The Case of the Blue Darling

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  • 7/27/2019 The Case of the Blue Darling


    94; Pbe Aise lj tbe Dhue @irhfgcdy

    Klsepb Jrlst

    i phiy wrftteg jlrPbe 19 ^hiys fg 19 @iys ^rlkeat

    @rijtIucust 94( 4>91

    Ittfa Qarfpts( 4>91055> Glroig`y @rKiamslg( OQ 164>:ittfasarfptsNcoifh'alo

  • 7/27/2019 The Case of the Blue Darling


    I oig fg i bit ig` suft fs fg i splt fgi `lwgstice alrger'

    @EPEAPFZEQloe siy sbe gever exfste`' Pbe cfrh fg tbe dhue `ress( wblbi` tbfs tlwg fg ber spehh jlr tbit wblhe suooer' Pbere

    wisgt i `ioe wbl `f`gt bive ber gioe lg tbefr hfps( jlrcll` lr jlr fhh' Ig` tbere wisgt i oig dreitbfgc ifr tbit`f`gt bive tbit foice durge` lg tbe diam lj bfs eye hf`s'

    Upstice( diamhft( i ylugc wloig fg idhue `ress' Se `l glt see ber jiae'

    Pbe hfcbt cles lut'

    @EPEAPFZE "ALGP@&Pbit cfrh' Ft wis i bir` aise tl oime( seefgc is sbe `f`gtwigt tl cet jlug`' Dut wbeg tbe tlucb klds aloe ihlgc(tbits wbeg tberes i mglam lg oy `llr'

    I mglamfgc slug`'

    Hfcbts sbfjt tl i `esm fg i `fohy hftljjfae( hiop `freathy lver tbe `esm'

    Pbe @eteatfve arlsses irlug` debfg` tbe`esm'

    I wloig( QIHHV( sfts fg jrlgt lj tbe`esm( big`s jlh`e` geithy lver berpurse'

    QIHHVPbits wbeg F wis tlh` tl see ylu'

    @EPEAPFZESbeg tbe ltber lptflgs ire ahlse`( ig` ihh fs hlst'

    QIHHVPbits rfcbt' Pbey tlh` oe tbit ylu were tbe oig jlr tbekld'

    @EPEAPFZEOy huamy `iy'

    QIHHVGl lge bis seeg ber fg twl weems'

    @EPEAPFZEGl lges wfhhfgc tl i`oft ft( igywiy'

    QIHHVF mglw sbes deeg''' wfame`''' tbese pist weems( dut Fprlofse//

  • 7/27/2019 The Case of the Blue Darling


    @EPEAPFZESeems< Olgtbs'

    QIHHVF prlofse ylu( @eteatfve( tbit oy sfster fs glt tbit mfg` ljcfrh'

    @EPEAPFZEOs' Airofabieh'''


    @EPEAPFZEOs' Airofabieh( ylur sfster bis deeg tbe mfg` lj cfrh tbittblse mfg`s lj cfrhs `lgt tehh pelphe tbeyre hfme'

    "deit&Fo slrry( dut F aigt time tbfs aise' I wiywir` wig`ererhlst fg tbe sheize sbe pursue` reihhy fsgt wlrtb tbe piper

    ylur olgeys prfgte` lg( gl oitter blw bfcb tbey stiam'


    @EPEAPFZEFo ijrif` Fo ltberwfse egcice`( Os' Airofabieh' F bive twltfamets tl ig fshig` jir iwiy jrlo tbfs lge( ig` ouab wiroer'

    QIHHVPwl;91' Ig` F `lgt see yluirlug` tbese streets icifg'

    Qofhey stig`s up ig` crids tbe mey'

    @eteatfve shios bfs big` `lwg lgQofheys iro( blh`fgc bfo stfhh'

    @EPEAPFZE "ALGP@&Fj tbfs egvehlpe `lesgt cfve oe wbit F gee`( tbit sitabehwlgt de juhh eglucb ig` tbit trifg wlgt de jist eglucb'Vlu clt oe