The Canticles Of Damiana Evohe

The Canticles OF Damiana Evohe Vesica Ordo Templi Solus Noir


A series of images and incidental text outlining an eternal journey.

Transcript of The Canticles Of Damiana Evohe

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The Canticles OF Damiana Evohe

Vesica Ordo Templi Solus Noir

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Ode To Lost Souls

Not to you do I speak brave of heart and firm of purpose

Nor to you bright ones within a field of light

Not to you who walks in purpose fulfilled

Nor to you of vision strong buoyed by life’s enrichment

But to you I speak wanderer upon the shores of night

And to you the desolate ones outside the circles of life

Raised upon columns of molten ash

Your journey began with a cry and ends with a scream

Betwixt the emptiness evolved

First a doubt becomes a certainty

Those of faith know you not

Those of vision know you not

Those of purpose know you not

Within the citadel of life do they dwell

Basking beneath an indolent sun

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Across the portal he steps. Fire in his eyes, thunder in his heart. Surveys the landscape spread out before him and sighs. Takes his first faltering step beneath a sky bruised by the presence of Solus Noir and Lammae Rouge. Enters the fabled city and dreams.

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Axiomata and spellcraft summoned him across the trackless waste of time and space. Aeons unfolding amongst the whispers of stars dreaming in their adamantine citadels adorned with lapis, gold and quicksilver.

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Τηε Ωηορε Οφ Βαβαλον

And in the presence of his beloved Na’amah whose embrace soothes his tortured brow he takes a moment to reflect upon the time to come. Prophesy unfolds and the Grigori rise. The end of days whereon the dance enters its final stumbling steps.

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Πιστισ Σοπηια

Wisdom granted, unheeded. Beauty manifest, unheeded. Eden purified by the venom of god. The rays shine forth and all are transformed by the light that radiates from a heart forged in the fires of sorrow.

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Τηε Θυαδρα

The fire within her heart awakes and sends forth an ashen mist. Her tears, a mighty ocean that consumes all. Her breath, a mighty wind that renders all to dust and the thunder that are her footsteps travel across the tapestry of being.

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The veil of the imagination is breeched and the realm of consciousness is entered wherein the archons and vesicas whisper in sibilant echoes across the star spawned wasteland laid bare by the benediction of our most holy lady.

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And had this noble one been granted the apple Kallisti, what then of strife? Had she but supped upon the honeyed venom, what vision, what dreaming moment would have unfolded beneath a sky blessed by love and light?

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Πρινχιπια Δισχορδια

Hail Eris Principia Discordia into whose embrace we now play out our lives in an arena of fire and travail. She whispers and all are blinded before her. She sings and all are caught within her rapture. She screams and all become as dust.

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The word is uttered and a distant bell tolls within a tower that rises from the ashes of powdered bone across which he walks beneath a burning sun turned black by the elixir that flows forth. In the distance twin pylons rise crowned by the crescent and disc.

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Σολυσ Νοιρ Νοβιλισ

And it was given unto the false prophets to spread the lie, sow the seed of doubt, draw aside the veil and reveal the end of days.

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The lord of the eastern horizon claims his domain. Prince regent cast into the fires of redemption calls forth his slumbering cohorts and releases them into the matrix of time and space and the aethyrs vibrate in their presence. Ave. Ave. Ave.

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And at the end of days there shall be two grigori upon the earth and they will die.

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By prayer are they redeemed and by fire and water are they purified to rise upon pinions of burnished gold to soar upon the aethyrs eternal. Seek them not for they dwell between thy passing breaths and heartbeats.

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And beneath the ocean did he reach out and grasp the outstretched hand of the beloved. Beneath the stars he summoned her and within the mountains of the did he claim his bride eternal and with a kiss upon her rose petal lips did he consummate his love, his quest.

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