The Call for Independence EQ: Why were the colonists unhappy with Great Britain?

The Call for Independence EQ: Why were the colonists unhappy with Great Britain?

Transcript of The Call for Independence EQ: Why were the colonists unhappy with Great Britain?

Page 1: The Call for Independence EQ: Why were the colonists unhappy with Great Britain?

The Call for Independence

EQ: Why were the colonists unhappy with Great Britain?

Page 2: The Call for Independence EQ: Why were the colonists unhappy with Great Britain?

Cast of Characters

• Tories or Loyalists- those loyal to the King

• Patriots or Whigs- those ready to cut ties

• Quakers, Mennonites, Moravians- objected war

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Characters Cont’d

• Redcoats and Lobsterbacks- British soldiers

• Council of Safety- set up by Patriots in GA

• Fence Sitters- not committed to either group

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Discontentment in the Colonies

• Navigation Acts

• Sugar Act-tax on sugar and molasses

• Stamp Act-1765-tax on newspapers, legal documents, and licenses

• Townshend Acts-1767-import taxes on tea, paper, glass, and coloring for paint

• Enforcement of old laws

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Georgians React

• Talked openly about dislike of new laws

• Spoke out against Townshend Acts

• Elected Wimberly Jones as speaker of the assembly

• Governor Wright tried to do away with the assembly

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Protests Increase

• “No taxation without representation”

• Stopped painting homes

• Stopped drinking tea—coffee instead

• March 1770-Boston Massacre

• Tea Act of 1773

• December 1773-Boston Tea Party

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The Intolerable Acts-enacted to punish the Patriots

1. British closed the Boston port

2. No town meetings without governor


3. Court system changed

4. Quartering Act-house and feed

soldiers at own expense

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Continental Congress-1774

• All colonies except GA gathered in Philadelphia

• Two major groups: -those who wished to pull away from

Britain -those who wanted to make

changes but stay with Britain• Agreed to stop all trade with Britain and

set up committees of safety