Henry C. Bollman and Qua Van de Gorbort Engage In Shooting Affray Because of Barking Dog—Neither Is Seriously Hurt ;V:v',-. Th' Herald will pay $10 in cash tc- anyoo furnishing evidence that will lead to the arrest and conviction of any perso caught stealing copies of The Herad from the premises of our pa- trons THE HERALD. Scenes on Board of Trade Noisily Realistic— Miss Jane Oaker Gives Excellent Interpretation of Role Van de Gorbort is at the Burbank hospital under the care of surgeons. It is said that half a dozen of the shotgun pellets struck him in the face, inflicting painful injuries. Bollman was arrested upon this in- formation and sent to jail until his friends furnish bond for him. Constable Cline . telephoned to the authorities at Burbank to hold the youth until . he could be arrested and received an answer that the boy had already sworn out a warrant for the arrest of Bollman. After filing his complaint Bollman was directed to the office of a. Justice of the peace, and swore out a -warrant for the arrest of the lad. An -argument ensued and Bollman alleges Gorbort drew a revolver and fired three shots 'at him. None of the shots were effective, and the old man went to his house, secured. a shotgun and returning fired-in a general direc- tion at the horse and boy. According to Bollman' s story Van de Gorbort, the" youth, was riding past the Bollman home , Sunday evening when Bollman's dog barked at the horse and the boy struck the dog with a heavy riding whip. . '\u25a0 .'\u25a0 Bollman came to Los Angeles early yesterday morning and complained at the district attorney's office that he had been in danger of his life through the caprice of a bad boy. A duel on the Burbank road between an old farmer and an excited youth Sunday night resulted yesterday In the arrest of Henry C. Bollman and the detention of Gus Van de Gorbort at the Burbank hospital. .. HURT IN RUNAWAY ELEVATOR fcIVES CLEAR PICTURE OF STAGE LIFE AS IT IS Vivian really surprised even those of the audience who were well aware of his talents by the excellence of his portrayal of the role of Gunning. Leading Man Galbraith, with his hair powdered on the sides to give a literary touch to his make up, was Galbraith most of the time which evidently isn't Just what Author Chambers had 1 in mind when he wrote the part. How- ever, the Belasco's leading man was> fine appearing chap throughout the four acts of "The Tyranny of Tears," and even if he did evidence a fondness for sing-songy articulation at times the feminine portion of the audience for- gave It—perhaps on account of that added touch of gray to the temples. Bertha Blanchard. as the weepy I wife used the rich tones of her admirable voice to splendid advantage last night, and her Mrs. Parbury was easily the best thing she has done since she joined the Belasco company. It is rather hard to say Just which Belascotte scored the most substantial hit, as each of the players concerned was enormously successful, but the chief honors undoubtedly belong to Juliet Crosby and Richard Vivian, \u25a0with Galbralth and BertHa Blanchard # close seconds, while that brilliant actor, Howard Scott, again proved his splen- did capabilities as a character player of fine attainments. Miss Crosby gava a beautifully subtle and fllnlshcd inter- pretation of the part of the private sec- retary. She secured her points almost without the slightest effort, while there were much force and authority in her scene with the wife when she discovers the secretary saying nice, pleasant things to the picture of the husband. But in the end everything - was straightened out to the intense satis- faction of everyone— including the large audience, who voted "The Tyranny of Tears" one of the most amusing and downright diverting: plays that has ever been given at the Belasco. Of course the wife had to go back to her father, who really didn't want her a little bit, for she was a living re- minder of her late mother, who had posaessed very much the same traits that were so prominent in the make-up of the daughter. Lachye to Lecture Wton Lackaye will deliver a lectura befoj the Mason Opera House School of Iramatlc Arts iat Blanchard hall this kfternoon at 3 o'clock. W. F. C. Entertainment Arientertainment will be given next Frldy evening by the patriotic in- strutor of Stanton corps at 125% Sou* Spring, street illustrating the -bulling of the flag. Acc»ed of Forgery ABurth was held in the sum of $150(jto answer to the superior court by Jdge Chambers yesterday, on the chare of forging the name of R. S, Hdwind to a check. Arreied at Circus Tent L. Hattock and John Pursell were arrered yesterday afternoon on the circu grounds by Officers Boyd and Ingrin on the charge of speculating In admitance tickets and later were fined $5 ech by Judge Chambers. The ar- rest^' were made In accordance with the iw passed by the last legislature whid prohibits speculating in sale of tickts. Numerous complaints reached theifflcers during the day of a man eng'ged In selling circus tickets on \u25a0the' downtown streets at exorbitant rats. Ne/ Trial Jury Jdge Smith of department one of thisuperlor court yesterday announced th 1 following as the new fall term trjl Jury: R. C. Addlson, Os- Mn Burke. B. W. Bartells, J.| H. Baker. H. J. Butter- wrth, E. P. Beckwlth, G. H. Blont, J. H,Cowdrey, E. H. Dalton, W. S. Ew- irf.'W. H. Gilbert, J. O. Houser, J. FHawk, S. P. Jennison, Clifton Judy, A'drew Joughin, Russell Klncade, F. H Lancaster, D. C. Melrose, W. H. Jtlswender. Chas. J. Nimmer, S. C. Rzer, R. F. Reynolds, Wm. T. Root, "On. Schilling, sr, J. W. Strlngfield, X. Cliff Smith, M. J. Scanlon, R. R. Siith, Jno. Tbwnsley, F. J. Waters, f. A. Walker, Jno. Weber. "Among the dresses worn In Acts I and II are six that took first prize at the fashion show, held in Madison Square garden, New Tork city." "Gowns by Worth, Felix, Mme. O'Shaughnessy and Hitchcock & Bal- kum. Walter Pennington, A. H. Stuart, Hale Hamilton and Miss Buelah Wat- son were especially noticeable for the excellence of their work. The following notes taken from the program presented a feature of special interest to the feminine theatergoer: The s.tory Is told In the third act and in reality no more than that is necessary. The scene of the wheat pit, a novelty in theatrical affairs, made the expected hit with the Mason ' first nlghters and was noisily realistic. The play has InIt much of the sudden blanching of the cheek of the unfortu- nate stock gambler, who has had the bad fortune to be playing against the hero of the story, the muffled revolver shot— "off left"—the "My God, he has killed himself," and a measure of "pent up emotion" for which love Is respon- sible, and the other marks of an "at- mospheric" drama. . Mr. Lackaye is \u25a0 one of the best ac- tors that the Mason has presented for over a year and he alone makes "The Pit" worth seeing. Miss Oaker also deserves praise almost as high. Her charm, besides being one of mere per- sonality, is distinguished by artistic instincts which add Invaluable grace to a role. . In company Wilton Lackaye and his leading woman, Miss Jane, Oaker, stand prominent. The others fit very well Into the picture and there are a few worth special mention, but no surprises. Mr.Lackaye Is excellent as Curtis Jad- wini His vitalityand the Impression of tremendous strength of reserve power which he Is able to convey across the footlights makes him one of a thou- sand for the place of Frank Norrls' hero. His methods are strikingly Indi- vidual and his art is carefully wrought out and strikes true. He Is quiet and conscientious almost to the point where it shows. Both he and . Miss Oaker, in speaking their lines, adopt the "con- versational tone" which has lately be- come so .popular with players. They strive for the "easy, effective natural- ness of movement and voice," and they are immensely successful with it. To use a phrase in keeping with the atmosphere of the play, Wilton Lackaye in William A. Brady's production of "The Pit" may be quoted at par. The play Is not the thing in this case, but it lives very effectively upon its atmosphere and the constant interpola- tion of irrelevant business, the latter alone glvlng^it high rank as a contin- uous vaudeville. . \u25a0 \u25a0 '\u25a0 •„'\u25a0..'.... Clerks in the store who had heard his frantic cries lifted him from tins cage and had him removed to the re- ceiving hospital. He was sent to the Good Samaritan hospital later, where It Is deemed probable that one, if not both, of his legs will be amputated. Watson is 50 years old, and with his wife and child resides at 111 South Figueroa street. According to Watson's story, he be- came thirsty and left the cage for an Instant to get a drink, of water. When his attention was next called to the elevator It was slowly ascending. As the slowly moving cage broke Watson's left leg he reached the con- troller, but was not in time to save his other leg from being mangled and the bones fractured. With one cry of agony, Watson brought the elevator to a stop and reversed the controller. When he reached the first floor he was barely conscious enough to stop the cage and then fainted. In. an attempt to reach the controller of a runaway elevator at the Coulter dry goods store yesterday afternoon J. R. Watson, the operator, made a desperate leap through the open door- way and succeeded In landing within the cage but not soon enough to pre- vent both legs being fractured. Both Legs While Attempting to Regain Control of Cage J. R. Watson Sustains Fracture of TYRANNY OF TEARS MAKES GREAT HIT AT BELASCO fforts Are Being Made to Have Rev. I W. B. Bell Reinstated by Meth. odist Conference Friends and former parishioners of ;ev. W. B. Bell are urging his return nd reinstatement In the South Main treet Methodist church, which he left everal months ago. Until recently othlng was heard from him, but it has leen learned that he has been at the lome of his parents in the northern part of the state. { At an official board meeting of the church last evening the subject was 'discussed for over an hour, finally being I left to the presiding elder, who now I holds the credentials of Rev. Mr.Bell. I Mrs. Bell has not heard from her hus- band since his disappearance, but says she has forgiven him and believes he Is suffering from overwork and nervous strain. She also says that the statement that Mr. Bell left her penniless is not true. She is at .present ministering to humanity at the Door of Hope, East Los Angeles. It is not known what action will be taken at the conference which convenes Wednesday. Dr. Mclntyre, pastor of the First Methodist church, has written R«v. Mr. Bell, urging him to return, j Presiding Elder Adklnson, within whose jurisdiction Mr. Bell's church was located, says that a great deal will dejjend upon Rev. Mr.Bell's statement wlether he is readmitted Into the con- felence. Jev. P. H. Bodkin says that if Rev. Ml Bell becomes reconciled with his wie and wishes to resume active min- ist;y It may be made possible by thw conference. IRGE MINISTER TO RETURN Francis Gerard, strong man, gives an exhibition of physical development which is enviable, and shows that his muscles are real by lifting a few men and some heavy looking apparatus. Dan Quinlan and Kellar Mack have a comedy talking skit "Jest Fun" which is about average. Frank and Harry Brown, "two real Indian college boys," open the bill with some singing and rapid crayon work. Nina Morris in "A Friend's Advice," Howard arid North in "Those Were the Happy Days," the Avon Comedy Four, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allison in "Minnie From Minnesota," and motion pictures complete a good all round bill. As Miss Patricia O'Brien she intro- duces the real stage dang, the petty jealousies, the half pathetic ambition of the lowest su,per, and the real hu- manity beneath it all as probably no stage. picture of the stage has ever done before. Incidentally Miss Stahl has achieved the distinction of being one of the few noted actresses from the legiti- mate drama to "make good" in vaude- ville. Not that there have not been others withprobably as much or more talent, but she has the faculty, so necessary in the tabloid drama, of getting down to business at the start, without await- ing until the last couple of lines of her playet to score her point. The little play is. not all comedy, but it has a touch of pathos in it as well, and its climax Is quite dramatic. It is un- questionably one of the best vaudeville offerings of the season, so far. For a clear cut, accurate, cameo-like picture of stage life as it is—not as it is imagined to be, but as it actually exists, with its humor distinctive and at times unconscious, its scorn of the world the other side of the footlights, and something of its.sordldness as well, Rose Stahl's impersonation in "The Chorus' Lady" at tri"». Orpheum this week is as near perfection as could well be desired. \u25a0 \u25a0-.: .\u25a0';.: ° Chamberlain's Collr, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Never Dtaappointa Twenty years ago Mr. Geo. W. Brock discovered that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was a quick and safe cure for bowel com- plaints. "During all of these years," he says, "I have used it and recommended it many times and the results have never yet disappointed me." Mr. Brock is publisher of the Aberdeen, Md., En- terprise. This is the universal experi- ence of all who rely upon this remedy. It can always be depended upon even inthe most severe and dangerous cases. It Is equally valuable for the children and adults. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. For sale by all leading druggists. PEACEMAKER IS SLASHED PERSONAL Stanford Wilson Attempts to Quell Disturbance in Rooming House li and Is Severely Cut Stanford Wilson attempted to quell a disturbance in a rooming house, on Suiset boulevard last night and was stibbed twice by one of those who were ctarged with creating the disturbance. 'a four-inch gash in Wilson's cheek a)d a deeper and more painful cut ij his shoulder were attended at the receiving hospital last night. j According to Wilson's story, he was (ailed upon by a woman who conducts (he rooming house to quell a'disturb- ance. As he entered the house he. was (attacked by a man with a knife, / While his adversary /was slashing | him Wilson says he struck out vig- il orously and felled his assailant to tha / street,, which enabled Wilson to escape. G. H. Hamstadt, a mine owner and 1 '. mining engineer of Mannville, Call- !, is registered at the Hollenbeck. Ex-United States Senator Bard. is at the Van Nuys. . ;. \u0084' '. . \. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Briggs and family, formerly of . Toledo, Ohio,- are at the \u25a0Westminster. ' But when 'the wife discovered the little secretary talking to the portrait of .the husband and saw her give the carbon print a gentle little friendly- mind, it was a -very, ' very friendly ocsulatory affair—the big point' in the play was' reached and the wife's tears were pitted against the common sense of the private secretary, backed up by the .great need of 'the .husband cut free from the tyrannical lachrymal ducts. "The Tyranny of Tears" has to .do with a young husband and wife and a pert little businesslike private secretary to the husband— a literary fel- low who talks throughout the play as though he had either been a great author or had about made up his mind to be one. Anyway, he had great need of just such a- smart little woman as his private secretary. The early part of the play disclosed the husband as an easy going sort of a man, who relin- quished his friends, severed his club as- sociations and generally gave evidences of a weak nature, simply because his wife had the habit of opposing his wishes, and' she .invariably won her point by a flow of salty weeps that were ludicrous from the viewpoint of the audience,' while they were anything but this to the husband. : \ ' The Belasco company is particularly proficient in the presentation of light, sparkling, effervescent pieces of the sort that ".The Tyranny of Tears" is such a splendid specimen, and last night the players seemed to be keyed up to a point where they gave one of the most finished and delightful performances they have ever offered to their aud- iences. The -circus had no appreciable effect on the attendance at the Belasco theater last night, for the house was crowded w,ith an enthusiastic gather- ing that applauded the many fine and telling points of Haddon Chambers' comedy. "The Tyranny of Tears." Inaurahce Premium* Henvy I.ohn. \u25a0 Records In the office of the superin- tendent of Insurance Indicate that about fourteen millions in cash Is collected annually and sent out of the state in the form of life Insurance premiums. Some of this money may have been used for campaign expenses or in Wall street manipulations. The Conservative Life is a California company, Invests and 1 keep the policyholders" money at home. \hbme- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .-.:.. \u25a0''.'. ( ' '- \u25a0 1 LOS ANGELES HERALD: TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 26, ioo* LACKAYE IN 'PIT' QUOTED AT PAR THE CITY APPLICANT FOR WARRANT \u25a0 IS TAKEN INTO CUSTODY DUEL ON HIGHWAY CAUBEBAR. REST OF PARTICIPANTS Strhgers are Invited to visit the er- hiblfof California products at the Chamer of Commerce building, on Broadvay, between First and Second street, where free Information willbe givenon all subjects pertaining; to this pectin. NORRIS' DRAMATIZED NOVEL AT THE MASON 5 Dorsey Tract 40th, 41st and 42d Streets and Compton Avenue ...Lots For -Sale... ($5OO Each $500) One- third Cash or Monthly Payments Hooper Avenue car line passes right through this tract, which has all street improvements complete. .These are the cheapest lots on the market Close in. Only a Few Left. They WillAll Go Soon C. A. Sumner S Co. \u25a0 , Sole Agents . 214-216 Trust Building, Cor. 2d and Spring Streets Trees Flowers AND Sunshine Fruit Acres NEW TRACT WITH Large Lots FOR Small Homes Highly improved. Beautiful Fufl« Bearing Fruit Trees. Berries, Shruba and Flowers. CUM SEE The McCarthy Co. Branch Office, Central Aye. and Slau> son. Central Aye. Car. Main offica in our own building,203 N. Broadway. . ___.\u25a0 Venice Best and Nearest Beach Rent your city house and enjoy life In our Venetian Villas. |10 to »20 per month, everything fur« nished, withelectric lights, gas for cook- ing, house laundry and amusements FREE! Can you equal it in Los Angeles? Get one quick. Going, going, soon all will ba gone. Joy for soul, health for body. Two concerts daily by Venice Band- largest and best west of Chicago. Grand Organ Recital dally. Dancing every night in largest and finest auditorium on Pacific coast. Free Gym. and Playground for children, surf bathing, boating, tennis. All this only 30 minutes' ride from heart of Los Angeles. Call on or address, ABBOT KINNEY CO., Venice, Cal. The Store That Saves You Honey. ...Factory Shoe Sale... NOW GOING ON Mammoth Shoe« House 510 South Broadway - / **/Ja JBrnmmrr g^f jAShnmJf 1 ' Everything you:'want you will find In§ tho classified pass. One cent m,^word,: GAS FOR FUEL Consumers of . coal, wood or any fuel other than Gas, have never experienced the freedom from care arid worry,as does the , Gas con- M^^^^^M^mm^^^^ In at the Spring Street entrance Pi £ k whichever one seenu to suit you wffifiMv Each '* open both night and day -J^^'N^y^'^^^U Another day's cares start tomorrow ' Let the Imperial take care of today Milling Sr Nickel, Props. Two Entrances: 242 S. Broadway, 243 S. Spring St. Hotels aod Beach Resorts Daily steamer service leaving San Pedro at 10 a. m., making direct connection with Southern Pacific, Salt Lake and Pacific Electric trains from Los Angeles. Extra steamer Saturday evenings. Hotel letrople CDpei All tie Year m Banning Company Pacific Electric Blflg. Both Phones 36 ** (ffi. North Beach, Santa Monica //H^fffVim ±d £WJlTt.tOftS Filled fresh every day and heated to % (UISGHri/ft *& tOSftySF temperature of 85 decrees. Unrivaled and absolutely aai« »urf bathing. Now U th» most beautiful aeaaon of tb* year at the beach. \u25a0 ss /% '\u25a0 : jl 2" ISJ Gigantic Birds Cawston Ustrecn J*arm g*^ ..srS.'SSISJ *t'ock of Ostrich Feather Goods In Amert m for sale at producer's prlcea. ~~~ RESTAURANTS ' „. ~ French and Italian Dinners (Ufflffltpt s a Specialty 609 San Fernando Streeet Tel. Main 3470 <fTh i> @fi/7) *W Up-to-Date Restaurant Isei ftf ante-. wa&@rn 219-221 w. Thira st. ya~~ ~~~\ Business Lunches Dinners Complete (Uttf& t-ZtSriSWi After-Theater Refreshments - Room for 1208 Under H. W. Hellman Building 4th and Spring California Medical and Surgical Association ' \u25a0 \u25a0vi,T::V'c *• Rooms 414-420 Mason Building Fourth and Broadway Hom jj 7 e3° ne Los Angeles, CaUfomia Su^^onBo n8 wiria arnariAnrH thav willidve you the most skilled medical help available. Their WSSFu ?. n «b.otaU; their' c O ur y e°a"aWVmanent The OFFICKS of the Callfor- nla Medical and Surgical Association are equipped with the most modern scien- tific apparatuß6» Invented for the relief of suffering humanity. The OPERATING ROOM iff unexcelled. The LABORATORY of the Association prepares all medi- cine prescribed In the most conscientious manner. The elegant offices are open to LADIES I AND GENTLEMEN. There are special department, for Diseases of Men. Female Troubles. Chronlo diseases of both sexes, eto. ... •'.','\u25a0 PERSONAL VISITS a?e always preferred; but If you cannot call at the office* of UieAssSclation write for Symptom Blanks and you W be cjired^bjr COR- RESPONDENCE. Medicine "sent to all towns of Southern California and neigh- FEES reasonable and within the reaoh of aIL \u0084 ; , . .. .;; .'.' ; ' : Houris: ' 9 to'l2; 1-4: 7-8 Evenings ' ' \' v - ; Advance Information If you have been past the corner of sth and Broadway lately, you cannot fail to have noticed the finished air that the sth Street Store is assuming. The awnings are up now; the signs have been placed— the handsomest signs on the street, too. Of course, you don't buy the signs and are not especially interested in them; still they are indicative in a general way of the goodness of the store itself just as on first sight a man is judged by his outward appearance. The front entrance is finished, too. The doors are new, original and beautifully attractive. Other merchants are finding in that door arrangement a decided improvement over any* , thing heretofore tried. Information Department V This Department is to be a special feature. A bright, clever, engaging woman is at the head of it. She is absolutely at your service and will tell you anything you want to know. She will answer all kinds of questions about this establishment and give you information of any kind about the city and surrounding towns where to go; how long it takes; how much it costs; what you see; how to go to this place; what is raised in that locality; where this church is, or that tract; this theater or that restaurant. In fact, anything of any kind which you are in doubt about, ask this office, either in person or through the phone. Both phones 874. < The Pit, Right at the front entrance you will find a circular counter devoted every day to the sale of different merchandise. Always "Something Doing" always some merchandise ridiculously low priced. We have christened this space "The Pit" from its circular shape; from the crowds that will be attracted by the merchandise; from the active trading which will take place there and the general similarity of this "Pit" to the pits in the stock "exchahges." Unlike these exchange pits, however, sales here will be actual sales. Values at this particular spot will be real and big. The trading will always be on a falling market. You will hear much , of this Pit in days to come. This will serve to introduce it to you. Announcement* of the Opening Date In a day or so now. Watch for it. cTWake your arrangements to bo on hand without fail at this opening occasion. : —^ __—^_ ___^_^_»» \u25a0-— »«Mi««— \u25a0—\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. »—^_-^^_ r !i Steele, Faris (& Walker Co. Broadway and Fifth Street .


Page 1: THE CITY LACKAYE IN 'PIT' QUOTED AT · Leading Man Galbraith, with his hair powdered on the sides togive a literary touch

Henry C. Bollman and Qua Van deGorbort Engage In Shooting Affray

Because of Barking Dog—NeitherIs Seriously Hurt ;V:v',-.

Th' Herald willpay $10 in cash tc-anyoo furnishing evidence that willlead to the arrest and conviction of anyperso caught stealing copies of TheHerad from the premises of our pa-trons THE HERALD.

Scenes on Board of Trade Noisily

Realistic— Miss Jane Oaker Gives

Excellent Interpretation

of Role

Van de Gorbort is at the Burbankhospital under the care of surgeons. It

is said that half a dozen of the shotgun

pellets struck him in the face, inflictingpainful injuries.

Bollman was arrested upon this in-formation and sent to jail until hisfriends furnish bond for him.

Constable Cline . telephoned to theauthorities at Burbank to hold theyouth until.he could be arrested andreceived an answer that the boy hadalready sworn out a warrant for thearrest of Bollman.

After filing his complaint Bollman

was directed to the office of a.Justiceof the peace, and swore out a -warrant

for the arrest of the lad.

An -argument ensued and Bollmanalleges Gorbort drew a revolver andfired three shots 'at him. None of theshots were effective, and the old manwent to his house, secured. a shotgun

and returning fired-in a general direc-tion at the horse and boy.

According to Bollman' s story Van deGorbort, the" youth, was ridingpast theBollman home ,Sunday evening whenBollman's dog barked at the horse andthe boy struck the dog with a heavyriding whip. . '\u25a0 .'\u25a0

Bollman came to Los Angeles earlyyesterday morning and complained atthe district attorney's office that he hadbeen in danger of his life through thecaprice of a bad boy.

A duel on the Burbank road betweenan old farmer and an excited youthSunday night resulted yesterday In thearrest of Henry C. Bollman and thedetention of Gus Van de Gorbort at theBurbank hospital. . .



Vivian really surprised eventhose of the audience who were wellaware of his talents by the excellenceof his portrayal of the role of Gunning.Leading Man Galbraith, with his hairpowdered on the sides to give a literarytouch to his make up, was Galbraithmost of the time

—which evidently isn't

Just what Author Chambers had1

inmind when he wrote the part. How-ever, the Belasco's leading man was>fine appearing chap throughout the fouracts of "The Tyranny of Tears," andeven ifhe did evidence a fondness forsing-songy articulation at times thefeminine portion of the audience for-gave It—perhaps on account of thatadded touch of gray to the temples.Bertha Blanchard. as the weepy Iwifeused the rich tones of her admirablevoice to splendid advantage last night,and her Mrs. Parbury was easily thebest thing she has done since shejoined the Belasco company.

Itis rather hard to say Just whichBelascotte scored the most substantialhit, as each of the players concernedwas enormously successful, but thechief honors undoubtedly belong toJuliet Crosby and Richard Vivian,\u25a0withGalbralth and BertHa Blanchard #closeseconds, while that brilliant actor,Howard Scott, again proved his splen-did capabilities as a character playerof fine attainments. Miss Crosby gavaa beautifully subtle and fllnlshcd inter-pretation of the part of the private sec-retary. She secured her points almostwithout the slightest effort, while therewere much force and authority in herscene with the wife when she discoversthe secretary saying nice, pleasantthings to the picture of the husband.

But in the end everything - wasstraightened out to the intense satis-faction of everyone— including the largeaudience, who voted "The Tyranny ofTears" one of the most amusing anddownright diverting: plays that has everbeen given at the Belasco.

Of course the wife had to go back toher father, who really didn't want hera little bit, for she was a living re-minder of her late mother, who hadposaessed very much the same traitsthat were so prominent in the make-upof the daughter.

Lachye to LectureWton Lackaye willdeliver a lectura

befoj the Mason Opera House Schoolof Iramatlc Arts iat Blanchard hallthis kfternoon at 3 o'clock.W. F. C. Entertainment

Arientertainment willbe given nextFrldy evening by the patriotic in-strutor of Stanton corps at 125%Sou* Spring, street illustrating the

-bulling of the flag.

Acc»ed of ForgeryABurth was held in the sum of

$150(jto answer to the superior courtby Jdge Chambers yesterday, on thechare of forging the name of R. S,

Hdwind to a check.

Arreied at Circus TentL.Hattock and John Pursell were

arrered yesterday afternoon on thecircu grounds by Officers Boyd andIngrin on the charge of speculating Inadmitance tickets and later were fined$5 ech by Judge Chambers. The ar-

rest^' were made In accordance withthe iw passed by the last legislature

whid prohibits speculating in sale oftickts. Numerous complaints reachedtheifflcers during the day of a maneng'ged In selling circus tickets on

\u25a0the' downtown streets at exorbitantrats.

Ne/ Trial JuryJdge Smith of department one of

thisuperlor court yesterday announcedth1 following as the new fall term

trjl Jury: R. C. Addlson, Os-Mn Burke. B. W. Bartells,

J.| H. Baker. H. J. Butter-

wrth, E. P. Beckwlth, G. H. Blont, J.

H,Cowdrey, E. H. Dalton, W. S. Ew-irf.'W. H. Gilbert, J. O. Houser, J.FHawk, S. P. Jennison, Clifton Judy,

A'drew Joughin, Russell Klncade, F.H Lancaster, D. C. Melrose, W. H.

Jtlswender. Chas. J. Nimmer, S. C.Rzer, R. F. Reynolds, Wm. T. Root,

"On. Schilling, sr, J. W. Strlngfield,X. Cliff Smith, M. J. Scanlon, R. R.Siith, Jno. Tbwnsley, F. J. Waters,

f. A. Walker, Jno. Weber.

"Among the dresses worn In Acts I

and IIare six that took first prize atthe fashion show, held in MadisonSquare garden, New Tork city."

"Gowns by Worth, Felix, Mme.O'Shaughnessy and Hitchcock & Bal-kum.

Walter Pennington, A. H. Stuart,

Hale Hamilton and Miss Buelah Wat-son were especially noticeable for theexcellence of their work. The following

notes taken from the program presenteda feature of special interest to the

feminine theatergoer:

The s.tory Is told In the third actand in reality no more than that isnecessary. The scene of the wheat pit,a novelty in theatrical affairs, made theexpected hit with the Mason


nlghters and was noisily realistic.

The playhas InIt much of the suddenblanching of the cheek of the unfortu-nate stock gambler, who has had thebad fortune to be playing against thehero of the story, the muffled revolvershot— "off left"—the "My God, he haskilled himself," and a measure of "pentup emotion" for which love Is respon-

sible, and the other marks of an "at-mospheric" drama.

. Mr. Lackaye is \u25a0 one of the best ac-tors that the Mason has presented forover a year and he alone makes "The

Pit" worth seeing. Miss Oaker alsodeserves praise almost as high. Her

charm, besides being one of mere per-sonality, is distinguished by artisticinstincts which add Invaluable graceto a role. .

In company Wilton Lackaye and hisleading woman, Miss Jane, Oaker, standprominent. The others fit very wellInto the picture and there are a fewworth special mention, but no surprises.Mr.Lackaye Is excellent as Curtis Jad-wini His vitalityand the Impressionof tremendous strength of reservepower which he Is able to convey acrossthe footlights makes him one of a thou-sand for the place of Frank Norrls'hero. His methods are strikinglyIndi-vidual and his art is carefully wroughtout and strikes true. He Is quiet andconscientious almost to the point whereit shows. Both he and .Miss Oaker,

in speaking their lines, adopt the "con-

versational tone" which has lately be-come so .popular with players. Theystrive for the "easy, effective natural-ness of movement and voice," and theyare immensely successful with it.

To use a phrase in keeping with theatmosphere of the play, Wilton Lackaye

in William A. Brady's production of"The Pit" may be quoted at par. Theplay Is not the thing in this case,

but it lives very effectively upon itsatmosphere and the constant interpola-tion of irrelevant business, the latteralone glvlng^it high rank as a contin-uous vaudeville. . \u25a0

\u25a0 '\u25a0 •„'\u25a0..'....

Clerks in the store who had heardhis frantic cries lifted him from tinscage and had him removed to the re-ceiving hospital. He was sent to theGood Samaritan hospital later, whereIt Is deemed probable that one, ifnotboth, of his legs will be amputated.Watson is 50 years old, and with hiswife and child resides at 111 SouthFigueroa street.

According to Watson's story, he be-came thirsty and left the cage for anInstant to get a drink, of water. Whenhis attention was next called to theelevator Itwas slowly ascending.

As the slowly moving cage brokeWatson's left leg he reached the con-troller, but was not in time to save hisother leg from being mangled and thebones fractured. With one cry of

agony, Watson brought the elevator to

a stop and reversed the controller.When he reached the first floor he wasbarely conscious enough to stop thecage and then fainted. attempt to reach the controllerof a runaway elevator at the Coulterdry goods store yesterday afternoon

J. R. Watson, the operator, made adesperate leap through the open door-way and succeeded In landing withinthe cage but not soon enough to pre-vent both legs being fractured.

Both Legs While Attempting toRegain Control of Cage

J. R. Watson Sustains Fracture of


fforts Are Being Made to Have Rev.

I W. B. Bell Reinstated by Meth.odist Conference

Friends and former parishioners of;ev. W. B. Bell are urging his return

nd reinstatement In the South Maintreet Methodist church, which he lefteveral months ago. Until recently

othlng was heard from him, but ithasleen learned that he has been at thelome of his parents in the northern

part of the state.{ At an official board meeting of thechurch last evening the subject was

'discussed for over an hour, finallybeing

Ileft to the presiding elder, who nowIholds the credentials of Rev. Mr.Bell.I Mrs. Bell has not heard from her hus-band since his disappearance, but says

she has forgiven him and believes he Issuffering from overwork and nervousstrain. She also says that the statement

that Mr. Bell left her penniless is nottrue. She is at .present ministering tohumanity at the Door of Hope, East

Los Angeles.

It is not known what action will betaken at the conference which convenesWednesday. Dr. Mclntyre, pastor ofthe First Methodist church, has writtenR«v. Mr. Bell, urging him to return, j

Presiding Elder Adklnson, withinwhose jurisdiction Mr. Bell's churchwas located, says that a great deal willdejjend upon Rev. Mr.Bell's statementwlether he is readmitted Into the con-felence.

Jev. P. H. Bodkin says that ifRev.Ml Bell becomes reconciled with his

wie and wishes to resume active min-ist;y Itmay be made possible by thw



Francis Gerard, strong man, gives

an exhibition of physical developmentwhich is enviable, and shows that hismuscles are real by liftinga few menand some heavy looking apparatus.Dan Quinlan and Kellar Mack have acomedy talking skit "Jest Fun" whichis about average. Frank and Harry

Brown, "two real Indian college boys,"

open the bill with some singing and

rapid crayon work. Nina Morris in"A Friend's Advice," Howard aridNorth in "Those Were the Happy

Days," the Avon Comedy Four, Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Allison in "MinnieFrom Minnesota," and motion picturescomplete a good all round bill.

As Miss Patricia O'Brien she intro-duces the real stage dang, the pettyjealousies, the half pathetic ambitionof the lowest su,per, and the real hu-manity beneath it all as probably nostage. picture of the stage has ever donebefore. Incidentally Miss Stahl has

achieved the distinction of being one ofthe few noted actresses from the legiti-mate drama to "make good" in vaude-ville.Not that there have notbeen otherswithprobably as much or more talent,

but she has the faculty, so necessary

in the tabloid drama, of getting downto business at the start, without await-ing until the last couple of lines of

her playet to score her point. The littleplay is. not all comedy, but it has atouch of pathos in it as well, and itsclimax Is quite dramatic. It is un-questionably one of the best vaudevilleofferings of the season, so far.

For a clear cut, accurate, cameo-likepicture of stage life as it is—not as itis imagined to be, but as it actuallyexists, with its humor distinctive andat times unconscious, its scorn of theworld the other side of the footlights,and something of its.sordldness as well,

Rose Stahl's impersonation in "TheChorus' Lady" at tri"». Orpheum thisweek is as near perfection as could wellbe desired. \u25a0 \u25a0-.: .\u25a0';.: °

Chamberlain's Collr, Cholera andDiarrhoea Remedy Never

DtaappointaTwenty years ago Mr. Geo. W. Brock

discovered that Chamberlain's Colic,Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was aquick and safe cure for bowel com-plaints. "During all of these years," hesays, "Ihave used itand recommendedit many times and the results havenever yet disappointed me." Mr. Brockis publisher of the Aberdeen, Md., En-terprise. This is the universal experi-ence of all who rely upon this remedy.Itcan always be depended upon eveninthe most severe and dangerous cases.ItIs equally valuable for the childrenand adults. When reduced withwaterand sweetened it is pleasant to take.For sale by allleading druggists.



Stanford Wilson Attempts to QuellDisturbance in Rooming Houseli and Is Severely CutStanford Wilson attempted to quell

a disturbance in a rooming house, onSuiset boulevard last night and wasstibbed twice by one of those who werectarged with creating the disturbance.

'a four-inch gash in Wilson's cheeka)d a deeper and more painful cutijhis shoulder were attended at thereceiving hospital last night.

jAccording to Wilson's story, he was(ailed upon by a woman who conducts(he rooming house to quell a'disturb-ance. As he entered the house he. was

(attacked by a man with a knife,

/ While his adversary /was slashing|him Wilson says he struck out vig-il orously and felled his assailant to tha/ street,, which enabled Wilson to escape.

G. H. Hamstadt, a mine owner and1 '. mining engineer of Mannville, Call-!, is registered at the Hollenbeck.

Ex-United States Senator Bard. is atthe Van Nuys. . ;.

\u0084' '. . \.Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Briggs and

family, formerly of.Toledo, Ohio,- areat the \u25a0Westminster.

'But when 'the wife discovered the

little secretary talking to the portraitof .the husband and saw her give thecarbon print a gentle little friendly-mind, it was a -very,

'very friendly

ocsulatory affair—the big point' in theplay was' reached and the wife's tears

were pitted against the common senseof the private secretary, backed up by

the .great need of 'the.husband cut freefrom the tyrannical lachrymal ducts.

"The Tyranny of Tears" has to .dowith a young husband and wife and a

pert little businesslike private secretary

to the husband— a literary fel-low who talks throughout the play asthough he had either been a great

author or had about made up his mindto be one. Anyway,he had great needof just such a- smart little woman ashis private secretary. The early part

of the play disclosed the husband as aneasy going sort of a man, who relin-quished his friends, severed his club as-sociations and generally gave evidences

of a weak nature, simply because hiswife • had the habit of opposing hiswishes, and' she .invariably won herpoint by a flow of salty weeps that wereludicrous from the viewpoint of theaudience,' while they were anything butthis to the husband. :\


The Belasco company is particularlyproficient in the presentation of light,

sparkling, effervescent pieces of the sort

that ".The Tyranny of Tears" is such asplendid specimen, and last night theplayers seemed to be keyed up to a point

where they gave one of the mostfinished and delightful performances

they have ever offered to their aud-iences.

The -circus had no appreciable effect

on the attendance at the Belascotheater last night, for the house wascrowded w,ith an enthusiastic gather-

ing that applauded the many fine andtelling points of Haddon Chambers'comedy. "The Tyranny of Tears."

Inaurahce Premium*—

Henvy I.ohn.\u25a0 Records In the office of the superin-

tendent of Insurance Indicate that aboutfourteen millions in cash Is collectedannually and sent out of the state inthe form of life Insurance premiums.

Some of this money may have been usedfor campaign expenses or inWall streetmanipulations. The Conservative Lifeis a California company, Invests and

1 keep the policyholders" money at home.\hbme- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 • .-.:.. \u25a0''.'. (

' '-\u25a0 1






REST OF PARTICIPANTSStrhgers are Invited to visit the er-

hiblfof California products at theChamer of Commerce building, onBroadvay, between First and Secondstreet, where free Information willbegivenon allsubjects pertaining; to thispectin.



Dorsey Tract40th, 41st and 42d Streets

and Compton Avenue

...Lots For -Sale...

($5OO Each $500)One- third Cash or Monthly Payments

Hooper Avenue car line passes right through this tract, whichhas all street improvements complete. .These are the cheapest

lots on the market Close in.

Only a Few Left. They WillAllGo Soon

C. A. Sumner S Co.\u25a0 ,

—Sole Agents

— .214-216 Trust Building, Cor. 2d and Spring Streets





Large LotsFOR

Small HomesHighly improved. Beautiful Fufl«Bearing Fruit Trees. Berries, Shrubaand Flowers.


The McCarthy Co.Branch Office, Central Aye. and Slau>son. Central Aye. Car. Main officain our own building,203 N.Broadway.. ___.\u25a0

Venice Bestand Nearest Beach

Rent your city house and enjoy lifeInour Venetian Villas.

|10 to »20 per month, everything fur«nished, withelectric lights, gas for cook-ing, house laundry and amusementsFREE!

Can you equal it in Los Angeles? Getone quick. Going, going, soon all will bagone.

Joy for soul, health for body.Two concerts daily by Venice Band-

largest and best west of Chicago.Grand Organ Recital dally.Dancing every night in largest and

finest auditorium on Pacific coast.Free Gym. and Playground forchildren,

surf bathing, boating, tennis.All this only 30 minutes' ride from heart

of Los Angeles.Call on or address,


The Store That Saves You Honey.

...Factory Shoe Sale...NOW GOING ON

Mammoth Shoe« House510 South Broadway


**/JaJBrnmmrr g^fjAShnmJf 1'Everything you:'want you willfind In§

tho classified pass. One cent m,^word,:


Consumers of.coal, wood or any

fuel other than Gas, have neverexperienced the freedom from care

arid worry,as does the , Gas con-

M^^^^^M^mm^^^^ Inat the Spring Street entrance

Pi£k whichever one seenu to suit you

wffifiMv Each '* open both night and day

-J^^'N^y^'^^^U Another day's cares start tomorrow'

Let the Imperial take care of today

MillingSr Nickel, Props.Two Entrances: 242 S. Broadway, 243 S. Spring St.

Hotels aod Beach Resorts

Daily steamer service leaving San Pedro at 10 a. m., making direct connectionwith Southern Pacific, Salt Lake and Pacific Electric trains from Los Angeles.

Extra steamer Saturday evenings.

Hotel letrople CDpei All tie Year m

Banning Company Pacific Electric Blflg. Both Phones 36** (ffi. North Beach, Santa Monica//H^fffVim ±d £WJlTt.tOftS Filled fresh every day and heated to %(UISGHri/ft *& tOSftySF temperature of 85 decrees. Unrivaled andabsolutely aai« »urf bathing. Now U th» most beautiful aeaaon of tb* year at the

beach. \u25a0

ss /% '\u25a0 :jl 2" ISJ Gigantic BirdsCawston Ustrecn J*arm g* .̂.srS.'SSISJ

*t'ock of Ostrich Feather Goods In Amert m for sale at producer's prlcea.



„. ~French and Italian Dinners

(Ufflffltpt s a Specialty609 San Fernando Streeet Tel. Main 3470

<fTh i> @fi/7) *W Up-to-Date RestaurantIseiftfante-. wa&@rn 219-221 w. Thira st.ya~~ ~~~\ Business Lunches Dinners Complete(Uttf& t-ZtSriSWi After-Theater Refreshments

-Room for 1208

Under H. W. Hellman Building 4th and Spring

California Medical and Surgical Association'

\u25a0 \u25a0vi,T::V'c *•

Rooms 414-420 Mason BuildingFourth and Broadway

Homjj7e3°ne Los Angeles, CaUfomia Su^^ onBo


wiriaarnariAnrH thav willidve you the most skilled medical help available. Their

WSSFu ?.n«b.otaU; their' cOur

ye°a"aWVmanent The OFFICKS of the Callfor-nla Medical and Surgical Association are equipped with the most modern scien-tificapparatuß6» Invented for the relief of suffering humanity. The OPERATINGROOM iffunexcelled. The LABORATORY of the Association prepares all medi-cine prescribed In the most conscientious manner. The elegant offices are open toLADIESIAND GENTLEMEN. There are special department, for Diseases of

Men. Female Troubles. Chronlo diseases of both sexes, eto. ... •'.','\u25a0PERSONAL VISITS a?e always preferred; but If you cannot call at the office*

of UieAssSclation write for Symptom Blanks and you W be cjired^bjr COR-RESPONDENCE. Medicine "sent to all towns of Southern California and neigh-

FEES reasonable and within the reaoh of aIL \u0084 ;,. .. .;;.'.' ;

':Houris: ' 9 to'l2; 1-4: 7-8 Evenings

' '\' v -;

Advance InformationIfyou have been past the corner of sth and Broadway lately, you cannot fail to have noticedthe finished air that the sth Street Store is assuming. The awnings are up now; the signshave been placed— the handsomest signs on the street, too. Of course, you don't buy thesigns and are not especially interested in them; stillthey are indicative in a general way of thegoodness of the store itself

—just as on first sight a man is judged by his outward appearance.

The front entrance is finished, too. The doors are new, original and beautifully attractive.Other merchants are finding in that door arrangement a decided improvement over any* ,thing heretofore tried.

Information Department VThis Department is to be a special feature. A bright, clever, engaging woman is at the headof it. She is absolutely at your service and will tell you anything you want to know. Shewillanswer all kinds of questions about this establishment and give you information of anykind about the city and surrounding towns

—where to go; how long it takes; how much it

costs; what you see; how to go to this place; what is raised in that locality; where this churchis, or that tract; this theater or that restaurant. In fact, anything of any kind which you arein doubt about, ask this office, either in person or through the phone. Both phones 874. <

The Pit,Right at the front entrance you will find a circular counter devoted every day to the sale ofdifferent merchandise. Always "Something Doing"

—always some merchandise ridiculously

low priced. We have christened this space "The Pit" from its circular shape; from thecrowds that willbe attracted by the merchandise; from the active trading which will takeplace there and the general similarity of this "Pit" to the pits in the stock "exchahges." Unlikethese exchange pits, however, sales here willbe actual sales. Values at this particular spotwillbe real and big. The trading will always be on a falling market. You will hear much ,of this Pit indays to come. This willserve to introduce it to you.

Announcement* of the Opening DateIn a day or so now. Watch for it. cTWake your arrangements to bo on hand withoutfail at this opening occasion. :

•— _̂_—^_ ___^_^_»»


——»«Mi««—\u25a0—\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. »—^_-^^_r !i

Steele, Faris (& Walker Co.Broadway and Fifth Street .