day March 18 - Mar 25 Spring Break - No School

    3 9 Private Event 9:30 Private Event 2 Private Event 3 Girl Scouts

    4 9 Private Event 12 Private Event 4 Private Event 6 Private Event


    10 Private Event (2)

    5 Private Event

    6 Chess Club

    6 9 Private Event 10 Private Event 4 Private Event 6 Fly Fishing

    7 10 TPWC Meeting 3 Private Event 5 Girl Scouts 6 Private Event

    8 9 Private Event

    9 10 Private Event 10 Private event 5 Private Event (2)

    10 9 Private Event 9:30 Private Event 2 Private Event 3 Boy Scouts

    11 9 Private Event 4 Private Event 6 Cub Scouts

    12 10 Private Event (2) 6 Chess Club 6 Girl Scouts

    13 6 PM CDD Meeting

    14 10 TPWC Bridge 3 Private Event 6 Private Event

    15 10 Private Event 10 Private Event 5 Private Event 5 Private Event

    16 10 Private Event 10 Private Event 5 Private Event 5 Private Event

    17 9 Private Event 9:30 Private Event 3 Private Event 4 Girl Scouts

    18 Spring Break 9 Private Event 5 Covenants Com 6 Cub Scouts

    19 10 Private Event (2) 5 TPOA Board Mtg

    20 9 Private Event 10 Sanctuary Board 10 Private Event

    21 10 Private Event 5:30 Kensington Board 6 Private Event

    22 5 Private Event 5 Private Event

    23 10 Private Event 10 Private Event 5 Private Event (2)

    24 / 31st Both 9 Private 9:30 Private

    24th Only 3 Boy Scouts

    25 9 Private Event 6 Private Event 6 Cub Scouts

    26 10 Private Event (2) 6 Chess Club 6 Girl Scouts 7 Sterling Manor

    27 5 Private Event 5 Private Event


    10 Private Event

    10 TPWC Bridge

    3 Private Event

    6 Private Event


    5 Private Event 5 Private Event


    10 Private Event 10 Private Event 5 Private Event (2)

  • Tampa Palms CDD Meeting Agenda

    February 13th at 6:00 p.m. Compton Park Recreation Building

    16101 Compton Drive, Tampa, FL 33647 1. Roll Call

    2. Pledge of Allegiance

    3. Strategic Planning

    4. Public Comments

    5. Board Member Discussions

    6. Project Updates

    Signature Projects TP Blvd Restorations - Phase 1 I 75 Updates Pond Management

    7. Misc. Board Business

    8. Public Comments

    9. Board Member Discussions

    10. Adjourn

    Fido Faux Paws

    Pick-Up After Pets

    Animal waste runs off lawns and sends harmful bacteria into the storm drains and into the ponds. Pick up solid pet waste and dis-pose in the garbage, NEVER IN THE STORM DRAINS. Some owners have found it useful

    to secure a planter or other container out of doors and use that to hold “poop bags” until garbage day.

    Keep Your Pet Leashed & Stay Away From Ponds

    All pets should be on a leash held by a re-sponsible individual when out of doors in Tampa Palms. This is a Tampa Palms rule and also a City and County ordinance.

    Never walk a pet near a pond, on or off a leash, and never approach or lean down near a pond bank yourself.

    There are thousands of alligators in Tampa Palms and everyone should assume that there is an alligator in every pond no matter if you see them or not.

    “Tampa Palms” and the Palm Tree device are registered trademarks of the Tampa Palms Owners Association Inc.