The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith...

The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith Bro. Turner of Dallas, Texas writes: Praise the Lord saints. This article is about how have you grown from last year to this year. I thank God that I have a made up mind to serve the Lord and to grow more spiritual so that God can use me for his glory and to be obedient to the word of God. I am not having confidence in the flesh but in the spirit. I am continuing to stay focus on me and not others, not being a busy body or a complainer but to be more humble and obedient to the word of God. Not having my own righteousness but the righteousness of God so I can grow in the spirit to be a help and not a hindrance to the saints. I see one another as brothers and sisters in the Lord with a clear mind. I am loving one another from the heart and not just saying I love my brother or my sister with lip service but with my deeds. Being real in this way means being real from the heart. I am trying to come up to everything that be of God including my shortcomings working on myself daily to have the mind that God wants me to have and to be on one accord with the saints believing in all things that God has prepared for us. Your brother in Christ, Brother Turner Bro. Maxie of Lufkin, Texas writes: Have you grown any? And what's different about you from last year? Praise the Lord Saints of the most high God! I can truly say like my brother Paul, I’m a prisoner of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ whom have capture me with his Spirit, and have been renewed in the spirit of my mind; and having received the Holy Ghost put off the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt and have put on the new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.Ephesians 4:22-24 I’m learning how to walk worthy of the vocation were I am called, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:1-3 I am setting my affection on things above and not these things on this earth, that I might walk worthy of the Lord being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.” 1 Peter 5:10 Also, as it states in 2 Peter 1:8 “For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that you shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” As always I want to thank God for the man of God Bishop V. Bush who is continuing to let the spirit use him. The darkness is past and the true light is now shining. Sis. Norma Carter of Dallas, Texas writes: Greeting saints in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I give double honor to the man of God, Bishop V. Bush, a man that has declared the gospel down through the years. He's a blessing to us all, worthy of all the respect and honor we can bestow upon him. The man of God has labored in the gospel for years and is yet declaring the truth today. Those of us that have the opportunity to set amongst him, should increase more in knowledge and spiritual growth each time we hear the word preached. So that means each year you'll find yourself growing and able to overcome any battles that you have within the flesh (if you walk and stay in the Spirit.) Continued on page 3 Volume 3, Issue 3 July 2012 APOSTOLIC NEWSLETTER What is different about you from last year? How have you GROWN? As we look over our lives from one year to the next, it is good to reflect on our spiritual growth measuring our own selves along this journey. The questions above are asked to invoke such reflective thoughts with the hope to inspire and to motivate us to reach higher heights in the Lord. (The saints share their thoughts in the following pages.)

Transcript of The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith...

Page 1: The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith · The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic

The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith

Bro. Turner of Dallas, Texas writes: Praise the Lord saints. This article is about how have you grown from last year to this year. I thank God that I have a made up mind to serve the Lord and to grow more spiritual so that God can use me for his glory and to be obedient to the word of God. I am not having confidence in the flesh but in the spirit. I am continuing to stay focus on me and not others, not being a busy body or a complainer but to be more humble and obedient to the word of God. Not having my own righteousness but the righteousness of God so I can grow in the spirit to be a help and not a hindrance to the saints. I see one another as brothers and sisters in the Lord with a clear mind. I am loving one another from the heart and not just saying I love my brother or my sister with lip service but with my deeds. Being real in this way means being real from the heart. I am trying to come up to everything that be of God including my shortcomings working on myself daily to have the mind that God wants me to have and to be on one accord with the saints believing in all things that God has prepared for us. Your brother in Christ, Brother Turner

Bro. Maxie of Lufkin, Texas writes: Have you grown any? And what's different about you from last year? Praise the Lord Saints of the most high God! I can truly say like my brother Paul, I’m “a prisoner of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ whom have capture me with his Spirit, and have been renewed in the spirit of my mind; and having received the Holy Ghost put off the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt and have put on the new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” Ephesians 4:22-24 I’m learning how to walk worthy of the vocation were I am called, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:1-3 I am setting my affection on things above and not these things on this earth, that I might walk worthy of the Lord being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God.

“But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.” 1 Peter 5:10 Also, as it states in 2 Peter 1:8 “For if these things be in you, and abound,

they make you that you shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” As always I want to thank God for the man of God Bishop V. Bush who is continuing to let the spirit use him. The darkness is past and the true light is now shining. Sis. Norma Carter of Dallas, Texas writes: Greeting saints in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I give double honor to the man of God, Bishop V. Bush, a man that has declared the gospel down through the years. He's a blessing to us all, worthy of all the respect and honor we can bestow upon him. The man of God has labored in the gospel for years and is yet declaring the truth today. Those of us that have the opportunity to set amongst him, should increase more in knowledge and spiritual growth each time we hear the word preached. So that means each year you'll find yourself growing and able to overcome any battles that you have within the flesh (if you walk and stay in the Spirit.)

Continued on page 3

Volume 3, Issue 3 July 2012 July 2010


What is different about you from last year? How have you GROWN?

As we look over our lives from one year to the next, it is good to reflect on our spiritual growth measuring our own selves along this journey. The questions above are asked to invoke such reflective thoughts with the hope to inspire and to motivate us to reach higher heights in the Lord. (The saints share their thoughts in the following pages.)

Page 2: The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith · The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic

We honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Again we are thankful that the Lord has blessed us and has granted us another privilege to be once again gathered here in this designated place. We come to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth.

Again we will like to look at the book of Ephesians. You know sometimes you hear people complaining about things not going well with them. They never stop to look at themselves to see why things are going the way they are going with them. There is always a blessing for the human family. You see, we always have to do something first. Some people want the blessings of God and want to reap all of his promises, but they do not want to do anything. God spoke to Abraham and told him in Genesis 12:1 “Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:” This means leave all of your natural surroundings and all of the things that amazes you. Get away from that. All of your acquaintances and all of the things that you are familiar with. The 2nd verse states: “And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: 3And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. “ Now that is good information. If you cooperate with the church, then you will get a blessing. If you don’t cooperate with the church, then you will get a curse. That is the reason that we try and encourage folk to come on here to the church and get involved. We tell them that because the Lord has blessed his people. No matter how slim we may look, if you cooperate with us that is a blessing. The devil will make you think

that somewhere else is more important. You don’t have to ask anybody. Folk that is out there in the world, are they happy? No. People that have plenty of money and do not have the will of God in their life, are they happy? No. There is somebody now, rich and have everything naturally at their fingertips and is just as unhappy and dissatisfied. The reason is they do not have God in their life. And the folk that you see that claim to have God in their live and are unhappy, you watch them. They are hypocrites. They haven’t given themselves totally over to God. People that have given themselves totally over to God, when misfortune come naturally they are still encouraged. They are at peace with themselves. They can face the problems of this world with joy. That is when you cooperate with the church. That is so very important.

It doesn’t make any difference what kind of culture you have or what kind of background and nationality you are, if you cooperate with the church, you will be blessed. That is the reason why we give space for the saints to testify. The Lord has done something for you, and he wants for you to let that be known. He doesn’t want you to be silent. He wants you to be inspired to tell what God has been doing. Some people come in month in and month out and don’t ever give a testimony. You know why? Because they do not feel blessed. See when you feel blessed and you know that you have been blessed, you want to tell somebody about it. When you make your exit out of the world and into the church, then God wants you to tell what a blessing he has been to you. In Isaiah 12:1 it states, “And in that day thou shalt say, O LORD, I will praise thee: though thou wast angry with me, thine anger is turned away, and thou

comfortedst me.” So when we give space for testimonies, then you can tell what the Lord has done for you, what an inspiration he is to you and how drawn you out of the muck and mire and has drawn you to the wells of salvation. Some people can testify and say that they know they do not have any right to be here, but thank the Lord that he had mercy on them. You can tell when someone is glad about God. Every opportunity that they get they want to make it into the assembly and when they get there they are not quiet. They want everyone to know that they there, glad to be there and did not come empty and is full of God’s blessings. So when you are glad for God, you will not stay home and you will not be silent.

The 2nd and 3rd verse states: “Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.” Don’t be quiet. Speak loud and let everyone know what God is doing for you. It is a good thing to be in God. So give it all over to God and he will bless you. "Consider what I say, and the Lord will give you understanding in all things." 2 Timothy 2:7

Apostolic Newsletter 2

Words from the Pastor You Will be Blessed if You Cooperate with the Church

By Bishop V. Bush

Page 3: The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith · The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic

Sis. Norma Carter of Dallas, Texas continued: When I'm able to recognize things set up by the devil and not by the spirit of God, then I know I've grown. So I can safely say, I'm more in tune with the Spirit, from last year to this year. I am still pressing everyday to go higher and increase in knowledge more with more understanding in the Lord. I realize this is a growing process, we must fight and battle each day to stay in the will of God. Peace be unto you all Sis. N. J. Carter Sis. Eva Robertson of Lufkin, Texas writes: Praise the Lord saints. I want to give God the glory and honor and praises. I thank the Lord for the man of God, Bishop Bush. What is different about me is that I have learned a lot by listening to the word of God. I am a lot stronger than I was last year. I am striving to do the will of the God and to walk upright, talk right and pray right. I want to do everything in my power to go all the way with the Lord. I thank the Lord for the truth preached. It is the only way. I thank God for blessing me to be in the true church where the truth is being preached. I thank God for everything. Sis. Dellene Jackson of Dallas, Texas writes: Praise the Lord. I thank God for Bishop Bush. Yes, I think I have grown since last year because I feel like I am stronger and getting on one accord with the saints. I have learned to put God first in paying my tithes and whatever I need to do for the work of the Lord. Sister Dellene

Sis. Yolanda Porter of Lufkin, Texas writes: Praise the Lord saints. What is different from me from last year is that I am slow to speak on things that I hear. I want the spirit to allow me to speak on all things that I do and hear. I don't want to do anything in the flesh but in the spirit. I have to have a spiritual mind when I do all things. I do believe I am a strong saint of God as he has blessed me to face another day.

Peace be

Sis. Katryce Bush of Dallas, Texas writes: Praise the Lord and greetings to all of the saints. I honor the Lord Jesus Christ and give honor to Bishop Bush. I feel that I have grown in the past year in the following ways:

I have learned to lean on God even more and to trust less in the strength of myself and others.

I am being more observant of my own actions in everything making sure I am acting according to the word of God.

I am giving more thought to what I am saying before I talk.

I know that if I continue to examine myself daily and apply my life corresponding to the gospel I will grow even stronger spiritually. I ask the saints to pray for me that the will of the Lord will continue to be done in my life. Peace be unto you Sis. Angela Robertson of Lufkin, Texas writes: Praise the Lord saints. First I want to give all the glory and honor to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, double honor to

Bishop Bush for preaching the truth and nothing but the truth. What is different about me from last year until now? What is different about me is staying true, obeying God's commandments. I am doing his will, letting my light shine for the whole world to see. My life has changed for the better and I couldn't do it myself. It was the grace of God, because the things that I used to do, I don't do anymore, the things that I used to say I don't know anymore. I had my share of this world in doing things that I know was wrong. So I had to ask myself, "Who am I living for?" I chose God. There is nothing out there. I thank God for blessing me to come back to the church where the truth is being preached. I was lost and didn't know anything, just falling by the wayside. But if it had not been for the Lord on my side, I don't know where I would be. I am in the truth. I am a lover of this way. I've learned so much this year than last year. I thank God for Bishop Bush for preaching the truth and nothing but the truth. It's amazing living this holy and sanctified life. It's a blessing to wake up every day with the Lord on your mind. He's worthy to be praised. So I am going to stay in the truth and lead the Holy Ghost lead and guide me in everything I say and do. I have so much to thank the Lord for. Giving up everything that's not of God is a wonderful thing, because temptation is out there. The devil is lurking. We just got to stay fasted up and praying every day. I want to go back when Jesus comes. I want to be ready. I still have some growing to do. I have got to get perfected in this and get stronger. I want to go higher. I am letting everything go and letting God have his way, because it is all about God.

Continued from page 1

How have you GROWN from last year?

Apostolic Newsletter 3

Page 4: The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith · The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic

Sis. Suprina Eldridge of Lufkin, Texas writes: Praise the Lord saints. What is different about me from last year? I can truly say that I am more outspoken this year. I am striving to be perfect in Jesus' name. Peace be unto you all

Sis. Barbara Hurts of Lufkin, Texas writes: Praise the Lord saints. I would like to give all my honor and glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who is the head of my life. I give double honor to Bishop Bush and to all of the saints of God. What is different about me from last year? Well I have fallen back into some of my old ways like joking around but I am really truly working on myself because you have to be real. I have worked so hard on giving it up and then to turn around and fall right back into it is unacceptable. I love this way and I want to grow higher and higher. I don't want it to be in vain. So I am asking you all to continue on praying for me that I will be what God is asking for in these last and evil days. Sis. Barbara Hurts

Sis. Scholanda Murphy of Lufkin, Texas writes: Praise the Lord saints. I give all the honor and glory to Bishop V. Bush. What's different about me from last year? I'm more patient and I'm more stronger this year. I think before I speak and I'm more humble. I'm still striving to go higher and higher with the Lord every day the Lord blesses me with. I want to be what the Lord wants me to be in his

holy name, and that is perfect and upright in his sight. God bless us all in Jesus' name. Sis. Conta Robertson of Lufkin, Texas writes: I give all the glory and honor to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and double honor to Bishop Bush for preaching the truth and nothing but the truth. What's different about me this year is that I don't dress, walk, talk or act the same. I don't go to the places I used to go or do the things I used to do. A lot has changed over the years about me since I've been in the church. I have been reborn and still working on me to become stronger. Now I'm staying faithful and strong in the Lord. I'm striving to be what the Lord wants me to be in these last and evil days. Praise the Lord saints. Love you all and keep pressing on. Sis. Lynn Eldridge of Lufkin, Texas writes: Praise the Lord saints and Bishop V. Bush. The difference about me from last year is God blessed me with my water baptism and the precious gift of the Holy Ghost. Jesus gave me a brand new life. I was out there in the world with no clue about Jesus and what he can do for me. I was lost in the world and one day I woke up because my daughters asked me to come to church. That was a wonderful feeling when the spirit got over me and set me free, free, free. Amen.

Peace be unto you

Apostolic Sisters' Day

The sisters gathered together on Sunday, May 13, 2012 for a wonderful service dedicated to recognize the value of the women in the body of Christ. All came on one accord showcasing their talents in songs, poems and inspirational speeches for the glory of God. It was a beautiful sight to see all of the sisters arrayed in white lifting up their voices in unison to the praise and honor of the Lord. We thank the Lord for Mother Anderson who addressed the sisters with words of encouragement emphasizing the duties and attributes of godly women. It is pertinent that we stay focused and keep in memory the word that has been taught and is still being taught by Bishop Bush. We have learned that as women in the church, we are to be humble, submissive, modest, strong and obedient to the word of truth. This indeed was a day of triumph in that we know that the victory is ours as long as we continue standing on the word of truth. We thank the Lord for all who joined in the service in support of the sisters and look forward to an even better time next year!

Continued from page 3

How have you GROWN from last year?

Apostolic Newsletter 4

Sisters posing in a photo after service

Sunday, May 13, 2012.

Page 5: The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith · The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic

As the sun rose early on Saturday, April 28th, the saints of Dallas came together for a yard sale that was held at the home of Sis. Carter. This is just one event in response to the contributing of the building fund project for the church championed by Deacon Paul Jackson. Various items were brought by everyone to contribute to the event. There were lamps, shoes, books, clothing, furniture, pictures and many other items that were brought for sale. We thank the Lord for the success of the fundraiser on this day and for the participation of everyone.

It was a warm but beautiful day in Lufkin, Texas as the saints came together for a barbeque cookout to raise funds for the church. There was chicken, brisket, ribs, sausage on a stick, beans, potato salad and cake for sale. Also, a car wash for donations was part of this event as well. Faithful saints labored from early morning until late evening. It was an awesome sight to see all of the saints coming together for the work of the Lord. This is truly a blessing.

Tender Moments

Apostolic Newsletter 5

Church Events

The saints of Dallas gathered at Sis. Carter's

home for a yard sale on Saturday, April 28,


Supporters dining at the Fellowship Dinner

fundraiser in Dallas, TX, Saturday May 12, 2012.

The saints of Lufkin sponsored a BBQ

cookout at a nearby location on Saturday,

May 26, 2012 .

The sisters of Lufkin showing their appreciation for Mother Anderson

after the 3rd Sunday services in June in Lufkin, Texas.

Bishop Bush holding twin Kourtnee

Hurts of Lufkin, Texas.

Bishop Bush spending time with twin

Ja'Darius Hurts of Lufkin, Texas.

Sis. Brenda, Sis. Yolanda and Sis. Suprina

posing after services on Sister's Day.

Page 6: The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith · The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic

Once again the saints from far and near assembled together in Olive Branch, Mississippi for a week of services in support of the young people. We begin the week of June 18th excited and upbeat anticipating a great time in the Lord. As our young people continue to grow, we persevere to make sure that the truth of God is instilled in their hearts. This time each year is set aside for just this reason. Various saints were influencing to the youth through their own testimonies of how they also grew up in the faith and was steadfast in the whole truth. Bishop Bush continued preaching the words of truth every night standing as an embodiment of how one has endured from a young age by letting the spirit have its way in his life. There was also encouraging words of support from Minister Nelson, Deacon Nelson, Brother Turner, and Brother Maxie. Deacon Jackson also uplifted in speaking as well. Each service during the week was inspiring. Later in the week on Friday night, the young people participated in a program directed by Sis. Fifer of Olive Branch, MS, Sis. Cathy Hunt and Sis. Yolanda Porter of Lufkin, TX. The youth rendered prayer, songs, poems, and instrumentals. Additional, at the end of the program there was a bible quiz lead by Deacon Jackson, and the youth were given an opportunity to show off their knowledge of what they have learned through the teaching of the word of the Lord. An intraday meeting moderated by Deacon Jackson was held on Saturday to address questions on different topics from the saints. That night was the Adult Program where the saints gave spirited performances to the glory of God. We thank the Lord for Minister Nelson, Deacon Nelson and all of the saints in Olive Branch for their continued faithfulness in hosting this meeting each year. Our desire is for all of our youth to be promoted spiritually in their lives and to continue in this holy and precious way. Continue to pray for our youth as we are look forward to next year.

Apostolic Newsletter 6

Apostolic Youth Fellowship Meeting Olive Branch, Mississippi

Bro. Jeremiah of Olive Branch, MS playing

the drums during service at the Youth

Fellowship Meeting.

The young people of Olive Branch, MS and Lufkin, TX singing a song

during the Youth Program Friday, June 23, 2012.

Bro. Jamarcus playing the keyboard

during the Youth Program on Friday

Night, June 23, 2012.

Deacon Nelson speaking at the intraday meeting as

Deacon Jackson (far right), Bishop Bush (center),

Minister Nelson and Brother Turner(left) look on

Saturday, June 23rd.

Page 7: The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith · The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic

Apostolic Newsletter 7


____1) The first woman God created. A. Mary

____2) Person who was thrown in the lion's den. B. Judas

____3) The man who was swallowed by a whale. C. Eve

____4) The number of books in the bible. D. Lazarus

____5) She was the mother of Jesus. E. 66

____6) He was known for his mighty strength. F. Jonah

____7) God raised him from the dead. G. Daniel

____8) The person who betrayed Jesus. H. Samson

Answers from the last newsletter. 1) Youthful 4) Spirit 7) Wept 10) Israel, one 2) Teach 5) Three, three 8) Lord, faith, baptism 3) God 6) Pray 9) Lord, want

Page 8: The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith · The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic


Calendar of Events - 2012

Annual Apostolic Sister's Day Sunday, May 13th

3015 South Malcolm X Boulevard Dallas, TX 75215

Program starts at 12:00 noon

Annual Apostolic Youth Fellowship Meeting

Monday June 18th - Sunday June 24th

12300 Miller Road, Olive Branch MS 38654

Services start nightly at 7:30PM and Sunday morning at 11:00AM

Annual Apostolic Fellowship Meeting Monday August 13th - Sunday August 19th

3015 South Malcolm X Boulevard Dallas, TX 75215

Services start nightly at 7:30PM and Sunday morning at 11:00AM

48th Church Anniversary Thursday, November 22nd - Sunday, November 25th

3015 South Malcolm X Boulevard Dallas, TX 75215

Services start nightly at 7:30PM and Sunday morning at 11:00AM

If you would like CDs of the services, let us know.

CDs are $5.00 each. If you would like VHS or DVDs of our main events, the VHS tapes and DVDs are $10.00 each.

Check out the weekly broadcast online every Saturday

at 1:30PM CT and 4:30PM CT. See the website home page for more information.

Apostolic Newsletter 8

The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith PO Box 1650 3015 South Malcolm X Blvd Dallas, TX 75221-1650

It's a Great Change (A Poem)

Holy greetings everyone.

It's a great change in my life. I changed the way I used to be for my soul was called in victory.

I changed the way I used to pray do my mind will never go astray.

People may often wonder and say do you change every day?

Just for the better that my soul will be fatter.

So I can change my heart When I heard God's word.

And it humbled me down When I had a frown.

I lift my head up high and say Halleluiah anyhow.

I changed my talk I changed my walk.

I changed my thoughts From all of those faults.

It's a great, great change in my life

And how I have grown much this year Than last year.

I changed the way I used to see, Yes the word of God will always be.

Written by Sis. Cathy Hunt

Peace be everyone

Please help us in continuing to promote the


suggestions and feedback. If you have a story or

photo you would like to see published, please

submit any inquiries and information to Bro.

Turner ([email protected].). We look

forward to hearing from you!