The Brief Semester 1 Week 7

Welcome to the Reading Week edition of The Brief! Reading Week - The week course conveners like to set all our assessments instead of letting us catch up on our readings. We hope you all use the extra time wisely to catch up on work and complete those looming mid-semester assignments (in which case, good luck!), or rest well in preparation for the home-stretch towards the end of Semester. See you in Week 8! Carol Sin & Yi Lu The Brief Editors Editors’ Note Upcoming This Week Mon 22 Apr Cardozo Law School Information Session Friday 26 Apr Intermediate Negotiations Coordinator Applications close Cancer Council Legal Research Internship Applications close Sunday 28 Apr Shine Torts Moot Applications close UNSW Law Faculty Announcements 2 UNSW Law Society Announcements 3 Events 6 Careers 7 Competitions 10 2013 Cabinet 11 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: UNSW Law Society Like on Facebook Follow on Twitter Email us


The Brief Semester 1 Week 7

Transcript of The Brief Semester 1 Week 7

Page 1: The Brief Semester 1 Week 7

Welcome to the Reading Week edition of The Brief!

Reading Week - The week course conveners like to set all our

assessments instead of letting us catch up on our readings.

We hope you all use the extra time wisely to catch up on work and

complete those looming mid-semester assignments (in which case,

good luck!), or rest well in preparation for the home-stretch towards

the end of Semester.

See you in Week 8!

Carol Sin & Yi Lu

The Brief Editors

Editors’ Note

Upcoming This Week

Mon 22 Apr

Cardozo Law School Information Session

Friday 26 Apr

Intermediate Negotiations Coordinator Applications close

Cancer Council Legal Research Internship Applications close

Sunday 28 Apr

Shine Torts Moot Applications close

UNSW Law Faculty



UNSW Law Society



Events 6

Careers 7

Competitions 10

2013 Cabinet 11


UNSW Law Society

Like on Facebook

Follow on Twitter

Email us

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Page 2 The Br ie f

The People Smuggler The UNSW Refugee Law and Policy

Group invites you to a talk by Robin de

Crespigny, award-winning author of

The People Smuggler.

With enormous power and insight, The

People Smuggler tells a story of daily

heroism, bringing to life the forces that

drive so many people to put their lives

in unscrupulous hands. It is a gripping

portrait of a man attempting to retain

his dignity and humanity after fleeing

Iraq for Australia.

Friday 3 May


Law Theatre G23

Please click here to RSVP.

Cardozo Law School Holiday Course Interested in learning more about US

law? Want to study in the Big Apple?

Got nothing else on during the

mid-year break?

The Cardozo School of Law in New

York is running a two-week course

about the US legal system between

30 June-14 July, 2013. It is designed

for non-US lawyers and law students

alike. It only costs $75 to apply and

$1950 for tuition, which includes

outings to a Major League Baseball

game, the Statue of Liberty, Broadway

show and more! For more information,




Come along to an information session

to find out more about the course.

Monday, 22 April


Faculty Boardroom (Level 2 of the Law

Building in the faculty precinct)

Justice Talks: The Human Sides of Law

In this lecture, the Hon Keith Mason,

former President of the NSW Court of

Appeal will concentrate upon the ways

in which our common humanity affects

what really happens when people, the

law and justice intersect.

The rule of law (and not of lawyers) is

not a myth. It is however a multi-

faceted concept aspiring to fairness,

consistency, factual truth, civility of

discourse, and fidelity to statute and

common law. Our system of govern-

ment may be divinely instituted but its

functioning depends on human

(sometimes all too human) actors in

their roles as witnesses, police, jurors,

legislators, lawyers, judges and


Tuesday 7 May


Cocktail reception starts at 6pm.

Tyree Room, John Niland Scientia

Building. Register here.

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Semester 1 Week 7 Page 3

Court of Conscience The Law Society is seeking passionate,

informed and critical written

submissions from law students to be

published in Court of Conscience 2013!

Court of Conscience is an annual

publication run by the Law Society that

aims to give students and academics

the platform to express their issues,

praise and concern about social justice

issues, discussed and analysed in a

legal framework.

Submissions should be a maximum of

1500 - 2000 words in length and

are due at 5pm Friday May 24.

Examples of previous student

submissions can be found at http://

For any further information or to send

in a submission, contact Katerina

Jovanovska at

[email protected].

LawSoc Cabinet and Student Representatives

Meet and Greet Come along and meet your LawSoc

Cabinet and the Student Law Faculty

Board Representatives. Learn more

about LawSoc and the Faculty Board,

ask us any questions or raise any

concerns about LawSoc services or

your experience with the Law Faculty.

This is your opportunity to get to know

us better and learn how you can get

more involved in Law School student


Monday 29th April


Room 303, Law Building

Intermediate Negotiations Coordinator As a result of changes to the

negotiation competition structure, we

now have new opportunities available

for those keen to be involved in the

Competitions (Skills) portfolio. Due to

increased demand this year for the

Advanced Negotiation Competition, it

was decided that the negotiation

competitions will be expanded into a

third level. The Intermediate

Negotiation Competition will run during

semester two and is open to second or

third year law undergraduate students

and second year Juris Doctor students.

As a result of this introduction, we

require the appointment of two

Intermediate Negotiation Coordinators

to coordinate the Intermediate

Negotiation Competition. For further

information and to apply click here.

All applications are due to

[email protected] by COB Friday

26 April with the email subject line

“Intermediate Negotiation Coordinator


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NSWYL ‘State of the Unions’ Debate

As part of Law Week 2013, NSW Young

Lawyers and DLA Piper will be hosting a

Comedy Debate featuring wannabe

comedians from across the legal


Places are limited, RSVP to

[email protected]

Wednesday 15 May

18:00 for 18:30 start

DLA Piper, Level 38, 201 Elizabeth

Street, Sydney 2000

Gold coin donation in support of Youth

Off the Streets

Catering and Raffle Prizes included.

Justice Edwin Cameron The AHRCentre, Human Rights Law

Centre and NSW Young Lawyers

Human Rights Committee invite you to

a lecture by Justice Edwin Cameron,

South African Constitutional Court

on Constitutionalism and the Rule of

Law in South Africa.

Described by former South African

President Nelson Mandela as one of

South Africa’s ‘modern heroes’, Justice

Edwin Cameron became a lawyer in the

early 1980s during apartheid and has

had an significant impact on the

evolution of human rights law in South

Africa and beyond. He has received

many honours for his legal and human

rights work, including a special award

by the Bar of England and Wales in

2002 for his ‘contribution to

international jurisprudence and the

protection of human rights’ and is an

honorary fellow of the Society for

Advanced Legal Studies, London, and

of Keble College, Oxford, as well as an

honorary bencher of the Middle

Temple, London.

Monday 6 May


Staff Common Room, Level 2,

Law Building



University Diplomacy Conference

The University Diplomacy Conference is

a two-day intensive program designed

to introduce students to the world of

diplomacy and international affairs. Run

by the UNSW United Nations Society

with support from UNSW Law, the

Conference focuses primarily on

knowledge building, skills development ,

networking and engagement. It will be

held on 29-30th June in the mid-year

break and registration opens soon.

For more information, please visit the

UNSW UN Society website or the

University Diplomacy Conference

Facebook Page.

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Semester 1 Week 7 Page 7

Allens Indigenous Legal Internship Allens is offering two-week internship

programs in the mid-year break to

Indigenous law students across their

Perth, Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney

offices. Applications close 5pm Friday

3 May.

Linklaters Graduate Recruitment Allens and Linklaters are offering

clerkship opportunities in Australia and

London for students in their

penultimate year of their law degree.

Visit or

australia for more information and

register for the information session.

Wednesday 1 May

13:00-14:00 or 18:00-19:00

Allens, Level 28, Deutsche Bank Place

Corner Hunter & Phillip Streets, Sydney

Contact Tiffany Rogers, National

Graduate Resourcing Manger at

[email protected] for any


Committee of Australasian Law Students (CALS)

Visit and

follow the application process. For any

questions, contact Rachael Duggan on

02 9230 4628 or email

[email protected]

CALS is a non-profit student centred

organisation that facilitates internation-

al conference opportunities for Australi-

an law students, with focus not only

with business but also leading academ-

ics and legal professionals around the


CALS is looking for volunteers to be

part of its National Council. If you are

a second year or above student, willing

to commit a few hours a week, send

your CV and one page cover letter to

[email protected].

Applications close Tuesday 30 April but

will be considered until positions are

filled. Committee members will have

exclusive internship opportunities from

Korean law firms in Korea.

Cancer Council Legal Research Internship The Cancer Council Legal Referral

Service (LRS) is offering legal research

internships on a volunteer basis

commencing in May 2013. Internships

will run until the end of the year, and

interns will work 1 day per week.

Selection Criteria

4th year (combined law) or 2nd year

(graduate law or above), exceptional

3rd year students will be considered.

Very high level written and oral

communication skills

Excellent attention to detail

Strong organisational and time

management skills

Email your resume and cover letter

addressing the selection criteria to

[email protected] by

Friday 26 April.

Project Abroad Human Rights Projects Volunteers are sought for the Project

Abroad Human Rights Projects in South

Africa and Ghana. Payment to join this

project will include all accommodation,

food, insurance and back-up costs.

For more information please visit:



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Henry Davis York Client Interviewing Comp Registration is now open for the Henry

Davis York Client Interviewing

Competition. This competition allows

competitors to demonstrate their real

‘lawyering’ skills. It involves a simulation

where a pair of competitors work

together to interview a client within a

fixed period of time. You are required to

work in a team, establish rapport with

your client, think on your feet and

identify appropriate legal and ethical


This competition does not require any

legal research. The competition will be

judged by practising lawyers, who will

be able to provide invaluable feedback.

You can sign up here.

Registrations close 5pm Monday 29th

April. Places are limited.

If you have any questions, please email

Manisha and Melissa at clientinterview-

[email protected].

Shine Torts Moot Applications are now open for the

National Shine Lawyers Torts Moot,

held in Brisbane in early Semester 2,

and hosted by the Queensland

University of Technology. This

entry-level moot provides students with

an excellent opportunity to experience

the challenges and rewards of an

intervarsity mooting competition and

improve their knowledge of tort law. A

team of 4 competitors will be selected

to compete at the Queensland

University of Technology in the first

week of August. Competitors’ expenses

will attract the financial support of the

UNSW Law Society.

For more information about the

competition, click here.

All students who have participated in

internal and/or external mooting

competitions are encouraged to apply.

Knowledge of tort law is required.

Competitors must be available to

prepare during the mid-year break.

The application deadline is Sunday,

April 28 at 5 pm. The application form

and the External Competitions Policy

can be found here: http://

All applications and questions should be

sent to the External Mooting Director,

Jacinta Wang, at externalmoot-

[email protected].

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Semester 1 Week 7 Page 11

Position Name Email

Co-Presidents Nathan Huynh Kara Grimsley

[email protected]

Activities (VP) Benjamin Heenan [email protected]

Administration (VP) Derek Lim [email protected]

Australian Careers (VP) Brian Lee [email protected]

International Careers (VP) Reyna Ge [email protected]

Mooting Competitions (VP) Lyndon Goddard [email protected]

Skills Competitions (VP) Alan Coorey [email protected]

Education (VP) Cecily Zhu [email protected]

Juris Doctor (VP) Charlie Crane [email protected]

Social Justice (VP) Jacqui Fetchet [email protected]

Treasurer Geoffrey Zhang [email protected]

Secretary Natasha Ng [email protected]

2013 Cabinet Contact List

Want to advertise your news, event or opportunity in The Brief?

Email us at [email protected].

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