The Bulletin - Temple Bnai Israel · 2017-06-30 · The Bulletin JULY/AUGUST 2017 108 Years and...

“ do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God.” TEMPLE BNAI ISRAEL’S MEMBERS & FRIENDS NEWSLETTER TAMMUZ/AV/ELUL 5777 The Bulletin JULY/AUGUST 2017 108 Years and growing! Table of Contents on page 2 Tish’ah B’Av July 31 st 8:15 PM Jewish civilization is generally hopeful. Nonetheless, we don’t forget that we’ve suffered more than our share of tragedies. Indeed, it’s sometimes useful, if we want to look up, to note how far down we’ve fallen. It helps us orient. Therefore, we gather on the evening of the 9 th of Av (Tish’ah B’Av) to remember an event that our tradition has come to see as symbolic of the brokenness of the world and the hiddenness of the Loving Divine, the destruction of the ancient Temple that symbolized God’s presence in the world for our ancestors. In our brief service, we read the ancient lament of the book of Eichah interspersed with readings and songs that remind Tu B’Av, the Festival of Love: Dancing and Donations Sunday, August 6 th , 7 PM Tu B’Av (15 th of Av) is a little-known holiday on the Jewish calendar associated with dancing, love, and wed- dings. (To learn more, come to Bagels and Bible on August 5 th .) Let’s celebrate with easy Israeli dancing, both circle dances and couple dances, taught by Merle and Rav Jeremy - come alone or with a partner. In honor of the origin of the holiday as a wedding-promotion day and in fulfillment of the mitzvah of helping brides (hahnasat kalah), we’ll collect donations in any amount for Brides Across America, which provides wedding dresses for military brides and first responders. Rav Jeremy and Merle will provide the bottle of wine, you provide the thou.

Transcript of The Bulletin - Temple Bnai Israel · 2017-06-30 · The Bulletin JULY/AUGUST 2017 108 Years and...

Page 1: The Bulletin - Temple Bnai Israel · 2017-06-30 · The Bulletin JULY/AUGUST 2017 108 Years and growing! Table of Contents on page 2 Tish’ah B’Av July 31st 8:15 PM Jewish civilization

“ do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God.”



The Bulletin JULY/AUGUST 2017

108 Years and growing!

Table of Contents on page 2

Tish’ah B’Av July 31st 8:15 PM

Jewish civilization is generally hopeful. Nonetheless, we don’t forget that we’ve suffered more than our share of tragedies. Indeed, it’s sometimes useful, if we want to look up, to note how far down we’ve fallen. It helps us orient. Therefore, we gather on the evening of the 9th of Av (Tish’ah B’Av) to remember an event that our tradition has come to see as symbolic of the brokenness of the world and the hiddenness of the Loving Divine, the destruction of the ancient Temple that symbolized God’s presence in the world for our ancestors. In our brief service, we read the ancient lament of the book of Eichah interspersed with readings and songs that remind

Tu B’Av, the Festival of Love: Dancing and Donations Sunday, August 6th, 7 PM

Tu B’Av (15th of Av) is a little-known holiday on the Jewish calendar associated with dancing, love, and wed-dings. (To learn more, come to Bagels and Bible on August 5th.) Let’s celebrate with easy Israeli dancing, both circle dances and couple dances, taught by Merle and Rav Jeremy - come alone or with a partner. In honor of the origin of the holiday as a wedding-promotion day and in fulfillment of the mitzvah of helping brides (hahnasat kalah), we’ll collect donations in any amount for Brides Across America, which provides wedding dresses for military brides and first responders. Rav Jeremy and Merle will provide the bottle of wine, you provide the thou.

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Rabbi Jeremy Schwartz Office hours:

Tuesday through Friday To schedule an appointment call

860.423.3743 Ext. 0 or e-mail [email protected]

Confidential Voice Mail: 860.423.3743 Ext. 1

[email protected]

Temple Bnai Israel is an affiliate of the Jewish

Reconstructionist Communities

Religious School Administrator

Morah Dara Bowling

Email: [email protected]

Office Administrator

Marlene Aulten

860.423.3743 Ext. 0 [email protected]

Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri Noon to 6:00pm

THE BULLETIN is a publication of

TEMPLE BNAI ISRAEL 383 Jackson Street

PO Box 61 Willimantic, CT 06226 Phone: 860.423.3743

Fax: 860.423.7594

Submission deadline: 3rd Monday of each month.

President Vice President Jim Baber Judy Stein

Kemah/Treasurer Doreen Simonsen

Financial Secretary Fran Jaffe

Kesher/Secretary & Communications Gloria Gerald

Torah/Education & Programming Mona Friedland

Avodah/Religious Life Judy Stein

Brit/Community & Membership Karen Drazen

Tikkun Olam Anne Willenborg

Mishkan/Building Alex Nishball

Members at Large: Gerry Berkowitz

Ellie Shane Glenn Blumenstein

Thank you for your service to our shul.



A message from Vice President Judy Stein 3

Rabbinical Reflections 4

Shabbat Celebrations and Services 5

Temple Family News 6

Committee News 7

July and August Readings 8-9

Library 9

Annie Berkowitz’s Bat Mitzvah Project 11

Sharing our Scriptures and an important Save The Date 13

Visioning Implementation Plan 14-15

July and August Yahrzeits 16, 19, 21

Donations 17

Opportunities for Giving and Bnaifactors 18

July and August Jewry Duty - We Need You! 20

July and August Calendars 22, 23

WAIM’S Back To School Program Needs Back cover

In This Issue

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Summer! How we wait for this season during winter’s short days and long periods of dark. Now the days are marvelously long and light. Kids can play outside after dinner and chase fireflies. It still seems magical.

Our Shabbat prayer talks about the Force that rolls day into night and night into day. In summer we see the awe of that Force rolling white & brown into green & gold - pink and red and purple. And peonies … Peonies always get me. They appear annually from nothing, to vertical twigs, to leafy green bushes with bursts of pink - in just 8 weeks. And then back to ground in just 10 more.

Jim and I hope the summer will bring you and yours together to enjoy some of the light and lightness of this slightly less frenetic season. And we hope to spend some of it with you. Join us for a Shabbat, a service, or program. Participate in building our community and our long-term vision. Welcome in 5778 by helping us design the High Holidays. If you'd like to participate, but you're not sure how or in what way, give us or Rav Jeremy a call and we'll find a good match.

We hope you all have a wonderful summer. Be well and have some fun!



Temple Bnai Israel is a welcoming Jewish community which offers a spiritual, religious, and social home for all Jews. We cherish a belief in one God, the Torah, prayer and the music and beauty of our Jewish culture. We are commanded and committed to passing these blessings on to all future generations.

We observe and celebrate Jewish traditions and laws, while remaining open to change which meets the needs of our time, and which will stand the test of time.

We intend to be a force for good and comfort as individuals and as a whole. We seek to offer justice, tolerance, and charity within the Temple Bnai Israel community, the larger Jewish community, and the non-Jewish worlds within which we live.

Our synagogue recognizes the equality of all Jews. Jewish men and women, including those Jews in interfaith marriages, are entitled to participate equally in all religious rites, and all secular and religious leadership positions. Our congregation also reaches out to all who welcome Judaism into their lives.

We believe in the ancient teaching:

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RABBINIC REFLECTIONS - an excerpt from Rav Jeremy’s Yom Hashoah Talk


Vigilance Against Fascism

In my Yom Hashoah talk, I asked whether it honors or diminishes the memory of the six million to speak of contemporary events. Certainly, one should be cautious in doing so. But what if there’s even a small chance that “it could happen here”? And history shows that although our country’s democratic institutions are very strong, thinking “it could never happen here” is a mistake. With that in mind, I shared some things that worry me, and that I think patriotic Americans of any, or no, party affiliation should be wary of:

Scapegoating and extreme polarizing language. When immigrants, Muslims, Jews, liberals, conservatives or others are spoken of in wholly negative terms or in terms that are meant to terrify or imply their inhumanity, we should all speak out. No matter your ideas about the best approach to immigration policy or your thoughts on how to combat the terrorist wing of Islam, you should also know that dehumanizing generalizations about groups of people are dangerous, and end up creating a society in which no one is safe.

Both major parties love gerrymandering. But, we must be vigilant about any aspirations or moves toward one-party rule, whether through gerrymandering, vote suppression, or any other tools. Figuring out ways to improve the fairness of redistricting, and to encourage voting by as many legitimate voters as possible should be important to any patriotic, anti-fascist American.

Attacks on the essential institutions that provide the checks and balances of our democratic/republican system, such as the free press and the independent judiciary. Disagreeing with legitimate news outlets and individual judicial rulings is to be expected in our system. Belittling the free press and attacking the independent judiciary undermines our system. We need to support these institutions. Subscribe to a newspaper that has on-the-beat, investigative reporters. Listen to/watch/read media that both ask hard questions and listen to the answers.

Normalization/acceptance of fascists. There is a video of Deputy Assistant to the President Sebastian Gorka expressing support for the neo-fascist Magyar Garda, a later-outlawed Hungarian paramilitary group. The Jewish Forward has documented other likely connections to Hungarian fascists. As far as I’m concerned, his fascist connections should result in his immediate dismissal. It’s important that the President hear especially from Republicans and people who voted for him about this. You didn’t vote Republican/Trump to support fascists.

Undermining of verifiable truth (as well as reasonably very probably truth). This is a fundamental tactic of fascists. They repeat false statements and half-truths over and over. They promote the idea that everyone has their own opinions/fake news/philosophies, so no one knows the truth, (and you might as well listen to them.) Truth is the ground on which struggles for human rights are fought and human progress is gained. As George Orwell wrote in “1984,” “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.” Don’t shrug off repeated false statements or the undermining of truth. These are dangers to the republic.

I see bits of all of these dangers in our social discourse and politics today. Nonetheless, I’m optimistic. I tend to think it’s not going to happen here. Our institutions are holding. President Trump isn’t an ideological fascist, (although it worries me that he seems unaware of, or unconcerned about, the dangers above). But I write this column because our history demands that we be vigilant; I worry that a serious terrorist attack, for example, could turn things the wrong way.

I’ve mentioned some ways of being good, patriotic Republican/Democratic/neither-of-the-above citizens. Several others can be found in the clear and hard-hitting book “Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century” by Timothy Snyder. (The book is also clearly partisan, but I think the vast majority of the book would be appreciated, enlightening and useful for patriotic, anti-fascist members of any party.)

Continued on Page 8

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1st Saturday of each month, Bagel & Bible, 9:30am with abbreviated

Shabbat Service following. All other Saturdays, Shabbat Services at 10:00am.

Saturday, July 1 Bagel and Bible, 9:30am; topic: Canada Day: In honor of Canada Day, we’ll read writings by some of the great Jewish Canadian authors.

Saturday, August 5 Bagel & Bible, 9:30am; topic: Tu B’Av: Judaism’s Love Festival. Never heard of it? Heard of it, but sort of unclear about its origins and meaning? Let’s learn!

Friday, July 28 Shabbes Dinner is at the home of Steve and Nora Stein, 6:30pm.

Friday, August 25, Shabbes Dinner, HOST/HOSTESS NEEDED.

Many thanks to our summer Shabbat leaders, Paul Shapiro, Mitzi Horowitz, and

Martha Cutter, Faye Ringel, Anne Willenborg, Doreen Simonsen and David Stoloff.

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Refuah Shleyma - Get Well

Stuart Sidney Jane Schreiber



Hamakom yenachem - Condolences

To Debbie and David Stoloff on the passing of Debbie’s father, Saul Narotsky. May his memory be a blessing.

To Ken Dardick and Judy Stein on the passing of Ken’s mother, Leila Dardick. May her memory be a blessing.

המקום ינחם

רפואה שלימה

Mazal Tov - Congratulations!

To Rebecca Bowling and Justin Gadwaw on the birth of their son, Lucas. The proud grandparents are Morah Dara Bowling and Jeff Bowling.

מזל טוב

Judith A. Stein Attorney at Law

Executive Director

[email protected]

Mazal Tov - Congratulations!

To Jane and Robert Moskowitz on the recent marriage of their son Rod to Erica Becker.

מזל טוב

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CARING COMMITTEE Caring for each other in times of need

Fran Jaffe Ellie Shane 860.228.2390 860.423.7418 [email protected] [email protected]

The Tikkun Olam Committee has been discussing our future projects, particularly as they relate to the Temple Visioning process. We have been, and are, involved with many activities and “tasks” that involve the local community. However, we are excited to become more engaged with others within our congregation and reach out to the larger community beyond Temple Bnai Israel. We hope to choose an issue (or two?) and engage, advocate and activate others to work with us. We envision working with all of the other committees at TBI and hope to have our voices heard.

We already have some


We are planning a September fundraiser for QCRR;

Quiet Corner Refugee Resettlement program, date/time details coming soon!

Our 4th annual Sukkot celebration on OCTOBER 8 at the No-Freeze Center in Willimantic.

Walk for Warmth on NOVEMBER 19, which this year WILL BE HOSTED AT TBI!

We will need lots of help, please sign up to volunteer at [email protected] as soon as you can!

Even though it’s the lazy days of summer we continue to make sandwiches on the 4th Sunday of each month at the Covenant Soup Kitchen, collect beans for those in need (you can leave your canned, boxed, or dried beans in the basket in our Temple’s lobby), and deliver bread and food to the Soup Kitchen.

Our next meeting is July 16 at TBI. All are welcome. Hope you can join us.

Anne Willenborg


TIKKUN OLAM COMMITTEE, Anne Willenborg [email protected] 860.429.8725

Thanks to Sheila Amdur, Susan Meisler, and Carol Kraus, our e-leaders in June. Our leaders for July are Sheila and Susan (thanks for the double duty)!

We have no leaders signed up for August or September. If you think you may have some time to lend a

hand, and can help us respond should any of our members be in need during those months (or any other), we certainly can use you. We do have volunteers in October.

Our committee would truly welcome some additional members to help lighten the load of the existing members. Perhaps you know of someone who wants to get more involved in the Temple but doesn't want to make a huge commitment. Being on this Committee is pretty simple since we communicate through email – no monthly meetings - please join us!

If you or anyone you know needs some help, you can contact the monthly leaders, the committee co-chairs (Fran Jaffe and/or Ellie Shane) or Rav Jeremy.

Hope you’re having a great summer! Special note: The Daughters Of Abraham Book Club column will return in the September edition.

Happy summer!

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SATURDAY, JULY 1, 2017/7 TAMMUZ 5777 Parashat Hukat

Numbers: 19:1 - 22:1 This year: 19:1 - 20:21 Haftarah: 2 Kings 3:1 - 18

SATURDAY, JULY 15, 2017/21 TAMMUZ 5777 Parashat Pinhas Numbers: 25:10 - 30:1 This Year: 25:10 - 26:51 Haftarah: Jeremiah 1:1 - 2:3

SATURDAY, JULY 8, 2017/14 TAMMUZ 5777 Parashat Balak Numbers: 22:2 - 25:9 This Year: 22:2 - 22:38 Haftarah: Micah 5:6 - 6:8

SATURDAY, JULY 22 2017/29 TAMMUZ 5777 Parashat Matot-Masei Numbers: 30:2 - 36:13 This Year: 30:2 - 31:54 Haftarah: Jeremiah 2:4 - 28; 3:4

SATURDAY, JULY 29, 2017/6 AV 5777 Parashat Devarim Deuteronomy: 1:1 - 3:22 This Year: 1:1 - 2:1 Haftarah: Isaiah 1:1 - 1:27

RABBINIC REFLECTIONS - continued from Page 4

Snyder is a respected, if not uncontroversial, historian of the Holocaust at Yale, and much of his book seems to be good common sense as well as generally historically grounded. Among the “lessons” that form his short chapters, let me mention three that I haven’t discussed above. Chapter 12 is “Make eye contact and small talk.” Our strengthening of bonds of human friendship and trust, across boundaries of party, religion, ethnicity, etc., is extremely important in these polarized and polarizing times. My hope for our country’s future is partly based on the mutual love and respect I share with members of our congregation from a wide variety of political outlooks. Our human relationships within and outside the congregation will stand us in good stead as we try to make our country and world the best they can be, sometimes disagreeing vehemently about how to do that. Snyder concludes with “Be a patriot” and “Be as courageous as you can.” May we be so.

Please note that Rav Jeremy will be away

July 7 through July 11th

and July 14 through the 18th.

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Sue-Ellen Kirkham - [email protected], Brenda Rosen - [email protected] Scott DeShong - [email protected]

The library staff encourages everyone to suggest things for us to acquire. You can see new items by checking the Temple Library page of the TBI website, found under the Learning menu (click on Library Thing in the first sentence of the second paragraph). Sometime this summer, we plan to place a cart in the lobby upstairs to showcase new and seasonal items, with a system in place so you can check them out from there (including on Shabbat). Enjoy the summer! Your library committee: Brenda, Sue-Ellen, and Scott.

SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 2017/27 AV 5777 Parashat Re’eh Deuteronomy: 11:26 - 16:17 This Year: 11:26 - 12:28 Haftarah: Isaiah 54:11 - 55:5

SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 2017/4 ELUL 5777 Parashat Shoftim Deuteronomy: 16:18 - 21:9 This Year: 16:18 - 18:5 Haftarah: Isaiah 51:12 - 52:12

SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 2017/20 AV 5777 Parashat Eikev Deuteronomy: 7:12 - 11:25 This Year: 7:12 - 9:3 Haftarah: Isaiah 49:14 - 51:3

SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 2017/13 AV 5777 Parashat Vaethanan Deuteronomy: 3:23 - 7:11 This Year: 3:23 - 4:40 Haftarah: Isaiah 40:1-26


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Kenneth R. Dardick, M. D.

Nelson C. Walker II, M.D

Ayaz T. Madraswalla, M.D.

Ross L. Winakor, M.D.

Sandra Hughes, M.D.



Landon's Tire

611 Windham Road Willimantic, CT 06226

Phone: 860-456-0000

Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am-5:30pm

Saturday 8am-1:30pm

Se Habla Español

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Richard Brooks

[email protected]

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Our gala auction - the event of the year! Saturday evening, December 2, 2017.

Wine, hardy Hors d’Oeuvres, fabulous vacations, exquisite gifts and surprises!

Ernie Eldridge will be our guest auctioneer!

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The following two year Visioning Implementation Plan was adopted by our Board and Annual Meeting in June. The plan sets goals and measures of success to guide our implementation of our developing vision over the next two years. We thank Mona Friedland, who drafted this plan with input from our task forces, committees and Board of Directors.

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The Following Yahrzeits Will Be Read On June 30 and July 1

Batia Fishman Grandmother of Bernie Schreiber 7 Tammuz July 1

Victor Nishball Father of Alex Nishball 11 Tammuz July 5

Murry Shapiro Father of Paul Shapiro 11 Tammuz July 5

Charlotte Ballon Cousin of William Israel 11 Tammuz July 5

Susan D. Gottesman 13 Tammuz July 7

Leo Schretter 13 Tammuz July 7

Bessie Berens 13 Tammuz July 7

The Following Yahrzeits Will Be Read On July 7 and July 8

Abraham Butelman 15 Tammuz July 9

Max Rabinowitz 16 Tammuz July 10

Jay Israel Brother of William Israel 17 Tammuz July 11

Samuel Ratner Father of Irene Gordon 18 Tammuz July 12

Evelyn Chasen 18 Tammuz July 12

Bessie Goldberg 18 Tammuz July 12

Rosalyn Mislin Dvorak 18 Tammuz July 12

Leonard Bader Father of Jane Moskowitz 18 Tammuz July 12

Bertha Rosen Grandmother of Ralph Marshall 20 Tammuz July 14

The Following Yahrzeits Will Be Read On July 14 and July 15

Kurt Goldfarb 21 Tammuz July 15

Goldie Schwartz Mother of Jeremy Schwartz 21 Tammuz July 15

Sylvia Eisler 22 Tammuz July 16

Philip Goldberg 22 Tammuz July 16

Carl Israel Father of William Israel 24 Tammuz July 18

Frank Rosen Grandfather of Ralph Marshall 24 Tammuz July 18

Harold Eisler 25 Tammuz July 19

Bruce Dardick Father of Ken Dardick 25 Tammuz July 19

Morris Foster 26 Tammuz July 20

Rebecca Colonomos Grandmother of Mona Friedland 26 Tammuz July 20

Rivka Kesslbrenner Mother of Sima Lessner and Ada Mitlitsky 27 Tammuz July 21

Charles N. Loeser Husband of Sue-Ellen Kirkham 27 Tammuz July 21

Selina Bernstein 27 Tammuz July 21

The Following Yahrzeits Will Be Read On July 21 and July 22

Frieda Friedland Mother of Todd Friedland 28 Tammuz July 22

Sarah Saltzman Mother-in-Law of Larry Schiller 1 Av July 24

Gloria Wollner Mother of David Wollner 4 Av July 27

Hyman Gruber Father of Gloria Gerald 5 Av July 28

Continued on page 19

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General Fund Helen Ross in memory of Saul Narotsky

5778 Chai Appeal Glenn & Tiffany Blumenstein Janet Robertson in memory of James O. Robertson Ida Millman

Bnaifactor Fund Ilene Reiner in memory of Saul Narotsky

Thank you to our 2017-2018 Bnaifactors - Please join them! Peter & Stephanie Malinow Carol Colombo Harry & Honey Birkenruth Judy Stein & Ken Dardick Glenn & Tiffany Blumenstein

Religious School Fund

The religious school families in honor of the teachers and Young Emissaries

869 Main Street

Willimantic, CT 06226

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Rabbi’s Discretionary

Capital Improvement



Hochberg Holocaust & Human Rights Committee


Good & Welfare


Religious School

High Holiday Cantor

Tikkun Olam

Anne & Meyer Russian Youth Fund

Shabbes Dinner

INITIATIVES: Louis and Mae Heller Initiative for Holocaust and

Human Rights Education for Young Children

Habonim Board Donor ($500-999)

Patron ($1,000-2,499) Benefactor ($2,500-4,999)

Habonim ($5,000+)



Sheila B. Amdur Gerry Berkowitz

Glenn & Tiffany Blumenstein Bruce & Sharon Brettschneider

Judy Stein & Ken Dardick Rita Pollack

Jane & Robert Moskowitz Eugene & Georgia Mittelman

Jerome & Nina Rosen Rabbi Jeremy Schwartz & Merle Potchinsky

Martin & Randee Berliner Lester E. Foster & Phyllis M. Foster Foundation, David Foster, Director


Opportunities for Giving

Please consider

the Temple in your

estate planning.

Your legacy

Our future

Books Humashim (Torah & Haftarah Books)

$75 each for a bookplate

Siddurim (prayer book) $30 each for bookplate

Sanctuary Seat Plaques & Memorial Wall Plaque

$250 each

Tree of Life in Greer Auditorium

$90 for a leaf

Mahzorim (High Holiday Prayer Books) $30 each for a bookplate

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Remember to light your Yahrzeit candle on the night before the date shown. It is also appropriate to come to shul to say Kaddish on the Shabbat when your loved one’s name is read, and to give tzedakah in your loved one’s memory. May their memory be a blessing.

Remember to light your Yahrzeit candle on the night before the date shown. It is also appropriate to come to shul to say Kaddish on the Shabbat when your loved one’s name is read, and to give tzedakah in your loved one’s memory.

The Following Yahrzeits Will Be Read On July 28 and July 29

Maurice Davis 9 Av August 1

David E. Golden Husband of Lily Golden, father of Samantha and Willow 11 Av August 3

Paul M. Schretter 12 Av August 4

Murray Jaffe Father of Drew Jaffe 12 Av August 4

Frances Kosto Mother of Susan Meisler 12 Av August 4

The Following Yahrzeits Will Be Read On August 4 and August 5

Jacob Meir Duker 13 Av August 5

Fannie Moskowitz 13 Av August 5

Anna Berger Guny Mother of Ida Millman 13 Av August 5

Max Brettschneider Great-Uncle of Bruce Brettschneider 14 Av August 6

Hilda Climan Grandmother of Dara Bowling 14 Av August 6

Pearl Shrinsky Rinne Mother of Sheila Amdur 16 Av August 8

Isadore Jacob Heller Grandfather of Paul Heller 16 Av August 8

Dora Foster 16 Av August 8

Jacob Schiller Father of Larry Schiller 16 Av August 8

Trudy Loomer Mother of Leanna Loomer 16 Av August 8

Joseph Stone 17 Av August 9

Minnie Eisenberg 18 Av August 10

Pauline Ballon 19 Av August 11

The Following Yahrzeits Will Be Read On August 11 and August 12

Abraham Brettschneider Second Cousin of Bruce Brettschneider 20 Av August 12

Kay Rothenberg Aunt of Sandy Roth 20 Av August 12

Martin Stoloff Father of David Stoloff 21 Av August 13

Anabelle Mae Blakely Peterson Granddaughter of Sue-Ellen Kirkham 21 Av August 13

Lawrence Cohen Grandfather of Naomi Cohen 22 Av August 14

Harry Chasen 22 Av August 14

Isaac Weinstein Grandfather of Carol Colombo 24 Av August 16

Mary Horn 24 Av August 16

Minnie Lecker Grandmother of Marilyn Moir 25 Av August 17

Samuel Marshall Father of Ralph Marshall 25 Av August 17

Lena Israel Grandmother of William Israel 26 Av August 18

Continued on page 21

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We are very under-served for the month of July and August. PLEASE sign up with Mar-lene at [email protected] if you are able! Thank you.

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The Following Yahrzeits Will Be Read On August 18 and August 19

Rose Weitzman 27 Av August 19

Charles Verne Moir Brother of Dick Moir 27 Av August 19

Susan Prague Lundberg Daughter of Edith Prague 28 Av August 20

Steven Elliot Gerald Brother-in-law of Gloria Gerald 29 Av August 21

Rhoda Joseph Aunt of Denise Polivy 30 Av August 22

Carl Cyrus Clark Father of Austen Clark 30 Av August 22

Rebecca Kaplan Mother of Roberta Schwane 30 Av August 22

Louis Mittelman Father of Eugene Mittelman 1 Elul August 23

Joseph Kaplan Father of Roberta Schwane 1 Elul August 23

George Gelt Brother of Edith Prague 2 Elul August 24

Helen M. Cohen Mother of Carol Colombo 3 Elul August 25

The Following Yahrzeits Will Be Read On August 25 and August 26

Rose Sussman 4 Elul August 26

Cynthia Berkowitz Mother of Gerald Berkowitz 5 Elul August 27

Rose Garelick Mother of Ellen Brodie 5 Elul August 27

Pauline Brettschneider Great-Aunt of Bruce Brettschneider 8 Elul August 30

Jacob Mandell 9 Elul August 31

Julius Sugarman Grandfather of Todd Friedland 9 Elul August 31

Therese Feigelstock 9 Elul August 31

Page 22: The Bulletin - Temple Bnai Israel · 2017-06-30 · The Bulletin JULY/AUGUST 2017 108 Years and growing! Table of Contents on page 2 Tish’ah B’Av July 31st 8:15 PM Jewish civilization

6:15pm T.G.I. Shabbes


7:00pm Board Mtg.

7:30pm Tikkun Olam VaNefesh Service

7:30pm Shabbat Service

6:30pm Shabbat dinner at the home of Steve and Nora Stein

9:30am Bagel & Bible, Shabbat Service

10am Shabbat Service

10:00am Shabbat Service

10:00am Sandwich Making at the Soup Kitchen

8:15pm Tish’ah B’Av Service

Office closed. 7:00pm Ritual/Spirituality Comm. Mtg.

10:00am Shabbat Service 9:30am

Tikkun Olam Comm. Mtg.

10:00am Shabbat Service

6:00pm Sharing our Scriptures - The Quran See Page 13 for details

Page 23: The Bulletin - Temple Bnai Israel · 2017-06-30 · The Bulletin JULY/AUGUST 2017 108 Years and growing! Table of Contents on page 2 Tish’ah B’Av July 31st 8:15 PM Jewish civilization

10:00am Shabbat Service


9:30am Bagel & Bible, Shabbat Service

7:30pm Shabbat Service

7:00pm Ritual/Spirituality Comm. Mtg.

7:00pm Tu B’Av, the Festival of Love: Dancing & Donations.

6:15pm T.G.I. Shabbes

9:30am Tikkun Olam Comm. Mtg.


7:00pm Board Mtg.

6:00pm Rav Jeremy at Third Thursday Festival; please join him at the Temple’s table!

7:30pm Tikkun Olam VaNefesh Service

6:30pm Shabbat dinner Host/Hostess needed

10:00am Shabbat Service

10:00am Shabbat Service

10:00am Sandwich Making at the Soup Kitchen

Page 24: The Bulletin - Temple Bnai Israel · 2017-06-30 · The Bulletin JULY/AUGUST 2017 108 Years and growing! Table of Contents on page 2 Tish’ah B’Av July 31st 8:15 PM Jewish civilization