The Celestial Virgin

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  • 8/8/2019 The Celestial Virgin



    MARY OF CHRISTIANITYThis Celestial Virgin was feigned to be a mother. She is represented in the Indian

    Zodiac of Sr. William Jones, with ears of corn in one hand, andthe lotus in the other. In Kircher's Zodiac of Hermes, she hascorn in both hands. In other planispheres of the Egyptian priestsshe, carries ears of corn in one hand, and the infant Savior Horusin the other (Isis and Horus). In Roman Catholic countries, she isgenerally represented with the child in one hand, and the lotus orlily in the other. In Vol. II. of Montfaucon's work, she isrepresented as a female nursing a child, with ears of corn in her

    hand, and the legend IAO. We find "these" stories captured instone as nation after nation has this same Sun Myth revealed intheir architecture. She is seated on clouds, a star is at her head. The reading of theGreek letters, from right to left, show this to be very ancient.

    The Virgin of Guadalupe is one of the most revered figures in Mexican Catholicism.Her story in Mexico begins with her miraculous appearance to Juan Diego(Cuauhtlatohuac), a young Aztec man, on December 9, 1531. He was on his way toreceive Christian instruction from the Fransciscans at Tlatelolco when he heardheavenly music and a sweet voice calling his name. He saw the Virgin, on this rockyTepeyac Hilll above Mexico City. It was her wish that the Bishop build her shrine

    on that spot. This same place was also the site of the shrine to the Aztec goddess of Earth and Corn.

    Without a doubt you can see how in Christianity the same concept has been carriedover from Sun Worship into the Catholic Christian Church. Again, we haveproof positive of the paganization of Christianity where current doctrinesare nothing more than the "recopying" of Sun Worship. This applies as wellto the teaching of the Christian Church as to the immaculate conception.

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    In the Vatican's St. Peter's basilica in Rome, there is a rather remarkable sculpture that probably goes mostly unnoticed by those who visit there. It is a part of a sculpture group by Gian Lorenzo Bernini decorating the tomb of Pope Alexander VII. At the four cornerssurrounding the kneeling Pope, are the four virtues, Charity, Prudence, Justice and Truth.

    Charity is on the front left side and "La Verita", which means "The Truth" is on the rightfront side of the overview below.

    Above scene from the video "Israel of the Alps" Copyright 1993 LLT Productions - Used by Permission

    The first thing you might notice is that"Truth" stands with her foot on a globeof the earth, symbolizing her power over the globe. Then looking closer youwill see that she clutches in her arms

    the sun, probably symbolizing Truth'slove for the light rather than darkness,and that the Truth will be revealed intime, by the light of day.

    Photo by Scala/Art Resource, New York

    Historically, pagan Babylon worshipped the sun as a deity, and pagan Rome alsoworshipped the invincible sun. The Roman Catholic Church, with the assistance of Caesar's civil Sunday law ( Constantine ), transferred the Sabbath rest to the Sun Day, andcommonly uses images and symbols of the sun. In the following articles we will examinethe many pagan sunburst images used by the Catholic Church in various forms of art.

    Scripture Testifies That Stars Depicted Pagan Gods

    Amos 5:26 But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, thestar of your god, which ye made to yourselves.
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    image, with additional small wavy rays between the points. In Hebrew, the word for sunis:

    8121. shemesh, sheh'-mesh; from an unused root mean. to be brilliant; the sun; by impl.the east; fig. a ray, i.e. (arch.) a notched battlement:-- + east side (-ward), sun ([rising]), +

    west (-ward), window. See also H1053 in Strong's Hebrew Dictionary.

    Altar diagram from Ceremonial for the use of the Catholic Churches in the United States of America , Ninth Edition, revised by Rev. W. Carroll Milholland, S.S., published by H. L. Kilner & Co., 1926.

    The above diagram of the Catholic altar shows the same general Babylonian sun symbol.In the photo below, behind Pope John Paul II, on the front of the altar of St. Peter's

    Basilica, you see a tapestry with a sunburst design nearly identical to the pagan sun-godsymbol of Baal / Shamash. This tapestry is called the altar frontal , antipendium(antependium), or pallium altaris.

    Below: Christmas Eve Mass at the VaticanCopyright 1996, NBC News.
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    Symbol for Baal

    Above: Pope John Paul II celebrates Pentecost, June 3rd 2001Detail of a Photo Copyright by "L'Osservatore Romano" Photographic Service

    Below: Christmas Eve Mass at the VaticanCopyright 2000, NBC News.
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    Symbol of Babylonian sun-godShamash

    The Pope conducting Midnight Mass on the stepsof St. Peter's Basilica on Christmas Eve of 2000.

    Below on the left is a picture from the coronation of Pope Pius XI in 1922. On thetapestry hung from the balcony, there are three symbols of Baal / Shamash evident. Onthe right is Pope John XXIII waving to the crowd in St. Peter's square from above another similar banner, after an Urbi Et Orbi speech.

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    Copyright 1922 by Underwood Photo by Dmitri Kessel

    Below on the left is a similar photo of John Paul II, making his first public appearance asPope, in 1978.

    Photo by Fabian / Sygma

    Above on the right is a photo from early in the papacy of John Paul II, and the symbol of Baal / Shamash appears on the front of his fish head shaped mitre. Note also the small

    black cross on his shoulder (compare below), on what is called a Pallium :

    The modern pallium is a circular band about two inches wide, worn about the neck, breast, and shoulders, and having two pendants, one hanging down in front and one behind. ... The ornamentation of the pallium consists of six small black crosses -- oneeach on the breast and back, one on each shoulder, and one on each pendant.

    Below on the left is a Neo-Assyrian standing stone (stele/stela) dating from about 824-811 B.C., which depicts King Shamshi-Adad V. In particular, note the necklace the Kingis wearing. On it is what is called a Cross Patte or Cross Forme. Twenty-eight hundredyears ago that shape was symbolic of pagan sun worship (click on the image for a closer look).
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    Stela of Shamshi-Adad VThe British Museum Pope John Paul II wearing the Pallium

    The Pope wears a similar symbol around his neck, on the Pallium, which the Pope alsoconfers on selected bishops as an ornamental token of his favor, and it is also worn byarchbishops and patriarchs as a symbol of their authority as a metropolitan, derived fromunity with the Pope. Note also, that beneath John Paul's Pallium there is an "x" / diagonalcross, which mimics the diagonal bands below the Cross Patte worn by the pagan king.The Pope also has a ring and staff of authority, remarkably similar to the depiction of thesun god Shamash on the Babylonian tablet shown previously.


    Pope Benedict XVI wears a different style of Pallium that hangs from his left shoulder and has red crosses. The above photos show vestments worn during Benedict's trip to theU.S. that feature several sun symbols.
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    Stele of King Ashur-nasir-pal IIThe British Museum

    John XXIII Pontifex MaximusPhoto by Felici, Roma

    Note the lower hand of King Ashur-nasir-pal II in the above stele. On the wrist is thesunburst symbol. On the right, the pagan sunburst is on the glove of Pope John XXIII.
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    The depictionsof the pagankings on theancientstanding stones

    above, show astrip of cloth(lappet)hanging fromthe rear of theheadgear.These lappetsare also presenton the papalmitre and tiara , shown at left,

    and partiallyvisible in the photos of popes above.

    IMMAGINI DEL CONCILIO: CITTA DEL VATICANO: 1966Press Office of the Ecumenical Council.

    Photos from the Archdiocese of Toronto website.

    The symbols of Baal and Shamash worn by a Catholic Bishop.
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    On the left is amedallion from theVatican pavilion of the 1988 WorldExpo, which depicts

    what is called aMonstrance , used todisplay aconsecrated host. It

    bears a remarkablesimilarity to thesymbol of Baal /Shamash.See TheMonstrance .

    At left are two examples of ciborium , in which are keptthe Eucharistic wafer hosts of the Catholic Mass. Theone on the left uses the Cross Patte as a handle on top,and the other uses the four point cross within a circle,the ancient symbols of Shamash and Baal.
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    On the left is a Vatican 100Lire gold coin. Note thesymbol of Baal, found inHazor, is behind the head of the figure supposed to be thatof Christ.

    Here you see the symbol of Baal used in artwork representing the Year of the Eucharist thatappeared on the cover of the November 10,2004 edition of L'Osservatore Romano.

    Now on the right you see thesunburst image on theunderside of the canopy of Bernini's Baldacchino, thelarge canopy-like monument in

    St. Peter's Cathedral, directlyover the main altar of St.Peter's, and the alleged tomb of St. Peter. The dove in front of the sunburst is supposed to besymbolic of the Holy Spirit.

    Note the shape of the sun rays.They are essentially identical

    From Christmas Eve Mass at St. Peter'sCopyright 1996, NBC News.

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    to that of the pagan sun symbolworn by Assyrian kings over

    The Babylonian Sun god Shamash is also represented by a winged solar disk .See: Stela from the Temple of Marduk in Babylon.

    The BaldacchinoFrom a photo by Scala/Art Resource, New York

    Bernini also put pagan sun images on the top of each of the columns of his Baldacchino,

    which stands above the altar of St. Peter's. (The sun image and 3 bumble bees aresymbolic of the Barberini family and Pope Urban VIII).

    Here on the left is essentially the sameimage as found in Bernini's La Verita andBaldacchino, but this is the face of the

    pagan Greek sun god Apollo, on thetemple of Apollo, in the Pergamonmuseum in Berlin!

    Picture of the sun god Apollo.From the book "The New Illustrated Great Controversy"

    Copyright LLT Productions - Used by Permission

    Catholicism has clearly adopted the sun symbolism of the ancient pagans!